View Full Version : The Vergance Weapon project

2011-07-20, 06:09 PM
Please see the recruiting thread to play in this game


Please keep your posts here to 1 post and just re-edit the post as new actions come availableto you.

Please reserve GREEN color text for OOC posts. (all shades, thank you.)
anything said in green text or marked OOC: will be viewed as out of character chat. I'm ok with OOC here just try not to write books in OOC.

Also remember your a little girl with no homones. Not to say that the new dolly dressup play center holds much interest to you either due to your ages. but, your interests should (atleast for now) be more "innocent". (I'm the GM i get to corrupt your chrs with that & such as alchohol later on :smallbiggrin:).

2011-07-20, 09:04 PM
Jerren Skywalker & Larissa Tagen Skywalker became the proud parents of a baby girl. they chose the name Jessa for their new daughter. As with all parents, they found their girl to be the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. there were however those that were less than happy with jessa's birth most notably that jessa was not a boy. Life went on for the young child as normally as anyone with the name Skywalker could hope to have.

A news story on the 9 o'clock holocast begins, a tale of tragedy. A reporter speaks of a terrible accident involving a drunken speeder driver & a young 3 year old human child, run down by the out of control vehilce in the streets of courisant. in the background one can see flashing lights, rescue workers & a pair of distraught persons clinging to eachother. A moment later a courisant peace officer approaches the the pictured people & after a moment the young woman of the couple drops to her knees sobbing.

The reporter announces, "I have a report now that the child involved with the accident has died, & Corisaunt security forces are now detaining the driver of the speeder". The reporter is cut off as shots ring out from a distant rooftop, inrapid succession, The signature style of a High-Powered Auto-Fire Rifle. The speeder driver falls dead, his head clearly missing.

A half-hour later, The doors to the city Morgue burst open, & through them march a prossession of serious faced, persons of non-descript features, all dressed in medical workers uniforms & followed by a cadre of droids laden with a multitude of attatched machinery. With them, the mother of young Jessa Skywalker. Jerren Skywalker begins to speak, but before even the first noise can come from him his wife Larissa jabs him with a device that knocks the man cold. She turns to the others that arrived with her & says, "He would object", With that the medical team begins hooking up all sorts of wires, inserting a field of needles, & attaching a near blanket or sticky pads to the dead childs body.

*****Hours Pass*****
A technition turns to Larissa & speaks, "were done here", Larissa replies, "Good, contact me the moment the prossess has begun", Technitian, "Very well". A few minutes after the techs are gone Jarren Skywalker enters the room to see his wife standing at the side of their daughter.

Jarren, "What have you done".
Larissa, "I wont lose her".
Jarren, "What have you done".
Larissa, "I've called in a favor, Some people owe me".
Jarren, "&".
Larissa, "& ive arranged to have our daughter returned to us".
Jerren, "returned?!, You Mean Cloned".
Larissa, "Cloning is an ugly word, what i'm having done is so far advanced it really cant be cassified with cloaning".
Jerren, "Our daughter is gone, you need to face that & call off what you have started".
Larissa, "I can't do that, I won't do that, Don't ask again".
Jerren, "it will not be our daughter, i may look like her, Sound like her, but it will never be her".
Larissa, "your wrong, you don't know what your talking about. as i said this isnt cloning. It's,...... Duplicating. the Duplicant will BE identical to Jessa, the normal genetic markers and defects wont be there, a "PERFECT" physical recreation, In addition, her mind, the team you saw, they hooked our girl to very special machines, machines made to extract the mind of a person. Via these machines and a prossess called MMI, Jessa's personality & memories can be Duplicated as well. Depending on success levels durrign extraction & on the skill in recreating a coherant memory sting the "Duplicant" wont even know know its a (said with venom) a C L O N E. we WILL have our daughter back".
Jerren, " no! we wont, & i cannot handle this now, ive just lost a child".

*****A large arguement begins & lasts for quite some time*****

2 Months later in a lab on Mustafar:

"Dr. Vrool, DR. Vrool, its complete". says a lab tech. "excellent, Begin the aging prossess at once and contact the Customer" replies the doctor.
shortly later Larissa Skywalker recieves notice that her daughter is "completed" and that the aging sequence has begun. in 1 years time the girl
will be a 3 year old. again Larissa is forwarned of the psychological risks of the prossess of "injecting" 3 years worth of life experience into a
subject that has also to undergo MMI. the tec mentions there is a 67% chance of success, a 31% chance of failure and a 2% chance of cataclysmic
failure that is likely to result in a state of rabidness. aware of the risks Larissa confirms to the tec and instructs him to begin.

The tec mentions on a side note that doctor Vrool felt it wise to create, "extras" just incase something should go wrong. Larissa interrupts by
saying she ordered only 1. the tec agrees and mentions the doctor is not as confident as she (the tec meant desperate) & as such insited upon extras,
however you will not be charged for them. And any left over will be eliminated by "Humane methods" he assured her.

*****1 Year Passes*****


Personal journal of Doctor Vrool Pathargen;

Entry 12-0A8B
The Customers clones are all healthy, Happy, & well adjusted. The project into duplicating an Unparalelled Success despite certain, "Unforseen Effects"
the MMI (Mind Machine Interface) worked propperly, infact, better than expected, However the subjects did not develope identicaly. Infact no two were quite the same. Yes they all had or Have all of the same memorries from the Daughter, But each one developed a Unique personality. Each personality
being an Excellerated facet of the original. None overly so but enough so to tell each Duplicant has a personality all their own.

The Education of the clones went off with narry a hitch. Each clone is quite developed, a "prodigy" as at 3 years of age most if not all were educationally on par with most people just entering universities. This is likely as much a result of the data influx network that put educational training into their brains as it is the quality of the educational material, & the "Genetic Enhancements" to the mind. Unfortunately we wont be able to see the physical enhancements unill the girls reach adaulthood.


Entry 37-UU8Y

Most unfortunate, the Skywalkers of Corrisaunt are dead. Ironically by the same events that took their darling daughter from them. I'm so glad the Clones were paid for in advance. Though, this does raise a problem, what do do with the clones now. I suppose the only thing to do is fufill the contract & wait for the delivery schedual to go into default then send them downstairs. The bright side, i now have buyers for the powdered bones and gut goo, & as always the trandosians can be counted on for their insatable taste for ground humans. Considering these are such young virgins I may even be able to get a little more than normal. I suppose shutting down their aging prossess pending their pickup was a waste, but no point in setting them back to normal aging, they can age at 1/100th normal all the way to the shredder.

Joyous news. ive even found a "trophy hunter willing to pay Big Dats for for the hides if their removed & in "perfect quality", I do so detest having to
deal with these lowlife types, but Dataries are Dataries. not that im going to be needing anymore of those once this prossess goes public.


Entry P60-9092JP

DAMN thos incompotent Fraks! I should take the 5 mil dats outa their pay checks. Well the bright side is I know the educational materials do take hold well. Now choices, choices. To issue a bounty for the capture of my stole aways of just move on. Hmm i wonder who that is. (the doctor moves away fro mthe journal recorder, after a short time theres the sounds of a struggle then a scream. listening closely one can hear a lightsaber slashing things & then the journal goes black.


a Quarren looks up, Detective Lanbat, & says to his partner we need ot find out who these "Customers" are & where these "Clone girls" have gone. Biglt Yanma an ilthoran looks up from a damaged data consile & nods his agreement. (the 2 detective never do find their answers & after time are assigned to other cases by their supiriors in the new new new new new imperial republic's Dantooine Unified Mega Beureu's Assessment & Security Services unit.)


After Having stole away aboard a ship called "the Mustang" (oft refered to as the beaten Nag) and having struck a deal with the captain of that ship, in exchange for room, board, and a small "allowance" of credits in return for service such as laundry, cooking, and other house keeping the girls manage to over time save up a small nest egg. crew mates come & go and after a time of proving to captain Almas (an older Cerean man) of their competence they become his long standing crew. for 22 years they run as a very efficient crew for captain Almas. But as people do Almas faded to the force. Having no heirs the girls claimed the mustang for themselves. for many years they ran the ship,.. & depsite giving the ship the best care they could the shing was just so long in the care of less than adiquate mainainence & one day it gave out & crash landed on the planet hoth.

While on Hoth the girls faced almost certain death of cold. after holing up & burning everything they could spare to keep warm in the twisted wreckage of the ship bent & mangled frame the girls made one last desparate attempt to find salvation. refitting a landspeeder with a make-shift roof consisting of floor plates jamed with anything they could use to plug a hole (in many places packed snow was used lending the craft the look of a floating igloo) and with Pieces of broken piping for supports, the girls set out on a run for their lives. With no one direction apprearing any better than the next the girls set out trying to find anyone or anywhere that might offer them escape from a frozen fate that awaited them.

For 3 days & 2 nights the girls kept moving, searching, hoping. to no avail. finally on the presupus of the 3rd night the girls speeder breaks through the ice and lands, broken into a deep ravine. Despair sets in as with the repulsors knowcked out when the craft hit the walls of the ravine there was no way to get it out of the ravine & no one survives a Hoth night exposed to the cold. Finnally Vith spurs the team into action, we march,.. we either find saftey or die on our feet. walking the twisting caverns lined with stalactites & darkening wind blown clefts the girls can noticably feel the bitterness of Hoth turning deadly.

After walking for the better part of 1.5 hours and with frost built up on their clothing Solt calls out "I see something", quickly the morose prosession gathers arround,.. theres something in the ice exclaims Zoth! Vith then says well what are we waiting for. lets go look. Making their way to whatever it was Solt spotted the team finally arrives at the point. Its a ship. a ship in the ice. likely long forgotten after who knows what events that lead to its current situation. After searching about for a few minutes the girls begin picking at the ice. After breaking away a few layers they get an entry hatch uncovered and force it open, to their surprise the interior is not filled with ice. "It's not exactly a way out of here but, it will make a good enough shelter for the night" says Vith. after a meal the girls set to exploring the craft. at somepoint the lights come on, Danth & Xill manage to get the reactor back online. its not long before the temerature in the ship begins to rise.

After a bit of cheering & other displays of joy the girls set about to find out exactly what systems aboard the derelict are still functional. After a long prosssess of checking out the ship Danth determines no system is running quite right, most have gone into severe disrepair and some are non-functional. the ships capacitors are barely functional, life support, medical, weapons, shields, and most automation systems, & Communications will require extensive repairs be made functional again. Hyperdrives are questionable as are the ion engines, repulsor drives looked opperational aswell as most guidance systems. The short & Sweet is, if the ship can be made to travel theres still the problem of thousands of tons of ice sittign atop it.

***** 2 weeks pass *****

The girls manage to free the ship, the effort invilved some heat from the engines and open hatches, alot of digging, & a little luck. But with 2 weeks of effort the ship sits on the surface of Hoth once more. With some jury-rigging one of the ships 2 ion engines is brought back onlineas as is the hyperdrive though with a speed far reduced from its true rating, and only opperable for 1 many as many as 3 jumps. the Girls escape their fate on Hoth and proceed to begin hauling cargo to afford repairs for their "New" ship.

For about 250 years the girls struggle with the need for massive repairs, galactic economic resession, wars, & A myriad of other problematic events in their quest to "make a living & fix their ship". For their efforts they have managed to get their ship into a near new state but have left funding for little else, The girls have done well in their efforts to "hide their true identites from outsiders" by dressing as jawa and often impersonating other small races of the galaxy. This has also had the unfortunate effect of not enabling the girls to opperate in any one place for an extended duration for fear of the "darks ones". The dark ones as the girls know them are a group of unknown assailants that have taken to periodically trying to kidnap them. as time has gone on the dark ones tactics have become increasingly agressive.

The group begins play at a space port in Telos looking for their next job, the current situation in the galaxy is one of high tension as the galaxy at large has relapsed into the second wave of the great galactic resession. Even the criminal elements of the galaxy are feeling the pinch as drug users can not afford their fixes, Piracy is high, & relations between many nations of the galaxy are tense, Its a powder keg cocktail for war amongst those nation that are traditionally at odds. The news feeds all over the holonet speak of corporate cutbacks & of persons losing their homes. Yet the leaders of the new new new new new imperial republic keep giving a song & Dance of how economic data from the Dantooine Unified Mega Beureu's offices of Services & Healthcare Information Testing Sector's administraitive report release showing a sharp increase in economic data from the healthcare fields, but its not hard to see this for the smoke screen it really is. Facts are, Times are hard in the galaxy & theres no proof their getting better.

Begin play: The girls are layovered on telos, not far from the corporate sector hoping to find a job, anything that pays enough to keep their ship fueled, themselves fed, & the ship properly mainanenced is becoming a rare thing as jobs are just not paying well. but some dataries are better than none. Its a shame none is the exact ammount of jobs posted on the broker boards this morning, just as yesterday and the day before.

2011-07-28, 01:41 AM
Setup: Gina, Autumn, Chandra, Lisa, Crystal (asleep aboard the ship)
The rest of you are at a small bistro just a few blocks away.

your having lunch at a small bistro, across the street is a new holo stand, traffic on the street is light. your in one of the better parts of telos.

the day is looking to be a nice one, not too hot, not too humid.

Despite the serenity of the picture their a tension in the air. A tension that you find most places these days. The depression has hit everywhere and few people are un-effected by it. Even here in the bistro you can tell buissness is not good, though for you it means better than average service. As the staff dote upon the few customers they do get.

as if upon cue the midday Holo-News comes on and begins their show with ofcourse the "Great Gallactic Depression" more stories of factory workers layed-off on some distant world. People losing homes, and in other locations roiting has finally broken out. & yet more inane babbling from senate leaders.

"If only they could be layed-off." Carrie blurts out. flollowed by some giggling from Sarah.

your luch is finished, a waitress collects the tab and a tip (please deduct any tips for your money [service was:(roll+desparation bonus) excellent]. You continue leaning back leisurly talking amongst yourselves.

a tip of 1-4 credits would be fine is my guess. just added for flavor.

A ways down the street several men can be seen arguing about something with a few other men, all the men are arround a public holonet access terminal. theres 2 groups, the first group looks to be a rather rough looking (although silly-ish) group, the second look like spacers. the spacers have their backs to you the rough group with rather large hair are on the other side of them and are facing your general direction. The 2 groups are aprox 25-35 feet away.

Vith (jessica) & Hanna both lean to one one side, Jessica to the left and Hanna to the right to get a view of a commotion behind Megan. Cerrie, Gina, Hailey, Jennifer, and Carlie, move their chairs back, slouch down a bit, or otherwise become more apprehensive as they become focused on a arguement a bit down the street.

Sarah, Lindsey, and Megan continue Leaning back in their Chairs smilling happilly with lunch thus far and continue too idlely chit chat. Quite content & oblivious to the unfolding scene.

<Jessica & Hanna you can make out a few words here n there from the 2 groups. what you can make out from the large hair group are works such as dude, no way, man, and other very short syllable words, the other group
appears to be either gloating, or trying to reason with them about something they may have something that the first group wants, your unable to make out which is the case.>

The arguement ends quickly as the big hair ruffians take to blaster diplomacy, the spacers like wise draw their blasters.

Jessica & Hanna: your reactions Please.

as if they were trained for the occasion, upon hearing hanna yell DOWN! everyone begins rushing for cover, Waitresses drop trys of food & duck behind tables and counters, pedestrians take cover behind parked speeders, & all of you present take refuge behind the flipped table. (except ofcourse Megan, who once again is on the wrong side of the table.) and as if on cue blaster fire is heard.

The ruffians not looking for or being open to negotiations of a non-agressive nature blast at the Spacers. a stray shot hits the over turned table barely missing megan. the fight lasts only a few moments but when the smoke clears the spacers are dead, and atleast 3 of the ruiffians are injured (one looks to be in particularly bad shape).

after some Dude no ways and bogus'es and other low intelligence complaints. the ruffians grab whatever looks to be easy loot from the Spacers. (credit chips, blasters, power packs, and a bag that was dropped by the now wrecked public holo-terminal the spacers were using.)

the ruffians gather up their injured & take flight at what is for them no doubt a regular symphony,... in the distance sirens are heard,...

(heres your Ruffians: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg508/scaled.php?server=508&filename=bighairidiotpirates.jpg&res=medium)

2011-07-28, 04:35 AM

1: "Ah, Another day on Telos." Megan leaned back in her chair,also giggling at Carrie's remark and tipping the waitress with 4 Credits (I don't know if this is a lot or not so I hope I tipped nice enough). She looks around the bistro.

I'm supposed to post these, right?
Spot Check: 13 Total
Listen Check: 12 Total

2: Megan reacts to Hanna's shout, assisting her in flipping the table. "What's going on?" she asked trying to avoid getting nailed by a blaster fire.

3: Sorry, I kept missing the part about Megan's location on the table.
As the blaster fire suppressed Megan calming said,"All clear." Then she looked at the table and saw the scorched area next to her head were a blaster bolt almost hit here. "Wow, what just happened?" she asked still looking at the table

4:"Come on sis, calm down. You didn't almost get nailed. No need to go shooting something," said Megan (Soth) grabbing Vith on the shoulders.

5: "I don't know Hanna, I just felt like getting shot this morning. I guess I'll stay with you, Rebecca." She tries to lift the table back up and take a seat, this time facing the street.

6: Soth asked, "Why do you like the name Vith? I mean, obviously Rebecca is such a beautiful name. And don't you even think about calling me Solt. It is such a weird name. It sounds like something you would find jammed in the engine of a starfighter."

7: "Okay sis, I understand. If it makes you feel any better I will call you Vith." She said trying to get out of the awkwardness of the conversation.

8: "See ya, Terri." She then turned to the girls that were staying, "Where do we start?"

9: "Hey, need any help?" Solt said moving over beside Vith. She then looks over and sees the dead men, deciding to leave them be. "What do you plan to get from this anyway?"

10: "Vith, let it go. It isn't our business. We should just go somewhere to find work. Leave this to the professionals." Solt grabs Vith by the shoulder, "Let's go."

11: "REBECCA," Solt yells, then her voice calms, "You need to stop obsessing over this thing. We might be able to get more information from these dead men." Megan points to the dead spacers. Well, I think that it would be easier to get information from the spacers' bodies.

12: "Fine, I'll leave you alone." Megan whinned and sniffed like she was about to start crying. "If you don't want me bothering you, I'll go over here." With that she went over to the spacers and searched for anything that could link them to their killers, still sniffing.

2011-07-28, 11:23 AM

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

Hanna wanders over to megan and pats her shoulder comfortingly while she watches rebecca work. She has her blaster out as if gaurding the two sisters.

2011-07-28, 03:23 PM

"Ugh. I keep telling you, call me Vith."

(Or should I even be saying that? What is the deal with that anyway, could you explain the double name thing? Aren't we the clone of the same girl, and therefore have the same name? Are our one syllable names like...clone numbers? And so, the normal name is like, made up or what's the deal with that anyway?)

She looks back at the table, and looks at the rest of the girls. "Well? What are you, deaf? Go back to the ship or get killed, see if I care!" She then prepares to leave with Megan, but waits for the rest of the girls to file out or do whatever else.6. "Megan...you know what we are, and after living for two hundred years as a little girl...I don't like thinking of myself as one."

Her shoulders slump, as her usually stell resolve dissolves around her. "I don't know, I just can't stop thinking about how, different I am from a normal girl. Beside's, Megan is a pretty name. Rebecca isn't that great..."

"After all, Rebecca's a human name."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vith takes a few steps towards the spacers, and gets that pondering look on her face like she always does.
"They are only running, we might be able to chase them down..."
Obviously, she fingers her blaster inside her pocket, a flame appearing in her otherwise normal little eyes. Vith shakes her head, and her eyes do the opposite, and seem to look lifeless, uncaring.
"No, we'd only get ourselves killed. They aren't our problem anyway. Besides..." she says, looking at the busted holocron, "there might just be a way to track them." Vith then whips out whatever tools at hand and gets to work on the machine, so lost in her thoughts she doesn't even smell the burnt flesh of the dead men beside her.

(19+10(programmer) or +7(craft)=29 or 26! Which reminds me, thank you Castiron, but why do I have awesome ranks in computer programmer, and craft computer, but have none in either comp use or repair? Mihgt be something that need fixed.)

"I'm not sure Meg...but they were all huddling around this thing, maybe there was something important on it. News, files, anything. Better than, I dunno, NOT doing it." As Vith continues to fiddle and mess with it, you've seen that look on her face. The girls should prolly line up by height to determine who has to pry Vith away from it if they expect her to go anywhere.
- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
"Megan, stop it, I'll only be a minute."(Or several, depending on castiron's next post. Heh.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Megan! Stop bothering me! Mess with the bodies, I don't care, just get outta my hair!" With that, she flips he locks around and gets back to it like she was never interrupted, though signs of annoyance and agitation show plainly on her face.

2011-08-01, 02:56 PM

Ending up sitting on the ground:
Well that was exciting, do you guys want to stick around and explain what happened to the authorities? If not I think we should leave Terri stands up after brushing off her clothes. Terri giggles and mutters Hehe, hair metal band.

Alright girls, let's get going, I want to go over my ship again and make sure it isn't messing up. See you guys in a bit.

2011-09-16, 03:41 PM
Vergeance Weapon Project
"Chivalry is not what has died, malady. It is, in fact that sorry stupid ass that dared call you a ho."
-highly paraphrased, legendary quote from old Gungan hero Ma'pu-pey "Dungman" Baidrupei.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(OOC: Guys, Sorry that all of our previous posts are messed up an unfollowable...if you want you can ignore them as they have largely now-deleted content. Read Castiron's, but then just know that Vith is messeing with the broken holocron trying to get it working.)


Vith, Merrik, Neth, Lath, Gath, Wist, Hetter and Quont sit, stand, or cower inside a diner, in which a small group of spacers has been murdered by slack-jawed ruffians, who have fled on foot. The combined smell of burnt flesh and less-burnt food fills your respective noses. Some people seemed paniced, and ran from the restaurant in short order, while others act as if nothing happened, and orders someone to call over whoever would clean this mess. A busted holocron lies busted on the ground, as does various trinkets fallen from the hands of the spacers. A destroyed blaster pistol lies at one of their feet.

You were simply eating beakfast while nearly killed by these ruffians, wanting nothing more then breakfast before you started looking for work. But now...


2011-09-16, 03:49 PM

Megan searches the bodies of the dead spacers, still kind of crying from the previous conversation with Vith.

2011-09-17, 02:07 AM

Hana stands with her blaster drawn, gaurding the two working. Silent. At least to outside observers she is silent. To her sisters however there is a strange sense of what can only be described as far seeing.

far seeing [roll0] (tracking the hair metal band)

2011-09-17, 10:08 AM
Heller goes over and picks up the broken pistol, looking it over.

Rendel Nep
2011-09-17, 11:26 PM
Neth give a quick glance towards the others and then carefully picks up the fragments of the holocron and tries to conceal them on her person. At a cursory glance, could she repair it?

Erik Vale
2011-09-18, 08:56 PM

Lalth looks over her shoulder, being in the booth right behind the spacers, and looks for anything of intrest without getting up. If there is, she will grab it, if not, she'll turn her attention back to her meal.