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2011-07-23, 07:51 PM
Monodominant, Technokami, Lokio, or DM only. All others will get what they have coming to them....

The three of you meet up for the follow up meeting.

2011-07-23, 07:56 PM
Perry leans against the wall, looking like a tall human sorcerer. A small walking cane is in his hand. He allows his tattoos to remain, assuming Ishmael intelligent enough to recognize them.

"So, what's the gig, mate?" he says, if he sees Ish.

2011-07-23, 08:31 PM
A large man-shaped... tree, emerges from the shadows. This man-tree seems to have feet made of tree stumps, robes resembling some sort of connection to nature, and leafy branches extending from its arms, shoulders, and the back of its head. Its eyes glow with an emerald green hue, shining out in the darkness. Emerging from its side is a dire bat, whose head rotates to the side while looking at you. The tree then opens its mouth, and asks, in a slow but articulate voice, "Will you be joining us on this... excursion?"

2011-07-23, 08:40 PM
Perry flashes in and out of his true form to show the tree who he is. "If the price is right and the cause is just enough, sure. We're here for the details."

2011-07-24, 12:51 AM
When you flashed in and out of your true form, what exactly did Silvanus see or try to see?

2011-07-24, 12:54 AM
Ooc you saw the goliath, who is disguised otherwise as a human sorcerer

2011-07-24, 01:22 AM
Ooc you saw the goliath, who is disguised otherwise as a human sorcerer

Ooc Oh! You! Ok, now I know which you are. Sorry I'm still a tree by the way, I figured it would be a little too hard to hide that fact. :smallredface:

2011-07-24, 04:42 AM
"I have met with one more person that may join us but I guess he is late or too scared." he says calmly staying in the shadows.

OOC: Its anothet PC that came to the plot hook but has since dropped off the Earth so I am making allowance to explain his joining up later if he goes through with it....

"I am glad that you are both here though..." he continues and turns to look up and down the alley as if checking if anyone is wathcing.

"Silvanus I do not presume that you have some form of animal servant you could set about as sentry? My own people are more involved in operational security and not as much in guarding us from being overheard..." he says and grins.

"Also, mr Perry. Good job beating up that racist guardsman. It was an interesting fight... I have also suffered racism in this city and I liked how you made him regret it... I am not sure I liked you being so talkative with your hobgoblin friend and his skeletal minion but I am not here to tell you who to be friends with..." he says more casually.

"So the Job. The Job is the elimination of the gang, or rather organisation, of the Jacks." he says and pauses for effect.

"The Jacks are a mostly human, but not so in the higher echelons, organisation that is involved in crime in all its forms. Smuggling, murder, extortion, robbery, thievery, bribery and perhaps worst of all Slavery. Large numbers of the guard are in their pocket and unlike the Skulks the deals they have do not involve them being left alone in a small unwanted territory with clear rules about how they operate but rather THEM telling the Watch what to do," he says and pauses again.

"To give you an idea of how much the City Watch has been influenced and how they cannot be trusted the Jacks are only ever Wanted: Alive the pretense being that they need to be interrogated and then executed or sent to the Needle Mines for forced labor as part of their sentence. In reality what I have uncovered is that numerous alive Jacks handed over to the Watch find themselves back in the streets with altered names and identities and perhaps positions..."

"If you are interested in tackling them I can continue..."

2011-07-24, 04:48 AM
Perry narrows his eyes and begins noting what Ishmael is saying. He is not surprised that the man saw the results of his duel, but was somewhat confused about how he knew anything about the hobgoblin... but apparently, he missed the most critical portion of it.

"In case you were wondering, that hobgoblin is a backstabbing bastard. Works for some hob maniac gang commander in the slums who plots and rants about destroying some other maniac gang in the Docks. Wouldn't recommend trusting him for a moment. In fact, if you see him, let me know, so I can put my fist through his gizzards. Or put your fist through his gizzards and I'll pay you for it."

He purses his lips at the man's allegations re: the Watch and is not surprised that some of the Watch is deeply corrupt, but says nothing. The Jacks being destroyed was definately a good thing.

"Who in the Watch is responsible for this? They should be tried for their corruption..." he asks. "I am most interested in taking the Jacks apart. Especially if there's a good plan, good intel, and good money involved."

2011-07-24, 04:56 AM
"Interesting about the Hobgoblin. My informant said you were pretty amicable to each other though I will not doubt your word..." he says and smiles.

"As for putting my fist through him I'd rather not... it sounds messy though if you want me to literally capture him for you it could be discussed seperately... you mentioned though some Slum gang going against a Dock gang? I admit the Slums is not an area I specialise in but as far as I know the Docks are very well controlled... there is presence of the Korps, them being smugglers and all that and at night the Skulks rule the Docks but they dont stray into the city proper..." he says confused.

"In any case, about the Guard. I do not know who is responsible but corruption does not work this way... its not going to be one person... it will have seeped through the ranks. A small bribe here, a bigger bribe there, someone possibly being blackmailed after he accepted dirty money, a Guardsman that was too violent with someone and they sold that info to the Jacks etc... generally though I find that corruption starts from the top. All this -Oh I didnt know my direct subordinates had anything to do with it- is a fine line to spew for the public and even the nobles that control you but I dont buy it... corruption this bad starts from the top and THEN reaches the bottom not the other away around... but as I said I dont have names in my hands... yet. It is also the main reason that despite my numerous backers NONE of them is affiliated with the Guard..." he says calmly.

2011-07-24, 05:01 AM
Perry smiles. "We will indeed discuss that capture. I'd even assist you. I know a person or two who would love to have a chat with him." He doesn't say anything else. "As for what I know about the Slum gang's plan... that information costs. Either money, or information in trade."

He smiles even broader. "And I'm touched that you would put an investigator on me. You could've just asked who I was and what I was about."

"So, Jacks. I presume the three of us are going to be the business end of the hammer. What's the plan?"

2011-07-24, 05:22 AM
"I have many informants in the city. NOT using them would be foolish. People lie Mr. Perry and I thought it would be easier to have someone follow you around for a while, listen to your discussions to get an idea of your character before coming to this meeting..."

When the man speaks about the gangs.

"I dont deal that way mr. Perry. We wont go anywhere if this conversation walks in circles of having to trade word for word in some kind of imaginary alternative currency calculator. The information I have spoken freely over the past few minutes alone represents months of dedicated research and I could say that you owe me 10000 gold for sharing it but playing around is not my style. Share with me what you have and I will share what I have... Othewise I might as well tell you nothing other than you will be paid for the mission but actually telling you the information and the details would cost you your 'salary' so to speak..." he says mildly annoyed...

"Even worse, things happening in the city while we deal with the Jacks are not something seperate... everything has a part in the bigger picture and a gang warfare in the Docks while we take care of... a GANG will influence things..." he says seriously and waits for the mans responce on this before proceeding more on the Jack business.

2011-07-24, 05:22 AM
Perry shrugs. There was no harm in telling this man what he knew about Drogo's plan. Perhaps it would lead to the Khan's death.

"Fair enough, tit for tat. I see no harm in telling you what's up. Maybe we can work on the information together in the future."

"The details require a longer discussion in a safer place than this, but suffice it to say that there's a hob warlord in there named Drogo. He wants to expand his sphere of influence and has that hobgoblin mage, Wilstaff, on point to try to make it happen. The Khan seems pretty into the idea of killing this other gang called the Skulks and moving his influence into the Docks. But I think he's a way off yet from any sort of real move that could interfere with us. So, we have time to deal with the Jacks."

He smiles. "By the by, it's diCarto, if you're going to be formal. Perry's my given name. Small detail."

2011-07-24, 05:37 AM
Ishmael rises an eyebrow at this.

"Well that is interesting my dear Mr. diCarto because the Skulks are one of the gangs that will be assisting us in the eradication of the Jacks. Those two have a feud you see... the Jacks being slavers among other things, mostly human and all that and the Skulks being former slaves that were experimented for generations by their... well... human masters... Thing is Skulks play by the rules that dictate they dont do their business in the city while the Jacks until recently had a base IN the docks..." he says and grins.

"In any case... I can tell you first of all who is involved in this attack... this may make you reconsider but it may also help you see the backing REQUIRED to take them down..." he says and smiles.

"So far groups that will be taking part are the Skulks, as mentioned, the Kobolds of Old Town, the Korps smuggling group. Those are lets say the not so bright examples. From the brighter examples I know that a very very important business man and essentially a master mind behind many of the cities plots and affairs has a vested interest in the destruction of the Jack leadership. I cant reveal his name but he is bold enough to work through occasional contracts in the Sad Flint as well as his own private ventures. And lastly we have off course my direct employer..." he says as pulls out a roll of parchment from within the folds of his cloak.

"The Duchess Yomei Hordukka of House Tricht. And this is the letter of Marque she has granted me authorising me to use whatever means necessary for the performance of my duties which include... the destruction of the Jacks in her name..."

2011-07-24, 05:41 AM
Perry raised an eyebrow and listens closely to all of the above.

"You've got a Duchess authorizing the combined use of mercenaries, gangsters, merchants and rogues to destroy the Jacks? Who the hell are you, Ishmael?" He smiles as he says it. "I'm okay to continue. Seems legal enough if the Duchess is sayin' so..."

Edited out a particular reference to a particular incident. If you saw it, please ignore it, Mono.

2011-07-24, 07:02 AM
Last post from me in order to allow Silvanus a chance to take part in all this.

"I am merely Ishmael. Though as I told you last time some have called me Nemesis." he says with an artistic flare.

"The important thing here... Perry. Is consider how damaging the Jacks are for this city for all these forces to come together against him. It is one of the reasons I did not wish for humans to be involved in this. I have lets say an agreement with the Skulk leader but I dont think even he could control his men from eliminating humans on the spot..." he says grudgingly.

At the mention of the Nightman he shivers visibly.

"I have met the Dayman and lived... not a nice experience though..." he says seriously.

"I would like to give you my assesment, though I have not real evidence supporting it, that the Upright man, the leader of the Jacks whose identity MAY be known to the Nightman and Dayman only, is a powerful Noble... its just a gut feeling nothing more off course but I am putting it out there..."

"So before I go into the plan, I will tell you about how the Jacks are organised. There are two branches, the murderes and assassins group and the thieves, extortionists and smugglers. The thieves, extortionists and smugglers are the lower part of the body. So you have the youngest members, who are the Nails, mostly enforcers and thugs. You have their leaders who are the Toes and then you have the two "Foot"s who are the head guys of these groups. That doesnt mean there are only 10 members off course and the Jacks also have numerous informants and lurkers who are low level affiliates occasionally called in to assist though not fully members yet..." he says and pauses.

"Then you have the organisation dealing with more violent crime and more shadowy crime. The Fingers and the Hands. I have not managed to find as much on them as I would like but they will not be our concern in this operation. Moving further up we have the Mouth, the Nose and the Ears as well as the Eye. Or at least I know of one Eye not sure if there is another one. The Nose is... or rather was the Chief of Security of the Jacks... a changeling bastard that almost killed me AND another member of my associates in the span of 6 seconds. Lets just say that had Kelemvor not literally smiled upon me, we would not be talking today..." he says seriously.

"The Ears is an elf archer who can bypass even my own amazing capabilities and one of his chief lieutenants is Tim the Finger. Tim was part of a small group called Tim, Tom and Scarletta. They are Tieflings brothers and sister. I foolishly let Tim go hoping he would lead me to more information and he managed to escape with a high level contingency spell and by running to the Ear. I was depleted at the time and could not take him on and he had backing... I did capture Tom and Scarletta though..." he says smuggly.

"About the Eye I have only heard that he or she is some form of Diviner as I was threatened that the eye would find me with magic sooner or later but I am safe so far..." he says as he looks over his shoulder paranoia flashing in his eyes for a moment.

"Then we have the Dayman and Nightman. They handle the organisation well... during the Day and during the Night and report to the Upstanding man. The Dayman is a young man that spends parts of his time meditating quietly, he has brown hair and brown eyes and a very specific tone and look. About the Nightman I do not know much other than that he is a caster and a shapeshifter of some kind..."

"Any of you has anything to add to this so we can consolidate information?"

2011-07-24, 10:45 AM
OOC: The reference to the Nightman was exactly what I removed from posting. You're quick on the read!

Perry said, "Sounds like you've got this well in hand, mate. You know everything I know about these guys and more. The Jacks for me were just a bounty... oh! There was a tunnel in the Goose and Gander. It led to a Jacks station of some kind. But I think the state has taken over the building, so I don't know how useful that'll be to us..."

2011-07-24, 01:19 PM
Wow, this thread moved fast. Don't mind me not posting til later though, I'm getting as much enjoyment reading this as well as being a part of it.

Silvanus remains silent, listening to the two men converse over the intricacies of this operation. When they have finished talking, Silvanus says, "If this gang leader is indeed a noble, I think we could then safely assume he is trying to consolidate as much power around him before he reaches his true goal... the throne of Alderhaven. But alas, I am merely theorizing." Silvanus turns to Ishmael. "Indeed, I as well am curious as to your track record and who exactly you are, but given the current state of affairs, I doubt it would change little in the ways we work together. I have to warn you though: my alliance is to nature first and foremost. When the balance of the city is restored, specifically, when we have fully dismantled this gang which has spread to all facets of this city like a plague, I will be on my way once more. ...also, as to the aid you have received from this Dutchess... what exactly does she seek to gain from this excursion?" He then turns to both of them. "If there were any information I could give to assist in our plight, any at all, I would have given it. Unfortunately, my time here in Alderhaven has not been very long, and what corruption I could see was only that in front of my nose."

2011-07-24, 01:53 PM
Ishmael nods hearing Perry.

"I know of 2 or 3 hideouts and also of the main base. It was in the main base entrance that I killed the Nose when I tried to infiltrate. My agents have mentioned more satilite bases in the city though we have not pin pointed all of them..., I guess the one you mention has to be one of them." he said appreciating the man being more giving with his information.

Turning to Silvanus he nods.

"I am glad to hear you are still up for this. I admit I am not a big nature person, I feel calmer inside the city but I appreciate your helping and respect your decision to move on when that time comes. I do not have illusions about how after the Jacks are gone the other gangs and more new ones will share the pie and expand... but in my eyes its better to have half a dozen small players than one all encompassing organisation..." he says truthfully.

"As for the Duchess. Her Ladyship had been out of the politics for a long time. I managed to help her deal with some issues she had. She believes in me enough to give me the Letter of Marque and both her and I believe that destroying the Jacks in her name is something that will send her once again to the spotlight she deserves. She is related to the royal family though distantly but this is an important time for Noble's to state their claims and returning to the political arena with this under her belt is important..." he says and grins.

"Does this answer your question master Silvanus?"

Heh for me its easy to give all this info as I have passed many months IC gathering them! So I enjoy sharing the fruits of my labor in what sounds like a smug know-it-all way...

2011-07-24, 02:13 PM
Perry had to admit, he was a little impressed. "So, what's the plan then? Let's talk turkey." He looks over the other two. "What we have here is a lightly armored martial artist, presumably a druid, judging by the whole animal thing and the fact that you're a big tree... and, well, Ish, I can't easily identify what it is you do in combat."

"So, how do the three of us get into and out of the base, killing and/or arresting all of these folks, without the Jacks forcibly adding a dozen swords to our intestinal tract?"

2011-07-24, 03:06 PM
"Well there is such a thing as a clear division of duties... The attack will be carried out simultaneously in all locations we have identified. All the factions I mentioned are taking part with their own crews and their own tricks." he says and smiles.

"I have already arranged for the Korps to attack some satelite bases and possibly the slavers base, the Kobolds will take over warehouses and some older hideouts while the Skulks take care of the Dayman and their main base..." he says carefully.

"We will be leading a team of skulks... yes skulks... in the capture of the Nightman and his crew..." he pauses.

"I know that might sound extremely dangerous and difficult but its why I need people I can trust and rely on and not just skulks. So you avoid getting a sword in the belly by making sure the skulks get one in them... You see now why I dont want these Hobgoblins messing with our escape strategy..." he says looking at the man.

"There is one important operational factor which I have relayed to all. The more Jacks we capture alive the more money we get. Even some dead ones may carry value if we hand them over with the Letter of Marque in my hands but I expect the Watch to give us trouble about the real high value targets... The Nightman and the Dayman are the two that MUST be captured alive or the mission is a failure... I and the Duchess as well as the merchant master I mentioned later need the name of the Upstanding Man and as I dont trust the Watch the plan is that we take the Nightman alive, I and my friends interrogate him and then we return his hopefully still living body to the Watch. They can use speak with dead to determine his identity for all I care..." he says more seriously.

2011-07-24, 03:13 PM
Perry sighs. "Mages. You just HAD to pick mages. He's going to find a way to circumvent my will. That's just how mages roll. It's not nice. I need a few thousand gold yet before I can get something to defend my mind from that."

"Sounds like a good operation other than that. By the by, the Nightman WAS in the tunnel I found in the Goose and Gander. I barely got away with my life. Doubt he's still there, seeing as the State owns that -- wait a minute." He flatly looked at Ishmael. "If the Watch is as corrupt as you say, then it's possible the Jacks still own the building. And it's possible the Nightman is still using it. Or is he smart enough to not use the same place twice?"

2011-07-24, 03:15 PM
"Oh, by the by... if you do a strike on the Upright Man, let me know. I'm happy to kill Jacks for good money."

2011-07-24, 03:25 PM
"Eventually I will strike against him... I doubt he will anywhere near the gangmen though... you dont get that powerful by leaving a trail or by hanging our with the scum that you control..." he replies in relation to the Upstanding Man.

"Now as for the Nightman. I know he is a caster. I know it will be tought... that is why we have fodder and why I looked for capable individuals. I doubt he can control all of us at once and that gives time for those not under control to take him... On the other hand I dont trust the Korps or the Kobolds with capturing him and the Skulks might kill him as soon as look at him if they get that chance. It is why I was chosen to lead this raid." he says and smiles.

"You asked before about my abilities. Well I am incredibly good at getting in and out of places. I leave no evidence, I am unseen and unheard and cannot be tracked or scented. And I dont use magic to get that done so even those thus gifted cannot trace me. So... once you realise I can do those things you understand what my line of business is. Bluntly put, if the Nightman is distracted enough and wounded enough from our fodder and from the two of you I am confident I can sneak up on him and ... get him."

"Now about the where. I hope you will let me keep that one information to myself -for now-. I need to check, double check, triple check and reconfirm my information on a daily basis... I was not aware for example of the location you mentioned... I will have consolidated information from my sources in two days time, when the raid will happen, giving us a location that will be completely accurate..." he says with certainty.

2011-07-24, 03:34 PM
Perry nods. "So, you consolidate your intelligence, then we move? Which day or night would you like to strike?"

He purses his lips. "If your backers were to advance me some funds, I could be better prepared to deal with the Nightman's threat. I'd rather he not simply charm me and make this awkward. If not, I'll just disguise myself as best as I can."

Perry looks over at Silvanus. "A Protection from Evil spell will get me out of any mind-controlling effects, by the way... so if you have it ready for the raid, that would be particularly helpful as a pre-entry enhancement. That is, if the Nightman is a dark knave, which I'm pretty sure he is."

If anyone gives him a quizzical look at how he knows about magic spells, he shrugs. "I hunt mages. Best to know what they can do."

2011-07-24, 03:43 PM
Since we covered alot of ground again I will give Silvanus time to catch up again if you are not in a hurry Lokio...

"Yes... I know it may be tiring to have to wait doing nothing but I already said I am paranoid... until I can be more than 100% certain of who will be where I wont move ahead... I... perhaps foolishly trust the Skulks or rather their leader but I dont trust the Hobgoblinds you mentioned, the Korps or the Kobolds... and with the Guard there is always the possibility they put their nose in it and ruin some carefully laid plan by capturing one of my informants or something to that effect..."

"Advancing funds is not how they operate unfortunately. Believe me I asked... its a more you deliver we pay kind of mentality in those higher circles... its not a matter of trust its a matter of them knowing that if one of us dies then they waste their investment..." he says matter of factly "as far as they are concerned they hire us for a job... how we accomplish it is our business. If we accomplish it they reward us..."

2011-07-24, 03:49 PM
Perry nods. "Very well."

I'm down to chill. If he needs more than a couple of hours, I'll probably teleport part of Perry's consciousness back to his thread and we can mess aroudn with the time-space continuum a bit. It doesn't look like I'm going to be dying in this thread yet, so...

2011-07-24, 04:12 PM
I dont know his programme or his location so I cant predict...

Plans can tell us if we can do a rift and also move to our own threads and move our day...

Personally I dont mind waiting... its not as if he is gone for days or anything and it is a pbp ;)

We are almost done anyway, from Ishmaels point of view we need to discuss what you get out of joining me... then we need to schedule a time for the next meeting. The raid is to happen in 2 days from today so you will have time to do things anyway...

2011-07-24, 04:21 PM
Sounds good. Pay negotiation and next meeting are key. I'm not in a rush right now, I want to eat, etc... this meeting sends ripples throughout the universe.

2011-07-24, 04:34 PM
As to the protection from evil spell: "I will keep that in mind."

Silvanus turns to Ishmael, "Ishmael. I do not know if they would be willing to help, but perhaps I could talk with the Archdruid of Aldhaven's Druid Circle, the group I am currently affiliated with in the city. Perhaps he, or others under his wing, could join us. It would certainly be of benefit to have more of Nature's power on our side, would it not? For that matter, what other religious sects do you think would be willing to assist us?"

2011-07-24, 05:30 PM
Perry thanks Silvanus re: the spell and looks slightly entertained at the idea of the druids and clergy helping them in a mission of helping criminals to kill other criminals... but says nothing about it.

"As for compensation for this dangerous enterprise..."

2011-07-25, 02:46 AM
Ishmael listens to Silvanus with interest. Having some Druid allies would not be a bad idea... only issue was if they took it upon themselves to turn against the other gang members after it was done. The same would apply for clerics, he really did not trust any of them.

"If you can control your people Silvanus then I dont see any problem. I just want to make sure that people to whom I have promised that they wont face in fighting dont end up asking for my head. Alliances of this nature are tentative especially with underworld elements and I do not want to cause more tremors than needed. As for Clerics. Well... I'd rather not throw more fanatics in the mix... they tend to have an even more complex agenda than myself and they believe that their end goals and the word of their God justifies all means... even I dont believe that and I offer a silent prayer to Kelemvor every day before I sleep" he said with a smile.

" Now, indeed it is time to discuss payment. Well... you are not under the protection of the Letter. I am. So what I have agreed with the Duchess is that after the attack is done I will lead a detail, you can be part of it, that will take captured and dead Jacks to the Guard. As an agent of the State I am allowed to use lethal force in the pursuit of my duties to her and as an extention to the City. That means that as far as the Guard is concerned I killed all of the Jacks we fail to capture alive."

"In any case, the result is the political power and prestige that you get for having assisted a rising star in the Court of Aldhaven. That is lets say the side benefit. Every member of the Jacks is under bounty. Usually that means they want them alive. The Letter of Marque means I can catch them as I can. If that means dead then so be it but I dont want to anger any of the actually few non-corrupt Guardsmen.,, I actually have thought up of a post-raid plan about how the city will become a paradise where the Guard does its job, the underworld reduces its size but keeps enough power to have them satisfied... but this is for the future and perhaps Perry if you do indeed have an in with the Guard and you are sure he has not been turned by the Jacks I could meet him?" he said and paused.

"So actual monetary reward. I am authorized to offer you 20% per bounty that we collect. This means little for Nails who are only worth 300-500 gold coins but named Jacks like Tim I mentioned earlier and many others go for 3000 gold to the 25000 gold of the Nightman and Dayman. I hear you off course ask that if all I am giving you is a percentage why should you work with me and not try it yourself. Well for the same reason I am trying it myself... it wont work if its you versus them. Consider that this is a better deal than the Kobolds, the Korps and the Skulks are getting... if you tally the numbers each of you gets 20... for a total of 40... I get 25 for my personal coffers and the Duchess keeps the rest as she puts the Marque on the table that allows us to do this in the first place." he says and pauses.

"Oh and off course you are welcome to choose -one item- from each Jack we capture. They tend to be magic heavy. So the idea again is each of you takes one, I take one and the rest goes to the Duchess who will use some for money and some to appease the Guard with donations should there still be murmurs... and who knows perhaps my next mission will be to cleanse the Guard of corruption so we will end up taking those items back..." he pauses and smiles again.

"So how does that sound?"

2011-07-25, 04:09 AM
Perry shrugs. "It sounds reasonable. Let's get this done. Two days?"

2011-07-25, 05:21 AM
"This is your raid, Ishmael. If you do not want any more than what has already been gathered, then so be it. I am fine with our preparedness at the moment and more than fine with the proposed rewards for accomplishing our task."

2011-07-25, 08:11 AM
Ishmael nods and smiles.

"Very well then. We are in agreement..." he says and offers his hand to the two men.

"One last thing, once again for matters of security for although I understand what you did was done to show us who you were Perry it is dangerous to do so. When you first came here you dropped your disguise. Next time when we meet it will be a few hours before the attack. As I will once again be prowling undercover there is as always the chance I will get caught. I have a way to ensure small details from my mind cannot be lifted no matter what. I cannot do that though with major events such as this meeting. For this purpose there is a way to ensure we recognize each other..." he says and draws a small knife from his wrist sheath.

He uses the knife and cuts a piece of fabric from his inner cloak. The fabric is rich red in color and of good quality.

"Wear this as an armband when next you see me and ask me what color it is. If I say red or any other color then I am not the real Ishmael. If I tell you turquoise green then I am your man..." he says and smiles as he hands each of you a piece and he also keeps one for himself.

" I would ask you for addresses so I can contact you if something changes but I have a feeling you wont trust me with where you live... so perhaps each of you can give me location or name of someone I can leave a message to? The plan, if nothing changes is to meet to similar location to this in the Mage's Quarter two evenings from now at 8. This will give us an hour or so to go over any details before the attack is launched..."

" Any questions?"

2011-07-25, 12:42 PM
Silvanus shakes his head. "If you wish to contact me, contact the Druids Circle. In the meantime, I will be preparing."

2011-07-25, 01:29 PM
Perry nods. "I will hire a message-taking service at the Sad Flint. Leave an encoded message that mentions a location you'd like me to meet - be 'my little brother' in the message, talking about Mom and Dad."

"See you in two days."

2011-08-04, 12:45 AM
You both eventually receive a message in the way you indicated that nothing has changed and all is good.

The meeting is to take place as previously indicated in the Mage's Quarter at 8 so that the plan can be discussed and the location of the hideout reached in time.

If there are any time-warps during your activities your DM will iron out the details with you when the time comes to return to your threads! The raid -quest- will take place in this thread.

Welcome and sorry for the delay :D had to take care of some... loose ends IC.

2011-08-04, 01:03 AM
At the appointed time, Perry shows up disguised as a tall half-elf rogue. His cloak is black, but has the fabric provided by Ishmael put somewhere where it can be seen.

He appears to have a symbol of Pelor in hand.

2011-08-04, 01:19 AM
Will post from work as I have to run... see you in 50-60 minutes :D

2011-08-04, 01:20 AM
You as pumped as I am? RAID TIME!

2011-08-04, 02:37 AM
I'm here, though I wasn't able to buy the things I wanted from the general store...

2011-08-04, 02:38 AM
Buy them in your own thread in your prep time 'the day before' or whatever. You don't need to RP it to get an item at base cost. You have time to now, before we begin.

2011-08-04, 02:54 AM
I am pumped up as well though I expect we may die horribly!

Yes, especially since we did quite a lot during these 2 days... purchasing a few items shouldnt be a problem. Just ask Plans in your thread if he wants you to RP those scenes or just make a list and tell him what you buy etc :D

Also Lokio how can you be disguised as a -rogue-? :D :D :D :D :D You have "evasion+Sneak attack+Uncanny dodge" written on your clothes?

Ishmael steps from the shadows right next to Perry. He is as you saw him last time though he is wearing also the piece of clothing indicated.

"Good evening Perry. Nice to see you again. I hear you have been having a very very busy couple of days! Care to share with us if you have found anything about our targets or did you only focus on destroying the alliances I had managed to secure through pain staking negotiation and at great personal danger as a means to ensure all Jack locations are attacked?" he says sternly.

2011-08-04, 03:34 AM
Haha, yep! Cool hairdo, daggers on the belt, loose clothing, that sorta thing! Imagine a half-elf rogue in your mind and that's me.

Perry narrows his eyes. So the guy liked to watch him at night. He leans in close and whispers right after Ishmael finishes his little know-it-all statement. "You know what, Ishmael? I think you've pushed your limit of scrying and spying and other such bull****e to the maximum. Then you come in here and run your mouth like some kind of stooge when I think you're fully capable of doing a better job investigating matters."

"Allow me to educate you. You mischaracterized my mission: I was asked to frame a particular Skulk so retribution would be exacted upon him. If you've got a mage watching me, you watched me in a Skulk illusion. The particular Skulk I emulated is one of their trackers, one who likes to kill the wrong people. I couldn't care less about your alliances or schemes. You're a King's man with letters of marque, so what's your deal? He's wanted for multiple homicide, and the Watch can't get to him because humans have this way of being cut to bits when they enter the Docks! I was hired to fix the problem. If you're scrying on me, you know we're on the same side. So stand down."

"If you want intel about our targets that I've found, why don't you ask your pet mage who you keep up at all hours of the night, scrying on mercenaries who are just trying to make an honest living? Hmm? Scurry along. Come back once you've had a chance to go ask your caster. Because I might have intel about a possible intervening group, but I'm certainly not telling you a damn thing about it. Your mage might know, though."

Perry is fuming angry at being treated this way by an agent of the Crown, approaching rage, but he calms himself somewhat and focuses his disciplined mind. "You're a real piece of work, kid. Why the hell anybody hired you for the King's business is beyond me, but I want no part of it. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk the f*ck away from you right now and leave you to your fate."

Perry leans slightly against the wall, keeping a close eye on Ishmael.

real pro

2011-08-04, 03:47 AM
Silvanus simply stands and listens. He is very confused, but he doesn't say a word.

2011-08-04, 04:10 AM
"All Skulks are wanted my friend. All Skulks are involved in business beyond the legal ones... you trying to cause strife between the Kobolds and the Skulks doesnt seem to me like you are out to get a particular Skulk, it seems to me as if you are trying to start a war..." he says and leans forward.

"As for the Skulks in particular. Tell me who he is and I can deliver him to you bound and gagged. For a price as you say. The Skulks have a truce agreed with the Captains of the Guard and as far as I know they have not broken it. The skulks stay in the docks making sure there is minimal crime during the day from any other sources while only attacking those foolish enough to venture at night and being human. Anyone else is safe if they dont show off. In return they dont work in other districts and the Guard doesnt waste manpower or lives for it... If nothing else, the Skulks are better at guarding the Docks than the Watch ever was and punish those who break the truce in ways more permanent than the Watch ever did..."

"While I am out pretending to be a Jack before the Dayman so that I learn layouts of their hideouts, their numbers and all that you are flying around in some kind of shadow jumping mount running all over the city lighting fires..." he says not in a know-it-all tone but in a concerned voice.

"The Jacks had somehow learned an attack is coming. Luckily I am good enough a liar to get them to send me along with 3 more assassins to kill the Skulk leader. Luckily I realised that the Skulk leader and his lieutenant dead would mean no go on the raid from their side. Had I not seen what you did with the Kobolds then they would also pull out. Then it would be just us three versus the world... and as I dont want to die I need my alliances in place. You think you can solve the Jacks problem yourself? Then you can give it a try but the whole Guard hasnt been able to do so for the past 15 years since they muscled in here. You think your Guard friends cant be bribed and are not sold out? How do I know all that I know? How did the Jacks learn about the attack of the Skulks? How did they learn who else is involved?" he says not so much angrily but sternly.

"I told you up front I am paranoid. I told you if you cant work with that then so be it we dont have to work together. I may have 1 or 100 wizards watching the Jacks, you, the Guard and some of them even watching each other... but you knew about that when you signed up. I didnt lie to you, I told you I have a network and I will actively use it to take out the Jacks. If that means having some of them watch you 24/7 on your super shadow mount then so be it... I removed a... Foot and two Fingers last night while facing down a score of Arrow Daemons that they summoned. What did you do to help our cause?"

He turns to Silvanus and offers a deep inclination of his head.

"I apologise for this Silvanus, my people say that you have been nothing if not truthful and as such all this isnt for you... as such I apologise for having people watch you in the first place but I trust noone that isnt myself until I am certain of their person" he says and keeps his head bowed towards the man.

2011-08-04, 04:22 AM
Perry shakes his head, and whispers so that only Ishmael can hear. "You know what, Ish? I think we're two sides of the same coin here. We both want the same thing, but our ideas of how to do it are different. The difference is, I don't want the Skulks in control of the Docks. I don't want the Hobgoblins in control of the Slums. I don't want the Jacks to be even alive. I want the King's Justice. I want King Rosen's justice in this city. I don't want corrupt cops, or sleazy gangsters, running this town. I don't want demon worshippers kidnapping people out of Old Town, or Skulks killing humans in the Docks at night. I want to see things like climbing competitions and magicians in the square and a stable Royal Family, backed by a guard that has control of the city, and has control of its own people, too."

"So yeah, maybe my goal of taking one bad guy out using another might not have been perfect for this plan today. But the men are in place. The operation is set. Your operation is fine. What I don't understand is, you don't need these alliances beyond today, so who cares if a Skulk who isn't towing the company line dies to a bunch of vengeful Kobolds tomorrow? If you're a King's man, then gangsters killing gangsters is perfect. Why do you care beyond that?"

"All these bloody crime syndicates are bad for business. Bad for yours as a marqued man, and bad for mine as a merc."

2011-08-04, 04:45 AM
" Because order and perfection are more important than a few broken heads. If the Skulks, the Jacks, the Kobolds and whoever else could have been gotten rid of ages ago they would have been. Every society has the downtrodden and the underworld. This will not change and will not be solved. For as long as there is society there will be crime. I have killed. I am a criminal. In your perfect plan I dont really fit. Why is the Guard even needed if everyone is good and plays nice?" he says sadly.

"When you have an... upworld you also have an underworld. It is how things work and it will not be changed. What I want is this underworld to be ordered. What I would envision for example is a Thieves Guild of the unified groups that works along with the Guard to ensure that only "registered" crime happens. If someone does something too heinous to be tolerated the Thieve's guild itself expels them and takes care of them their own way. Bringing crime under the Aegis of Order is the only way for this to work..." he says quietly.

"And having criminals fight each other can only cause more victims in the innocents. Pacifying those criminal elements not willing to cooperate is the way forward. But as long as men like money there will not be an incorruptible Guard, there will not be a society based on goodness or however you want to call it... not even if Angels walk the Land... But my vision is an Aldhaven that should it be attacked, Skulks, Kobolds and even Hobgoblins stand next to each other... perhaps not literally, and along with the Guard repel the invaders. That is when I would say this city is unified..." he sighs.

"In any case... all these are for the future... for now we have the Jacks. We will see how things turn out in the future..." he says shaking his head.

"So, as mentioned out target is the Nightman and his men. We want as many as possible alive, though hopefully unconsious. The Nightman in particular MUST be captured alive. My sources indicate that he is some form of caster but more importantly... he is... a doppleganger... he must not be allowed to escape and go to ground..." he says grimly.

"Apart from us three there is a group of agents that will accompany us unseen. They are expert at infiltration though not adept at front line combat perhaps. Stealth is their main strength. I expect none of you to retreat regardless of what happens, whether I die or not or some of us fall complete the mission. This is the directive they have as well. Sacrificing them or us is NOT acceptable. No man or woman... or... warforged left behind..." he says and smiles.

"I doubt it will work on the long term BUT we will be using the disguises the men I took care of yesterday had. It wont be believable by the Nightman perhaps and his top lieutenants but the initial grunts will be surprised enough that we may get the drop on them." he says and grins.

"I am Herco* the adept trapfinder and disarmer..." he says and his appearance changes to that of a human.

"... you are Frank... a Toe that is as infulential as a Foot but prefers to get his hands on approach in operations..." he says to Perry and gives you a very accurate description of the man as well as his ticks by taking his appearance... "

"...and you Silvanus are the Brute called **I cant remember will Edit Later** who was the muscle of the operation" he says and takes the appearance of a warforged of considerable size and he gives you an alter self potion.

"There was also an elf spellcaster but well... there is only three of us for now... we can say a pit trap got her... which is close to what happened anyway..."

"Any questions before I tell you about the location?"

And now we need Plans to tell us what I know about the location :D

2011-08-04, 05:05 AM
"Then what's the point of the Guard and the King's Justice if the criminals simply self-regulate through murder? I dunno, Ish. I'd rather good men fight for true justice than have complacent men sit around and let evil men kill one another with the state's permission on a mass scale. The Guard exists to protect this city from people who would do wrong. And while I know a perfect society does not exist... but a completely regulated underworld? Is that even possible? I don't know... but that's a philisophical discussion for another time. You're right, we have the Jacks to defeat, and nobody can doubt that that's a good cause."

Perry listens to the man's instructions, then changes his hat of disguise to look like Frank. "I won't be taking any self-altering potions to keep this disguise up. It would do awful things to my physical combat abilities and make me very easy to charm or hold -- it takes much more powerful magic to hold a Goliath than it does a human, and I'm counting on that. But this hat is good enough of an illusion to fool most folks, and I have my own set of tricks that'll keep me disguised. Too bad to hear about our elf friend. He fought heroically." He adopts the mannerisms of Frank.

"By the by, if you do fall, I have support available on call. Just try to be unconscious rather than dead, hmm?"

2011-08-04, 05:17 AM
Silvanus will take the potion in hand, "Now, this won't affect my ability to cast spells, nor my ability to transform into a beast, NOR change or affect any items I carry on my person, correct? And also... ...what does this transform me into?"

2011-08-04, 06:40 AM
Ishmael smiles.

"It doesnt affect any of your abilities from your schooling and your training. It only affects physical characteristics. It wont even transform you into another race since the person you are going to be impersonating is actually a warforged! Your gear also doesnt change! If you would rather not use it perhaps we can buy a simple change self potion instead... its just that change shelf is an illusion that can be easily penetrated while alter self is a transmutation and as such not breakable via simple interaction. I am okay with either though so up to you..." he replies.

2011-08-04, 07:31 AM
"Ah..." Silvanus then ponders on something Ishmael just said about him, and asks a most curious question, "What is this... "warforged" being you speak of?

2011-08-04, 07:59 AM
Ishmael looks at the treeman and raises an eyebrow.

"Well I'm no expert but long ago there was some kind of war and various evil humans, probably the same that made the Skulks slaves and twisted them in what they are today, created a race of servants to aid them in war. They were... to be poetic... forged for war... the Warforged. Many of those in the beginning were constructs with no free will merely following orders that sent them to their deaths on occassion or had the commit attrocious acts. I dont know how or when but I guess eventually some of the members of that race became consious of their purpose and existence and rebelled against their masters... today most Warforged as they are often called walk the lands like all other races having proven their worth and mettle as individuals..." he looks a bit embarrassed at this as he realises he doesnt know alot of things about the Warforged and their real history...

" You seem to share some characteristics with them and that is why I assumed you were one of them... but I could be wrong and I apologise if I have offended you in some way..." he says and inclines his head again.

2011-08-04, 08:21 AM
"Offended? Hardly. In fact, that is rather enlightening... though it does raise more questions than answers... Silvanus ponders upon what he has just told him. So... I am a Warforged? At least I know that now... Silvanus looks at the inscription of his name on his forearm. Silvanus' head rears up and looks at Ishmael, "Tell me, do you by chance know of the one who created the Warforged or when the first was created?"

2011-08-04, 09:19 AM
Ishmael looks uncomfortable to be questioned by the walking tree before him and worried he cant help him much.

"Err... not really... I mean if we survive this perhaps I can help you research that... in my trade information is power and I wouldnt mind learning more about the subject... what I told you is just very basic knowledge like I could tell you elves prefer the woods more than a city, dwarves prefer the underside of mountains... I have heard of a God of Nature that has a similar name to yours but I do not know the details or His teachings... I am not well versed in theology save for the tennets of Kelemvor to whom I offer prayer in times of need..." he says and smiles glad that the warforged is not offended.

2011-08-04, 11:10 AM
Technokami, yes, if you just want to buy something at market price, just say what you buy in your private thread. no rp needed unless you want to try for a discount.

2011-08-04, 11:40 AM
Any info on the location we are hitting?

2011-08-04, 11:41 AM
what info do you need?

2011-08-04, 11:57 AM
Anything really... they had told me they couldnt tell me details until before the attack for fear of leaking all that when I went undercover...

So, location, numbers, time and any other details we may have :D

2011-08-04, 12:04 PM

they told you that your mission would take you into the home of a mage who is on retainer with a front organization for the Jacks. The mage himself will be off defending Auntie's, but he left his place trapped and guarded by summoned and bound creatures. In his upper laboratory is a wooden cupboard with a false front. Behind the false front is a linked portal to an underground base that has not physical access, only a system of portals. That base is the Nightman's center of operations outside Auntie's. Your goal is to take that base and hold it, preventing any Jacks from escaping through the nexus of portals located there.

2011-08-04, 12:15 PM
Ishmael relays the information to his two comrades in as much detail as possible and giving them a chance to know what to expect.

"If there is nothing further gentlemen we are are on. We will approach the house and perform a preliminary check. I will get us inside and then we will proceed to our mission objectives..." he says firmly.

2011-08-04, 12:52 PM
Silvanus sighs. "Very well, let us be off then."

Amusing, my character is currently hypothesizing that he's not only the first Warforged, but was given life by a God of nature! If anything, you've given me a place to continue with his story afterwards, so thanks.

2011-08-04, 02:18 PM
"Let's do this. Signal me when we're near so I can take some potions at the appropriate time, hmm?"

Perry readies himself, tower shield in one hand, portable ram in the other. "Lead on."

2011-08-04, 02:24 PM
"Oh, and Ishmael... should I take this now? Silvanus is holding up the potion in his hand.

2011-08-04, 02:57 PM
"Any buff spells, Silvanus?"

2011-08-04, 03:03 PM
Ishmael looks a bit distracted at the treeman hoping his words didnt cause any issues.

"Er yes, as I said in your case the changes will be minor. It will just make you look like him but you can retain all your properties!" he says as they walk.

"Ah one more thing. One of my best talents is my managing to be very silent and very... well... hard to see. Still its not as if I can hide in plain sight so when I... hide... watch me closely. Just as long as you dont take your eyes of me you will be able to follow my movements... just make sure you dont stare at me too much and give my position!"

He then leads them a few streets of their target house. He asks them to wait until he can scout it and indeed he does so. He uses the ring and his abilities and does a circle around the house identifying entrances that will be the most covered so that they can approach them quietly and not draw attention.

Hide [roll0]
MS [roll1]

Mostly scouting, I dont approach/search the doors/windows for now.

Edit: With those rolls my abilities dont even seem that good!

2011-08-04, 03:14 PM
Ishmael goes invisible upon activating the ring, making it impossible for those who cannot see invisibility to see him.

As he approaches the three-story house, he sees that there are no first-floor windows and only small ones on the second and third stories. There appears to be only one door in or out on the first floor facing the street. The building appears to be made of stone.

2011-08-04, 03:14 PM
Perry waits with Silvanus quietly as Ishmael scouts, keeping an eye out for incoming.

Perry describes his companions' disguises telepathically so Nih'Hinata can keep an eye on them. Once we breach, please take a long way around through walls and cover us. Please don't be seen. He's got a team here, you can probably smell them... and I'm sure one or two will be watching our rear. They're not hostile to us. If I call or go down... please get me out.

2011-08-04, 03:23 PM
He considers if there would be a way for them to enter through a second or third floor window and bypass the previous level but the size of the window and the whole breaking in while somehow flying doesnt sound easy.

Maintaining his hiding and his invisibility he approaches the door and knocks loudly checks it for traps as thorougly as he can.

Take 20 for 28 total

2011-08-04, 03:27 PM
Can you take 20 on a search check for traps since there's a risk to your person if you fail?

2011-08-04, 03:33 PM
There is no risk when searching for traps. Risk comes from disabling them.

2011-08-04, 03:35 PM
Sweet, using that on my tabletop game today!

2011-08-04, 03:39 PM
"I have buff spells yes, but I would rather wait in using them until it is absolutely necessary. I want to conserve my spells, and in all honesty, it's not the lower ranked people, but this, "Nightman" who concerns me the most...
Also, you mentioned that Protection from Evil would be a useful spell to have. As true as that is, it is not within my repertoire."

At least, that's according to the SRD.

2011-08-04, 03:45 PM
Perry hands the druid a potion of Protection from Evil. "Always prepared. Pop that before we go in to fight the Nightman and it'll give you deflection to your defenses, a bonus to your fortitude, reflexes and willpower, and protection from any mental control."

He winks.

Got your back.

2011-08-04, 04:03 PM
"Aah, thank you." Silvanus then thinks to himself Just how many potions will I be ingesting today...

Silvanus drinks the first potion and promptly takes the guise of a more normal looking Warforged, and puts the other in his bag.

2011-08-04, 04:56 PM
You do not find any traps...

2011-08-05, 12:10 AM
Ishmael considers that they were told this place IS trapped and start worrying he returns to the group removing the invisibility just before he gets there and exiting the shadows.

He gives a description of the house and then raises the point.

"Front door seems untrapped but I have missed traps before... perhaps someone can aid me or is better at searching and I can aid them... otherwise we are faced with the option of climbing and entering through windows or going through the door..."

2011-08-05, 12:30 AM
"Well, I happen to a fantastic climber. I am also really tall. If you need a boost to disarm the trap if there is one on the window and go in, that could work. Alternatively, we could assist you, or your strike team could assist you."

Mono! You live!

2011-08-05, 12:44 AM
The strike team is imaginary... there is no spoon!

So noone has a search more than 8? hmmm thats not good!

"Somehow I believe that in a house of a wizard that we were even TOLD of how many traps there are the windows may be more dangerous..." he says concerned.

"In any case, if one of you can join me by the door we can give it another try... otherwise I will just unlock it and we can move on..." he says and starts moving back towards the door carefully and staying by the shadows.

Once there he gives the door a once over after making sure noone is anywhere around in the streets to see them while they are doing this.

If noone is around and hopefully with "aid another" the search goes to 30...

If this still doesnt find any traps...

"Okay so... I guess there is not much else to do... lets give this a try..."

and with that he takes out the special kit of tools that Hagan made for him and tries to pick open the lock.

[roll0] open locks.

2011-08-05, 12:45 AM
Perry has his tower shield up in total cover and hangs well back and away from the door after he does the aid another.

2011-08-05, 12:47 AM
Assuming either one aids him, a 30 reveals the presence of a poisoned spike trap and a suggestion trap along with an alarm.

2011-08-05, 12:49 AM
Perry points. "You definately need to disarm that." He remains stepped back, taking cover.

2011-08-05, 01:04 AM
"Awesome" he grumbles... a trap with a trap and a trap on top...

"This is just my lucky day... stand back this is serious business..." he says and opens a fold in his clothing.

He removes one ring and wears another and activates it and then tries to disarm the trap.

Using the ring of lockpicking and the special tools hagan made for me for disable this time.

[roll0] - please dice roller dont fail me...


Ring of Lockpicking 1/3
Special Kit of opening 1/5
Special kit of disabling 1/5

Edit: kk dice roller... grats and thanks for your cooperation...
PS> the traps only -explode- if its more than DC30...

2011-08-05, 01:13 AM
you do realize that you can have up to two rings active at once, right?

The traps do not go off, but neither are they disabled.

2011-08-05, 01:34 AM
I guess in my group we played it that you cant wear more of them at all otherwise none of then work so you have to spend a round putting on and off. Otherwise you can have ten rings on and only use 2 with no penalty as the really cool ones are not always active but only become so when a condition occurs!

If I can be wearing all 4 that I have and only use 2 at one time without problem I do that instead!

Ishmael grumbles and tries again.

"Stay back. This is one tough nut to crack."

once more [roll0]

2011-08-05, 01:35 AM
lol, keep rolling bro

2011-08-05, 01:37 AM
"...did it work?" Silvanus lays a hand on the top of his dire bat's head, scratching behind its ear.

2011-08-05, 01:39 AM
Seriously? The roller is just... efing with me...

I assume that did not do it either... The whole attack foiled
by the first door.

One more try... [roll0] assuming 26 did not do it.

2011-08-05, 01:41 AM

2011-08-05, 01:42 AM
I guess in my group we played it that you cant wear more of them at all otherwise none of then work so you have to spend a round putting on and off. Otherwise you can have ten rings on and only use 2 with no penalty as the really cool ones are not always active but only become so when a condition occurs!

If I can be wearing all 4 that I have and only use 2 at one time without problem I do that instead!

Ishmael grumbles and tries again.

"Stay back. This is one tough nut to crack."

once more [roll0]

didn't realize you had more than two rings on. Actually, you can wear more than two rings at once, but only the first two will activate. You have to take one of the active rings off and then the ring you've worn next longest takes effect.

You are unable to disable the traps this time either...

and the succeed on the hidden ninja attempt done without any IC meniton of it...

2011-08-05, 01:48 AM
Check last post from last page. After the 1 and the 2 I got a 20. Poetic justice perhaps. About the rings yea thats how I knew it too. I had invisibility and faerie fire on. Now I have lock and invisib.

2011-08-05, 01:49 AM
Perry takes cover behind his shield, holding his guisarme in one hand. It is disguised to look like one of Frank's weapons. "Ready?"

2011-08-05, 01:53 AM
Silvanus will move behind Perry, and his Dire Bat behind Silvanus.

2011-08-05, 01:55 AM
Ishmael manages to suppress a cry of victory and looks at the others.

"Yes! This man is as paranoid as me. There were three traps in one and two of them magical."

was the open locks from before good enough or you need another one?

2011-08-05, 01:57 AM
I need another one...

and you need to update Little Green...

2011-08-05, 02:17 AM
Haha I am posting from a cellphone to keep the action going :D LG is updated!

Ishmael nods to the other two.

"The door is safe from traps, lets see about opening it now..." he focuses his attention back to the door and uses the other kit.

Generally you see that Ishmael seems to have 4 diffrent kits of thieves tools, all masterwork, some of them magical.

open sesame! [roll0] lets see if I start rolling 1-2-3-4-5 like before.


Ring of Lockpicking 0/3 - Knock 1/1
Disable Kit 2/5
Open Kit 4/5

2011-08-05, 02:24 AM
While you are unlocking the door, you notice that the hinges seem to be deliberately rusty and dirty.

2011-08-05, 02:27 AM
Perry motions for Ishmael to go ahead. "We're undetected. Best if you lead in case there's more traps."

2011-08-05, 02:39 AM
He smiles at Perry and has a look at the hinges.

"An early warning system..." he takes a flask of oil from his backpack and oils and cleans the hinges with care.

"This should make things much easier..." he turns invisible, replaces the rings and carefully opens the door.

2011-08-05, 02:40 AM
Perry touches his headpiece and then follows him in when he goes, shield up.

DM modifiers
Combat ex five. AC is 30.

2011-08-05, 02:44 AM
Inside is a room. There are three doors leading out, one on each of the other three walls in addition to the door you came through. There are no other items in the room.

You notice that each door has a symbol made of a different metal on the doorknob.

2011-08-05, 02:50 AM
Hopefully with the help of the others Ishmael searches the room foot by foot not trusting such a paranoid wizard to not have placed traps on the floor, under the floor, on the walls, in the walls, on the ceiling or above the ceiling, under the carper, on the carper and off course on the doors.

He takes care NOT to stare at the symbols and instead turns to the Druid while he is searching.

"Do you know what those are? I dont like reading runes and symbols as they have weird tendencies about making you act all weird like... perhaps your expertise can help us here?"

Take 20 to search the whole room... if I have someone's aid we end up at 30.

2011-08-05, 02:52 AM
"Oh good, more traps... " Silvanus takes a moment to think, then says, "If you need to, I could rust the knobs away once I know they won't explode or do something of great harm..."

"...and yes, I can, though I'd rather not... But first let us see if there are any other traps in our way besides the knobs." Silvanus remembers keenly on the explosive set of lettering on an ancient ruin's entrance he unfortunately stumbled upon.

Detect Magic on the doorknobs, and the general surroundings for kicks. It is a 60ft radius after all...

2011-08-05, 02:53 AM
There are no traps, but the doors seem to be unlocked as well...

2011-08-05, 02:57 AM
Perry looks around, narrowing his eyes. "This is too easy... what do these mean?" (OOC: Know checks?)

2011-08-05, 02:59 AM
"There are no physical or magical traps that I can find and the doors are unlocked. I would venture that each symbol means something that has to do with what is behind it... but that is not my area of expertise..."

2011-08-05, 03:01 AM
Perry feels that fuzzy feeling in his head of someone callinghim...

2011-08-05, 03:03 AM
...I cast Detect Magic? I think everyone missed my post edit... I'll try to say everything I want to in each post.

2011-08-05, 03:05 AM
There is indeed magic all over the place...

2011-08-05, 03:05 AM
Silvanus focuses specifically on the three knobs, each individually.

2011-08-05, 03:06 AM
They have strong auras

2011-08-05, 03:10 AM
Silvanus will make note of this but not say anything just yet. What else can I sense as magical besides myself, the other two, and the door knobs?

2011-08-05, 03:11 AM
Perry heads to the door, listening outside and covering their rear. He whispers, "We'd better figure this out quick. I'd hate to be attacked from behind..."

Listen [roll0] Spot [roll1]

2011-08-05, 03:13 AM
Each wall, the ceiling, and each door is magical, but the floor is not.

2011-08-05, 03:24 AM
"...sigh... that's why I should invest in spellcraft..." Silvanus turns to Ish and Perry. "Apparently everything which comprises this room, with the exception of the floor, has magical properties. Each wall, the ceiling, and all 3 doors before us. What kind of properties, I frankly cannot tell. I could try if you like, but I would rather someone else do so..."

In the PC's terms, I have only a +1 bonus to making spellcraft checks. I do not know if I specifically have to make the checks myself, or if I can let someone else do them for me.

2011-08-05, 03:29 AM
Perry purses his lips. "Attached to me is a green crystal made by one Hagan Erbauer. It's a secure communication device between him and I... I could ask him to come join us, if you trust him, Ishmael. He's a magical expert and a trustworthy sort."

Rizban wants a piece of the action, Mono -- Perry hasn't told Hagan about this raid. But if we wanted a caster of some power who actually could make these spellcraft checks... Riz could be here in seconds.

2011-08-05, 03:32 AM
3 DM's and 2 PC's walk into an IC Thread... what could go wrong? :smalleek::smalltongue:

2011-08-05, 03:33 AM
*sadistic dm laugh*

well, only 1 of us has dm powers here, and he's the one who's lost more pc's than the other two combined...

2011-08-05, 03:44 AM
"I have never worked with Mr Hagan directly... his power is considerable from what I know and many of my items are actually his creations... I have no issues with including him... BUT it does mean all our profit and treasure shares just got a bit smaller... if you are okay with reduced benefits for reduced risk I am okay with it but explain to him in this communication of yours how this will work, who is in charge of the operation and what our goals... I dont know how a merchant reacts in such situations but make sure he is aware of the details..."

Just remember that LG is in my hands now :D I havent actually killed any of your PCs so far :D :D :D...

I am cool about Hagan joining oocly... just want to make sure ICly he is on the same page as us... we need Jacks alive/unconsious and the aim is to capture the Nightman alive... no messing about killing my thugs team, no tricks... I am being lenient on how Ishmaels paranoia would NOT actually allow for a change of plans by including someone he has NOT been following around and monitoring for the past week but keep that in mind!

Other than that, Rizban has my blessing to -play- with us :D

2011-08-05, 03:53 AM
Perry nods. "I really think Hagan would be a good addition, and I don't mind him getting a share. We're short arcane magic, and none of us are capable of identifying what's going on here. I'll tell him whats what, and you should quickly do the same too, to make sure you see his reaction and trust him."

Barring any objections, Perry responds to Hagan's call in their teamup thread as the others search the room etc.

2011-08-05, 03:59 AM
"I have no opposition to this plan."

2011-08-05, 04:27 AM
Perry's eyes are closed and he is whispering ever so quietly to Hagan. After a couple of minutes, his eyes open and he says, "He's on his way."

2011-08-05, 04:29 AM
Ishmael goes invisible and waits by the door.

"Just a precaution in case someone else comes our way first..."

2011-08-05, 04:58 AM
Hagan arrives at the place flying on his crystal disk. He pauses at the door just long enough to make sure the others are inside before stepping into it.

"Alright, what did I miss?"

2011-08-05, 05:01 AM
"If you haven't met him, Silvanus, meet Hagan Erbauer. Thanks for coming, mate. Ishmael, you may want to explain what's happening here... because I'm not 100% sure what we suspect here."

2011-08-05, 05:31 AM
Ishmael takes a step forward from the side of the door and smiles and stops the effect from the ring that Hagan actually made for him.

"Master Hagan, always a pleasure" he says and bows his head with respect to the man as this is the first time he sees him in a non business venture.

"We are here to perform a vital mission for the future of the city. We face the Jacks, a criminal organisation that plagued the city for the past 15 years. Their ranks include killers, assassins, rogues, thieves, spies, wizards of human and other nature. They have corrupted the Guard and have ties with slavers, monsters and most likely Nobles." he says and pauses.

"I have, in past few months, managed to uncover alot of details of their activities and map out their network. I have also managed to get an agreement by various other criminal organisations and mercenaries from the city to put an end to them. It is my strong belief that a fragmented underworld is much easier to deal with than a single unified gang that has up to now managed to keep all other gangs in check." he says and looks at the others.

"Forgive me if I'm boring you friends I know you have heard these things before but I'm unsure if Master Erbauer here knows the specifics." he says before turning back to Hagan.

"I off course do not do all this out of the kindness of my heart" he says as he draws out his letter of marque.

"My official employer is the Duchess Horduka who has authorised me to destroy the Jacks in her name. There is also a Baron who is involved in the backing of this operation and also an incredibly powerful mage-merchant. Perhaps Mr Hagan will have heard the name Edistris but I cannot reveal more about him as I have been... bound by my word not to do so..." he says with a smile.

"The various outposts the Jacks have throughout the city will be raided today but all these combined forces. Our mission is to enter this building and find a portal that leads to a safe house in an extradimensional location. It is there that the Doppleganger Wizard noone as the Nightman, the number 2 of the Jacks, and his men maintain a base of operations. Most other Jacks bases have a means to go there and its used in case of a forced retreat." he says and smiles.

"We are to neutralise, if possible without killing, as many Jacks as possible and take the Nightman and any other leadership figures alive. My Employers wants a chance at interrogating the Nightman in her own way before he is delivered to the Guard as we believe he can name the corrupt members of the Guard of high status as well as the Nobles involved in the conspiracy including their leader... the Upright (Or is it Upstanding?) Man..." he continues. " The Guard has a bounty on every single Jack and that means we need them alive. I would also love to see them suffer for all their crimes by working in the Needle Mines or being used to do something good for the city. The Marque means that if I bring them dead we still get paid but I dont want to upset the Guard by using it too much. Try to not kill our enemies though I understand that is not always possible. The Nightman though is no good to us dead as I have learned he has placed himself with protections that will not let even the most potent cleric interrogate his corpse..."

"This house belong to a master wizard and is trapped in numerous mundane and magical ways. Bound creatures and summoned monsters will also make our life difficult. Perry here has some form of magical mount that may be able to take us out of difficult spot but I dont want to have him use it in a way that may endanger it and I also have a few helpers who as I said before are not to be sacrificed. If I should die then I leave the persecution of this duty to Perry and them since each for their own reasons want to see the Jacks pay..." he says and gives a bow.

Sorry for the huge post...

2011-08-05, 05:50 AM
Since both of you have seen Hagan before, and rather recently, you are both rather aware that the bits of his hands and arms that you can see under his armor seem to be artifical and forged entirely of mithral and ever so slightly more "muscular" than his "previous" arms.

Taking a seat on the edge of his hoverdisk, which he informs everyone is named Mattel, Hagan listens to everything everyone says without comment, nodding to each as they are introduced to him.

After Ishmael speaks has been speaking for awhile, Hagan mutters, "Huh..." Should he be questioned about this, he responds saying something along the lines of "Oh, nothing, just thinking."

"Well, to be honest, I'd never even heard of a Jack before today outside of a full deck or the lumber industry. I have to admit though that I'm not particularly good at um... not killing people who attack me, but I think that I can manage to do some uh... nonlethal erm... things.

Now, if you've got some traps issues, why, I'm quite good at finding them before they go off. A shame Mord isn't here though. His bad luck is my good luck... He always finds all the trap I miss by stepping in them before I do. Anyway, I'm not so good at removing them, but I sure can find them.

And, well, I do know magic. Quite well. Personally, in fact. Magic is a nice lass, just don't rile her up. The Hells hath no fury like a cosmically all powerful woman scorned."

2011-08-05, 05:52 AM
Perry chuckles to himself at the whole 'protect Nih'Hinata' thing -- the horse has more hitpoints than Jesus.

He then says, "There are magical auras here, and the door handles all have different symbols on it. Can you figure out what's happening here, mate? You know spellcraft better than we, and are likely far better schooled."

"And first things first... my, Hagan, what big arms you have..."

2011-08-05, 06:07 AM
"Oh, these? You like them? I got tired of my old ones, so I hacked them off and replaced them." He grins as he says this, but he seems completely serious as he removes a glove so that you can see the details of the fine craftsmanship that is his new construct hand.

Replacing the glove, Hagan adjusts his monocle. He casts detect magic, focusing and making a [roll0] check to identify the auras.And for however many other auras are here.[roll1]

2011-08-05, 06:46 AM
See? He is just showing off! Look look how high spellcraft I have!

Want me roll my full hide? eh? eh?

Ishmael inclines his head.

"I appreciate your help Master Hagan. I do realise the potency of magic and your personal power... as I was telling my comrades earlier half my gear if not more has been crafted by your capable... well mithral hands!" he says and smiles.

"I can generally disarm traps, when fate is not playing tricks on me, with some skill... though standing back or just bypassing them also works!" he says as he continues.

"Anyway, I gave you the details about the Jacks because I did not indeed expect a respectable businessman to know of them... in any case I will let you concentrate now..." he says and takes a step back.

Was the "huh" at the point where Ishmael mentioned Edistris by any chance?

2011-08-05, 07:06 AM
Not showing off... You're supposed to roll individually for each aura.

As to the second question. It had nothing to do with the content of what you were saying. :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-05, 07:19 AM
Ishmael coughs for a moment realising something.

"I just remember something Master Hagan..." he says uncomfortably.

"Would you terribly mind if you took a potion to alter your appearance... we are all er... undercover so to speak. I'm supposed to be Herco a Jack trap disarmer and door unlocker... Perry here is pretending to be Frank the Toe a rather competent individual that was due for promotion within the Jacks but like the thrill of ground work too much... Silvanus is supposed to be... well another warforged and..." he coughs...

"Said group of Jacks, that was neutralised yesterday evening, also had a powerful spell caster with them... she was a female elf..." he says and looks down.

"We believe that the Nightman WILL see through it but a number of the lower minions will not which should get us the suprise element since they do expect a report from us... we were planning to say the girl died but now that you are here..." he finishes lamely.

2011-08-05, 08:12 AM
"Well, you did invite me to the ball. The least I can do is wear a pretty dress." He takes the offered potion.

2011-08-05, 08:47 AM
Perry chuckles. "Okay. Three doors. Three symbols. Let's make this happen... and yeah, nice grafts. Very tight."

2011-08-05, 09:01 AM
"Splendid. Visualise this when drinking it" he says and focuses on the image of the elf witch he had seen and taking her appearance. He holds it for a few moments so Hagan can see the details and then he reverts back to his normal Herco* appearance.

"Also she had a couple of characteristic moves and mannerisms" he says and shows them to the man.

This last part is actually a skill trick of digsuise that means even if someone is familiar with the person you are impersonating they dont get a bonus... dont know if someone can claim it without the skill trick...

"So, any idea what we are dealing with?"

2011-08-05, 09:09 AM
"Give me a second..."

2011-08-05, 09:37 AM
Silvanus stands and listens as this man of arcane prowess walks into the room, literally brimming to the teeth in magic. His dire bat could care less, and is having a thought process more along the lines of, "Oh hey, a new person! Hello new person" as it walks up to Hagan, sniffing at his robes.

Silvanus, after finally listening to everything said so far, asks, "Pardon the... bluntness of my question, but I still don't fully understand..." He turns to a one Mr. Hagan, "So... Who are you and what do you do, Mr. Hagan?"

2011-08-05, 10:47 AM
"Oh, these? You like them? I got tired of my old ones, so I hacked them off and replaced them." He grins as he says this, but he seems completely serious as he removes a glove so that you can see the details of the fine craftsmanship that is his new construct hand.

Replacing the glove, Hagan adjusts his monocle. He casts detect magic, focusing and making a [roll0] check to identify the auras.And for however many other auras are here.[roll1]

The seven auras are each strong conjuration magic.

On a side note, he recognizes that the three symbols on the doorknob are runes symbolizing "water", "fire", and "air"

2011-08-05, 12:02 PM
Plans are we moving for this or we wait till Monday?

In any case have a great weekend whatever you do!

Ishmael approaches Silvanus as Hagan is exploring the magic.

"Master Hagan is an artificer and mage of great ability. He owns a store in the central plaza and he is famous because of his low prices... most of my magical equipment comes from his store actually. I was not aware he is into more action stuff as he is a respectable merchant... but I guess noone is always what he or she seems to be... oh and a nymph actually works for him!" he says with a fair amount of respect in his voice.

2011-08-05, 12:04 PM
Looks like we're down a DM and Hagan until the end of the weekend, boys. Guess we'll have to be productive in life until then.

2011-08-05, 08:46 PM
...ah. Silvanus turns to Mr. Hagan. Hagan... I have a question for you. When this excursion of ours is over and the treasure is divided up appropriately... In case none of it is of worth nor value to a Druid as myself, could I give you my cut of the treasure? In it's place, I would like to select my cut from items in your store... ones of equivalent value and worth of course.

2011-08-05, 11:38 PM
Perry laughs. "Never the wrong time for commerce, is it?" He smiles, ignoring the fact that they are all in mortal peril.

2011-08-06, 01:00 PM
"We'll discuss that afterward, assuming we all live, okay?"

Hagan spends one minute on each aura to cast identify on each object emanating an aura.

2011-08-06, 01:13 PM
Perry keeps listening for any incoming.

Listen [roll0]

How's the summit Rizban?

2011-08-06, 01:31 PM
Silvanus will listen and look around as well.
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2011-08-07, 01:53 AM
Staying to the same spot close to the main entrance in case anyone tries to enter behind them Ishmael waits quietly and letting Hagan do his job.

2011-08-07, 12:34 PM
The walls and ceiling seem to be extradimensional spaces, while the doorknobs each summon a different element when opened.

2011-08-07, 12:35 PM
If Hagan elects to share that with them, he says, "So, how do we get into the spaces without summoning the elements? Or are we fighting elementals today?"

2011-08-07, 12:40 PM
Silvanus says, "We could always dig through the floor and under the doors..."

2011-08-07, 12:50 PM
"Can we disable these knobs?"

2011-08-07, 01:11 PM
I assume we are waiting for Rizban? Or is the effect like a trap according to what he discovers???

2011-08-07, 01:18 PM
I think we're just... yeah, we're waiting for Rizban.

2011-08-07, 01:21 PM
Aight, when Sleeping Beauty wakes up, we'll go rape us some Jacks.

2011-08-07, 10:55 PM
Ooc: where are you rizban? Dances with Dragons is not so good that it needs to put us all on RP lock alll day :p

2011-08-07, 11:19 PM
we had to get groceries. There were some basic holes in our nutririon from what was left over from last month's groceries.

2011-08-07, 11:30 PM
Ooc: lol nnutrition is for chumps

2011-08-08, 12:27 PM
Then after groceries, I ended up on the phone with my girl for a long time.Hagan looks at the the knobs and explains what they are.

"Well, I can spot them, and I can figure out what they do, but I'm not worth a damn when it comes to actually disabling a trap. I hope one of you is up to that... I can help though."

Hagan aids whoever tries to disarm whatever they try to disarm.

2011-08-08, 01:14 PM
Perry readies an attack action in case something pops out at them.

2011-08-08, 02:21 PM
Ishmael steps forward and examines them without touching them.

"So these... door handles... they are somehow connected to a spell that will bring forth said element and even the walls are enchanted... perhaps some kind of enchantment so that the house resists whatever magic is unleased..." he says turning to Hagan.

"Do we need to disable all three? Is there a way to determine which door is more used?" he says and checks each door to see if one shows more signs of wear and usage than the other two...

Take 20 to determine the above... 30 total if someone helps on the search.

Also on an OOC perspective... is this something that is... disableabled Plans? Is it like a magical trap linked to each doornob? Cause I am not sure thats what it is...

2011-08-08, 02:23 PM
Perry assists with the search -- if Ish is taking 20, so will Perry.

2011-08-08, 02:25 PM
Indeed, this appears to be a magical trap on each knob.

2011-08-08, 02:46 PM
Ishmael approaches the middle door and studies it carefully.

Since his search for clues as to which door is used more often did not show him anything he tries to disarm the trap by cutting the physical parts that connect to the magicked location. Along with the help from Hagan and his magical expertise he whispers a silent prayer to Kelemvor and starts working.

Search was inneffective about which door is more used?

If yes I go to the middle... if it appears another door is more often opened I do that one.

Disable device:

[roll0] and +2 to this from Hagan's aid another.

2011-08-08, 02:49 PM
got error message. posting to see if the above appeared.

2011-08-08, 06:30 PM
All three doors seem equally used, and you successfully disable the air door in the middle.

2011-08-08, 06:31 PM
Perry blinks twice. "Is it clear?" He peeks in the door if so.

2011-08-08, 09:05 PM
Hagan boldly opens the door.

2011-08-08, 09:06 PM
The door opens into vast, empty air. You can see a trio of arrowhawks flying this way.

2011-08-08, 09:15 PM
Oh curses, I just realized I had Dispel Magic! :smallsigh:

Oh well, we have a better magic-savvy person in the party right now, we'll be fine.

2011-08-08, 10:10 PM

Hagan shuts the door and examines the ceiling.

2011-08-08, 10:24 PM
He finds a hidden door there which has a handle marked with the symbol for earth.

2011-08-08, 10:47 PM
grumble... grumble...

He searches the floor.

2011-08-08, 11:18 PM
He finds no hidden doors, but the floor has a hollow spot in the middle...

2011-08-08, 11:19 PM
He identifies the hollow spot... despite its lack of magical aura.

2011-08-08, 11:20 PM
Perhaps a knowledge check of some sort is in order...

2011-08-08, 11:24 PM
Hagan thinks a very little on the subject.[roll0]

2011-08-08, 11:25 PM
It would appear that there is an underground tunnel passing underneath the floor.

2011-08-08, 11:29 PM
"I found a tunnel... It's probably the right way..."

2011-08-09, 12:12 AM
Well played :D Equally used doesnt mean used at all :D

I am only annoyed at myself that DC 30 search does not find the tunnel but 33 does... bleh stupid Jacks...

Ishmael considers the options.

"It makes sense. Four doors all being trapped with the elements. It would be strange for the Wizard to have to cast and recast or even risk an accident by going through them..." he says and approaches the hollow spot and searches it for traps taking his time and asking for the assistance of anyone willing.

Take 20 on the floor entrance. Or if Hagan prefers he can do it since his take 20 search is 36 + 2 from aid another 38...

2011-08-09, 12:17 AM
Perry narrows his eyes. "I can lead the way once the traps are cleared..."

"So, someone want to disable this so we can get to this?"

Nih'hinataa, can you tell me the way to the jacks base via this house or is it blocked? We found a tunnel.

2011-08-09, 01:08 AM
You find no traps over the hollow spot in the floor, but no entrances either...

Ni'Hinata either chooses not or cannot answer you at the moment.

2011-08-09, 01:09 AM
Perry narrows his eyes and steps outside. nihhinata? Can you hear me?

2011-08-09, 01:12 AM
no response.

2011-08-09, 01:50 AM
Perry goes out further onto the street and says, Nih'Hinata, as per your oath, if you can hear me, please respond.

If there is no response, he goes back into the building. "Hagan, is there any signature eminating off this building that suggests a spell that can block telepathy?"

"As for this hollow spot..." Perry goes to the hollow spot with no opening and takes his polearm. He attacks the hollow spot twice with precise strikes to open it.

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Atk [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2011-08-09, 01:51 AM
As you step outside, you hear the horse say in your mind Yes? How can I help you?

2011-08-09, 01:51 AM
Hagan tries that...

2011-08-09, 01:52 AM
It would appear that the room itself is in a different plane...

2011-08-09, 01:54 AM
Perry steps back out and says to Nih'Hinata. Okay. The room we're in is on a different plane. I think you may want to join us inside and actively fight... because otherwise, we're certain to lose contact with you. I can't call you for aid in there. I tried twice and you didn't hear because of it.

Perry then uses the attack rolls above to open the hollow.

2011-08-09, 01:58 AM
Nih'Hinata agrees and enters, and you enter and give the floor two mighty blows...

and it's still there, although definitely damaged

2011-08-09, 01:59 AM
Hagan searches for a way to open it other than brute force.


2011-08-09, 02:00 AM
Perry puts on his ghost shroud and pats Nih'Hinata, waiting to see if Hagan finds a way other than brute force to open the floor before he finishes it off.

"Meet my friend, Nih'Hinata of the Ebon Herd. Nih'Hinata, this is Ishmael, Silvanus and Hagan Erbauer." He indicates each. "Nih'Hinata is my fantastic partner."

2011-08-09, 02:03 AM
Knowledge nature on the ebon horse-thing, if possible: [roll0]

2011-08-09, 02:05 AM
knowledge nature does not reveal anything... perhaps a different knowledge skill...

You find no entrances, but it does appear that the tunnel continues on toward the far wall and goes back under the front of the house.

2011-08-09, 02:07 AM
Perry gets bored and smashes the hollow floor until it's gone. Assume I swing until it's gone with precise strikes.

Nih'Hinata, where does this tunnel under the floor lead?

2011-08-09, 02:18 AM
Silvanus asks Hagan, "...are you knowledgeable in the planes?"

2011-08-09, 02:18 AM
Look into it yourself. I'm not a rat.

There is now a great hole in the floor...

2011-08-09, 02:24 AM
Perry motions to the hole in the floor. "Shall we? Ish, Hagan? To see if it's trapped?"

No, my friend, you are not. By the by, this mage here is the one who has agreed to come assist us in retrieving your herdmate. Please keep an eye out for him.

OOC: How deep and wide is the hole and the passage underneath?
OOC2: Btw, guys, stuff in black is only heard by me and Nih'Hinata unless otherwise directed... it's telepathic.

2011-08-09, 02:35 AM
At the bottom of the 10' drop into a 5' wide tunnel, glowing orbs every 60 feet keep everything well lit. The tunnel stretches south in the direction which is out of the building and north the opposite way.

2011-08-09, 02:36 AM
Silvanus inspects one of the orbs.

Does it look natural at all?

2011-08-09, 02:38 AM
Hagan Focuses on Mattel for a brief second, and an orb embedded within it flares to life. Suddenly, a light brighter than daylight emerges, sending out bright light 240ft in all directions.

"Well, at least we won't have to worry about any shadows..."

Hagan hovers over the hole, floating downward slowly as he searches for traps.In too much of a hurry to take 20, so just taking 10 for 26s.

2011-08-09, 02:38 AM
The glowing glass orbs do not look natural in the slightest.

2011-08-09, 02:40 AM
Hagan finds a trap about twenty feet in. It appears to be a transmute rock to lava trap that is bypassed by summoning a fire elemental onto it.

2011-08-09, 02:42 AM
Hagan flies back up and examines the door handles he identified earlier to see if he can figure out exactly how they work.

2011-08-09, 02:46 AM
Perry ponders for a second, then says, "You know, we have a druid... if we can't figure one of these out, he can always summon the proper elemental. We should really figure this out though, so we don't blow all his spells..."

Spontaneous summon natures ally II gives a small elemental of any kind. But that's a spell blown, so we'll try to figure this out.

2011-08-09, 03:29 AM
It appears that each door leads to a different elemental plane, and the doorknobs can be used to summon the raw element from that plane. How one does that seems to involve spells of the proper descriptor.

2011-08-09, 03:36 AM
"Curious... I think that..."

Hagan points his wand at the fire handle and shoots it.



2011-08-09, 03:39 AM
The room explodes in fire.

everyone make a reflex save.

2011-08-09, 03:43 AM
Perry dodges from within the pit.

Reflex [roll0]

"God damnit, Hagan! Don't play with sh*t!"

2011-08-09, 03:45 AM
"Oh explosions... they always seem to follow me."

yon reflex save: [roll0]

2011-08-09, 03:46 AM
Whee!Hagan cowers behind his shield, activating it as an immediate action to give himself fire immunity for the next minute.

"Everybody okay?"

2011-08-09, 03:49 AM
Going to roll for Monodominant so we don't get stuck here.


2011-08-09, 03:50 AM
Ishmael evades, Perry takes [roll0], Silvanus takes [roll1] fire damage, and Hagan takes none.

2011-08-09, 03:51 AM
Perry asks the druid, "How many summon 2s can you do today spontaneously?"

2011-08-09, 03:55 AM
"Oh... right... plants don't like fire... I've got to remember that one..."

Hagan touches a tattoo on the side of his neck. A second later, the tattoo, which looks much like two snakes coiled about one another, drops to the ground, crawls over to Silvanus, and attaches itself to him. It then flares, disappears, and he is magically healed for [roll0].

2011-08-09, 03:56 AM
Perry pops two charges of his healing belt. "Let's not do that again."


2011-08-09, 04:09 AM
Thanks for the roll!

Ishmael looks at the others in suprise. His somersault, spind and eventual avoiding of the fire had saved him from burning to death.

"Well that was unpleasant! Lets try and not do the same at the other doors... though I guess the air one could be safe..." he says with a grin.

"Now the question is... did your blow make the doors trap go off? When you opened the sky door we saw into a plane of air of some kind and air creatures where there. If the fire door is now safe we can open it to get a fire elemental to help us bypass the trap..." he says considering it.

Is the trap disarmable in a traditional -rogue disarms magical traps- way? If not how big is the trapped area? could we jump over it or something to that effect?

Also! Sorry for the delay but you Americans are supposed to be asleep right now!!!!

2011-08-09, 04:11 AM
"Also... plant-esque creatures seem to have poor reflexes. Thank you for the healing. Silvanus turns to Perry, "I can summon 3 of them, if that is what you are asking."

Silvanus will make a craft woodwork check to heal the rest of his damage. Roll: [roll0]

2011-08-09, 04:13 AM
"Well, for the moment, lets see if Ish and Hagan can disarm the trap. That's a very powerful spell on it, but Ish is a big pro."

We're all on to try to get out of this week-long RP lock :P Let's get to the killing, shall we? ;)

2011-08-09, 04:13 AM
Thanks for the roll!

Ishmael looks at the others in suprise. His somersault, spind and eventual avoiding of the fire had saved him from burning to death.

"Well that was unpleasant! Lets try and not do the same at the other doors... though I guess the air one could be safe..." he says with a grin.

"Now the question is... did your blow make the doors trap go off? When you opened the sky door we saw into a plane of air of some kind and air creatures where there. If the fire door is now safe we can open it to get a fire elemental to help us bypass the trap..." he says considering it.

Is the trap disarmable in a traditional -rogue disarms magical traps- way? If not how big is the trapped area? could we jump over it or something to that effect?

Also! Sorry for the delay but you Americans are supposed to be asleep right now!!!!

yes they are

2011-08-09, 04:21 AM
"If we keep finding traps I will fail eventually no matter how pro... but lets see if I can do this one as well and then perhaps Silvanus can use some of his summons to bypass the more difficult elemental ones..."

Yes they are disarmable traps or yes the trap is no longer "a trap" in the fire door?

2011-08-09, 04:28 AM
"I can go buy a few scrolls of summon nature's ally II. Cheap, effective, bypasses these. With Nih'Hinata, I can be back in moments."

If no problems (DM or player), Perry jumps on Nih'Hinata's back, goes, buys four scrolls of SNA2 for 540g after Spire Hawk discount, and returns, handing Silvanus the scrolls.

"Let's move this along. Use one of those. Put a small fire elemental on the fire trap in the pit. That will bypass it."

2011-08-09, 04:31 AM
"If we keep finding traps I will fail eventually no matter how pro... but lets see if I can do this one as well and then perhaps Silvanus can use some of his summons to bypass the more difficult elemental ones..."

Yes they are disarmable traps or yes the trap is no longer "a trap" in the fire door?

they are disarmable traps.

have I ever done a one-shot magical trap?

if this is, wouldn't a search check reveal that?

2011-08-09, 06:01 AM
Ishmael approaches the trap and asks for Hagan's assistance as before (OOC: he had actually made 3 disable rolls and we only used one so far).

He focuses and tries to disarm the magical fire elemental trap that would plunge the room in lava. Before he does so he estimates how long he would need to jump and uses the rope so that he and Hagan would be able to grab on it and move back to the surface should he fail!"

"Wish me luck..." he says grimly and sets to work.

Disable [roll0] +2 from Hagan's aid another for a total of 31...

2011-08-09, 09:45 AM
You successfully disarm the trap.

2011-08-09, 09:58 AM
Thank you, I'm awesome!

Ishmael turns to look at Hagan and the others.

"More traps may be ahead. Hagan seems better at sniffing them out so I can assist him... I appreciate your wish to go first Perry but at this part of the mission I doubt we will meet many creatures that require an immidiate attack..."

He goes invisible and helps Hagan with his searching.

I help him by giving the +2 on his take 10... unless if he wants to slow down and take 20 in which case I again help him :D

2011-08-09, 01:32 PM
Perry nods. "We do have four scrolls that contain the bypass mechanism now, if we'd rather lower our risk. Nice job on that one."

2011-08-09, 01:43 PM
Not sure if Plans confirmed the purchase for those...

2011-08-09, 01:47 PM
I don't need to for simple common items...

2011-08-09, 01:51 PM
Okie dokie...

So are we waiting for Rizban or can we assume that he would continue searching with my help like he did before?

Ishmael gazes towards the shadow horse and tries to... think to it.

So... Can you read out thoughts or only hear them if we project them towards you?

2011-08-09, 01:52 PM
If the horse hears, he does not respond.

2011-08-09, 01:53 PM
Back off the horse, ISH! And yeah, can we assume Rizban continues to take 10 as he was to do a sweep for the next trap? I think Hagan learned his lesson about shooting traps :P

2011-08-09, 01:55 PM
points Plans at the above spoiler!!!!

Also for Lokio: I am just being nice to your horse!

Ishmael takes a momentary pause and looks at the horse and at Perry.

"So can he or she read our thoughts? Or... well... talk? Just asking out of curiosity since I have never met such a creature before!" he says with honest wonderment.

2011-08-09, 02:01 PM
"He can speak to those he wishes telepathically, but typically, ecalypses speak only to their bonded rider and other ecalypses." He pats his little pwny.

2011-08-09, 02:03 PM
Hagan finds the next trap, set to cause a continuous create water effect if a water elemental is not placed in it.

2011-08-09, 02:08 PM
"Do you want to disarm it, or shall our dear druid here use one of the bypass scrolls?"

2011-08-09, 02:08 PM
Ishmael smiles.

"Interesting... does he or she have some way to see through illusions? If for example I had drank a reflective disguise potion would he or she talk to me?" he asks truly interested.

When Hagan finds the trap he turns to look towards Perry and Silvanus.

"I can give it a try or you can use the scroll... up to you... disabling the trap means we can escape if in a hurry without bothering with summonings again... still using the scrolls will save time..." he says and waits for their response.

2011-08-09, 02:10 PM
Perry nods. "You know what... disarm. You have a good point - a quick exit would be good. And I don't know if a reflective disguise would do anything."

Ishmael thinks he can fool your nose with potions of reflective disguise. *snortsnortlaugh*

2011-08-09, 02:16 PM
Well... reflective disguise is an illusion spell... it doesnt affect eyesight... it affects the mind... so not sure if something as simple as scent would work...

"Very well... lets hope this goes as good as it has so far. I guess the positive thing would be the fact that I doubt all this tunnel would flood before we can run out so we are in a way safe from death... I hope." and with that he leans down and focuses on the trap at hand, hopefully with the usual help from Hagan.

Go go disabling!

[roll0] + 2 from Hagan... hopefully even if the DC is 30 it means I cant cause it to explode unless I roll 1 or 2 :D... which having made that comment I will probably roll now...

Edit: close enough... I rolled 3... total being 26... if indeed its a create water spell its still enough to disarm :D

2011-08-09, 02:19 PM
In the spell description, it says it would make you look like the same race and gender. So you'd look like a male ecalypse to him, which would be just strange in Aldhaven. But, it doesn't change your touch/smell/sound. So you'd smell like Ishmael/whatever race you are.

2011-08-09, 02:22 PM
this is a create water effect, but it's not a create water spell trap.

You failed to disarm it, but neither to you set it off.

2011-08-09, 02:28 PM
Mono, on these trapsy ou may want to just roll 3 disarm rolls and ask Plans to apply them in order so we minimize the number of posts necessary to bypass routine traps.

2011-08-09, 02:29 PM
Scent lets you detect presence and absence of someone. It doesnt reveal the race and all that. I mean if we want to go by rules for an illusion spell that affects someones mind lets go with them as they are for the ability as well :smallcool::smallwink::smallbiggrin:

Ishmael frowns and tries again with the help of Master Hagan.

[roll0] +2 from aid.

2011-08-09, 02:32 PM
"Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights."

The odor of ecalypse, for example? Or the odor of Ishmael, which he now knows... He definately knows the odor de Perry. :P

Plans if that Roll works let's assume Hagan does the next search as per this lasto ne so we can move through these pain in the ass traps :P

2011-08-09, 02:40 PM
why yes, Lokio, let's just frog-march everyone through my traps I planned out with as little attention to them as possible. THAT will make everyone happy.

while we're at it, shall we hand-wave past all the pointless social and combat encounters, leaving you with just an ever-increasing pile of xp?

You disable that trap.

2011-08-09, 02:44 PM
We've spent five days doing three traps. Doing a search to avoid spending a real life day to wait for someone to take ten on a search as they already were doing to find your traps is not ignoring your traps -- in fact, it's deliberately bringing them up so they can be dealt with.

By all means, play it how you wish, but I'm trying to avoid unnecessary RP lock while we wait for someone to say 'I take 10 to continue my search for traps'. By no means am I asking for a bypass - I'm just asking for a little time economy.

Perry breathes out with relief as Ishmael successfully takes care of the trap. "No drowning today."

2011-08-09, 02:48 PM
I dont care so much about the XP... the social interaction with my sworn enemies is more important for Ish ;). And the whole becoming a royal hand of judgement ;)

PS> I still dont think scent gives you race and person vision. Familiar scents yes but that doesnt mean meeting someone once... in any case. Its Plans call... enough with it for now ;)

"It is done. If the pattern continues we will find an earth and a wind trap soon. Be on your guard. Our informants also spoke of bound creatures..." he says seriously and falls back in line.

2011-08-09, 02:51 PM
And Lokio relax mate. Its a pbp game. It goes on a slow relaxed pace out of the nature of the medium...

And this also gives Riz and TechnOkami to join in!

2011-08-09, 02:55 PM
Righto, fair enough. I guess not everyone has my kind of free time right now :P

For the record, I'm no hypocrite about it: if I am ever doing routine skill checks (I'm not sure for what, but in future, who knows?) and I am afk, for y'alls sake, please use my skills as needed. I don't want my RL circumstances to slow things up on the routine stuff. You now have my explicit permission to do that.

2011-08-09, 02:55 PM
I am not going to just blaze through the game and godmod one of the two important characters for overcoming this scenario just to speed things along. Riz and Techno deserve a chance to have their own input, and I'm not going to speed past giving them a chance just because you're impatient.

2011-08-09, 03:01 PM
"The summoned creatures might have been the beasties they spoke of, behind those doors... or they could be lurking just past these traps. Apparently the Jacks don't like interlopers finding their secret spots." He chuckles.

By all means, they do. I just figured we're going to be waiting a long time -- didn't he just go on a trip to see his girlfriend? I doubt he's going to be posting... I know I certainly wouldn't be nerding it up on a forum if I was on a trip like that!