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2011-07-21, 06:22 AM
The carriage rocks slightly as the Tri-Wizard Train speeds along, the steady clickety-clacks of steel wheels against polished rails can be heard from beneath the carpeted floor. You have been on the train for the last couple of hours, on your way to the School of Mimers Brunn, to champion the cause of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy in the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

You know very little about Mimers Brunn or it’s surrounding areas, except that its a school with a reputation of the darker variety, which has been chosen to host the Tri-wizard Tournament. Other competitors for the Tri-Wizard Tournament are The Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, a wizarding school originating from Southern France, and The Durmstrang Institute, a wizarding school believed to be in the northernmost regions of Norway

The Triwizard Tournament is a legendary contest that has been held between the three largest Wizarding schools of Europe since the year 1294. For each tournament one champion from each school is selected to compete, by the means of a magical artifact known as The Goblet of Fire. Historically the tournament had always been hosted by one of the competing schools, however it was decided that the contest is to be held at Mimers Brunn. The purpose of this is to provide a new, equal, footing for the competitors and to avoid possible bias from the judges.

The train carriage you are in consists of one large room, with luxurious armchairs and small tables of glass placed along the wooden walls, an aisle running down the middle of the train-car. In the ceiling hang three brilliant crystal chandeliers Through six windows you can see the swirling, colourful, patterns of the spell that carries the train towards its destination, the lights reflecting off the light wood of the walls and ceiling.

With you in the car is your Headmistress, Professor McGonagall, the gray-haired woman sitting by one of the tables, reading in a book.

Down the aisle another woman is walking, for the second time this trip. She is small with white hair. The woman is pushing a trolley, in front of her, that is stacked with various sweets, drinks and other pieces of food.As she reaches the middle of the room, she ask with her soft voice, almost too quiet to hear, “Anything from the trolley, dears?”

2011-07-21, 06:29 AM

Upon one of the seats in the luxurious room sits a girl with a hand clenched across a broomstick on her lap, a Firebolt. The lights from outside of the train flash across her fair skin, painting it with many different colors, but none quite as beautifully blue as her eyes, or as dark as her raven-colored hair, strung up sideways on the side of her angelically crafted face.

Her lips are slightly pursed from candy she had already purchased from the train's server, and one of her legs is tucked beneath the rest of her body. She brushes a finger across the badge of her deep ebony robes, the badge of Slytherin. Her dainty ears perk up slightly, as she hears the voice of the server again. "No, thank you." She answers the question, her voice seductive and dulcet, heritage clear from her accent.

2011-07-21, 06:34 AM

"I don't want a sandwich."" Adrian paged through the Quibbler. "At least, not today. I'll have a chocolate frog, thank you. Now, this area was rumoured to have wild Crumple-Horned Snorkacks..." Adrian trailed off.

Adrian looks ruffled, with clothes put on backwards and in the dark. Adrian's hair is unwashed and spikey, and the Hufflepuff school sigil was the only clean thing that Adrian wore. The dirty blond hair that crested the head looked like it wanted to jump off for a bath. A jumbled collection of magazines sat at Adrian's feet. There were even a few muggle ones.

2011-07-21, 07:06 AM
Darren blinks wearily his eyes opening at the sound of the woman's voice. He had been dozing on and off for the past hour or so and was on the verge of passing out. His shirt and robes bore no trace of dust upon them and his hair was tousled in a way that looked messy and good at the same time. The lights from the outside of the rain seem to reflect off Darren's eyes causing them so shine even more brilliantly. Darren's smile is perfectly white and his teeth are straight and even though he is a man many would dare say he is gorgeous or beautiful.

Darren's arms reach inside a hidden pouch inside his cloak that is lined with red for Gryffindor. Metal coins jingle in his hands and several fall back in with a tinkle. Darren looks at the woman and asks in an inquisitive voice How much for two chocolate frogs?

2011-07-21, 07:29 AM
The old trolley-lady reaches for the small boxes of chocolate frogs on the trolley. She picks up one of them and place it on the table in front of Adrian. "There you go. That'll be two knuts, please" She says.

She then turns towards Darren "Chocolate Frogs are two Knuts apiece, dear." The woman responds with a smile

2011-07-21, 07:55 AM

Uly's gaze twists to the side of the trolley lady, once again drawn to the dirty boy reading The Quibbler in one of the other seats. She turns one eye to look at their Headmistress, the other staying on Adrian. "Headmistress, is there perhaps a bathroom on board? I don't think you mentioned one earlier, and I think some of us might benefit from a soak." She smiles at Adrian if he looks up, trying to look honestly helpful.

2011-07-21, 08:09 AM
The Slytherin was looking at him. What did she know? What dastardly plot was she devising now? There was so much concealed under the smiling, cheery, pretty... stop, stop now. There must be a reason behind her actions. Should Adrian deign to speak to her? No, she would tear through the mind if he looked her in the eye.

Not even pretending to read his magazine, Adrian folds it on his lap. Staring directly at the ground, "...mind your own business, Slytherin."

2011-07-21, 08:20 AM
Professor McGonagall raise her head to look directly at Ulyana. "The lavatories are directly across from where we entered the train, Miss Hark. Surely you can't have missed them?" She says in her usual stern voice and nods towards the other end of the train carriage.

2011-07-21, 08:28 AM

A small frown appears on Uly's silky skin, but disappears just as soon as it had arrived. "Oh, of course, Headmistress. How much longer is it until we arrive at Mimers Brunn? There's no fun to be had here." She comments, with another quick glance at the other students in the room.

2011-07-21, 08:32 AM
"And what kind of fun do you-" Adrian stops himself. Damn! I fell for her trap! Adrian gives her a quick glance. I feel, all of a sudden, very, very exposed.

2011-07-21, 08:46 AM
McGonagall ponders the question for a brief moment before answering "It shouldn't be long now. Unless something goes wrong we should arrive within just a few minutes I would think."

2011-07-21, 08:51 AM

The witch gives a nod to Headmistress McGonogall to acknowledge her response, she didn't want to seem rude after all, but focuses her attention on Adrian. "No, do go on." She smiles at him once again.

2011-07-21, 09:09 AM
"You don't seem the type, Slytherin, to be idly wasting time. Don't you see?" Adrian guestures vaguely outside. I sigh. "I think you might." I stands up. "And here I go, catering to your sensibilities..." Adrian walks out of the car. As I walks out I pay the woman and grab my chocolate frog.

2011-07-21, 09:48 AM
Adrian enters the front car of the Tri-Wizard Express. It is much smaller than the one he came from, with only a short narrow passage that open up to a small room, in which Teddy, the conductor, sits on a chair. The man is tall and skinny with dark brown hair tucked under a black fedora, that fits very well with the sleek suit he is wearing. Beneath his nose he keeps a trimmed mustache. He looks up at Adrian briefly before going back to reading his newspaper.

To the right there are two doors, marked clearly as male and female bathrooms. Directly across from the bathrooms is a small set of stairs that lead outside of the train.

2011-07-21, 10:58 AM
Marcus is in the middle of opening a chocolate frog when the odd Hufflepuff storms out of the car. He looks at his card- another bloody Harry Potter- and turns to a Slytherin from Charms with a funny name he can't remember (Fimble). "Huh. What d'you suppose his problem is?"

2011-07-21, 11:29 AM
Darren's face lifts up a a bit to watch the angry smelly Hufflepuff storm off. He idly pops the chocolate frogs in his mouth and looks to see what cards he gets. Then he looks at the quite attractive Slytherin girl and says Well for starters he probably isn't used to being in a room with devilishly attractive people. He really did walk into your joke well done.

2011-07-21, 11:39 AM

Uly looks towards the only Gryffindor on the train, and was quite thankful that this student knew basic personal hygiene. "I tried to say it as kindly as possible...but it's for the good of everyone." Her full lips twist into a smile. "I don't think we've properly spoken before. I'm Ulyana Hark, and I'm quite good at Quidditch." She introduces herself, shifting in her seat to give more flexibility, in case Darren wanted to shake hands or give another greeting.

2011-07-21, 11:43 AM
Marcus perks up at the mention of Quidditch and turns toward Ulyana. He flicks his long brown hair out of the way as he speaks. "Quidditch? Oh, you're the Slytherin Seeker, aren't you?"

2011-07-21, 11:55 AM

Uly briefly turns her head to look at Marcus, though finding his interruption quite rude. "Seeker and Captain." She looks back at Darren, hoping her point was made clear.

2011-07-21, 11:56 AM
Marcus gives her a look as if to say, "Get over yourself", but takes the hint and pulls a book out of his bag.

2011-07-21, 12:04 PM
Darren leans over and gives her a firm handshake. Smiling looking into her eyes he says I've watched you on the pitch and you're excellent. Certainly better than our seeker. Our team really went down after Harry Potter left. I play Quidditch too sometimes although I am nowhere near the level of you. I'm head of the Dueling Club at the school although really most of them can barely manage to cause me more than a sigh in exasperation due to their incompetence.

2011-07-21, 12:12 PM
I pass the newspaper-reading old man. I enter the washroom and is promptly greeted by my own reflection. *well, time to get dressed to impress*, I thought. I washed his face and hands, sweat and grime falling off like layers of clothing. I shed my reliable, never-shrunken falling-apart robe in favour of my dress duds.

I look myself in the mirror. I look like a poof who fluffed his fur. I grabbed a huge chunk of hair and straightened it. Now I look like a Griffyndor ponce. I tried to alter it, but to no avail. For all intents and purposes, no matter how hard I tried, I looked like a shaggy dog.

"It has to go," I said to no one in particular. "Diffendo!"

The hair was cut. It was a short cut, but it'd have to do. I mentally sighed as I pointed at myself with his wand: "Scourgify!"

After the unpleasant taste of soap had left my mouth, I staggered out of the bathroom, hoping never to have to rush like that ever again.

2011-07-21, 12:12 PM

Uly's own eyes look back into Darren's, more to see which of them would break off first than for any other reason, and shakes his hand in return. "Thank you, I do try my hardest." Her free hand briefly touches the golden snitch hanging around her neck, the first one she had caught. "But I'm no good at duelling, myself, not that I try it often. I can cast the spells well enough, but you know how it is..."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-21, 12:30 PM

Leon sighed and looked up from his book, a battered copy of A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration. He sat uncomfortably in his robes, as if he weren't used to wearing them. A small lizard poked its head out of his breast pocket, where it had been napping before. His dirty blond hair was a bit messy, and his intense brown eyes were leveled at Darren.

"Oh yeah, Gryffindor," he spat, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"How could we ever hope to forget your skill with dueling? It's not like you constantly remind anyone within earshot about how you're the head of the dueling club."

2011-07-21, 12:55 PM
Adrian opens the door. I am now considerably more clean, but I was miserable. Sensing the atmosphere isn't the best one, I sat down and I pulled out my chocolate frog. It was a Ron Weasley card. Figures.
"Needn't I remind you, that we represent Hogwarts as our school. Any gaffes or disunity could imply weakness. Right?" I slumped back into my dress robes, uncomfortable at the amount of lace within. "We should put aside our petty house differences. For now." I stared pointly at Ulyana.

2011-07-21, 01:01 PM
The Slytherin prefect looked up from his one sided conversation to watch the other students. He had been starting a letter to his cousin back in Hogwarts. Or rather, dictating what he wanted to write to an enchanted quill.

Fimble Winters was blue eyed, brown haired, and average in build. Though his school robes were normally on the unkempt side, he took care to straighten them for this particular occasion. Often, first impressions were the most important, and he intended to make one. Pinned to the front of his uniform was his prefect badge.

"Agreed. It would not do for us to look like an unorganized rabble when the other schools will be presented a unified front."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-21, 01:06 PM
Leon leans back again, surprised to find that his hand had drifted to his wand. He absentmindedly starts petting his lizard's head with one finger, and his face relaxes back from a half-snarl into an apologetic smile. He still pointedly avoids looking at Darren, though.

"You're right, sorry, Fimble."

He turns back to the Hufflepuff, who looks surprisingly good now.

"Sorry. It's, uh, Adrian, right?"

2011-07-21, 01:09 PM
"That's a good point, um..." Marcus looks at the Slytherin prefect, "Sorry, what's your name again?"

2011-07-21, 01:12 PM
"Yes, it is. I'm afraid that I'm unable to extend the same courtesy. And you are?" He gives Leon a look. "I believe that outside of our own houses, we know little about each other." Adrian looks sheepish. My eyes are unused to so much light - it burns! - , now that my hair had been cut.

2011-07-21, 01:19 PM
"Fimble Winters." He allowed the quill to rest and tucked the letter into a schoolbook. The prefect paused for the usual comments or jokes about his name that always seemed to come with meeting new people. "And you?"

2011-07-21, 01:28 PM
"Adrian. No last name." There was a moment of hesitation. "Me da and mum weren't too big on last names."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-21, 01:28 PM
"Leon Weaver. It's nicetameetcha," Leon replies with a grin.

"So, I don't mean to pry, but why'd you choose to come along? To the Triwizard Cup, I mean. You don't seem like a very-"

Leon made a vague gesture to the Quibbler that Adrian was reading.

"-uh, competitive person."

2011-07-21, 01:44 PM
"Fimble Winters." He allowed the quill to rest and tucked the letter into a schoolbook. The prefect paused for the usual comments or jokes about his name that always seemed to come with meeting new people. "And you?"

"That's right, I knew it was something different like that. I'm Marcus Hadley. We had Charms together last year." He closes his book and stands up, offering his hand to Fimble.

2011-07-21, 02:12 PM
Darren smiled at Uly after her statement and says Well if you ever need help dueling let me know. After that he gives her a flirty wink.

Darren was just about to continue on with his conversation when he was rudely interrupted. Noticing how Leon's hand drifted toward his wand Darren just smiled and gave him a cold hard look that in no uncertain terms showed that would be a very unwise move.

His voice cold as ice Darren smiles and says I would like it if you didn't make a mockery of me dueling as it is the one thing that I wish to prove to my parents that I am good at. Regardless I'm Darren for those of you who don't know or remember me.

2011-07-21, 02:16 PM
"Well, I don't have much ambition on that part." Adrian looked thoughtful. "I was the only seventh year that didn't have a excuse not to go. No one wants to end up like Cedric Diggory. It's been too soon, and not even the most ambitious of my house wanted to die."

Adrian smirked. "When they asked me to represent our house, I couldn't say no. It wouldn't be well for Hufflepuff to not send a Wizard to the Triwizard Tournament."

2011-07-21, 02:18 PM
Darren nods and says Hopefully this tournament will not turn out like it did last time with two people from our school competing. That is a headache I am sure Professor McGonagall does not wish to have.

2011-07-21, 02:32 PM
Fimble shook his hand firmly. "Yes, I remember now." But more vaguely than he would have liked. That had been a time consuming class, both for him and his housemates. It was mainly because of the problems involved in summoning a Patronus for the first time. One particular student didn't want to reveal his happiest memory, which was knitting with his grandmother.

2011-07-21, 02:39 PM
"Yeah, but there wasn't much time for making friends in that class, was there? Always working at those ridiculous Charms. Anyway, are you hoping to be the Hogwarts Champion this year?" Marcus leaned on Fimble's chair and spoke casually.

2011-07-21, 03:02 PM
For the first time that day, an enthusiastic smile worked it's way onto the prefect's face. "Of course. And I'm aiming for nothing less than total victory for our school." And Slytherin. But this wasn't the time to say so.

2011-07-21, 03:15 PM
Marcus grinned back, showing rows of neat, but not perfect, teeth. "Well, we'll see about that. I think we're all hoping for our name to pop out of that Goblet."

2011-07-21, 04:50 PM

Uly waits for Marcus to finish any conversation he's having, before trying to catch his gaze with her own. "Hello," She smiles. "I'm sorry if I seemed too blunt earlier, it's just that I was conversing with Darren and I prefer giving people my full attention if I'm talking with them."

2011-07-21, 06:51 PM
Marcus turns away from Fimble to address Ulyana. "Oh, there's no apology needed. I was fairly rude myself; whenever Quidditch pops up I tend to forget everything else. It's nice to meet you, though, you've made some brilliant catches." He extends his hand. "I'm Marcus, I Chase for Ravenclaw."

2011-07-21, 06:59 PM

The Slytherin Seeker takes Marcus' hand and shakes it firmly before retracting her hand. "Thank you. I'm sure you've scored some excellent goals, but I focus more on the snitch than the other balls." She admits with a small flash of a smile. "Ulyana Hark." She repeats, now fondly stroking the Firebolt resting across her lap; talking about Quidditch often brought up good memories.

2011-07-21, 07:06 PM
Darren smiles at the conversation happening around him always keen to hear about Quidditch. Hearing a lull in the conversation Darren says "Maybe sometime after we arrive we could all get together and play a game of Quidditch?

2011-07-21, 07:13 PM

Uly raises an eyebrow at Darren and his suggestion. "I think that's a great idea! We'll have to hope that Mimers Brunn has equipment for us to use. Especially as I don't see any broomsticks with either of you..."

2011-07-21, 07:14 PM
Unfortunately I didn't have enough money to buy a Firebolt. On the upside I have some other cool things.Darren says with a mischievous grin

2011-07-21, 07:24 PM

"Care to share your secrets?" Uly asks, raising her left hand, on which all four fingers are adorned with valuable rings, palm upwards. "Show me yours and I'll show you one of mine." She says, raising her other palm, this one bearing a signet ring.

2011-07-21, 07:28 PM
Marcus turns at Darren's suggestion. "That would be great! I think I brought my old Quaffle. I can probably Transfigure one if not. And I have my Nimbus 2001 with me."

2011-07-21, 07:29 PM
Darren grins and says Why not?He rummages around in his bag for a moment and then takes out a strange looking cloak. Checking to make sure nobody else can see besides the students from his school he puts it over his hand and it disappears. He smiles and says I got it from my uncle for being selected to go to the Triwizard Tournament. Darren then quickly puts it away safely hidden.

2011-07-21, 07:34 PM

Uly first replies to Marcus. "Well, that's one down. I'm sure we could purchase one cheap somewhere nearby, if the school won't lend us one. Are you thinking three on three?"

She then nods at Darren's invisibility cloak appreciatively. "Very nice." She then twists her body round, moving the leg trapped beneath her body, then pulling up the bottom of her robes slightly to reveal her finely crafted shoes. "There." She smiles, letting her robes drop again. "Not telling what they do though." She winks.

2011-07-21, 07:39 PM
Darren smiles looking at her finely shaped legs and says I can already tell what they do.

2011-07-21, 07:47 PM
Marcus brushes his hair out of his face. "Yeah, assuming our other classmates are any good. What position do you play, Darren?"

He looks at Darren's cloak and Uly's shoes. "I think I have something that could top that," he grins cockily, "It's not something I'd usually boast about, but since we're showing off..."

2011-07-21, 07:49 PM
Darren replies Any position really I enjoy all of the different positions.All the while he has a cheeky little grin on his face.

2011-07-21, 07:55 PM

Uly dismisses most of Darren's jokes with some quiet laughter, already able to tell she'd be doing that a lot this year. "Show us, Marcus?"

2011-07-21, 07:57 PM
Marcus grins sheepishly and glances over at McGonagall. "This is going to sound lame, but I really shouldn't show you here. I'm not technically supposed to."

2011-07-21, 08:12 PM
Darren turns his body so the Proffesor can't see Marcus through him. He nods encouragingly to him and says Come on live a little.

2011-07-21, 08:19 PM
Back at school, Fimble might have subtly informed a professor if he though someone from another house was up to something. But his request for a unified front had been sincere. Also, he was curious about what Marcus had to hide. He watches in interest.

2011-07-21, 08:24 PM
Darren turns his body so the Proffesor can't see Marcus through him. He nods encouragingly to him and says Come on live a little.

"Well, it's not that bad, I guess..." He glances around nervously. "I've only done it a few times before.. I'll only do it for a second, or McGonagall might notice."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-21, 09:36 PM
Leon snorted loud enough for all of the students to hear at Darren's "positions" comment, but watched Marcus with interest. His lizard, as if sensing his interest, stuck its head out of his pocket, flicking its tongue out.

"Well," he prompted, "Get on with it then."

2011-07-21, 09:55 PM
Marcus shot Leon a look. "Be patient, give me a minute." He was now set on his decision and took a deep breath. He focused himself. As he did, his form blurred and compacted itself. Where Marcus had stood was now a barn owl. It looked up at Uly and Darren, then turned its head almost 180 degrees to look at Leon. Then, it became blurred again and grew back into Marcus. He smiled foolishly. "Well, there it is. I'm an Animagus."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-21, 11:28 PM
Leon stared at Marcus with an awed look on his face, glancing at McGonagall to make sure that she didn't see.

"Crap, dude, that's impressive. Where'd you learn that?"

2011-07-21, 11:47 PM
Marcus ((not Leon :smallwink:)) shook his shoulder length hair out of his eyes and smirked, now much more confident. "I learned about it fourth year and decided I had to become one. It was a huge process, I just finished this summer."

2011-07-22, 03:52 AM

"I'd applaud, but that might draw attention." Uly comments, her voice sounding congratulative. "What's your interest in owls about?"

2011-07-22, 04:29 AM
The train shakes briefly followed by a muffled rumble as the shimmering lights outside the window suddenly vanish, replaced by a view of the Swedish landscape. If you look outside you see that the train is surrounded by a deep pine forest on both sides, up ahead a clear blue sky is visible through the tree-tops. The train speed forward and soon the forest opens up into a meadow of grass. Several barrow mounds have been built upon it.

There in the distance you can see a large building made out of red bricks with blackened lead rooftops, set against a background on an unending mass of green pine trees. The key characteristic of this castle are three large, circular, towers with domed roofs, standing some five storeys tall. Connecting these towers are long, three storey, wings with numerous large windows of clear glass.

In front of the castle sat a large courtyard, with a garden, and numerous smaller two storey houses made in the same style as the castle. There are no gargoyles, no roman arches and no crenelation. Its a castle in the sense of a fortified building. This is an impressive mansion, but not the magnificent citadel that Hogwarts is.

Located next to the castle is a large Quidditch pitch, combined with a dueling pit. Beyond is a lake, a kilometer or two in diameter. Still. Clear like a forest cairn.

Standing on the courtyard is a large crowd of people, draped primarily in black and grey robes, in a semi circle looking towards you. Slowly growing as the train approach, slowing down in order to stop by a small wooden platform by the end of the courtyard. The Triwizard Express finally grinds to a halt as it reaches the station.

Professor McGonagall gets up from her seat to approach the rest of the group. "Now that we've arrived I think we should go and meet the teachers, and students, of the school. I hardly need remind you that I want you all on your best behavior. " She says before moving towards the front car, and the exit.

2011-07-22, 06:38 AM

Uly immediately stands up with a smile on her face, Firebolt clutched tightly in her hand as she rushes through the carriage and into the front car with Headmistress McGonogall, her steps mostly silent as she does so. As soon as McGonogall has stepped down the stairs, Uly hops on to her Firebolt, as she concentrates on something far away.

Within seconds, there is a large bust of fire behind her, out of the inferno coming a beautiful large bird, its deep scarlet wings lined with gold, sending out gentle pulses of heat with each flap of its wings. It dives down the stairs after Uly, as she darts with tremendous speed through the air above McGonogal, her wand of twisted dark wood making a quick movement between her fingers, as with a huge burst of light, another bird appears, this one a phoenix made of pure light, a patronus charm, radiating pulses of happiness, dancing through the air with the speeding Slytherin Seeker, all three of them synchronized as they soar above the students and around the surrounding area.

2011-07-22, 07:30 AM
Marcus mouths "Later" to Uly and gets his things, then straightens his robes and tie and brushes his hair with his fingers. As he follows McGonagall out, he looks bemusedly on Uly. What a show-off

2011-07-22, 11:19 AM
Darren looks up into the sky as bright red shapes seem to appear. Seeing a flash as Uly races out on her broomstick he shakes his head mildly in amusement or approval its hard to tell which. He then slips a word to Marcus saying She sure is something isn't she?

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-22, 11:38 AM
Leon grabbed his battered old trunk, throwing his book inside. Checking that his broom was attached securely to the side, he started to walk towards the exit, but then turned back to look at Adrian.


2011-07-22, 12:20 PM
"Of course." Adrian walks out. "Not as flashily, tho."

2011-07-22, 01:40 PM
Fimble smiles at the Seeker's display. Yet, he felt he would be remiss in not making himself look at least presentable for their debut. The prefect pointed his wand at himself, tracing the tip from the top of his head to the bottom of his robes. "Scourgify." He then straightened his tie, grabbed his trunk, and disembarked.

2011-07-22, 02:06 PM
McGonagall sighs quietly at Ulyana's performance before turning to Marcus as he leave the car. "Mr. Hadley. I'd like a word with you. Not now, but later." She says in an indifferent voice before looking at the rest of the group. "Come along now" She says before turning to move towards the courtyard.

She is soon approached by a tall man, wearing a black coat over his robes, with a short grey beard and mustache. McGonagall shakes hands with the man, who you assume is the Headmaster of Mimers Brunn, before turning to you. "Hjalmar, may I introduce my students." She says and gestures to you. "Students, meet Hjalmar Stengel, headmaster of Mimers Brunn"

2011-07-22, 02:13 PM

Uly laughs to herself at the rush of her perfomance, so high above the school and the crowd and her heart beating like a drum. She sees soon enough that she must come down, dismissing her phoenix patronus as she does so. She speeds down through the air on her Firebolt, her phoenix familiar following behind her as she does so, braking instantly once she is high enough above the ground, landing at the entrance to Mimers Brunn with the broomstick at her side, bowing, as the phoenix behind her disappears in a small inferno, a beautiful grin plastered across her face as she rises. "Good day, Headmaster Stengel. I am Ulyana Hark, and I'm one of the students hoping to be the Champion of Hogwarts. Thank you ever so much for hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Your school is very impressive."

2011-07-22, 02:24 PM
Hjalmar looks to Ulyana and inclines his head briefly. "I thank you, Ulyana, for your kind words" He says with his low voice. He then takes time to look at each of you in turn. "So you are the candidates from Hogwarts? Interesting. Most interesting. I shall hope you have mettle enough. Now, Allow me to be the first to welcome you to Mimers Brunn"

2011-07-22, 02:34 PM
"Why, thank you, Sir." Fimbles bows slightly. "It's an honor to be here." A hint of pride appears in his polite smile. "And let me reassure you that mettle is something Hogwarts students do not lack."

2011-07-22, 02:39 PM
Marcus grins at Darren, who he thinks he'll like."She is, yeah. Don't get too infatuated, she won't concede the spot as Champion for you."

At McGonagall's words he flushes, assuming he's been caught. He silently resolves never to show off again.

2011-07-22, 02:41 PM

The Slytherin girl stands with a smile firmly on her face, glad to have made an impression, good or not, on everyone who saw her. She decides to let some of the other candidates speak to the Headmaster.

2011-07-22, 02:55 PM
Darren responds back to Marcus before Uly gets back and says "Oh I won't want it conceded to me I want it fair and square. That being said I do rather like feisty girls."

As the Headmaster approaches Darren has his arms by his side and is standing up straight and tall. After, Uly quickly gets the word edgewise Darren speaks and reaches for a firm strong handshake with the headmaster while saying "It is truly an honor to be here sir and words cannot convey the gratitude we have for you not only hosting this tournament, but for allowing us to come here. Your grounds are beautiful yet strong much like the people here I expect."

2011-07-22, 03:13 PM
"I'm aware, just don't expect any free favors. She is a looker, though, I'll give you that." He grins at the Gryffindor, then waits for him to meet the headmaster. It's his turn now to introduce himself. "Headmaster Stengel, it is an honor to be welcomed to your beautiful school. I hope that we may leave a favorable impression on you of what Hogwarts students are like."

2011-07-22, 03:21 PM
Adrian awkwardly stands at the back, not having the stomach for kissing up, instead staring resolutely elsewhere. Adrian hovers near Leon, waiting for the pleasantries to end.

2011-07-22, 03:48 PM
Hjalmar takes Darren's hand to shake it. He then repeats the gesture with everyone "Again. Welcome, all of you"
Hjalmar bows down quickly before turning to McGonagall to say something to her in Swedish. "Fenixfågeln var ytterst imponerande. Jag visste inte att de var tillåtna på Hogwarts?"
McGonagall pause for a moment before responding. "Nej. Jag var inte medveten om att hon hade en"

For Swedish-speakers:
Hjalmar: "That girl with phoenix bird was most impressive. I did not know such creatures are allowed at Hogwarts?"
McGonagall: "No. I was not aware she had one."

"Well, no matter. The other representatives of the other schools should be arriving soon I believe." Hjalmar says and looks up to the sky. "Ah. Here come Beuxbatons now" He says.

If you look up to where he is you at first see nothing, but soon you catch the first glimpses of the gigantic winged horses that are pulling a blue carriage. "Hm, coming in a bit steep, isn't it?..." The headmaster mumbles.

His worries are unfounded however as the carriage soon straightens up and lands gracefully on the path that lead up to the courtyard. The door opens and out step Madame Maxine, the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. The huge woman is dressed in a dark-blue set of robes. Behind her exits six girls wearing the traditional blue silk uniforms and pointed hats of the school. Behind the girls two boys wearing blue suits as uniforms follow.

McGonagall urges you to the side to give room for the Beauxbatons delegation to speak to Hjalmar.

It doesn't take long ,after that, for the next delegation to arrive. The loud thunderous bang of a cannon salutes can be heard coming from the lake. There you see the giant red ship, a galleon, the water it just emerged from falling off of it. it's sail are adorned with the emblem of the Durmstrang Institute.

The Ship sail quickly towards the shore and docks by one of the wooden bridges there. Soon the students, all men wearing brown uniforms, and the new Highmaster of Durmstrang, Harald Yalme.

2011-07-22, 04:04 PM

Uly smiles at the comments she overhears the two Heads of school say, leaning her heads towards them and whispering before the transports of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive. "Om nån av er vill ta en närmare titt på henne så är det bara att fråga."

She steps aside as instructed, ready to let the students of the other school talk to the Headmaster of Mimers Brunn, but clutching her Firebolt with one hand eagerly, waiting to get taken in and continue the night.

People who speak Swedish:
"If either of you want to get a closer look at her, you need only ask."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-22, 04:20 PM
Leon stepped back to stand next to Adrian, watching the other students talk to Hjalmar with polite interest. He tries to remember anything he's heard about the Durmstrang or Brunn headmasters, or the castle itself.

Leon makes two Knowledge checks to see if he knows anything about the headmasters, and an additional one for Mimers Brunn itself. Rolls on OOC?

2011-07-22, 04:38 PM
Adrian thinks hard. Although this school is a neutral ground for the competition, it was also obscure.

I make a knowledge (magical history) check in the OCC.

2011-07-22, 05:16 PM
"Well then! Now that we are all here" Begins Hjalmar, now speaking loudly so that everyone can hear him. "I think it's time you are shown to where you'll stay."

He gestures towards the entrance of the castle. The Beuxbatons and Durmstrang students begin to move in that direction. McGonagall follows as well.

2011-07-22, 05:25 PM

Uly follows Headmistress McGonogall into the entrance of Mimers Brunn, attaching her Firebolt to her backpack as she does so, and smiling at anyone who'll look at her.

2011-07-22, 06:02 PM
Fimble joined the rest of the Hogwarts group. "Well. What do you think, so far?" His face remained impassive as he walked on.

2011-07-22, 06:25 PM
Darren picks up his things and goes up to walk with Uly giving her a quick smile he says Excellent wandwork just pulled off with just the right amount of flair.

2011-07-22, 06:31 PM

Uly, thinking that the look on her face would be enough of an answer for Fimble, looks towards the Darren that had suddenly appeared at her side. Her smile spreads slightly. "Thank you. Your posture is excellent, and your handshake looked very firm." She compliments, giving the Gryffindor duelist a look with unknown intent.

2011-07-22, 06:35 PM
Darren flashes a quick smile and says It's always best to be confident and have a commanding presence. Anything else is to convey a weakness.

All the while Darren is thinking what look that Slytherin was giving him.

2011-07-22, 06:39 PM
Marcus looks at Fimble at speaks under his breath. "Ulyana is a show-off and has an eerie ability to get exactly what she wants. I'm not sure about her. Darren is a decent guy but he's an insufferable suck-up, he doesn't seem very independent." Marcus walks silently for a beat. "Oh, did you mean the school? Yeah, nice place."

2011-07-22, 06:51 PM

"I prefer to make an entrance that'll catch people's eyes. Plus my legs were stiff from all the time on that train, and they needed a work out." Uly licks her lips and laughs softly. "And I'm not sure if the Headmistress would have approved of me flying in the carriage."

2011-07-22, 06:55 PM
Darren laughs softly and says Most likely not. Nice flying nice to see you in the air again. It's been ages since the last Quidditch match.

2011-07-22, 07:01 PM
"Oh! I've been doing enough of it over the Summer. Flying, I mean, not Quidditch. Not enough people around." The Slytherin looks around, walking further through the entrance and pondering the rest of the night. "It won't be long until night time, hope we'll get some food by then. And I'm dying to find out what that settlement was that I saw."

2011-07-22, 07:05 PM
As Darren weaves in and out of the crowd following Uly he comments saying I wonder what type of food they have in Sweden. I've never been here before the furthest east I've been has been Germany. My uncle thought learning multiple languages was a good idea.

I'm sure in the next couple of weeks we will be able to go to the settlement.

2011-07-22, 07:13 PM

"You've mentioned your uncle twice now; is he the closest member of your family? As for languages, I only know three, and one of them I only learned for coming here." Uly tries not to sound like she's bragging as she speaks. "My mother works for Gringotts, and the amount of gold changing hands for this Tournament got her attention. She found out it was here, so I thought that it'd be a useful language if I were chosen." She flashes her pearly whites. "Time well spent, I'd say."

2011-07-22, 07:13 PM
The prefect tried for soft, appreciative laughter. He really did. But his heart wasn't quite in it. It was slowly dawning in Fimble that the choosing of the champion was something he couldn't prepare for. The result was completely out of his hands. And that made him nervous. What came escaped from his lips was more like a sigh than a laugh.

2011-07-22, 07:17 PM
Darren nods and says After my parents were killed I moved in with my uncle. He's a pretty good guy all around I spose although he is pretty quiet. He made sure to continue my education best as he could and I'm lucky enough to be fluent in four languages. I wish I had learned Swedish though.

Your mom sounds like a strong powerful confident woman I can see where you get it from. She managed to discern something by paying attention to details something that should always be admired.

2011-07-22, 07:24 PM

"As long as he took care of you well, I guess that's all that matters, right?" Uly asks, smiling and making note of the fate of Darren's parents. She knew there was nothing she could say that hadn't likely been said before.

"My mother is all of those things, yeah, I think that's why my father married her. He raised me most of the time, mom's away a lot because of her job, and..." She trails off, shaking her head. "I'm not sure if I should ask you to pay for my autobiography." She winks. "I go off sometimes."

2011-07-22, 07:27 PM
Darren jingles coins in his pocket and says How much?Smiling so its clearly intended as a joke. He then continues on and says No that's fine I haven't really talked to you much before and it's great to get to know someone you know? Our school has such petty squabbles over things like Slytherin and Gryffindor you know? What's the point of disliking someone or not trusting them just because of what a hat picked?

2011-07-22, 07:36 PM

Uly raises a finely-shaped eyebrow for a second before letting it fall down again, she realized that not everyone took The Sorting Hat as seriously as she did. "I think the Hat has some smart things to say, I mean, I'm not sure it likes the way things are. I just do my best to keep everyone together. She smiles. "But, well, competition breeds excellence, and so on."

2011-07-22, 07:39 PM
Darren nods and rubs his hands together slightly chilly compared to what he was used to and goes on to say I agree that the Sorting Hat does have a reason for grouping people together and it has given good advice. It probably picks those with the best temperament and what not into certain houses, but that in it of itself does not make anyone bad. I agree with you without competition people become slothful something that is becoming all too common.

2011-07-22, 07:52 PM

"Yeah...at least the Tri-Wizard tournament is ongoing, so it'll give the students something to thrive for. Other than, well, fun." Uly lets out a small sigh. "I'm bored." She admits, with a sly smile. "I know what I'm doing tonight." She whispers to Darren. "Bring your invisibility cloak to the stairs here tonight. I want to go exploring the forest."

2011-07-22, 07:54 PM
Darren gives her an equally wry smile back and says No problem it'll have to be late though. I expect most of the castle will be busy late into the night because of our arrival. Wait for my signal I'll rap against the wall or make some noise three times in a row. I'll come to you.

2011-07-22, 07:54 PM
"We should treasure our differences. Diversity makes us strong." Adrian crossed his arms. "There's a reason why Hogwarts is one of the big three, you know."

2011-07-22, 08:01 PM

"Well, if you don't want to wait for me and see my big entrance, I suppose that will be okay." Uly feigns disappointment. "But you might not be able to come to the girls' quarters, remember."

2011-07-22, 08:05 PM
Darren smiles and not missing a beat quickly picks up and says Of course I want to see your big entrance how could I ever miss that. That being said I most definitely won't be going to the girls dorms. I've heard too many horror stories of guys who try to sneak up there.

2011-07-22, 08:10 PM

A grin crawls on to Uly's face. "Excellent. At the outside entrance stairs at midnight, and bring your invisibility cloak." With that, she raises her voice back to its normal volume. "Now, where is this mysterious and elusive hall with our escorts?" She asks no one in particular.

2011-07-22, 08:10 PM
You enter a room much larger than you had expected. This hall is made of polished red granite. Besides the entrance there are four doors leading from here. Two on each side and then two further back and up some stairs. In the middle of the room five giant statues stand.

The middle statue represents a tall, bearded, man wearing a cloak. Beneath his feet is a plaque that reads "Mimer" On each side of the Mimer statue is one of a man and a woman.

The man is wearing a helmet and armor, and is lacking one of his eyes. Two ravens are sitting perched on his shoulder. He is armed with a long spear. By his side are two wolves. The plaque beneath his feet says. "Oden"

The woman is wearing along, simple, dress. Curled up in her right arm is a common house cat. In her other hand she's holding a bundle of hay. By her feet you see a pig. The plaque reads: "Freja"

Next to the two are two additional statues of men, one on each side.

Both of them are wearing armour. One of them is carrying a sword leaned against his shoulder. He is also lacking one of his hands. Leaning against his leg is a shield with a wolf's head. The plaque reads: "Tyr"

The last of the five statues is a tall man, almost as tall as the one in the middle. From a shoulder hangs a large musical horn from a leather strap. He too is armed with a spear, but this one is simpler. Beneath his feet the plaque says "Heimdall"

In front of each of the five statue stand one of Mimers Brunn's students. You are lead, by McGonagall, to the man standing in front of the Mimer statue. He is tall and handsome, keeping an eye on a list in his hands. You can see that the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are standing in line in front of him. He seem to be assigning them to the students standing in front of the other statues.

Before you reach him McGonagall looks to Marcus "Now would be a good time to talk, I would think." She says. She then turns to Ulyana "You too. Miss Hark. Your escorts can wait. I am sure."

2011-07-22, 08:13 PM
Darren smiles and gives her a thumbs up as the Proffesor's voice cuts across what he was about to say. He then says Looks like the Professor wants to talk to you. I'll see about saving you a seat at the table. See you later.

Seeing Marcus being pulled aside too he says Marcus hope you're not in too much trouble eh? I'll see about saving you a spot too.

Then leaving his newly found friends Darren goes over to where the person who is assigning people is and waits for his turn.

2011-07-22, 08:17 PM

The Slytherin nods, smiling, in response to Darren's promise, before nodding at her Headmistress. "Of course, Headmistress McGonogall." She moves to stand beside the former Head of Gryffindor.

2011-07-22, 08:21 PM
Adrian tries to gauge the competition from other schools, especially Durmstrang. Last time, they only seriously brought one Champion - Victor Krum - and Adrian was trying to discern the ones with the greatest potential.

spot check.

2011-07-22, 08:23 PM
Marcus grins at the Slytherin prefect as best he can. He was a bit odd.

As they enter the hall, he gazes in deep interest at the statues. When McGonagall addresses him, his stomach sinks. Now, he thinks, I'm going to get it.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-22, 08:30 PM
Leon stands next to Adrian in the line, feeling exposed and out of place. To occupy himself, he tries to scope out the competition from Beauxbatons.

Spot? I'm assuming? +2 modifier.


2011-07-22, 08:33 PM
Seeing his fellows try and look to see the competition Darren joins in looking around for anyone who might be a good challenge.

So here is my spot roll [roll0]

2011-07-22, 08:39 PM
Ulyana and Marcus.

McGonagall lead you through the door to the right into a corridor. From there she leads you both into a small room with only a table and a few chairs in. "I'll start with you, Mr. Hadley. Did you think I'd not notice your transfiguration on the train?" She says and looks to Marcus as soon as she's closed the door.

The rest.

The man in front of the Mimer statue finish assigning places to the Durmstrang students as you reach him. He looks at you all in turn."Your names?" He asks in a distinct Swedish accent.


You see that the Durmstrang students gather at their respective students. Only two of them seem to stand out from the others. both are very tall and muscular men. One has brown short hair and the other is blonde.


Unforntunately you are unable to get a good glimpse at the Beuxbatons students, hidden behind the statues as they are.


You spot a tall, blonde, and muscular man fro Durmstrang standing by the Oden statue. He's scanning the room with hawke eyes and briefly locks his eyes with yours.

2011-07-22, 08:42 PM
Darren speaks his voice firm and clear saying Darren Blake.

2011-07-22, 08:42 PM
Marcus becomes flustered. "Well, no ma'am. I mean, yes, I.. No, I figured you would. I didn't mean to show off, but you see, everyone else was flaunting their skills and peer pressure is a powerful force.."

2011-07-22, 08:43 PM
As he notices the statues, the prefect laughs, sincerely this time. The odds were slim that the plaque bearing the name of his nemesis referred to the pig or cat. Nonetheless, the thought amused him.

He looks up to answer the man. "Fimble Winters." Considering their knowledge of Norse mythology, he wondered if they would take that as an ill omen.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-22, 08:49 PM
"Leon Weaver," Leon replies.

Looking at the five statues, he thought, If those are the Brunn equivalent of Houses, and they're sorting us into them, that means that only two of us are likely to be together. He glanced around, a bit nervous at the prospect of having to insert himself into existing social groups.

2011-07-22, 08:58 PM
Ulyana and Marcus.

McGonagall frowns slightly before responding. "Well, be as that may be I would be careful if I were you, Mr. Hadley. You have registered these powers at the ministry I hope?" she says.

The rest:
"Darren Blake?" The man says and looks at his list. "You'll be quartered with the students of Oden" He says and points at the statue of Oden.

"Fimble Winters... Interesting name" He then continues. "You are placed in Heimdall" He then says to Fimbles.

Then he turns to Leon. "Leon Weaver. You will be staying with Tyr"

2011-07-22, 08:59 PM
"There is someone missing here, isn't there?" I looked at the statues. My name is Adrian.

2011-07-22, 09:00 PM
"The.. the paperwork is in order, ma'am." Marcus' hair is falling into his face and he's trying to avoid McGonagall's gaze.

2011-07-22, 09:06 PM
Ulyana and Marcus

McGonagall taps her fingers on the table for a moment. "If they aren't, perhaps it would be prudent to send an owl at first best opportunity, don't you think?" She says. "I'd rather not have to send a message myself and find out that they aren't"

The rest:

The man looks through his list. "Just Adrian? hmm. You have been placed with Tyr's students"

2011-07-22, 09:08 PM
He took that better than I thought. Fimble turns back to his classmates. "Looks like we just underwent their version of a sorting. Listen..." His voice lowers to just above a whisper. "If any one of us is going to become champion, then we'll have to work together. And being separated like this will make that hard. I think we shall need to decide on a meeting place for discussing our findings of the day and the like."

2011-07-22, 09:08 PM
Darren nods his head in thanks and heads towards the students in front of the statue of Oden. He then before he leaves says You bet Fimble let's say we meet in the halls entrance every night round 6ish and then move on from there? He then walks over and introduces himself to the students there saying Hi my name is Darren Blake, I just came in I'm from Hogwarts by the way.

2011-07-22, 09:09 PM
Marcus grits his teeth. He may not have been open about the Animagus thing, but he's not a liar. "No, Headmistress, that's not necessary."

2011-07-22, 09:11 PM
"Agreed. But where?" I was concerned, because I didn't know anywhere that would be safe. "Let's have our hosts greet us before we decide on a location. This place isn't the most conspicious - Darren ran off again..." I sighed. "I'm glad that I'm with you, Leon. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-22, 09:15 PM
Leon grinned when Adrian was placed in the same house as him, and was relieved enough that he didn't think to complain when Darren took charge.

"Sounds good, I'll see you six-ish, then."

As he walked over to the Tyr group, Leon said to Adrian, "Glad on this end too. I guess they've got a Norse god theme. I recognize the name Tyr, but I can't remember from where. Anyway, what's bothering you? Everything seems good to me, if a little chaotic."

Knowledge check on the name Tyr. I almost Wiki'd it, but I want to keep player/character knowledge separation.


2011-07-22, 09:24 PM
Ulyana and Marcus
"Very good." McGonagall nods once at Marcus before turning towards Ulyana. "As for you, Miss Hark. I would appreciate if you wouldn't fly past that close to me head next time you decide to fly off of trains"
She pauses for a moment

As you leave your group behind you are greeted by the people already standing by the Oden statue. Among them are two students from Beuxbatons, one of the boys and the other a girl with short brown hair. There is also one of the Durmstrang students there, the large and blonde man you say earlier.
You are approached by a girl from Mimers Brunn. "Hello, Darren. I am Hanna." She says and smiles "I'll take you to your quarters now" She continues and begin to lead you away from the entrance hall, through the left door.

Adrian and Leon
You are greeted by a boy who seem to be in his earlier years. He looks at your uniforms briefly before speaking "You're from Hogwarts, aren't you? Pleased to meet you. I'm Oskar." He says. "We'll I suppose you'd better come with me." He then continues and begins to move up one of the stairs. With you in the group is an attractive girl from Beuxbatons.


Tyr is the Norse god of war and Justice.

2011-07-22, 09:28 PM
Marcus combs his hair out of his face and sighs with relief. The sooner those papers come in, the better. He wanted to leave and avoid the awkwardness of Ulyana's reproach, but had a feeling he wouldn't be able to.

2011-07-22, 09:30 PM
Darren smiles and says Nice to meet you Hanna. Your grounds are so large and great. What's the best place on the grounds?

2011-07-22, 09:31 PM

"Of course, Headmistress." Uly grins, before spinning on the spot for half a turn, her form suddenly appearing to warp in on itself before completely vanishing from sight with an obnoxious cracking noise.


Back in the hall where the others had been assigned their quarters, there is a loud crack as Uly's form twists in a brief flash, her form arriving gracefully, and her hair remaining perfectly in place. With a smile, at anyone who looks towards her from her loud appearance, she approaches the man in front of the Mimer tatue. "Good day, I'm Ulyana Hark."

2011-07-22, 09:34 PM
Marcus gives McGonagall an exasperated look and moves towards the door. "If that's all, Headmistress..."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-22, 09:40 PM
"Thanks, Oskar. I'm Leon Weaver," Leon says, turning a bit so that the Beauxbatons girl could hear him.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do the houses, or whatever you call them, work? I mean, is there a lot of competition between them? And how are you sorted into them?"

2011-07-22, 09:46 PM
McGonagall sighs as Ulyana apparated out of the room. "Well, Mr. Hadley. That will be all. I'll see you all at the feast later"

The man by the Mimer statue blink for a moment before looking at his list again. "...Hark. Ah. Ulyana Hark. You have been assigned to Heimdall's student quarters." He says and points to the Heimdall statue.

Hanna keeps smiling as she leads you, and the rest of her group, into a long stone corridor that is lined with windows. "My favorite place on the grounds? Probably the quidditch and dueling pitch. The Barrows are pretty nice too, though a bit scary at night."

Adrian and Leon
"Our hou... oh. We call them traditions. We are sorted into them by the Norni. They basically give us a divination that fits with the Tradition we should follow... that's the simplified version, anways" Oskar says as a response to Leon.

2011-07-22, 09:51 PM

Uly gives the man a pleasant nod, before striding over to the statue of Heimdall, and to Fimble. "Hello Fimble." She greets him, looking over his person briefly.. "Did I miss anything important?"

2011-07-22, 09:54 PM
Marcus goes to the man with the list. "You're who I need to see for my house assignment? I'm Marcus Hadley."

2011-07-22, 10:03 PM
Darren nods trying to absorb as much information as possible. He then asks So it seem certain students go in groups named after certain gods right? I was just wondering is there a general stereotype for each group and where are the other groups living?

2011-07-22, 10:13 PM
I try to speak to Leon quietly. "I have my... suspicions. I will speak to you later. I follow the group, looking around the castle.

2011-07-22, 10:38 PM
The man looks up from his list. "Marcus. You will be housed with the students of Freja's Tradition." He says and points at the statue of the woman next to him.

"We are separated into group that are named after gods, yes. I'm not sure exactly how we are sorted, it's never made quite clear. Though Oden is the father of all the gods, and a god of Wisdom and Learning. Freja is the godess of Fertility and Life. Tyr is of War and Justice and finally Heimdall is the Watchman and Guardian." Hanna says and she leads you through a set of wooden doors and downwards a stairscase. "As for where the other traditions are housed. Well, they have their quarters each in one corner of the building."

Leon and Adrian.

Your guide Oskar take you up the stairs and through one of the doors. As soon as he reach an intersection he turns to the right and leads you down a long hall. Along the walls are several alrge windows that give a view of the grounds, as well as several paintings of wizards and witches.

Ulyana and Fimble
By the Heimdall statue is a group of two Durmstrang students and one of the girls from Beuxbatons gathered. In front of them is a blonde girl from Mimers Brunn who looks at you as you arrive. "Hello. My name is Helga. I'll be taking you to the Heimdall quarters momentarily"she says with a smile.

2011-07-22, 10:41 PM

Uly takes off after Helga immediately as she leaves, but stays next to Fimble as they walk, waiting patiently for an answer.

2011-07-23, 01:28 AM
"Well, besides the...impromptu sorting, which you just went through, I do not believe you missed anything important." Underneath the confident face he presented to the rest of the world, Fimble was glad not to be alone. "We do have to figure out a meeting place for our team, however."

2011-07-23, 05:33 AM

"Well..." Uly knew that Fimble wasn't the kind of person for breaking rules, being a prefect and all, but it would solve a problem quite nicely. "If we need a place to meet without people listening in, it'd need to be at night, so people don't know we're there, right? And there are some of us who won't be able to get around without being noticed easily, so I could side-along apparate everyone, picking them up and taking them to the room." She smiles at Fimble. "It's just a suggestion."

2011-07-23, 11:50 AM
"It's a good one." The prefect said. "Especially since I haven't learned how to apparate, yet."

2011-07-23, 12:02 PM

"Then that's transport sorted, I think I'll be able to apparate quietly enough if I try." Uly says. "We could discuss a meeting place when we're altogether, can't we? The only place I've seen that would work so far is the room I was just in, but that was a bit small..."

2011-07-23, 12:21 PM
"Did the room appear to see a lot of use?" Fimble narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "There are only six of us. Besides, I would say privacy is more of an issue than comfort."

2011-07-23, 12:28 PM

Uly thinks back carefully. "No, not often used. There was enough room for me to disapparate, at least." A small smile graces her features. "You're eager to be snooping around and breaking into rooms, aren't you?"

2011-07-23, 02:02 PM

After walking through ,what you believe to be an underground tunnel, you finally arrive to a larger room, with numerous armchairs, tables and couches spread out on the floor and against the walls. A fire is burning in one of the two open fireplaces to banish the cold of this underground vault.
The walls and arched ceiling are decorated with perfectly gray, uniform, banners. In this room there are a few Mimers Brunn students gathered around one of the tables, most of them are female.

In the other end of the room there are two doors, marked with "Male dormitory" and "Female Dormitory" respectively. Hanna turns to you and the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students with you "Well, here we are. This is the common room for Oden's tradition" she says with a smile


The group by the Freja statue is lead by a boy who introduce himself as Erik. He leads you, and two students from Durmstrang through the right side door of the entrance hall into a corridor. From there he leads you up a flight of stairs and through a small indoors garden.

Finally you arrive to the common room of the Freja tradition. It's a large room made of wood, with green and golden banners decorating the walls. The room has several plants placed in various pots in alcoves and on pedestals near the middle, surrounding a large metal brazier in which a fire burns. Close to the fire you see one lone student sitting with his nose buried in a book.

Ulyana and Fimble

Helga leads you upstairs and to one of the towers in the castle. After a short while of climbing the spiral stairs you arrive to a large circular room with numerous couches and armchairs. The walls are decorated with Red and white banners. In the fireplace there are only some smoldering cinders left as no one have bothered to relight the fire.

There are numerous younger students in this room, who are throwing a ball amongst themselves. As soon as you enter though they stop, fumbling to hide the ball. Helga gives them a glare as they run past you and down the stairs.

Adrian and Leon.

Oskar leads you to the end of the long corridor and through a massive oak door. Behind it is a room that is perfectly square shaped and ordered. The armchairs are placed along tables, at which you can see some students discussing something. The walls are decorated with checkered banners in Green, yellow, red and blue.

Shortly after arriving Adrian suddenly feel very sick, almost loosing the contents of his stomach. Oskar mumbles an excuse to Leon and the Beauxbatons student as he begins to lead Adrian to the infirmary.

2011-07-23, 02:12 PM
Darren smiles and nods his thanks saying Your common room is quite impressive it's definitely better than ours. Thanks a bunch for bringing me here. Where are we supposed to go once we unpack?

2011-07-23, 02:15 PM
"I didn't say that." He replies teasingly. "After all, there's no need to break into a room if, for instance, you can get someone to open the door for you."

2011-07-23, 02:20 PM

The Slytherin look around the room with a bit of a frown, but that's soon replaced by a cool expression. "Or if you don't even open the door." She adds on to Fimble's sentence, before pulling her wand out and twirling it around her fingers instinctively. "What do you think of this place?"

2011-07-23, 02:32 PM

"Oh, you think so? It's quite bland I think really. The other Traditions have colors on their banners." Hanna says, still smiling. "Anyways, once you've settled in there will be a feast down in the... Gillestuga. I'm not sure what the word would be in English, sorry. I'll be waiting here to escort you once you're unpacked."

Ulyana and Fimble

Helga turns to you and points to an opening in a corner of the room. "The entrance to the dormitories is over there. Female Dormitories are to the right and Male are to the left." She says. "Once you are settled I'll take you down to gillestugan for the fest" she then adds. The Beuxbatons student with you immediately sets off towards the dormitories.

2011-07-23, 02:35 PM
Following the girls words Darren goes into his new room.He then takes his bag and looks around to find a place to begin to unpack.

OOC: Just waiting for a quick description of the room itself and then I will respond again telling what I do.

2011-07-23, 02:44 PM

The room you enter seem to be one shared by six people as there are an equal number of beds in there. One of the beds have been claimed by the blonde student from Durmstrang. The one opposite from that one seem unclaimed. Beneath the bed are two large chests with an iron key each in the keyholes. You assume that these chests are intended for storage of the student's personal affects. Besides each bed there is also a bookshelf on which items can be placed.

2011-07-23, 02:56 PM

Uly walks towards the door and walks until she finds her room, looking around it and specifically paying attention to the view outside of the window, before heading back to the common room with her wand still in hand. She didn't trust to leave her things alone anywhere.

2011-07-23, 02:56 PM
Darren walks into his room and quickly begins unpacking putting what he needs to into the unclaimed chests. He then picks up the key and locks it and puts it into his other side pocket. Then putting his invisibility cloak into his robe he goes back into the common room and says Ready

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-23, 03:08 PM
Leon looks worriedly at Adrian as he rushes out with Oskar. Figuring that he can't do anything to help, he goes into the male's dormitory, drops his trunk on an empty bed, and takes a look around before he goes back into the common room.

2011-07-23, 03:29 PM

Hanna smiles as you return to the common room. "Alright. Let's go." She says and begins to lead you back to the main parts of the castle and towards the hall where the feast is to be held.

Ulyana and Fimbles.

The room is small and simple, with six beds in it. The beuxbatons student that arrived with you place her things in one of the chests beneath one of the beds before heading back down.

Once you are settled into the quarters Helga leads you down the spiraling staircase again and towards "gillestugan".


In the common room you see that Oskar have returned from the infirmary, surprisingly quick. He looks up from the floor as you approach. "Got some of the castle guardians to take your friend to the Infirmary. He'll be fine. Now come, we should head down to the feast" He says and leads you through the door.

Leon, Ulyana, Darren and Fimble

You meet up again in the so called Gillestuga. It reminds you a great deal of the great hall in Hogwarts. This magnificent large room that is high in ceiling and lined with stone pillars. The students are stitting spread out at several rows of wooden tables, with the teachers and headmaster taking place at the very end of the room. Several large hearths of smoldering coal have been placed along the sides of the hall.

There seem to be no defined rule of where you are allowed to sit as the students of Mimers Brunn seem to sit down wherever there's room. As soon as you sit down a plate, fork, knife and glass appears before you as if conjured directly.

2011-07-23, 03:41 PM

Uly sits down at one of the tables nearer the front of the hall, keeping her wand in her lap, and lets out a small, song-like laugh. "I wasn't aware our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was here." She smiled at her own joke, her comment directed at the cutlery charms.

2011-07-23, 03:52 PM
Darren thanks the girl who was his guide and says I hope to see you later.

Upon seeing his fellow classmates Darren waves at the fellow classmates of his. Seeing Uly sitting down Darren joins her. Before he talks he does a quick mental check and says Hey how are you doing and did the Professor give you a dressing down? Also where is Adrian?

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-23, 03:56 PM
Leon sits down next to Uly and Darren, letting out a low, long whistle when the tableware appears.

"I think you may know entirely too much about our teacher's magic," Leon replied to his fellow Slytherin with a bit of a smile. He picked up his plate and looked at its underside, looking for an indication of the magic used to conjure it.

"Adrian got sick when we got to the Tyr dorms; he's down at the infirmary now. I hope he's okay."

2011-07-23, 04:00 PM

Uly raises an eyebrow at Darren's plethora of questions with an amused smirk on her face. "I'm doing just lovely, except for the apparent abundance of homeliness here." She taps the spoon in front of her with the back of one of her ring fingers. "Or maybe Hogwarts has spoiled me." She says this with a twinkle in her eyes, making it obvious she's mostly joking.

"Headmistress McGonogall told me not to fly on her head again, that's all. Then I disapparated away from her." The only female Hogwarts candidate takes a brief look around at Darren's last question. "I'm not sure, I don't think I'm in his House." She smiles at Leon's explanation. "I do hope he's gonna be okay."

2011-07-23, 04:02 PM
That's weird that came on a bit quick didn't it? After hearing Uly's comment he says Well at least we know you are willing to go over her head.

2011-07-23, 04:09 PM

Uly perked up a bit at Darren's question, having remembered something told to her by another member of Slytherin before she left on the Tri-Wizard Express. "I heard some people are put under strain when on the Tri-Wizard express, and sometimes the magic there gets to them, if they're not strong enough to cope. I'm not sure when he'll be better though." She shrugs.

2011-07-23, 04:13 PM
Darren nods trying to understand and says Maybe he just isn't cut up to it you know? Better that he gets sick now though than later in the tournament.

2011-07-23, 04:19 PM

Uly nods in agreement. "I'd just like to say sorry if it seemed like I was showing off a lot. I'm going to keep doing it, but it's only so the other schools will take us seriously. By showing off what I've learned at Hogwarts, I prove our strength. And we really need to show it, now that one of our candidates is out of the running already..." She admits to the group from Hogwarts.

2011-07-23, 04:24 PM
Darren nods his head and says I know that I can come off a bit strong too guys. I just sometimes get a bit overconfident and I tend to like to be the one doing things sometimes because I know what I can do and I just don't know you guys all that well yet. That'll change once I get to know you all better.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-23, 04:30 PM
Leon smiled despite himself at Darren's "over her head" pun, but the smile disappeared when it was remarked that Adrian wasn't strong enough. The blood drained from his face when Uly claimed that one of the Hogwarts students was out.

"I don't think it was that bad; I mean, Adrian was just feeling a little nauseous. Do you really think he's done?"

2011-07-23, 04:34 PM

Uly licks her lips after thinking for a moment. "I was only told what I told you, really, so I don't know how long he'll be out for, but I think we're applying for the event after this meal, and if he isn't back by then..." She trailed off, sure her sentence could be finished by any of the other students.

2011-07-23, 04:44 PM
Darren nods along sadly saying I hope for the best for him and we shall know soon what needs to be done for him.

2011-07-23, 04:52 PM
Once everyone is gathered Hjalmar rise from his seat to speak. "I'd like to begin with a few words. First to thank you all, Honoured guests, Students and teachers, for being here tonight on the opening feast of the Triwizard tournament. Mimers Brunn are honoured to be able to host this legendary event, and I hope that we can provide a suitable challenge to the competing champions. As for those of you who are not forunate enough to make champions, I hope that you still will find your stay here as challenging and educational as possible." He pause for a moment. "Now without further ado. Let the feast begin!"

The students immediately begin to grab of the food that appear out of thin air. The feast consists of several dishes, small pieces of herring, with numerous sauces to go with them, smoked, cured and cooked salmon, pieces of roasted boar and oxen, Meatballs. There are also potatoes, boiled, fried and mashed. Several sauces can also be found on the table, as well as small bowls of red berries that have been mashed into jam.

2011-07-23, 04:54 PM
Darren claps enthusiastically at the food magically appearing before him. As the strong odor wafts over him he asks Uly I know you speak Swedish so I was wondering do you happen to know about any of their local food I should try?

2011-07-23, 05:05 PM

"Well..." Uly takes her time to look over all of the food that has been summoned, disappointed by the lack of any kind of fruit, save for the jam. "Well, I'd suggest trying the Stekt strömming." She says, gesturing to a dish of herring on the table, taking a small flask off of her person and unscrewing the top, before taking a gulp and replacing it back to where it was. "I'll just have some salmon chunks." She says, raising her wand and casting a summoning charm, bringing the chunks of salmon towards her, where she catches them with her mouth.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-23, 05:15 PM
"Well, this food isn't stereotypical at all," Leon remarks. He takes generous helpings of potatoes and meat, taking several unfamiliar sauces just to try them. Noticing Uly's flask, he gives her a quizzical look.

"Are you drinking? I get that we're old enough, but under the circumstances..."

2011-07-23, 05:21 PM
The prefect wasn't sure what some of the food was, or what it would taste like. Tentatively, Fimble takes a helping of the meat and potatoes. Looks harmless enough... The last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself in front of his hosts by acting like a picky child.

2011-07-23, 05:21 PM

Uly stops her third chunk of salmon, letting it hover in the air in front of her mouth as she flashes a full smile at Leon. "It's butterbeer. I only drink what I've retrieved myself; just something I realized I should do a few years ago. You know, when other students our year discovered hormones, and thus love potions?"

2011-07-23, 05:36 PM
Darren eagerly digs into the food that Uly suggested. While it certainly was a bit weird it did taste good and it went a long way to filling his belly.

Upon hearing Uly's comment Darren slowed his eating so he had no food in his mouth and said Well I for one know that you didn't need a potion to make a guys head turn.

2011-07-23, 05:43 PM

Uly let the third piece of salmon come into her mouth and chewed it slowly. "Well, I thought it best to be safe." She says after finishing it. "There are all kinds of things that can be done with potions, even I know that." She ceases eating any of the food on the table, deciding instead to wait for dessert to feed her sweet tooth.

2011-07-23, 06:23 PM
((Sorry, I was gone for a little while))
Marcus sits with the Freja students and digs in to the meatballs. He finds the food delicious. During a lull in the feast, he turns to Erik. "So, what's it like here at Mimers Brunn?"

2011-07-23, 06:51 PM
Well I know that Well you don't have to worry about any of us slipping you a potion.

2011-07-23, 07:03 PM
Erik looks up from his plate as Marcus spoke. "It's fine. I like it here. I can't imagine it being much different from Hogwarts. Well... There are some things that may be different, I suppose. Like, for instance, I hear they don't really allow dark arts in England, is that true?"

2011-07-23, 07:05 PM

Uly taps her perfectly sculpted nose. "Ah, but complacency kills." She laughs. "Thanks for the gesture though."

2011-07-23, 08:09 PM
Marcus swallowed his food and looked at Erik in mild surprise. "Well, no. They are dark, after all. Why, are they
more acceptable here?"

2011-07-23, 08:18 PM
Erik shrugs "Well...Less reputable magic have always been part of life in Mimers Brunn. Some of the teachers can't even move around in sunlight... well, I don't know if that's true, but they refuse to do so"

2011-07-23, 08:20 PM
Marcus pales a little as he grabs a piece of meat from the table. "What- do you mean you have vampires here? This meat is good, what is it?"

2011-07-23, 08:31 PM
Darren comments saying So they teach Dark Arts here? Also wow that's really different than what we have. So what do you guys learn here?

2011-07-23, 08:34 PM

The Slytherin realizes that she might as well join in with the conversation, or at least listen to it. She leans in and watches the Mimers Brunn student, anticipating an answer.

2011-07-23, 08:40 PM
"Well, no, not vampires. There are teachers who are Ghasts though. They are like ghosts, right? Only they inhabit a body and are very dangerous." Erik says. "They teach us to communicate with them, and learn from them. It's really difficult at times, since many of them are centuries old."

He takes a pause. "And I believe that's moose meat"

2011-07-23, 08:46 PM
"Um, okay. I've never heard of a Ghast before... We have a ghost at our school, but he's rather boring." Marcus takes a bite of moose. "It's good. How do you hunt it, with magic, or more traditional methods?"

2011-07-23, 08:48 PM

Uly takes a sudden interest in observing the Professors seated at the end of the hall, getting a good look because she chose this table to be near them.

2011-07-23, 09:38 PM
Darren's interest piques up and he says You say teach you to communicate with them. How is it different than you talking to me?

2011-07-24, 06:07 AM
Erik turns to Darren "Well, it's not, really when I think about it. Old ghosts are just harder to understand. They do teach us necromancy though, and some curses and similar. Not a lot, It's mostly just theory, but some."


The teachers are chatting amongst themselves. Hjalmar Stengel is sitting in the middle of the table, discussing something with who appears to be the youngest of the teachers. An attractive woman with dark brown hair that's been tied up in a ponytail behind her head. She's wearing a red and black robe. Her discussion with the headmaster have caused her to frown deeply.

Next to her is a very tall man, wearing dark blue robes. He is bald and with several hideous scars covering his face. His gray eyes are scanning the room. Talking with, or rather to, him is another woman. This one short and probably the one with the most colorful robe of them all, a mix of gree, blue, red and yellow. She is a gray-haired woman with a very wrinkled face. on her head rests a purple pointed hat.

Next to them are two more teachers. One is an elderly man with gray and black robes. He wears a set of spectacles on his crooked nose. He seem to be gulping down excessive amounts of drink. He is talking with a man in his thirties, or forties, with short pitch black hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a green vest over white shirt.

On the other side of the headmaster sit another man. This one is blonde and is wearing a pair of glasses. He is clean, shaved, and handsome. He is wearing a simple brown robe with black embroidery. He is talking to another woman, this one somewhat older, with a purple robe. She's likely the roundest of all the teachers. A third man, this one gray haired with a long beard, is listening to their discussion. He is wearing a white robe that is adorned with dark blue embroidery.

Finally in the corner of the teacher's table is a woman, sitting by herself. She's wearing a completely black set of robes. Otherwise her appearance is almost identical to the woman who is talking to the headmaster.

McGonagall and the headmasters of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are also sitting by the teacher's table, talking among themselves.

2011-07-24, 06:35 AM

Uly looks over the table for anything to write on, and, finding a few empty notes, takes one of the quills from the ink pot placed in the center of each table. She scribbles a message on the note, before folding it gently into the form of a phoenix and writing something on one of its wings. Holding it in the air, she whispers "Depulso.", and touches the tip of her wand to her construct. The paper phoenix flies over to the professor's table with ease, landing in front of Headmaster Hjalmar.

For the GM:
The wing says: For the Potions Master - Unfold

Inside says: Dear Potions Master of Mimers Brunn, I am in possession of a vial of phoenix tears, of which I may be willing to trade a few drops. If you're interested, please find me.

Ulyana Hark, Hogwarts Champion candidate.

2011-07-24, 06:46 AM
The headmaster seem puzzled by the paper phoenix that lands in front of him. He picks it up and looks at it for a moment before handing it to the woman he is talking to.

The woman accepts the bird with a word from the headmaster. She holds it in front of her face to admire the folded paper bird for a short while before unfolding it.

2011-07-24, 08:58 AM
Marcus nods and takes another bite of steak before surveying the table for something else interesting. "So, you're learning ancient magic from these creatures?"

2011-07-24, 09:29 AM
"Powerful magic? Oh yeah... well, if you can convince them. Mostly it's just history teaching." Erik says.

2011-07-24, 12:08 PM

Uly twists her wand in her hand briefly as she listens to what Erik has to say, happy that the message she wrote had been received at the very least. "Anything particularly interesting?" She asks the boy from Mimers Brunn, before she feels the tickling of cold air against the back of her hand.

2011-07-24, 12:13 PM
As most people have begun to finish with their main meals there is a sudden gust of wind as the food on the tables are replaced by a wide range of desserts. On the table you can see several kinds of homemade icecream, pies containing fruit and berries of various kind, several cakes, both small and big. There are also trays of cheese and fruit on the table now.

As the students dig in on the desserts Hjalmar stand up again to speak. "I think it's time to reveal the first step of the tournament. Namely the means which the champions are chosen." He says and gestures to the empty space in front of the teachers table. Suddenly a rush of heat flow through the room as a marble pedestal appear ,on the floor, as if formed by flames. On top of the pedestal stand a giant goblet, seemingly made of dark wood. In, and around the edges, of the goblet clear blue flames burn and casts its light on the floor.

"The Goblet of Fire! The champions of the Tournament are choses by this artifact. All of you, from the competing schools who wishes to participate may now proceed to enter your name on a piece of paper and place it in the Goblet. You may do so at any time during the next couple of days. Be warned though, the contest is one of immense danger. Do not enter unless you think yourself capable to best the challenges that lie ahead. As of this moment, The Triwizard Tournament has begun! Thank you." He sits back down again.

One of the Durmstrang students, a tall man with short black hair, immediately rise from his seat to approach the Goblet.

2011-07-24, 12:20 PM

Uly immediately scribbled her name on to one of the notes sitting on the table amongst the fruit, before spinning as best she could into a standing stance, her body disappearing in silence, before reappearing directly in front of The Goblet of Fire. The Slytherin drops her name with the tips of her fingers into it, smiling broadly as she turns around and walks past the approaching Durmstrang students.

2011-07-24, 02:04 PM
Darren quickly grabs a small piece of paper from nearby and writes his name out. Quickly he rises and gives a sharp stare to the Durmstrang boy going to the goblet. With confidence he walks up and looks into the goblet as the flames flicker back and forth. He thinks This is the moment. My time to show what I am to not only my school, to my parents, but also myself as well. It's time to make all of them proud.With that Darren takes his hand holding the note and holding it close to the flame releases it so the note absorbs his name and hopefully chooses him.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-24, 02:41 PM
Leon, silently glad that he wasn't the first Hogwarts student to put his name in, scribbles it down on a scrap of parchment close to him, and walks to the goblet, trying not to run. He lets it drift in, almost too nervous to wonder what kind of enchantment is used on the goblet. He's not that nervous, though, and checks the flames for heat and does a brief inspection before sitting back down.

2011-07-24, 03:25 PM
There can be no turning back now. Fimble wrote his name neatly on a note, and then strode resolutely toward the goblet. He tried hard not to imagine the stares of the other students. The prefect held the note over the flames, then dropped it in. He gives the collected students, especially the candidates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, a smile that was almost, but not quite challenging. "May the best witch or wizard win."

2011-07-24, 08:59 PM
Carefully writing out his name, Marcus takes a slip of parchment and walks up to the Goblet. He takes a deep breath and drops his name in.

2011-07-24, 09:03 PM

Uly approaches Darren around the tables. "I'm going to get some rest. Remember, midnight." She says, as she wordlessly summons and severs an orange and an apple with her wand, holding them in her hand as she leaves the hall, eating them individually.

Once out of the hall, she heads straight towards her quarters. She casts a spell around her bed to warn her of anyone getting too close, before lying down on top of the bed and closing her eyes, to sleep until just before midnight.

2011-07-24, 09:11 PM
Darren smiles and watches her amble off. Then he grabs a light bite to eat and runs up into his room. His mind races as he thinks about what the coming night will have. He dozes off and on thinking about what shall come.

2011-07-24, 09:12 PM
Marcus turns to the other Hogwarts students. "Midnight?" he whispers, "What's at midnight?"

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-24, 11:36 PM
Leon turns to Marcus, having finished his ice cream.

"I'm not sure, actually. Maybe it's when we're meeting to discuss the tournament, but they haven't told us that they chose a meeting place."

Leon frowned, pushing around the melted remains at the bottom of his bowl with his spoon, then looked up, with something like determination in his eyes.

"I guess we'll discuss it tomorrow. Sorry, uh, Erik, right? Would you mind pointing me to the infirmary?"

2011-07-25, 05:42 AM
Fimble returned to the dormitory as well. With the day essentially at an end, he was able finish his letter to Liv. The prefect lay down to try and sleep. With the selection of the champion on his mind, he would find it difficult.

2011-07-25, 08:41 AM
The hall is quieter now, with most of the students leaving for their dormitories. The Goblet of fire is still standing in front of the room, the blue flames shedding it's light on the floor and walls. One of the Beauxbatons students take the opportunity, now that there is no queue, to place a note with her name in the Goblet

Erik looks up from his bowl as Leon speak. "uh... Sure. In fact, I can do one better and show you." He says and push the bowl away before standing up.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-25, 10:46 AM
Leon pushed his bowl away, glancing around the rapidly emptying hall.

"Thanks," he said, as he stood up, ready to go.

2011-07-25, 01:18 PM
"Right this way, then" Erik says and begin to lead Leon through the school corridors. He leads you upstairs to the second floor and to the infirmary wing.

The room you enter is large with several rows of beds placed on the wooden floor. Most of them are empty, but there are two patients in here. One of them is the unconscious Adrian, who is being tended to by a white clad nurse.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-25, 05:43 PM
Leon reached the infirmary right behind Erik. He turned to him with a friendly smile. "Thanks, you can go. I can get back to the Tyr dorms."

He glanced briefly at the other bed, wondering who it was, then moved over to Adrian's bed. "How's he doing?" he asked the nurse. "Do you know what's wrong with him?"

2011-07-25, 06:03 PM
The nurse looks up from her work at Leon. "Oh, he's fine. He's sleeping soundly as you can see. We suspect it was a side-effect from the long train ride. Too much magic at once" She says and flashes a reassuring smile. "We'll keep him under observation in here for the night, but he should be fit for tomorrow."

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-25, 08:37 PM
"Thank you," Leon said, returning the smile. He returned to the Tyr dorms, exhausted, and quickly fell asleep.

2011-07-25, 09:27 PM
Marcus excused himself from the nearly empty table. Wondering where Darren and Uly could have gone, he went to the Freja dorms and fell quickly to sleep.

2011-07-26, 08:22 AM

You wake up in the infirmary of the school. The room is brightly lit, with the sun shining through the many windows. There is one other student in here, a sickly pale boy who's laying in the bed across from yours, he appears to be sleeping. Among the rows of beds you can see two nurses in white robes moving. One of them is carrying bedsheets in a basket. The other, a blonde woman, approach you. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"She asks with a soft voice.


The Freja dorms are quiet in the morning. Most of the Mimers brunn students seem to have gone for breakfast already. On the nightstand besides your bed you find a note containing a detailed schedule for the day. The first class seem to be potions.


You awaken to some ruckus out in the Tyr common room. Judging by the sound it's an argument between two people. You are unable to distinguish any words spoken however. You notice a piece of paper laying on the nightstand besides your bed, a schedule for the day.


Ulyana onlyYou dream of a dark room that is filled with six beds placed on the floor, it seem to be a dormitory that is very similar to the one you sleep in. You are watching the room from up above the ceiling. You can see your body, a dark, shadowy, form move downwards towards one of the beds. In it you see Leon laying, thrashing in his sleep. An intense hunger rush through you as you approach him.

Suddenly the door blasts open. The teacher you saw standing guard last night is standing there, wand raised. She utters a word and a bolt of pure blue flame shoot out towards you. The flames burn with an intense pain for a moment...

...You awaken with a jump in the dormitory room, the pain in your chest quickly subsiding. Cold sweat is running down your back. You spot a schedule on the nightstand as you look around. The room is quiet and mostly empty except for the beuxbatons student you saw earlier. She looks at you with her blue eyes. "Are you alright?" she says with her french accent, a hint of concern in her voice.


You wake up early to the sound of footstep and muffled voices. As you look around in the room you see two of the students in the room with you. You overhear them discussing something regarding the potions master. A written schedule has been placed on your nightstand.


You wake up to a loud shriek of a girl coming from the common room. The durmstrang studen who is sharing the room with you quickly get up from his bed and leave the room to investigate, grabbing his wand on the way out.

2011-07-26, 08:32 AM

Uly scrubs her eyes with the back of her hand, taking in a deep breath as she looks towards the girl from Beauxbatons, and reaches for her wand. "Well, I'm no Merlin, but I think I'm pretty good." She says with a smirk, pulling herself out of her bed with some effort. The Slytherin removes the charms around her bed with a flick of her wand. She climbs out and begins to get dressed, sitting down on her bed once she's done so, and laies one of the cloaks of a Dementor across her lap, examining it with her wand.

2011-07-26, 08:38 AM
Darren wakes up grasping his wand to the shrill high scream of a girl. He runs out of his bedroom just his jeans on with his wand ready to blast his way past anything. As he runs out he throws on an old tee shirt.

2011-07-26, 09:15 AM

"Ah, well, that is good." the Beuxbatons student says with a smile before she moves behind a screen to get dressed. Once she emerges again she's wearing her blue uniform and pointed hat.

What is that?She then asks and gestures towards the cloak in your lap.


You rush out to the common room to see one of the female students sitting, curled up, in a corner behind a small pillar. She's pale and trembles somewhat from fear.

The durmstrang student is holding his wand raised towards the open doorway, looking alarmed. Shadows in the corridor outside indicate that something is moving outside the common room, something large.

2011-07-26, 09:25 AM
Darren looks at the Durmstrang student and raises his own wand to the shadows. He mutters Lumos to break apart the darkness near them and see what is there. He then says Shall we then?

OOC: Lumos check to see and pierce through the shadows [roll0]

2011-07-26, 09:27 AM

Uly shrugs nonchalantly, running her fingers through the cloak once again. "Killed a few Dementors, kept their cloaks. The usual thing you do on holiday." She says with a grin. "Want them?"

2011-07-26, 10:07 AM
Marcus gets out of bed and goes to take a shower. When he returns, he puts on his school uniform, feeling that a good impression still has to be made. Afterward, he grabs his schedule and goes down to breakfast, hoping to find a familiar face to direct him to potions.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-26, 10:21 AM
Leon sits up, alarmed. He scrambles out of bed, stubbing his toe in the process. Still blinking the sleep from his eyes, he pulls on worn jeans, a t-shirt for a Muggle band, and his combat hat. Stuffing his wand and his schedule in his pockets, he rushes out of the common room to see what the fuss is about.

2011-07-26, 11:02 AM

The Beuxbatons student look at the cloak for a moment before shaking her head. "Non. Merci for the offer though" She says and smiles. She then picks up the paper on her nightstand and looks at it "ugh... potions this early in the morning... inhumane" She mumbles.


The Durmstrang student nods and slowly approach the doorway, with the wand pointing in front of him. Whatever it is that hides around the corner let's out a cold hizzing sound, quickly followed by footsteps that move away from the doorway at a high pace.

The Durmstrang student take the opportunity to quickly rush out into the corridor, aiming his wand down the hall.


You arrive to the great hall where the feast was held yesterday. The tables are filled with students of Mimers Brunn. You spot the familiar face of Erik sitting by a corner of a table.


You arrive to the common room to see a girl shouting something in swedish at two male students. She is looking very angry, probably caused by the clear splash of color that is in her hair. The two boys are laughing, as they avoid the objects thrown by the girl.

2011-07-26, 11:13 AM
Darren rushes out his wand at the ready and looks all around trying to spot the creature to see if it is hiding.

2011-07-26, 11:15 AM

Uly looks at the schedule beside her bed briefly, before stuffing it into one of the pockets of her uniform. She pushes the cloak back into her backpack, along with her robes, before spinning on the spot, apparating silently into the Hall to eat her breakfast. She sits down once again near the teachers, observing the food available.

Dr. Roboto
2011-07-26, 11:29 AM
Leon drew his wand, but kept it at his side in a loose grip. Normally, he would charge in, but here, he didn't want to draw undue attention to himself, and didn't even know the punishment for fighting. He looks around the room for anyone to ask what's going on who isn't involved in the argument, and also looks for any statues or other large objects, in case the argument escalates.

2011-07-26, 11:33 AM

You see nothing in the corridor. Whatever it was the creature is long gone now. The durmstrang student goes back into the common room, pocketing his wand.


You sit down close to the teacher's table, you notice that the teacher who guarded the school last night is missing. On the table is an assortment of various food. Several kinds of bread, ranging from dark sourdough to buns of white bread. There is also several cheeses and thin slices of cut meats, and both fried and boiled eggs. You also see several kinds of cereal and muesli, to which you can add milk or a thicker liquid that is akin to yoghurt.There are also small pots of jam, sugar and cinnamon on the tables, as well as cut pieces of vegetables like cucumber and paprika.


You spot another girl who is sitting in a corner, as far away from the argument as possible. She's looking at the fight, having been distracted from her reading.

The arguing group noticeably restrain themselves as they notice you are there. It is clear that the girl is still furious at the boys though, as she glares at them.

2011-07-26, 11:34 AM
Darren shakes his head and puts his wand back inside his jeans pocket. He turns to the Durmstrang boy and says That was strange wasn't it? I'm Darren by the way.

2011-07-26, 11:45 AM

Uly takes a few white buns from the table, and begins to tear small pieces off, nibbling on them absentmindedly, thinking of other things. Particularly the Professor who was missing from the table. While sure it was none of her business, and that it was probably nothing important anyway, she decides to have a bit of fun. Drawing her wand, she says clearly, but not loud enough to draw much attention, "Accio that Professor's wand."

Taking twenty on the spell check. Trying to summon the wand of the Professor I saw the night before.

Some Concentration rolls for the following rounds, if applicable.


Dr. Roboto
2011-07-26, 11:48 AM
Leon, noticing the subdued argument, figures that they had been warned about making a bad impression to the students from the other schools. He keeps his wand out, and sits down next to the girl in the corner, figuring that as long as he's there, they may just disperse.

"What's their problem?" he asked.

2011-07-26, 01:18 PM

The Durmstrang student turns to Darren. "Gusztav" He says in an east European accent and extends his hand toward Darren. "And yes. I have no idea what that was" he then adds while looking back at the doorway with a puzzled look.


You cast your spell quietly, only one student sitting immediately to your right seem to notice anything, but simply shrugs. At first nothing happens but soon you can see an object flying through the main entrance to the hall and towards you.

The pale, almost white, wand falls with a clatter down on the table in front of you, almost knocking a goblet over in the process.


The girl turns her face to you as you sit down. "hm? oh, the boys were just having some "fun" with her. Naturally she does not agree with the definition of fun, seeing as she'll now have to clean that color out of her hair" She says. "It happens a lot, unfortunately. I don't understand why they keep harassing her"she then adds and sighs.

Meanwhile the two boys have left, presumably to get some breakfast. The other girl has started sobbing by another table, trying to clean her hair out with a charm.

2011-07-26, 01:24 PM

Uly frowns to herself as she picks up the wand, holding it in her left hand and her own in her right. She stands up, wands in hand, and approaches the Professor's table, the look on her face perfectly calm as she approaches the Headmaster first. "Excuse me, Headmaster, I'm ever so sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but I think perhaps one of your Professors is missing." She says, holding the Professor's wand so it's clearly visible.

2011-07-26, 01:35 PM

The headmaster look up from his bowl of muesli. He at first looks at the wand in your hand, but then turns to look directly into your eyes. "Not at all, it is important. Tell me, why-..."he begins before the teacher next to him interrupts. "Where did you get her wand!?" she demands with a somewhat raised voice.

2011-07-26, 01:38 PM

Uly looks to the Professor she had sent a note to the day before. "Well, there's this thing I do, and through it I saw her in some kind of danger. Then she was missing here, so...accio," She imitates the hand movement. "And here's the wand. Which means I think she might be incapacitated somewhere."

2011-07-26, 01:46 PM

"Calm down, professor." Hjalmar says and hold out his hand towards you, palm up. "May I have the wand a moment?" He asks in a calm voice.

The other professor stands up, with a hint of concern on her face, and steps to the window that is directly behind her to stare at the grounds outside.

2011-07-26, 01:51 PM

Uly hands the wand over to the Headmaster, looking briefly out of the window as well.

Spot, because why not?


2011-07-26, 02:04 PM

The headmaster accepts the wand and examines it closely for a few moments. He then reach inside his robe to pull out his own wand, pointing it at the professor's wand he mumbles "Prior Incantato" a connection seem to be formed between the wands. The headmaster furrow his brow for a moment as he analyze the otehr wand. "It seems the last spell to be cast with her wand was stupefy" He says before releasing the spell.

You look out the window but see nothing but the open grounds, with the tower clearly visible in the distance.

"She may have been dueling someone. Try the dueling pit" The headmaster says after a pause, looking over his shoulder to the other professor. She turns around quickly and holds her hand out to the headmaster, who placed the wand in her hand. The female professor then disapparate with a red light.

2011-07-26, 02:18 PM

"That's a flashy way to disapparate, isn't it, Headmaster?" Uly asks with a smile, trying to make casual conversation with him. "I prefer not to make it too obvious, myself. Can you apparate?"

2011-07-26, 02:32 PM
"Flashy way to apparate, yes. She's a strange woman that way." the headmaster says "I prefer much more subtle apparations when I travel" the then adds."I hope that answered your question"

2011-07-26, 02:37 PM

"It did at that, sir." Uly leans against the table some, so she doesn't have to stand constantly. "Do you think this will delay the Potions class?"

2011-07-26, 03:02 PM

The headmaster ponders this question for a moment. "It may. though I wouldn't count on much delays." He finally says.

2011-07-26, 03:04 PM

"Why's that, Headmaster?" Uly asks, far more curious about the current situation of the other Professor than that of Potions; it had never been a strong suite of hers.

2011-07-26, 03:06 PM
Darren says to Gusztav Nice to meet you then. Hopefully next time we see each other it won't be because of a girl screaming. Anyway I'm off to breakfast. Beating dementors take a lot out of you.With that Darren leaves to grab his robe and head downstairs keeping his eye out for anyone he knows.

2011-07-26, 03:23 PM

"Because Tove, the potionsmaster is very good at searching for people and things. Not only that, but she's also punctual" the headmaster says "We'll see. In worst case scenario the class is cancelled today"


You arrive to the great hall and notice that it's ratehr full of people. You see two people you recognize. One is Marcus who is by one of the tables. The other is Ulyana who seem to be talking to the headmaster.

2011-07-26, 03:25 PM

"I'd hope all of your Professors are punctual, Headmaster. Uly says with a wink. "But you say she's good at finding people? Is that a magical talent she's learned?"

2011-07-26, 03:26 PM
Darren strides over to Marcus yawning and cupping his hand over his mouth as he does so. As he sits next to him he quickly bites into the first thing he sees. Then he says So how did you sleep?

2011-07-26, 03:33 PM

The headmaster laughs briefly "Yes, I hope so too. They are, it's just that She is punctual to the extreme. As for her talents for finding things, yes, I believe it's of magical nature" he says.

2011-07-26, 03:40 PM

The Slytherin girl suddenly becomes much more interested, though not many could see the small twinkle in her eyes at being told this. "It is? Those sound like some very useful talents, Sir. Speaking of, you don't mind me taking action, do you? I just thought I may as well use some deduction, in case your Professor really is in danger."

2011-07-26, 03:45 PM

"Do I mind? No, of course not. In fact, I should thank you for informing me. I'll be sure to talk to McGonagall regarding suitable rewards... unless of course, you have any suggestions for a boon?" The headmaster says.