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2011-07-23, 11:06 AM
A searing flash of pain bounces through you head as you slowly awaken. Around you the ground seems burned. You clothes are in threads and the rest of your belongings are missing.

And then you remembered.... You were just living your life as it was when suddenly, the world exploded in a fountain of colors and sensations. It quickly turned black as your brain must have shut down to protect itself.

Taking a couple of deep breaths makes the pain dull a bit. Laying on the ground around you are several others, none of them familiar. Then, you hear a scream, a shout of anger as a bewildered man comes charging out of the bushes, swinging a sword above his head....

Battlethread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11479955#post11479955)

2011-07-23, 12:34 PM

Mother, he's at it again... wait... Pugg left Ardrics tower long time ago

Still groaning and mumbling Pugg struggles to his feet and spots the battle just starting. He holds back to see what is happening exactly, ready to help or heal when needed.

2011-07-23, 12:39 PM
"What did I drink last night? Wha?!?!. Agnar jumps to his feet remembering those times his militia sergeant whipped his tail when he had a sword and the sergeant did not.

2011-07-23, 01:04 PM
Group Supplies:
Nuts, Meat, Roots|Timber, Stone, bits of leather | Herbs|

Pot Items:
3 Trapping Strings
Water Flask
Rope (20ft)
2 Artisans tools
2 Tent
1 Jug
2 axes
2 shovels


2011-07-23, 02:46 PM
"Does anyone know how they got here? The name is Mikisa,"says the woman. Her eyes are back to normal. The blue irises shine intensely. Her long wavy black hair is pulled into a pony tail.

2011-07-24, 01:32 PM
The clearing you are in is over 500 feet in diameter and surrounded on all sides by thick decideous forest. The only landmarks would be the blackened patches were you appeared, close to the side of the clearing.

2011-07-24, 02:24 PM
With the raging man down, Heriis grabs another stone and gets up slowly. While keeping an eye on the others standing around, he glances at the surrounding environment.

Do any of you know where we are? If not we may need to wake him back up, he may know.

2011-07-24, 03:02 PM
"Now that the excitement is over, I don't know where we are but I intend to find out. I go by the name of Corwin. Is everyone ok?" Corwin said as he closes his eyes and a trio of leaves circled him briefly and stopped, all pointing in one direction. "North is that direction. Now where are we?" The leaves dissipate. Corwin looks around trying to get his bearings. "Mist! Are you ok?"

I cast Know Direction and make a spot check to determine what is going on around us. I also make a heal check on Mist to be sure he doesn't have any injuries

Cast Know Direction
Spot Check: [roll0]
Heal Check: [roll1] dc: 15
I'm assuming the DC for this use of Heal is 15 to determine injury as that is the DC for every use of heal that isn't poison or disease related

2011-07-24, 03:24 PM
You now know where north is. Mist has no injuries.

2011-07-24, 04:22 PM
"How about you lower that stone. Its worrying me. I don't know where we are or how we got here. Can anyone use this man's things? They all hinder my ability to cast, although I could use a staff."

[roll0] Search check for a quarterstaff
If she finds something:

Mikisa walks over to the man the group has just subdued. If they decide to not tie him up she brings her quarterstaff crashing down on his throat (coup de' grace)

2011-07-24, 05:00 PM
"Do we have a way of keeping this man under control? Does someone have any rope? I could keep Morning Mist watching him so he hopefully will think before he charges someone again." Corwin states keeping an eye on the barbarian. "While I don't support the needless taking of life, if he is rabid, he will need to be put down."

Handle animal check to defend me
[roll0] DC: 10

2011-07-24, 05:50 PM
"Hi, my name Pugg. You need help with injuries?" This from the very ugly half-orc, made even more so by his state of clothing. He walks up to the group an kneels down next to the barbarian to see what he can do. "Maybe I help angry man."

Pugg tries to stabalise the barbarian. Heal: [roll0]

2011-07-24, 06:28 PM
Heriis stores a few stones in his clothes.

I don't think we have anything to tie him up. Lets at least take is stuff before trying to wake him. And there is another option. We could just walk away. With him disarmed we should be able to handle him if he comes after us.

Heriis takes the mans equipment and items.

2011-07-24, 07:14 PM
Stoval looks over the Barbarian's meager kit, "We might use these string snares to bind him, but I wouldn't want to risk breaking them. I'd be all for abandoning him out here, but we need information more than anything. He may know how and why we got here, or at the very least where we are and where we can go to get help. A few of you look passably strong, and I'm no pushover myself; I think we can restrain a punch-drunk wild man long enough to get some answers."

He turns to look each of the others in the eye, "As for myself, my name is Stoval, and I've no idea how I got here, or even where here is." Stoval competes his visual sweep with his eyes locked on the rock in Heriis's upraised hand, "What I do know is that anyone who attacks is going to end up napping with our barbarian friend here."

2011-07-24, 07:52 PM
Heriis lowers the stone and stores it.

I apologize. I've never been out of the city before, and I haven't been unarmed since I was 50. My name is Heriis, from Yaddara. Stoval, why don't you take the longsword in case he doesn't want to talk.

2011-07-24, 08:01 PM
Corwin looks around for a decent quarterstaff. "I can find us water source at least and more than likely I can also find us food. Some shelter would also be good. I can look for that while the rest of you decide what to do about our friend over there. Is that agreeable to everyone?"

If the group agrees:
Survival Check to find food and water for everyone. DC: 20 for food and water for everyone

I also pick up a quarterstaff.

2011-07-24, 08:10 PM
Stoval examines the offered blade for a split second, but raises his hand in a sign of polite refusal "Thank you for the offer, but I'm more than comfortable fighting fist to blade, and I've a pinch of magic to fall back on as well. Maybe you or someone else could use it more than me."

Look at that rust--at least I hope it's all rust--I'd probably get lock jaw just drawing it.

2011-07-24, 08:21 PM
Mikisa is standing above the barbarian quarterstaff raised. It is clear she has no intentions of just walking away.

"I refuse to let someone that has attacked me unprovoked live unrestrained. Especially if they are using deadly force while doing so. Water and shelter would be good. This one may not be alone, I'd suggest at least a few of us scouting the area if we intend to stay here. None of us know where we are and we may not have enough supplies to make a living here."

She looks down at the barbarian and back at the group."If we do not tie him up I will kill him. I am willing to wait if you want to question him first. If no one can use those items maybe we can sell them later."

2011-07-24, 08:28 PM
Well, lets see what he has to say before we make any hasty decisions. We don't have a decent set of clothes between us, but maybe we could pull enough strips from these rags to form some makeshift bindings."

would making that be a craft: tools check?

2011-07-24, 08:32 PM
Agnar breaks his silence from taking the measure of everyone. "If no one else wants the blade I can take it. I have training with them. I can stay and watch the prisoner to make sure he does not cause further harm. Maybe we can talk with him and make some sense of this craziness. We do not need to kill what may a possible ally."

2011-07-25, 05:59 AM
Seeing Mikisa standing over the barbarian (and him) with the quarterstaff raised, making threats, Pugg says angryly: "Not hurt helpless man! Even if angry man! That be EVIL!!"

Since his attempts at healing didn't have much effect Pugg raises his hands, palms up, muttering: "Great Fharlanghn, help angry man not die and be good man again." Upon saying this a faint glow surrounds his hands and flow into the barbarian as he lays his hands on the wounds.
spontaneous cure minor wounds: +1 hp for barbarian and automatic stabalize

Pointedly ignoring Mikisa, Pugg asks: "Anyone else need help with wounds? Or maybe I help finding food and shelter?"

I assume Agnar wants to be healed, if so: cure light wounds [roll0]
After that I'll help with the search for food: survival [roll1]
And as I says Pugg will pick up a club and querterstaff

2011-07-25, 06:27 AM
Seeing Mikasa work on the barbarian, Stoval moves closer and grabs the unconscious man's arms, using his body weight to pin them behind the man's back.

"Whatever we decide to do, this one's not going to stay down forever. Lets just use Mikasa's magic to revive him and get this over with." He looks to the others, "and, um, could someone get his legs?"

2011-07-25, 06:32 AM
My thanks", says Agnar, nodding to Pugg.

I can get his legs, helping Stoval with the Barb.

2011-07-25, 07:29 AM
"I appreciate the help Pugg. We do have what was in the barbarian's pack for food so we won't starve for a couple of days but we can always use more. I can also create water if we are unsuccessful in finding a decent water source. Alright Pugg, if you are ready, let's head out and see what we find. Mist, Heel!"

Handle Animal Check DC 10:

Survival Check to look for food with Pugg helping:

2011-07-25, 07:44 AM
Before heading out Corwin walks over to Mikasa and says in a low voice, "I know you want to kill this man and I understand that, and I agree that the threat cannot be allowed to remain here. I do ask that you wait to kill him for at least until Pugg and I get back to give everyone time to think of an alternative solution. Based on Pugg's reaction, he probably won't like it if we kill the man off in cold blood, but we may be able to leave him somewhere, where he can't come after us. If possible I would like everyone to stay together, at least for now, as we have a better chance of surviving as a group if we aren't competing for the same resources."

If needed, Diplomacy check:
I have no diplomacy bonus :smallfrown:

2011-07-25, 08:08 AM
"Pugg make water too if you thirsty!"

2011-07-25, 08:48 AM
Mikisa lowers her quarterstaff. "Since you all want him alive you are responsible for him. When he slits your throat in the middle of the night don't expect me to help."

Mikisa looks around and notices the group scrounging food and supplies. "So do we want to stay here? If so I'd like to head out and scout the area a bit to make sure that one was alone," She says pointing a finger at the barbarian.

2011-07-25, 08:58 AM
Heriis Draws the longsword and moves toward the barbarian.I'll keep a blade on him once he wakes up. As far as where to stay I think we should move out once we have the finished with this one. gesturing at the unconcious man This field doesn't give us any advantage, and if we want to make some adequate weapons and armor we'll need to search for resources.

2011-07-25, 09:30 AM
Pulling some strips from the barbarians "clothing" you can bind them. (use rope check)

2011-07-26, 07:18 AM
Pugg, before you go can you heal the prisoner a little more so he wakes up?

2011-07-26, 07:29 AM
Agnar stands ready in case the prisoner is in a foul mood when he wakes up.

Ready an action to punch the barb again if he starts acting hostile once he wakes up.

2011-07-26, 07:55 AM
"We not bind him first?" Pugg looks at the others a moment before bending down over the barbarian again. "Great Fharlanghn, give Pugg power to help angry man some more." Again the glowing light surrounds his hands, stronger now then the last time, flowing into the barbarian upon his touch.

Pugg will wait for anyone who wants to make a use rope check to tie the barbarian up.
Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

2011-07-26, 08:23 AM
I guess trying wont hurt anything, but I suspect a man that strong will be able to break bindings made from tattered cloth. Heriis bends down and starts ripping parts of the unconscious man's clothing to make bindings, then goes to work tying him up.


2011-07-26, 10:00 AM
Mikisa gives up on the group and starts to search for supplies. She has no idea why they are showing this attacker compassion, but they were right she'd need them if she wanted to survive. She keeps an eye on the man in case he wakes up and tries to attack her.

[roll0]Profession Woodcutter to gather lumber
So 1.28gp of solid lumber

2011-07-26, 12:47 PM
You do realise you just dedicated yourself to a week of work? Profession takes a week. I do allow daily checks, but it gathers 1/7th of course.

As the barbarian wakes up he looks around. Madness in his eyes he screams in furious anger and tries to break the ropes. [roll0]

Readied actions may trigger

2011-07-26, 12:56 PM
Agnar swings his fist as he see's the barb break his bonds.

His 12 to break Heriis 11 rope use, right?

To hit:[roll0]
Confirm if crit:[roll1]

2011-07-26, 01:06 PM
yup, he breaks them

2011-07-26, 01:07 PM
As Agnar swings at the barbarian, Corwin decides the barbarian is rabid and must be put down "Mist, Attack!"

This is dependent on if I can react in time as i did not have a readied action. If i can't i wait.

Handle Animal Check: DC 10

Mist's Attack roll:
Confirm if critical:

2011-07-26, 01:24 PM
Heriis moves into flanking position and swings with his sword


[roll2] - assuming sneak attack works

Also not sure about attack of oppertunity against me since we were all around him it'll have to be your call

2011-07-26, 01:40 PM
Though quite unhappy to be hurting someone he just healed, even Pugg can see that there will be no reasoning with the barbarian.

Attack with club: [roll0] (that's assuming I flank him)
Confirm if necessary: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-07-26, 04:34 PM
Stoval swears loudly at the crazed man, then swings away with his full strength.

[roll0] improved unarmed strike
[roll1] lethal damage

2011-07-27, 05:35 AM
The barbarian goes down again, bleeding heavily.

2011-07-27, 07:21 AM
Mikisa, if you would like to finish him off, you may.

2011-07-27, 09:52 AM
Even though Agnar knows it must be done, he does not want to watch it happen. He moves away from the barbarian and looks around to find a large club, or anything that will work for a weapon.

Anything around that would work as a greatclub? If not I will pick up a club if one is available.

2011-07-27, 10:34 AM
Heriis takes a long look at the bleeding man.

I'll finish this. He takes the sword and thrusts it into the man's heart.

It takes Heriis a few minutes to calm down from the kill, but when he does he looks at his companions and notices Agnar searching for a weapon

Agnar, take the longsword. You'll use it better than I can. We should try to climb one of the trees to get a better view of the area. If we can find a mountain or valley nearby we'll have a better chance of finding a cave or something similar for shelter.

2011-07-27, 10:41 AM
Pugg looks away as Heriis thrusts the blade into the barbarians heart. Solemnly he composes the barbarian in a proper and dignified position, quitely mumbling a prayer to Fharlanghn to guide his wandering soul to the realms beyond.

2011-07-27, 11:03 AM
"Thanks", says Agnar, taking the sword from Heriis.

2011-07-27, 11:56 AM
I wasn't able to find much food. Only enough for 3, maybe 4 people if we stretch it, but we still have the supplies from the pack for today at least. I will try again tomorrow. Are we going to stay or leave this area? While I dislike not knowing where we are, there doesn't seem to be any readily available shelter or an easily accessable source of water. For water, both myself and Pugg can make it, so that isn't as urgent as shelter. So, as I see it, we have 2 options: 1. Stay here and build some shelters, using both Pugg and I to supply water if we cannot find any close by, and 2. Pick a direction and start traveling, looking for a cave or other easily defended place. I am fine with either, we should just make this choice as a group.

2011-07-27, 12:08 PM
I think we should at least move out of the clearing, since anything in the area will see and be able to attack us. As for direction, if someone can climb a nearby tall tree we might be able to find a landmark in the area and head toward it.

2011-07-27, 12:38 PM
I agree with moving away from here

2011-07-27, 01:15 PM
"Pugg like tree climbing idea. You climb high, you see far, maybe see shelter or water. Pugg not good at climbing, but Pugg try if you ask."

2011-07-27, 03:51 PM
"I don't think I've climbed tree since I was a snot-nosed brat, but I'll give it a go" Stoval picks out the tallest tree near the clearing and begins to climb. "Um, please have some healing spells handy, just in case." He calls back nervously.

[roll0] climb check

2011-07-27, 09:12 PM
Mikisa returns to the group after gathering. She is carrying an arm full of lumber. She looks down and lets out a sigh.
"I see you killed him. Pity. Did you find out anything useful first?"

the rule is you earn half your profession check in gp. I divided by 14 instead of 2 to represent only 8h of work

2011-07-28, 06:53 AM
"No, he didn't say much"

2011-07-28, 07:39 AM
"I will see if I can find out where this barbarian came from. Does anyone else want to come?

Survival Check to see if i can find the barbarians tracks:
Surface Survival DC Surface Survival DC
Very soft ground 5 Firm ground 15
Soft ground 10 Hard ground 20

If the DC is higher than 10 I cannot track the barbarian's trail, as I do not have the track feat
This is my roll if the dc is 10 or lower


There is a big table of modifiers for Tracking but I cannot see any that would be applicable to the circumstances with my current knowledge Feats Description (http://sphere.ulmb.com/D20/featsGen.html)

2011-07-28, 07:54 AM
Trying out the DC table
{table]Surface|Survival DC|Surface|Survival DC
Very soft ground|5|Firm ground|15
Soft ground|10|Hard ground|20[/table]
Excelent, looks like it is working.

2011-07-28, 08:05 AM
"I will be staying with the group, whatever it decides. We may not agree on somethings, but I don't like our chances alone. I think this clearing is a good one for a temporary base. We can always send scouting parties to find a better location."

2011-07-28, 05:07 PM
As you speak amongst yourselves, the sun sinks lower and lower in the sky. By the time you've all finished your activities, only a few hours of light remain.

Usually, it's two DC 15 climb checks to climb a tree of moderate height... but it's fine this time. :smallwink:

The carpet of trees continues off to the horizons, save for to the south, where the trees slowly thin out. You can only catch the barest hints of plains at the southern horizon, still days away.
No signs of food or shelter.

The ground is still soft enough from recent rains that you can make out the barbarian's tracks clearly. They meander west, but nothing besides the direction may be ascertained by your inexpert analysis.

2011-07-28, 07:15 PM
Stoval calls to the others, "no signs of high ground or water, just forest. It looks like the trees thin out to the south, but it will be a few days march to get there."

After hearing the others: "We'd better just set up camp here, since it's getting dark. I'm not much of a hand in the wilderness, but even I can see that the barbarian's flask doesn't hold that much. There's bound to be a water source close by if we can follow his tracks, and that might mean fish and game.".

2011-07-28, 07:53 PM
As far as I know, the barbarian came from the west, however beyond that I can't tell much from what little training I have had in tracking. I agree to making camp for the night, Pugg and I can make any water that is necessary. Should we move on tomorrow or stay in this area?

2011-07-28, 08:05 PM
"Move, I say. There's nothing to keep us here, and if we can find running water we may be able to follow it to civilization--or at least other people."

2011-07-28, 08:30 PM
"If we move I'd like to take all this with. Its good lumber to get us started on tools or shelter. Finding a more ideal spot is best, but I'd rather not stray too far from a source of wood. So about that camp.." Mikisa trails off and heads towards the woods. She looks around clearly looking for something but unable to find it. She returns to her pile of lumber and beds down for the night

[roll0]Survival check for a temporary shelter

2011-07-28, 10:14 PM
"Best get this corpse out of our camp before we bed down, who knows what it will attract." Stoval drags the dead barbarian a safe distance from the camp, then returns to help the other start a fire and set the watch.

2011-07-28, 10:45 PM
I will take the first watch I will wake you in two hours Stoval, if that's OK with you. Corwin drags a log near the fire and sits on the side opposite of the fire facing outwards. Morning mist takes a spot near Corwin and rests his head on his paws seeming to almost blend into the foliage as the sun is setting.

2011-07-29, 05:23 AM
Slowly and carefully picking out branches for his shelter Pugg asks: "So tomorrow we follow trail of angry man?"

Half looking at the others for his answer, he continues building his small hut.

Survival for building a good hut: [roll0]

When his shelter is done, Pugg sits down and takes his shirt of (or what remains of it) mumbling: "By Fharlanghn's dirt-crusted sandals look at this. If Mother would see I'd not survive to tell." With a few muttered words he starts moving his fingers as if directing the folds of clothes and some unseen thread and slowly the rips and holes disappear from his clothes.

cast Mending to fix my clothes

2011-07-29, 06:32 AM
"I can take third watch", says Agnar. With the longsword within arms reach and wearing the makeshift armor of the barbarian, Agnar beds down for the night.

2011-07-29, 07:05 AM
Heriis keeps looking at how the others build there shelter, having no experience building one. I'm not sure we want to follow his trail, and we may want to move away from this clearing as well. If this man was part of a tribe, not only do we want to avoid meeting his companions but they may come out looking for him. I'm willing to take a watch.

Survival check to build temporary shelter

2011-07-29, 08:22 AM
"The trail will probably be gone by morning", says Agnar. "We can head out in the morning. South toward the plains maybe?"

2011-07-29, 09:47 AM
South seems as good a choice as any, however I would prefer if we stayed within the forest.

2011-07-29, 10:41 AM
As the last of the light fades, the night begins to move at a crawl, the crackling of the fire the only respite from the stillness of the darkness and the muted drone of the bugs attracted by your bodies and your fire. The occasional sound comes from deeper within the forest, but the fire's light only extends so far, and the sounds' source or sources remain unknown.
Once, far off to the north, a bone chilling screech pierces the night air but is not heard again.

2011-07-29, 11:22 AM
Stoval awakes with a loud yawn, stretching in vain to ease the pains in his back, "I can't remember the last time I slept on the ground without so much as a blanket."

Recalling the discussion from last night, he mentions,"Wherever we decide to go, we'd better stick together. I vote for back-tracking the barbarian's path, that's our surest bet to answers and resources."

2011-07-29, 11:33 AM
"I heard a scream that way last night," Mikisa points vaguely north as she says this.
For now I agree finding some water and a food source is a good idea."
Mikisa sighs as she looks around the clearing. She grabs a bite to eat and gathers up her things. She tears the barbarians clothes and wraps them around the lumber making a bundle. I really like this clearing. Plenty of room for us to live in for now. Water may be far away although several have said they can make it. Mikisa nods to herself and stands by where the barbarians tracks were. She is clearly ready to go.
"As we travel if anyone could find some stone I can make us some tools."

2011-07-29, 12:16 PM
Good Morning everyone, I will be back in about an hour, I need to meditate. Corwin goes off a few hundred feet from the others while they are bundling up the lumber. He then sits by a tree and crosses his legs. As he does this, tiny plants spring up around him and almost seem to take root in his clothing. Morning Mist lays next to Corwin without any indication that this is anything but normal.

After meditating: Well I am ready to go. Is everyone ok with gathering food as we move? Also, I think we should have some way of marking the trail we take that way we can return to this clearing if we want to.

2011-07-29, 12:53 PM
Heriis groans as he rises from his shoddy shelter. How do you sleep out here. I was barely able to trance. Which way we heading out?

2011-07-29, 01:42 PM
Waking happy and refreshed Pugg comes out of his shelter with a grin on his face. Hearing tho others complain of sleeping out in the open he says: "Pugg like sleeping outdoor! Always better to sleep outdoor when travelling. Travelling good!"

He walks off a bit to the other side of the clearing and sits down in a patch of sunlight. "Pugg go talk with Fharlanghn now, hope Pugg gets good powers today." As he sits there mumbling to himself (or his god presumably) he has his face turned up to the sunlight and almost seems to absorb it, faintly seeming to glow with the suns energy.

2011-07-29, 01:55 PM
"It's gonna take a little time to get used to sleeping under an open sky, and not under a mountain", says Agnar. He double checks the fit of the armor and practices with the sword.

2011-07-29, 02:16 PM
Alright, since it seems that everyone is ready, let's get walking. I would like to see if we can find a water source in addition to whatever we find on the barbarians trail. Hey Mist, smell! Now track!

Handle Animal: DC 10

Mist's Survival check for tracking:

Survival Roll for food while traveling: DC 10+2 per extra person(DC: 20 total)

2011-07-29, 02:18 PM
"If we want to mark our way back we could notch some trees with a sword. We should head out soon, we don't know how far away water will be."

2011-07-29, 02:27 PM
"Indeed, lets get to following those tracks." Stoval selects a decent cudgel among the fallen branches in the clearing, "let me just pick out a walking stick."

2011-07-29, 02:49 PM
Mikisa looks into the bag of food."We don't have a lot of preserved food. Perhaps we should forage fresh food as we go for now?"

[roll0] survival for food (if needed)

2011-07-29, 03:02 PM
The tracks, although meandering and somewhat confusing at points, are recent and easily followed. The group travels slowly and meticulously, even gathering food and nourishment as they continue along. All in all, when you finally stop traveling for the day, you are still fairly well rested and, more importantly, well fed.
A formation of clouds in the west has been creeping towards you all day, but the sun still shines brightly and the birds sing merrily in the trees.

You have traveled 1/2 day west. You don't move into a new square until another half day has been accomplished.
Not much occurred on the trail today, and travel went well.

2011-07-29, 03:08 PM
"Pugg says we make good shelter now, those clouds mean rain."

Survival for making a shelter (if we all wish to stay): [roll0]

2011-07-29, 03:18 PM
"I agree night will be here soon enough. It will be darker when those clouds appear here. I will take first watch tonight." Mikisa then looks around for things to make a shelter with. As she finshes the shelter she stands back and it collapses. Mikisa sighs heavily another night without shelter it seems. She gathers up what used to be her shelter and starts a fire.

A gyser of fire erupts from her palm before shrinking to a jet and traveling to her outstretched finger. It catches the timber on fire, starting the campire gloriously.

Cast predistigation to start fire.
Cast mending on clothing

2011-07-29, 04:43 PM
"I'll take second watch again." Stoval yawns and rubs his sore feet, "lets leave the dead of night for those who can see in the dark."

2011-07-29, 05:23 PM
"Pugg can see in dark! Pugg help too."

After proudly stating that, Pugg looks at his pants and frowns. Then he promptly takes them of (sorry for those with weak stomachs), sits down on the ground and agains starts mumbling and gesturing, Mending the damage on his pants.

2011-07-29, 05:30 PM
The sky continues to darken. Around twilight, another screeching bark like the one you heard last night comes from somewhere in the northeast, perhaps a bit closer than before.

2011-07-29, 06:13 PM
Mikisa, who is on first watch, makes a note of the howling again. It bothered her the first time, now with it sounding even closer it worries her. I hope that howling turns out to be friendly or never makes it here. Mikisa wakes up the next person on watch. She relays the howling and her feeling of unease about it. Two nights in a row didn't bode well. She drifts off to sleep unable to shake the feeling.

2011-07-29, 06:29 PM
The night once again passes uneventfully, the moonlight muted by the thick clouds. The contrast of the light of the fire and the darkness of the forest creates an almost eerily beautiful silent masterpiece among the fallen trees and patches of leafy vegetation.

2011-07-29, 07:13 PM
Stoval shares Mikasa's unease about the howling, but isn't sure what can be done about it. "We can pick up the pace and keep an eye to the rear, I guess. Maybe our next camp will be more defensible."

2011-07-29, 08:00 PM
Mikisa relays her thoughts upon waking up the next morning."The howling seems to have moved with us. It got closer and changed where it was coming from. We should be on our guard as we travel the next few days. It might be friendly as well though." It was clear by the way she talked Mikisa was more hopeful on the last statement than truthful. After speaking her mind Mikisa closes her eyes. She is surrounded by a pink and purple glow as she does so. It swirls about her wildly. After some time she opens her eyes again. She pauses briefly before looking at the group.
"Can I get just a bit of that leather armor please? I only need a small piece. It could be extra length of stitching for all I care."

Caltrops- 2
Predestigation -1
If I get the piece of leather casting persisted mage armor on myself.

2011-07-29, 09:40 PM
"Sure, take what you need", offers Agnar. He gives a good stretch to work the kinks out of his body.

2011-07-30, 03:46 AM
Joining the conversation, Pugg says: "Maybe we walk all day today. Howling in forest often be hungry ... and we be food." Pugg then starts stirring up the fire (we had one didn't we?) to get some breakfast, before moving of for his morning prayers.

2011-07-30, 07:47 AM
After eating and meditating, While I hope that the source of the howling aren't enemies, we just have to be prepared. But I agree with trying to make more distance.

Spells Prepared:
Create Water x2

Calm Animals

After meditating, Corwin pulls off his shirt and sits down. Roots seem to entwine themselves with the fiber and withdraw, leaving the shirt whole where it was once ragged.
Corwin cast Mending on his shirt. Forgot to mend his pants yesterday :smallconfused:

Is everyone ready to go? Hefting his quartstaff, Corwin makes ready to depart.

If everyone is ready:
Corwin closes his eyes, and what seems to be a small green light appears under his eyes.
Corwin casts guidance for the survival check:
Survival Check:
[roll0] (+9 survival bonus, +1 guidance bonus)

2011-07-30, 08:22 AM
Mikisa hefts her quarter staff and picks up her pile of lumber. She worked hard for it she isn't about to leave it behind.

"I agree we should move quickly today. We have some food from the angry man to keep us going for a while. We can afford not looking for our own until we find water I hope."

2011-07-30, 11:58 AM
Then let's get going. Mist, Track!

Handle Animal
[roll0] DC 10

Survival for tracking for Mist

2011-07-30, 01:45 PM
Travel goes quickly, and within a few hours you arrive at the barbarian's point of origin- nothing more than a small circle of stones for a campfire, a ramshackle lean-to of branches and leaves, and a few well-placed logs within a small natural clearing of about 30 feet. A dismembered fallen tree on the opposite side of the clearing obviously provided wood for the barbarian. You can hear the soft sound of a small stream somewhere nearby.

As you arrive, the dark, heavy clouds overhead finally begin to release their contents, and raindrops splash down with greater and greater frequency, threatening to soak you if you don't act fast.

Spot DC 20
Behind one of the logs, there is a small circle of overturned dirt, although it has been carefully tamped down in an effort to conceal it.

2011-07-30, 01:50 PM
Looks like this is it. Let's see if the barbarian left anything we can use. Let us see what we can do about making some shelter to wait out this storm.


2011-07-30, 01:51 PM
Ugh, messed up the roll.

2011-07-30, 01:53 PM
Mikisa looks around the clearing. She wanders towards the sound of the water to see if she can see the source of it. When the rain starts she grumbles and starts to build a shelter. Her shelter falls down yet again. Mikisa looks around seeing if the others are having more luck when she spots the dirt. She goes over to it and checks it out before trying to uncover it.

How big is the stream?
[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Survival...really???

2011-07-30, 01:57 PM
Pugg also looks around the campsite and starts building a shelter.

Spot: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]

2011-07-30, 02:30 PM
Corwin, upon seeing the trouble Mikisa is having, decides to help her out with her shelter. Hey Mikisa, do you mind if i build my shelter near yours? I can help out with building yours up.

Survival roll for shelter building:

2011-07-30, 03:09 PM
"It'd be best if we all built together. I prepared a spell to try and help ward the area tonight. Plus with this weather we'll want the fire close by and covered."

2011-07-30, 03:16 PM
The shelters are completed just before it begins raining in earnest, performing their task admirably and remaining entirely dry inside. Outside, though, the rain comes down with increasing intensity and obviously not about to stop for some time.

Mikisa uncovers a worn leather bag as the others finish up their shelters.
It contains:
A sharp knife with a notched blade
20 feet of rope
Another 10 sp of dried meat
A copper pendant necklace. Although the pendant appears to be in good condition, the front has been intentionally deeply scratched and worn away, and it would be impossible to read anything written on it without magic or exceptional powers of observation.

2011-07-30, 03:56 PM
Mikisa returns from her digging with the leather bag. Her fingernails have mud caked in them from where she was digging and her hair was a mess. It is clear she is upset about the hair thing as she readjusts the pony tail.Before she settles in though, sets down the bag for the group to see everything inside.
I found this over by that log. I noticed that log would make good fire wood as well if we could drag it over here. I can't make out much about these objects, but in the morning I can see if they have any magical properties."

She then walks back over to the log and starts to move it closer to the fire.

2011-07-30, 04:09 PM
Survival Check for weather DC 15:
Will IC the results but i dont know how to react yet. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-30, 04:12 PM
Excited Pugg comes over to the bag. "Wow, Mikisa has good eyes." He looks at her with an approving grin, then looks at the spoils. "This amulet is all damaged! Pugg try and repair it." He sits down and starts with the, now familiar, gestures and mumbles, as he magically tries to fix the amulet.

I'd like to go out and gather large leafs, vines and maybe some firewood, not sure what kind of check would be needed, if any. Pugg would do so without his shirt on, to keep it dry.

2011-07-30, 07:02 PM
Frustrated by his utter lack of outdoor skills, and looking for something useful to do, Stoval braves the rain to search out the source of the sound of running water.

2011-07-30, 07:27 PM
Although the rain is pouring down now, it should slack off or completely end in just a matter of hours. By sundown, the sky should once again be clear.

Only forty feet to the north is a small stream, less than two feet wide and less than a foot deep. It seems bolstered by the torrential rain, and surges westward.

Are you casting mending?

About gathering leaves, vines, etc: It'll just be a profession: farmer/lumberjack/miner check, as usual. You can assume that you got some leaves and vines, although you can just add the value to the wood stockpile.

2011-07-30, 07:48 PM
Agnar keeps watch in case something attempts to sneak up under cover of the rain.

2011-07-30, 08:02 PM
aving found the stream, Stoval begins searching the banks for the useful herbs that often grow there.

use whatever is left of the day to gather components for Mikisa's alchemy
[roll0] profession(herbalist) includes -2 for weather

2011-07-30, 10:13 PM
As the day gets later, the rain decreases in volume, and finally stops altogether just in time to provide a glimpse at the once again clear sky. Only a few hours remain before sunset.

Pugg casts his spell, returning the pendant back to legibility. It reads, in bold, inexpertly printed letters:


2011-07-31, 03:45 AM
Having repaired the amulet Pugg reads it and frowns at the amulet. He looks like he thinking really hard and it might hurt thinking at all. "Pugg made amulet better, but Pugg not understand it. Pugg not understand it at all." He holds it out to the others with a questioning look in his eyes. When someone takes the amulet he stands up and says: "Pugg will go and search for herbs, like Stoval." With that he heads out towards the water.

Profession (herbalism): [roll0]

PS: Yes Show, that was indeed a Mending spell, sorry that wasn't clear.

2011-07-31, 09:19 AM
I'm going to look for some berries. Are there hunting snares in the bag? If so, I can set those up to see if we can catch some food as well. Corwin says as he grabs his quarterstaff. Maybe if we are lucky we can catch something that will provide some decent furs.

Survival Check to find berries before dark: DC 10(i think that is what Show said)

If I get the snares;
Survival Roll to set them
[roll1] not sure what the DC is

2011-07-31, 09:57 AM
As night starts to fall Mikisa stands and moves next to the fire."I will take first watch again while we still have some light to work with."

2011-07-31, 10:18 AM
Upon finding some berries and setting the snares, Corwin returns to the group before nightfall. He sits down and concentrates on the berries. The berries seem to be wrapped in green leaves and then the leaves fade away, leaving the berries looking normal. Here everyone, take a berry, it will provide a full meal for you.

Rolling for how many berries there are:

2011-07-31, 05:29 PM
The muted sounds of the stream and the rustle of the trees unite to form a relaxing harmony as the night continues. Nothing out of the ordinary is heard, and the night passes quickly and restfully.

The next morning is bright, and you are all woken by a vibrant medley of birdsong.

2011-07-31, 06:47 PM
"If anyone has expertises in mining we could use some rocks and clay to work on tools. I heard no howling last night, but I want some defense. Tools would make building defenses that much easier." Mikisa looks around at the group as she says this. "Are we still foraging for food? If we can find fresh it would taste better than this preserved stuff. If we are staying here I will gather more lumber for tools, buildings and defenses. I can use those herbs later if we get some containers made. I specialized in alchemy during my training."

Daily check unless the group decides to stay for a week. If I can make it weekly that is prefered.

2011-07-31, 06:55 PM
"Between the string traps and these sturdy quarterstaves, we should have the materials to make a simple self bow. I can build it, but I don't have a clue where to find good stone for the arrowheads."

2011-07-31, 06:59 PM
There are small stone deposits, as well as lots of assorted rocks near and in the stream.

2011-07-31, 07:11 PM
I'll start looking for good rocks and clay I've got some experience working with ores. When we came here, did anyone keep their jewelry? I've been looking at that amulet, and if belonged to that madman we should hide it. "The Enclave" is obviously some sort of community and if we meet any of them we don't want them to know we killed their friend.

profession(mining) for stones (I think we're still on daily use.)

2011-07-31, 07:57 PM
"Once we have materials I can assist in making tools, weapons, and armor," says Agnar.

2011-07-31, 08:31 PM
"We've got plenty of lumber and vines to start on tool handles and bows. I'm sure having a set of tools would be the best place to start. We might even fashion more rope and strings from what we have. I will look for more while I am out today. Maybe even a few bigger logs for buildings."

We should have (as of this post):
2.7gp of herbs/magical materials
4gp of non-magical materials
All the preserved food we've found to date

2011-07-31, 09:07 PM
Pugg stretches in the early morning light. After a quick breakfast he sits down to pray for his spells. When he's done he tells the group: "Pugg prepared more repair magic, so Pugg fix dagger and sword. They need fixing. Then Pugg will go to river to wash and find good rocks."

So to make it clear: Pugg casts Mending on both the dagger and the sword, since they look like they need it. Then he washes himself and his clothes in the little river. And searches for usable rocks, profession (mining): [roll0]

2011-08-01, 01:54 AM
Since the group seems to be settling in for an extended stay in the barbarian's camp, Stoval decides to have a look around. Once again, he finds the tallest nearby tree and attempts to climb it.

hope I don't regret this, looking for any distant hills or mountains in particular
[roll0] climb check
[roll1] ditto

Assuming Stoval survives the climb
[roll2] profession (herbalism), gathering materials for the rest of the day

2011-08-01, 12:16 PM
Stoval makes an attempt to climb a tree, but the branches almost immediately break away from beneath him.
Climb check fail!
Stoval takes no damage.

Pugg gathers .64 GP worth of rocks and stones.
Stoval gathers 1.64 GP worth of magical supplies.
The sword and dagger are repaired of any flaws they might have had.

2011-08-01, 12:23 PM
Realized I didn't post spells

2011-08-01, 03:02 PM
After waking up, Corwin decides to check on the snares he set last night. Hey guys, I will check on the snares before we get started for the day. Hopefully I caught some rabbit Corwin says with a smile in anticipation. Once out of site from the camp, Corwin takes off his pants and sits down, concentrating on his pants. Tiny roots seem to combine with the cloth fibers and then fade away, leaving the pants repaired. After finishing this tiny chore, Corwin puts his clothes back on and goes to where he set the snares.

Mending x2
Guidance x2

Calm Animals

2011-08-01, 03:16 PM

Corwin has great luck with his snares, catching two rabbits(.5 food each) and a deer(1 food, .5 materials).

2011-08-01, 04:47 PM
Corwin returns with the carcasses of two rabbits and a deer. Looks like we are eating good today guys! Can someone use the rabbit hides as materials to make a couple of waterskins? And can someone make a me some tools? I need a hoe mainly to start growing some food and eventually a scythe. Corwin prepares the meat, removing bones and various other organs, feeding the liver to Morning Mist as a treat. Corwin leaves the hides to be cleaned by someone else near the river.

2011-08-02, 09:19 AM
After a hard days of working Mikisa returns for the last time carrying a bunch of timber. She adds it to the pile of gathered resources and admires the work everyone has done.

"I can make some tools if no one else can. If someone else can make them and you want me to gather again tomorrow that works. I'd save that deer hide and maybe make armor for some of you later. If we can keep trapping animals, we should get enough soon."

With that Mikisa starts to get camp ready for the evening. She builds a fire and lights it in the fashion that was once a sight to see, but has now become regular for the group.

2011-08-02, 11:09 AM
After putting the stones he had collected into a pile near the wood, Heriis inspected the hides of the animals.

I think we can use these. A couple of water skins would be pretty easy. Not sure if we could do much else with it.

2011-08-02, 02:22 PM

As the sun sets, nothing seems at all out of the ordinary. It isn't until later- during Stoval's watch- that the sounds of the forest begin to die down, leaving only the sound of the trees and perhaps one or two uncertain crickets. After what seems like an eternity of silence, a rustling comes from the bushes ahead.

Some sort of a predatory cat emerges from the bushes, its' sleek skin- fur?- seeming to blend with the dark forest behind it. It slowly stalks towards the duskblade, ears flicked back and claws extended.

Stoval: roll spot and listen.
Everyone: To the battle thread!

2011-08-03, 08:16 PM
Finally regaining his sense, Stoval walks back to camp and examines the creature.

what type of knowledge check?

2011-08-03, 08:18 PM
Knowledge Nature.

2011-08-03, 08:35 PM
Seeing the creatures run off Pugg sighs his relief. "That close, kitties no like Pugg." With a frown he stands fingering the blood-stained slashes and holes in his shirt. Then he mumbles now familiar tones and a glow comes around his hand and into his wounds.

Cure Light Wounds on myself: [roll0]

He grumbles as a thin red line remains and again says a short prayer after which even that small wound disappears. (Cure Minor Wounds)

Then he suddenly grins. "You think kitty be tasty? Nice furr coat be good!"

I think we robbed Corwin of a combat-action... maybe he had big plans.

2011-08-04, 08:29 AM
Seeing the battle is done Mikisa walks over to the cat and slams down on it one last time with her quarterstaff to insure it is dead. She then returns to the shelter and goes back to sleep. That was exciting, but I need my rest even more now.

2011-08-04, 08:41 AM
Agnar stumbles back into camp with a sheepish look on his face.

Sorry about that everyone, that face peel thing caught me off guard and I dont know what came over me"

He then crawls back into his shelter for a little more sleep before his watch comes up.

2011-08-04, 12:49 PM
The night is quiet, and there is no further sign of the creatures. The morning comes bright and early, bringing relief from the last night's events.

2011-08-04, 12:58 PM
Mikisa prepares her spells then gets started on her work for the day. "What do you want me to do today? I can gather more supplies or start working on some tools."

Use whatever one the group decides on
[roll0]gathering (.93gp) Most the group is gathering so I'll make some tools.
[roll1]tools This should be 2 lower. Forgot improvised tools! Assuming the DC of 10 is correct that is 140CP of progress. The item raw cost is 1.66gp of materials. Progress:(5gpx10=50spx10=500cp)

2011-08-04, 01:21 PM
After eating his breakfast Pugg sits down for his morning prayers, but for those who pay attention there seems something different about it. Just like always Pugg sits there, basking in the sunlight (or seeming to even if there isn't much sunlight), but somehow it seems that the colors around him are brighter and a gentle breeze seems to stir, like that spot is somehow more alive or something.

Coming back to the group, Pugg says: "Maybe we make nice armor of catskin? And nice smoked meat and tools from bones, yes? Pugg not good at making things." As he start to walk off he calls over his shoulder: "Pugg go pray for friend now, so not disturb Pugg, ok?" With that he walks down to the stream to find a nice place to meditate.

Pugg will start his 24-hour meditation for an Animal Companion

2011-08-04, 01:25 PM
"Do you wilderness guys know what can we get off the corpse of that thing?" asks Agnar once everyone is up and around.

Is it edible? Can the hide be used for anything? Teeth, claws for weapons? Sinew for cord? :smallsmile:

"I can start making simple farm tools with some of these stones, rocks, and twine while other are out gathering"

-2 for improvised tools

2011-08-04, 03:32 PM
Heriis gets up in the morning and notices Agnar and Stoval back in the camp, and starts quietly laughing.

So, what time you guys get back last night? I tried to ask before you left but you ran off so quickly.

After giving the two of them some grief for running away, Heriis goes off to gather more supplies.

gather stone for one day again

2011-08-04, 04:06 PM
I will return, I am going to reset the snares to see if we can get lucky again. Corwin walks off with Morning Mist to set the snares.

Spells Prepared:
Create Water x2
Mending x2

Calm Animals

Cast Guidance before Survival Check for setting the snares:

2011-08-04, 04:12 PM
Stoval follows Heriis, learning what type of stones to gather before going off to search on his own

yeah, I put some SP in mining/woodcutter
[roll0] gather stone for tools/weapons

2011-08-05, 11:18 AM
As the day comes to a close Mikisa prepares for bed. She looks at the others around the fire. "Come the morning we should make a plan. I'd like to build this area up and maybe start a small town here. We need to explore and search out any dangers in the area first though. That amulet Pugg fixed may be some local group. I keep working on tools and other travelling supplies. In the morning let me know what you want made. If others can help me make tools that would be grand. Anyone who doesn't want to make tools I'd appreciate you gathering more supplies."

After dinner Mikisa beds down and gets sleep. She arrises in the morning, prepares her spells and gets to work on making requests. She does this for a week before stopping to see all that she has made.

[roll0]craft for a week on requests (the ooc list)

2011-08-05, 11:28 AM
Heriis and Stoval search for workable stone, Stoval imitating the former as best he can. He learns quickly, and by the end of the day, he has gathered more than his temporary mentor.
Heriis gathers .7 GP
Stoval gathers 1.2 GP

Agar fails to make progress on his tools, but his skill keeps him from damaging any materials.


Corwin is enormously successful with his snares again, and traps a rabbit and two(!) more deer.

Should we switch over to weekly checks?

2011-08-05, 11:46 AM
Heriis gets back from another mediocre day of gathering, using the excuse that last nights fight wore him out. After storing his supplies he begins trying to gather anything useful from the creature that was killed last night.

Any check needed to clean the creature and or can we get anything out of it?

2011-08-05, 01:08 PM
The body provides plenty of raw materials/food, but you need profession checks to get at them.

2011-08-05, 03:41 PM
I'm fine with weekly checks if everyone else is

In what is quickly becoming a daily routine, Stoval sets out to gather more raw materials.

[roll0] gather stone

2011-08-06, 04:08 AM
The second morning after the attack, as people just start to wake up and have breakfast, Pugg walks back into the camp, a huge grin beaming from a very tired face. "Pugg pray very hard and Fharlanghn send him new friend. Look! She be beautiful, right." As Pugg hold out his arm you hear the screach of a hawk and a moment later it comes into view as it dives down between the trees and lands on Pugg's outstretched arm. "Pugg name her Sadzi, like heart of sun."

Pugg will use another Mending to repair his clothes again. The rest of the week he will either scout the area or gather herbs if no-one knows anything better (see OOC), he will use Guidance spells to help his checks. Besides that he will spend a little time each day to train Sadzi.

If gathering: [roll0]
Handle Animal (fetch DC 15): [roll1]

2011-08-06, 07:40 AM
Agnar continue making tools.

-2 for no tools

does my +2 to crafting with stone apply to this?

2011-08-06, 11:44 AM
Seeing everyone else crafting things, Heriis spends his time fetching materials.


2011-08-07, 04:22 PM
The group quickly settles down into a comfortable and efficient routine as the days pass.
Stoval gathers 11 GP of stone
Pugg comes across 13.5 GP of herbs and supplies, all while training Sadzi
Heriis contributes 7 GP of materials
Pugg begins to work a patch of land, drawing 7 GP worth of food from the soil.

Meanwhile, Mikisa and Agar provide basic supplies for the camp.
Agar crafts two sets of tools, using 2.6 GP of materials. Mikisa uses 2.7 GP of materials.

Agar produces 1 set of tools in three days, leaving him with another four days to work.~Unless the tools are fully made of stone, there will be no craft bonus.~

What did Corwin do during the week?

2011-08-07, 04:54 PM
Mikisa spends the next week crafting more supplies for the group. She is mostly unaware of what others are doing during this time. she knows a group went out scouting and others are busy doing whatever work they have elected for the week. By the end of the week she just barely manages to finish another tent for the group.

[roll0] Tent 2 DC 15 (100sp)
[roll1] Tent 3 DC 15 (100sp)
[roll2] Jug 3 DC 10 (.3sp)
[roll3] Jug 4 DC 10 (.3sp)
[roll4] Jug 5 DC 10 (.3p)

2011-08-07, 05:11 PM
"Pugg and Corwin go look around now. Maybe find beginning of stream." Pugg anounces as he packs up some stuff for the journey.

Pugg will take a bedroll, winter blanket and jug out of the pot. Maybe Corwin and Pugg can take the tent that was finished (since the rest still have the shelter).

I propose for Pugg and Corwin to scout two days upriver (unless something pops up) that way we should be able to scout the area around the river a bit, know what the area offers and be back by the end of the week.

Also Pugg will take some time each day to try and train Sadzi some more.
Handle Animal (hunt DC 15): [roll0]

2011-08-07, 05:45 PM
/cut /paste :smallbiggrin:

Agnar contines making tools

still taking -2 for no tools (were they using those to make the supplies?


I was mainly going for work tools: hoes, shovels, etc.

2011-08-07, 07:52 PM
Your first check made tools....
What are you crafting? You had 4days left last week and 7d for this week.

2011-08-07, 08:27 PM
Heriis tries to catch Pug and Corwin before they venture off.

Why don't the two of you wait for a day or so until I make some parchment and find something for you guys to write with? It'll make keeping up with the map a lot easier. You will

I'm doing everythign daily so they can use the parchment this week
crafting 2 parchment [roll0](assume DC 15)(need 200 cp)
search? check for a feather to write with [roll1]
Assuming that craft worked

gather wood and stone


Craft successful, Not sure about the search.

Got 5.57 supplies

2011-08-08, 01:11 AM
With the others going about their projects, Stoval settles down to craft a proper weapon.

[roll0] think I'll go for a trident (don't ask, the fancy has struck me) need 150 sp to finish it; it looks like only mikasa is using artisan's tools and we've got 2 sets, so I'll use the other

2011-08-08, 01:14 AM
Having finished his trident in only 5 days, Stoval goes out to gather more lumber and stone to close out the week

[roll0] day 6 lumber
[roll1] day 7 stone
hope I did that right. disregard if I didn't

2011-08-08, 07:30 AM
Corwin grabs the sack and also a water jug, bedroll, and winter blanket.

If Heriis made any parchment:
Hefting his quarterstaff, he and Pug wait for Heriis to finish the parchment, then go out accorind to Pugg's plan.

Survival Roll: DC: ?

2011-08-08, 05:17 PM
The sun is bright as you set out along the river. As you travel, the river slowly becomes deeper and wider. The river continues west for a day before continuing northwest for another day. Along the river, the trees seem as thick as ever, perhaps even more so. The forests seem full of life, but lacking in habitation.
A faint wisp of smoke curls up from the south.

2011-08-08, 05:35 PM
"Sadzi, seek, look for people." Pugg says steering the hawk toward the wisps of smoke. He then turns to Corwin. "We go look there or you think it is too dangerous?"

Handle Animal (DC10): [roll0]
Sadzi will see if there are humanoid creatures and report to Pugg

"Perhaps Sadzi need more training." Pugg says as the hawk flies a lazy circle round his head and lands on has shoulder once more.

2011-08-09, 12:38 PM
Meanwhile, back in camp...

Agnar works at making tools:

Shovel #1 [roll0]
Hoe [roll1]
Axe #1 [roll2]
Shovel #2 [roll3]
Axe #2 [roll4]

Are these considered common items (dc 10)? Let me know if I did to much or if I still have time left.

2011-08-12, 04:07 AM
"Maybe best if Corwin and Pugg go back, get others first to help. Of course, must remember where smoke comes from for that." Pugg (and Corwin) study the wisps of smoke, imprinting the location in their minds, before heading back to camp to report on their findings.

2011-08-12, 01:44 PM
Mikisa sits and listens to Pugg and Corwin's tale. After they finish she looks around at the others.
"We are not well equipped to handle any large group. We should at least go investigate though. They may be willing to assist us. I will go with the group that checks this place out. I will try and prepare spells to assist."

2011-08-12, 02:21 PM
I will also go and prepare spells that will assist with scouting. Pugg, maybe we can work together to train Sadzi a little better?

Does helping with handle animal work the same as other skills when using aid another?

2011-08-12, 11:47 PM
As the scouts are away, the party continues with its surprising industry, considering the circumstances. Over the course of a week:

Mikisa crafts yet more supplies, using 7 GP of materials in the process.
Heriis manages to create passable parchment, easily finding a quill to scratch out basic writing with. He uses .6 GP of materials in the process, but soon replenishes the stores with another 5.57 GP.
Stoval creates a sturdy, well-built trident, using 5 GP of the materials Heriis brought in in its' construction. He carefully manages to gather 2.9 GP of stone and wood from around the camp in the two remaining days after doing so.
Agnar also busies himself crafting much-needed supplies, using 3.3 GP of supplies, and crafting a set of tools. The meticulously sharpened axe could even double as a weapon in a pinch.

2011-08-13, 05:38 AM
"Maybe there be more angry men where smoke is. Pugg say we all go look."

Turning to Corwin: "Thank you, Pugg not good trainer. Maybe you teach Pugg to be good trainer."

Prepared spells in sheet.

2011-08-13, 07:05 PM
"I'll go with you. I'm no great hand at all this building and gathering anyway." Stoval grabs his weapon, "I'd like the chance to test this out, unless it's someone who doesn't want to kill us."

2011-08-13, 07:42 PM
We should all go, says Agnar. I was getting a little bored anyways, he adds with a grin

2011-08-14, 05:49 PM
"So it is agreed we will all go. Let's gather what we've made to take with us in case we don't return." Mikisa gather a set of tools and her quarterstaff and waits for Pugg and Corwin to lead the way.

2011-08-14, 08:08 PM
Agnar bundles up the tools he made and gets ready to head out to.

2011-08-14, 09:41 PM
The group travels west for a day, following along the river as the scouting party had. There is no sign of the previously sighted smoke further west.

2011-08-15, 06:06 AM
Stoval looks at the sky where this smoke was supposedly sighted, then appraises the two scouts. If it were just Pugg, Stoval would probably pack it in and head back to camp (heck, he might not have bothered to leave in the first place), but Corwin was a more reliable sort. "Well we're already out here, so we might as well make a thorough search."

2011-08-15, 06:39 AM
I agree, says Agnar. "Anyone want to try their tree climbing skills and look around?"

2011-08-15, 06:55 AM
Heriis steps up from the back of the group

Was the smoke you saw a wildfire volume or more of a campfire? If it was a wildfire we may want to head back, since the burnt out area won't be much use to us. If it was a campfire and we can find the site it may be worth while to follow their trail.

Another question for the group, did we head upstream or downstream?

2011-08-15, 07:25 AM
"Pugg thinks it was only campfire. It should be further upstream, but maybe they put fire out."

We went upstream, and the fire was spotted about 2 days upstream, not one, so it might be some distance ahead still.

2011-08-15, 01:55 PM
It was to your south after a day west and a day northwest... if that makes any sense. It would currently be to your west if you could still see it.

2011-08-16, 09:58 PM
Sighing ruefully at the prospect of trusting the half-orc's memory, Stoval follows Pugg further west in search of the source of the smoke.

posting this based on Pugg's survival check in the OOC

2011-08-16, 10:07 PM
The night passes quickly, and the next morning comes early. You set out under Pugg's expert guidance, making your way towards where the smoke was seen. When you arrive, the sun is still high in the sky. Without a doubt, this is the place. The remains of a recent bonfire scar the pale soil of a man-made clearing, measuring 20 by 20 feet. Although what people were here had obviously left their mark on the land, no supplies or objects have been left behind.

Only a bit further is a small mine, extending only 10 or so feet through a small hill. Within sparkles ore of some sort. The walls clearly show the marks of the well-made tools which had been used to carve out the earth and stone.

2011-08-17, 06:42 AM
Metal!exlaims Agnar. I wonder what made the people leave. Do you think they will come back?

2011-08-17, 07:39 AM
I say we stay here for awhile. If Pugg is willing, we can try asking Sadzi to look around again. Maybe Morning Mist would be up to looking for the others as well. I will go and set the snares up again as well. After Corwin gets back from setting the snares he asksDoes anyone still have items that need repairing? If so, I can fix at most two of them today.

Prepared Spells:

Mending x2
Guidance x2

Speak with Animals
Obscuring Mist


Handle Animal check to aid Pugg with Sadzi

Handle Animal to ask Morning Mist to scout the area and report back
[roll1] with a guidance spell

Survival check to set snares
[roll2] with a guidance spell

2011-08-17, 10:42 AM
"Ah, Corwin have good idea, Pugg will ask Sadzi to look!" Pugg turns to his faithful bird with hope in his eyes. "Come on Sadzi, we trained for this. Please find people for Pugg."

Handle Animal: [roll0] (with Guidance and Corwin's help)

2011-08-17, 11:08 AM
Sadzi and Morning Mist each break off from the group to scout the area. Before a few hours have passed, they each return. Neither seems to have seen anything particularly interesting in the immediate area. However, Morning Mist seems to have picked up the trail of whoever was here last. The beast's intuition is quickly proved right as the beginnings of a lightly-worn trail are discovered just to the south of the camp. It appears to head south.

2011-08-17, 04:38 PM
"I'm all for getting ourselves some decent steel, but I'd like to see who made this trail first. They might not take kindly to someone squatting on their ore."

2011-08-17, 06:23 PM
I think we should at least build some strong weapons for ourselves. They should be back within the week.

2011-08-18, 06:27 AM
Pugg takes a close look around the camp and the trail. "Maybe trail will tell how many man were here."

Survival to figure out how many individuals made the trail (and maybe some info about them, like are they humanoid or not, size, etc.)
Survival: [roll0] (using Guidance)

2011-08-18, 07:37 AM
That's a good idea Pugg, maybe Morning Mist will recognize the smell of whatever made the trail he found. Corwin goes off to the side of the camp and sits down in front of Morning Mist. As he looks into Mist's eyes, they seem to be communicating with each other in low wuffs and growls.

I cast Speak with animals and then ask Morning Mist what the trail smelled like and if he recognized anything else about the smell, mainly if it smelled like the barbarian from the first day.

I think that Morning Mist would be familiar with the smells of the various humanoids we have in our group and maybe a few others tat would make sense in a village near a forest.

2011-08-18, 08:01 AM
You can make out the fairly recent(2-3 days ago) tracks of somewhere between six to eight humanoids of medium size. A wagon has been pulled along behind them, but not enough times to begin leaving deep ruts. The humanoids were wearing shoes.

From your "conversation," you manage to glean the following information:
There were a number of humans. They did not smell particularly like a barbarian, but they certainly weren't the cleanest lot. They spent a few days in the camp and the mine before leaving along the trail.

2011-08-18, 02:25 PM
Returning to the rest of the group Pugg says: "Pugg think there be maybe eight men in group that left here. And they had a wagon. Maybe they be angry if we steal their mine with no asking. Pugg think we should follow trail a bit."

2011-08-18, 02:44 PM
"Pugg is right," says Agnar. Shaking his head that he thought of jumping someone elses claim. "We need to see who these people are and see if we can talk with them. Hopefully everyone in this place isn't crazy"

2011-08-20, 04:24 PM
Alright, let's follow the trail, but keep a lookout. I'd rather meet these men on our terms rather than theirs.

2011-08-21, 12:28 AM
The trail heads sharply south for a few miles before turning west. After a way, it turns back south, and so on. It continues its meandering course for hours, carrying you along its wandering path even as the sun sinks below the horizon. Finally, all is justified as you come upon its' source at last- a city.
it's not best described as a city. Perhaps more of a village, if that. It begins with a cleared area, bearing stumps around the outer edge as a sign of recent deforestation. Meager farms connect the outer forest to the more civilized area, but they cover hundreds of feet of land, not hundreds of miles as they would in more civilized locales. Within, a rough assortment of shacks and cottages squat around tall, imposing stone walls. They increase in density around a convergence of paths, forming a rough main street. The meager torchlight of the town illuminates only a rough semicircle tens of feet across.

There appear to be perhaps ten or so houses outside the walls, as well as several shops. A single guard stands above the gate, surveying the surrounding lands with a slow, yet alert gaze.
You cannot see past the walls.

2011-08-22, 10:59 AM
"Let's go say hi," exclaims Agnar.

2011-08-22, 11:51 AM
This may be a good place to settle for awhile if they allow it. However, we should still stay ready for trouble, just in case.

2011-08-22, 12:28 PM
"Pugg be glad we find people, maybe they know what happened." Then suddenly a worried frown :smallfrown: creeps onto Pugg's face. "Pugg hope they are not angry people."

2011-08-22, 12:30 PM
Speaking of angry people, should we mention the barbarian we first encountered?

2011-08-22, 12:51 PM
I would advise against mentioning the barbarian at all. If they are friendly to him then it is a bad idea to say that we killed him. Even if they aren't an ally of his, I think the risks far outweigh the possible gain we can get from this settlement.

2011-08-22, 02:21 PM
I think we should keep it a secret for now. If they ask if we've seen him we can say we found a body.

2011-08-22, 04:36 PM
"I wouldn't mention him outright, but best come clean if asked. They're going to recognize his blade if he frequents this town, and it won't look good if we lie bout how we got it."

2011-08-24, 01:17 AM
Stoval steps out into the open, walking slowly towards the guard, and bellows, "Hale, friend! Is there lodging here for a group of refugees? We can offer services and goods for barter."

2011-08-24, 11:18 AM
The guard glances out, his eyes searching the darkness for long seconds until they come upon Stoval. He pauses for a moment, readjusting his armor and supplies. He gives a quick signal to some unknown figure, and disappears from sight behind the tall walls. After a few moments, the gate opens a crack and he emerges from within, holding a torch. The gates close immediately behind him, affording no glimpse of what is within.
He walks slowly, and with a slight limp. He stops a full ten feet from the duskblade, hand hovering over his sword and eyes searching the growing darkness.
His voice comes painfully quietly in comparison to Stoval's, and it is difficult to make out what he is saying to the duskblade.

He looks you up and down, silently making some assessment. He slightly nods once or twice to himself before giving a weak smile.
"There is always room for those who can pay for it. Where are your fellows?"

2011-08-24, 11:21 AM
Agnar comes forward to stand by Stoval, making sure to not make any kind of threatening gestures.

2011-08-24, 11:35 AM
He pauses, now noticing the rest of the group. He extends his hand, inviting the remainder of the group to come forward.
"Welcome... to the Enclave."

2011-08-24, 11:51 AM
Corwin walks foward with Morning Mist, keeping a hand on the scruff of his neck. Greetings, I am Corwin and this is Morning Mist. Will there be any issues with me bringing him in as well?

2011-08-24, 11:59 AM
Heriis slowly approaches the guard. As he gets close Heriis has a small smile on his face.
We probably have more questions than you can stomach right now. How many people live in this town, and is there a trader awake this late at night?

2011-08-24, 12:07 PM
The guard takes a small step back as he catches sight of the hunting dog.
"Eh? Well... keep it under control, please."

He responds to Heriis with a slightly larger grin than before. "All together, inside and outside the walls? I would guess around one hundred. I wouldn't think any of the shops would be open... would you allow me to show you to the tavern?"

2011-08-24, 12:10 PM
Pugg stays in the back of the group, knowing that social skills aren't his area of expertise. He will just follow the others, trying to look harmless.

2011-08-24, 12:26 PM
It may be prudent for us to wait outside until the morning.

after pulling some members away from the guard, Heriis speaks in a low wisper

I don't think we should enter right now. We have none of their currency, and therefore if anything goes wrong we could be in some trouble. Plus with no money we can't exactly get a room or food anyway.

2011-08-24, 12:56 PM
That is extremely sound advice. I will go with the majority of the group, as I am as comfortable in the woods as I am in a bed. I do believe we should stick together however.

2011-08-24, 01:56 PM
"Yeah, I doubt a inn keeper would want wood or rocks as payment for a room. We have been out here long enough, what's one more night before we get to a real bed"

2011-08-24, 02:44 PM
While the others are discussing what to do, Pugg stands a little outside the circle. He tries to put on a look of silent mystery and to affect the mannerisms of deep, intellectual contemplation. The unfortunate effects of his effort are that he stands there with a glazed over look in his eyes, staring in the distance while stroking a chin that lacks the beard to be stroked and bobbing his head like an idiot.

Still, you have to admire him for trying.

2011-08-24, 03:50 PM
Stoval turns to the guard, "Thank you for the offer, but we've no coin at the moment. We'll camp out here for the night, if you don't mind, and see about work in the morning."

2011-08-24, 04:47 PM
The guard's eyebrows hunch together for a moment as a concerned look crosses his face.
"We don't use money here. We have no need for it, and no way to reliably produce it. Everything is accomplished by trading goods and services."

2011-08-25, 11:36 AM
Agnar whispers to the group, "I still think we should wait until daytime to go inside. This seems a bit off to me."

2011-08-25, 11:56 AM
The guard shrugs at the group's apparent desire to spend the night in the wilderness, lethargically beginning his limping trek back through the small community and to the gates.

2011-08-25, 04:37 PM
Stoval helps the others to set up a fire and clear area to sleep, keeping a watch in the usual pattern.

2011-08-27, 11:16 AM
The night passes quickly but restlessly as the meager lights of the Enclave and worries of tomorrow tantalizingly float just hundreds of feet away.

2011-08-27, 11:58 AM
Let's get back into civilization
, says Agnar after everyone gets up. Agnar bundles his tools together somewhat embarrassed to have such primitive items to sell. What would his parents say?!

2011-08-27, 02:29 PM
If you wouldn't mind, Would you guys please wait for me to meditate before we all go to the settlement? It shouldn't take long.

Corwin walks off to where he is out of site of the settlement and begins to meditate.

Prepared spells:
0 level:
Mending x2
Create Water x2

1 level:
Obscuring Mist
Calm animals

When Corwin returns to the group:
Thank you for waiting. I have a question we should discuss before we go in. Will we be open about our abilities? Or should we keep the fact that some of us are more magically inclined than others a secret?

2011-08-27, 07:45 PM
I'd wait until we see another spell caster to mention it.

2011-08-27, 09:15 PM
Aye, it would probably be a good
idea to keep a low profile until we see or here something different, says Agnar.

2011-08-29, 07:53 AM
We should keep our abilities a secret for now, just to help keep them from taking advantage of us. We should try our best to get a map so we can find resources and other settlements easier.

Heriis walks back to the gate and waits for the guard to acknowledge the group. When the guard comes up Heriis asks

Can you point us in the direction of the Tavern?

2011-08-29, 10:50 AM
As you walk through the beginnings of the town, it quickly becomes apparent that this is a hardy yet struggling community. The few shops open contain only a few people, and the rest of the buildings' windows are only dimly lit in the morning gloom. Before you can make it to the gate, the guard from the night before emerges from within, securely closing it again.

"On'ly citizens are allowed within the city," he drawls. Although asked about the tavern, he continues on without much reply. "Would you have a minute to get some things straight? You can visit the tavern afterwards."

As he speaks, you become aware of an unobtrusive, slender man behind him wearing significantly higher quality clothing. He loosely holds a sheaf of paper. He quietly steps out from behind as the guard finishes, preparing to read something from the papers.

2011-08-29, 12:59 PM
Alright, what do you want to know?

2011-08-29, 01:34 PM
Agnar wait's patiently while the man reads his papers.

2011-08-29, 05:28 PM
Paper! Maybe they have some books here. Stoval thinks as he waits for the man to start reading.

2011-08-29, 06:55 PM
What follows is a depressingly long list of rules.

Laws of the enclave:
The Eight Tenets(Central Laws, founding principles)

• The Enclave can only be ruled by one, and that one is the Lord Protector

• None shall hold a position of authority or make a law besides by the grace of the Lord Protector

• No weapons shall be allowed within the Enclave, save for those who hold the Lord Protector’s seal

• The continued existence of the enclave comes before any individual’s well-being or life

• The Lord Protector shall rule hold his position until he dies or resigns

• Any citizen of the Enclave must give half his surplus each month as tribute to the Lord Protector, that he may use it to enhance and strengthen the enclave

• Magic threatens the very nature of the enclave, and shall be forbidden within its walls and territories except when explicitly allowed by the Lord Protector

• A citizen shall have the right to call upon the Enclave's aid in the resolution of disputes against outsiders or in cases of personal need. The citizens of Enclave stand united in times of need.

Secondary Laws

• Curfew is one hour after sundown

• These spells may be used freely, but not in excess or in public:

Level 0:
Create Water
Cure Minor Wounds
Read Magic
Purify Food and Drink
Know Direction

Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds
Speak with Animals
Animate Rope
Feather Fall

• Water and Land within the walls of the enclave are only owned by the grace of the community
• Outsiders are not allowed within the inner walls of the Enclave

A few more rules and regulations follow, but none seem to catch your ears as particularly necessary.
The guard, satisfied with your briefing, nods towards a moderately sized building to your left.
"There's the tavern. No more camping on Enclave lands from now on, right?"
As you turn to leave, he quickly interjects one more time.
"Say, are any of you spellcasters?"
Once he has your answers, he allows you to leave unharassed.

Welcome to the Enclave.

2011-08-30, 05:49 PM
Suddenly glad that he'd never cast in front of his companions, Stoval answers, hefting his crude trident, "Just a strong arm, I'm afraid."

2011-08-30, 09:37 PM
Nope, axe swinger here.

2011-08-31, 12:27 AM
Pugg just grins and hefts his club. His jaw is aching with the effort of not saying anything, but for his companions he has to try. :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-31, 07:43 PM
Leaving the guard, Hariis walks to the tavern to take a look around. He finds the person that seems to run the tavern and asks I'm new here, what do you sell, and what do you charge?

2011-09-01, 04:29 PM
I am just a simple woodsguide. Morning Mist here, Corwin reaches down to scratch Mist's ears, is a friend from before.

2011-09-04, 05:59 PM
Stoval follows Hariis into the tavern, eager for some work and a pint.

2011-09-05, 04:42 PM
The tavern is solidly built, lacking any distinguishing traits besides the battered wooden sign beside the door proclaiming the building as Oasha's Tavern/Inn. Inside it is lit only by three dim lanterns, the only source of illumination besides the single window cut into the front of the building.
Rough but well maintained chairs and tables have been set around the room in a somewhat cramped pattern.

A young, thin boy in his teens stands behind the bar, gazing around with a bored expression at the empty room. As you enter, he suddenly becomes painfully animated, pushing aside a strand of dark brown hair as he eagerly greets you, speaking slightly too quickly.
"Hello! We can get you room and board if you need it? Are you travelers?"
He appraises you with his lively gaze, fumbling behind the counter.
"I could probably let you stay on credit for a bit."

2011-09-05, 06:44 PM
"Credit sounds good, but I'd need to know if there's a way to pay you back first." Says Stoval, "the guard said that we can pay with barter and labor, so do you know of any work to be had? I've some experience as a weapon-smith and an herbalist."

2011-09-05, 08:23 PM
Agnar heads over to the tavern as well to see what is going on.

2011-09-05, 08:51 PM
"Well, you'd have to talk to Oasha... probably you could just do some work for her, or maybe you have some supplies you would trade?"
"Wait, how long are you here? Maybe if you travel a lot, you can bring back something interesting?"

2011-09-05, 10:43 PM
"I'll be sure to talk to Oasha, then, and I'll take a mug of whatever you've got to drink as well." Says Stoval, waiting for the drink before continuing, "speaking of travel, you wouldn't happen to know of any particularly interesting, or profitable, destinations around here?"

2011-09-06, 02:43 PM
Cowin walks to the tavern asks Mist to sit outside Handle Animal DC 10, can only fail on a roll of one: [roll0]and asks Stoval Able to find out anything? As he sits on a stool next to the bar.

2011-09-06, 10:43 PM
The boy looks a bit surprised for a moment before his expression changes to one of deep contemplation.
"Oh!" He pauses for a second, but then gives a harsh frown.
"No, I don't really know any... um, profitable destinations. Not really."
It's obvious he is choosing his words carefully.

After a few seconds of angry frowning, he flashes another smile and returns to his previous mood with gusto.
"Are you, like, really tough?"

2011-09-06, 11:38 PM
"Really tough? Hmm" Stoval ponders the question, "well, I'm tougher than I look, and my friends are no pushovers either. Particularly once we barter for decent weapons and armor." Stoval glances from side to side, making sure theres no one in earshot, then leans in conspiratorially, "why, do you know something?"

2011-09-07, 09:01 PM
Stoval and/or eavesdropping
He hesitates for a second before he too leans in, his breaths coming a bit more quickly and his smile widening.
"The old city. It was where everyone lived before the Enclave was here. There were a lot of really powerful mages, but they made a mistake or something and bad things started happening. Everyone left, but people sometimes tried to go back to get things that were there, like magic items and stuff."

"But that was a long, long time ago and nobody goes there anymore. Probably the last time was five years ago, and the time before that was even a lot longer. Anyway, people say it's not good to talk about it, but maybe you could go?"
He finally exhales, his eyes glimmering in excitement.

2011-09-09, 06:41 AM
Stoval smiles, the boy's excitement infectious, and continues in a whisper.

"Now that does sound interesting. Do you know anyone who has been there?"

2011-09-09, 09:13 PM
"Not really. I mean, I think the Old Man might know something, but...

"I could take you there! You should let me come with!" His grin grows even more as the idea appeals to him more and more.
"I could help, and show you where it is, and I wouldn't be in the way or anything! We could leave tonight!"

2011-09-10, 01:52 AM
"Let me talk with my associates, and scrape together some better equipment first. Being prepared is a big part of being tough. You should see if you can get hands on a weapon and armor as well, if you're serious about guiding us. We'll talk about this more when we've worked up some credit in this town."

"Speaking of which," Stoval continues as he leans back, "where can I find this Oasha?"

2011-09-10, 10:16 AM
"She's asleep now, I think. She usually takes over just before the big mid-day rush."

2011-09-10, 01:29 PM
As soon as Stoval stops whispering to the boy, Heriis chimes in.

Do you know where we could get a map of the surrounding area? The guard said we shouldn't take resources from you guys, we'd like to know what land you consider belonging to the city.

2011-09-10, 08:11 PM
"It's basically the city and everything else within a day. You could probably get a map from the library if you have something to give in exchange." As he speaks, his hands are inexorably drawn to the carefully stacked(less carefully cleaned) mugs next to him.
"Say, can I get you something...?"
He adresses the entire group.