View Full Version : Return to Hockett

2011-07-23, 07:12 PM
Play continues here!

2011-07-23, 07:15 PM
The party emerges from the orc cave into a dazzlingly bright mid-day. The path back to Hockett lies before them. To the west, clouds are slowly gathering in the sky.

2011-07-24, 02:47 PM

Quickly friends! we have been to long away with that madman headed to our town. We must warn the citizens of his ill-favored instigation of the Orc menace. With these words Anthony starts toward town at a slow jog, not turning to see if his companions follow.

2011-07-24, 06:28 PM
Was my pony okay Jim, or had it been devoured by wolves?

2011-07-24, 06:31 PM
Your pony munches at a tuft of grass below the trees. At its feet lie the shattered remnants of a dozen wolves, all showing clear equine teethmarks and hoofprints.

2011-07-24, 07:14 PM

Don Ferdinand swipes up his pony's reins and leads her on at his own clamorous jog, grunting to keep up with Anthony.

2011-07-25, 04:14 PM

"Let us hurry before everyone we know dies."

2011-07-25, 04:37 PM
As our heroes approach Hockett from the hills, the village appears untouched, as idyllic as when they left it. As they draw nearer, however, the travelers grow discomforted. None of the villagers are out and about; in fact, not a soul can be seen from where the heroes stand on the road at the village's edge.

You notice a source of your party's discomfort: There is a distinct lack of birdsong in the area. The air is still and silent, with not even so much as a breeze to rustle the leaves.

2011-07-25, 09:31 PM

Essemar, who had trotted a short length behind the rest of the group, takes a moment to look across the edge of Hockett. "Is it just me, or is it too quiet here?" he asks, as much to himself as his comrades. "There were definitely people here when we left."

2011-07-26, 02:13 PM
Don Ferdinand barks an angry curse at the deserted town, his words vanishing into the stillness. "We may already be too late. Quickly!" The bastard sword sings as it's freed from its sheath, and the old paladin creaks as he hurriedly jogs into the middle of the village.

I leave my pony next to a tree on the road.

Jim, how far was the march back from the orc cave? Has it been a day yet for the purposes of HP and such?

2011-07-31, 09:49 PM
As the group approaches the center of town, they hear a voice carrying on the wind, unnaturally clear. The rich basso is intoning words incomprehensible and yet strangely familiar:


The group enters the square in front of the temple of Heironeous. The entire population of the village is standing transfixed and motionless in the square, facing a rough-hewn altar that has been placed on the front steps of the temple. Behind the altar stands the bald-headed, sallow-faced preacher that the group met on the road. His arms outstretched, he utters his chant to a female figure suspended on her back in midair above the altar. A single sheet loosely covers her naked body, and Anthony can make out an all-too familiar face and bright blue eyes under the full tumble of blonde hair.

Pale blue lightning crackles around the Sword of the Lord atop the temple's steeple as dark clouds begin to gather in the sky.

2011-08-01, 03:55 PM

Without a second thought as he sees Ingrid, Anthony runs headlong toward the altar, his scythe swinging wildly in his hands.

2011-08-01, 07:11 PM
The preacher's eyes flash brilliant blue, and Anthony is staggered to the ground as the wind is driven from his body as though by a great, unrelenting force. He is left on his hands and knees, gasping for breath.

You can spend a standard action each round to consciously draw breath, or you can act as normal but without breathing, running the risk of blacking out each time you do so.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-08-02, 04:25 PM

Essemar draws his rapier, and rushes as fast as he is able to Anthony's side, attempting to help him to his feet.

2011-08-03, 10:15 AM

"What's going on here? What have you done?"

2011-08-03, 05:40 PM
Essemar and Somnio are completely ignored, both by the crowd and the Preacher.

The Preacher cries out, his basso voice suddenly three octaves higher, a screech that splits through air and chills the soul. Ingrid, who has been completely motionless thus far, gives a small whimper as she is bent in two, her back bent to an unnatural angle, her head now level with her feet. From where he stands, Anthony can clearly see mouth wrench open into a silent scream as her eyes roll back into her head. Veins in her face begin to bulge and pulse, spreading out from the center of her forehead.

2011-08-03, 05:43 PM

Anthony struggles forward at a slower pace, knowing it is too late to save Ingrid. He pushes himself toward the strange man in hopes to slice off his head.

I spend a standard action to breath and a move action to move 30ft every round until something stops me.

2011-08-03, 05:57 PM
As Anthony reaches the steps of the temple, the veins on Ingrid's face begin to pulse and glow a vibrant purple. They spread down her body, and the sheet is buffeted off of her as though she were generating a strong wind.

2011-08-05, 11:36 AM
Icy pangs of dread clutch Don Ferdinand's stomach as the young woman is sorcerously mutilated in front of him. He frantically seizes the nearest member of the crowd and shakes him violently. "Come to your senses, damn you!" He grabs another, slapping her hard across the face. "COME ON! MOVE!"

Does abusing the townsfolk do anything besides bruise them?

2011-08-05, 12:39 PM

With a scream of rage and anguish, Anthony attempts to leap up the steps toward the tattooed man.

Jump Check: 1d20+4 24
I mean, i wish that crit could have waited till I attacked

2011-08-05, 09:44 PM
The crowd remains utterly motionless as Ferdinand assaults them. They do, however, begin to chant a low murmurous refrain: "Quor-ey mkta! Quor-ey mkta!"

Anthony nimbly ascends the steps and is now standing level with the Preacher. He does not appear to notice Anthony's presence, remaining focused on Ingrid's contorted body. The veins of light across her figure begin to pulsate toward her navel, coalescing there into a single beam that rises to a point about 8 inches above her.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-08-06, 11:34 AM

Essemar, lagging behind Anthony, pushes his way through the crowd. Using his right shoulder to butt the villagers out of his way, he works his way up to the stone steps of the temple.

2011-08-06, 11:08 PM

Seeing the evil man right before his eyes urges Anthony toward an even deeper anger. He swings his scythe with all his might, attempting to cut his enemy in twain.

Power attack 2 (-2 to hit +4 damage)
to hit: 1d20+3 13
Damage: 2d4+7 10

2011-08-08, 03:22 PM
Somnio moves in towards the alter as well.

2011-08-08, 10:34 PM
The beams of light begin to coalesce above Ingrid's navel, forming a translucent crystal that shines dimly. The chanting of the crowd becomes louder.

Anthony finds that he has been overcome by a desire to drop his scythe. Without his willing it, his voice begins to chorus with the rest of the villagers.

Essemar and Somnio move unimpeded toward the temple, reaching the bottom of the steps.

An image of the Preacher: http://www.music.iastate.edu/courses/471/images/opera_duomo2.jpg

2011-08-09, 12:18 PM
"NO!!" roars Don Ferdinand, feeling the demonic priest's success nearing. He races to the altar, shouting "LEAVE. THESE. PEOPLE. ALONE!!" between bounds. At the altar he clutches the twisted young woman in both arms and tries to pull her away from the mad cleric.

Strength check to pull what's left of Ingrid off the altar?: 10 + 3 = 13

I suppose a detect evil on the priest couldn't hurt as well, to see HOW evil he is.

2011-08-09, 01:28 PM
Ferdinand detects no distinct aura of evil around the Preacher. He detects no distinct aura of any kind around the man, in fact.

He rips Ingrid away from the altar, and the beam of light connecting her navel to the crystal above her is broken. As his hand contacts her skin, his conscious thoughts are forced from his mind as his head is filled with unbearable pain. An unnatural silence erupts, eliminating all sounds; the crowd mouths silently, the wind whips past without the faintest whistle, and Ingrid's body falls to the steps noiselessly. For a moment, the crystal hangs in the air before tumbling with an eerie slowness toward the stone of the steps.

Upon contact, it shatters utterly and unleashes a wave of pale, purple energy. Preacher, crowd, and hero alike are blasted backward by the force. The silence is replaced by what seems to be its total opposite: a deafening roar fills each person's head as though the air itself were screaming in fury.

The temple begins to collapse, wrenched apart by the blast, and a pillar from its facade falls, pinning Anthony's leg to the steps. Ferdinand lies below the altar, unable to control his body. Somnio takes a blow to the head as he falls to the ground, and Essemar and Serena are forced down under the weight of the crowd. Slowly the world turns purple, then grey, then black as each hero loses consciousness.


Anthony awakens first to find his village has been totally changed. The temple of Heironeous, once the tallest and proudest structure in Hockett, has been reduced to a shattered foundation, the torn edges shiny smooth, as though polished glass. The remainder of the village has fared even worse, and from where he lies pinned under the remnants of a pillar he can see fires still smoldering in the remains of timber homes. Everywhere lie the bodies of the people he knew growing up in Hockett, twisted and contorted in unnatural postures. The scene is strangely bloodless--except for instances where some material shrapnel is to blame, the deaths seem to have been without external injury.

The steps of the temple are miraculously untouched. The altar, however, has been blasted to pieces, and in its place stands... well, nothing. Not simple empty air, but rather a void unlike anything Anthony has seen. It is visible but without color, shape, or size, apparently occupying no space and yet clearly present. He finds it strangely compelling.

The Preacher is nowhere to be seen.

2011-08-09, 02:29 PM

After ripping his gaze away from the strangeness of the non-hole, Anthony looks around for sign of his companions, hoping they are not among the dead. He then begins to struggle with the pillar crushing his now deadened leg, hoping that standing (even on just one leg) will give him a better perspective over what just happened. All he can think is: No way.

Str check:21
Spot check:11

2011-08-10, 05:48 PM
Anthony wrenches his leg free from the pillar; it is sore but doesn't feel broken.

From where he stands he can see a few figures stirring among the ruin--it appears his companions are alive after all.

2011-08-10, 09:13 PM
Somnio rises and gabs silently at the destruction around him.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-08-10, 10:17 PM

Essemar struggles to get back up with his one good arm, rising from underneath a pile of dead bodies. "What happened... where is... what's happening?" Essemar winces in pain as he finally gets his footing.

2011-08-12, 09:01 AM
Don Ferdinand staggers to his feet, surprised he is still alive, but somehow expecting the sight of the obliterated town. As he recalls what happened, he wills thoughts of shock and revulsion out of his mind; all that matters now is finding the preacher, and killing him.

As he rejoins his friends, grateful for their survival as well, his attention is taken by the non-existent yet perceivable void where the altar used to be. It seems like a hole in space, or a tunnel. Considering how powerful the preacher has shown himself to be, could it be possible he fled by creating some sort of magical portal? Curious, Ferdinand lobs a handful of debris toward where the void seems to be.

Standard Action: Rubble Toss in the direction of the void.

2011-08-12, 12:19 PM
The rubble disappears as it hits the tear, but Ferdinand can hear a clatter of stones as though the rubble fell to ground somewhere on the other side.

2011-08-12, 02:33 PM

Anthony watches Ferdinand interact with the non-hole dumbfounded. His mouth hangs slightly agape, and his eyes are unfocused. "No way," he whispers.

2011-08-12, 04:53 PM
Don Ferdinand listens to the rocks as they land somewhere beyond the tear. "Hrmph," he grunts in contemplation. If the stones made it through intact, then perhaps they would too.

"Friends," he addresses the others, "I have a feeling that the preacher escaped through this portal. We should give chase." Then, realizing the ragged state of their party, he amends, "That is, after we heal our wounds and rest. Following our enemy blindly into his own territory while still wounded would be futile."

We should like sleep to be less dead and stuff.

2011-08-12, 05:05 PM
If no one has raised an objection by 10:00 tonight, I will assume that you sleep.

2011-08-12, 10:24 PM
Noticing there was an explosion and stuff was happening Serena decides to heal Don Ferdinand and Anthony before falling to sleep, Serena had a very active and Dialogue filled adventure and needs a rest.

Anthony: 1 health get
Don Ferdinand: 4 Health get

2011-08-12, 10:46 PM
The party finds a house on the outskirts of the village that has been only minimally damaged in the blast; one corner has collapsed, but the ceiling is mostly intact. Serena's spells knit the bones in Essemar and Anthony's shattered limbs and they prepare to rest.

Lots are drawn, and Don Ferdinand takes the first watch.

Sleep eludes the heroes for some time. The events of the previous two days have left their bodies wracked with bruises and their systems flushed with adrenaline. Minutes stretch into hours as they lie awake, and Ferdinand's watch passes without any of them falling asleep.

Sometime before dawn they each slip off into troubled, fitful sleep.

As far as you can see is blackness. The sky is without stars, sun, or moon, the horizon is flat and featureless and the ground is dark and smooth as ebony. An altar of black marble stands before you, gleaming with a black light. As you raise your obsidian knife, the loose sleeves of your black robe fall back to your elbows and you look down upon the frozen face of your victim. Her blonde hair falls back from her face as she rises into the air, and lines of black energy begin to coalesce above her well-formed bosoms. Soon the transformation will be complete... You bring the knife down into her heart--and sit bolt upright in your bedroll, dripping with a cold sweat.

The party awakens the next morning, feeling somewhat rested despite the hard night.

You get full benefits from sleep. Congrats!

2011-08-13, 06:52 AM

Anthony wakes in an extremely dour mood. He talks very little and seems to be brooding. After the others get up and around he says, "Well lets go then." It was very close to a growl.

2011-08-13, 07:33 PM

Essemar stands as well, his typically fair face worn thin and ragged by the events of the past few days. "Through the scare-hole, then? Why couldn't this preacher escape to a brothel, or a tavern?" Essemar let loose a heavy sigh. "Who's first?"

lol Jimmy's computer

2011-08-16, 02:03 PM

After no one takes the initiative to move through the strange hole, Anthony becomes frustrated and walks through without a word or glance to any of his companions.

2011-08-17, 07:31 PM
Anthony simply disappears through the tear, leaving no sign to his companions.


Again, all is blackness. This seems a more mundane blackness, a simple absence of light unpunctuated by landscape or features. The ground is solid but utterly smooth, the air is cool but smotheringly still. In the distance you can hear a small, high-pitched whimper and a skittering, as of claws on stone.

2011-08-17, 08:11 PM
Somnio follows shortly after. "Into the abyss we go..."

Mr Two Blocks
2011-08-17, 10:18 PM

The young half-elf sighed heavily, and ran his fingers through his hair. "I guess I don't have a choice, do I?" he asked, to himself more than his remaining companions. And into the hole he went.

2011-08-19, 10:08 AM
Anthony hears footsteps behind him as his companions follow him into the hole, though in the darkness he cannot make out their sources.

Everyone is now in total darkness.

A child's voice calls out from somewhere to the party's left: "Is somebody there? Please, somebody help me! Hello?"

2011-08-19, 12:15 PM

Anthony grunts in surprise at the sound of the child's voice. Then he asks quietly, "Can anyone light this place up?"

2011-08-20, 03:18 PM
(Somnio doesn't know Light, so someone might want to dig out a torch?)

2011-08-22, 08:22 PM
After a long moment, no one produces a light source.

The skittering of claws on stone grows louder, approaching the party from the left.

Alright folks, we're going into initiative now. There's a map up, but given that you are currently in the dark, it is not an incredibly detailed one. Assume that you are facing up on the map, so that the sound is approaching from the left side of the screen.

Anthony (25)
Essemar (20)
Serena (13)
Somnio (11)
Ferdinand (5)

2011-08-22, 09:22 PM

Anthony takes a few quick steps toward the sound and then swings out blindly. He makes no sounds other than the pound of his feet and the swing of his scythe.

Attack space to my left.
To Hit: 1d20+5 20
damage: 2d4+3 10

2011-08-22, 09:24 PM
A hiss issues from the darkness on Anthony's right (north on the map).

Mr Two Blocks
2011-08-23, 05:17 PM

Essemar's eyes scan the darkness, but see nothing. Upon hearing the hissing noise, the rogue stabs directly in front of himself.

Full attack, space north of me

Rapier: (d20)= 14, damage (d6+1)= 3
Punching Dagger: (d20)= 13, damage (d4+1)= 2

2011-08-25, 07:27 PM
You hear a skittering sound directly to your left and lash out with your blade... catching only air.

Something slams into you from behind and rebounds off your armor, nearly knocking you prone.

Everyone else:
You hear a metallic slam from behind you and a grunt from Serena.

From somewhere to the north you hear the child's voice: "Hello? Is anyone there?"

2011-08-26, 04:54 PM
"I attack the darkness" Says Serena as she swings about and whips in the direction of whatever it was that hit her.

Damage: 1 non lethal

2011-08-26, 04:58 PM
Your whip connects with something solid about three feet in front of your face.

Everyone hears a CRACK-ing whip from Serena's direction, accompanied by the clatter of claws on stone.

(Somnio's Turn)

2011-09-12, 03:21 PM
Don Ferdinand realizes with dismay that he had left much of his mundane equipment, including his torches, with his pony in the village. Thinking quickly, he pushes himself away from anyone immediately next to him, then slashes at the stone floor with his steel sword.
Can I try scratching up flashes of sparks to catch a tiny glimpse of our surroundings?

Also, Detect Evil in the direction of the pleading voice.

2011-09-12, 05:21 PM
Somnio has been booted from the game for lack of response.

The sparks from Ferdinand's blade reveal a shape just south of Serena. All he sees is a glimpse of rows of teeth and two scythe-like claws before darkness falls again.

The floor appears to be smooth, unworked stone. No landmarks are evident.

Anthony's turn.

You detect no evil from the direction of the voice.

2011-09-13, 08:20 AM

With his brief glimpse of the foul creature, Anthony steps forward swinging.

Five foot step south, melee attack on space.
to hit: 1d20+5 20
damage: 2d4+3 10

2011-09-15, 04:35 PM
Anthony's swing connects, and he is rewarded with a sickening crunch as he shears off one of the creature's arms. Warm blood showers over him and Serena.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-09-17, 11:22 AM

Catching a quick sight of the creature, Essemar steps forward and tries to poke it with sharp metal. Twice.

5 foot step to get into range

Attack, Rapier (d20)= 14, damage (d6+1)= 2
Attack, Punching Dagger (d20)= 7, damage (d4+1)= 1

Attacks are to space just south of Serena

2011-09-17, 03:18 PM
A skittering of claws sounds from the creature's location, receding into the distance. The darkness begins to lift...

You gain 225 XP each.

You find yourselves in a small natural chamber underground. Your surroundings are unworked stone. A torch hangs on one wall, and a tunnel leads into darkness next to it. Water drips from the ceiling and has formed a puddle along one side of the room.

It is exceptionally cold here.

2011-09-17, 08:50 PM

Wiping blood from his face, Anthony glances about the room, "Where is the child?" His voice is gruff, like wind howling through loose gravel.

2011-09-18, 10:17 AM
"The creature you wounded seemed to be emitting unnatural darkness," observes Don Ferdinand. "It may be it created a figment child as well, to give us pause as we fought it."

He walks to the wall and removes the torch from its sconce, then uses its light to inspect the puddle.

Search: 13 + 0 = 13

Any coins or bones or fish or children?

2011-09-21, 07:38 AM
Ferdinand finds a small leather pouch containing 84 gold at the bottom of the puddle.

2011-09-21, 09:40 PM

"I'm not convinced there's not a child somewhere in here. This is a grim place. Stay close with that torch and let us begin searching." Anthony moves to the edge of the bright section of light that the torch casts off, and he stays as far forward on the path as he can while not straying out of the light.

2011-09-22, 10:16 AM
(Assuming the group follows Anthony)

The cave narrows into a long, natural tunnel, with the floor sloping gently upwards. As the party ascends, the air grows colder.

After a quarter mile or so of tunnel, the Ferdinand hears a low, rhythmic rumble ahead, like the sound of a creature's slow breathing.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-09-22, 10:19 AM
Started posting this before Jimmy posted. Reply meant to be before group started moving.


"I agree with Ferdinand," Essemar replies. "We're clearly in a place where strange things happen. I'll keep an eye out, but I doubt we'll find any children here." Essemar walks on the edge of the torch light, his elvish eyes scanning the darkness ahead of them.

I'll be walking towards the head of the group, knowing I can see much more clearly in the low light ahead.

2011-09-23, 09:44 AM
"Hold!" Ferdinand throws up his mailed fist. "I feel something large and alive lies just a bit further." He cautions the half-elf at the front of the group, "Be wary Essemar. Can you see anything ahead?"

Listen to judge how far away the source of the rumbling is: 8 + 1 = 9
Int check to identify what beasts might breathe like that: 15 + 0 = 15

If I have an idea what it is, I tell everyone.

Also I offer Essemar the torch since he's leading the way. If he doesn't take it, I'll keep in in my off hand with my shield on my back.

My bad, I'm used to playing characters with more Knowledge skills. Fixt.

2011-09-23, 11:29 AM
Essemar sees that the tunnel curves sharply to the right ahead, doubling back on itself.

You can't use Knowledge skills untrained. You must have at least one rank in the particular field to use Knowledge. However, I will treat your checks as simple int checks. The rumbling seems like the snore of a large mammal.

2011-09-23, 01:52 PM

Being warned that there is some sort of creature ahead, Anthony readies his scythe, walking forward beside Essemar when the light source moves.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-09-23, 10:51 PM

Hearing Ferdinand's warning, Essemar's pace slows slightly. He glances back when offered the torch, but waves his hand to dismiss it. Instead, he slowly draws his rapier and holds it in from of himself, the tip pointing straight ahead.

As he approaches the turn in the path, Essemar hugs the inside wall of the tunnel, sidling slowly around the bend. He motions for the party to hold back, before moving his finger in front of his mouth in the universal "shhh" sign.

Move Silently check around the bend: (d20+9)= 29 (aww yeah)
Spot Check: (d20+7) 12 (lame)
If I don't see anything, Listen Check: (d20+7)= 8 (lame)

2011-09-24, 12:59 AM
The tunnel doubles back on itself, then turns sharply to the left, obscuring what is ahead. However, once around the switchback Essemar can see dim light coming from further down the tunnel. Its brightness and steadiness indicate it is daylight.

The snoring is quite close now. Chances are whatever the group is hearing is just around this next corner.

2011-09-24, 09:54 AM

Attempting to conceal his movement as they approach the beast, Anthony quiets his footsteps. He stays at pace with Essemar, his hands gripping the scythe tightly.

Move silently check: 1d20-1 17

2011-09-26, 03:12 PM
Move Silently check to keep up with the other two: 3 - 6 = -3


With each heavy step, every joint in Ferdinand's scale armor groans obnoxiously, not unlike the euphoric bleatings of mating walruses.

2011-09-26, 05:14 PM
As the party rounds the last corner, a pale light is cast on them from the mouth of the cave, some hundred yards distant. Closer at hand is a massive mound of brown fur, gently rising and falling with each breath. It stirs in response to Ferdinand's clatter, but does not awaken. As it stirs, the head of a brown bear comes into view.

Something moves in front of the mouth of the cave, casting a long black shadow.

2011-09-27, 06:01 PM

Glancing once at each of his allies, Anthony charges at the bear, throwing his full strength into his swing.

Charge (+2 to hit, -2 to AC) Power Attack (-2 to hit, +4 to damage)
To hit: 1d20+5+2-2. 14
Damage: 2d4+3+4 13

2011-09-27, 08:48 PM
Anthony's scythe bites deep into the thick hide of the bear. With a cry that thunders off of the walls, the bear awakens and turns on Anthony.

The figure at the mouth of the cave draws a weapon and begins running toward you.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome. To. INITIATIVE.
Anthony: (20)
Unknown figure
Ferdinand (15)
Serena (11)
Essemar (7)

2011-09-27, 09:11 PM

Completely focused on the bear, Anthony fails to notice the figure that was a shadow. He takes another vicious swing at the bear's neck.

Power attack 2 (-2 to hit +4 damage)
To hit: 1d20+5-2 12
Damage: 2d4+3+4 12

2011-09-28, 05:54 PM
This time, Anthony's scythe simply rebounds off of the bear's thick hide.

The figure down the tunnel draws nearer, covering nearly half the distance between the mouth of the cave and the bear. In silhouette it seems to be inhumanly tall and broad of build.

(Ferdinand's Turn. Map is up.)

2011-09-30, 01:21 PM
Ferdinand edges around what is now obviously a bear, planting his back against the south wall of the space in the tunnel's bend.

Dub move

Also, my AC is 14 because there's a torch instead of a shield in my left hand.

2011-09-30, 04:54 PM
The bear rolls over onto its four feet and stands up, providing Anthony with the perfect opportunity to take a swipe at it. Once it's stood up, however, it seizes the perfect opportunity to take a swipe at Anthony.

ATTACK: Claw, 17 to hit.
14 Damage.

2011-09-30, 04:55 PM
The bear rolls over onto its four feet and stands up, providing Anthony with the perfect opportunity to take a swipe at it. Once it's stood up, however, it seizes the perfect opportunity to take a swipe at Anthony.

ATTACK: Claw, 17 to hit.
14 Damage.

Anthony, go ahead and take your Attack of Opportunity before you pass out.

2011-09-30, 05:28 PM
The bear rolls over onto its four feet and stands up, providing Anthony with the perfect opportunity to take a swipe at it. Once it's stood up, however, it seizes the perfect opportunity to take a swipe at Anthony.

ATTACK: Claw, 17 to hit.
14 Damage.

Anthony, go ahead and take your Attack of Opportunity before you pass out.

2011-09-30, 06:51 PM
Attack of Opportunity: (Power attack still active -2 to hit+4 damage).
To hit: 1d20+5-2 8
Damage: 2d4+3+4 11

2011-10-05, 04:14 PM
Serena Runs down the hallway after her allies and watches as Anthony gets manhandled, stopping behind him to attempt to heal him.

cure light wounds:5
Also I'm unable to access my character sheet

Mr Two Blocks
2011-10-08, 12:25 PM

The rogue moves in on the bear, attempting to dip past his reach and skewer him with his rapier.

Move action, tumble to avoid attack of opportunity (d20+9)= 16

Attack, rapier (d20+2)= 20, damage (d6+1)= 2

2011-10-08, 01:39 PM

Suddenly revived, Anthony stands.Provoking an attack of opportunity. If I am still alive, The following spoiler happens.
He swings with all his might at the ferocious beast before him.(power attack 2)
To Hit: 1d20+5-2 13
Damage: 2d4+3+4 15

2011-10-08, 02:33 PM
Essemar's rapier finds its mark, piercing the bear's flank.

The bear swipes at Anthony as he stands up, but its claws graze harmlessly over his armor. Likewise, Anthony's scythe is once again unable to penetrate the bear's thick hide.

The figure down the hallway bellows as he hurtles toward the bear, brandishing a sword that is easily 7 feet long. He runs headlong into the bear, attempting to knock it off its feet. Instead, the bear shoves him with its massive front paws, knocking the new arrival unceremoniously onto his arse.

Now that he is closer, you can clearly see the man. He is massive, easily 8 feet tall, and weighing at least 25 stone. His skin is a mottled grey, with small flecks of what looks like stone embedded in his bare arms and legs. He wears a simple sleeveless tunic of chain and a simple pair of short breeches, open above the knee. His eyes are a fierce blue, glimmering under a low, sloping brow and bald head.

Actions: Run and Overrun. Failure on both opposed strength checks.

2011-10-10, 09:28 AM
Ferdinand tenses as the hulking man crashes against the bear, surprised and relieved that he seems to be trying to help. Spurred by an extra measure of courage from now having the bear nearly surrounded, Ferdinand drops his torch to the ground and lays into the bear with a two-handed swing.

Drop the torch
Attack Yogi: 15 + 6 = 21
Damage: 5 + (1.5 * STR = 4) = 9 bastard sword damage.


2011-10-10, 02:54 PM
Ferdinand:You detect no aura of evil around the newcomer.

The bear yowls in fury as Ferdinand's blade bites into its neck.

It swipes at Anthony's left shoulder with its vicious claws, catching and wrenching Anthony's arm so hard it dislocates his shoulder. Anthony falls to the ground, losing consciousness and blood at roughly equal rates.

With Anthony out of its way, the bear turns its attention to the newcomer, biting at his thigh and worrying, shaking the huge man around across the floor.

Double Attack: 11 damage to Anthony and 9 damage to the newcomer.

2011-10-12, 11:01 AM
Serena sighs, it's going to be a long "Find beefier friends." she mutters to herself. She plants her feet firmly on the ground shoulder width apart and assumes the healing stance.

Curaga!: 4
A Critical hit! It's super effective!

Mr Two Blocks
2011-10-14, 12:19 PM

Essemar slowly backs in towards the corner, trying to work his way around the bear. As he does, he continues to stab at the foe's thick hide.

5 foot step!
Full attack!
Rapier (d20)= 20! crit confirmation (d20)= 18! double crit confirmation (d20)= 6
Damage (d6+1): if normal hit 2, critical 7, double crit 10

Punching dagger (d20)= 10, damage (d4+1)= 2

2011-10-15, 10:47 AM
Essemar plunges his rapier straight through the bear's left kidney, though his punching dagger is ineffective. CRITICAL HIT!

2011-10-15, 04:20 PM
Anthony lies on the floor, stable but unconscious.

As Ferdinand looks on, the newcomer eyes grow bloodshot, a vein begins to pulse in his forehead, and he screams, teeth bared: "SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTERRRRRRRRRBOOOOOOOOOONE!"

He staggers to his feet, taking a brutal claw to the chest from the bear, and, panting, he delivers one massive overhand swing with his oversize sword, bear's ribs and leaving a deep gash in its side. Both the newcomer and the bear look close to passing out.

2011-10-15, 10:08 PM
Ferdinand winces as the massive man is nearly incapicitated by the bear's frenzied flailing. He draws his bastard sword back to his ear, level with the ground, then puts his whole weight into a two-handed thrust at the bear's side!

Bear Pierce: 1d20 + 6 = 8!
1d10 + 4 = 8 Unlikely Damage


2011-10-16, 09:59 AM
Ferdinand's thrust is ill-placed indeed, passing right over the raging bear.

The bear makes frenzied swipes at both Ferdinand and the newcomer. The newcomer is raked across the bare skin of his leg, the claws tearing his flesh like so much paper. He staggers and falls to one knee from the pain, but manages to drag himself upright again.

Ferdinand is not so lucky. The bear catches him full in the face, tearing off his left ear and raking across his face to rip at the tip of his nose. He tumbles to the ground, alive, but barely.


Against newcomer: 29 to hit, 8 damage
Against Ferdinand: 29 to hit, 16 damage.

2011-10-18, 01:17 PM
Sensing the diretude of the situation, Serena Heals Anthony again with more fervor then ever before!

Cure light wounds on Anthony: 10

Mr Two Blocks
2011-10-18, 08:34 PM

Seeing his opportunity as the bear faces away from him, Essemar takes a small step to position himself. He stabs at critical bear-parts for MASSIVE DAMAGE.

5 foot step, why the hell not.
Full attack!
Rapier (d20+2 flanking bonus)= 7, damage (1d6+1+1d6 sneak attack)= 6
Punching dagger (d20+2 flanking bonus)= 4, damage (1d4+1+1d6 sneak attack)= 3


2011-10-19, 07:03 PM

Waking up on the cold, hard ground Anthony takes in a sharp breath of air. He can feels his wounds closing up and the strength return to his veins. He also notes that he is under a bear, and remembers that the last time he awoke, this particular bear was still quite cross with him. This in mind, Anthony grips his scythe from the ground and attempts to slpit open the bear's underbelly.

Atack from ground (-2 to hit)
To hit: 1d20+5-2 21
Damage: 2d4+3 9

2011-10-19, 07:20 PM
Anthony is rewarded with a shower of blood, bile, and entrails as his scythe splits the belly of the beast. The bear collapses in a heap, unconscious and rapidly dying. Luckily, it falls next to Anthony, with only one arm draped across Anthony's chest. Thus, Anthony is saved from being crushed entirely.

The newcomer climbs onto the beast's back and opens its throat with his greatsword. He then pulls a knife from his belt and begins to skin the bear, addressing Anthony where he lies.

"Well, that's one for you, I guess. Still, probably couldn't have managed it had I not been here. Ought to be more careful next time, little man."

270 XP apiece. (The newcomer got cut in on the XP.)

2011-10-20, 09:14 AM
Anthony looks at the newcomer for the first time. The strange grey skin and large build cause him to ask "What are you?"

2011-10-20, 10:18 AM
He laughs, a hearty, booming laugh that invites the world to laugh with him. "Strangely direct for a man of the hills and lowlands! I might well answer that I am the one saving you from the consequences of your reckless attack! But no, I will satisfy your curiosity. I am a man of the mountains, a goliath as your people know us. Lo-Kag Shatterbone is my name, and this is my mountainside. And who might you be, who come so strangely into my little cave?"

2011-10-21, 02:17 PM
Ferdinand continues to lie on the ground, his face reduced to bloody meat. His weak attempts at breathing generate little bubbles in the sticky wet redness pooling where his nose used to be.

d% to become stable, stabilize on 91-100: 52

Drop to -9.

2011-10-21, 02:39 PM

Noticing Ferdinand continue to spew blood from his wounds, Anthony tries to stop the bleeding, holding his hands to the largest of the wounds. He does this with no emotion revealed on his face and without undue haste. He calmly continues to talk to the goliath while he does this. "My name is Anthony. We are chasing the man who slaughtered our village. Have you seen no one else?"

Heal check! 1d20+0 9

2011-10-22, 11:19 PM
Lo-Kag stops in his work with the bear to unroll some bandages and poultices from another pouch on his belt and begin wrapping them around Ferdinand's wounded cranium. "This should help salve the bleeding."

"As to your question, I have seen no one else during the month since I came to this mountainside. Save my goat, of course. And now you. Who was this man?"

Heal check: 15

2011-10-23, 04:37 PM

"He was bald, with a tattoo on his face." Anthony is staring off at a cavern wall blankly as he says this, thinking about Ingrid's death.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-10-24, 01:32 PM

"Is it possible that he took some other way through this cave? Are there any hidden paths or other openings that you know of?" Essemar asks, sheathing his weapons. Wiping sweat off his brow, he leans casually against the cave wall.

That always works in the movies.

2011-10-26, 07:33 PM
At Anthony's description, Lo-Kag's face grows dark, but only for a moment. He goes back to skinning the bear.

"I know of no other paths into or out of this cave, and I can see the mouth of this cave from my camp. I am most certain that the man of which you speak has not passed here since I've been around."

The bear skinned, Lo-Kag sets its pelt aside and begins butchering it for meat.

2011-10-29, 09:02 AM

"Do you know anything about this man or how we can find him? If not, can you lead us to people who do know?" Anthony seems suddenly focused. He stares at the Goliath as he waits for an answer, cold gaze unwavering.

2011-10-29, 05:41 PM
Lo-Kag makes quick work of the butchery, neatly stacking the steaks and roasts on the bear skin, which he has spread out on the cave floor.

He doesn't look at Anthony, he gave stonily fixed on his labor. "If what you say of him is true, it may be too late for me to offer you much help. It may be too late..." He trails off, lost in his own thoughts for a moment.

Suddenly, he refocuses and looks up to meet Anthony's gaze. "Your friend is hurt. My goat is possessed of some minor healing capabilities. Come back with me to my camp, and we'll get him patched up and share in the spoils of our victory." He grins his broad, welcoming grin as he gestures to the pile of fresh meat at his feet.

2011-10-29, 06:13 PM
Anthony looks to the food, shrugs, and says nothing, standing to go with the Goliath.

2011-11-01, 10:25 AM
I'm going to take two days without a reply as assent to follow Lo-Kag.

Lo-Kag wraps the meat up in the bear's hide as Essemar and Serena heft Ferdinand into a team carry.

As you exit the cave, it becomes obvious that you have travelled a great distance. You stand on the East face of a tall mountain, one of a long range that you can see running north and south. Fresh snow lies on the ground around you, and the sparse vegetation indicates that you are just above the tree line.

Lo-Kag begins to descend, nimbly managing the narrow and rocky path leading down from the cave mouth.

2011-11-01, 11:54 AM
Do I know from our positioning where we are in respect to our demolished town?

2011-11-01, 12:03 PM
The landscape before you is foreign, but I'll give a full description of it later tonight when I have time. Hockett lies in the Western foothills of the Snowtop Mountains, which form the border between the Imperium and the Lower States and are home to settlements of Goliaths. It is reasonable to assume that you are now on the other side of those mountains.

2011-11-03, 12:09 PM
You descend the height of the mountain as behind you the sun descends from its own heights, its departing rays bouncing and glittering off of the snow-blanketed peaks. Before you stretches a new land.

To the North, you can see a deep pass leading back into the mountains, and beside that you dimly perceive the outline of a great city, little more than a smudge in the distance. The city perches on the edge of cliffs, sheer and white, which descend into a desert, vast and limitless.

Directly to the East there stretches a thick tangle of pine forests, which reach up the sides of the mountains like so many grasping claws. As you turn to look to the south, the forests grow darker, as if giving way to wetlands. These, in turn, give way to the even, hazy blue of a distant sea.

You begin to hear the faint lilting of a flute in the distance. Its playing is almost hypnotizing in its tunelessness, never developing any measure of tension and yet never coming fully to rest, and its curves and contours are unlike any music you've heard from man or bird.

Upon hearing the music, Lo-Kag gives a derisive snort.

2011-11-04, 10:05 AM
Anthony walks on paying no heed to the music nor Lo-Kag. In fact, Anthony is staring at the ground beneath his feet, wrapped in silence.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-11-04, 11:26 AM

Essemar wordlessly follows Lo-Kag, too focused on carrying Ferdinand and too discomforted by the music to make conversation.

2011-11-04, 04:20 PM
You round a boulder, and Lo-Kag's camp comes into view.

A simple bearskin tent extends from one side of the boulder toward a small fire pit, in which embers are still smoldering. To the north is a sheer drop off, and the west side is protected by the large boulder, leaving only two approaches, both clearly visible from the camp.

Sitting on a rock near the fire is a figure from a species none among you have encountered before you. Its torso is that of a man, clothed in a simple leather jerkin, but its legs are fur-covered and its feet cloven hoofs. Its head is that of a goat, complete with horns and snout. Presently, it holds a small two-piped fipple flute to its lips, from which it elicits the tuneless music that haunts the mountainside.

Lo-Kag hurls the bearskin roughly at the figure, knocking him bodily from his seat and sending the flute clattering across the ground. Damn it, goat, I told you to have firewood chopped by the time I returned! How will we cook dinner for our guests?"

One fur-covered hand emerges from under the tangled pelt to point feebly to a pile of neatly-stacked logs next to the tent.

2011-11-04, 05:31 PM

"Food would be good. I do not know how long it has been since we have eaten. It seems almost like years." Anthony says this without looking up from the ground. He seems distracted.

2011-11-06, 09:11 PM
Lo-Kag and the goat man get to work building a fire. A large iron pot is produced from the tent, and soon the smell of a delicious, though somewhat thin, bear stew fills the camp. Lo-Kag looks moody and preoccupied, but makes no move to mention the bald man.

2011-11-07, 08:29 AM
"HEAL FERDINAND" Serena Yells as she does just that... a critical hit for massive healz

1 health to ferdinand, three times: 3

2011-11-07, 06:11 PM
Lo-Kag regards his comrade brusquely. "Basil! Goat! Tend to the man's wounds!"

The goat-man lays his hands on Ferdinand's chest and sings an incantation that has the same tuneless quality as his flute playing. Ferdinand's wounds begin to mend, reviving the old paladin.

Cure Light Wounds x2! +9 hitpoints for Ferdinand.

2011-11-11, 01:25 PM
Don Ferdiand inhales sharply and hoarsely at the goat's touch, startled that he yet lives. He stumbles to his feet weakly muttering his gratitude.

Basil is now Exalted with Ferdinand.

2011-11-11, 03:43 PM

Remarking on his companions new-found breath with only a nod, Anthony turns once more to the Goliath. "Have there been any unexplained evils recently? This man we are chasing has a habit of bringing them about." His voice is monotone, seeming almost uninterested.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-11-17, 08:57 PM

"Grandpa! Welcome back to the world of the living!" Essemar says with a tired smirk. He then turns to Anthony, and whispers into his ear.

To Anthony:
"We need your head clear if we're going to be able to do anything about this. Don't go all doom-and-gloom on me."

2011-11-19, 05:14 PM
The big man's gaze grows cloudy and he stares into the fire under the stew pot. "I... I believe I have met the man of which you speak. It is because of him I was banished from my tribe, because of him I bear the name 'Shatterbone.'

"Once I was Lo-Kag Surefoot. I had a wife, a child, and a clan to which I belonged. I was known as the best climber among the tribe, and was among the most skilled of our hunters.

"Five moons ago it was when the bald man came to our village. He came from the West, from the hills, just a few days after we saw the great billows of black smoke from that direction. He claimed to have been sent, as a prophet, by Kavaki, the chief-of-chiefs. Many were skeptical. Why would the ram-lord send a frail old man to teach his great warriors? What could this man have to teach us of value? The hunters pushed for his removal, we wanted to drive the small man back down the mountain the way he came. But the chief, the priest, and the medicine man, they came to like the Preacher, as he called himself. They knelt at his feet and begged to learn all he had to teach them."

Lo-Kag grasps a long stick and stirs the fire, sending a cloud of bright orange sparks into the dusky sky.

"Soon enough the other began to turn to him for guidance. He told them that Kavaki loved them, and that he had a plan for his tribes, that he would tell it to us in our dreams and if we listened to his Preacher we would come to understand Kavaki's message. Those that heard his words became... entranced, somehow, distant from their lives, and they would hear no one that would question the Preacher. My wife was among them. I watched as she grew apart from me, grew cold to me, and spoke only of the preacher. By the end I hardly recognized her."

He draws aimlessly in the ashes around the fire with the smoldering tip of his stick, then stabs it two inches into the earth.

"One day I was climbing the tall cliff to the west of our village, hunting after a ram that had been sighted there that morning. I had climbed this cliff a dozen time, and I knew those rocks better than the walls of my tent. I was at home there. As I paused for a moment and looked down on my village, I saw the bald man staring up at me, but thought nothing of it. I continued to climb.

"As I neared the top, a thought entered my mind. A voice, not my own, came from somewhere in the back of my skull and it told me I was going to fall. And somehow, in that moment, I KNEW that it was true. There was no reason why I should fall. But the voice spoke and I could feel my arms go weak, the strength leave my fingers as I pulled myself along. Suddenly, I slipped, caught myself by a thin ridge of rock, but slid again, and fell.

"I landed on my right leg, breaking my shin and two bones in my feet. The bones were set and would heal in weeks, but my fate was sealed. I was named Lo-Kag Shatterbone by the clan chief and banished from my tribe for my weakness."

Sorry about the delay. It's been a long week and I knew this would have to be a long post.

Mr Two Blocks
2011-11-21, 12:22 AM

"Quite a tale, friend," Essemar wearily replied. "Would you happen to know what happened to this Preacher? Or, for that matter, the rest of your kin?"

2011-11-26, 05:18 PM
"No. No, since I left I have not tried to go back to my people. I would be dishonored by returning."

Basil guffaws loudly at that. "You and your mountain-man honor! What do you care for your honor, they kicked you out! No one cares WHAT you do anymore!"

Lo-Kag growls and draws the stick from the earth, hurling it at the goat-man's head. Basil ducks it with practiced grace.

2011-11-27, 01:45 PM

Anthony looks up sharply, Essemar's words having finally gotten through to him. He makes a quick glance of the camp and then looks to the Goliath.

"It is vital that we find that man. Tell us how to find your old tribe and you needn't come with us."