View Full Version : [PF/3.5] Viable throwing build from 1st level?

2011-07-24, 11:32 PM
I've got a beginning player who wants to throw things at other things. My first thought is a Fighter with some Powerful Build race who starts off chucking javelins and moves his way up to Throw Anything and various other tricks.

What's available in straight-up Pathfinder material? What's out there in the wider 3.5/3rd party world for throwing things?

2011-07-25, 12:08 AM
Start with two-weapon fighting, rapid shot (requires point blank shot), and quick draw to make it work. With those you can get three attacks per round right off the bat. It's slightly tricky to get all of those at first level, but a human fighter could do it with a flaw, and that's not the only option. Rogue might be good, as sneak attack gets better the more attacks you're making, and would help with the generally low damage of thrown weapons.

Remember to have a high dexterity, either followed or preceded by a high strength. Check out the Master Thrower prestige class (CW).

2011-07-25, 12:16 AM
For 3.5:

-Make use of the Brutal Throw feat, from Complete Adventurer- if you want to be a big guy chucking javelins, being able to use your Strength modifier for attack rolls instead of Dexterity simplifies your life.
-Quick Draw is indeed quite useful for thrower builds, though not strictly necessary initially, unless you immediately pick up Rapid Shot
-Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot are both good for throwers (the former basically entirely as a prerequisite); Precise Shot may be necessary depending on party makeup and typical encounters (will you have targets you can attack without eating the -4 penalty?)
-From Tome of Battle, consider taking a few Warblade levels, and then entering the Bloodstorm Blade prestige class. It allows you to attack as though in melee, and use strikes at range, among other throwing benefits: overall, rather handy.

2011-07-25, 08:28 AM
For PF stuff there is the Alchemist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist) class who, with the Vivisectionist ACF (trades his Bomb for Sneak Attack, stacks with other classes), works somewhat like a half-caster Rogue who is inherently made to throw things.

For starters he gets a nice bonus in Craft (Alchemy) to make Alchemist Fire and all that, he gets Throw Anything at level 1, his Int is added to thrown stuff damage (Int based caster, btw) and there are some other nice things thrown in, like a "Rage Potion"-like thing going on with Mutagen (that can be applied to any score) and Poison use (or the option to trade it for something else if you dislike poison).

And of course, the spellcasting, which comes flavored as a buff-heavy spell list that takes the form of prepared potions, so with a Discovery your action economy rises tenfold as long as you pass around your buffs so everyone buffs on their own turns.

Not saying that it's the best option, but it's worth a thought.