View Full Version : Favourite cantrip/orison moments?

2011-07-25, 01:15 PM
Title says it all, more or less. What are some of your best D&D memories involving a 0-level spell?

2011-07-25, 01:26 PM
i am trying to use prestidigitation more effectively, and just had the chance.

Party at a fancy dinner, crossbow bolts come crashing through the window, skewer the guest of honor.

I start up a Presti, and create little brown paper shades to cover all the windows, like paper curtains. It's not much, but it provides cover for us inside, makes the targets harder to hit from outside, gives us a chance to hit the floor, etc.. I just keep spamming the paper, one on top of another, as the bolts come through, and set up some paper lanterns in odd shapes too, to create shifting shadows from the room lights.

Second encounter, was ready with a Presti, and a creature burst through a door into the room we were in. As he does, I release a huge load of confetti and paper streamers into his face, so all he can see immediately upon entry is a ton of shredded paper coming down on his head.

He crashed through, but it bought my fighters enough time to take the bad guy out at the knees, while he was surprised.

2011-07-25, 01:33 PM
Killing an adult red dragon with Ray of Frost. No kidding. The DM was like, he only had 2 HP left. I rolled a 3.

Another time me and the group used use Presti to disguise ingested poison (odourless, colorless, tasteless, ect.) into turtle soup and kill our mark. It was awesome.

2011-07-25, 01:54 PM
The bloody sorcerer kept Sticking things to my paladin's armor. That's what I get for not putting ranks in spot/listen.

2011-07-25, 01:56 PM
Using "Create Water" for finding an invisible creature, and killing it afterwards

Fouredged Sword
2011-07-25, 02:19 PM
Causeing the bigbad for a campain to die when he was suposed to beat and take us prisoner.


fell frighten sonic snap, with reducers to keep it level 0. Fun times. The party fighter did the actual killing.

2011-07-25, 05:24 PM
My Wizard was helping his Dwarven Barbarian friend to clear a manor which had been overrun with Orks. We encounter a trio of Orks in the main hall, who haven't seen us yet (there's a reason I always pack a small steel mirror) and we decide that rather than take on three Orks (we were level one after all) that I'd use Ghost Sound and my knowledge of Ork to order two of the brigands out so we might ambush the one remaining. I cast the spell, yelling in my most brutal Orkish "You two, get over here!" from the back hallway. Of course, they weren't the brightest Orks in existence - they looked at each other, shrugged, and all three went into the next room, allowing us to provide aid to the wounded in the room.

It was a great moment.

2011-07-25, 05:38 PM
My bunch of neer-do-well pirates sneak aboard the ship they plan to steal. It's during a dense fog, in the dead black of night, moored a mile out from the harbor in Calimport. They've almost all made their move silently rolls, but the last of the party rolls a 1.

Instantly, the watch aboard the ship, unable to see what caused the noise, shouts "Who goes there?"

After a very brief silence, the insane Gnomish bard who later becomes Captain (The Dread Pirate Captain "The Doctor" Francois von Hosen), immediately initiates Ghost Sound.


I mean, as a DM, how do you respond to that? Exactly how is a watchman supposed to respond to hearing cows on his ship? I spend the next 10 minutes laughing rather than adjudicating the outcome.

2011-07-25, 05:43 PM
Summon Instrument: My DM interpreted "large enough to hold in two hands" to be any instrument within your medium load capacity. 28 Str and boots of levitate meant I started dropping pianos on targets below.

2011-07-25, 07:06 PM
My gnome once got zapped down to 0 STR. She used her Prestidigitation SLA (no somatic components, so being paralyzed didn't matter) to very slowly feed herself while she was waiting to recover. It may have been a little bit messy, but in her eyes, it was more dignified than being fed like an infant.

2011-07-25, 09:18 PM
not all of them were cantrips but the party bard once cast mage hand to wave a plate up in the corner of a tavern as fast as it could. then dancing lights 1 bright white in the corner behind the plate (now flashing very fast because of said plate) and the other two orange and slaved to the motion of his hands. he then cast fog (don't think it was a cantrip) and percussion... tavern became rave for the next CL minutes. he of course was arrested for disturbing the peace with this "god awful racket." but we got a good chuckle out of it.

2011-07-25, 09:33 PM
How about:

When I cast light on a party member and it got him killed.

2011-07-25, 09:43 PM
How about:

When I cast light on a party member and it got him killed.

Lured the monsters to him? :smallamused:

2011-07-25, 09:53 PM
Lured the monsters to him? :smallamused:

Yup. That's why, as a wizard, you always offer to put light on the sword or armor of the meat shield.

2011-07-25, 11:18 PM
1. Eat something that tastes disgusting, like a rotten food or lick a horse.
2. Use prestidigitation to make the party's food taste like that for a whole week.
3. Better yet, harass a single party member and make him pass like a complete lunatic.

Ah, the wonders of magic used for completely pointless and needless purposes...

2011-07-26, 12:17 AM
The bloody sorcerer kept Sticking things to my paladin's armor. That's what I get for not putting ranks in spot/listen.

"Smite Me!"

2011-07-26, 01:36 AM
Let's see. Two times. First was the game we used Prestidigitation to give us an hour-long window to repair a massive hole in a boat we were in (well, technically we used wall of ice,then prestidigitation, then took apart the crates in the hold and used that as the "permanent" patch. Serves us right for coming up with a good reason to not follow the module, and then realize our innocent employer was extra-suspicious so we made the DM make him less innocent. Good times.). Alternatively, the character I built to metamagic the everliving [REDACTED] out of ray of frost as his only combat spell. nothing like giving everything in the room negative levels like candy. Seriously, everything else was either a buff of a utility spell on that character, it was great.

2011-07-26, 04:18 AM
Acid Splash boosted by Sneak Attack damage to kill a monster who had Stoned our Sorcerer with a Gaze-attack. When cantrips do 40+ damage like that, things are fun!

I could have used my rapier too, but magic is more stylish!