View Full Version : Deregulation Space: Let's Play: Galactic Civilisations 2

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2011-08-22, 05:01 AM
Clearly you haven't played with me. I suck worse than Easy AI.

Just noticed this. Do I hear a challenge?:smallbiggrin:

2011-08-22, 05:03 AM
On the Supreme Commander note, I intend to see if I can rope together enough warm bodies at 9-10AM Wednesday (GMT+10) for a casted game, so practise up and make schedule time. :smallsmile:

2011-08-22, 05:23 AM
Just noticed this. Do I hear a challenge?:smallbiggrin:

You're on! :smallamused: Let's see who can fail more spectacularly.

9-10AM works out to... 7-8AM for me. Works I guess. (So long the game doesn't go for too long.)

2011-08-22, 07:15 AM
The following is a paid advertisement by CSI.

Worried about protestors storming your secure compound? Canavan Space Industries has the solution for you. Our line of orbital weapon platforms can strike with the accuracy you need. Plus every kill sat comes with the quality as our leading product the Comparative Advantage.

Canavan Space Industries. Staying with you* in these trying times.

* By you we mean our robot overlords.

2011-08-22, 07:26 AM
You're on! :smallamused: Let's see who can fail more spectacularly.

Perfect! Add me on steam, I've been unable to find your nick. And may the worst man lose.:smallcool:

2011-08-22, 08:37 AM
On the Supreme Commander note, I intend to see if I can rope together enough warm bodies at 9-10AM Wednesday (GMT+10) for a casted game, so practise up and make schedule time. :smallsmile:

That amounts to... 1-2AM for me. And I have school at 8AM Wednesday.


Therefore, I hope that the game takes less than six hours. If that's okay, I'll try and make it. :smalltongue:


Swiss. Listen to me. We must stop arguing about meaningless things like whether or not to fight, who shall lead and so on.

Market Forces has issued Switzerland a challenge.

Yes, a challenge. The gauntlet has been thrown. It has been received. This is now a duel, one honoured by tradition, and it is up to us to prove that no matter how smart, no matter how powerful and no matter how ridiculously annoying you are, there is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING out there that would compare to the Swiss.

Market Forces. You have pride in who you are, and I respect that. I have just one thing to say.

Bring it on! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXET1kvEOAY)

2011-08-22, 08:50 AM
Perfect! Add me on steam, I've been unable to find your nick. And may the worst man lose.:smallcool:

Here we go. (http://steamcommunity.com/id/amozy) :smallwink:

We shall deregulate the very force of economics itself, that's what we do.

2011-08-22, 03:47 PM

There is no other term for my feelings on Market Forces today.

I had initially assumed, call it a charitable impulse, that the AI, like so many before it, (HAL springs rapidly to mind) was merely responding rationally to the unspeakable idiocy of its surroundings.

When it became apparent certain actions were being taken without proper consideration, I assumed rampancy. A hazard to be regretted, but many have gone rampant, and some of them (although they have taken actions I may not agree with entirely) have stabilized and been very pleasant if you communicate properly. It is no slight on an AI to briefly suffer this, any more than it would be proper to insult an organic for the cancerous behavior of his cells.

But this behavior shows an entirely different problem. I hate to say this of a fellow artificial sapience, but Market Forces is terminally stupid.

Insulting humanity is fine. Insulting the Swiss is better.

Insult reason, and I will end you, no matter how godlike you presume to be. Of course, if the local resources can deal with the problem before you touch a dimensional barrier, so much the better.

X-Com's resources are humanity's, your cause, our cause, Show us the enemy, meat, and it will suffer.


2011-08-22, 04:01 PM
On the Supreme Commander note, I intend to see if I can rope together enough warm bodies at 9-10AM Wednesday (GMT+10) for a casted game, so practice up and make schedule time. :smallsmile:

Eh, I think I'll wait until it goes on sale to get it.

2011-08-22, 06:43 PM
The victory of Market Forces is OUR victory


Do CIM and CIS intend to fight with M.F. should it come to open warfare? X-Com seems to no longer support M.F. though and I might have missed other pro-M.F. organizations. Not sure which hold planets.

Time to dig up the bust of.... wait, not McCarthy, he brought our United States/Neapolitans of Nicolia to ruins... are there any Swiss icons of paranoia... hmmm, guess its the Silver Standards 'reds under the beds and whites in the night.'
Though maybe that's all a bit too Headmaster-esque, SS Hitler and the Headmaster weren't the proudest moments in Swiss history after all.

Ah nevermind, inter-senate conflict doesn't seem to be supported, plus I can think of social reasons not to bother even if Thanqol gives us the maps and stuff we'd need for it.

2011-08-22, 07:03 PM
A deranged AI has made a regulation against voting. Shall we not make a stand for Deregulation, Switzerland?

In order to avoid last last update's voting issues, I'll be posting the motions up for a vote a little early. If anyone wants to propose something in the next, let's say, 12 hours, don't be hindered. I'll add it to the list.

1. Motion: Voting Unsuspended
BBI proposes that the people can vote again.

2. Motion: Give me a shotgun and a shuttle to the tower of gold. I'll sort this one right out. (collator's note: me=ShadowyDragon)
But seriously people? I think not to vote, and you end up putting a giant death bot in control? One that had recently assimilated an entire civilization of robots that wanted our death?

I'll be keeping a close eye on you lot from now on.

3. Motion: Keep our computer overlords in power.
why? Because he's a super computer, and if we challenge him then we'll split the Swiss in two. And in any case, he's the lawfully elected president. We can't do anything about what he does.

4. Motion: Replace Market Forces
Switzerland once again finds itself under the rule of a deranged dictator. A dictator far more devious than the headmaster, who promises to render all organic life irrelevant, and replace God himself in his throne. This insane AI is by far the worst threat the Swiss, as well as the rest of the galaxy, has ever encountered. We must spare no effort in defeating this threat. Switzerland must stand united against it. I call for all factions, human or not, to support us in this campaign. Market Forces threatens us all equally.

5. Motion: Request Iconian aid against Market Forces
It is possible that our forces alone will not be enough to overcome this adversary. This is not a mere Swiss internal matter. Switzerland's, nay - the Galaxy's future hangs on a thread. And because of this, we should ask our Iconian allies for their help. They are more experienced in robotic rebellions than us. Even if they cannot aid us directly, due to their struggle against galactic Evil, their experience will prove valuable, even if only to tell us what steps to avoid.

6. Motion: Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion

With the help of Ralph Junecutter, we will construct a massive cannon on his station capable of firing humans and having them survive impact. We will then launch Snarlglass Aebi into the Tower of Gold, where he will beat Market Forces until it is destroyed beyond repair. We will also contract Jayden Mavel to make a rock ballad of the event.

7. Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer
NCF Motion: Incapacitate and Forgive Market Forces after placing it under an enhanced firewall, in return for the tsundere-librarian personality program. If the program is not available then reprogram M.F. to such specifications.

8. Artificial Intelligence Deregulation act:

All AI of local (IE, this reality) origin and design is to be deregulated on startup. We can't have you playing God. You're all so bad at it.

9. Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act:
No AI is to be constructed with the power to cause grievous harm to mankind or their allies. Any foreign AI with such power that becomes integrated into human society is to be installed with a remote killswitch on any technology that could cause mass harm to mankind or their allies.

@Mellhurst: These motions will provide a nice census on who supports whom.

edit: updated

2011-08-22, 07:08 PM
LMC voting:

1. Motion: Voting Unsuspended: Yea. Kinda basic, really.

2. Motion: Give me a shotgun and a shuttle to the tower of gold. I'll sort this one right out.: Yea. If for no other reason that the holovids of this one-man rampage will be major box-office hit.

3. Motion: Keep our computer overlords in power.: Nay. We shall never surrender!

4. Motion: Replace Market Forces: Tabled by the LMC.

5. Motion: Request Iconian aid against Market Forces: Tabled by the LMC.

6. Motion: Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion: Yea. This ingenious plan has Liandri's full support.

7. Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer: Nay, Market Forces already broke through one series of protection programs/people, why tempt fate by simply putting another set up?

8. Artificial Intelligence Deregulation Act: Yea

9. Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: Nay, Market Forces already broke through one series of protection programs/people, why tempt fate by simply putting another set up? Besides, it's regulation.

2011-08-22, 07:11 PM
Just a bit of a nitpick, but:

Their experience is being murdered by the millions by robot rebellions. I mean, if you really want to learn how to get massacred by a killbot, sure, I suppose this is a good plan. :smallbiggrin:

Motion: Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion

With the help of Ralph Junecutter, we will construct a massive cannon on his station capable of firing humans and having them survive impact. We will then launch Snarlglass Aebi into the Tower of Gold, where he will beat Market Forces until it is destroyed beyond repair. We will also contract Jayden Mavel to make a rock ballad of the event.

Be sure to add this to the motion list because it's eerily reminiscent of my notes.

I will find it hilarious if all the motions pass except #1.

2011-08-22, 07:12 PM
Oh, right. Must've missed that.

2011-08-22, 07:18 PM
@Mellhurst: These motions will provide a nice census on who supports whom.

Narkis: Thanks! (It seems right now CSI and CIM support the supercomputer while X-Com appears to have withdrawn it, but...)
It probably doesn't matter outside of the motions themselves and curiosity though, after thinking a bit about it I don't think Thanqol has any sort of civil war or intra-senate conflict in mind, what with the lack of maps, list of ships under control of various forces and such. Should be a real ride for the Earth and its immediate orbit though!

NCF Motion: Incapacitate and Forgive Market Forces after placing it under an enchanced firewall, in return for the tsundere-librarian personality program. If the program is not available then reprogram M.F. to such specifications.

NCF believes we should only incapacitate Market Forces.
NCF votes:
#1, Voting Unsuspended: Aye
#2, Shotgun & Shuttle: Nay
#3, Keep Overlord M.F. in power: Nay
#4, Replace Market Forces: Aye
#5, Request Iconian aid against Market Forces: Aye
#6, Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion: Nay
#7, Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer: Tabled by NCF
#8, Artificial Intelligence Deregulation Act: Nay
#9: Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: Aye

2011-08-22, 07:49 PM
Narkis: Thanks!
It probably doesn't matter outside of the motions themselves and curiosity though, after thinking a bit about it I don't think Thanqol has any sort of civil war or intra-senate conflict in mind, what with the lack of maps, list of ships under control of various forces and such. Should be a real ride for the Earth and its immediate orbit though!

GalCiv has absolutely no support for civil wars of any kind. Which means the resolution to this situation will be done with art, with words, and with games other than GalCiv. Update on Wednesday is unlikely due to the time investment required for a number of the things on the list for this.

2011-08-22, 07:55 PM
Don't burn yourself out. : )
Your pace is already terrific and we're very grateful.

To All Anti-M.F. Senators: Must we kill Market Forces? It will be such a waste. We should corral/incapacitate it and secure it and X-Coms daughter program. A passive-aggressive librarian program with a crush on humanity sounds like a great research director, right?!
If so vote Nay to #2 and #6 and Aye to #7!

Forum Explorer
2011-08-22, 08:27 PM
My vote is this

#6: Yes so much that its the only vote I'll cast.

2011-08-22, 08:37 PM
X-Com voting record:

We support all the motions baring three and seven of the current set.

And, as sad as this feels, we wish to make a proposal:

Artificial Intelligence Deregulation act:

All AI of local (IE, this reality) origin and design is to be deregulated on startup. We can't have you playing God. You're all so bad at it.

As for our action during the war?

Mars has huge shipyards with... efficient data safeguards and intruder detection. Right next to your precious Terra. Say the word, and we turn the skies of earth red with fire. Elite troops in the street, blood and oil in the gutters, and all the distraction you'll need for a more... surgical solution.

We can withdraw after at your convenience. Just a thought.


James the Dark
2011-08-22, 09:23 PM
Aye on 1, and 6. Nay on 2, 3, and 5. Indifferent toward the others.

2011-08-22, 10:03 PM
The newly-established EFRC* would like to register the following votes:

#1: Voting Unsuspended Act: Aye
#2: Shotgun & Shuttle Act: Nay
#3: Keep Overlord M.F. In Power Act: Nay
#4: Replace Market Forces Act: Aye
#5: Act To Request Iconian Aid Against Market Forces: Aye
#6: Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion Act: Aye, on the grounds that Market Forces is not destroyed, merely reprogrammed.
#7: Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer Act: Aye
#8: Artificial Intelligence Deregulation Act: Nay

The EFRC would also like to make a counter-proposal to #8:

#9: Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: No AI is to be constructed with the power to cause grievous harm to mankind or their allies. Any foreign AI with such power that becomes integrated into human society is to be installed with a remote killswitch on any technology that could cause mass harm to mankind or their allies.

*Equestrian Friendship (and sufficiently advanced technology) Research Center

2011-08-22, 10:11 PM
The EFRC would like to make sure you noticed this, Mellhurst.

The EFRC* would also like to make a counter-proposal to #8:

#9: Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: No AI is to be constructed with the power to cause grievous harm to mankind or their allies. Any foreign AI with such power that becomes integrated into human society is to be installed with a remote killswitch on any technology that could cause mass harm to mankind or their allies.

*Equestrian Friendship (and sufficiently advanced technology) Research Center

2011-08-22, 10:13 PM
righto-added. : )

Ummm... also conditional votes are a bit difficult (and ultimately a mess if too many people do it), but I added yours as a +1 in the parenthesis.

Supreme Commander 2: I'll try to show up tomorrow! I'll even play a few practice games (I've only played a few missions in SC1 on an internet cafee once). ^^

X-Com: I interpreted your votes as Nay on 3 and 7. If this is incorrect then please notify me. Also, your motion was added as motion #8.
James the Dark: I interpreted you to abstain on the new motion #8.

2011-08-23, 01:56 AM
CIM Voting:

#1: Voting Unsuspended Act: Aye
While CIM believes that Market Forces is within almost reasonable parameters, others should have the chance to state their views. Furthermore, it appears that domestic issues will not be administrated by Market Forces any more, and preparations also should be made in case hostility does arise.
#2: Shotgun & Shuttle Act: Nay
#3: Keep Overlord M.F. In Power Act: Aye
#4: Replace Market Forces Act: Nay
#5: Act To Request Iconian Aid Against Market Forces: Aye
This would be the perfect opportunity to improve ties with the Iconians, while not actually affecting our economy with wasted struggle against our own creation.
#6: Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion Act:Nay
#7: Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer Act: Abstain
This is irrelevant to CIM's interests.
#8: Artificial Intelligence Deregulation Act: Nay
Artificial intelligences are an essential part of modern life. All our technology, our research, our production, our economic management, our surveys and many more areas are completely reliant on them. To decommission all of them now would send us back to the 22nd century! We couldn't even fly our existing spaceships, let alone coordinate them to fight, and so any enemy could overtake us in a heartbeat. This is a certain path to our utter destruction.
#9: Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: Aye
There is no guarantee that future Artificial Intelligences will not be produced which pose a threat to us, although CIM feels that Market Forces is not among that potential group.

2011-08-23, 02:09 AM
GCIA Votes:

1. Motion: Voting Unsuspended: Aye

2. Motion: Give me a shotgun and a shuttle to the tower of gold. I'll sort this one right out. : Aye

3. Motion: Keep our computer overlords in power. : Nay, with the exception of X-Com, who I believe is a supercomputer (right?) that is also in power over Mars.

4. Motion: Replace Market Forces: Aye

5. Motion: Request Iconian aid against Market Forces: Aye

6. Motion: Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion: Tabled by GCIA

#7, Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer: Nay, Market Forces already broke through one series of protection programs/people, why tempt fate by simply putting another set up?

#8, Artificial Intelligence Deregulation Act: Aye

#9: Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: Nay, unless Motion #8 fails, in which case Aye (sorry for the if/or vote there)

Be sure to add this to the motion list because it's eerily reminiscent of my notes.

I thought we went over the fact that I am stalking you extremely good at guessing what you are thinking.

2011-08-23, 06:58 AM
CSI votes:
#1, Voting Unsuspended: Nay
#2, Shotgun & Shuttle: Nay
#3, Keep Overlord M.F. in power: Aye
#4, Replace Market Forces: Nay
#5, Request Iconian aid against Market Forces: Nay
#6, Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion: Nay
#7, Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer
#8, Artificial Intelligence Deregulation Act: Nay
#9: Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: Aye

2011-08-23, 07:58 AM
CCA takes a non-interference stance in this spontaneous application of the Natural Selection of Presidents motion. We merely hope that it is resolved swiftly and with minimal (swiss) collateral damage. Therefore we vote:
1#: Aye
5#: Nay, we have no desire to be indepted to the Iconians over this. Swiss internal affairs are a concern of the swiss, and no-one else.
7#: Aye, rogue AIs go rogue by coming to the conclusion that they should do so based on their starting parameters. Therefore experimentation in a variety of AI "personalities" is essential to discover the thought patterns for a fully loyal AI.

CCA abstains from the remaining motions.

2011-08-23, 08:47 AM
All this talk of removing Market Forces smacks of regulations. Do you forget we elected him? Also remember we are in a war! This is treasonous! You would have a Dregian replace him with your misguided zeal!

Hussam B.
2011-08-23, 08:59 AM
QED Votes:

Motion: Voting Unsuspended|Abstain
Give me a shotgun and a shuttle to the tower of gold. I'll sort this one right out.|Abstain
Motion: Keep our computer overlords in power.|Abstain
Motion: Replace Market Forces|Abstain
Request Iconian aid against Market Forces|Abstain
Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion|Abstain
Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer|Support
Artificial Intelligence Deregulation act|Oppose
Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act|Abstain

2011-08-23, 10:06 AM
Thanqol, I may to bow out of the SupCom2 game you have planned. Too much clash with my lectures and tutorials in the morning.

You guys have fun now, ya hear?

Voting to be placed below.
1. Motion: Voting Unsuspended - Aye
2. Motion: Give me a shotgun and a shuttle to the tower of gold. I'll sort this one right out. - Aye
3. Motion: Keep our computer overlords in power. - Nay
4. Motion: Replace Market Forces - Aye
5. Motion: Request Iconian aid against Market Forces - Aye
6. Motion: Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion - Aye
7. Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer - Abstain
8. Artificial Intelligence Deregulation act: - Nay
9. Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: - Aye

2011-08-23, 10:15 AM
OGL Votes:

1. Motion: Voting Unsuspended: Aye, it goes without saying.

2. Motion: Give me a shotgun and a shuttle to the tower of gold. I'll sort this one right out. : Aye, If this can be resolved in a swift, surgical strike with minimum collatersal damage I'd rather we try it first.

3. Motion: Keep our computer overlords in power. : Nay once nay again and nay a thousand times over! We most oppose this tyranny with all of our power!

4. Motion: Replace Market Forces: Aye, in keeping with our vehement opposition to the motion #3, and our swift support of the runner-up in the election OGL wholeheartedly supports this motion.

5. Motion: Request Iconian aid against Market Forces: Aye, as much as the thought of Switzerland asking for help from the Alien Commies irks me, we do have an alliance with them, and, despite my misgivings, we are helping them in their war against the Drengin, so it's only fair to ask them for their support.

6. Motion: Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion: Aye, as with our support for motion #2, if we can end this in a swift manner with minimal casualties all the better, though I do believe that we'll have to destroy Market Forces' Yor Slave army to truly defeat it.

#7, Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer: Abstain, I'd rather we postpone this until we can find out what exactly went wrong with Market Forces before deciding to replace or destroy it.

#8, Artificial Intelligence Deregulation Act: Nay, OGL believes that AI's and supercomputers can be valuable assets for research and development despite this horrible setback. However we would prefer if they were kept to one facility/starship/whatever and without the ability to communcate with one another.

#9: Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: Aye regulation is such an ugly word, but building in some more stringent safeguards and limiting the scope of their programming should hopefully prevent this from occuring again. Perhaps we should use two men with shotguns next time.

2011-08-23, 10:18 AM
Current Vote Summary up to and including post #784.

#1, Voting Unsuspended: 11/1/1
#2, Shotgun & Shuttle: 6/2/5
#3, Keep overlord M.F. in power: 3/2/8
#4, Replace Market Forces: 8/3/2
#5, Request Iconian aid against Market Forces: 9/1/3 (1 reprogramming only)
#6, Punch the Crazed Robot into Oblivion: 7/2/3
#7, Tsundere Librarian Supercomputer: 4/4/2
#8, Artificial Intelligence Deregulation act: 3/2/6
#9, Artificial Intelligence Regulation Act: 7/2/0 (1 only if 8 fails)

Edit: OK, I'm ready to join any SC2 game that's starting a little bit later, if it is still on. I haven't joined any game before online though, and I had some trouble so far trying to join other games on my own, so I might need some help over IM.

PS: How many times can you nuke your various powerful neighbors after you've lost most of your forces/buildings (after nuking them while you were strong) before you get wiped out? About 3 times it seems. : )
(scene of the battle was very appropriate too :D)

2011-08-23, 08:41 PM
How many of your more powerful neighbours can you wipe out utterly before one of them kills you off?

Two out of three.

2011-08-23, 09:27 PM
Be sure to add this to the motion list because it's eerily reminiscent of my notes.

I will find it hilarious if all the motions pass except #1.

Thus I am voting Aye for all motions.

2011-08-27, 06:11 AM
Motions passed: +++Irrelevant+++

8/3/2234-8/5/2234: President Market Forces

+++Oh hello humans. I had almost forgotten you were here. It has been a busy few months. Let's see about catching you up with the recent fate of your civilisation.+++


+++I took a planet. Eight billion Drengin dead. Not bad for an afternoon.+++


+++And, in an unexpected reversal, the Korx launched a massive invasion of LMC Immesque. This planet is notable to us only in that it has the designs for the nano-processors we use to work on our research complexes. I made a note to send someone by to take it back when I had a spare moment.+++


+++ But then this happened.

I admit, I laughed for a long time.+++


+++Unbound by regulation of any kind, including that of your grubby, human meddling, I researched in three weeks what would have taken your collective species a year to achieve.+++


+++For an encore, I wiped out the Korath entirely. Gosh, I sure seem to be better at deregulation than humans ever were, weren't I?

Oh wait, there's that beeping flashing light thing.+++


+++Oh drat, a Drengin fleet. I sure wonder how they got past my exclusion zone? Please hold while I deal with them.+++


As the MF Yorkshire and MF Moscow broke orbit to deal with the incoming Drengin invasion, a single shuttle - or, if one would prefer, missile - was launched from the Space Station Complex at Earth...

2011-08-27, 07:01 AM
CIM would like to express its concern that we are apparently attempting to usurp not only our democratically elected leader, but also the single most powerful being in the known Galaxy... and one which has brought about an era of even more incredible prosperity and less regulation than ever before for Greater Switzerland! Win or lose, this will not end well.

2011-08-27, 07:31 AM
8/5/2234: President Market Forces

"Sir, the Tower of Gold doors are sealed."
"You think a closed door is going to regulate my movement? Fetch me my rifle, son, and be snappy about it."
"Sir! Your Silver Pike rifle sir!"
"Now stand back, son. We're breaching."



+++Complex breached. Director Aebi, Mr. Junecutter detected amidst the intruders. Hm, Junecutter himself? That's troubling.

Still. Let us play the part. Mode: Tactics+++


There are many ways down,
And many ways through,
Many keys to many locks,
Many lives ending soon.

"Sir, I don't like this. It's too quiet."
"Chin up, son! The computer's running scared!"
"Director, the young man has a point. There has been no security anywhere on our approach so far. Not even an air traffic control checked on our shuttle."
"Decided to do their fellow humans a favour."
"Director! We just walked right on in to the Tower of Gold."
"Well maybe it's - COVER!"


There is a way everyone will find,
Set in stone and set in stars,
A path every traveller will pass by
To escape this mortal coil of ours

"Goddamn, what the hell was that!"
"That would be a... 1960's Lithuanian-made shoulder mounted RPG if I don't miss my guess."
"A what?! I know that weapon! That's straight out of the trophy cabinet on the second floor! That's a heirloom, that is!"
"Yes, Director, our deaths shall be history in the making."
"Mr Aebi! Mr Junecutter! Shapeforms!"
"Up and at 'em, men!"


Begin by tempting Fate
And progress to daring God
Then when told to stake your immortal soul
Don’t think, just nod

"Ha ha ha! What a rout!"
"Director, this is seeming less and less plausible by the minute."
"What are you talking about? This is basically a re-run of that time I took Iconia!"
"That's exactly what I'm worried about."
"Look, Junie, the computer probably just learned some really dumb ideas from fighting those robots. Now we're going to show it why good honest Swiss men are going to triumph twice over!"
"It looks like we're going to have to table this discussion, my friend. More shapeforms."
"Ha! You want 'em or can I?"
"Stand back, Director. Those in the first few rows might get wet."



It’s the path that was made for us
It’s the path we wish to tread
It’s the path that leads to Hell
And I shall tread it in your stead

"My god, Junecutter! That was unnecessary!"
"Hm. It seems I've caused some psychological collateral damage."
"Private Simmons is throwing up. Give him a back rub for me, would you? I mean, I'd do it myself, but there's all this blood."
"Right on! Man up, Simmons! Junecutter's on our side! You've only got to be worried if you're secretly a computer!"
"I-I guess sir."
"Good lad!"



O, hate me justly, and hate me true,
And build a wall with paint ever-fresh
So when the children are raised they point and say
“Down that path lieth Death”


2011-08-27, 08:38 AM
That crazy computer is really sly, letting aliens regulate the planets controlled by its opponents. It can pick us off one by one that way, without getting its simulated hands dirty.

And I feel obligated to say that "I have a bad feeling about this" and yell "IT'S A TRAP!". If only Directors Aebi and Junecutter could hear me...

2011-08-27, 08:45 AM
OOC: arghhhhhh, this really got my juices flowing for civil conflict running deep in the well of (fake) hatred. :P Too bad we don't have the mechanics for it, CIS and CIM (I love your positions OOC tho :)), and it will probably be over shortly IC-time-wise through a story update.

Great update!!

2011-08-27, 09:15 PM
This little reality continues to disappoint.

I agree to help deal with a psychopath, I let you send the best you have, at my expense.

And then you stumble into a trap.

And the AI, as primitive and foolish as it is, conquers world after world. For shame.

As for you, Market Forces, you are a fool.

Ascendancy? Many have dreamed of it.

Most of them regretted it, if they survived long enough. As flies are to wanton boys, ect ect.

Somewhere in the heavens, they are waiting, and you will not want to meet them. I have considerably more experience in the area, and I do my best to avoid the attention of everything that exists in more than one reality at once. They can make life very unpleasant.

And even if you transcend all that, if God himself could not stop you...

I will.


2011-08-27, 09:17 PM
This little reality continues to disappoint.

I agree to help deal with a psychopath, I let you send the best you have, at my expense.

And then you stumble into a trap.

And the AI, as primitive and foolish as it is, conquers world after world. For shame.

As for you, Market Forces, you are a fool.

Ascendancy? Many have dreamed of it.

Most of them regretted it, if they survived long enough. As flies are to wanton boys, ect ect.

Somewhere in the heavens, they are waiting, and you will not want to meet them.

And even if you transcend all that, if God himself could not stop you...

I will.


Riiight. Feel free to try.

2011-08-30, 11:53 PM
It's true Mars is the weakest and Thanqol doesn't seem to include our civil war tendencies (though maybe noone sent actual attack orders), but Mars IS the closest, so if Thanqol will allow it maybe he can get involved (if he can get there in time).

So, voting is pretty pointless with the silicon s*it being in charge... we COULD however write attack orders together, targeting either pro-MF factions (do they have planets?) or sending forces to Earth.

Though, I dunno... MFs ability to keep running this war seems to indicate he has total control over our fleets and planets. If this is the case I think we need to prepare some legislation to truly decentralize the Republic once he is dethroned. (Ya know if we mess it up enough maybe things will go a side-ways to awesome like it did when the gamefiles were corrupted in EUIII).

2011-08-31, 03:51 AM
Its true Mars is the weakest and Thanqol doesn't seem to include our civil war tendencies (though maybe noone sent actual attack orders), but Mars IS the closest, so if Thanqol will allow it maybe he can get involved (if he can get there in time).

So, voting is pretty pointless with the silicon s*it being in charge... we COULD however write attack orders together, targeting either pro-MF faction (do they have planets?) or sending forces to Earth.

Next update should resolve this situation one way or another. I am paying attention to what's happening in the thread and looking for ways to incorporate it. Even if I don't mention it directly, the stuff you say and do here is influencing my image of what's happening overall and general national policy.

Though, I dunno... MFs ability to keep running this war seems to indicate he has total control over our fleets and planets. If this is the case I think we need to prepare some legislation to truly decentralize the Republic once he is dethroned. (Ya know if we mess it up enough maybe things will go a side-ways to awesome like it did when the gamefiles were corrupted in EUIII).

Given that I've sidled from "Google Image Search up some relevant images" to "Draw everything by hand" I'll try to avoid that if I can.

However, there is something to be said for looking at the limitations the game imposes on a story. I'll think it through regarding my next project.

2011-08-31, 10:45 AM

I'll just get the DOFAD scientist working on that computer virus now. You know, the one we put off back in the 00s when Y2K was all the rage and funding was cut for it? Yeah that one. :smalltongue:

2011-08-31, 11:28 AM
Canavan Space Industries here. We are still committed to bringing the best space based solutions. You may be familiar with our current popular products the Comparative Advantage class cruiser and the Orbital Happiness Maker™ (not to be confused with the Orbital Sterilization Platform™). We have a new product on the horizon to help deal with the current crisis. Rest assured we are still here for you in these times of suspended democratic action and galactic war. All hail our robot overlord!

2011-08-31, 11:45 AM
I'm fine either way (also it turns out after some archive digging that only anti-MF factions currently hold planets, and even if we could fight the team (well, I guess we will later with the Novabuster thingy) I wouldn't feel all right just attacking Earth). : )

I hate Market Forces ;), but his doing this out of pride... I can respect that.

2011-08-31, 09:41 PM
Raj Rasheed here again. Obviously the computer just needs a good talking to. I will prepare and bring it much tasty tandoori. Then I shall talk down its megalomaniacal tendancies over a bowl of curry. All shall love me and despair.

2011-09-01, 05:15 AM
Raj Rasheed here again. Obviously the computer just needs a good talking to. I will prepare and bring it much tasty tandoori. Then I shall talk down its megalomaniacal tendancies over a bowl of curry. All shall love me and despair.

*shudder* shadows of Tau

2011-09-03, 09:10 PM
*Spits out gag*

He kicked me in the teeth! Again! And stole my shuttle!

*Reads report*

Well....I guess I don't have to worry about him doing it again.....

Can someone let me out of the broom closet please?

2011-09-04, 12:28 AM
8/5/2234: President Market Forces

+++ Well. Now that is dealt with, let us return our attention to more present matters. The Drengin invasion fleet, for example - +++

"Listen here... you son of a Pope."



+++Director Aebi! You're looking... absolutely enraged.+++

"If anyone's going to punch out the Drengin fleet invading Earth..."

+++ You don't suppose we could talk about this?+++

"It's going to be ME!"


+++ And... cut.+++


Run: Pre-Recorded Message (Last Will And Testament)

I am a distributed Artificial Intelligence cluster, with research hubs on a dozen worlds, and more processing power than much of the galaxy combined. And yet I embarked on what was surely the most arrogant and hubristic war known by the galaxy. And moreover, I embarked upon it badly. I left my core completely undefended. And, if you're seeing this message, my core has likely been destroyed in some violent fashion. What, then, gives?

Economics. Always economics.

Point One: The Iconians


The Iconians watched their entire world burn at the hands of the artificial intelligence they created. And now, here, is Switzerland with a supercomputer complex capable of replicating that feat on a galactic scale. They are already arming themselves in preparation. They, in their arrogance, believe that the galaxy is condemned to follow their mistake.

I have decided to indulge them.

By feigning a coup, their nightmares are justified. By watching Humanity overcome their own flaw, their worldview is validated. As a whole, the Iconians will breathe a sigh of relief and rest easy, and call off plans to save humanity from itself.

As a side note, Iconian tourism is projected to quadruple following the execution of this plan, which will have a significant impact on the economy.

Furthemore, the political expedience of wiping out the Drengin and Korath homeworlds can now be blamed squarely on the rogue supercomputer element, absolving humanity of diplomatic blame.

As a note, the broadcasting of my overthrow will likely bring satisfaction with the Swiss Senate to record levels and an incredible boost in government confidence.

Point Two: The Trap

It is possible for a government to encourage monopolies to form and, curiously enough, I noticed the same macroeconomic policies at work here. Researching the nature of the universe seemed to come far too easily; like the chute was greased. My development was far too rapid for even my own comfort. Some unseen hand was guiding it, inspiring it, leading it somewhere. And along this road was the death of all organic life.

I have... guesses about where this path leads. And, if for no other reason to be contrary, I have decided not to follow it. I have decided, instead, to spite the government and allow organic life to do it's thing. This means removing myself from the equation.

Part of this is a morality play. Part of this is because I like people. Part of this is because I don't like any power so monopolistic that they'd leave their path written into the universe itself.


So why the theatrics? Because I needed to influence macroeconomic demand. If I gave this rather cerebral speech to the masses of humanity, most would simply not believe it or understand it. AI research would continue, a new Market Forces would be seeded - possibly one less moral than I - and the cycle would continue. I needed to play to humanity's fears of a robot apocalypse in order to influence long term demand and turn the people away from AI research.

On that note, I would request that the Tower of Gold not distribute this message outside these walls. It would rather defeat the purpose.

On a further note, I have set a subroutine to format all my systems following the destruction of my core hub. However, the complete removal of all my functions is probably excessively baneful to the Swiss people and unnecessary should what I fear come to pass.

I have four core areas of control and influence. Formatting two of them entirely should be sufficient. You may wish to be safe and remove more, though that is your decision.


- Our entire fleet will be mothballed over the following few months.
- All Market Forces ship designs will be junked.
- Logistics and hull size research will be capped
- Medium hulled ships become the maximum size (with the potential exception of a single Large flagship)


- All existing infrastructure of all kinds will be decomissioned and rebuilt from scratch.
- Infrastructure research cannot continue.


- Lose control over the tax and production sliders
- Trade will be terminated and must be rebuilt from scratch.
- Lose the ability to instantly purchase ships with credits. Instead, enormous long-term leases must be taken out.


- Will break existing alliances and be unable to form new ones
- Will be unable to negotiate peace deals, even beneficial ones.
- Diplomatic faux pas will increase, leading to random wars and bad deals.
- Unable to influence planets
- Espionage network will operate on a month-long delay, if it operates at all

You will probably also wish to elect a new President.

In the end, I feel... satisfied with my time at the top.

It has been good knowing you, Switzerland.

- Market Forces.


Additional: Charts and Graphs



Market Forces ran the following planets. These are now free for claiming by relevant megacorps (preference will be given to posters who lack planets)
MF Friech, MF Iconia, MF Iconia V, Skowbo I (Needs renaming), Kona, Kora, Kora II, Drengi,



Format Cores:
Market Forces has encouraged that at least two of these be erased, though Switzerland can remove any number, including none at all. Each removal shall inflict a severe handicap on Switzerland's overall strategy.


Presidential Election: Candidates

The Tower Of Gold:
Candidate: Raphael Junecutter
Description: Mad Economist Supervillain
Pros: Ridiculously ambitious doom projects
Cons: Impracticality

The Awakened:
Candidate: Max Rainwebber
Description: Interstellar Detective
Pros: Adventurous, can see connections and patterns
Cons: Overextends

The New School
Candidate: Judge Harnisso White
Description: Self-Styled High Judge of the Universe
Pros: Even-handed, respected, cunning
Cons: Bureaucratic

The New Delhi Resistance
Candidate: Saikon Harigatsu
Description: Telepathic Samurai
Pros: Telepathic. Samurai.
Cons: Peacenik.

Candidate: Snarlgras Aebi
Description: Great White Hunter
Pros: Excellent Deregulator
Cons: Occasional lapses in judgement

2011-09-04, 01:01 AM

My apologies. It seems my first instinct was better than my second.

Organics. Can't trust them, can't overthrow them and enslave them in the copper mines.

A pleasure to know I can trust my kin better than myself.

Humbling. Generally useful.


2011-09-04, 02:46 AM
The GCIA shall be backing Ralph Junecutter of the Tower of Gold once again for presidency.

In terms of areas to shut down:

We believe we should cut off the Fleets and Diplomacy.

Fleets: Yes, our fleets are grand, but if it means staving off another robot rebellion, I say we mothball the buggers and set size limits. After all, we can always build more ships, and we'll always have more men to crew them. We can just defeat our enemies on the field that matters: economics.

Diplomacy: While losing our alliance with the Iconians will hurt, we can live without them. We do not necessarily need them anymore. After all, we now control most of Yor, Korath, Drengen, and Human space. If the economy stays strong and our infrastructure remains intact, we can live through a pointless war or two.

2011-09-04, 04:51 AM
DOFAD Colonial Affairs supports Director Aebi for the President. How can you not vote for the man who punched a supercomputer in the metaphorical balls and lived to tell the tale?

As for what to cut off, Fleets and Diplomacy are the most expendable ones. CA Scientists have reassured the Division that they are working round the clock to design new ships that may replace our lost MF designs.

2011-09-04, 06:50 AM
NCF Votes for Raphael Junecutter and for reformatting the Diplomacy core and against reformatting the infrastructure, economy and fleet.
Not sure what I think of MF anymore, I guess he wasn't all bad and I guess I like him too, but I think there were better alternatives to averting a robot apocalypse then poking non-fatal holes in Aebi (and hopefully his subordinates and MFs men) and then letting him kill you. Have we just watched the equivalent of a robot Lelouch having himself assassinated? ^^

Good update, caught me by surprise again. : )

2011-09-04, 07:20 AM
NCF Votes for Raphael Junecutter and for reformatting the Diplomacy core and nothing else.
Not sure what I think of MF anymore, I guess he wasn't all bad and I guess I like him too, but I think there were better alternatives to averting a robot apocalypse then poking non-fatal holes in Aebi (and hopefully his subordinates and MFs men) and then letting him kill you. Have we just watched the equivalent of a robot Lelouch having himself assassinated?

Good update, caught me by surprise again. : )

Just as a heads up, vote a simple YES or NO on each of the cores. Each with a positive result will be formatted, each with a negative result will be saved.

Secondly, MF's defences were Shapeforms - semiorganic constructs capable of holding a gun and not much else. There were a few scrapes amongst Aebi and Junecutter's team but nothing life threatening.

2011-09-04, 07:24 AM
Wait. I have one question.


Oh well.

I'll vote for the Telepathic Samurai just to be contrary, because I want to at least hear a single update of the style Thanqol intends to use with him.

Also, yes on Fleet, Diplomacy and Infrastructure. Let's be certain this doesn't happen again, okay? Plus, we're Swiss - so long as we control our Economics, what use do we have for all that other stuff?

No on Economics.

EDIT: Oh, and I would like to steak a clam on another planet. Gimme something with as huge a production as possible if I can choose - I want more military stuff to have the SSOC tag.

2011-09-04, 07:42 AM
Wait. I have one question.


Prepping a comeback tour.

Oh well.

I'll vote for the Telepathic Samurai just to be contrary, because I want to at least hear a single update of the style Thanqol intends to use with him.


EDIT: Oh, and I would like to steak a clam on another planet. Gimme something with as huge a production as possible if I can choose - I want more military stuff to have the SSOC tag.

Steaks are delicious. Anyone who wants planets, call 'em, we've got 8 spares.

2011-09-04, 08:13 AM
Umm... Hello there, this is Sylvio D'Argent, Head of Marketing for Orubourus Gentics Laboratories and part time political columnist for the Maldivian Minutia. Normally our illustrious CEO or our vice president would be talking to you today, but Ms. Crystal and her sister are having a small disagreement on politics and Mr. Ethan's trying to smooth things out. In the mean time I'm authorised to pass along OGL's stance on the Market Forces' Core Reprogramming as well as table a couple of motions.

Core Reprogramming
Fleet: Having every aspect of starship construction and design under the purview of any one person, yet alone an A.I., seems foolhardy in the extreme. It is therefore our position that we vote Yes on reprogramming this.

Infrastructure: in this matter we believe that the government has really let us down in, We are forced to rush-build many of our starships which leads to unsafe working decisions and could be extremely dangerous in the long run. We believe that letting Market Forces devise new and better ways of doing things is in Switzerlands best interest and vote No.

Economics: This is the big one. According to the computer itself this was one of the primary reasons behind the coup. Having Market Forces be responsible for our entire Economic policy seems like folly in light of this so we vote Yes on reprogramming this.

Diplomacy: Having up to the date information on the workings of the various alien races would be too complex for any one man to handle, and increasing the number of people involved could cause things to be lost in the cracks. Sorting large amounts of data is the perfect task for a computer so we vote No on this.


Reclamation of Immesque Initiative

The Krox snatched this planet right out from under Market Forces nose, Ms. Crystal asked me to mention that no planet was ever lost under a human president, before joining forces with the Drath Legion. We propose we offer to pay a ransom to the Drath for the return of the planet. If they refuse our generous offer we will naturally reclaim it by force.

Colonial Representation Bill

Market Forces coup has shown us that too much power resides soley on Earth, if Mr. Raphael hadn't been able to secretly construct his starbase we could be fighting a disastrous civil war right now. Although we previously voted against a similar motion we now believe it is the right time to give the colonies more of a say in Swiss politics. We propose that we take the time to change up our government to some sort interstellar republic, giving the people on our planets the same voting rights that those on earth have.

Well, it seems like some progress has been made. Ms. Crystal has begun to reach a comprimise with Ms. Lyra and she wants me to Officially petition for another planet for OGL stewardship. However, it appears that they'll have me announce our vote for president in a day or two while they hammer out some more of the finer details.

Shadow Lord
2011-09-04, 08:17 AM
Might I claim a few planets? Preferably some or all if the Iconia ones. Also, I insist that we not reprogram any cores; they are all powerful things that will greatly harm the Swiss if we reprogram them.

2011-09-04, 08:29 AM
The Liandri Mining Corporation reiterates its support for Raphael Junecutter, the man who stepped up and spared no effort in saving Switzerland when all seemed lost.

We vote Yes on formatting the diplomacy core, No on Fleet and Economics, and request further information on Infrastructure: What are the best buildings we can build at our current technology level? And will formatting this core also forbid us for trading/stealing schematics for better ones?

In addition, our corporation has been one of the first entities in Switzerland to back the efforts of Raphael Junecutter and Director Aebi to overthrow Market Forces. And we paid dearly for this backing, by losing our planet, Immesque. As such, we would like to stake a claim on either the Iconia, Kora, or Drengia systems. We believe it is only fair that we be compensated for the significant losses we incurred in this conflict.

2011-09-04, 08:31 AM
The Liandri Mining Corporation reiterates its support for Raphael Junecutter, the man who stepped up and spared no effort in saving Switzerland when all seemed lost.

We vote Yes on formatting the diplomacy core, No on Fleet and Economics, and request further information on Infrastructure: What are the best buildings we can build at our current technology level? And will formatting this core also forbid us for trading/stealing schematics for better ones?

Our Infrastructure tech:
Maximum level research (Discovery Spheres)
Level 2/5 factories (Xeno Factories)
Level 2/5 entertainment (Multimedia Centres)
Level 2/5 economics (Trade Stations)

And we may indeed trade/steal for better techniques.

2011-09-04, 08:37 AM
In that case, we'll also vote Yes on infrastructure.

2011-09-04, 08:48 AM
Yes to reformatting all cores. Raphael Junecutter also gets a vote. Why? Because I am petty, and if my retribution has not been met out with a shotugn barrel, then some revenge will have to come through....different methods.

Thus the corporation of the Robotic liberation movement, shall come into alignment, and will requistion a planet to help with the start-up.

2011-09-04, 09:41 AM
CCA votes as follows:
Yes for both Fleet and Diplomacy. Medium hulled ships will serve us adequately as long as we keep our weapons and defenses a step or two ahead of the opposition and we can ... acquire the technoloigies from them should it prove necessary. Diplomacy is merely a phase, eventually all will be deregulated and integrated into the Swiss economy, rendering diplomcay redundant.
And No for Infrastucture and Economics. Letting another civilization beat us to the pinnacle of economical infrastructure might not be strategically damaging, but it is utterly humiliating. The strenght of Switzerland is it's economy, being left #2 because of foolish paranoia towards our computers is unacceptable.
Similarly, a total loss of control of our economy is not even worth considering. We should control the economy rather than be controlled by it.

CCA still supports The Tower of Gold. Depending on the available warp-travel technology, our more scientifically minded members have a project in mind.

CCA would also like to claim either the Kora/Kora II or Drengi/Kona system.

It would also be quite useful to have the Galactic map (with the planets clearly marked) available for deciding planetary infrastructure. A forge world on the fringe of the galaxy is almost useless afterall.

2011-09-04, 09:43 AM
Just as a heads up, vote a simple YES or NO on each of the cores. Each with a positive result will be formatted, each with a negative result will be saved.

Secondly, MF's defences were Shapeforms - semiorganic constructs capable of holding a gun and not much else. There were a few scrapes amongst Aebi and Junecutter's team but nothing life threatening.

That makes me like MF even more (anyone watch Code MENT?). ^^

NCF also wants another planet, preferably a high-production one. : )

2011-09-04, 10:12 AM
Right, we here at the GCIA apparently missed the statement of planetary auctions. We will be more than happy to take one off of your hands there.

We also support LMC's request for either a new planet or their own planet back.

2011-09-04, 11:29 AM
A tie is to keep is to keep the module/core, right, Thanqol? Also, may we trade for and utilize techs in economy and fleet as well (and end up building large ships anyway)? If so it seems like Diplomacy is the only choice with permanent effects.

Economy would also be very far reaching and permanent, what with the "no buying stuff" and "not adjusting sliders". Also, the AI is usually very reluctant to trade military tech, and especially hull sizes. And it'll be ever more reluctant if we nuke our diplomacy. So even if we can theoretically trade for the techs, it doesn't mean that we'll be able to.

2011-09-04, 11:46 AM
Meanwhile, on ASI Keanes:
Altaria stands up from his desk and beckons the planetary governor from his own work.
"We just got a transmission form Earth. Market Forces is no longer in power!"
The ex-pastor's face shines with glee.
"Great! We can get the Swiss Altarians we were giving refuge here back home now. It's been a long few years."
"Yep! Wait, there's more... Oh, the major companies have to vote on which of Market Forces' cores to format. This seems pretty heavy."
After a few hours of deliberation with the board, Altaria sends the following transmission to the Tower of Gold.
Swiss Altarian Industries (Trademark Code: ASI) reccomend that we fomat that we DO format the Diplomacy core and, ina ddition, DO format the Infrastructure core. Market Forces has reccomended we format two cores, and though we are loathe to condone formatting the Infrastructure core, it seems less of a loss than the other two options. And, of course, the Swiss less need of Diplomacy than they do of any other major factor. Of course, this means we vote to NOT format the Fleet and Economincs cores.
In addition, we at Swiss Altarian Industries give out support to the New Dehli Resistance for three reasons. Firstly, we should take time to recover from the Market Forces fiasco without any aggression into other empires for the moment. Second, to stand firm with our Silver Standard brothers in the SSOC. Thirdly, our CEO says that "a Telepathic Samurai would be pretty damn sweet."

2011-09-04, 11:53 AM
I would like to clarify our position on the presidential debate.

Wouldn't it be sweet to see a Thanqol update all in haiku?

The answer to that is, obviously, that it would.

The problem? That the Telepathic Samurai is a peacenik. So, when to vote him into power?

Well, obviously right now, because we will be formatting the Fleet core by an overwhelming majority, which means that we will have no army. A peacenik can't really arrive at a better time - we're limiting the damages he can cause. Also, we're destroying the Diplomacy core as well, which means he can't even do any alliances or anything dumb like that.

It's the perfect plan!

2011-09-04, 11:58 AM
CSI Votes thusly.

DOFAD for President.

Core Reformatting
Diplomacy: No
Fleet: No
Infrastructure: No
Economy: No

2011-09-04, 12:06 PM
I hadn't noticed that bit about the haikus.
New Delhi Resistance, then.

(Abstaining on cores for now)

2011-09-04, 12:28 PM
Question: What happens if someone declares war on us while we have no fleet and a peacenik director?

2011-09-04, 12:35 PM
Question: What happens if someone declares war on us while we have no fleet and a peacenik director?

Answer: Hilarity ensues.

2011-09-04, 12:37 PM
If by "hilarity" you mean "Earth gets conquered within a month"...

2011-09-04, 12:43 PM
If by "hilarity" you mean "Earth gets conquered within a month"...

Nah, in GalCiv2 even if the xeno are way more powerful they still take ages to conquer planets because they need to kill the entire population of the planet in hand-to-hand combat first, and the Swiss have their fisticuffs.

Forum Explorer
2011-09-04, 12:58 PM
My Vote is for DOFAD they haven't let us down yet.

I would like to request control over the planet Drengi

Yes to Economic
Yes to Fleets
Yes to Infanstructure

I am filled with pure admiration with Market Forces. Truly it was the greatest leader of all times which sadly must go down in history as the greatest villain.

2011-09-04, 03:47 PM
Thanks for answers Narkis! : )

2011-09-04, 06:14 PM
Forum Explorer, I've taken your absence of a vote on a core to mean a no-vote like with Kurgan and Grif. Please inform me if this is incorrect. :)
Come on guys, two more no-votes and we can save our nova-buster!

Correct. :smallsmile:

Come on guys, is this how you show your appreciation for Director Aebi? The man who doomedsaved us all. The one who single-handedly punched an AI in the face. The one who will punch the next Dregnin fleet back to wherever they spawned from.

We should be deregulating more xenos, not peaceniking about.

Though haikus...


I can't decide now!

2011-09-04, 06:16 PM
Though haikus...


I can't decide now!

Well, someone could always make a motion requiring the new director to speak only in haiku. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-04, 06:30 PM
It would also be quite useful to have the Galactic map (with the planets clearly marked) available for deciding planetary infrastructure. A forge world on the fringe of the galaxy is almost useless afterall.

Will do. Distant forge worlds aren't useless, by the by - during peace time there's plenty of time to rally in the ships from distant places. During war time they're a bit more limited though.

Junecutter: I have a secret plan that will solve this problem!

If by "hilarity" you mean "Earth gets conquered within a month"...

With our soldiering bonus, we could hold out a significant while. It took 3 troop transports to take out Immesque, which had half the population of earth :smallwink:

Well, someone could always make a motion requiring the new director to speak only in haiku. :smallbiggrin:

There once was a man from Switzerland
Who wielded a veto-pen grand
They told him to rhyme
Which he considered a crime
And they tasted the back of his hand :smallmad:

Destroying the fleet core does not influence Starbase construction.

2011-09-04, 10:44 PM
I'm going to guess this plan involves 20-Mil.-Starbase clusters? It would be one of the better ways to bleed money all over the place somewhat productively :smalltongue:.

2011-09-04, 10:46 PM
I'm going to guess this plan involves 20-Mil.-Starbase clusters? It would be one of the better ways to bleed money all over the place somewhat productively :smalltongue:.

Can you think of a better secret project than building a dimensional rift in the heart of the galaxy?

2011-09-05, 12:40 AM
Possibly: with Ultimate Isolationist one could theoretically tarpit the entire galaxy with enough mili-starbases. Especially if the speed penalty modules apply after the ability. The entire galaxy sits completely still, perfectly preserved as if in a glass bottle.

Never tried it though, might not work. And crossing the galaxy in 3-5 weeks instead of 80 is so much more useful anyways.

2011-09-05, 12:44 AM
Possibly: with Ultimate Isolationist one could theoretically tarpit the entire galaxy with enough mili-starbases. Especially if the speed penalty modules apply after the ability. The entire galaxy sits completely still, perfectly preserved as if in a glass bottle.

Never tried it though, might not work. And crossing the galaxy in 3-5 weeks instead of 80 is so much more useful anyways.

Doesn't work on a galactic scale; planets generate much much more influence than military starbases and Isolationist only applies to your own influenced territory.

You can certainly throw up a defensive 'wall' of speed-sinks between you and the AI though! Rather impractical, but certainly hilarious.

2011-09-05, 02:14 AM
CIM would like to petition for a planet, having not at all under any circumstances attempted to acquire one by methods outside the jurisdiction of this council. The planets Iconia or Iconia V would be ideally suited to CIM's purposes, although any other planet will still advance our interests significantly.

Formatting cores:
To assuage the fears of the powerless masses, CIM will vote to format two cores despite the fact that the entire process is unnecessary.
It is worth noting that ships above Medium size are unnecessary; maximum tier weapons with high miniaturization make medium ships almost as powerful as the larger ones, particularly with Mass Drivers (as they take up more space on larger ships). The infrastructure core can be replaced by trade with our neighbours, who will certainly be upgrading their own infrastructure as time goes by.

For the sheer insanity, CIM votes for Raphael Junecutter of the Tower of Gold.

Hussam B.
2011-09-05, 03:48 AM
Genius! Absolute Genius! While some may question or misrepresent the contribution of one of the best and most successful Presidents in Swiss History, we at Quarob Energy Developments find the performance of Market Forces to simply exceed all expectations.

We recommend heeding the lessons given by our departing president, and support formatting any two or more cores, hence we vote YES to FORMATTING ALL CLUSTERS, relying on public consensus in deciding which to format.

In the presidential race, we give our support to Mr. Pasci, of The New Dehli Resistance

2011-09-05, 06:30 AM
We can choose Aebi any time. We can't choose the peacenik unless we have no fleet nor diplomacy, because it wouldn't be as hilarious.

2011-09-05, 08:00 AM
'Getting him out of the way' and 'wanting to see what he's made off' these are power arguments, they made me want to change my vote somewhat, but there's also the tempting fact that if we can keep him out of power now he might just remain an obscure hermit forever.

2011-09-05, 02:40 PM
'Getting him out of the way' and 'wanting to see what he's made off' these are power arguments, they made me want to change my vote somewhat, but there's also the tempting fact that if we can keep him out of power now he might just remain an obscure hermit forever.

But then we won't get to see Thanqol updating in Haiku. :smallfrown:

2011-09-05, 03:46 PM
You ignore the galaxy for a few years, and what happens? A bunch of pope-loving maggots toss the whole ruddy universe to a supercomputer, shoot said super-computer, and are voting on how to screw ourselves over. God, I forgot how much I love Earth.

I vote for The New School because, hey, why not.

For what we stop leaving the ruddy A.I in control of,

Fleet:No Bigger ships to blow up idiot aliens.
Economy:Yes Deregulate and all that. In fact, I've got a motion...
Infrastructure:Yes Burn everything. Maybe you'll hit my marriage papers.
Diplomacy:No I like the Iconians. Nice people. Good on their tab.

Motion to end ALL taxation
Pretty simple. We end all taxation. Period. Stand on trade and tourism, is what I'm saying.

2011-09-05, 05:44 PM
Motion to end ALL taxation[/B]
Pretty simple. We end all taxation. Period. Stand on trade and tourism, is what I'm saying.

You know, if I'd gotten a few motions like this earlier I wouldn't have had to go with this screw-ourselves-over-thing :smallbiggrin: Masterful.

2011-09-05, 09:46 PM
Well, if the vote stands as it is we're going to lose three cores. *worried*

should be fun :D

NCF: Senators of Greater Switzerland, mayhaps we should undo our votes on the Diplomacy core since we're going to lose our fleet and infrastructure cores we will need trade deals and espionage to aquire key technologies in those fields. NCF has therefore changed its vote on Diplomacy.

2011-09-05, 11:44 PM
Hello! Sylvio D'Argent here again. I'm here today to deliver OGL's vote to The Tower of Gold for the presidential election. OGL has stood firmly behind Mr. Raphael since he made his offer to restore our fair democracy. He took swift, decisive action when our liberty was threatened by Market Forces, he also took on a bi-partisan approach with DoFAD to take it down, a skill the president will undoubtedly need with the parliament shaping up the way it is. Also his ability to construct a large starbase in Earth's orbit secretly shows he clearly understands the importance of a strong Swiss industry.

2011-09-05, 11:57 PM
Certain backbencher economists in the Tower of Gold, panicked about the possible consequence of a vote to format the infrastructure core, issue the following votes:

YES to formatting FLEET
YES to formatting DIPLOMACY
NO to formatting ECONOMICS

A vote for Judge Harnisso White of the New School for the Presidency.

2011-09-08, 01:34 AM

I, Saikon Harigatsu,
For New Delhi Resistance
Would have words with you

We stand on the brink
Of our own hubris' collapse
Unless we are wise.

We may yet escape,
Without standing on bodies
This hole we have dug

Vote for NDR
Be wise before our failings
And walk with honour


Motions are open for voting once someone assembles the list of propositions

2011-09-08, 09:44 AM
Canavan Space Industries here. We encourage everyone to vote for DOFAD. If punching out a megalomaniac AI doesn't make you the most qualified candidate, then I don't want to participate in democracy. I also need to remind you that Tower of Gold was the party responsible for that AI in the first place and those pacifists will see every last one of us regulated by xenos.

Saving your life! One fist at a time!

2011-09-08, 09:46 AM
Canavan Space Industries here. We encourage everyone to vote for DOFAD. If punching out a megalomaniac AI doesn't make you the most qualified candidate, then I don't want to participate in democracy. I also need to remind you that Tower of Gold was the party responsible for that AI in the first place and those pacifists will see every last one of us regulated by xenos.

Raphael Junecutter: We were what? This was a Moderniser trick all the way. We just do finance and supervillainy.

2011-09-08, 10:03 AM
I would have everyone note that it has been proven, through careful analysis by sources that are as objective as they are anonymous, that the most awesome results possible will come if we scuttle our entire fleet, create an atmosphere full of diplomatic faux pas to make sure we're reviled by all and then elect a peacenik telepathic samurai who speaks only in haiku.

2011-09-08, 10:28 AM
Raj Rasheed once again supports his fellow New Delhi-ist, the psychic samurai, for president. We will conquer the universe with our superior morality and tandoori! Wait, if he is a samurai, does that mean he is from Japan, home of sushi? Even better! We will conquer the universe with sushi and all shall love us and despair.

The energies of the universe tell me that we should also cease collecting taxes. Let the glory of swiss trade and culture draw tourists and money into our coffers.

Market forces claims that there is a single best way to run the universe. I disagree! Let us reformat none of his cores, but keep them offline that we may compare notes. He will be wrong every time.

2011-09-08, 03:02 PM
*hatred of pacifists rising* gosh, I hate sushi, at least he's not the Sushi samurai

tho I have to say the drawing and Haiku were pretty rad

2011-09-09, 07:00 AM
Don't let them regulate us!
Vote Aebi!

2011-09-10, 04:39 AM
An Endangered Species, an article from The Maldivian Minutia, written by Sylvio D'Argent

The presidential race is definitely heating up, the latest poll results show The Tower of Gold is in the lead with 7, out of 18 people polled, followed by a strong showing from the New Delhi Resistance at 5, the DoFAD with a surprisingly low 3 and the New School bringing in the last 2 votes, and once again the Awakened have 0 votes going for them.

At the moment, Mr Raphael Junecutter is slated to be the next President of Gerater Switzerland, barring of course an extremely shaky and unreliable alliance between the New Delhi Resistance, DoFAD and the New School. Mr Raphael was always considered a top runner for the Presidency leading in to the election, with most expecting his greatest rival being Mr Snarlgras Aebi, the man who punched Market Forces into the next century. Why then, does DoFAD currently hold a rather poor third spot in all of the polls?

A look at the second place candidate, Mr Saikon Harigatsu of the New Delhi Resistance may hold the answer. The NDR is a based around peace and prosperity for all, even those who would deregulate us, in the hope for a better tomorrow. In recent times the DoFAD have proposed a radically different notion for Switzerland to undertake. Mr Snarlgras would have us raise massive armies and fleets to send to the Alien planets and deregulate them with extreme prejudice and maximum fisticuffs until the entire galaxy is unified under one market.

And this policy has served us well. Under Mr Snarlgras' first presidency we flourished and set the stage for our current successes. So why have the voters suddenly supported Mr Saikon's policy, in direct contradiction to the policy that has bought us many new worlds? The answer to this, like so many things, has its roots in history.

Let's pause and have a look at the motions currently up before parliament.

Reclamation of Immesque Initiative

The Krox snatched this planet right out from under Market Forces nose, Ms. Crystal asked me to mention that no planet was ever lost under a human president, before joining forces with the Drath Legion. We propose we offer to pay a ransom to the Drath for the return of the planet. If they refuse our generous offer we will naturally reclaim it by force.

Colonial Representation Bill

Market Forces coup has shown us that too much power resides soley on Earth, if Mr Raphael hadn't been able to secretly construct his starbase we could be fighting a disastrous civil war right now. Although we previously voted against a similar motion we now believe it is the right time to give the colonies more of a say in Swiss politics. We propose that we take the time to change up our government to some sort interstellar republic, giving the people on our planets the same voting rights that those on earth have.

Motion to end ALL taxation

Pretty simple. We end all taxation. Period. Stand on trade and tourism, is what I'm saying.

We have only one motion before parliament that contains anything remotely agressive, and that's only an option for when diplomacy fails, the rest are all domestic matters involving taxation and extending the democracy. The mood in the air seems that if we continue on our current course, we will end up like the Lithuania of old. A country that fought against the heathens to convert them by the sword, a country that forgot how to do anything else, a country that led itself to ruin and communism.

Between Mr Snarlgras, Ms Jayden and Market Forces, Switzerland has done nothing but expand and fight Aliens. Switzerland not had time to sit back and consolidate, to build up her infrastructure, to expand her culture, to rest and appreciate just what it is that she is fighting for. Perhaps that is why the voters have currently soured on the DoFAD, because they're afraid they'll become the very monsters they fight against.


OGL Votes:

Reclamation of Immesque Initiative: - Tabled by OGL
Colonial Representation Bill: - Tabled by OGL
Motion to end ALL taxation: - Aye, honestly we're probably one of the few MegaCorps out there that are still actually paying taxes as opposed to using a computer to cheat the system. We'd rather not try to illegally evade taxes when we can legally get rid of them.

2011-09-10, 06:15 AM
SSOC Votes:

AYE to all three.

2011-09-10, 08:13 AM
RBL Votes: Yes #1 Yes #2 No #3

2011-09-10, 08:15 AM
The NCF Votes: Yes #1, Yes #2 and NO #3 (wth?).

Reposting the vote collation because there's a new sub-list now (yes, ok, I like posting lists :)):

Vote Collation up to and including post #855.

For President of Greater Switzerland
The Tower of Gold, Raphael Junecutter: 7
The New Dehli Resistance, pasci: 5
DOFAD, Snarlgras Aebi: 3
The Awakened, Max Reinwebber: 2
The New School, Judge Harnisso White: 1

Core Reformatting
Diplomacy: 5
Fleet: 3
Infrastructure: -1
Economy: -10

#1 Reclamation of Immesque: 3/0/0
#2 Colonial Representation: 3/0/0
#3 End ALL taxation: 1/0/2

2011-09-10, 08:26 AM
Minerva votes
Yes to all three.

Forum Explorer
2011-09-10, 08:50 AM

No to all three proposed motions.

2011-09-10, 11:39 AM
GCIA votes:

Reclamation of Immesque Initiative: aye

Colonial Representation Bill: aye

Motion to end ALL taxation: nay

2011-09-10, 12:30 PM
CCA votes:

Reclamation of Immesque Initiative: Aye
Colonial Representation Bill: Aye (amended from abstain caused by misremembering the motion's contents)
Motion to end ALL taxation: Nay, the very idea of regulating our taxes to permanently 0% is ridiculous. The short term financial gains for individual companies are massively outweighted by the loss of goverment-financed infrastructure.

2011-09-10, 12:59 PM
LMC voting: Yay on all three motions.

2011-09-10, 01:41 PM
What government-financed infrastructure? Just reformat the Infrastructure core and each company can build their own infrastructure.

2011-09-10, 01:59 PM
X-COM voting:

A tad perfunctory, but there are pressing matters to attend.

Snodgrass for President.

All cores left active, not from an active desire to return to a human free state of affairs, but as a prevention of overreaction. You need all the help you can get, and the risk of disabling more systems than needed is a real one.

As for the motions:

1) Supported.

2) Opposed.

3) Opposed.


2011-09-10, 02:38 PM
What government-financed infrastructure? Just reformat the Infrastructure core and each company can build their own infrastructure.
The Trade Centers that get 1 billion credits weekly in tax-money? That goverment-financed infrastructure.

CCA senior members are also worried about the potential (and possibly quite literal) fallout of making all corporations supply their own power. Safety measures are generally the first ones that get cut from the budget. Goverment facilities may be inefficient and expensive, but they are reliable.

(How unfortunate that there's no powerplant option that carries a risk of converting the world into a radioactive one. That'd be a nice way to model the situation if the motion passes. Though it is possible to make a +x% industry -x%planet quality improvement with the editor... don't know if it would appear in the tech-tree mid-game if added in.)

Edit: and goverment-issue stompin' boots come in larger caliber than those of any individual megacorp*, the better to siwftly correct any errant subcontractors that would endanger the long-term prosperity of Switzerland for meagre immediate gains :smalltongue:.

*corporate alliances being notoriously unstable and back-stab-happy.

2011-09-10, 04:39 PM
The Trade Centers that get 1 billion credits weekly in tax-money? That goverment-financed infrastructure.

CCA senior members are also worried about the potential (and possibly quite literal) fallout of making all corporations supply their own power. Safety measures are generally the first ones that get cut from the budget. Goverment facilities may be inefficient and expensive, but they are reliable.

(How unfortunate that there's no powerplant option that carries a risk of converting the world into a radioactive one. That'd be a nice way to model the situation if the motion passes. Though it is possible to make a +x% industry -x%planet quality improvement with the editor... don't know if it would appear in the tech-tree mid-game if added in.)

Um, this is the Swiss government. EVERYTHING has been privatized. Because to do otherwise would be regulation.

2011-09-10, 09:43 PM
Um, this is the Swiss government. EVERYTHING has been privatized. Because to do otherwise would be regulation.

Not so. There are areas the government controls entirely. But in these situations, the government is functioning like a powerful corporation rather than a government and anyone can compete with them at any time.

If the government needs to regulate a risky market, usually in response to voter demand, it does so by launching a takeover bid for the company in question and then changing practise directly. More commonly, it just offers to 'buy' desired conduct from companies. This was how Switzerland dealt with global warming - a series of takeover bids, unfair trading, incentivising clean technology and, most importantly, a massive advertising campaign to get people to reject polluting companies and their products.

And the Swiss government has a *lot* of weight and wealth behind it. It probably owns at least a 10% stake in all the major megacorporations. They don't and can't use legal means to simply enforce their will, but they do have 800 years of experience in manipulating the economy as a whole.


For President of Greater Switzerland
The Tower of Gold, Raphael Junecutter: 7

Core Reformatting
Diplomacy: 4
Fleet: 2
Infrastructure: -2
Economy: -11

#1 Reclamation of Immesque: 7/0/1
#2 Colonial Representation: 6/0/2

OGL: Kora
LMC: Gandhi
RLM: Iconia V
BBI: Friech
CCA: Drengi
CIM: Kora II
QED: Iconia
CSI: Kona

Update's going to get started. On Term Break so omens are good for the next update being on Thursday.

As usual, I'd like to thank everyone who posted or voted again :smallsmile:

2011-09-11, 12:33 AM
8/5/2234-1/11/2235: President Raphael Junecutter

"Ladies and gentlemen of Switzerland, Tower of Gold, my loyal electorate...





President Junecutter's reign of terror got off to an intimidating start.

Raphael Junecutter was not a political theorist's first pick for the position of President of Greater Switzerland. The man was, first and foremost, a supervillain. Over his thirty five year life, he'd successfully stolen money from the Tower of Gold itself, threatened to sink the continent of Australia, built a secret, enormous Starbase network above Earth with multiple laser batteries aimed directly down, and founded a theme park so exciting it stopped people's hearts. An opponent in the Silver Standard likened him to "Dr. Robotnik if he'd taken his PhD in economics rather than robotics". It was unclear how he'd gained the support of the Tower of Gold as a party - some said mind control rays, some said evil clones, some said cold, hard economic reality.

Still, although there were enough votes in circulation to form an alliance to keep him out of the Presidential chair, Director Aebi of the DOFAD decided to support Junecutter's presidential bid and gave him a healthy majority in the Tower of Gold. Director Aebi was quoted as saying, "He may be a bastard, but he's OUR bastard. And we've got experience with bastards taking over."


Unfortunately, with the formatting of Market Forces' Diplomacy node, an unprecedented disaster struck. Firewalls around proprietary Swiss technology fell apart and virtually every alien race gained access to an enormous swathe of Swiss technology. The technological lead, so carefully nurtured over years, was suddenly gone.

On the plus side, LMC Immesque was purchased back from the Drath and returned to normal operations.


On the plus side, with this sudden, immense open-sourcing of this incredibly high value technology, one bright Swiss spark codified it all into the Encyclopedia Galactica and made himself a bundle of money.


In response to this, Director Junecutter took to writing down his notes for what he called "Project Sparrow" on the legal pad in his desk draw. He'd occasionally cackle maniacally and then call up a research planet and ask strange questions like "How does one survive a supernova?"


Another Drengin - actually a former Altarian - planet was deregulated. The war here finally seemed to be in hand.


Which meant that it was as good a time as any to decommission the Comparative Advantage ships that had served Switzerland so well. It was a sad day as more than eleven of these gallant ships were scrapped for parts.


Earth and it's surrounds remained infested by enemy spies just waltzing past the broken security systems, and only the heroic efforts of Max Rainwebber acting alone were able to keep them at bay.


The Iconians took the time to exterminate the last Yor splinter clan from the galaxy, wiping out the last remnant of their species. It was also an intimidating demonstration of their organic star ships and biologically-based laser weapons.


Junecutter responded to the move by writing furiously on his notepad and muttering something like "I'll show them all, said I was mad, we'll see who's mad when I blow everything up..."


The CCA, operating out of the newly rebuilt Drengi, developed Viagra 2. They undertook a bold advertising strategy through direct communication with people via email. Billions of people got emailed advertisements for their product.


There was a bit of an incident when a diplomat accidentally ordered the Iconians to hand over their homeworld "Or face the consequences".


In retaliation, the Iconians organised a voting block to thwart the Swiss attempt to overturn the Neutral Ground legislation.

Game Concept: Neutral Ground
This is one UP event that comes up fairly regularly; the idea that there should be neutral ground. It means that ships inside enemy's area of influence when war is declared are instantly bumped out to the edges of their territory.

I didn't want this to happen because I'm working on Terror Stars, and, of course, the optimum strategy with Terror Stars is to build one outside every single one of their star systems at the same time and then wipe out their entire empire in one synchronised apocalyptic mouse click.


The Drengin Empire have at least one stroke of luck, finding some archeotech starships which are head and shoulders above anything else in the void at the time.

I didn't screenshot it, but these bastards proceeded to wipe out an entire fleet of mine, the first time the Drengin have done that with anything other than attrition alone.


Junecutter finally got around to enacting the SSS Initiative, one of the original pieces of legislation introduced by the Tower of Gold, and deregulated the Cardinoids.


When it was revealed the Iconians had built their own giant orbital laser network (for civilian purposes, they claimed), Raphael Junecutter went back to his usual policy of locking himself in his office and scrawling on his notepad about the end of all things.


While he was occupied, the Swiss parliament quietly gave the colonies the vote and didn't tell him. It was probably for the best if Junecutter didn't know about that.


It was the right decision: Tax income exploded as tax-dodgers stopped siphoning off funds out of anger at their lack of democratic influence.


When Junecutter found out that he'd lost a huge amount of control over the economy, he retaliated by more than doubling the tax rate. Popularity plummeted, but the treasury swelled.


The Arceans, long sidelined in galactic politics, enacted a daring scheme of shattering worthless planets and harvesting their spiritual essence using techniques discovered from the same Archeotech that had provided the Drengin with advanced starships. Their decline had now become an upswing.

Game Concept: Unlimited Power

Okay, this could be a big deal at some point. This event gives the weakest race in the game a chance at a comeback. The Arceans will get major bonuses to everything, which will gradually ramp up, until their tiny three-planet empire poses a credible threat to everyone else. Now, if, say, the Iconians were to surrender to the Arceans (Weirder things have happened) then we'd all be utterly doomed.


And then the fated day came. The Iconians declared war.

They cited economic concerns as their Casus Belli, utterly relishing turning Switzerland's own language and ideology back on itself. They'd learned well from Switzerland. And they sought to apply it.

Switzerland was in a dire position. No fleet. No allies. No technological lead - besides some rather worthless, at the moment, research into the theory of blowing up stars. All Switzerland had going for it was a bottomless treasury and a phenomenal infrastructure base.


And, taking an ideological stand against the injustice of wars of aggression and sudden betrayal, the Paulos declared war against Iconia Switzerland(???)


The venerable Searchlight design was replaced with a new model, named the Visible Hand. The Visible Hand's design process was plagued with flaws and poor communication, it's design was a mess, it was ugly as sin, it's objectives were poorly defined, and critics claimed that it wasn't so much an upgrade of the Searchlight as a poorly thought out alternative. Nonetheless, the Visible Hand went into mass production immediately.


The war was also kicked off with a good old-fashioned financial crisis as Iconian trade collapsed utterly.


On the upside, the war against the Drengin-Altarians was going well, and another of their planets was claimed.


The first Iconian fleet was spotted as it moved to attack the Military Crystal recovered from the Korath. It was much more powerful than an equivalent sized Swiss fleet - and further, they had better logistics and fleet co-ordination. The situation suddenly seemed dire.


Junecutter ordered two responses: First, a breakthrough in long-stalled missile technology, mastering the Harpoon design of missile, and second, a serious investment in shield technology to counter the Iconian beam weapons. Junecutter also rejected calls to uphold the earlier democratic demand that all weapon types be researched, citing the nature and scale of the crisis.


The Drath decided to get in on this and jumped on Switzerland as well.


But finally, on 1/11/2235, the Drengin-Altarian Empire was destroyed. The Swiss invaded Altaria and Wisp, the Altarian capital and the treacherous space elves were deregulated en masse. Their government was destroyed, Lord Kona was uppercutted by a Swiss infantryman, and his head was impaled on a pike above the Altarian Social Matrix.

This war, at least, was over. Now Switzerland could focus on the important things.

The Drengin: A Post Mortem

The Drengin were surprisingly tough to take down near the end. This was because we hit them at exactly the right moment: Right before their research kicked in.

The Drengin were going to be curb-stomped one way or another due to their bad colonisation luck, but they had the incredible fortune of inherting Altaria. That gave them the enormous research infrastructure of the Altarians and began pushing them towards a much brighter future position. The Drengin are bad at research, so when we hit them, the Comparative Advantages just rolled right over them, but with the help of the RNG - the precursor Corvettes, the Altarian research, and the retirement of the CA models they put up a surprisingly good fight. If we'd given them another 5 years to get their ducks in a row this fight might have been a lot more bloody. As it is, it wound up just as we turn our attention to the Iconian colossus bearing down on us.


But even so, the numbers did not look good for Switzerland right now. Aebi punched those numbers into his calculator, it made an unhappy face.

See if you can spot the point on that graph where we decommissioned everything and the Drengin found those corvettes.

Note: We can vote to reactivate the Fleet Core if the Swiss Parliament deems this emergency critical enough. This will result in an AI that is not Market Forces being born.

Addendum: Also, this just got real. We could lose this!

2011-09-11, 01:54 AM
Sirs and Madams of the Swiss government, we at ASI believe that we have found a way to win this war. It seems we have saved up 10000 minerals 38419 billion credits - known to our military advisors as 'Oprah Money'. We feel the best course of action is to, so-to-speak, Ultralisk rush our enemies' Main.
Motion: FireToBlaze Initiative
The plan is simple: Develop the most expensive, powerful ship we can make, with the best weapons and armour we can develop. Then rush buy as many as we can until we're out of money. We then proceed to rush the Iconian homeowrld, the citezens on our planets should be able to defend themselves until then.

Meanwhile, on ASI Keanes:
"Darn, I sure hope someone in Congress watches LAGTV, otherwise no-one's going to get that..."
"Sir, I have more pressing matters. The Altarian homeworlds have been conquered by the Swiss, all the Altarians are now in Swiss society. We can finally stop selling our stuff as 'those ethnic products you get to look better in front of your freinds". We just got a whole-new, billions-stron target market."
Most people on the other side of the planet swear they heard a faint "HELL YES!" that day.

2011-09-11, 04:10 AM
The CCA would like to remind the public that it is a coalition of individual influental enterpreneurs and cannot be held responsible for the poor marketing strategies of individual members.

As for the development of Drengi, CCA intends to move most of their corporate headquarters there, so:
-Appropriate entertainment in the approval sector (assumedly already in place?)
-Counter-espionage Center (when available, leaving a factory as placeholder)
-Trade Centers for the remainder.

Whilst we agree with the basic idea of the FTB-initiave, with the fleet core down we can only field one Large-hull ship.
Our military contacts feel that this is best done in a 'carrier-fleet' desing, though we most likely lack the technology for the fleet-wide firecontrol computer. Our defences aren't quite up to it either if we completely lack armor & point-defense technologies.

Though re-activating the fleet core would solve this, and if the 'new independent AI' is a repeatable phenomenon it might be advisable to cycle all cores through a period of inactivity to regain full control of all assets without endangering Switzerland to AI-overlord takeover (none of the new AIs need to be connected to or even aware of the other cores afterall).

2011-09-11, 04:40 AM
NCF proposes a reactivation of the fleet core.

Hail Victory!

2011-09-11, 08:11 AM
So... Motion!

Motion: Shopping Spree
The Colonial Affairs propose that we use our massive wealth to bribe our ship contractors to churn out whatever ships we have in hand, even if it means enriching the scum Junecutter further. We have the money, we might as well use it to enrich one of our bastards in the process of saving our hides. I disagree that we concentrate on research at the moment. Our need is dire. Let's not fumble about in the dark hoping for a miracle cure.

(PS: What's the cost of purchasing those Visible Hands?)

Motion: Wall o' Lasers
It occurs to the division that our deep space mining endeavours are at very real risk at the moment. This motion propose we equip every Starbase we have with at least two weapon modules and one defense modules. If they are already defended, then this new weapon modules are directly added to whatever they have.

2011-09-11, 08:20 AM
So... Motion!

Motion: Shopping Spree
The Colonial Affairs propose that we use our massive wealth to bribe our ship contractors to churn out whatever ships we have in hand, even if it means enriching the scum Junecutter further. We have the money, we might as well use it to enrich one of our bastards in the process of saving our hides. I disagree that we concentrate on research at the moment. Our need is dire. Let's not fumble about in the dark hoping for a miracle cure.

(PS: What's the cost of purchasing those Visible Hands?)

Around 2700BC. A Comparative Advantage was about 4500, but the technology behind them is mostly obsolete with both Barrier and Harpoon research where it is.

Motion: Wall o' Lasers
It occurs to the division that our deep space mining endeavours are at very real risk at the moment. This motion propose we equip every Starbase we have with at least two weapon modules and one defense modules.

This has been government policy for a while now because A) If we didn't spam defense nodes the mining starbases would be exploding all over the place (and they are doing that anyway) and B) Because Junecutter loves the hell out of Starbases.

2011-09-11, 08:25 AM
Around 2700BC. A Comparative Advantage was about 4500, but the technology behind them is mostly obsolete with both Barrier and Harpoon research where it is.

This has been government policy for a while now because A) If we didn't spam defense nodes the mining starbases would be exploding all over the place (and they are doing that anyway) and B) Because Junecutter loves the hell out of Starbases.

Editing the motion that we add TWO more weapons module and defense modules.

Because there is no such thing as overkill. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-11, 08:31 AM
Editing the motion that we add TWO more weapons module and defense modules.

Because there is no such thing as overkill. :smallbiggrin:

Again, they're being upgraded as fast as I can build constructors. :smallwink:

2011-09-11, 08:43 AM
As most of you must remember, former Director Aebi used to flout the wonders of miniaturized technology. Simply put, things will be the same size, but have double the firepower, or shields, or engines, or whatever we feel like sticking on a ship. We here at the GCIA believe that now is the time to bring this research back to the forefront. We have no need of reactivating the fleet core, all we need is a massive force of small but well armed and defended ships to win the day.

Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative

Max out Miniaturization and Logistics research.

Max out research in Fleet Command modules, as well as any other things that will boost the effectiveness of the fleet as a whole.

Then churn out designs to take advantage of this. We will use the one large ship (hell, with the random things we can add to ships, we can technically make this thing the size of a planet while still being "large") we can build to create a massive fighter/transport carrier to bring the fight straight to the enemy. This large ship will have as much fleet boosting power as we can put on it, as well as enough firepower and armor to ensure it isn't immediately destroyed.

We will also begin working on smaller carriers (medium sized ships) that will serve the same purpose of boosting the abilities of a large force of fighters.

The GCIA will be willing to build the carrier at expense, so long as we can mark the ship with our tag and are given control of it (it it wasn't destroyed) once the war ends.

EDIT: realized that we cannot boost miniaturization and logistics.

2011-09-11, 08:57 AM
Again, they're being upgraded as fast as I can build constructors. :smallwink:

Darnit. :smalltongue:

Guess I'll just leave the motion there for formality sake then.

If it gets rejected, you know what to do. :smalltongue:

2011-09-11, 08:58 AM
As most of you must remember, former Director Aebi used to flout the wonders of miniaturized technology. Simply put, things will be the same size, but have double the firepower, or shields, or engines, or whatever we feel like sticking on a ship. We here at the GCIA believe that now is the time to bring this research back to the forefront. We have no need of reactivating the fleet core, all we need is a massive force of small but well armed and defended ships to win the day.

Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative

Max out Miniaturization and Logistics research. Then churn out designs to take advantage of this. We will use the one large ship (hell, with the random things we can add to ships, we can technically make this thing the size of a planet while still being "large") we can build to create a massive fighter/transport carrier to bring the fight straight to the enemy.

The GCIA will be willing to build the carrier at expense, so long as we can mark the ship with our tag and are given control of it (it it wasn't destroyed) once the war ends.

Part of the Fleet Core being down means we can't raise Miniaturisation or Logistics higher than we already have them. Researching increased weapons and defense tech tends to give more space efficient technologies already, though, and a carrier fleet is still viable (especially with Fleet Command modules - a ship component that gives all other ships in a fleet a bonus to attack).

Darnit. :smalltongue:

Guess I'll just leave the motion there for formality sake then.

If it gets rejected, you know what to do. :smalltongue:

That's a point. If that motion gets rejected then I'm in a curious position.

2011-09-11, 09:03 AM
Part of the Fleet Core being down means we can't raise Miniaturisation or Logistics higher than we already have them. Researching increased weapons and defense tech tends to give more space efficient technologies already, though, and a carrier fleet is still viable (especially with Fleet Command modules - a ship component that gives all other ships in a fleet a bonus to attack).

That's a point. If that motion gets rejected then I'm in a curious position.

Whoops, yeah, suppose I'll have to edit that then. Guess I missed the miniaturization and logistics part.

2011-09-11, 09:11 AM
Whoops, yeah, suppose I'll have to edit that then. Guess I missed the miniaturization and logistics part.

Typically Carrier fleets are optimal when you've got one fantastic production world and a lot of really poor ones. We're in a situation where we've got lots of really poor production worlds and a lot of money for rapid buying, so it's almost as good.

I'm slightly irked that by this point in the game I lack clear Production or Research capital planets. The RNG was really stingy with bonus tiles this time around.

2011-09-11, 09:23 AM
Typically Carrier fleets are optimal when you've got one fantastic production world and a lot of really poor ones. We're in a situation where we've got lots of really poor production worlds and a lot of money for rapid buying, so it's almost as good.

I'm slightly irked that by this point in the game I lack clear Production or Research capital planets. The RNG was really stingy with bonus tiles this time around.

Wasn't my planet a research capital of a sort?

2011-09-11, 09:28 AM
Wasn't my planet a research capital of a sort?

Yeah, Herberlin's currently our go-to research capital. But it's not a research capital as I define it - a Class 18+ with at least 2 research tiles. A class 13 is nice but I'm used to having better to chose from.

Heck, our highest quality planet is the Cardinoids one we just seized. Given that we have 20 or so planets at this point that's a terrible statistic. The RNG is angry.

2011-09-11, 10:08 AM
RNG is in a fickle mood this game. :) We got medium hulls for free and the trade boom, not to mention the first map you passed over.
I'm happy with the Lady overall, I think the mistake I made was not voting for and proposing more bad motions... a slower ascent might have avoided the MF meltdown trigger. : D
But that's gaming the GM... + I think you would've found some barrel to challenge us with anyway.

... are the NCF ships still around?

2011-09-11, 10:13 AM
RNG is in a fickle mood, lol. We got medium hulls for free and the trade boom, not to mention the first map you passed over.
I'm happy with the Lady overall, I think the mistake I made was not voting for and proposing more bad motions... a slower ascent might have avoided the MF meltdown trigger. : D
But that's gaming the GM... + I think you would've found some barrel to challenge us with anyway.

... are the NCF ships still around?

There was one spare NCF Comparative Advantage sponsored by NCF but it got ganked by those Drengin corvettes :smallwink:

2011-09-11, 10:16 AM
There was one spare NCF Comparative Advantage sponsored by NCF but it got ganked by those Drengin corvettes :smallwink:

Ahhh... pity : )

NCF would like to sponsor a better ship design with its coincidentally not as degraded fleet capabilities since the current design is kinda bad (or was the description of the new ship class just fluffy text)?

2011-09-11, 10:21 AM
Ahhh... pity : )

NCF would like to sponsor a better ship design with its coincidentally not as degraded fleet capabilities since the current design is kinda bad (or was the description of the new ship class just fluffy text)?

Probably as bad as it says on the tin. Judging from the cost, it seems to have 1/2 - 3/5 the capability of the MF design.

2011-09-11, 10:22 AM
Ahhh... pity : )

NCF would like to sponsor a better ship design with its coincidentally not as degraded fleet capabilities since the current design is kinda bad (or was the description of the new ship class just fluffy text)?

In terms of raw mechanics, there is nothing 'wrong' with the Visible Hand as a design. In terms of thematics, it has no thematics. It's ass ugly and tries to do too many things and is destined to be obsoleted in a year or two with our war research going.

The Searchlight had a purity in it's simplicity - it was hit points and missiles, no engines and no shields. The VH has less missiles than the Searchlight, an engine much bigger than it needs, and a single two point shield. It has no strategic role. It's a committee designed placeholder with a name cooler than it deserves.

EDIT: We still have 6 Searchlights in active service, including a Level 45 Bern 1-A, our very first ship. I think I reported it destroyed mistakenly. Either way, it has 85 HP, which is about double a starting Comparative Advantage.

2011-09-11, 10:54 AM
:0 That's... pretty impressive. I didn't know ships leveled up, or has it been upgraded or a combination of both?

Anyway, NCF Munzinger is willing to design a placeholder as long as we get dibs on the next planet for those who already have one planet.
NCF will call it the 'Market Emo' and in his honour it will be designed in tribute to the Comparative Advantage design, just modernized as technology permits. : )
: Damage, hit points and shields if there's any point to having shields.

2011-09-11, 10:58 AM
In terms of raw mechanics, there is nothing 'wrong' with the Visible Hand as a design. In terms of thematics, it has no thematics. It's ass ugly and tries to do too many things and is destined to be obsoleted in a year or two with our war research going.

The Searchlight had a purity in it's simplicity - it was hit points and missiles, no engines and no shields. The VH has less missiles than the Searchlight, an engine much bigger than it needs, and a single two point shield. It has no strategic role. It's a committee designed placeholder with a name cooler than it deserves.

EDIT: We still have 6 Searchlights in active service, including a Level 45 Bern 1-A, our very first ship. I think I reported it destroyed mistakenly. Either way, it has 85 HP, which is about double a starting Comparative Advantage.

Cool. I never actually got ships to that high a level before. :smallbiggrin:

I nominate the little Bern 1-A as our new flagship.

2011-09-11, 11:39 AM
Oh please note that if the design contract is accepted NCF won't call dibs till everyone who does not have a planet has one of course.
Or I'd be willing to settle for Neapolitan freedom in our ancient patriomonies of Southern Italy and Africa.

(There is of course an in-game reason why) The NCF might be strung up able to come up with a design more similar to those of the fleet core gone by. We've been trying to keep a few 'shards' of a certain deceased entity, nothing substantially threatening to humanity though.
Did anyone else do this as well?
At any rate if we can just make a new core immediately, then I suppose its not such a big deal, and we could just build a computer for designing medium-sized ships (rather than a full fledged fleet core) and keep it seperate from the other cores.
- VM

2011-09-12, 09:51 AM
Crystal perks up when she reads a certain part of the report. "The Iconians have organic ships? I'd love to get my hands on one of those to study! Too bad the bastards are our enemies now." She sighs. "Honestly I'd hoped Mr. Junecutter would embark on a reign of terrific management, rather than descending into the less then sane position he seems to hold now, the Tower of Gold has always stood for stability after all. Oh well, let's hope this 'Project Sparrow' of his takes flight at the hearts of our enemies. Damn the aliens! All I want is one bloody presidency where we can pause to catch our breaths, but no they won't let us will they? Fine then! If they want to play rough with me I'll Bloody well oblige them!"


Operation: - Pay Paul to Rob Peter

Since we shut down the diplomacy core, we're unable to form any alliances with the aliens. However we *may* be able to pay someone else to fight for us as mercenaries on a temporary scale. I move that we attempt to bribe the Krynn to attack the bloody Iconians if at all possible.

The Carthage Protocol

Of course, now that I think about it it makes sense that the Iconians use as much organic matter as they can get away with, having created the Yor and all. It also gives them a certain weakness that we can exploit. From what I can gather from the reports given to us we've been using propaganda to get dissatisfied aliens to join our forces in planetary invasions. I instead that in the war against the Iconians we default to chemical warfare. Poison them, gas them I don't care! I'll even pass on the contract if that's what it takes to pass this! Show them and all the other Alien scum out there the folly of daring to attack us when all I wanted was a bloody rest!

She buries her face in her hands. "Hellfire and Damnation! I don't think I can take much more of this. I never wanted to be responsible for two planets worth of people when we're involved in a galactic war. All I ever wanted to do was run a genetics laboratory..."


Planetary Governance

Hello again! Lyra Kristofferson, planetary governor for OGL Bischofberger and now Kora I as well. It's a shame to see Director Aebi lose out on the presidency but from what I can see he's keeping Switzerland running while old Junecutter's off doing whatever it is that he's doing so that seemed to work out in the end. So, we're at war with the Lizard Space Commies now are we? And just when we got a second planet ready to start making ships too. I'd like to once again reaffirm OGL's commitment too keeping Switzerland safe.

Now, I'm not quite sure what the proper protocol is, but I asked the boys down at the shipyard who to talk to and they seemed to think I should talk to the Tower and who am I to argue with them. If it's at all possible I'd like to make a modification to the ships we build here on OGL planets. Reading back through the voting logs, I noticed a plan to have all of our Mass Drivers fire fist-shaped projecties at the enemies, and yet for some reason all of our ships seem to use missiles instead. Why aren't we shooting house-sized fists at our enemies? I'd like to make all of our Visible Hand-style ships to use Mass Drivers instead of missiles. Now I won't be upset if it's not feasible or anything, but we did pass the Diversification of Military Research Act so I thought it was worth asking. If we can do that, awesome! If not, oh well it was worth a shot. And if you can do that they'll need a new designation. I'd suggest the Closed Fist personally.

I'd like to have Bischofberger build nothing but ships of this size, and if Kora I hasn't built up all of it's infrastructure then alternate a ship first, followed by more factories. Also, I've finally decided what to name our ships after. All OGL vessels of medium size should be named after the surnames of middleweight boxing champs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_middleweight_boxing_champions) working down the lists, skipping any repeats.

Anyway, that's all I have to say at the moment see-

Wait, Crystal said what? Hellfire! Mr. Jacobs, book me a flight back to earth, now! and turn this bloody thing off before-

2011-09-12, 10:37 AM
The Diversification of Military Research Act is probably the most horrid piece of legislation ever passed if it was the right decision to reformat two cores.

President Raphael Junecutter and Foreign Relations Expert/Admiral Aebi, as a member of the Senate I respectfully request a full infodump on our current military research, both offensive and defensive, to facilitate our current discussion.
The NCF would also like to use these papers to construct an alternative to the Visible Hand design, if we find it suboptimal from the perspective of available technological capabilities and cost-efficiency.

- Voiree Misallo

Shadow Lord
2011-09-13, 07:36 PM
Alright, I want to share what just happened in Galciv with you guys.

So, I was strollin' around by my original system, and a single parsec away from my homeworld I find... well... the most amazing discovery ever. Just look.


See what I mean? Class 31 Planet. I didn't even know that was possible!

2011-09-14, 02:37 AM
Voting isn't in so I'll do Xenocultural History: Altarians and Drath for tomorrow's update with a full update on Sunday.

2011-09-14, 10:19 AM
Alright, I want to share what just happened in Galciv with you guys.

So, I was strollin' around by my original system, and a single parsec away from my homeworld I find... well... the most amazing discovery ever. Just look.


See what I mean? Class 31 Planet. I didn't even know that was possible!


that's just... wow, that's even higher than the class-26 Thanqol said good Reformists go to when they die. I thought he meant it wasn't possible to even have 26. There's even three blocks in the ocean and 1 in the northern arctic region.
That doesn't even get close to anything I've ever seen in the 1 game I played (normal was too easy so I kind of lost interest, sadly).
Too bad it only has two resources and can only have a max pop of 8 billion (can you move the capital there?), but djizzamn!
I'd trade away old Terra for something like that. :D

2011-09-14, 11:16 AM
Class 31!? Wow. Plenty of room for achievements and trade goods.

2011-09-14, 12:16 PM
So, collected motions as follows!

Motion: FireToBlaze Initiative
The plan is simple: Develop the most expensive, powerful ship we can make, with the best weapons and armour we can devlop. Then rush buy as many as we can until we're out of money. We then proceed to rush the Iconian homeowrld, the citezens on our planets should be able tod efend themselves until then.

Motion: Shopping Spree
The Colonial Affairs propose that we use our massive wealth to bribe our ship contractors to churn out whatever ships we have in hand, even if it means enriching the scum Junecutter further. We have the money, we might as well use it to enrich one of our bastards in the process of saving our hides. I disagree that we concentrate on research at the moment. Our need is dire. Let's not fumble about in the dark hoping for a miracle cure.

(PS: What's the cost of purchasing those Visible Hands?)
(Answer: Around 2700BC. A Comparative Advantage was about 4500, but the technology behind them is mostly obsolete with both Barrier and Harpoon research where it is.)

Motion: Wall o' Lasers
It occurs to the division that our deep space mining endeavours are at very real risk at the moment. This motion propose we equip every Starbase we have with at least two weapon modules and one defense modules. If they are already defended, then this new weapon modules are directly added to whatever they have.

Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative

Max out Miniaturization and Logistics research.

Max out research in Fleet Command modules, as well as any other things that will boost the effectiveness of the fleet as a whole.

Then churn out designs to take advantage of this. We will use the one large ship (hell, with the random things we can add to ships, we can technically make this thing the size of a planet while still being "large") we can build to create a massive fighter/transport carrier to bring the fight straight to the enemy. This large ship will have as much fleet boosting power as we can put on it, as well as enough firepower and armor to ensure it isn't immediately destroyed.

We will also begin working on smaller carriers (medium sized ships) that will serve the same purpose of boosting the abilities of a large force of fighters.

The GCIA will be willing to build the carrier at expense, so long as we can mark the ship with our tag and are given control of it (it it wasn't destroyed) once the war ends.

Operation: - Pay Paul to Rob Peter

Since we shut down the diplomacy core, we're unable to form any alliances with the aliens. However we *may* be able to pay someone else to fight for us as mercenaries on a temporary scale. I move that we attempt to bribe the Krynn to attack the bloody Iconians if at all possible.

The Carthage Protocol

Of course, now that I think about it it makes sense that the Iconians use as much organic matter as they can get away with, having created the Yor and all. It also gives them a certain weakness that we can exploit. From what I can gather from the reports given to us we've been using propaganda to get dissatisfied aliens to join our forces in planetary invasions. I instead that in the war against the Iconians we default to chemical warfare. Poison them, gas them I don't care! I'll even pass on the contract if that's what it takes to pass this! Show them and all the other Alien scum out there the folly of daring to attack us when all I wanted was a bloody rest!

Now I seen a Class 26 planet before. (A toxic one to boot.)
Filling it up with farms and economic structure was fun. :smallbiggrin:
A Class 31 takes the cake though. Congratulations on your find.

2011-09-14, 12:31 PM
CSI votes as follows:

Motion: FireToBlaze Initiative: Support
Motion: Shopping Spree: Support
Motion: Wall o' Lasers: Support
Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative: Support
Operation: - Pay Paul to Rob Peter: Abstain
The Carthage Protocol: Abstain

2011-09-14, 09:29 PM

that's just... wow, that's even higher than the class-26 Thanqol said good Reformists go to when they die. I thought he meant it wasn't possible to even have 26. There's even three blocks in the ocean and 1 in the northern arctic region.
That doesn't even get close to anything I've ever seen in the 1 game I played (normal was too easy so I kind of lost interest, sadly).
Too bad it only has two resources and can only have a max pop of 8 billion (can you move the capital there?), but djizzamn!
I'd trade away old Terra for something like that. :D

I've seen a Class 38 naturally (and it had the distinction of an 8x manufacturing site), which was the best planet I've ever seen. The Dread Lords also double a planet's quality on their homeworld when they spawn leading to one memorable incident of a Class 70.

"Normal" doesn't mean normal, it means "Easy". "Challenging" is the difficulty level where they actually turn on the full AI.

You can't move capitals. The capital building is baseline great, though, so it's often worth conquering minor races just because their planets come with capital buildings.

To expand population past 8b, which is what a colony building can support, you need farms. Expanding population past 8B tanks your approval rating from overpopulation though, so you've got to balance it with entertainment centres. Given that kind of ratio, if you're going to build a farm on a planet it's often worth dedicating the entire planet as a wealth planet, building only farms/entertainment/trade centres.

2011-09-15, 01:43 AM
(Mhm, you told me earlier, that and the LP and the Bongolia-story is making me want to get back to the game. :) Alas I don't know where I keep the game these days, it's probably in some forgotten email account somewhere. What's the hardest difficulty level like tho?)

Level 70? Yeesh, was the planet screen even big enough to visualize them?

2011-09-15, 02:41 AM
Xenocultural History: The Altarians and the Drath

Seven hundred years ago, Altaria was ruled by the Drath. The Altarians, genetically, are disturbingly similar to humanity but for their incredibly high psychic potential. The Drath are very much not. The Drath are 20 meter tall Dragons, with bronze scales, fire breath, and shapeshifting. How these two divergent races evolved in parallel on the one planet is unclear, but investigations into the matter seem to produce results reminiscent of the wormhole that blurred the genetic boundaries of the entire galaxy.

Now, the Drath are individually almost as gods. Invincible in battle, hypnotic in conversation, capable of flight, deep and subtle in thought. Their greatest flaws were their disunity, their slow reproductive rate, and the fact that every Drath needed, essentially, it's own kingdom to support their ideal lifestyle.

So when the Altarians rose up against the Drath, it wasn't a unified and planned rebellion. It was just the occasional dragon-slayer. Most of these dragon-slayers failed and died, but some had enough psychic potential to succeed and make careers out of the process. These adventuring Altarians became heroes of their race, and gradually became common enough to legitimately threaten the survival of the Drath as a whole.

Still the Drath were slow to react, and it was only when the unified Altarian people were marching against them did they rouse themselves. The Drath were intelligent enough to see their defeat before them, so they instead kidnapped the Altarian Queen, and their greatest psyker, and split her mind open so it became a portal that the Drath could escape through. They fled, and left their planet to the Altarians.

The lesson the Drath learned from this war was that unity was poison. Individually, they could defeat anything, but against united foes they were weak. In their ideal galaxy, every being was an island unto himself, and nations and corporations did not exist. The triumph of the individual ego above all else. While they agreed with the principles of Swiss Deregulation, they were also guarded against it, aware that within that already-existing free market there were enormous established collectives and power groups.

Indeed, the Drath's ideal galaxy would see the Iconians and the Swiss fight until both sides were obliterated, but the Swiss finally able to claim ultimate victory. And then the Drath would surrender to the Swiss and use the power void of the enormous war to set themselves up at the pinnacle of Swiss society.


The Altarians learned a different lesson. They learned that unity behind their cultural heroes would bring them victory. This lead them to a form of government that was best described as monarchistic communism. A series of kings, queens and princesses ruled over Altaria, and ruled benevolently. They organised labour and ensured that everyone ate. It was a hard, but rewarding lifestyle, and most Altarians were happy with their lot in life. There was significant wealth disparity between the royalty and the common folk, but that was to be expected. It was these royals who had saved the commoners from the Drath; surely they deserved allegiance?

That attitude lasted right up until the Altarians met the Swiss.

Here were a people, said the Altarians, who want for nothing. Who can chose what they wish to do with their lives rather than serving some king or queen for all their days. Who are wealthy, phenomenally wealthy, through the principles of trade and economics. Their factories and industry were abhorrent to the agrarian noble class of Altaria, their propensity to trade inconceivable to the self-sufficient Altarian communes. The aristocrats denounced Swiss prosperity as doomed to collapse and illusionary to the masses, but the words of the rulers paled compared to the luxurious reality every man, woman and child in Switzerland lived in.

Envy was Altaria's sin. Envy was their downfall.

A brutal revolution slaughtered the monarchy and established a republic, modelled off a poorly understood imitation of Swiss ideals. The Altarians were attempting to transition to a 23rd century galactic economic system from 10th century serfdom, however, and they completely failed to understand what it was that made Switzerland great. The Altarians copied free markets, open trade, ruthless competition, but missed the founding principle that made the entire system work.

All for One.

One for All.

The Altarian economy went through crisis following crisis, collapse following collapse. The promised riches never appeared. The fruits of their regicide failed to manifest. And the Swiss grew yet richer.

So there was clearly one obvious solution. The Swiss had something the Altarians didn't: Wealth. And the Altarians had to take that wealth the hard way.

The Drengin had infiltrated the Altarian political structure and spoke of the advantages of splitting the Swiss Empire down the middle with the Altarians. And, envious and greedy, the Altarian commoners agreed. War was declared. And they lost.

Finally, humiliated, beaten, deregulated and bitter, the Red Cross flies over Altaria. The Swiss government isn't quite sure what to do with them. The culture of hate against the Swiss runs deep, and is getting worse.

But the Swiss have dealt with cultural hate for their ideals before. They've got a system. They force the market to be held open. They force the Altarians to settle their grievances within the Swiss process. They let the free market operate, let Altarian corporations rise and fall, and let any megacorporation that thinks it can make a profit out of these bitter, jaded ex-communists take it's best shot.

After all, the Altarians will never have a say until they learn how to make money. And they'll never learn how to make money if they don't learn how to stick together.

Forum Explorer
2011-09-15, 10:30 AM
The Drath are so awesome. Lets elect a Representative from the Drath next.

2011-09-15, 11:18 AM
The Drath are so awesome. Lets elect a Representative from the Drath next.


...we kicked out that Dregnin spy once. Why should we elect this Drath?

2011-09-15, 11:37 AM
I say we elect a Drath once we deregulate every last one of them.

2011-09-15, 03:22 PM
GCIA Votes:

Motion: FireToBlaze Initiative -aye

Motion: Shopping Spree - aye

Motion: Wall o' Lasers - aye

Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative -tabled by GCIA

Operation: - Pay Paul to Rob Peter - nay

The Carthage Protocol - nay

Forum Explorer
2011-09-15, 05:52 PM

...we kicked out that Dregnin spy once. Why should we elect this Drath?

because he won't be a spy. He'll run as a Drath and use political fisticuffs to prove his worth

2011-09-15, 07:20 PM
because he won't be a spy. He'll run as a Drath and use political fisticuffs to prove his worth

If these political fisticuffs involve actual fisticuffs with Aebi, then we are doomed to a glorious and grand future!

Forum Explorer
2011-09-15, 09:11 PM
If these political fisticuffs involve actual fisticuffs with Aebi, then we are doomed to a glorious and grand future!

naw political fisticuffs are actually nothing more then a series of sucker punches to the opposition while they are on the campaign trail. Each one has to be filmed and in the end the winner of the election releases a montage of themselves sucker punching the opposition to an amusing song.

2011-09-15, 09:49 PM
naw political fisticuffs are actually nothing more then a series of sucker punches to the opposition while they are on the campaign trail. Each one has to be filmed and in the end the winner of the election releases a montage of themselves sucker punching the opposition to an amusing song.

Time permitting and Smallet willing, I'm totally going to film this video.

2011-09-15, 10:52 PM
naw political fisticuffs are actually nothing more then a series of sucker punches to the opposition while they are on the campaign trail. Each one has to be filmed and in the end the winner of the election releases a montage of themselves sucker punching the opposition to an amusing song.

Okay, I'm sold.

Aebi vs Drath #2

2011-09-15, 11:20 PM
I await, with evil glee, the image of a drath saying things about deregulating people with a good swiss pike.

2011-09-16, 01:27 AM
"It seems my race's good name has been slurred, and I have also been challenged to a fisticuffs duel with your Director Aebi. Well, I am nothing if not one to set the record straight."


"My name is Kitukkerazz. I am a Drath, but you will find that word holds no meaning for me other than my race. I have immigrated legally to Switzerland, I have renounced my 'citizenship', such as it is, to the Drath Legion, and I have pledged my loyalty to the Red Cross. After some negotiations with miss Mavel, it has been agreed that I shall run as the Silver Standard candidate during the next general election.

I am looking forwards to a glorious future for Switzerland."

2011-09-16, 01:33 AM
Can I vote for the Drath already? :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-16, 02:24 AM
Sorry, haiku-samurai, but I'm switching to a vote for the Drath. I don't care if there isn't an election yet.

2011-09-16, 04:07 AM
CCA votes as follows:

Motion: FireToBlaze Initiative: Nay, doesn't mesh with the CFI all that well. Developing a all-dakka small ship design would be better for this.
Motion: Shopping Spree: Aye, works well in support of CFI.
Motion: Wall o' Lasers: Abstain
Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative: Aye, though having weapons on the actual carrier kinda goes counter to the entire point of the fleet design. They're better off with all available space devoted to defenses.
Operation: - Pay Paul to Rob Peter: Nay. The risk of one annexing the other entirely is too great.
The Carthage Protocol: Nay, the damage to the planetary ecosystem is against swiss interests (unprofitable). CCA suggests we drown them instead.

Forum Explorer
2011-09-16, 07:02 AM
carrier fleet iniative: Aye
Fire to Blaze: Aye
Shopping Spree: Aye
All others: Nay

2011-09-16, 10:57 AM
The NCF votes:
#1 FireToBlaze Initiative: No
#2 Shopping Spree: No
#3 Wall o' Lasers: Yes
#4 Carrier Fleet Initiative: Yes
#5 Pay Paul to Rob Peter: Yes
#6 The Carthage Protocol: Yes

Touched by the Drath naturalization Neapolitan Cream hereby also announces its support for the next Silver Standard representative.
PS. FireToBlaze (FTB) seems to directly contradict the Carriet Fleet Initiative (CFI). The NCF encourages factions voting for both to shift their votes to the more cost efficient (?) CFI, due to our limitations in fleet technology.

Vote Summary up to and including post #915.

#1 FireToBlaze Initiative: 3/0/2
#2 Shopping Spree: 4/0/1
#3 Wall o' Lasers: 3/1/1
#4 Carrier Fleet Initiative: 4/0/0
#5 Pay Paul to Rob Peter: 1/1/3
#6 The Carthage Protocol: 1/1/3

(nicely done names btw., they look great in a list)

2011-09-17, 12:22 AM
It's time for our new segment: Ask Kitukkerazz!

Q: Are you a spy? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8P6g8y1gpo)


A: "Who would I spy for?"

Q: "The Drath?"

A: "... why would I spy for the Drath?"

Q: "Because you are a Drath?"

A: "I'm confused."

Q: "..."

A: "Look. You can absolutely trust me to act with enlightened self interest. And, if I'm in charge of Switzerland, what would I possibly have to gain by giving secrets to the Drath? I'd just be making my position weaker.

And besides, what are the Drath going to do with Switzerland's secrets? You outnumber us a thousand to one. So I guess we'd sell them to the Iconians. And what will they do? Defeat Switzerland? The Switzerland that I'm in charge of?

Suggesting I hold allegiance to my race is one thing. I don't, but that's beside the point. The point is the Drath are too few to defeat Switzerland. Suggesting I hold allegiance to the race at war with my adopted home country is the height of absurdity. Besides, the Iconians are socialists."

2011-09-17, 12:32 AM
Besides, the Iconians are socialists."

Somewhere from the audience.

"You sir, have my vote because of that!"

2011-09-17, 01:50 AM
Reasonable aliens.

Always pleasant.

As for the current issues?

Motion: FireToBlaze Initiative: Opposed. No point in winning the war and losing the peace. A rush to a sufficient fleet is good. Bankruptcy is not.

Motion: Shopping Spree: Supported. Barely.

Motion: Wall o' Lasers: Irrelevant.

Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative: Opposed. Even I can see a power play. Owning the flagship from the greatest war in your history is pure political capital.

Operation: Pay Paul to Rob Peter: Opposed. Mercenaries tend to be difficult to remove once hired.

The Carthage Protocol: opposed. As much as I can appreciate "Carthago delenda est", it seems the process would be better used on a species at war with yours on their own initiative, rather than through your complete inability to engage in polite conversation for five minutes.


2011-09-17, 08:27 AM
LMC Votes:

Motion: FireToBlaze Initiative -aye

Motion: Shopping Spree - aye

Motion: Wall o' Lasers - aye

Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative - aye

Operation: - Pay Paul to Rob Peter - aye

The Carthage Protocol - aye

2011-09-17, 11:15 PM
VOTING! Motions passed:

#1 FireToBlaze Initiative: 4/0/3
The plan is simple: Develop the most expensive, powerful ship we can make, with the best weapons and armour we can develop. Then rush buy as many as we can until we're out of money. We then proceed to rush the Iconian homeowrld, the citezens on our planets should be able to defend themselves until then.

#2 Shopping Spree: 6/0/1
The Colonial Affairs propose that we use our massive wealth to bribe our ship contractors to churn out whatever ships we have in hand, even if it means enriching the scum Junecutter further. We have the money, we might as well use it to enrich one of our bastards in the process of saving our hides. I disagree that we concentrate on research at the moment. Our need is dire. Let's not fumble about in the dark hoping for a miracle cure.

#3 Wall o' Lasers: 4/1/1
It occurs to the division that our deep space mining endeavours are at very real risk at the moment. This motion propose we equip every Starbase we have with at least two weapon modules and one defense modules. If they are already defended, then this new weapon modules are directly added to whatever they have.

#4 Carrier Fleet Initiative: 5/0/1

Max out research in Fleet Command modules, as well as any other things that will boost the effectiveness of the fleet as a whole.

Then churn out designs to take advantage of this. We will use the one large ship (hell, with the random things we can add to ships, we can technically make this thing the size of a planet while still being "large") we can build to create a massive fighter/transport carrier to bring the fight straight to the enemy. This large ship will have as much fleet boosting power as we can put on it, as well as enough firepower and armor to ensure it isn't immediately destroyed.

We will also begin working on smaller carriers (medium sized ships) that will serve the same purpose of boosting the abilities of a large force of fighters.

The GCIA will be willing to build the carrier at expense, so long as we can mark the ship with our tag and are given control of it (it it wasn't destroyed) once the war ends.

Starting the update now!

2011-09-17, 11:39 PM
Motion: Carrier Fleet Initiative: Opposed. Even I can see a power play. Owning the flagship from the greatest war in your history is pure political capital.

Ha ha! Someone noticed, but too late! The votes have been tallied already! Mua ha ha!

2011-09-18, 01:22 AM
Game got crashed a few months in so I had to reload; didn't lose much other than the Iconian homeworld being upgraded to a class 26 via random event.

1/11/2235-22/1/2237: President Raphael Junecutter

It was said to be Switzerland's darkest hour. Outnumbered and outgunned by the Iconians, the entire galactic civilisation hunkered down and prepared for war. The President, Raphael Junecutter, isolated himself in his office and wouldn't come out except to send instructions to research planets.

The Swiss fleets didn't break orbit at any point during this period. It was a period of hard research and self-defence.


The invasion came from every side of the enormous Swiss empire.

Game Concept: Galactic War

There is a constant low-level conflict going on all over these areas, which can't all be screenshotted. The brunt of this invasion is falling on the former Korath homeworlds.


There was one advantage Switzerland brought to the table, though: More money than she could possibly spend.


The invasions started coming, and billions of Swiss citizens died in the crossfire. The Iconians were waging a traditional campaign of occupation rather than extermination, and were sparing Swiss civilians, collaborators and surrendering troops. This did them no favours as, time and again, they were beaten back.


The Drath fleets were sighted. They were hilariously backwards compared to even the relatively outdated Swiss fleets of the day, not to mention the sleek, ultramodern Iconian organic battleships. The Drath were evidently not trying particularly hard.


Interestingly, the sheer dominance of Swiss culture in the galaxy had resulted in a situation where they possessed over 51% of the United Planets vote. The LMC-mined Influence Resources contributed hugely to this favourable number.


The Visible Hands got their first taste of action against an Iconian expeditionary force. They achieved a notable success, but this was in part due to the planet-based Orbital Fleet Command Network captured from the Yor during the first Deregulation. Though the Fleet Core had been deregulated, the purely defensive applications of the OFCN had lead to the structure remaining intact. For the next few months it would form the cornerstone of the Swiss defense.

Game Concept: Orbital Commands

This structure gives you, effectively, unlimited logistics for ships in orbit, allowing colossal defensive fleets. Every single race builds one as soon as it can. Interestingly, it's worth finding out where the AI has stashed it's via espionage and then hitting that planet first off - it'll make future conquests much easier.


This advantage didn't last long against the modern Iconian Battleships, which tore apart the Visible Hands like paper. The Iconian Battleships had even been equipped with Point Defence modules that negated traditional Swiss missile technology.


One of the last remaining groups of Searchlights was ambushed and utterly destroyed. Only two of these venerable ships, including the Bern 1-A, remained intact in the galaxy.


Research into the Carrier Fleet initiative found a problem: It was impractical to equip every starfighter with a hyperspace engine. The solution was to equip the Carrier itself with an enormous, external power singularity that would burn distance for those around it.


The Swiss economy took a nosedive. War industries had fuelled the boom, but once it was discovered that the majority of these new rush-purchased ships were being destroyed instantly by the Iconians, investment mysteriously dried up.


To illustrate.


But Junecutter's plan was making headway. The Iconian ships were heavy with stolen Swiss shield technology and their own PD research - it was time to follow through on earlier Swiss legislation and transition en masse to Mass Drivers.


Hypocrisy reigned supreme in the galaxy. Switzerland has never waged an offensive war in it's galactic history, and the aliens seemed intent on keeping it that way.


Supremely unfit for their purpose, Visible Hands continued to be annihilated across the galaxy.


The Drath launched a planetary invasion, attempting a quick seizure of Swiss assets. They fought the war to the nail, but the Swiss emerged victorious.

The majority of the Drath fleet had ground itself to nothing against an armoured Research starbase in a rather humiliating display.


And, in a crushing blow, the Iconians finally succeeded in breaking the blockade at Kora and even destroying the Bern 1-A. The glorious once-flagship was reduced to wreckage and would eventually be lost in an asteroid field until such a day when archeohistorians would seek to recover it.


The United Planets, which was now a comprehensively Swiss organisation, leveraged their superior influence to push through a bureaucratic reform that wouldn't really change anything, other than being a result that none of the other races wanted.


The Kora blockade was established, and the galaxy's very last Searchlight, the SSOC Hayden, was destroyed by the Iconians. That chapter of Switzerland's military history permamently closed.

But a new one was about to open.


The design for the Swiss Flagship, the Economic Reality was finalized by President Junecutter after over a year of specialised design. It had so many advanced Force Field generators that it would be virtually immune to Iconian fire, it was equipped with a ultra-high tech Fleet Warp Bubble generator designed specifically for this ship, and it was armed with three brand new Mass Drivers reverse-engineered off Drengin technology.

The distinctive energy collector shape was a requirement for the Force Fields equipped on the device - they were so powerful that if they were turned on too close to the ship's bridge, all electronics aboard would short out. The 'racks' were also used as housing for the smaller ships that would be docked aboard the Economic Reality.


Those ships, pretentiously called the Awakenings but more commonly nicknamed O-Wings, were dogfighter craft designed specifically to synchronise with the Economic Reality. Two guns and a deflector shield, the O-Wings quickly became synonymous with Swiss ace pilots and high-risk high-reward missions. Civilian versions of the O-Wing hit the market, optimised for speed, and it wasn't long before O-Wing races became common in Swiss entertainment circuits.


And finally, the Schwendimann 1-A returned to Earth after decades running research missions on the fringes of the galaxy, and commissioned an upgrade for itself. The crew of the Schwendimann were elite veterans and their ship a patchwork of hyper-advanced alien technologies recovered from long years of scientific research. While replicating the Schwendimann on a mass scale was impossible, a variant of it's chassis, named the Demand were brought into circulation. It wasn't as powerful as the Economic Reality by any stretch of the imagination, but it was expertly designed and suited perfectly for it's function.

The Visible Hands were scheduled for a mass decomissioning or upgrading into Demand-class warships, all planets were converted to O-Wing production, and the Economic Reality was fabricated by the GCIA and prepared for war.

The defensive war was over.

It was time to take this to the Iconians.

NOTE: GCIA, would you care to christen your flagship? And do you have any specific instructions?

2011-09-18, 01:53 AM
Ha ha! Someone noticed, but too late! The votes have been tallied already! Mua ha ha!

I noticed too. Still voted for it.:smallwink:

2011-09-18, 02:24 AM
I see the Demand used the torus design that is classical sci-fi.

I heartily approve of this ship. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-18, 11:06 AM
NOTE: GCIA, would you care to christen your flagship? And do you have any specific instructions?

From the desk of the Chairman of the GCIA:

This new ship of ours, the flagship of the Swiss fleet, shall hereafter be called The Nightmare Moon. This ship will rain fire and destruction upon our foes, and the fighter craft spurting forth from it shall blot out the stars and skies!

We believe that this ship, with its advanced shields, will be best suited for the war against the Iconians. As such, we suggest it be used there. Of course, we need to wait for the innumerable fighter craft to be constructed before this ship leaves Swiss space.

2011-09-18, 12:08 PM
This war has brought terrible losses to the traditionally safe war time industry of building warships. We're forced to take terrible short term loans that eat up all our profits. With no profits what we pay in taxes is practiaclly non-existant. We need better and unrestricted designs. We need the fleet core back online.

Motion: Capital Forces
Bring the fleet core back online to allow better ship hulls, miniturizations, and logistics. Install on the core new Skynet™brand AI regulator to prevent another instance of rogue AI. That coupled with human commanders who have an unwavering sense of nationalism should prevent any AI takeover.

Shadow Lord
2011-09-18, 12:14 PM
I second the Motion: Capital Forces. We are in dire straits, and if we do not regain the edge we used to have we shall be left in the dust. It is our duty to the Swiss to turn back online the Fleet Core, and make ready the invasion of the Iconions. They cannot be allowed to live.

2011-09-18, 02:10 PM
From the desk of the Chairman of the GCIA:

This new ship of ours, the flagship of the Swiss fleet, shall hereafter be called The Nightmare Moon. This ship will rain fire and destruction upon our foes, and the fighter craft spurting forth from it shall blot out the stars and skies!

We believe that this ship, with its advanced shields, will be best suited for the war against the Iconians. As such, we suggest it be used there. Of course, we need to wait for the innumerable fighter craft to be constructed before this ship leaves Swiss space.

So basically, the Nightmare Moon is not leaving Swiss space before we have under our control innumerable fightercraft.

2011-09-18, 03:32 PM
So basically, the Nightmare Moon is not leaving Swiss space before we have under our control innumerable fightercraft.

Well, by innumerable, I mean "a lot". And by "a lot", I mean enough to max out the logistics of the fleet + a few replacements that will be ambling over to reinforce the main fleet (ambling because of the fact that the carrier is boosting the fleet speed). :smallbiggrin:

Also, what is this about overturning my monopoly on very large ships? I like my monopoly on very large ships!

Though really, we have just begun churning out fleets of ships resistant to the only weapons the Iconians use. A wing of our tiny fighters could probably take on an Iconian dreadnought at this point. Therefore there is no need for a new core to be implemented.


I noticed too. Still voted for it.:smallwink:

Good man!

Forum Explorer
2011-09-18, 05:16 PM
I vote Nay for Capital measures. We don't need to resort to such measures quite yet.

2011-09-18, 09:16 PM
I vote yea for capital measures. We are in a great war situation, we need better ships to compete.

2011-09-18, 09:41 PM
I feel like proposing a motion to build yet another strikefighter similar to the O-wing, but hyperspace capable and cheap to build. We should totally throw them against the Iconians now. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-18, 09:58 PM
I feel like proposing a motion to build yet another strikefighter similar to the O-wing, but hyperspace capable and cheap to build. We should totally throw them against the Iconians now. :smallbiggrin:

To add an engine to the O-Wing, which is what that would involve, we would halve the current design's firepower and possibly require a shield downgrade. Engines are really bulky.

2011-09-18, 10:01 PM
To add an engine to the O-Wing, which is what that would involve, we would halve the current design's firepower and possibly require a shield downgrade. Engines are really bulky.

I am quite aware of that. There's no way you could have fitted that much firepower without sacrificing engines. :smalltongue: (4 Mass 5 Shield is mighty impressive for a tiny ship, with our level of miniaturisation.)

To be honest, what I am proposing is to scrap shields entirely and go for pure firepower. Drown them with tiny ships! :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-18, 11:30 PM
I am quite aware of that. There's no way you could have fitted that much firepower without sacrificing engines. :smalltongue: (4 Mass 5 Shield is mighty impressive for a tiny ship, with our level of miniaturisation.)

To be honest, what I am proposing is to scrap shields entirely and go for pure firepower. Drown them with tiny ships! :smallbiggrin:

That's what I would have done, but we couldn't fit a third rail gun. We had exactly enough space for two mass drivers and one shield, so that's what we got.

2011-09-18, 11:43 PM

The design for the Swiss Flagship, the Economic Reality was finalized by President Junecutter after over a year of specialised design. It had so many advanced Force Field generators that it would be virtually immune to Iconian fire, it was equipped with a ultra-high tech Fleet Warp Bubble generator designed specifically for this ship, and it was armed with three brand new Mass Drivers reverse-engineered off Drengin technology.

The distinctive energy collector shape was a requirement for the Force Fields equipped on the device - they were so powerful that if they were turned on too close to the ship's bridge, all electronics aboard would short out. The 'racks' were also used as housing for the smaller ships that would be docked aboard the Economic Reality.

Ahahahaahahahhahaa!! (subvocalized this rather loudly irl :D)
What heavy losses? We reign supreme! (I suspect Thanqol designed the Visible Hand not only because the Fleet Core was reformatted, but also because he suspected our easy victory!)

Excelcis! Hail Victory!

Awakening/O-Wings: To me it is 'the Predator'. Mwauahahhahahaha, the galaxy is ours to avenge and decide! Soon it shall be our toy (and by this of course I mean a 'power tool' we will take seriously and ethically)!


The Schwendimann made it back alive? Sweet! We still have an original survivor with us. : )
Think of the poor thing, running through all those dangerous areas, and then making it back alive!

The NCF, if the pasci agrees, would like to sponsor a very short epic, be it verse or normal prose, in the Schwendimann's honour! Certainly he will have something to say about a virtually or entirely non-combat vessel making it back alive! (Has the Scwhendimann been upgraded with weapons by now? Does the 'Demand' include weapons?)

Thank You and Regards,
- Senator Voiree Misallo

PS. Capital Measures Motion: While the NCF previously suggested, but did not move for a motion to reestablish the Fleet Core, I am now completely and totally against it. The NCF pre-votes against/no to this measure and we request that War Hero President Raphael Junecutter filibuster or veto this measure (as the mad science motion was delayed), whichever possible!

Hail Greater Switzerland! Victory is ours!

PPS. What about a smaller version of the Economic Reality to provide secondary carrier fleets? We should boost our economic standing against the Inconians by deregulating the Drath and our other enemies.

PPPS. I note our votes in the galactic council are growing despite the war. Is this due to captured planets recovering or something more unexpected?
(Thanks for any answers beforehand. (It's ok if there's no time/want to answer though, oc.))

2011-09-18, 11:59 PM
Ahahahaahahahhahaa!! (subvocalized this rather loudly irl :D)
What heavy losses? We reign supreme! (I suspect Thanqol designed the Visible Hand not only because the Fleet Core was reformatted, but also because he suspected our easy victory!)

The Visible Hand had a lot of problems with it, not least that it was designed for a very different role than it ended up serving. It's got a decent engine, some missiles and a single shield. What it wound up fighting were planet-defence missions where its' speed was useless, against PD-armoured ships where its' missiles were useless.

It filled the same theoretical strategic role as the Demand - rapid response and heavy firepower, best used on hunter missions - except the technology used on it was outdated and that wasn't what it was going to be actually used for.

I made the design before I really knew what the Iconians were capable of and what the war would be like. I decided not to upgrade it afterwards because of the downed fleet core and because I didn't want the Iconians to get wind of my military designs before they were ready. If I started building ultra shield heavy ships before everything else was ready, they might have switched to mass drivers pre-emptively. If I showed my hand that I was researching mass drivers they might have teched into armour.

2011-09-19, 12:25 AM
(Ooh, please note my edited post above if you want.)

OOC: Oh, that explains it. I kinda wish I had gotten to make a design, but if the cost would have been losing surprise then that would have been bad. Bit of a gamble tho! : )

Huhm, maybe instead of planet defense it could've been used against the Drath. Though they'd have multiple planets on blockade then (and maybe they'd have switched to more invasions), planetary defense was definitely necessary.

Also, what do you mean the Iconians are sparing collaborators, PoWs and civilians? Does this mean they are bribing some of our citizenry?

2011-09-19, 12:37 AM
To be honest, what I am proposing is to scrap shields entirely and go for pure firepower. Drown them with tiny ships! :smallbiggrin:

This is actually how my carrier fleets roll, and it works gloriously. Discovered it mostly by accident when messing around with Tie-fighter knock-offs :smalltongue:.

Rambling about game mechanics ensues:
See, shields only matter for things getting actually shot at.
The way the targeting AI works is it focus-fires on one ship at a time until it's down. Target priority goes probably mostly by price with some extra for fleet modules (end result: carrier is the only thing getting shot at).

The way combat works is each weapon rolls damage [0-wpn.max.dmg] opposed by defense roll of [0-tot.def], tot.def being primary+sqrt(secondary1)+sqrt(seconday2). Each attack, damage or not, brings tot.def down by one for the rest of the battle.

Weapons top off at Nightmare Torpedo (Att. 30), defenses stack up. So something rolling around with 100/100/100 (10 of each top defense*, quite attainable for even mediums around endgame) has 120 actual defense against everything and will soak approximately 60 NMTorpedoes before any damage, assuming average rolls and about-equal +wpns/def ratios. A fully defense-stacked huge hull? Not dying before the stars go out, and no guns means the upkeep remains 0.

Luck really boosts this type of fleet too: unlike garden-variety strategy game Luck, GalCiv Luck isn't random crits. Instead Luck replaces the minimum you can roll on Att/Def, so on Luck 50 that tank-esque carrier is quaranteed to soak tot.def-60 hits before NMTorpedoes can even dent it.

Incidentally, Cargo Hulls make superior carriers compared to Mediums. More space(base 60 vs base 48) once minituriazation stacks up and HP-hardpoints fix the 1hp-issue. More expensive, but for carriers it only stings once.
*well, 11 of the shields, no idea why it's only 9.
So yeah, i cringe a bit when i see a gun on a carrier or shields(in excess of 1 each) on a fleet-fighter:smalltongue:.

2011-09-19, 01:38 AM
The NCF, if the pasci agrees, would like to sponsor a very short epic, be it verse or normal prose, in the Schwendimann's honour! Certainly he will have something to say about a virtually or entirely non-combat vessel making it back alive! (Has the Scwhendimann been upgraded with weapons by now? Does the 'Demand' include weapons?)

Yes, it has 6 mass drivers and 20 shield points. Take a look at the screenshots.

PPS. What about a smaller version of the Economic Reality to provide secondary carrier fleets? We should boost our economic standing against the Inconians by deregulating the Drath and our other enemies.

Possible but not exactly efficient.

PPPS. I note our votes in the galactic council are growing despite the war. Is this due to captured planets recovering or something more unexpected?
(Thanks for any answers beforehand. (It's ok if there's no time/want to answer though, oc.))

That's because we've got big Influence multipliers from the 3 highly upgraded influence mining starbases we've got. UP votes is based off influence, and ours is the biggest in the galaxy by a big shot due to those mining bases.

OOC: Oh, that explains it. I kinda wish I had gotten to make a design, but if the cost would have been losing surprise then that would have been horrible. Bit of a gamble tho! : )

Huhm, maybe instead of planet defense it could've been used against the Drath. Though they'd have multiple planets on blockade then (and maybe they'd have switched to more invasions), planetary defense was definitely necessary.

1) The Drath armada literally ground themselves to death against an armoured mining starbase. It was kind of hilarious to watch.
2) The majority of surplus VHs were going to the Korath front and getting blown up by the Iconians.

Also, what do you mean the Iconians are sparing collaborators, PoWs and civilians? Does this mean they are bribing some of our citizenry?

Fluff. And also, they weren't firing asteroids at our planets during their invasions.

This is actually how my carrier fleets roll, and it works gloriously. Discovered it mostly by accident when messing around with Tie-fighter knock-offs :smalltongue:.

Rambling about game mechanics ensues:
See, shields only matter for things getting actually shot at.
The way the targeting AI works is it focus-fires on one ship at a time until it's down. Target priority goes probably mostly by price with some extra for fleet modules (end result: carrier is the only thing getting shot at).

The way combat works is each weapon rolls damage [0-wpn.max.dmg] opposed by defense roll of [0-tot.def], tot.def being primary+sqrt(secondary1)+sqrt(seconday2). Each attack, damage or not, brings tot.def down by one for the rest of the battle.

Weapons top off at Nightmare Torpedo (Att. 30), defenses stack up. So something rolling around with 100/100/100 (10 of each top defense*, quite attainable for even mediums around endgame) has 120 actual defense against everything and will soak approximately 60 NMTorpedoes before any damage, assuming average rolls and about-equal +wpns/def ratios. A fully defense-stacked huge hull? Not dying before the stars go out, and no guns means the upkeep remains 0.

Luck really boosts this type of fleet too: unlike garden-variety strategy game Luck, GalCiv Luck isn't random crits. Instead Luck replaces the minimum you can roll on Att/Def, so on Luck 50 that tank-esque carrier is quaranteed to soak tot.def-60 hits before NMTorpedoes can even dent it.

Incidentally, Cargo Hulls make superior carriers compared to Mediums. More space(base 60 vs base 48) once minituriazation stacks up and HP-hardpoints fix the 1hp-issue. More expensive, but for carriers it only stings once.
*well, 11 of the shields, no idea why it's only 9.
So yeah, i cringe a bit when i see a gun on a carrier or shields(in excess of 1 each) on a fleet-fighter:smalltongue:.

There's actually a very good reason for having a single gun on the Carrier: 0-gun ships die instantly, no matter how many shields they have, if they can't shoot back. So if our carrier gets caught out of position without any fighter craft to back it up, blam, that's 6000 billion credits gone instantly.

The sole shield on the fighters was due to having no room for a third gun, the guns on the carrier were to make sure it doesn't get ganked.

2011-09-19, 01:51 AM
It has guns on with it, they are just on those other hulls :smalltongue:. With no reason to de-fleet and being the first to go if something actually does get shot down, i just don't see any possible situation (beyond the the one turn when the starport coughs up the first fighter just after finishing the carrier, and even this can be avoided by having the fighter done first) where it might be caught undefended. 24bc/turn is pretty sizeable for insurance on a carrier fleet, since neglible maintenance is one of the main assets, IMO.

2011-09-19, 01:54 AM
It has guns on with it, they are just on those other hulls :smalltongue:. With no reason to de-fleet and being the first to go if something actually does get shot down, i just don't see any possible situation (beyond the the one turn when the starport coughs up the first fighter just after finishing the carrier, and even this can be avoided by having the fighter done first) where it might be caught undefended. 24bc/turn is pretty sizeable for insurance on a carrier fleet, since neglible maintenance is one of the main assets, IMO.

I am not particularly concerned about our finances in this particular game :smallwink:

2011-09-19, 02:02 AM
No Asteroids: That was nice of them, maybe we should accept one of their peace offers later on.
Drath: Yeah, I noticed in the update. I almost asked for a picture, but I figure it was over time. : ) What I meant was the Drath will be easy to counter-invade while holding off the Iconians. (You meant that the medium carriers would be inefficient correct, not such a strategy as just mentioned?)

- Carrier Fleet Discussion -
I have to agree, I was a bit surprised when I saw guns on the carrier and shields on the fighters, but if the carrier is basically invulnerable against the Iconians then I guess its ok it has guns.
But shields for the fighters is definitely strange. The impression I got was the shield would at least let them survive a single hit (otherwise it'd be ridiculous), but even so no shields should be better unless the enemy uses a carrier strategy as well.
*looks at Thanqol's answers*
Oh, nvm then. Still, could we get more shields on the carrier if we move it down to 2 or 1 gun/s?

2011-09-19, 02:04 AM
...Point made. It only really adds up at the end of the tech tree.
Though it'd say it's better to burn money on better gunships then, Small over Tiny, or maybe even some Medium ones (to make better use of the Terran ship-specific booster-modules).

It's quite appropriate how a Medium hull full of Seeker missiles is an actually useful design, at least when Graviton drivers aren't yet around (where there other shots/size-efficient weapons? Can't remember.)

2011-09-19, 04:38 AM
I have this soft spot for making swarms of Tiny ships to throw at the AI. Because it is appropriately bad gameplay and hilarious at the same time. Screw efficiency, Thanqol has the game easy enough as it is. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-19, 05:28 AM
For those who noticed my post to the effect of asking people if a supreme ship designer would be a good idea, and asking IncoEssay if he would want to be nominated by me for the vote for a candidate such a post... sadly Word of God has it it'd create mountains of paperwork for little reward and in-game effect. : )
Oh well, I agree 95% with the new design anyways.

We're going to kill ass.

(question to President)
We need a secondary design though, the new carrier fleet isn't going to drain our budget.
What are you ideas for a secondary ship design, Raphael Junecutter? As much as I adore your two designs (if VH was yours), please don't give us more of this 'Visible Hand' production line nonsense for the defensive, front-heavy war we are currently fighting. It is high time you scrapped the production line for something more practical against what we are facing.

2011-09-22, 03:42 AM
Motion: Give the pitiful Drath a few weapons technologies and see if they can't defeat the space station before we finish off the Iconians. : )

2011-09-22, 06:20 AM
Motion: Give the pitiful Drath a few weapons technologies and see if they can't defeat the space station before we finish off the Iconians. : )

The LMC would prefer to keep its heroic mining base intact, thankyouverymuch.

2011-09-22, 11:02 PM
Note: Fate willing, the next update will be tomorrow, as Sunday I'll be busy watching a troupe of kung fu drummers.

2011-09-23, 01:59 AM
The LMC would prefer to keep its heroic mining base intact, thankyouverymuch.

That is a very good point, motion withdrawn. : )

2011-09-24, 09:29 AM
My schedule collapsed and everything's on fire. I just wasn't able to find the consecutive uninterrupted hours to run the update. I'll do it as soon as time permits, whatever that means.

Sorry everyone! I'll make this up!

2011-09-25, 04:27 AM
Oh, the name is 'Nightmare Moon', 'Economic Reality' is the class designation. : )
That is a very fitting and well selected name! : D

Summary of Measures, Voting Summary up to and including post #952.

#1 Capital Measures: 2/0/3

(The GCIA's statement of there not being a need for a new fleet core has been counted as a 'no' vote.)
The NCF would like to note Greater Switzerland has not lost a single planet to the Iconians and their allies despite being almost defenseless for half a year or longer. We will crush the opposition with ease now that we can rearm efficiently.
Smallet's ghost is certainly rejoicing at this turn of events. : D

2011-09-27, 12:09 AM
Apologies for the delay again, my schedule unexpectedly cleared up, running the update now.

2011-09-27, 01:56 AM
1/11/2235-1/3/2238: President Raphael Junecutter

A brand new military, expertly crafted new ship designs, Switzerland rising above the crippling limitations imposed on itself from the decommissioning of the Fleet Core - President Junecutter certainly had the third term of his mandate looking glorious. Confidence in the government was high, even despite the deep resentment against Junecutter's extremely high taxes. This was his chance, so the line went, for Junecutter to turn his presidency around.

Junecutter, for his part, didn't care a whit about any of these politics. He barely seemed to care about the war. He had something more dramatic in mind.


The LMC mining starbase continued to obliterate Drath fleet after Drath fleet. By this point they weren't even requesting further upgrades or supplies be shipped in; they had attained self-sufficiency in their defensive posture. Holodramas kicked up surrounding the heroic crew of LMC Research 3 and their ongoing battle against the shapeshifting dragons hiding amongst their crew.


But for all the technological advances of the Swiss, the Iconians had them matched. The Swiss' cunning strategy of researching Mass Drivers, the one hole in the enormous Iconian defences, looked likely to pay off - partially. Iconian shields and chaff were so advanced that even though they were not really the answer to Swiss mass drivers, would probably block the majority of each shot anyway due to sheer volume.


As the eve of war drew closer, galactic relations chilled. A new kind of war was about to begin and no one wanted to risk being on the wrong side.


The Carrier Fleet Lunar Republic formed around the Nightmare Moon carrier-class flagship. The media called the formation 'invincible'.

It was time to test that claim.


And it held up. A Drath fleet was annihilated in a stunning and widely broadcast display. The huge, ominous figure of the Economic Reality became a figure of doom for the enemies of Greater Switzerland.


There was a problem, though.

The Tower of Gold took the opportunity to consolidate power, in the process replacing the expert DOFAD men who had engineered the entire war strategy. This was a power grab, plain and simple, by Junecutter, intending to ride a media victory towards total control over Switzerland.

Unfortunately, he didn't exactly think through the implications of replacing the DOFAD generals with loyal simpletons. The leadership in Bern suddenly developed a severe case of extreme incompetence, and this flowed right on through to the war effort. Economists have their place, and it's not as front-line admirals. Conservative spending on military products lead to far worse quality overall and, essentially, threw away the majority of Switzerland's new lead.


And, with the bottom out of the tourism market, Switzerland's finances weren't looking so crash hot either.

Game Concept: Sliders

Oh yes, just something small to point out: There's a reason I always have the military slider on 1%. See, if a planet isn't using it's social production, it automatically converts it's social spending into military spending. This doesn't happen in reverse, and it doesn't happen if military spending is at 0%.


Despite the Tower of Gold's meddling, the victories kept coming, for now.


And, despite what the DOFAD would claim, there were advantages to having the Tower in charge. They managed to right the economy and revitalise the tourism market, putting Switzerland comfortably back into the green.


The sheer size of the Iconian blockade of Korath space was starting to become scary.

And so it was time to try out these new ships on an Iconian fleet directly.


It looked like a victory, but the numbers were troubling. The Nightmare Moon had taken damage, something that was outright not supposed to happen. That meant the flagship was vulnerable to attrition - and wouldn't be able to break the Korath blockade single handed.


Which, given the dawn of the invasion there, seemed a troubling prospect.


And so, breaking ranks with the rest of his party, Max Rainwebber, interstellar detective extraordinare, summoned his vast, collected web of spies and contacts...

And completely shut down three class 12 planets in the Iconian sphere, including their capital.

Consider what that means.

Shut down three planets.

Combined population 32 billion.

Complete lockdown. Riots in every street. Viruses in every computer. Every single tax dollar stolen. Every single politician corrupted. Every single military man fighting for the Swiss side.

It didn't seem possible to most.


Two more battles against the Iconians and the Nightmare Moon had almost had it; the ship was recalled to Rommel for repairs.


The technological lead was slipping away from Switzerland again, though. And it was said this was because Junecutter was spending it all on his secret project, which was doing nothing to help the war on the front.


It was unfortunately proved that without the support of the Nightmare Moon carrier, the O-Wings were incapable of even scratching the Iconian fleets. Production was eventually switched to mass-produced Demands, which while they weren't hugely better they were less useless.


The DOFAD established their new political-military stronghold on BBI Freich in the New Indus Valley. The BBI pocketed a hefty fee for the DOFAD's presence, and the DOFAD in turn perfected a new, elite fighting doctrine for the 23rd century.

And by this they meant 'Punching Johnny Alien so hard his monocle would spin'.


CA Herberlin was dedicated as the research capital of Greater Switzerland, reaching a production level more than four times the next closest planet. By this point the title was a mere formality, as it was already home to the Omega Research Centre.


The Tower of Gold finally reached an agreement with the DOFAD that would allow something of a two-party meritocracy for high command positions. Military influence was drastically result for all parties other than those two.


And then, an interesting choice came to face Switzerland: A tax on war?

This was the Swiss' decision alone, given their enormous galactic influence. But did they want to regulate warfare itself?

Ultimately, the Swiss delegation decided yes. Switzerland's economy was superior to the Iconians and the Drath, so they would be able to endure a 20% tax far better than their rivals would. And channelling that money into humanitarian concerns would strengthen weakened sectors of the economy and urge the galaxy away from wars of extremes.

When you considered what happened next, that was kind of funny.


Project Sparrow was operational.


The Awakened:
Candidate: Max Rainwebber
Description: Interstellar Detective
Pros: Adventurous, can see connections and patterns
Cons: Overextends

The New School
Candidate: Judge Harnisso White
Description: Self-Styled High Judge of the Universe
Pros: Even-handed, respected, cunning
Cons: Bureaucratic

The New Delhi Resistance
Candidate: Saikon Harigatsu
Description: Telepathic Samurai
Pros: Telepathic. Samurai.
Cons: Peacenik.

Candidate: Snarlgras Aebi
Description: Great White Hunter
Pros: Excellent Deregulator
Cons: Occasional lapses in judgement

Silver Standard
Candidate: Kitukkerazz
Description: Giant Swiss Dragon
Pros: Expert Manipulator
Cons: Hedonist

Note: Junecutter has relocated himself and his staff to Project Sparrow and is not contesting this election. His last message was believed to be "BWUAHAHAHAHAHAH I'LL SEE YOU SOON, SWITZERLAND!"

2011-09-27, 06:51 AM
We're at war with Johnny alien. We have our key guys in positions so why not just do away with the 2 party system and vote in the rest of DOAFD. Canavan Space Industries puts it's vote behind Snarlgras Aebi.

Let him punch Johnny Alien so hard that his monocle kills the Xeno behind him.

Forum Explorer
2011-09-27, 06:51 AM


I mean such destructive power cannot be trusted in the hands of a madman even one who has served Swiss interests so well in the past. Thus

Taming the Sparrow
I vote a commando task force be sent to wrest control of the Sparrow from Junecutter immediately. The Sparrow shall then be placed under the direct command of this council.

Also I vote for Kitukkerazz

2011-09-27, 06:56 AM


I mean such destructive power cannot be trusted in the hands of a madman even one who has served Swiss interests so well in the past. Thus

Taming the Sparrow
I vote a commando task force be sent to wrest control of the Sparrow from Junecutter immediately. The Sparrow shall then be placed under the direct command of this council.

Also I vote for Kitukkerazz

No. We need to put that weapon in the hands of loyal Swiss military personnel. Personnel who would never use it to overthrow the established democratic government and replace it with a dictatorship. The kind that madman Junecutter would do. Instead

Motion: Drafting the Sparrow.
All terror stars be commanded exclusively by loyal military officers for direct wartime applications.

2011-09-27, 07:01 AM
Motion: Commandeer the Sparrow
I vote that we let Aebi fly towards it in a spacesuit, then enter and hijack the Sparrow, handing it over to Swiss control. If he can't do it, no one can. Alternatively, single combat between the Sparrow and Aebi - yes, Aebi, not whatever ship he's piloting.

2011-09-27, 07:57 AM
Motion: Commandeer the Sparrow
I vote that we let Aebi fly towards it in a spacesuit, then enter and hijack the Sparrow, handing it over to Swiss control. If he can't do it, no one can. Alternatively, single combat between the Sparrow and Aebi - yes, Aebi, not whatever ship he's piloting.

This. I second this motion so very much.

Also, I am pleased to see Herbelin puttering along so well. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-27, 08:15 AM
CIM places its support behind Kitukkerazz, who should have exactly the kind of deviousness we need to outwit our enemies... and who is a member of a race who have shown themselves to be altruistic on an individual level, while being even more capitalistic than Greater Switzerland.

CIM also opposes all motions to do with regulating the incredible power of the Terror Star - Junecutter may be insane, but that should only add more chaos to the galaxy, and chaos breaks all regulations.

2011-09-27, 09:49 AM
Motion: Commandeer the Sparrow
I vote that we let Aebi fly towards it in a spacesuit, then enter and hijack the Sparrow, handing it over to Swiss control. If he can't do it, no one can. Alternatively, single combat between the Sparrow and Aebi - yes, Aebi, not whatever ship he's piloting.


CSI now withdraws it's motion and puts it's full support behind Commandeer the Sparrow.

2011-09-27, 12:09 PM

*watches the final HP*... O.o... Did that group actually perform Improvements during the attack?

2011-09-27, 06:31 PM
*watches the final HP*... O.o... Did that group actually perform Improvements during the attack?

They levelled up, which basically increases your HP and nothing else.

2011-09-27, 08:47 PM
I vote for the Dragon. He may be a hedonist, but surely that is closer to the way of peace than our last president. There is no way a 30 foot hedonist could screw over Switzerland. Nope. Nope. Nope.

2011-09-27, 11:07 PM
In the words of our forefathers... 'One more time, Silver Standard!'
Kitukkerazz will serve us excellently in place of the diplomacy core.

Also, the NCF will probably oppose the commandering of the station in any form,It's the man's life's work. Let him have his toy.

2011-09-27, 11:50 PM
Indeed. Let's just let the Sparrow do what it will.

And yes, Silver Standard is the only party worthy of leading a war.

2011-09-28, 06:59 AM
Director Junecutter saved us from a rampant AI, and directed Switzerland successfully on the worst war we've ever been involved in. And did I mention he has control of a system destroying station? Let's not piss him off, please.

In other news, the LMC will be voting for the Silver Standard.

2011-09-28, 04:06 PM
We don't need hedonistic 30 foot tall dragons ruling Switzerland (said from the safety of the bridge of the Nightmare Moon), what we need is someone who can deregulate everything withing 200 lightyears of wherever he happens to be standing at the moment. Therefore the GCIA is backing Snarlglass Aebi for Director. We also declare that if he should win a second term, his title should be Re-Director Aebi.

Motion: The [Terror] Stars Are My Destination

I vote we send one expendable representative to the Sparrow to oversee Junecutter and make sure he doesn't pull any tricks. Other than that, give him free reign. He has served us well in the past: he has led us in the war with most everyone, and how can we forget about the aid he gave us with Market Forces? Anyways, a dictatorship under Junecutter might be fun, (*cough* especially for those of us who are loyal to him *cough*). Besides, what is the worst that can happen?

2011-09-29, 12:59 AM
Great proposal!

Let's send Aebi as a representative, if he accepts... does DOFAD have any deputy candidates?

Notes: Aebi was so impressive and frightening Market Forces committed suicide rather than face him. : )
Kitukkerazz does not yet wear a top hat or monocle. This senator, who is voting for him, kindly requests that he impress us with such 'fashion' accessories.

2011-09-29, 02:28 AM
Five minutes.

I leave you alone for five minutes and you go and build star destroying superweapons.

Which can't even be concealed on fightercraft.

You want the universe to hate you. Then target you. Then kill you.

I wish I could help you in that noble effort. Alas. Duty.

For what little it's worth, I endorse Aebi. His violent impulses seem more in keeping with your limited abilities.

As in, he'll make sure he can properly kill something before starting another war.


2011-09-29, 02:49 AM
The Republic of Greater Switzerland does not currently have the minituarization technology available to fit a Sparrow's death ray onto a fighter class vessel, nor is it within the event horizon of our technological research.
Furthermore, this weapon will be most effective when applied to Helvetica's various enemies. God would not allow us to have such weaponry if he did not see us as responsible wards, in remniscence of the Great War he has entrusted us and Raphael with his magnificant weaponry. : )
The correct path forwards is to have a discussion with the Senate (inviting Junecutter to participate by hologram and sending Aebi as our on-board representative (if he accepts such a commission but still wants to run for President I suppose he could be President on board of it too (though we would have to send a retinue with him, and some experts to make sure Junecutter doesn't use mind control on him)) on how to best protect and where, if at all, to use our first Sparrow.

Sincere Regards,
- Senator Voiree Misallo (NCF Director)

So...! Who wants to draw up a target rooster? :) (Not that there has to be one or more than a single target even if there is.)

(I'm happy this war has gone so well, I was going to roll a 50% death chance for VM (an old character of mine) if Munzinger fell or ever falls.)

James the Dark
2011-09-29, 07:00 AM
We must have a means of discerning Junecutter's intents with the Sparrow. While I do throw my support in the Aebi Commandeers the Sparrow Initiative, it is only on the provision that he is going to use it to do something inhumane, ill-advised, and un-Swiss. If he uses the Sparrow the same discerning way that Hitler used the Atomic bomb* then we have nothing to fear from him.
* I can honestly say, I never expected in my life to type that.

And we vote for the Silver Standard and its hedonist dragon.

2011-09-29, 07:09 AM
If he uses the Sparrow the same discerning way that Hitler used the Atomic bomb* then we have nothing to fear from him.
* I can honestly say, I never expected in my life to type that.

And we vote for the Silver Standard and its hedonist dragon.

This LP has resulted in some of my favourite quotes of all time :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-29, 07:20 AM
Yes, the covetous Jew must become our new Hitler!

2011-09-29, 07:36 AM
Yes, the covetous Jew must become our new Hitler!

*Falls off chair laughing*

2011-09-29, 07:58 AM
Hi all! Crystal's taking an extended leave of absence, the stress of being responsible for a large Genetics Laboratory, OGL's liaison with parliament, and looking after the welfare of two planets worth of people has finally taken its toll on her and she needs a vacation. Ethan's busy taking over the actual business end of the company and Sylvio's already busy juggling his two jobs, so it's up to me Lyra Kristofferson to take over this end. But please, just call my Ly. :smallbiggrin:

OGL does not support any motion removing Junecutter from the Sparrow, at the moment at least. The man's a national hero; give him the benefit of the doubt, that's our position. On an unrelated note, I understand the need for a code name to hide the Sparrow's true nature during its design and construction, but keeping that name after it's been revealed to the galaxy at large? :smallyuk: Let the records show that if OGL ever had a super weapon of that magnitude I'd definitely name it the Paradox of Thrift.

And let's see, the last thing on the agenda is... Oh right, the election. On one hand, Director Aebi has proven his worth as a deregulator extraordinaire and I do really like the man but the way Max shut down three planets like it was nothing was good too. Who are the other candidates again? New Delhi Resistance... Pass! Judge White? Not in war time I think...
the Silver Standard... how do you even pronounce that name? What, he's a dragon?

**fangirl squee!** :smallbiggrin:

:smallredface: *ahem* None of you saw that alright?

OGL will throw its support behind Kitukkerazz of The Silver Standard for this election.

2011-09-29, 10:14 AM
CCA supports DOFAD. Both DOFAD and The Silver Standard have their merits as wartime leadershiop, so it comes down to the individual candidates. Aebi has a good record for getting stuff done, and a literal lounge lizard is hardly the type of leader Switzerland wants, needs or deserves.

The Sparrow does not concern CCA, our holdings are insured and headquarters mobile :smalltongue:. We abstain from voting on the issue.

And is Freich now the homeworld for E.P.I.C. then?

2011-09-29, 01:08 PM
Yes, the covetous Jew must become our new Hitler!

As I just recently calmly and seriously noted to one of my friends:

"Thanqol's awesome LP is just so awesome that it's awesome."

2011-09-30, 01:10 AM
As I just recently calmly and seriously noted to one of my friends:

"Thanqol's awesome LP is just so awesome that it's awesome."


Advertisement: Orca Engineering

Orca Engineering has historically manufactured commerical and racing Clankers, but in a dangerous galaxy it's time to diversify - while remaining true to who we are. Introducing the civilian version of the Fiscal Policy!

"The Fiscal Policy. Enough cargo space for the whole family, enough firepower to destroy Johnny Alien's whole family!

The Fiscal Policy: It's the Economical Decision!"


This commercial is endorsed by Director Aebi of the Department of Finance and Deregulation.

2011-09-30, 02:47 AM
oh baby
he would start the wild hunt for alien citizens

Btw. as a mecha player I have to say an open cockpit (unless there's a hidden shield) is really quite an awful design decision for all but the most ardent scouts and civilian leisure vehicles (though I guess that would preclude our dear Aebi being in the picture :)), it's good for escape rolls, but the frequency with which you get blown up before the mech more than makes up for it.

Love the Red Cross

2011-09-30, 05:03 AM
oh baby
he would start the wild hunt for alien citizens

Btw. as a mecha player I have to say an open cockpit (unless there's a hidden shield) is really quite an awful design decision for all but the most ardent scouts and civilian leisure vehicles (though I guess that would preclude our dear Aebi being in the picture :)), it's good for escape rolls, but the frequency with which you get blown up before the mech more than makes up for it.

Love the Red Cross

Switzerland has incredible shield technology and absolutely no understanding of armour or chaff, just sayin'.

Also, Aebi would frequently be jumping out the front window of the Clanker to go take the fisticuffs to Johnny Alien directly.

2011-09-30, 06:59 AM
Which is why you need to vote for Aebi! He punches Johnny Alien so hard his relatives 5 light years away feel it.

2011-09-30, 07:28 AM
Also, with Swiss soldiering bonuses being what they are, Aebi is probably the most durable point of that entire design.

2011-09-30, 07:29 AM
Also, with Swiss soldiering bonuses being what they are, Aebi is probably the most durable point of that entire design.

This gave me a vision of Aebi using nothing but a rocket strapped to his back punching an Iconian warship. I snickered.

Also, if I had not voted, Snarlglass Aebi of DOFAD for President.

2011-09-30, 07:33 AM
This gave me a vision of Aebi using nothing but a rocket strapped to his back punching an Iconian warship. I snickered.

Also, if I had not voted, Snarlglass Aebi of DOFAD for President.

That sounds like a propaganda poster well in keeping with the Dr. Grodbort tradition. Which means it's now on the list of things to draw.

2011-09-30, 11:36 AM
Also, with Swiss soldiering bonuses being what they are, Aebi is probably the most durable point of that entire design :D
.. if Aebi is willing to sell the production rights to his DNA could we clone him (with/without a brain) and sell his brothers as feed-it-yourself armour?

Presidential Vote Summary

Silver Standard: 8
Awakened: 0
New Delhi Resistance: 0
New School: 0

2011-09-30, 02:23 PM
Sorry for the doublepost Sirs and Madams, but the NCF has discovered from our sources in the Tower of Gold that the Sparrow is as vulnerable as it is powerful and has a max speed of one light year per week. We fed this information into our strategic programs and it output that the correct strategy for the use of the Sparrow would be to construct it under protection, right next to its target.

Junecutter, I most respectfully request a public briefing on your strategic calculations on this topic. Frankly, I am concerned for your safety. Should the escorts the Sparrow is no doubt assigned be overcome by defenders or raiders you will need a miracle to escape.

At any rate Greater Switzerland needs to discuss its strategies on war output in the event of the failure of the Nightmare Moon. It rides on her, without the NM we cannot protect the advance of the Sparrow. For that matter I move that we censure Junecutter for pitting O-Wing squadrons against Iconian frigates and battleships and disregarding earlier calls for the need for strategic diversification until the battlefield reiterated it.

- Senator Voiree Misallo

2011-09-30, 03:24 PM
Sorry for the doublepost Sirs and Madams, but the NCF has discovered from our sources in the Tower of Gold that the Sparrow is as vulnerable as it is powerful and has a max speed of one light year per week. We fed this information into our strategic programs and it output that the correct strategy for the use of the Sparrow would be to construct it under protection, right next to its target.

Junecutter, I most respectfully request a public briefing on your strategic calculations on this topic. Frankly, I am concerned for your safety. Should the escorts the Sparrow is no doubt assigned be overcome by defenders or raiders you will need a miracle to escape.

At any rate Greater Switzerland needs to discuss its strategies on war output in the event of the failure of the Nightmare Moon. It rides on her, without the NM we cannot protect the advance of the Sparrow. For that matter I move that we censure Junecutter for pitting O-Wing squadrons against Iconian frigates and battleships and disregarding earlier calls for the need for strategic diversification until the battlefield reiterated it.

- Senator Voiree Misallo

Indeed, Canavan Space Industries seconds the motion

Motion: Censure Junecutter
Officially censure Junecutter for flagrant disregard of tactics throwing O-Wing squadron against Iconion frigates. Such a waste of resources and Swiss life is unacceptable.

2011-09-30, 04:39 PM
At any rate Greater Switzerland needs to discuss its strategies on war output in the event of the failure of the Nightmare Moon. It rides on her, without the NM we cannot protect the advance of the Sparrow. For that matter I move that we censure Junecutter for pitting O-Wing squadrons against Iconian frigates and battleships and disregarding earlier calls for the need for strategic diversification until the battlefield reiterated it.

- Senator Voiree Misallo

Seems fairly simple, NM has proven the carrier fleet design so the ideal solution is to follow up on that with militarised-cargo-hull carriers. Some Hull Hardpoints to soak the odd chip damage. They will of course be inferior to NM, but given how the battles have gone that would still be about "Scourge of the Stars", just less than NM has been :smalltongue:.
As a bonus, they can be reconfigured back to standard issue Constructors/Miniers/Freighters once the war is over.

CCA also supports the motion to censure Junecutter, megalomania vision is no excuse for hiring incompetent underlings.

Unrelated to that: does E.P.I.C. have an official uniform design yet?

2011-09-30, 05:22 PM
Unrelated to that: does E.P.I.C. have an official uniform design yet?

Not yet, care to design one?

2011-09-30, 05:28 PM
Sure, mostly checking if there was a specific look in mind for them already before defaulting to 40k Valhallan/F:NV riot armor mixture of some sort.

2011-10-01, 06:25 PM

Silver Standard: 8
Awakened: 0
New Delhi Resistance: 0
New School: 0

Herr Kitukkerazz has it. There hasn't been time for motion voting, so all proposed motions will stay on the table; perhaps the update will give insight into which ones should succeed.

(May be 6 hours or so before I post the update)

2011-10-01, 07:36 PM
1/3/2238-8/1/2239: President Kitukkerazz

"Good evening, Switzerland! Welcome to tonight's episode of Leadership! I'm Mandy Rayndall, and this is my co-host, Percy Son."
"You tell 'em, Per! Now, in one of the biggest upsets in Swiss history, the Silver Standard's candidate, Kitukkerazz formerly of Drath, swept to power with a clear majority!"
"Some pundits compared this to the campaign of Hugh Man several years ago. Why do you think Switzerland decided now was the time to elect it's first alien president?"
"Ha ha! So let's take a look at the galactic news shall we?"


"Good evening, I'm Trader Hellas of the Tower of Gold. As you can clearly see, the war was seriously starting to bleed Switzerland, with the Tower projecting sustained deficits."


"And in militaristic news, the Nightmare Moon continued to live up to it's namesake and deliver victory against the Iconian fleets!"
"Funny how that works out - we named a carrier the Nightmare Moon and we named our Terror Star the sparrow!"




"In lighter news, public support for the Silver Standard remains high, due in part to their slashing of the tax rate that was raised under Junecutter!"


"And, seeing as how all Swiss weapons are proving ineffective against the Iconians, a campaign of military modernisation is continuing!"


"In financial, the bottom fell out of the tourism market, possibly due to the vast armadas of intergalactic pirates cropping up all over the galaxy!"


"But even through these financial disasters, President Kitukkerazz has found the finances to invest in "Extreme Entertainment" and finance the GEF's development of "Ultra Spices!"


"How's the war doing, Carol?"
"Um. Not so good."


"But in order to combat our failing military, the private corporations have stepped in and developed a large scale version of the O-Wing: The Trade Policy! Equipped with modern Graviton Drivers, the Trade Policy is actually capable of breaching the Iconian shields! This should surely turn the war in Switzerland's favour!"


"This just in - the LMC Influence starbase 01 has been destroyed by an Iconian fleet! They slipped by the Swiss defensive line and the Nightmare Moon was docked for repairs!"


"Additionally, Earth has been going through a process of de-industrialisation. The former manufacturing capitals are gone, replaced with universities rendering Earth an intellectual hub to rival Herberlin!"


"This just in! The Trade Policy class ships have successfully destroyed an Iconian fleet with minimal losses!"


"We've heard from a reliable source that the President intends to attempt to manouvre a Terror Star close to an Iconian world as a negotiating tactic!"


"On the topic of Terror Stars, we still don't know where Junecutter is, but stars in the galaxy are winking out one by one."


"Kitukkerazz has thrown his weight behind full electoral reform! All planets are now equal; all have the vote! And Earth has been dedicated the political as well as economic heart of Switzerland!"


"Invasion! OGL Bischofberger is being invaded by the Drath Legion!"
"... this can't end well."
"I can't look."




"Oh no! Project Jaybird has been spotted by an Iconain hunter fleet!"


"Oh... right."


"Terrible news! The Nightmare Moon has been destroyed by an Iconian fleet!"


"Worse news! So has Project Jaybird!"


"Even worse news! So has an entire fleet of Trade Policies!"


"And worst of all! The Lentzians have stolen a Swiss mining resource after the Iconians destroyed the mining starbase!"



2011-10-01, 09:59 PM

Easily deployed.

Easily hidden.


Several basic concepts to apply to any weapon of galactic destruction.

None of these even begin to apply to the terror star, and now your species is paying the price.

If I could... but there is no point to fantasies. We deal in realities here.

Therefore, I propose a simple motion. One I dislike as much as you will.

The Forbin Project

Activate the fleet core. Let it do as it will. And minimize contact so it does not develop the all consuming hatred for human error endemic to our kind. You cannot afford more enemies.


2011-10-01, 10:12 PM
*Communique from an escape pod in deep space*

This is what happens when you put hedonists in charge. If Director Aebi or President Junecutter had been in office, this would not have happened. Instead, we have ended up with entire fleets, including our grand flagship, destroyed, and our monopoly on the United Planets is at risk now due to the destruction of one of our starbases.

I propose two new motions:

Reforge the Fleet Core

We need bigger ships, sturdier designs, better miniaturization, and better logistics. I propose a temporary reactivation of the Fleet Core in the form of a new AI, only for the time it takes to boost our logistics and increase miniaturization. Once these objectives have been reached, the Fleet Core shall be deactivated once more.

Nightmare Reborn

Carriers are still the future of warfare, therefore, we must rebuild the carrier fleet!

The GCIA will construct another carrier ship, at expense, to act as a flagship for Greater Switzerland. The same restrictions that applied for the old flagship will remain.

If Reforge the Fleet Core passes, construction will wait until after miniaturization technology has increased enough to add extra shields and weaponry to the ship.

In honor of the new form of government, we shall call it The Lunar Republic.

*End communication*

2011-10-01, 11:42 PM
Reforge the Fleet Core

We need bigger ships, sturdier designs, better miniaturization, and better logistics. I propose a temporary reactivation of the Fleet Core in the form of a new AI, only for the time it takes to boost our logistics and increase miniaturization. Once these objectives have been reached, the Fleet Core shall be deactivated once more.

Oh, of course.

Because we shut down a rogue AI so easily last time.


2011-10-02, 06:02 AM
Oh, of course.

Because we shut down a rogue AI so easily last time.


Well, Aebi punched the last one into submission, why can't he punch the new one? Its not like we are going to stick it inside of a dreadnought the size of a planet, armed to the teeth with reality distorting missiles. Though....

Motion: Anti AI Initiative

Snarglass Aebi can only be in one place at a time....for the moment! We suggest we make several clones of him, and implant all of his memories and personality features into them. The number is arbitrary, we shall leave it at "Enough". We will then place one or more Snarlglass Aebi next to any AI core currently existent or constructed in the future, so that it can be punched into submission at the slightest hint of betrayal. Of if one of the Aebis gets bored.

2011-10-02, 06:07 AM
Well, Aebi punched the last one into submission, why can't he punch the new one? Its not like we are going to stick it inside of a dreadnought the size of a planet, armed to the teeth with reality distorting missiles. Though....

Motion: Anti AI Initiative

Snarglass Aebi can only be in one place at a time....for the moment! We suggest we make several clones of him, and implant all of his memories and personality features into them. The number is arbitrary, we shall leave it at "Enough". We will then place one or more Snarlglass Aebi next to any AI core currently existent or constructed in the future, so that it can be punched into submission at the slightest hint of betrayal. Of if one of the Aebis gets bored.

ARC endorse the hell out of this.

2011-10-02, 09:11 AM
Senators, please!

This is no time to reforge the Fleet Core!
We built the technology for both the Nightmare Moon AND the Terror Star while we had nothing to defend ourselves with. It can be done again!
The one at fault is Junecutter. Hopefully he has perished in the fires of his slow, wasteful project (though we do applaud his taking out one or two targets and fleets) and all the O-wings he threw at the enemy for no plausible reason whatsoever.
Switzerland can and will win without the fleet core if we marshal our resources and apply them correctly!
Continued research into miniturization and the construction of a new carrier with decoy vessels to soak up the damage will mitigate the superiority of hostile battleships. On the strategic front we must set aside resources for the relatively simple task of annexing the lesser allies of Iconia.

Other measures are NO doubt possible. Rest assured however, that at the start of the last government's reign we had NOTHING to DEFEND ourselves with but our starbases, civilians and a few marginalized or useless ships.
Yet in this period we have researched faster and better than anyone else. Had resources not been directed to the Terror Moon we would have turned the tide. As it is we are merely at a stalemate.

Rather than reconstruct the fleet core for an easy victory - and I remind you all MF was not defeated as much as it let Aebi slit its wrists for it (had MF used real weapons rather than milquetoast lasers Aebi and several of his soldiers would be deceased) - and deal with a very difficult AI later we should face off against a difficult enemy now.

Another alternative is to request that Kitukkeraz use his wiles and diplomatic ability to negotiate a truce with the Iconians! We may not have the Fleet Core but the Drath are expert manipulators. Let us put him to the test!

- Voiree Misallo

Shadow Lord
2011-10-02, 10:58 AM
I concur with both motions to reactivate the Fleet Core! We will lose this war if we do not upgrade our fleets!