View Full Version : AvB - Arlec

2011-07-21, 07:57 PM
Saladdragon and DM only! All others will be fed to the Dark One.

You find the Drowned Mermaid easily. It is a tavern that specialises in fish meals and fishermen drinks.

At this time the tavern is almost empty. Out of the 14 tables only 4 are occupied. Towards the center of the tavern and surrounded by empty tables as the other patrons have picked quiet corners you see the oranged headed young man.

The young man is approximately 5'5 and 120 pounds. He has wild bright orange hair, frekles all over his face and a calm smile. He is dressed in fine quality travellers clothes though nothing amazing. You can spot a fair amount of masterwork quality items about his person that would probably indicate magical gear and he wears a long sword which is now resting close to his left hand as it leans on the table.

He is alone and seems to have been just finishing a rather rich meal.

As you approach he looks up to you raising an eyebrow but then shrugs and gets up to greet you.

"Oh hello! Are you answering my ad? Thats wonderful! My name is Ishmael but you can call me Ish!" he says pleasantly as he extends his gloved hand.

2011-07-23, 05:53 AM
Bumpy bump!

2011-07-24, 05:32 AM
Entering the Drowned Mermaid, his nose irks at the stench of fish. Mumbling under his breath, "Gods, this place stinks.", Arlec walks towards the young man.

Keeping an eye out on the other patrons, "Greetings, that was the plan, name's Arlec, but you can call me your employee, for a price." Arlec says with a wicked grin, "I hear it's a delicate mission, and that there is a reward innit for me.". Looking at the barkeep, "Wine and some flatbread, thanks." Sitting down on a stool/chair, and looking back at Ishmael, "So what will this mission entail?"

Sorry that it took so long, my internet hasn't been stable lately.

2011-07-24, 07:04 AM
No worries, I hope it gets better ;)

"I like a man that gets down to business immidiatetly. I will tell you three things about me Arlec before we continue. If those are okay with you then we can work together. So here goes. Firstly I am very paranoid... it means you will have to abide with my weird sense of logic some times and accept my crazy ideas as they are..." he pauses to see if you are following.

"The second is... I am not a really good person. But more importantly the people I am against are REALLY BAD people... If you are interested in helping a paranoid not so nice person against a large group of really nasty REALLY evil people that are part of a particular gang... we can work together you and I!" he says his voice lowering significantly.

"Lastly, I serve diffrent patrons in the city. Some good, some bad, some low born, some high born, some rich and some poor. They all have reasons to have one or more grievances with said gang and all wanted to bring down Nemesis upon them. Do you know what Nemesis is? A righteous infliction of retribution in this case personified by me... by us. Money is off course involved as always, fame for those who care to claim it, and off course it is also a matter of accepting a challenge..." his voice has become less joking as time passes and they delve deeper into the discussion. His tone is very soft and low and he does give occasional looks at the other patrons of the inn despite the fact that the table they have chosen is one that is surrounded by other empty ones.

2011-07-24, 07:23 AM
"Paranoid, check.", lowering his voice to a whisper, Arlec says "I can work with evil types, if the pay is right. It's the.. lawful people I can't deal with." Raising an eyebrow, "See that's what I'm unsure about, what will this 'Nemesis' involve?" he remarks.
Waiting for the answer to his question he starts to look around, searching for the barkeep.

2011-07-24, 08:16 AM
The bar tender approaches answering to your call.

"Lawful is required when you need to follow a set of orders in order to achieve a goal. In any case, about the Nemesis part..." he stops as the bartender arrives.

When he is gone he continues.

"The primary aim is the destruction of said gang from top to bottom... hopefully while being able to catch as many of them alive as possible especially their leadership..."

"I can tell you that said gang is wanted by the City Guard. But we do not want them involved nor do I work with them. I have numerous patrons backing me up, in and out of the underworld... and I am setting up the team that will take care of particular important individuals. We need a few of them alive but I dont really care about what happens to the grunts..." he says seriously.

"But now comes the time where you saw me yours... I need information on you mr Arlec. Who are you, what are your affiliations and why should I trust you with this operation?"

2011-07-26, 07:44 PM
Sipping from his wine, Arlec looks almost casual, nonchalant. "The destruction might be fun, if the taking of lives does not take place. Death isn't nescessary, when destruction is undertaken."

No longer sipping, Arlec takes a gulp from his wine. "The guard and I have a mutual agreement. I undertake jobs, and they attempt to catch me. It's good practice. Getting a bit stale though. Will we have any official sanction or will this be entirely undertaken as a unofficial operation?" Taking the last gulp, Arlec finishes off the wine.

"I'm Arlec, by my mothers mouth, and the foster parents I lived with as a teenager. I study the arcane arts, but I've always being good with my hands." Arlec attempts to (Sleight of Hand) slide his reduce person wand in his left sleeve into his hand and flourish it without Ishmael noticing. "My affiliations are currency, and who can pay it. Currently I work as anything-for-hire. And you should trust me for this operation, because you wouldn't be announcing you need help with the Twon Crier unless you really needed it. On the plus side, I hate fighting. Well, I hate causing harm. Well, I hate causing harm to living beings. Well, I hate killing. And you said you needed them alive." Arlec finishes that line of talking with a wink, and then proceeds to chuckle softly.

Sleight of Hand check: [roll0]

2011-07-26, 07:47 PM
Spot: [roll0]

Will edit post depending on results.

The man smiles indeed finding your sleight of hand trick impressive.

"Great to hear that. Well I should tell you I have already recruited two more people for this job but as its not going to be easy I dont mind a third to close the elite part of it..." he says finishing his own glass of water.

"Since we have come to this part of the agreement I can tell you that this was the preliminary stage. Details, names and all that will not be discussed in a tavern in an open space... meet me tomorrow here were I will be briefing you and the other two... I will not be as you see me now off course, the orange hair is a dead give away and only used to make identification easy."

He slips a piece of paper towards you and smiles. "Have another round on me and dont follow me..."

"See you tomorrow then" he says leaving enough money on the table to cover his meal and drink as well as yours, an extra round and a 20% tip.

The piece of paper contains an address in North Market, a time (just after midday), and a small hand drawn symbol of a gloved hand.

2011-07-26, 11:40 PM
Arlec nods as Ishmael explains the secrecy needed and Arlec slides the piece of paper stealthily into his breast pocket. "I'll be there." Arlec slides the money into his hand and leaves enough for the drinks and his meal, but keeps the rest and mumbles, "Dinner and a drink, I'll be keeping that." Arlec thanks the barkeep and promptly leaves.

As he walks around the city, Arlec asks people about the symbol of the gloved hand.

Knowledge Local check: [roll0]
Gather information check: [roll1]
So how much gp did I get? ^_^
The knowledge Local is my own knowledge on the gloved hand.

2011-07-27, 12:36 AM
You get a dozen diffrent answers on the gloved hand. They are all very detailed but none has any great relevance and because of the bredth of information you figure out that this Ishmael probably uses it just as a sign to make sure you recognise him next time rather than a symbol of importance... You hear for example that a couple of Gods use it as a personal symbol in diffrent styles, you hear that a rogue that died years ago used a single glove as a calling sign, many times a gloved hand is used to show trickery and an underground deal.

The tip that you pocket as well as the extra round money comes up to 5gp total.

2011-07-27, 01:50 AM
Arlec walks around the city for a while, and when it's time he visits an tavern and get a good meal and a glass of wine for dinner. He'll go to sleep at the tavern. When he wakes up he'll go visit Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos. Along the way, he will also ask people if there is a shop that sells scrolls and wands nearby.

Gather information: [roll0]

2011-07-27, 02:38 AM
As he walks the streets of Old Town he finds a rather decent family run tavern by the name of Lion and the Mouse. He receives a very good meal and a room to sleep in for 2 gold in total.

On the way to Erbauer's he learns of the Smoking Chauldron a magic consumables store in Old Town.

Generally magic items from the SRD (potions, wands, scrolls etc) are availiable at market price without need to RP it unless you want to...

His footsteps lead him to Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11154253#post11154253)

Post your actions there, try NOT to read what has happened before you in the store please.

2011-09-06, 05:05 AM
Hello, was wondering if you are still at all interested in this game or if you decided to quit/drop or just missed it.

Would appreciate a headsup/update.

Thank you in advance.