View Full Version : PHB Battlethread

2011-07-23, 11:10 AM
Pugg 1d20+1
Agnar 1d20+1
Heriis 1d20+4
Stoval 1d20+0
Corwin 1d20+1
Mikisa 1d20+2

For easy use

2011-07-23, 11:12 AM
Pugg [roll0]
Agnar [roll1]
Heriis [roll2]
Stoval [roll3]
Corwin [roll4]
Mikisa [roll5]

Barbarian [roll6]

Initiative blocks
1. Rest
2. Barbarian

2011-07-23, 11:30 AM
so is this thread just for rolls, or for everything battle-related?

The sight of the charging barbarian quickly shakes the cobwebs from Stoval mind, and he jumps to action. Is this man a threat, or just as confused as I am? he decides to pull his punches, attempting to disable the man rather than kill him.

[roll0] unarmed attack with improved unarmed attack feat (not AoO)
[roll1] non-lethal damage

2011-07-23, 11:34 AM
Mikisa jumps up and starts casting. She mutters some words and moves her hands along a serpentine path. Her pupils dialate just slightly as her hands seem to turn brown and looks slick.

Casting grease on the attacker's weapon.
DC 14 reflex save to hold onto the weapon

2011-07-23, 11:47 AM
Reflex [roll0]

2011-07-23, 12:18 PM
Upon realizing the barbarian dropped his weapon, Corwin barks out a quick command to Morning Mist, "Mist, fetch!" and points at the weapon. After commanding his faithful husky, Corwin looks around to see if anything else is going on.

Handle Animal Check to fetch dc: 15
Spot check for any other threats around:

2011-07-23, 12:42 PM
Agnar steps up and attempts to punch the crazed man.

To hit [roll0]
Damage 1d3+3

damage 1d3+3

grrr...what am I doing wrong??

2011-07-23, 12:59 PM
Heriis jolts awake at the barbarians yell. Seeing the others directly engage the armed man, he decides against running and searches for some stones or other objects to throw.


2011-07-23, 01:32 PM
Slugboy: rolls fail if you edit them into an existing post. At least, I think that's why it didn't work, let me try:


2011-07-23, 01:58 PM
Gotcha, will remember that! Thank you!!

2011-07-23, 07:16 PM
just to be clear, Pugg delays his actions, waiting to see were he might be needed and figuring out what is actually going on.

2011-07-24, 08:30 AM
Upon realizing the barbarian dropped his weapon, Corwin barks out a quick command to Morning Mist, "Mist, fetch!" and points at the weapon. After commanding his faithful husky, Corwin looks around to see if anything else is going on.

Handle Animal Check to fetch dc: 15
Spot check for any other threats around:

Morning mist will have to save vs. the grease as well.

If he fails, the barbarian will have another try.

2011-07-24, 08:32 AM
Heriis jolts awake at the barbarians yell. Seeing the others directly engage the armed man, he decides against running and searches for some stones or other objects to throw.


Heriis finds plenty of stones on the ground, as well as a big stick that might serv as a club or staff.

2011-07-24, 08:58 AM
Save for Morning Mist against grease spell:
[roll0] Dc: 14

2011-07-24, 09:00 AM
As the wolf also drops the sword, the barbarian sees an opportunity to snatch it away from the wolf. However, the greasy coating still exists.


He clenches it strongly and manages to hold on. He screams in furious anger at the hits he received earlier and uses the sword to swing at Agnar.

2011-07-24, 09:03 AM
Swing [roll0] ; [roll1]

Initiative blocks
1. Rest
2. Barbarian

2011-07-24, 09:03 AM
Dang, don't suppose i could use another free action to fetch again :D, it is a free action for druids :D

2011-07-24, 09:05 AM
Nope, sorry, one try a turn. Multiple persons could try of course. The grease is gone now right?

Also, you spot no other threads.

2011-07-24, 09:26 AM
Noticing that Morning Mist wasn't able to grab the sword, Corwin tries another tactic, Mist! Attack!, and points at the weapon wielding peson. Corwin hopes Morning Mist can trip the aggressor and make it easier to subdue him.

(free action)Handle Animal Check DC: 10 (apparently I read the wrong DC before, the 15 dc for fetch was to teach it fetch, Handle animal is a DC of 10 for anything he knows)

Attack Roll for Mist:
Damage if successful:

(free action on bite)Trip attempt, if bite is successful:
Strength Check +1 vs barbarian's Strength or Dexterity check(whichever is higher)
If trip is succesful, barbarian is prone

If trip is successful use standard action to Mist (Trick: Stand Down)
Handle Animal Check for Stand Down Dc 10:

2011-07-24, 09:29 AM
The wolf takes a chunk out of the barbarians leg. He desperatly tries to remain upright. [roll0] And succeeds in doing so.

2011-07-24, 10:01 AM
As the grease expires Mikisa stands back and watches the sword weilder. She studies him and prepare to attack if he comes after her.

Grease last 1 round/lvl. It expires now on my turn. I could have dismissed it for the dog/wolf but too late now.

2011-07-24, 10:11 AM
Seeing the dwarf being hit by the barbarians sword, Pugg edges closer to him so he can help out as soon as needed.
read: stand close enough to him to be able to walk up and heal him in the same round, if it should come to that

2011-07-24, 11:12 AM
Still ready to flee at a moments notice, Heriis picks up a stone and throws it at the madman

+4 base, +1 point blank, -4 in combat, -4 improvised weapon (-3)

2011-07-24, 12:54 PM
Stoval lashes out once more with his fists, trying desperately to put the barbarian down before he kills anyone.

[roll]1d3+4[roll] non lethal

2011-07-24, 12:55 PM
[roll0] oops, re-roll (not that it probably matters)

2011-07-24, 01:18 PM
Agar grits his teeth and takes another swing at the barb:

to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2011-07-24, 01:30 PM
Agar swings hard, bringing the barbarian down with a loud crash.

He has crudely fashioned leather armor, a longsword which is of good quality, but poorly kept and a sack on his back. In the sack you find 10 pieces (that would translate to 10 gp) worth of dried meat, nuts and roots (preservable food), some strings used for trapping, a flask of water and some flint.

The clearing you are in is over 500 feet in diameter and surrounded on all sides by thick decideous forest. The only landmarks would be the blackened patches were you appeared, close to the side of the clearing.

600 xp for each!

2011-08-02, 02:32 PM
As the sun sets, nothing seems at all out of the ordinary. It isn't until later- during Stoval's watch- that the sounds of the forest begin to die down, leaving only the sound of the trees and perhaps one or two uncertain crickets. After what seems like an eternity of silence, a rustling comes from the bushes ahead.

Some sort of a predatory cat emerges from the bushes, its' sleek skin- fur?- seeming to blend with the dark forest behind it. It slowly stalks towards the duskblade, ears flicked back and claws extended.

Stoval: roll spot and listen.

Map (https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApeRkD541M5qdDVqeUlSUzVnZHpySTRDcGp5N3AyQ 1E&hl=en_US#gid=0)

Buildings marked with S1 and S2 are shelters, F is fire, K is the predatory cat thing, and S is Stoval. Everyone else is currently in the shelter, and almost certainly asleep. Dark colored squares are trees.
Feel free to move and place your characters on the map.

2011-08-02, 02:37 PM
Cat's initiative: [roll0]
Stoval's initiative: [roll1]

The creature slinks back and forth, moving slowly, but with a clear intention. It seems to be holding back, possibly waiting for something.

Cat is in M-10. It has readied an action.

2011-08-02, 03:25 PM
[roll0] spot
[roll1] listen

If I can take actions: shout to wake the others, and total defense (14 AC, 9 HP)

2011-08-02, 04:25 PM
Two more of the same type of creature have been trying to sneak into, off behind you and to your right.
The original creature tenses as you shout, and suddenly the skin on its head pulls back, revealing its white skull and pointed fangs. A horrible screaming noise emits from its throat, something so terrible that even the most hardy warrior would likely run in fear.
DC 13 will save. If success, Stoval is shaken (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Shaken) for one round. If not, he is frightened (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Frightened) for three rounds.

Stoval's shout startles those in the shelters awake, and is followed soon after by an even louder screech, the same type which had been heard by Mikisa on other nights.
Immediately outside, three catlike predators advance on Stoval, a harsh feral intelligence burning in their eyes.

Pugg [roll0]
Agnar [roll1]
Heriis [roll2]
Corwin [roll3]
Mikisa [roll4]
Stoval: 8

Cat 1: 13
Cat 2 [roll5]
Cat 3 [roll6]

Initiative bloc is:
Cat 2(demoted for easier initiative)
Cat 1
Cat 3

Heriis and Pugg act first, then the cats.

2011-08-02, 04:43 PM
At the shout from Stoval, Pugg bolts upright. Quickly getting up and grabbing his club, he storms out of the shelter to see what's happening.

Spot: [roll0] (I have darkvision)
I think that's all I can do in one round, I gave myself a place on the battlemap, change it if it doesn't work somehow.

2011-08-02, 04:56 PM
Yup, that's just fine. There's no actions needed within the shelter(standing up, etc), so you technically could move up to 25 more feet if you wanted to.

You see three predatory catlike creatures forming a loose half circle around the camp, their coordination temporarily disrupted due to the failure of their ambush. As you watch, the skin covering the one furthest from you's face peels back, revealing its skull as it screeches at Stoval. The skin slowly seems to melt back forward as it prepares to leap towards the duskblade.

The other two creatures notice your arrival from the tent and, unfortunately, seem to find you much more interesting than Stoval.

2011-08-02, 05:00 PM
[roll0] will save
edit: crap

2011-08-02, 06:03 PM
As I understand your post Show, I could still perform a standard action, right? If not just leave this post out, if so everyone may read.

Spotting the cat-like creatures Pugg lifts his free hand in prayer, mumbling the words asking Fharlanghn for power. Suddenly a silvery light shines in his eyes, spreading through his body untill his entire skin seems to glow. The light brightens and Pugg now emits bright light in a 30 ft. radius and dim light for 30 ft. more.

Casting Light of Lunia (Spell Compendium)

2011-08-02, 08:15 PM
Waking up at the shout from Stoval, Corwin puts a hand on Mist to keep him calm and looks outside Well this is going to get interesting quickly.

This is for when it is my turn:
As Corwin spots the cats, he mutters a few words under his breath; Please, lend me your aid. and makes a sign with his hand. Roots spring up from the ground and grasp at everyone within reach.

Corwin casts Entangle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm). Reflex Save DC: 14 on a successful save, the creature can only move at half speed. On a failed save, the creature is entangled. Once Entangled, a creature can escape from the entanglement as a full round action with a DC 20 Strength Check, or a DC 20 Escape Artist check.

2011-08-02, 09:08 PM
Heriis gets up slowly, grabs a club, and peers out into the camp to try and see the attackers. Seeing them he gets ready to charge out the moment they charge in.

If a spot check is needed

2011-08-02, 09:11 PM
Heriis also keeps low trying to hide from the creatures view.

Hide check, sorry for the double post

2011-08-02, 09:40 PM
The creatures do not notice Heriis, and two of them break off towards Pugg, teeth glistening as they fiercely bite at the cleric. However, they seem distracted by the light, and their attacks fail to connect.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

#2 provokes an attack of opportunity from the cleric, and the both provoke AoOs from Heriis.

2011-08-02, 10:16 PM
Agar wakes up in shelter 2, grabs the longsword next to him, and steps out into J2.

If I can I will swing on the cat between Pugg and I.

To hit [roll0]
if crit to confirm [roll1]
damage [roll2] (2 handed)
Extra crit dmg [roll3]

2011-08-02, 10:21 PM
"I'm too young to be eaten by face-melting cats," shouts Stoval as he flees the camp.

run to E16, Could go farther, but the map ends before I run out of move.

10 AC 9 HP

2011-08-02, 11:46 PM
Mikisa moves her hands around as if she was holding an orb. Suddenly one appears and launches towards one of the cats.

[roll0] VS touch AC (versus whatever cat has not been attacked yet)
[roll1] Acid Splash damage

2011-08-03, 05:25 AM
As the cat runs past him Pugg swings his club in a mighty two-handed arch, shouting at the top of his lungs.

Attack of Oppertunity at K2;
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

"Fharlanghn's greying beard, what be these thing?!" Mighty glad he managed not to get hit by the cat-like things, Pugg feels somewhat uncomfortable at being nearly surrounded by two of them. He step out and again swings his club as hard as he can.

5-foot step to 7K, and attack on K2
attack: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

2011-08-03, 06:36 AM
As the cats dash past Heriis' hiding spot, he swings his club at the second passing beast.

damage: [roll1]

crit check [roll2]

2011-08-03, 03:54 PM
A few stray attacks fly by the predators before Agar finally lands a heavy blow on one of the beasts. It hisses, unsteadily preparing to counterattack, before Pugg's second attack brings it down for good.

The second cat screeches at Agar when it notices its' companions demise, the very skin covering its skull pulls back, revealing a horrifying vision of bone and blood.
DC 13 will save. If success, Agar is shaken (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Shaken) for one round. If a failure, Agar is frightened (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Frightened) for three rounds.

The remaining cat flinches back from its pursuit of the fleeing Stoval, launching itself at Pugg instead. This time, the cleric is not so lucky. Even just the force of the bite is enough to drive him back a step as the teeth pierce his skin.


K2 is dead, others are uninjured.

2011-08-03, 04:33 PM
Still desperate to escape the strange creatures, Stoval crashes through the forest.

Move to A16. Can't go any farther without leaving the map.

2011-08-03, 04:53 PM
You can move out of the tactical map for a bit, you'll only get a maximum distance of 100 feet or so away anyway.

2011-08-03, 05:15 PM
Seeing both the creatures having targets on other, Hariis moves out of the tent and swings at the closest.

Heriis moves to I9 and attacks K3
crit check [roll1]
damage [roll2]

2011-08-03, 05:23 PM
okay then, move to A20

2011-08-03, 05:49 PM
Will save [roll0]

Agar flees for his life!!

2011-08-03, 05:52 PM
Mikisa moves her hands around a sphere again. This time she ends the gestures and points her left palm at K1. Her right hand is still cupped like it is supporting an orb. Her eyes dilate slightly as she casts the spell returning to normal when it is finished.

[roll0]Magic Missile

2011-08-03, 06:13 PM
Backing away from the creature that just ravaged him, Pugg realizes he has to take care of it before it takes care of him. As some room opens up between him and the cat-like thing, the silvery light that was shining out from Pugg seems to gather above his upheld hand in two glowing spheres. Suddenly the two spheres shoot toward the beast before him in twin brilliant flashes. Leaving only a purple-ish afterimage the light is now gone from Pugg.

5-foot step to J7
Discharge Light of Lunia on K1:
Ranged touch attack 1: [roll0]
damage 1: [roll1]
confirm? 1: [roll2]

Ranged touch attack 2: [roll3]
damage 2: [roll4]
confirm? 2: [roll5]

If I have an action left:
Cure Light Wound on myself: [roll6]

2011-08-03, 07:46 PM
As Pugg's and Mikisa's magical attacks strike the cat, it gives another screeching howl, now in pain, before fleeing into the underbrush which it had emerged from. Its' companion follows suit, streaking off after the first despite its lack of injury.
Stoval and Agar have fled the clearing, and the dead(or is it breathing?) cat creature lies in the camp. The entire forest becomes dark once more as Pugg's aura of light dissipates, save for where the flickering fire still casts its light.
Once the fear effect dissipates, Stoval and Agar can return to the camp unharassed.