View Full Version : Make Your Own Fantasy Kingdom

2011-07-20, 08:12 PM

The year is 218 BC. Make of it what you will. The world will be rebuilt in a glorious, or dreadful manner. Hopefully, you will be a king and not a tyrant.
Kingdoms, spread throughout the land where they should not have been. Those Kingdoms are yours.

Ever since being taken from the modern world to this ancient one you will miss a few creature comforts here and there, but you gain something indescribably more important. Power and knowledge. Use it well. Hopefully, you may protect, nurture and guide your followers to a Golden Era.

2011-07-20, 08:48 PM
Drond ((OOC: I assume all of these messages are only being read by the Nation I sent it to))

An emissary is sent bearing a message to the Mysia. It's a long trek, and the rider makes frequent stops to refill supplies. After a journey of around a month, however, he arrives in Mysia, bearing a message for its ruler.
Message to Mysia
Greetings, noble Mysian. We have heard that your people have invented a new way of working steel, and we would be very interested in learning this. Do you have a price for the info?
In addition, we two are Nations that both pride themselves on their Metalsmiths. Would you be interested in sending a few of your Smiths to Lisbon, our capital, to discuss our methods and perhaps make both our Nations better Smiths?

A second ambassador is sent into the great Sand Dunes of the Sinai. Taking a ship through the med., he is unprepared for the Harsh Sand of the Desert. Almost dieing before stumbling on an Oasis, he manages to reach the Capital of Eldos; and delivers his message.
Message to Eldos
We realize that you are a Nation that imports a large amount of Iron. We export a lot of Iron. Perhaps we could work out a deal? We would lower all tariffs on the Iron we export to you to 0; if you agree to only import Iron from us. Is this acceptable?
Also, we are very interested in these "flexible swords" you have developed. Would you be interested in selling the Technology?

A third messenger is sent to the Nation of Exousia. This messenger had one of the easiest journeys, simply taking a Dron boat across the Med. He arrives in the Capital of Exousia fresh and contented, and delivers his message in a pristine condition.
Message to Exousia
Greetings, noble Exousians. As two nations who have a strong Navy, we believe we have much in common. Would you be interested in signing a non-aggression pact between our two Countries? This would insure our two Navies never meet in Hostility.

The Fourth messenger is sent to the Citadel, in the heart of the Mediterranean. This messenger also has a great journey, arriving in the Citadel with a great smile on his face. This is a stark contrast to the unsmiling residents of the Citadel.
Message to the Citadel
Greetings, noble King of the Citadel. We of the Dron have heard of your expert sailmakers, and are very interested in this technology. Would you be interested in selling it?

However, during all these messengers, the God Forban seems absent. If one searches very hard, he can be found in the top of the Temple to Him in Lisbon, surrounded by maps and crude illustrations. He is planning something. But what?

To the GM (question)
What is the current state of "Spain" Is it just a gaggle of different Tribes, a whole nation, a collection of city-states, or what?

2011-07-21, 01:48 AM
The Citadel

Atop the white tower of the Citadel, the god Aeyun sat at his desk, pouring over a hand-drawn map of the med. Slowly, but with infinite patience, he mapped out distances across the sea. Suddenly, he sat back and smiled.

To Drond We would be willing to either make a sale of our information or accept contracts for sail construction, yes. What do you have to pay with?
To GM What is the political situation of Cyprus and RHodes?h


2011-07-21, 04:09 PM

Message to Drond
Greetings, Great One of the Drond, we are quite skilled in the art of smithing, but our skill at shipbuilding is sadly lacking where yours is wold renown. We propose that you send a delegation of your shipwrights to our country and we send a delegation of smiths to yours. In this way, not only will our nations both be masters of smithing, but of shipbuilding as well.
Arkash, Lord of the Mysians


Edict No. 0
All able bodied men shall practice combat every 7th day of the week. Each village/city shall be responsible for arming and maintaining each man in their muster with a war bow, 60 arrows, a spear, and shield. /end edict

Miracle: I grant the strongest, most charismatic priest in my service the ability to heal wounds and disease with a touch of his hands. He is then commanded to convert the tribes neighboring Mysia.

Question to GM:
Speaking of tribes neighboring Mysia, what is the situation in Anatolia at this time?

2011-07-21, 04:21 PM

To the Citadel
Well, we would pay you in a different technology. As a nation with a strong navy, you know the strength of Ballistae as a Naval Weapon. In return for the schema and blueprints on your Sails, we would tell you how to build our improved Ballistae. However, we ask you to not at all trade this technology away once you have received it. We, of course, will treat your sails with the same discretion.

To Mysia
We accept this preposition. A delegation of shipbuilders is on its way, with our knowledge of improved ships. They will teach our method of building ships to you, and we assume your smiths will teach your method of steelwork to ours?
Also, we would appreciate it if you did not teach our shipbuilding methods to anyone else. We, of course, will treat your steel working technology with the same level of respect, no one else shall learn of it from us.

Private Action
The Dron Army begins amassing on the eastern border of Drond (Portugal)

In addition, a delegation of shipbuilders is sent to Mysia, and preparations are made for the arrival of Mysian Smiths in Lisbon.

Refined my questions for you:

What is the strongest tribe in Spain, and how strong are they compared to me?
What is the weakest tribe in Spain, and how strong are they compared to me?
What is the state of the Tribes on the border between me and Spain; and how strong are they comparatively?

2011-07-21, 05:38 PM

I am very interested in you offer to be my sole supplier of iron in exchange for lowered tariffs. However, it has been my experience that when one has a monopoly prices can skyrocket. I accept for now, but know this. If I find you've been gouging me i will not stay so friendly for long. As for our unique swords, I'm afraid that it is a secret I do not yet wish to divulge

To Exousia

Most honored lord of Exousia, it has come to my attention that your citizens have acquired a taste for fine spices and new flavors. Eldos produces some of the finest spices along the med. sea such as one my people like to cal Kinamon. Perhaps we could be trading partners.

To the Citadel

Most honored lord of the citadel, I see that your ships sail far and wide in search of wool, some of your merchants have landed on our shores looking for it. Eldos is known for its sheep, in fact you may have heard that many of our people are shepherds. Its true, their ancestors were nomadic shepherds before I found them and taught them agriculture and the building of permanent structures. Your ships would be put to better use keeping an eye on all of your seafaring neighboors, we will begin sendin merchant vessels to trade with you shortly, provided you agree to protect our vessels if they appear to be in distress. Sound fair?


I am going to send men to Drond's cities and have them grease the right palms to this end: I want to hire Dron natives to try and get jobs aboard Dron merchant vessels heading to and from Eldos. These men will be given spy training when they are here in Eldos and will gather info for me when in Drond. As for my own merchants going to the other nations, provided they agree, they will also have spies among the crew.

for my turn:(assuming a ten year length)
Miracle(s) Employed(assuming 4 per year)
10 to provide extra food during non-growing seasons.
25 to create a small freshwater sea within the peninsula

National Activities
Kingdom Budget

Policy Action(s)
Establishing a secret spy/assassin organization called Blue Fang. Legalize plural marriage. Establish a clergy(who will also be high level members of Blue Fang, this is not to be known by the general public).

Development Project(s)
construct a large tomb for my armies general(it is actually accessible from a hidden tunnel and is Blue Fang's headquarters)

Research Project(s)
Scientific method
Basics of magic

Military Project(s)
begin training battle dancers and slingers in mass. Swordsmen in lesser numbers.

2011-07-21, 06:28 PM

To Eldos
Of course, we would never gouge our business partners. And the swords, well, so be it. We respect your wishes.
If you would immediately send a message to your traders to only buy Iron from us, we would appreciate it. We are right in the middle of sending the message about the Tariffs currently.

To the GM, Eldos
Tariffs on all Iron exported to Eldos are immediately dropped to 0. In addition, Eldos has vowed to only import Iron from us.

2011-07-21, 10:46 PM
Message to Drond
This agreement is quite acceptable to us. We hope it will be the start of a long and mutually beneficial friendship between our nations. Our delegation is also on it's way, and yours will be welcomed warmly on their arrival.

I dispatch a delegation of smiths to Drond. In addition I order the preparation of supplies and suitable quarters for the Drond shipwrights in our harbour city.

Miracles: I take the best shipwright in Mysia(currently a maker of small fishing boats) and grant him immunity to disease and a superior intellect. I place said shipwright in command of the facilities at our harbour city with a crew of carpenters and other shipwrights in order to best make the use of the Dron shipwright's knowledge.

I ensure that the next five growing seasons will be abundant for Mysia, and order the construction of extra granaries to store the surplus. /end miracles

Other internal things.

I order the assembly and training of 1000 horsemen as a standing army. They are to be issued with war bows(and accompaning arrows), lances, steel sabers, light armour(iron scale, light iron helmet, leather greaves), and three war horses as mounts. I expect this to take time so I order the construction of a suitable barracks, stables, and training ground etc. in my capital.

I order a survey of all territory under my control to determine how much unused arable land there is in my territory(ie not already used by villages or cities). All such land will be considered the property of the state(ie mine).

What can we assume about the existing condition of our state. I am kind of assuming we don't have much more that the palace guards and a militia. Likewise, taxes were I think, mentioned in the other thread. How do I make sure the budget stays in order?

2011-07-22, 10:19 PM
BTW ooc: maybe we should send a lot of these as PMs to avoid people listening in. Just a thought.

2011-07-22, 10:23 PM
We really should have an OOC thread. Pms would be okay, but it is probably easier for all if we just post in the Thread. If the God uses a miracle on, say, intercepting messages from X to Y; they could probably read them.
The Only time I'd suggest using PM would be when there's a face-to-face meeting between divinities, where it's nigh-impossible to spy upon.

2011-08-07, 01:00 AM

Is the game still on? No one seems to have posted in a while.:smalleek:

2011-08-07, 01:01 AM

Is the game still on? No one seems to have posted in a while.:smalleek:

((If you want a roll call I can try to revive it, that's all I can do.))

2011-08-07, 01:05 AM
((If you want a roll call I can try to revive it, that's all I can do.))
I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. I like the concept of the game, but we didn't seem to get very far in it.:smallfrown:

2011-08-14, 03:50 PM
OOC: I've been away, as my sig says, but am now ready to get back into this. I would love to ocntinue playing.

2011-08-22, 07:12 AM
Anyone else still here?

2011-08-22, 09:48 AM
I am...But I think this game is dead. It was fun while it lasted, though...