View Full Version : Mansions of Madness [Team 3](IC)

2011-07-21, 12:56 PM
(Link to the OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205340))

Chapter I

The Man That Wasn't There.
Thought of the Day:
There is nothing to fear but failure.

It came as quite a shock when the servo-skull floated to your side, whirring in the air, and informed you that Inquisitor Soldevan himself had summoned you to his private library for a meeting.

Though only (relatively) recently employed in his service, you’d rarely heard of anyone entering his sanctum and disturbing his privacy. All in all a reclusive man, he devoted himself to his studies- and tolerated neither distractions nor deviations from his rigidly prepared schedule.

As such, whatever the Inquisitor wanted was certainly rather important.

But why wouldn't it be? After all, you (And your cell) had developed quite a reputation as rising stars within his ranks, despite his high (and peculiar) standards. Though thus far restricted to local investigations on Malfi, you'd never found yourselves lacking work (the planet being a breeding ground fpr heresy on levels)- perhaps you're diligence and success had finally caught the Inquisitor's attention?

Following the Servo-skull, you reach the massive white doors of Soldevan’s study: an area as elusive and ominous as his private laboratory at the bottom of the headquarters. Unlike those hallways, from which screams of agony were rumored to echo, here it was always deathly quiet.

“You may enter” The Servo-skull’s cold, mechanical voice, barely a whisper, distracts you from your thoughts just as the doors silently swing open, despite their size: a testament to the peace and quiet the Inquisitor enforced on this particular floor.

You enter the library and find yourselves immersed in the smell of old books and papers. All around you, rows upon rows of tomes fill the countless shelves and bookcases lining the walls. Stacks of them tower here and there, piled up alongside reams of disheveled papers, giving you a glimpse at the Inquisitor’s notorious thirst for knowledge and information.

Ahead of you, His chair sits unused behind his desk. He must be somewhere within the aisles.

Navigating across the books, you hear the rustling of pages beyond a nearby bookcase and the faint whirring of a servo’s skull propellers. Rounding the corner, you spot his immaculate uniform at the end of the aisle. Though his back is turned to you, you can also hear him flipping the pages of a book.

“I am going to be brief.” He says, then shuts the book and hands it to the Servo-skull nearby. It grabs it with a metallic pincer before darting off somewhere out of your line of sight.

“I have called you here today...” He begins, before turning to face you, his eyes passing from acolyte to acolyte as if gauging your collective worth's. “Because there is no one else available on such sort notice.” His tone is serious; his gaze stern. Soldevan's honesty was disarming but not totally unexpected. Unlike other Inquisitors, he kept a modest staff and retinue, favoring quality over quantity.

“I have just received a message, not too long ago...” He continues, stressing that last part. “From a good friend of mine that requires immediate assistance...”

Coming from the distance, you hear the Servo-skull’s familiar whirring seconds before it floats back into the aisle carrying a closed folder. He takes and withdraws from within the pict of an elegantly dressed, twenty-something year old young man with blond hair, blue eyes but plain features.

“This is a Andreyus Keetling.” He says "A member of the nobility- who has, according to his sister, been missing for two weeks."

“Sarah Keetling has just contacted me, quite distraught: she fears foul play.” He explains "Local Arbites and Enforcers have been unable, or unwilling, to find any leads, as such, she's turned to me... and I am sending you to investigate."

“I expect you to travel to Prudenza, a small coastal hive here on Malfi. It used to be a prominent port-town until an accident shattered the rail systems connecting it to the rest of the hive, leaving it rather isolated and making it a difficult location from which to transport large quantities of goods. Though repairs started years ago, they are nowhere near complete. The hive has been more or less cast aside by the Administratum... It's now a hotbed of criminal activity.

"One more thing you should keep in mind during your investigation. Your well aware that Vendettas are commonplace between the planet's Elite, and though Prudenza is isolated; these nobles are all connected- by ilk or marriage. Your findings, or indiscretions, could spark a blood feud across the entire planet. Be sure to remain subtle, discreet- regardless of your suspicions. Do not go flaunting your allegiance: if word of Our involvement were to spread, it might have unpleasant repercussions.

I have secured you transportation to the hive- Head up the landing pad when you’re ready, you'll be leaving this as soon as possible. – However, once you reach the hive, you’ll have to fend for yourselves until you find him.

First, you’ll want to meet with Sarah Keetling, Andreyus’ sister: she’ll tell you whatever she knows- You'll get her coordinates in the Arvus.

Any questions?”

2011-08-01, 07:21 PM
Xanthia nods, "I am rather known in many circles for a rather flamboyant appearance and style." She looks at the others, "Any of you good at creating alternate identities, I think I need to tone down my looks and my gear."

2011-08-02, 01:05 AM
"I, said Nikolaos, severe as always, "believe that the easiest way to do that would be to cease wearing bright colours." It was, of course, something the old adept was already doing. Nikolaos was almost habitually dull, any sense of humour he may have had long ago burned out by working in the Munitorum.

"I have no questions but one, my lord. Is there any additional information you could provide us about the city we will be going to, or the Keetlings themselves? I prefer to go into somewhere knowing a little about it."

2011-08-07, 06:08 PM
Torrian rubbed the small, trimmed beard he sported, absently, while listening to Inquisitor Soldevan's briefing. A missing person, a noble even more and one with personal ties of friendship to an Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus. Hmmm....people can be pretty stupid, either that, or very capable, to try and harm the sibling of such a lady.
In any case no hive was like Volg, even though Malfi had the nastiest reputation this side of the subsector. No matter, they had a duty to do and they'd do it.

He took a deep breath, trying to put his scattered thoughts in order, looked around to the others who would accompany to this assignment and nodded, both to them and to Inquisitor Soldevan.

"Understood sir. Undercover approach, covert operation procedures, avoidance of anything that could tip anyone, apart from the grieving lady, of our true identity. Thorough and careful investigation with a minimum of fuss and casualties. Will try as always to execute your orders and uphold the Emperor's law and will".

2011-08-08, 02:18 PM
Xanthia nods, "I am rather known in many circles for a rather flamboyant appearance and style." She looks at the others, "Any of you good at creating alternate identities, I think I need to tone down my looks and my gear."

"Prudenza has been off the main administratum grid ever since the accident: any alternate identities will mostly have to be created and added into the local system over there."

"I have no questions but one, my lord. Is there any additional information you could provide us about the city we will be going to, or the Keetlings themselves? I prefer to go into somewhere knowing a little about it."

"Unfortunately, you'll have to make due without a detailed dossier. Luckily, there's not much to say that you won't quickly find out on your own.

There's even less to say about the Keetlings- they keep to themselves and avoid exposure."

This was true: having spent some time on Malfi, you were all quite aware of the particularities of the local nobility. But the Keetlings were different- almost unknown. Their long-standing reputation as a quiet and conservative family (by the planet's standards) has kept them out of sight and out of mind.

Xanthia (Only)

On the other hand, you DID know OF the Keetlings- or at least, your family did. From time to time, you would get invitations to civic or charity events organized by the family- but nothing that had ever been worth the time.

Gime a Common lore (Underworld) while your at it! You've probably heard of Prudenza before.

2011-08-08, 02:37 PM
Xanthia seems to be considering something, however, she shakes her head as if she realized she wasn't aware of the fact or facts she was seeking.

Tarrget Roll (under 61): [roll0]

2011-08-14, 10:58 PM
"I may be able to come up with something to let us pass through a few places more easily. Something simple, I think. Low clearance. Maybe something else a little higher up in case we need to get somewhere we would not otherwise have clearance for." Nikolaos cleared his throat, looking back and forth at the stacks of books.

"If you will excuse me, I will go find some reference materials and get to work. Meet me at the shuttle when we are ready to leave."

2011-08-14, 11:03 PM
Xanthia nods, "If you have an idea of what kind of cover you want to create for me, I can make some purchases of equipment that is less - expensive looking than my own, to keep in character."

2011-08-15, 12:50 AM
"Try to find something austere. Nobody will care about a few low-level administratum functionaries." There was just a hint of bitterness in the adept's voice. The administratum, in Nikolaos' not so humble opinion, did not get enough respect.

2011-08-16, 03:12 PM
Zjen, dressed in one of the many prized dresses her master occasionally gifts her, ponders what she's heard and holds her tome close to her body. It probably looked awkward, seeing such a tall and physically powerful woman in such finery. "If there is a branch of the Ecclesiarchy, or group of Redeemers in the area, perhaps it would be best if I went there, my cover established that way." She suggests quietly, looking up at the Inquisitor somewhat hopefully. "Is there one?"

2011-08-16, 03:26 PM
Lucius Lazul seemed somewhat dissappointed in the current plan. The broad-chested nobleman would not love posing as an administratum drone. It would not suit the generally flamboyant man who usually dressed in silks and exotic furs. Still, he did know how to dress down when he needed to.

"I could probably find us suitable lodging." Lucius had thrones to spare. "And perhaps work the investigation from the streets, if need be." The man did have a gift when it came to dealing with the dregs of society, despite his station.

2011-08-16, 06:15 PM
Xanthia, we'll assume you went off and got any articles of clothing you'd like and gave them to the rest of the team- feel free to expand on this in a separate first section of our future post.

"Unfortunately, Ecclesiarchy presence is small and and fragmented- your likelier to find established parishes of malfian puritans than large organized groups of Redeemers, who would undoubtedly meet considerable opposition should they establish themselves openly in a town like Prudenza.

One more thing: you'll need this in order to access the Keetling Estate." He says and hands one of you a data-slate. "Authorization codes..." He explains.

With that, the Inquisitor wishes you good luck and sends you on your way. With time running short, and Andreyus' life hanging on the balance, you don't waste any time and quickly ready yourselves for the impending mission.

Preparations complete, you make your way to the landing bay at the top of the spire. Soon, you find yourselves standing outside, bathing in the light of one of Malfi’s three moons and a powerful gust of wind blowing across the rooftops.

Directly ahead of you; you spot your “transport”- an old and battered Arvus Lighter: dependable, yet unremarkable. With it, you’ll be able to slip into Prudenza unnoticed: one of the hundreds ships that land in the Port-town daily- despite the broken railway.


All around the Arvus, hooded figures (tech-priests no doubt) raise their arms in supplication, performing rituals of cleansing and maintenance on the vessel; while servitors roll across the floor beeping loudly and flashing signal lights- readying the ship for its journey.

When you approach them, a loud hissing sound rises nearby as the rear boarding ramp slowly comes down, revealing the inner hatch of the ship- your cramped quarters for the next several hours.

No sooner do you enter and settle down that the ramp closes behind you, clamping shut; leaving you momentarily immersed in darkness until a pair of yellow lights flicker on, faintly illuminating your surroundings. A woman’s voices greets you on the surrounding voxes.

“Welcome Aboard this flight to Prudenza; my name is Merica and I’ll be your pilot this evening; expected travel time will be around 8 hours, so we’ll arrive at our destination early tomorrow morning.” She explains, and you feel the ship begin to vibrate as it prepares to lift-off followed by the faint whirring of the exterior propellers.

“Please note the following Address- Keetling Domain, 200th Floor- 4th Quadrant of Spire Temperenza; Lady Sarah will be expecting you during the day.” The ship begins to rumble loudly, interrupting Merica.

“Please strap yourselves in; we’ll be taking off in a few seconds-” You hear her mumbling a prayer to the emperor before she cuts off the link- and the sound of frazzling static is drowned out by the roaring engines of the Arvus as it takes it lifts into the air- and speeds towards its destination.




You arrive several hours later; a smooth journey with no complications (If only things would stay that way). The engines begin to slowly die down as the Arvus lands with a heavy clank, causing you to shake in your seats.

Soon, the hissing hydraulics heralds the opening of the hatch; and a bright light seeps into the hatch from the world beyond. Loud crackling echoes in the distance- Fireworks perhaps? Malfi was, after all, the planet of Festivities and Carnivals- It is only when you peer outside that you notice how wrong you were: the common-folk of Prudenza had long ago lost their drive to celebrate and were now living in a state of near constant misery.

The air here is rank and oppressive; all around you countless people huddle in masses, walking silently over here and over there; towards some destination unknown. Scores of ships rumble in the sky above your heads, while hundreds of workers trample the floor carrying various boxes and crates, both big and small, from warehouse to warehouse; no doubt oblivious to their contents (for those were questions better left unasked around these parts).

In the distance, you spot the source of the crackling- a large chest is sprawled on the ground, its contents shattered beyond recognition, scattered all over the floor. Two men are arguing nearby; fists flaring- ready to come to blows over their spilled cargo. Though no one interferes- tensions run high here and people would rather not meddle.

Behind them, a disheveled man covered in rags, homeless and destitute no doubt, holds up a sign above the crowd: “Rejoice- For He Cometh!” It reads... but the message falls on deaf ears who can only hear the growling of their own stomachs and the dying wails of a slowly agonizing town.

“Good luck.” Merica’s voice crackles on the Vox as you step out into Prudenza proper.

You had barely exited the Arvus when you spot the outline of two uniformed men walking towards you, probably workers coming to check the Arvus's papers. You could slip out into the crowd and avoid them, or just wait and present your passports. Security did seem surprisingly lax...

So; you guys have the address- you can pretty much head there whenever you like- or take the times to establish yourselves: Find a Hotel room, or some such- you can even split up- and more details on investigative skills in the OOC thread.

2011-08-17, 08:33 AM
Once on the Arvus, Nikolaos distributed the papers he had made, explaining their purpose as he went along. There were two sets for each of them, one for simple administration drones, and a second set for a senior medicae and his personal staff of retainers. The second, obviously, would afford a different (and likely higher) level of access to various facilities. The adept had done his work thoroughly, though that was nothing new.

"The idea with these," he explained, "is that nobody will pay much attention to low-level data-entry clerks and the like. We will use those sets of papers for basic identification, and the Medicae's papers for varying other things as needed. Obviously, both identities require some amongst us..." this came with a rather pointed look at the more flamboyant members of the cell: Nikolaos had always been quietly disapproving of extravagance. This, also, was nothing new. "...to adopt a more practical style of dress. I, myself, am styled as either Chora Janus, Scribe, or Senior Medicae Tarsus Demont. Depending, obviously, on which cover I am using at the time. Please take a moment to familiarize yourselves with your own cover identities."

I honselty can't be arsed to come up with eight sets of names and positions, especially considering I'm terrible at naming things. Make up your own as you will. Long as it keeps within the realm of logic on what you could be for each given identity, I won't complain. Promise!

2011-08-28, 04:35 PM
Torrian said goodbye to their pilot, thanking her for the smooth transition to Hive Prudenza and descended from the Arvus Lighter, making sure the other acolytes were all in a good state. As soon as he was on the ground, pulled the hood of the bodyglove, that he wore beneath his clothes, over his head and set his coat straight, having already performed a routine weapons and equipment check before exiting the small but sturdy and unassuming craft.

He thanked Nikolaos for the cover identities he had forged for them. Born in a hive city himself, he knew just how important it was to blend properly in the teeming masses of humanity that inhabited those grotesque and huge layers of hab-blocks that stretched for miles up and down. Well, administratum archivist wasn't a dream job he thought, but certainly one to carry little suspicion or reason for scrutiny should anything happen. In any case, the tall and well built former Arbitrator was more than familiar with alternate identities and the various needs and necessities of a covert operation. Castus Drake, archivist, seconded to Scribe Chora Janus, or Nixios Zane, morgue assistant to the Senior Medicae Tarsus Demont. That would be the set of his alter egos in Prudenza, and even though scholarly professions were definitely not his thing, he eased himself on the thought that his grim demeanour would probably make most people get out of his way while the rest of the cell could do the talking in formal situations. Until things would get complicated that is...They always got complicated damn it...

Torrian pushed those thoughts from his head, tucked the IDs safely inside his coat and walked a bit forth, to get a better view of the place unfolding before them. His trained eyes darted from side to side, scanning the crowd in an attempt to pinpoint anything strange or unusual, anything that could be categorized as a potential threat to the cell's integrity or anything that could confer additional information on Prudenza. Then, he turned to his colleagues and awaited.

Requesting an Awareness check.

2011-09-01, 04:08 PM
Lucius was severely tempted to simply slip into the shambling crowd and dissappear, but if he were noticed, it would cause trouble. There was no need to bring unneccessary suspicion onto himself and his colleagues. And so, the nobleman waited and ready one set of the papers that had been prepared for him.

At present he was dressed in a drab, ill fitting robe which marked him as yet another administrative drone. The volumous fabric did well to hide his muscled frame, and he was careful to stoop a bit, making him look as a tired old man gone to fat. Such was the appearance of Pontius Sulla, Administratum Copyist, or so the identification in his hands declared him to be. The other papers, tucked safely away, named him as Able Silvanus, Obsetricius and assistant to the Senior Medicae.

2011-09-19, 11:09 PM
Torrian (Only)

Scanning your immediate surroundings, you immediately realize that tensions run high in Prudenza.

People walked with lowered heads, looking at the floor, minding their own business- an attempt to avoid conflict in this grim section of the Hive.

Only the dishevelled doom-sayer seemed to stick out of the crowd as he waved his sign in the air. His message was oddly positive and out of place- then again, perhaps it was exactly what this place needed...
The Group:

It takes a few minutes for the two workers to reach your group. Their uniforms, drab and grey, confirm your suspicions and betray their position as Port works. Only instead of questioning you, they move straight past the group without a word and walk up to the Arvus' cockpit...

Seconds after they slip out of sight towards the front of the ship, you can hear them talking to Merica- asking for registration papers, landing permits, cargo-slips... Strangely enough, it didn't seem as if passengers were mentioned- or that your presence was any longer required, if it even had been in the first place....

So, what's the first item of business?

I suggest securing a vehicle and heading off to meet Lady Sarah Keetling asap- but its up to you guys!

2011-09-20, 05:02 AM
"That was easier than expected." Nikolaos gives the port workers a suspicious half glance. The papers were, no doubt, in order. It was time to get out of here before anyone decided to ask them too many questions.

"If anyone has any ideas for transportation, I would like to hear them. I may be able to requisition something, but I would prefer to avoid leaving a paper trail if at all possible."

2011-09-20, 12:47 PM
"If you don't want to leave a trail, your best bet is some form of public transportation. Failing that, we can always walk." Lucius grins mischievously. "Or I could try to aquire something for us." One could only imagine what the roguish nobleman had in mind.