View Full Version : Need a good TV show

Das Platyvark
2011-07-25, 09:10 PM
I'm bored, and need a good show to watch.
Here's a little info:
I loved Firefly and Trigun, thought Farscape and BSG were decent, and to be honest have not watched a whole lot else, outside comedies.
What do people recommend?

2011-07-25, 09:58 PM
Ever try Doctor Who? We're generally big fans in these parts, there's a thread about it (though we're on midseason hiatus until September).

2011-07-25, 10:12 PM
Cowboy Bebop is a great recommendation for you based on your likes. If you loved Firefly, you might want to try other Joss Whedon works: Buffy, Angel, or Dollhouse. Pretty different from Firefly, but still great.

I'm blanking on other suggestions right now, so I'll leave those here.

2011-07-25, 10:20 PM
Well, if you're looking for a show that is currently running, you might wanna try all of the shows that the Firefly actors are currently in. I suggest Castle, a crime-drama done right, starring Malcolm Reynolds Nathan Fillion. Not too familiar with Chuck/V/TSCC, but I've heard pretty good things.

You can also venture away from Firefly, in which case you should definitely watch The Wire or Breaking Bad, they're both much darker shows, but both good. And I'll agree with what's been stated so far, Buffy and Angel are both good choices.

Mando Knight
2011-07-25, 10:33 PM
You need to watch some of at least one of Star Trek or Doctor Who.

Also, Stargate SG-1. Maybe the movie that it spun off of first, so you get a general idea, though every single actor and several concepts change between the series and the original movie (And Colonel Jack O'Neill's name's spelling). And the series is better.

2011-07-25, 11:09 PM
Cowboy Bebop is a great recommendation for you based on your likes. If you loved Firefly, you might want to try other Joss Whedon works: Buffy, Angel, or Dollhouse. Pretty different from Firefly, but still great.

Meh, Cowboy Bebop is good, but it need katanas. Oh! I know: Samurai Champloo.

Samurai Champloo: It's Cowboy Bebop but with more katanas!

2011-07-26, 02:11 AM
chuck. fun. if nothing else because there's a never ending list of "celebrity" guests (well..celebrity..people from other more or less geeky tv shows)

the big bang project. it's fun, geeky and..did I mention fun?

Babylon 5. it's all done and over with (unless they plan to release yet another movie, but I think that's not likely)

2011-07-26, 03:30 AM
Outlaw Star was pretty similar to Firefly. I don't remember that show well enough to strongly recommend it (Wikipedia says that Cartoon Network hasn't played it in almost a decade and I feel really old now), but if you're making a list...

2011-07-26, 03:52 AM
Agree with Cleric Castle is a very good show.

Some other shows that I think are worth checking out:

Community - best comedy on TV right now, great cast, great writing, awesome pop culture references, Alison Brie

Fringe - sci-fi that doesn't take itself too seriously, don't think about the science too hard and its a ton of fun

Game of Thrones - great books, good TV show. "Realistic" fantasy

Pushing Daisies - prolly a little out of your wheelhouse but I like it so much I have to bring it up. Part crime of the week, part fairy tale love story with a twist. very colorful, very quirky, very well written.

Did I mention Community? I did? well its so awesome I don't feel bad about mentioning it twice.:smallbiggrin:

Sir Homeslice
2011-07-26, 04:15 AM
Watch Castle. It has Nathan Fillion being silly. Also Nathan Fillion aside the show is very, very good.

2011-07-26, 05:36 AM
Castle is definitely a case of YMMV. I see it as yet another, by the numbers police procedural lifted slightly out of the rut by Nathan Fillion's charm but basically let down by the utter predictability of it all.

My recommendations:

CRIME: The Wire may be the best written crime show ever. With plots that develop rather than are solved in one epsiode and actual well-drawn characters.

Dexter: Of variable quality but when its good the tale of Dexter Morgan. blood splatter analyst for the Miami police departement and moral serial killer is just fantastic

FANTASY: Supernatural: Theres a lot of it but its one of the few shows that has reached six seasons and still has me excited about what the're going to do next. ( Warning Season 1 is a bit 'monster-of-the-week' until about halfway through when it suddenly takes off)

HISTORICAL: Deadwood and Rome for the same reason that neither pull any punches in depictions of the gritty, violent and occasionally down-right nasty place the past could be. And because each builds a wonderful feeling of place and atmosphere.

Spartacus: A guilty pleasure, it may be pretty much mindless sex and violence but its very well done mindless sex and violence. And John Hannah and Lucy Lawless add class and talent to the proceddings.

Science-Fiction: Deep Space Nine: The best Star Trek hands down. War, politics, disaster and actually sticking around to deal with the consequences of their actions rather than buggering off and starting everything again next epsiode

2011-07-26, 09:16 AM
Doctor Who is an absolute must. But I do suggest starting with the 2005 stuff and finishing the modern stuff, then see if you want to try the old, old, old stuff.
Ditto with Star Trek, at least give voyager and/or the original a try.
And you might enjoy Babylon 5. It's fairly dark but well written with good actors and an overall plot.
Also Andromeda might suit you, at least the earlier seasons. It's by the same people as star trek and has a similar feel, but more humor and more focus on characters.

Anime wise.. try Cowboy Bebop?

Iku Rex
2011-07-26, 02:24 PM

