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2011-07-26, 01:21 AM
And so it begins.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=208915)

Maps and Such (http://adventurewarehouse.weebly.com/)

2011-07-26, 02:33 AM
Summer usually bring unbearable heat to Fallcrest, but a cool breeze has been blowing down the Moon Hills as of late, bringing refreshment to the townsfolk. Many have been in good spirits, enjoying their break from the sweltering weather, but it is not happy business that brings you to town. You have each been contacted through channels you trust and asked to meet here in Fallcrest. "Matters most dire..." the warnings were, "...threatens the whole Nentir Vale...". Such subjects are treated sincerity and concern. And so you are here, in Fallcrest, awaiting further contact.

2011-07-26, 03:29 AM
Argius sits to the west of the Nentir, just south of the Five-Arch Bridge, lost in thought. He's been in town two days and has yet to hear from his contact. At least the lodgings are good, he thought, But where is he? It isn't like the Coven to send urgent messages and leave me to wait.

Struggling to his feet, Argius turns and heads back to Nentir Inn. Maybe Erandil's new kegs of dwarven ale have arrived by now. After seeing so many barrels rolled across the bridge, he certainly hoped so.

2011-07-26, 12:19 PM
After spending several weeks in a nearby town, Tal found himself with no one left to go to for paid work. As such, he set out from this town to head to Nentir. As he traveled east towards this town, he noticed a man sitting near a bridge. Hoping his appearance would not scare the man, as it did many, he said, "Hello, sir. Would you happen to know where I might find paid work in this town?"

2011-07-26, 01:19 PM
"Paid work, eh?" Argius smiles, amused. "I didn't know there was another kind."

He rolls his shoulders, shifting the mordenkrad on his back, then nods toward the inn to the northwest. "You might check with Erandil at the Nentir Inn. Can't say if he has work, but he's more likely than I to know who does."

2011-07-26, 01:50 PM
Thankful for the man's pleasant response, Tal chose to remain where he was for the time being and converse with him.
" Thank you very much. So, is there any particular reason you are sitting by a bridge? Most people prefer to sit indoors, or at least on a chair."

2011-07-26, 02:16 PM
The dwarf shakes his head. "Just waiting for someone. And with the fine weather these past few days, why would I exchange a cool breeze and nice stone seat for a rickety wooden chair and a stuffy room?"

Argius pauses for a moment and looks off, as if pondering his own question. "If there's no dwarven ale with the latter, mind you. But now I'm off to check just that." He nods a good day to the shifter and heads for the Nentir Inn.

2011-07-26, 02:25 PM
After a moment's pause, Tal followed the man, and asked, "I'm sorry to bother you again, but I don't know where the inn is. Could you point me in the right direction?"

2011-07-26, 02:50 PM
Argius looks over his shoulder. "Eh? Oh, the Nentir Inn? It's the one ahead of us, through the trees." He points to the sign on the outside, "Nentir Inn."

"That's where I'm headed now. Come along if you like. I assume Erandil's inside now, but can't say I know his schedule." The dwarf stops and turns. "I'm Argius of Waterhold, by the way. And you are...?"

2011-07-26, 02:52 PM
"Thank you for your help. Now that I think about it, looking for the sign might have been a good place to start."

Mando Knight
2011-07-26, 10:47 PM
A wild-looking elf woman slinks into town. She looks about for a short moment, then heads into the inn.

2011-07-27, 02:30 AM
Rumors start to spread around the city as a lone Githyanki is seen sailing in from the north on the river.

One of the rumors, presumably started by a psychic of some sort mentions that the githyanki is here for something important, and he hopes there is no trap laid for him, as he normally doesn't come to such populated towns.

The Githyanki is also rumored to be staying at the Nentir Inn, where he has been staying, rather restlessly for the past day.

2011-07-27, 11:11 PM
Argius steps through the inn's door, holding it for the shifter behind him. He walks up to the bar and hops on a stool. "Any dwarven ale?" Argius asks hopefully. He reaches for his belt pouch, eager for a drink.

2011-07-27, 11:53 PM
A charming half-elf hears your request and slides down the business end of the bar with a winning smile. "But of course! We have Hogspit, Granite Grog, Hammeredfast, and Goblin's Bane. I would usually recommend the Hammeredfast but it's been off a little lately. Best bet's the Hogspit."

As he finishes his pitch, he catches sight of the shifter joining you. A realization seems to flash behind his eyes. "Forgive me, are your names Argius," he says to the dwarf and turning to the shifter, "and Tal? It's not my place to pry but I've been paid to keep my eye out for a group that are due in town soon. Haven't seen a gnome with an elf and a githyaki by chance? No, well I've been told to give you this with one round paid in advance."

A note is passed over the counter, folded and sealed with a wax emblem of four concentric squares, two big, two small. Inside is a short paragraph, written in a tight, crimped hand.

2011-07-28, 12:09 AM
Greetings, my friends.

While you have not yet met me, I am well informed of you and your reputations. Your skills are needed for the good of the Vale, and you shall be rewarded for your efforts. These dark times need those who have the power to step forward and be counted amongst the light.

I shall be in the West lounge shortly after nightfall four days before the Midsummer Festival.

Hoping this finds you,
Donal Mercathy

2011-07-28, 12:43 AM
A sour Githyanki marches into the main bar area. "My that must have been the biggest meal I've ever had, how long was I out for?", he mummbles to himself.

Upon seeing the barkeep, the Githyanki looks a bit shocked and says with a bit of intimidation in his voice, "Barkeep, what day is it? And where is the man who first welcomed me into this fine establishment?"

Am I supposed to roll dice in casual conversation like this, or just when it really matters? [roll0]

2011-07-28, 01:11 AM
Argius scowls at the githyanki. "A truer statement in a fouler tone I've never heard." He turns to the barkeep, "I'll take a hogspit." As he waits for his drink, Arigus motions toward the newcomer with a sideways nod, "Would that be one of the three you mentioned?"

2011-07-28, 05:06 AM
Noticing the sideways glance, the Githyanki says calmly, "I was mentioned?" After some pause he ponders aloud, "Has this city been so blessed as to not seen my kind before? What have they said about me?"
Coming out of his reverie, he turns to the dwarf and says more confidently, "I can assure you, the rumors are false."

2011-07-28, 07:56 AM
Surprised by the content of the letter, Tal murmured, "I suppose this saves me the trouble of seeking out work." He re-read the letter several times, and found himself compelled to ask of the half-elf what sort of person had specifically requested such a group. "Who was it the left this letter? I know that he signed it, but what sort of person was he?"

2011-07-28, 05:05 PM
Erandil looks a bit shaken but, having worked a tavern, he stays solid and cordial when addressing the Githyanki.

"It is five days before Midsummer, good sir. You must have been welcomed by my associate, Hadram. A man of your obvious distinction would have been recognized immediately. Please take a look at this letter."

He pours a frothy pint of Hogspit for Argius. To the dwarf, "His marks match the ones I was told to watch for. His, um, dispostion seems a match as well."

Turning to the ranger, he says, "Donal has been in Fallcrest for a while. He comes in probably once a month or so, always seems to be meeting with people like you, odd, adventuring types. Seems to have a lot of different associates. Just a middle-aged human who pays well enough for meeting rooms. He's rented out the West lounge for tomorrow night. I assume that's for your group. Anything you need, you let me know, and the first one's covered."

Mando Knight
2011-07-28, 09:28 PM
The elf, walking into the inn, steps up to the bar and orders some brandy.

2011-07-28, 10:57 PM
Erandil slides down the bar, away from the crowd that has been taking his time and greets the elf before him with a broad and welcoming smile.

"Mae govannen!" He pauses momentarily after seeing her sun and moon pendent. "Van hiril, eneth lin Kathryn en Edhel? (Fair lady, is your name Kathryn of the elves?) I have something for you and some people you should meet." He gestures to the growing crowd at the other end of the bar while serving her a generous goblet of brandy, waving away payment.

2011-07-29, 07:38 AM
Loud, powerful whistling can be heard off in the distance and approaches. It sounds like it should be beautiful. But the song that is being whistled is in a minor key, it pierces your ears and sounds more like a dirge and less like a romantic melody.

As it finally gets closer a very short gnome walks through the door with great confidence and perhaps a bit of arrogance. He looks over the room with obvious intent. Pointing to those involved in the above conversation he says:

"I'm going to guess you're the lot I'm supposed to shack up with then, eh?"

2011-07-29, 08:32 AM
"It must be dark times indeed, if I was called here to work with others." the Githyanki says to those gathered around.

"I am looking forward to working with the rest of you, I hope our combined skills can quickly solve Mr. Mercathy's concerns. I am Ralzik the Student. Do not be put off by my race, I have rejected their ways to learn of the world and myself.", Ralzik preaches to the group.

Ralzik continues, "It appears we have another day before we must meet, perhaps we shall discuss our various talents and make sure we have equipment we might need for any fights against the darkness?"

Before anyone can answers, Ralzik continues again, "I myself have 'connections' still to the Astral sea, and should prove useful in any situation. Unfortunately the small raft I came here on, too quickly I might add, broke when I tried to secure it in a discrete location. "

Ralzik suddenly goes silent, pondering upon something.

2011-07-29, 08:53 AM
"I too believe that discussing our assets would be wise," replied Tal. "I have trained in the use of the greatbow for many years. I am also skilled in acrobatics and healing, and can hide from others quite easily, as well as spot details others might miss. I have also come to be quite familiar with a variety of creatures that one might encounter. I also thought it wise to purchase some everlasting provisions, which I almost always have with me." He smiled sheepishly after he realized how much his previous monologue had sounded like boasting.

2011-07-29, 09:03 AM
Smiling a new smile, Ralzik turns to Tal and says, "It is good that I have met you, my knowledge of animals of this world is lacking. I hope that over time you will be able to teach me more about them."

Mando Knight
2011-07-29, 10:04 AM
The elf smiles as she takes the goblet. «Thank you, kinsman. They are here on behest of the same one who called me?»

Kathryn drifts to the table where the others have gathered.

2011-07-29, 01:54 PM
"Well folks my name is Ned. I have two loves in my life, the dark arts and music. I am able to inspire folks to greatness..." (sparks fly from his hands in a most magnificent way as he whistles an energetic tune) "...or call upon dark arts to dispatch of tricky nuisances." (as he says this a smell of rotting flesh overtakes the area). "When necessary I can combine the two for a most unique effect!" (This time Ned whistles a song in minor key, and it would appear the blood drips out of his eyes and mouth. All around the bar laughter begins to boom for a moment and the light of the room begins to dim. Then within seconds, all of the super natural effects fade, and Nedwin is left laughing…

"Hahaha! You should have seen you lot! Anyway do not worry, I am not what most would call a true necromancer, at least not in the 'take-over-the-world' sense. I find the science of necromancy most fascinating, and have been able to weave it into my other true calling of minstrel."

Prestidigitation, Spook and Ghost Sound... I didn't roll because I'm just going for effect.

2011-07-29, 03:22 PM
Argius chuckles at this gnome. "A minstrel of the dead, eh?" He waves him over to the bar. "Well, dirge-singer, I believe we may have something for you." Argius gestures to the note with a slight wave of his hand, then pats the bar stool next to him. "Have a seat...Ned, is it?"

He turns to the rest of the group and speaks in a matter-of-fact tone. "I am Argius, warrior of the Deep Night, of the Waterhold clan. More regarding my background I will reveal later. For now, you may consider me a simple mercenary." He slaps the mordenkrad on his back and eyes each one of those sitting around him. "None surpass me in the use of the dwarven hammer, not even the warriors of Hammerfast. Do not take this skill as a sign of simplicity, however. I also have significant knowledge of the arcane and religious arts, should need for such things arise."

Argius nods solemnly, then speaks in a flat, almost threatening, voice. "Knowledge of the enemy, as well as history in general, is a far more dangerous weapon than any hammer or blade, my friends. Remember that."

2011-07-29, 03:29 PM
Somewhat off-put by the presence of one who studies necromancy, but willing to accept any ally, Tal smiled at Ned, and said, "I'm sure your many skills will be useful at some point."

2011-07-31, 04:49 AM
After seeing Ned do his stuff, Ralzik looks on with some awe, "You have many great talents Ned, we will do well to know each other better."

Then, turning to Argius he says, " I could not agree more great dwarf. To know of history is to know everything. I take great joy in the irony of your chosen weapon. The knowledge of history and the arcane is not a blunt weapon which strikes hard against your foe in an instant, the way you suggest your hammer does."

Pondering a bit, Ralzik says, "We should order a grand meal for all of us, before we must meet for our task tommorow."

2011-07-31, 04:36 PM
"An excellent suggestion, githyanki!" Argius grins and waves the barkeep over, yet his smile fades as he turns back toward Ralzik. "But as for my choice in weaponry, you think it ironic? Perhaps, yet you miss the subtlety of my choice. A hammer leaves no scars or wounds, but its effects remain. It kills silently, and when it does not kill, it bruises."

Argius sips his hogspit, pausing to reflect. "Yet the flesh, like creatures of it, is quick to forget, and the bruise fades. So are creatures and history. Those who survive its blows know its power, but only for a moment. In time, they forget, and the blunt force of the past crashes down upon them again. Their ignorance is my strength."

Mando Knight
2011-08-02, 09:11 PM
The lithe elf steps a touch closer. "Well met, adventurers. I am Kathryn, and I was told that your group could use my blades."

2011-08-02, 11:42 PM
"So it would seem, though not by choice." Argius says flatly, then stiffens suddenly and coughs at his own words. "Ahem, which is to say by the choice of another. I doubt any of us expected to be working with others when summoned, much less such a motley crew. Please, m'lady, have a seat. I am Argius, at your service."

2011-08-03, 02:17 AM
While feasting over a large meal with his new friends Ralzik turns to Argius, "Yes, I can see you have a point about the subtlety of a hammer. This is new to me, and I will have to think on it more. However, a point I would like to raise, puns intended, is that the only thing silent about a hammer is a smash to throat... while the crunching of the bones makes a most delicious sound.", Ralzik then makes a point of crushing some bones from his meat in his mouth.

Ralzik does his best to greet and befriend each of the adventurers joining him for the meal before the meeting time, trying his hardest to talk about mundane things.

2011-08-04, 06:46 PM
As you sit, talking and sharing your experiences and specialities, a dwarf circles your table slowly, making eye contact with each one of you with a slight nod. In what he hopes is subtle manner, he slides down into the empty sixth chair and smiles.

Through gritted, smiling teeth, he hisses,

"You were not to meet until tomorrow. No matter. We can take care of things tonight. If you are ready, follow me at a safe distance. Act casual. Oh..forgive me, my name is Thain Cardaras. I was sent to collect you. Please."

He rises from the table, gives a very slight bow, and heads for the door at a leisurely pace.

2011-08-04, 07:24 PM
Curious at the man's apparent paranoia, Tal followed, though was slightly ill at ease. He followed the man, as he needed work, though the man's behavior caused him to hesitate for several moments.

2011-08-04, 09:16 PM
A minute after or so after the dwarf has left, Argius stands to his feet. "I hate to leave so pleasant a dinner, but there are things to which I must attend. Relatives...you know how they are." Argius winks at the group and heads to the door, rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand as he walks.

Readying an action to draw his mordenkrad if attacked. I'm not sure how to do that outside of combat, so I figured I'd describe it. :smallredface:

2011-08-05, 02:06 AM
Watching all his companions leave, Ralzik greedily finishes the meal they all left behind. "Leaving me with the bill as usual," he mutters to himself. "This is not a concern, they will pay be back when we meet again." After he finishes the last bite, Ralzik stands up and heads out for a evening stroll, always keeping one eye on where his companions might be headed.

2011-08-05, 08:02 AM
Well then, shall we?

With that Ned grabs one last helping of food and follows the group. Making an attempt to not be first or last. Although his outward appearance is light and bubbly, he certainly does not trust his current leader.

2011-08-07, 02:33 PM
Thain walks out into the late afternoon sun and turns south down the long western road. Walking boldly with slow, exaggerated steps, he continues along the southern route without even looking to see if you follow. After a few minutes of walking, as you enter a treeline, he stops at something in the road.

Mysterious rolls

You see that he has stopped at a loaded crossbow on the ground. With poor theatrics, he acts astonished and pick it up with an almost comically surprised expression. You also notice a second crossbow stashed in the bushes by some rocks to the south.

You see that he has stopped at a loaded crossbow on the ground. With poor theatrics, he acts astonished and pick it up with an almost comically surprised expression. You also notice a second crossbow stashed in the bushes by some rocks to the south.

You see that he has stopped at a loaded crossbow on the ground. With poor theatrics, he acts astonished and pick it up with an almost comically surprised expression. You also notice a second crossbow stashed in the bushes by some rocks to the south.

You see that he has stopped at a loaded crossbow on the ground. With poor theatrics, he acts astonished and pick it up with an almost comically surprised expression. You also notice a second crossbow stashed in the bushes by some rocks to the south. Along with some suspicious movement behind the rock

You see that he has stopped at a loaded crossbow on the ground. With poor theatrics, he acts astonished and pick it up with an almost comically surprised expression.

2011-08-07, 03:46 PM
Watching the group up ahead, Ralzik the student , suddenly stops. Pondering the situation, and slips behind the nearest large tree.

2011-08-07, 07:54 PM
Fully aware of the acting of the group's guide, Tal attempted to discreetly draw his bow and ready an arrow. He kept one eye on the guide, and watched, hoping that nothing would endanger him or the others.

Mando Knight
2011-08-07, 10:34 PM
Kathryn pulls out her bow and nocks an arrow as she follows, keeping an eye to the south. Archery may not be her specialty, but until she closes for sword range, her elven instincts would have to guide her shot if trouble shows.

2011-08-07, 11:34 PM
Seeing the two nock arrows, Ralzik tries to get a bit further behind the tree, while preparing himself to call upon his 'contacts' if necessary.

'contacts' is what he calls his connection to his pacts :)

2011-08-08, 12:48 AM
Argius ceases rubbing his neck and yanks the mordenkrad from his back in one movement. "Drop it, Cardaras!" he bellows, "Who do you think you're fooling?"

I doubt one could say more in a free action. :smallredface:

2011-08-08, 01:06 AM
Turning with feigned surprise, Thain says, "Huh? What ever do you mean? I thought we were... GET THEM!!"

From behind rocks and bushes leap crazed bersekers.

Nedwin - [roll0]
Argius - [roll1]
Tal - [roll2]
Kathryn - [roll3]
Ralzik - [roll4]
Thain - [roll5]
Berserkers - [roll6]

Initiative Order:

2011-08-08, 06:15 AM
Argius quickly examines berserkers, hopeful he can recall something pertinent about them from his studies.


2011-08-08, 06:32 AM
OK, actually managed to find a bit of internet time in a very hectic few days, so going to make this quick...
Tal quickly unleashed an arrow at the Berserker directly south of himself. He then ducked behind a rock to provide himself with some shelter from attack.

Standard action - basic attack of Berserker at F13
Free action (?) - Load greatbow (I do not have my Adventurer's Vault with me, and I won't until late tonight. I think it's load free, but it might be load minor. I have room for either, so...)
Move action - Move to G6

Attack roll - [roll0]
Damage Roll (If it hits) - [roll0]

2011-08-08, 07:08 AM
Ralzik, runs around the tree, to behind one of the berserkers.
moves to L10 (activating his shadow walk, is now concealed at the end of the turn) and calls upon his 'contacts' to destroy the cretins that would interrupt his study.(marking the nearest berserker)
After getting behind the berserker, Ralzik points his dragon rod into the back of the nearest berserker, sending forth a large burning red dragon claw. [roll0] if it hits, it does [roll1]damage. If I take damage before my next turn, it does another [roll2] damage Which grabs at nothing but air.

A sour look of fear and dissapointment engulfs Ralzik's ashen face, before he shimmers into the shadows. Now has 'concealed' status

2011-08-08, 12:17 PM
Tal Rolls
I didn't see your stats on the sheets so forgive me if my quick calculations are wrong.
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Be sure not to "Preview Post" if your message has rolls. It won't work correctly

From past experience, you have seen berserkers make extra attacks when they are first wounded to a certain point.

2011-08-08, 12:41 PM
Thain aims his crossbow at Tal and laughs maniacally as he fires, "You shall all kneel before me, alive or dead!"

Attack vs Tal AC(19) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] + [roll2]
Tal takes 11 damage

The bolt takes Tal in the hip, turning him slightly. Thain tosses the crossbow over his shoulder and takes cover with his wounded friend, picking up a second crossbow. While out of sight, his continued laughter can be heard, echoing around the trees.

Move: move to F12
Minor: sustain manic laughter

2011-08-08, 12:47 PM
Argius calls out to his allies, "If you hurt them, kill them! Wounds just make them fiercer!"

2011-08-08, 01:03 PM
Suddenly, the air is filled with frenzied screaming as greataxe wielding madmen leap from behind rocks and charge into the fray.

From both sides of the road, berserkers rush to chop Tal into many pieces.
Berserker 1
Move: move to F6
Standard: Attack vs Tal AC(19) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Berserker 3
Standard: Charge vs Tal AC(19) - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Tal nimbly sidesteps one swing while blocking the other with a tap from his bow.

Feeling an eldritch blast blow by him, the berserker turns to confront his shadowy enemy.
Berserker 4
Move: move to K10
Standard: Attack vs Ralzik AC (18+2) - [roll4]
Damage - [roll5]
Ralzik takes 14 damage
The greataxe whooshes through an area of distorted shadow, clipping Ralzik on his shoulder, smearing blood upon his marked flesh.

With a roar, a berserker leaps from the northern rocks and charges down upon Argius.
Berserker 2
Standard: Charge vs Argius AC (18) - [roll6]
Damage - [roll7]
Being no stranger to charging, Argius has to suppress a smile at the ease with which he foils the berserker's charge.

Kathryn's turn

Mando Knight
2011-08-08, 03:18 PM
Seeing she is too late to fire her shot, Kathryn drops her bow, and slipping into the fray with elven grace draws her blades to slice into the two berserkers next to Tal. "Don't hold back. A bear does not fear a timid wolf."

Free: drop bow.
Move: walk to G7.
Minor: draw Oathblade short sword +1.
Standard: draw Rhythm short sword +1 in off-hand, use Dual Strike on the adjacent Berserkers, marking both of them.

2011-08-09, 01:57 PM
Both berserkers grunt with pain as the spinning blades find their mark.

Nedwin's up.

2011-08-10, 04:20 AM
"Surround the ambushers!", Ralzik shouts out after getting a nasty blow from the man beside him.

2011-08-12, 05:44 AM
Ned walks towards one of his foes and hums a disgustingly spooky tune.

"You surprise us with attack,
I surprise you, with my yelp.
Tal my friend, allow me,
to give you a little help."

As Ned sings this tune dark purple light flows around him, looking spectacular and scary at the same time. The same energy begins to envelope both Tal's arms and the head of his enemy.

"Tal, it is pinata time."

Free: Prestidigitation
Move: walk to I6.
Minor: <none>.
Standard: Use Blunder on the enemy in F6

Ranged 5 -- CHA vs Will -- 1D6 + CHA
Moves enemy 2 sq. Either ally or Ned can make a basic attack with +2 to attack roll.

I choose to move the enemy to E6, then back to F6, and let Tal take a free pot shot on him with a +2 to attack. That is after I calculat my own damage!

Attack roll: CHA vs Will [roll0]
Damage: 1D6 + CHA [roll1]

2011-08-12, 07:28 AM
Taking the opening allowed by Ned's assistance, Tal quickly attacked his foe. He then offered Ned a smile as thanks, though quickly directed his attention back to the battle.

Not sure exactly what kind of action it is... but Murf's power let me make an attack on one of the Berserkers, so I will go ahead and roll for that.

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2011-08-12, 07:29 AM
With a clawing hand, Argius reaches toward the berserker next to him. "Dosé moy moyrtas su!" His eyes flash, and he grins at the berserker. "And you thought your last swing was bad. Try and strike me now!"

With that, he whirls around and, without creating so much as the slightest opening, rushes the other berserker next to Ralzik. He stumbles as he reaches the berserker, however, and his mordenkrad crashes into the ground when he swings.

Curse berserker at H4, granting Argius a +2 to all defenses against said berserker, then charge to J9 to attack the berserker at K10.

Eldritch Strike

How fitting I couldn't get my damage rolls to work. Oh well.

Edit: Forgot to mention that Argius is now concealed until the end of his next turn.

2011-08-13, 06:29 PM
Tal carefully maneuvered himself out of harm's way, then loosed two arrows, one at the two Berzerkers closest to him.

Move - Shift to H7
Minor - Declare Berserker at H4 as quarry
Standard - Twin Strike at-will power

Attack on H4 - [roll0]
Damage on H4 - [roll1] (from hunter's quarry, [roll2] more)

Attack on F6 - [roll3]
Damage on F6 - [roll4]

2011-08-13, 11:30 PM
One berserker shrugs off Tal's attack, the other grunts with pain as the arrow worms its way into his side. He grins more manically at the ranger.

Ralzik's up.

2011-08-14, 12:24 AM
Ralzik squirms his way away from the berzerker between himself and Argius, and runs behind the trees up onto the main road, where he is cloaked in shadow. He then sends a thin line of ethereal flame out from his dragon rod towards the berzerker which gave Tal a nasty grin.
Move to L7, concealed in shadows

Eldritch blast to berserker at F6

Ralzik looks surprisingly unmoved, when the Berzerker fails to maneuver his way out of the blast.

2011-08-15, 01:48 PM
As Ralzik squirms, the berserker sees a movement in the shadows and takes a wild swing at it with his greataxe...

Opp Attack vs Ralzik AC+2(20) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

...but it finds no mark.

2011-08-15, 01:59 PM
The shadow slides around the foliage and releases a blast against a distant berserker. He roars with pain as his eyes roll back in his head and he takes an angered swing at the only enemy around, Kathryn...

Battle Fury Attack vs Kathryn AC (23) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Bonus Damage - [roll2]

..which she manages to block, barely.

2011-08-15, 02:12 PM
Thain cackles as he swings around to the other side of the rock cover and fires a crossbow at Argius yelling, "Mess with the Bloodreavers, will ya'!"

Crossbow against Argius AC+2(20) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Bonus Damage - [roll2]

The bolt flies into the trees behind Argius. Thains cackles stop momentarily then continue in earnest. "You shall never defeat us!!"

2011-08-15, 10:24 PM
The two wildmen feel Kathryn's gaze steadily upon them so they encircle her to bring their attacks to best advantage...
Shifts to G6
Attacks Kathryn AC(23) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Shifts to G8
Attacks Kathryn AC(23) - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
however, both are confounded by her whirling blades.

Not being a lover of the poetic verse, one of the berserkers chooses Nedwin to decapitate. "Feel steel!", he chortles as he swings...
Shifts to H5
Attacks Nedwin AC(15?) - [roll4]
Damage - [roll5]
Armor Class under review
but stifles his laugh after fumbling his greataxe.

As his previous target has fled, the mad man is content to turn and swing at the new meat...
Attacks Argius AC+2(20) - [roll6]
Damage - [roll7]
until he realizes that the dwarf is not going to just lay down and take the hit.

Kathryn's up, Nedwin on deck.

Mando Knight
2011-08-16, 01:08 PM
Kathryn flicks her blade into the path of one of the berserkers as he lumbers so slowly into position, then flits around behind them, driving her blades in wherever they might fit.

Immediate Interrupt: Combat Challenge grants Kathryn an MBA against Berserker 3.

Standard: Tempest Dance against Berserker 3.
Effect: Shift to F6, attack Berserker 1
[roll4] (Combat Advantage)
[roll5] (Tempest Dance adds Dex to damage with CA, Light Blade Expertise adds +1)
Effect: Shift to G5, attack Berserker 2
[roll6] 26 (See post below)
Mark all three Berserkers

Mando Knight
2011-08-16, 01:10 PM
Seeing her blade go just too shallow to strike her third target, Kathryn taps into her uncanny reflexes to correct the error.
Free Action: Elven Accuracy to reroll the third attack roll.

2011-08-16, 03:09 PM
Watching the dancing elf before him, Ralzik stays stone faced, though a careful observer might detect a glimmer in his eye which betrays his amazement.

2011-08-16, 10:58 PM
As one berserker shifts into position, Kathryn sees an opening and strikes, wounding the mad man. When she begin her Dance of Death, the first strike hits the same berserker. His eyes roll back, froth erupts from his mouth a with an unintelligible scream he lashes out a Kathryn, target of immeasurable fury...

Battle Fury vs Kathryn AC(23) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Bonus damage - [roll2]
Kathryn takes 11 damage.

catching her along the rib cage as she spins by. A small wince of pain is all that shows as she continues her Tango of Tempestuous Terror.

Nedwin's up, Argius on deck

2011-08-17, 10:53 AM
Ned notices that one of his adversaries is doing very poor. Black liquid begins to seep from his mouth and eyes as he begins a wicked song.

I notice you are moments from death.
I notice you molesting the air for breath.
As the spirits come to claim your soul.
I give you one last chance to pay my toll.

As music from absolutely nowhere and everywhere continues, Ned shouts without singing. His voice booms like thunder as a dark fog gathers at his feet.

Stand down welp, or face my unique flavor of death, your choice!

Move: to J6
Minor: Prestidigitation (for flavor)
Major: Intimidate (spook)

Make an arcana check instead of an intimidate check.

Intimidate Berserker in G6. [roll0]

2011-08-17, 11:12 AM
Argius attempts to take advantage of the distraction, quickly sliding away from the berserker next to him. "I'll deal with you later." He faces the berserker between Tal and Kathryn and raises a clawed hand toward him. "For now, you! Dosé moy moyrtas su!"

Argius' armor pulsates with dark energy, and a spectral hand flies toward his foe. It evaporates in a mist just before striking the creature, but a wry smile crosses the sender's face. Without the slightest grunt, Argius whips back his mordenkrad and charges the berserker, flying past the other before it can react.

His weapon slams into the berserker, and black crackling energy engulfs both the hammer and its target. Argius whirls the berserker around and toss it behind him.

He rolls his shoulders as his body seems to flicker in and out of existence.

Move: Shift to I9
Minor: Armor of Black Majesty, Curse any enemy you see instead of the enemy closest to you. Target G6
Standard: Charge to G7, Eldritch Strike Berserker at G6
Attack - vs AC (Combat Advantage)
Damage - [roll1] + Curse [roll2] + Horned Helm [roll3]
Critical Damage - [roll4]
Slide Berserker from G6 to F8

Renewed Shadow Walk.

Edit: Rerolling weapon damage in OOC because of brutal 1 property [roll]2d5+9 instead of 2d6+7. In the future I will use the first notation. Damage is 15+5+1, for 21 total damage.

2011-08-17, 12:35 PM
Screaming with black energy crackling out of his mouth, the berserker collapses into a twitching mass on the ground.

2011-08-17, 12:56 PM
Argius reaches out and seems to grasp the air. "Moyrtas. Su ei mou."

Fate of the Void
+1 to any d20 roll before end of your next turn.
Improved Fate of the Void
Increase the bonus to the d20 roll from Fate of the Void by +1 (May need a DM ruling on that. It's either +1 to the total, or +1 per each enemy dropped. Presently I'm assuming the former).

2011-08-17, 01:56 PM
As the berserker dies, Ned hums a quick funeral dirge while pointing one hand towards the dead foe, and another towards Tal. A foul purple energy leeches out of the berserker, and into Tal.

Lifetaker - Immediate Reaction
Trigger: a non minion living creature dies within 5 squares of you. You or one ally gains temp hit points equal to his or her healing surge value.

It would be a shame to waste all that glorious life on the dead, wouldn't you agree Tal?

2011-08-18, 05:21 AM
From behind the trees, you hear a shadowy voice suggesting that we kill off the heavily wounded before they can strike again.

2011-08-19, 04:57 PM
Tal loosed two arrows at the nearest Berzerker, utilizing a technique he had learned which often caused the momentum of his arrows to push his targets short distances. He then chose to move to a more advantageous position.

Standard Action-Tundertusk Boar Strike. If both hit, push the berserker adjacent to Tal to H2. If only one hits, push the berserker to H4.
Move Action-If either hit of Thundertusk Boar Strike hits and pushes the berserker, move to A6. If neither hits and/or neither pushes the Berserker, shift to G6.
Attack 1 - [roll0]
Damage 1 - [roll1]

Attack 2 - [roll2]
Damage 2 - [roll3]

2011-08-20, 06:26 PM
The crazed berserker catches both arrows solidly in the chest which sends him flailing back into the undergrowth. He strikes out blindly with great anger and chaos but there is no one around to damage.

Ralzik's up

2011-08-21, 12:47 AM
Like THAT famous chicken,Ralzik crosses the road. He sends out a curse at the berserker in the bushes and sends a blast of eldritch power from his dragon rod. After the blast he again fades into the shadows.

Move to L4
Curse Berseker
Eldritch blast (+1 for Prime Shot)
If berserker dies, Ralzik gains 4 temp hp



2011-08-23, 01:47 PM
Even through the trees, you can see the berserker glow briefly as the bolt engulfs him and he yelps with pain.

From across the road a maniacal voice rings out, "You'll never even reach the Hall!" and Nedwin sees a crossbow bolt heading his way.

Crossbow va Nedwin AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Bonus Damage - [roll2]
Hit for 8 damage

The bolt catches his non-musical arm with a twang. This amuses Thain to no end.

2011-08-23, 01:55 PM
OW! Grrr....

Ned surrounds himself with purple smoke, and with a low pitch hum, fades from sight.

Once per encounter when harmed Nedwin can turn invisible. Invisibility ends if Nedwin attacks or until the end of his next turn.

2011-08-23, 02:00 PM
The battle-worn berserker comes wildly charging out of the underbrush directly at Ralzik, his latest attaker. He closes the distance rapidly and swings his greataxe into the shadowy mists.
B2 charge vs Ralzik AC(18+2conceal) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
His blade catches nothing but shadowy tendrils of nothingness.

With as tasty a target as Argius, the marked berserker can't resist taking a slice.
B3 attack vs Argius AC(18+2conceal) - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Hit, 12 damage.
He carves himself a tender strip of dwarven flesh.

Edited action from reaction to Nedwin invisibility

2011-08-23, 02:44 PM
The lonely berserker watches his intended target disappear before his eyes. He decides that he, too, would like a chunk of dwarven lunchmeat.
Charge vs Argius AC(18+2conceal) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
But, alas, he must go hungry.

Kathryn up, Nedwin on deck.

Mando Knight
2011-08-23, 05:50 PM
Groaning at the missed opportunity to knock the charging berserker down, she instead slips around behind the two attacking Argius.

Move to G9 by way of E8 and F10 to avoid opportunity attacks.
Standard Dual Strike the two berserkers. Both attacks vs Ref (due to Midnight Blade Student), and marking both targets.
[roll0] (Combat Advantage)

2011-08-23, 07:12 PM
The two mad men give yelps as they are impolitely poked from behind. Still, they glare hungrily at their dwarven feast.

Nedwin up, Argius on deck

2011-08-24, 11:15 AM
Noting Nedwin's sudden disappearance and the stillness from his previous location, Argius takes matters into his own hands. He breathes in deeply, and a deep shadow engulfs the fresh wound on his side. Light bursts from the edges of the shadow, and in an instant both shadow and wound are gone. He smiles slightly. "She's still a pitiful shield."

Glaring at the berserker that struck him, Agrius reaches out a clawed hand. "Don't try that again. Dosé moy moyrtas su!" He then rushes toward the berserker who attacked Ralzik, fingers moving as though a puppeteer. "Your fate is tied to your ally's." Argius swings his mordenkrad as it again crackles with black energy, impacting the berserker with a sickening thud. He tosses the fiend aside and repositions his hammer, ready to strike again, his ethereal appearance as strong as ever.

Minor Action: Dwarven Resilience (Second Wind as a minor action), +12 HP to Argius.
Minor Action (Replacing Move Action): Curse Berserker 3 (G8)
Standard Action: Charge to J4 and attack Berserker 2 (K3)

Eldritch Strike
Attack - [roll0] (using Improved Fate of the Void)
Damage - [roll1] + Curse [roll2] + Horned Helm [roll3] for a total of 22 damage
Critical Hit [roll4]
If somehow that berserker is still alive, slide him to J5.

Edit: Forgot to mention that Shadow Walk is once again renewed.

2011-08-24, 10:10 PM
The berserker is bathed in sizzling black energy that causes his body to writhe in spasms. Finally, the body stops convulsing and lies still, for ever more.

2011-08-26, 09:31 PM
"Another released; another entwined." Argius reaches out a hand, quickly gathering up the invisible strings of fate. "Now, where was I?"

Improved Fate of the Void Triggered

2011-08-30, 12:57 AM
Seeing that his opponents like to charge Nedwin decides to slow them down a bit. As he was now visible, he decided a show was in order. He starts a slow, menacing chant in a discordent minor key.

You seek to cut and slice our skin
but can you fight the stone within
erupting forth from 'neath the land
to trap and freeze you where you stand

As his chant grows, the flesh appears to slough of his head until nothing remains but a singing skull. Bones jut violently upwards through the ground, filling the area with jagged spears.

Cordon of Bones
Attack vs Berserker 3 Fort(15) - [roll0]
Attack vs Beserker 4 Fort (15)- [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Enemies only: Area becomes difficult terrain, -2 to attacks while in zone, 5 damage entering zone

By the by, it seems prestidigitation is a standard action, but as long as its just for flavor, I think minor action is fine.

Tal's up, Ralzik on deck

2011-08-30, 07:40 PM
Tal shouted a few words of encouragement to his allies. He then struck one of the Berserkers, hoping to finish him off, then turned his attention to Thain.

Free Action - Speak
Standard Action - Twin Strike on Berserker at G8
Move Action - Move to A12

Attack Roll 1 - [roll0]
Damage Roll 1 - [roll1]
Attack Roll 2 - [roll2]
Damage Roll 2 - [roll3]

2011-08-30, 11:06 PM
The berserker screams his last as he falls to the ground, a pin cushion filled with fletched pins.

2011-08-30, 11:58 PM
Clenching his fist about an invisible material, Argius speaks flatly, "A noose of Strings of Fate. How fitting."

Improved Fate of the Void
Presently granting a +3 bonus to one d20 roll on Argius' next turn.

2011-08-31, 01:17 AM
Ralzik struts forward to the edge of the tree line and sends forth a giant dragon claw to grasp as the last berserker.

Move to J7 (activate shadow walk)
Slide Berzerker to h12

The claw squeezes tightly around the berserk and flings him onto the boulders next to Thain.

The intimidating voice of Ralzik ominously comes from the shadows, shouting out to Thain, "You know how this is going to end. Give up now, and tell us what is this mad scheme, before we slay you and your mad men where you stand."

2011-08-31, 01:22 AM
Intimidate roll against Thain

2011-08-31, 11:04 PM
Scoffing at Ralzik's puny attempt to sway him, Thain levels his crossbow at him and fires with mocking disdain.

Crossbow vs Ralzik AC (18+2conceal+2conceal) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

With less laugh and more ire, he shouts to the berserker,
"FINISH THEM! FOR THE BLOODREAVERS!" and runs off through the trees.

2011-08-31, 11:18 PM
The berserker, with screaming rage, charges the elven fighter.

Charge H10 vs Kathryn AC (23) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Kathryn takes 6 damage

His greataxe clangs against Kathryn's armor with a sound clangy-clang!

Kathryn up, Argius on deck, followed by Nedwin

Mando Knight
2011-09-01, 11:31 AM
(Not that it really changes much, but you can't charge like that. You have to charge to the nearest square where you could attack the target. If it's occupied or less than 2 squares away, you can't charge.)

The berserker's savage slash barely beats past Kathryn's defenses, leaving a disappointingly shallow cut. In return, she drops down and slashes at his legs, then dashes out. Gathering her energy, she then charges Thain.

Standard: Spinning Sweep on Berserker 4. Mark the Berserker again. (Marks only last until the end of Kathryn's next turn, after all.)
Hit: [roll1], and the Berserker is knocked prone.

Move: Walk to H14.

Action Point: Charge to J15, attacking and marking Thain.

2011-09-01, 12:01 PM
Seeing the two rush into the trees, Argius follows. "From cool summer to frozen winter!" He slams his mordenkrad into the ground, and a black energy pours forth, covering the dirt with ice crystals. At the same time, a spectral noose flies toward Thain and wraps itself around his throat.

Blackness bursts from the ground around Thain, engulfing him. "Now stay there!" commands Argius as he forms icy chains from the darkness. Fate, however, seems to think the better of this act, and the shackles simply fall to the ground and evaporate.

Move Action: Move to K9 (Shadow Walk renewed)
Standard Action: Frigid Darkness targeting Thain
Attack - [roll0] vs Fort (Improved Fate of the Void used)
Damage - [roll1]
Critical - [roll2]

Thain grants combat advantage and in addition takes a -3 penalty to his AC until the end of Argius' next turn.

Action Point, Standard Action: Chains of Levistus
Attack - [roll3] vs Fort Critical Miss
Damage - [roll4]
Critical - [roll5]

2011-09-01, 04:54 PM
The berserker, looking up from the ground, sees Kathryn look at Thain and move towards him. Feeling ignored and rejected, the berserker takes a rolling swing at her to express his displeasure...

OA vs Kathryn AC (23) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

... but instead buries his axe in the dirt.

Nedwin up, Tal on deck.

2011-09-05, 08:13 AM
Tal move so that he had a clear shot at Thain. Before attacking, however, he asked Thain, "What was the point of all this? Why are you attacking us?"
Move action - Move to A14
Free action - Speak

2011-09-06, 03:10 PM
Thain screams as one possessed,
"You shall all perish before the might of the Bloodreavers!!"

2011-09-11, 02:27 AM
Hearing the ravings of Thain, Ralzik lashes out with a bit of an uncharacteristic fury, though he holds himself ensuring that he doesn't do any fatal damage.

If damage brings him to 0, knockout instead
Holding himself back, the fiery bolt misses it's mark and merely singes some trees.

A bit miffed at his failure, Ralzik moves over next to the prone berzerker, hoping to prevent him from standing up again.

Move to I10, invoke shadow walk

2011-09-11, 05:22 PM
Changing from maniacal to frenzied, Thain draws his warhammer and lashes out at Kathryn.

Attack vs Kathryn AC (concealment) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Having his swing blocked drives him to a new height of insanity.

2011-09-11, 05:27 PM
The berserker spits grass and dirt from his mouth. He leaps to his feet and swings his greataxe at Ralzik.

Attack vs Ralzik AC (concealment) = [roll0] (-2 for marked)
Damage - [roll1]

Rage cannot begin to describe his frustration.

Kathryn up, Argius on deck

Mando Knight
2011-09-13, 07:10 AM
Kathryn strikes back against the clumsy hammer attack with a lightning-fast triple-stab.
Rain of Blows on Thain, three attacks. Mark Thain.

2011-09-13, 07:41 PM
Thain grumbles, moans, and looks very uncomfortable but hangs in there.

Argius up, Nedwin are you there?

2011-09-13, 08:57 PM
Argius rushes to the east of the undergrowth and Thain. "Enough! Perhaps a few blows to your head will make you more communicative, or at minimum provide us a few moments of peace!" He reaches out a hand toward Thain, and a dark gloom covers the dwarf. Without another word, Argius charges the dwarf, his swing swift but controlled.

The black energy about his mordenkrad roars as with rage as it strikes Thain, engulfing the dwarf but denied his life.

Move Action: Move to N14
Minor Action: Curse Thain
Standard Action: Charge to L15 and attack Thain with Eldritch Strike. If the attack drops Thain to or below 0 HP, knock unconscious. If it hits but doesn't drop Thain to or below 0 HP, slide Thain to K15.

Attack - [roll0] vs AC
Damage [roll1] + Horned Helm [roll2] + Curse [roll3], for a total of 21 damage
Critical Hit [roll4]

2011-09-13, 10:41 PM
Thain screams and tears at the darkness that engulfs him but cannot find purchase. He is lifted from the ground by Argius' blow, slams into a nearby tree and falls to the dirt, spent of energy and breath but still living.

2011-09-14, 10:35 AM
Nedwin examines the bodies of the dead berserkers, gleaning necrotic morsels for later study.

Go, Tal, go.

2011-09-14, 05:19 PM
Tal loosed two arrows at Thain, hoping to finish off the clearly mad man.
Standard Action - Two-Fanged Strike

Attack 1 - [roll0]
Damage 1 - [roll1]

Attack 2 - [roll2]
Damage 2 - [roll3]

+4 damage if both hit

2011-09-14, 08:01 PM
Both arrows lance unmercifully into Thain. He screams and rolls over in agony. He is out of commission and won't be getting up ever again without assistance.

Ralzik, one berserker left.

2011-09-19, 12:17 PM
Taking a step back, Ralzik mutters some curses of revenge at the berserker.

Shift to J10
If Ralzik takes damage, the Berzerker takes another 1d6+8 damage, until the end of Ralzik's next turn.

Succesfully calling upon his contacts to curse the bersker, Ralzik looks thoughtfull before saying, "Do not cross us, you might be able to surrender now, if there is some benefit in it to us. Otherwise, to hell with you, and do not even try to strike back at me. You will die either way!"

2011-09-19, 01:06 PM
The berserker, frothubg madly, swings his greataxe wildly at the space Ralzik had just left, infuriating him further. His step closer to Ralzik and swings again...

Shift to I10
Attack against Ralzik AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Critical MISS

but the githyaki easily dodges the blow. Cursing the fates, the berserker screams, unrelenting in his attack.

Kathryn up, Argius, Tal on deck

2011-09-19, 01:09 PM
"Come now, if you are going to try to hit me, you should actually do so next time!"

Mando Knight
2011-09-19, 02:18 PM
Kathryn turns back to the barbarian. Walking up almost casually, she strikes out with a stab that's sure to sting at least a little.

Move to I9. I12-J11 and J10-I9 allows for the movement without provoking an OA.

Standard Reaping Strike on the Barbarian, marking him.
Hit: [roll1]
Miss: 2 damage

2011-09-20, 12:29 AM
Argius stumbles out of the brush and sets his sights on the berserker. Stonefaced, he charges forward, ready to end this fight.

Ethereal wisps from Thain's unconscious body rush toward the berserker, wrapping themselves around its legs. Held in place, Argius swings his mordenkrad into the creature. The blackness seems gleeful as its energies are unleashed, as if eager to kill after sparing Thain.

Move: M15 to M12
Standard Action: Charge to I11 and attack the berserker with Eldritch Strike.

Attack [roll0] (Improved Fate of the Void from Thain)
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] Curse + [roll3] Horned Helm for a total of 24 damage
Critical [roll4]

2011-09-20, 10:31 AM
Pounded by the unified attack of the group. the berserker crumples to the ground, a used up lump of a man.

From the northeast, hurrying down the road, you see two figures. One, a rather non-descript, middle aged human male, the other you recognize as Erandil, the barkeep from the Nentir Inn.

The man steps closer, scanning the area warily. "Are any of you hurt? Did he escape? Erandil contacted me as soon as he saw you leave with Thain. He has never been good news. Ah! I see he lives still. Quickly, bring him to the Inn."

2011-09-20, 11:43 AM
"More following random people? Why not do what we need to do here?," Ralzik says curiously.

2011-09-20, 12:34 PM
"I'm afraid that by inviting you here I have brought you into more danger than I anticipated," says the human, Donal Mercathy. "The problem is more wide spread than I thought. I didn't think they would be so brazen as to attack within city limits. They have become more desperate than anticipated. I am glad that we have put the fear into them, but it will make our job more difficult. They know you are here and they know what you can do. I had hoped to keep your mission as covert as possible. If you wish to conduct your interrogation here in the open, I suggest you do your work quickly. There is no telling who is about.

2011-09-20, 02:17 PM
Argius gives a sideways nod toward Donal. "He's right, Ralzik. This is far too open a location for interrogation. Perhaps we should head back to the inn." He walks a few feet past Donal, squinting into the distance, mouth open and teeth clenched. Without moving his lips or turning around, Argius speaks quietly to Donal. "Though I am curious they now know our strength. You know more than you let on. We can discuss that later."

2011-09-20, 02:23 PM
"Yes, let us go back to the inn..." Ralzik says a bit loudly. Then whispering to the group, "Or we can head that way then go into the forest, and put up some watchers while the others ask what they need to ask. From the sound of things Thain won't be saying much other than bloodreaver this or bloodreaver that."

2011-09-25, 10:39 PM
"Do as you see best, but I doubt we'll get much out of him. He is known locally as an eccentric who believes himself a lost king of the dwarves of the Dragonspine Mountains. When you are ready, I shall be waiting in the west lounge of the Nentir Inn. We should start without delay. Do not tarry."

Donal, looking cautiously to either side of the road as he walks, heads back down the road towards the Inn. Erandil follows him, looking back over his shoulder frequently, trying to speak to Donal in earnest.

2011-09-26, 02:23 AM
"Dragonspine Mountain..." Argius mumbles. "Well, eccentric or otherwise, some information is better than nothing."

He walks back to Ralzik and speaks in a low voice. "Erandil and the other fellow seem a bit too nervous about staying here. Something's up. If Thain knows anything and we're being watched here, what we learn may do us no good. Even if he knows nothing, we may provide our enemies with more information by staying put. 'The hills have eyes,' you know."

History check regarding the dwarves of the Dragonspine Mountains: [roll0]

2011-09-26, 10:21 AM
"Hmm, agreed, but we should perhaps send someone into the inn before us, so as not to be ambushed again." Ralzik says quietly.

Mando Knight
2011-09-26, 01:07 PM
"If that's what you think is wisest, one of you scouting types can go on ahead. I'd do it, but you probably would rather have someone strong to lug this Dwarf around."

Kathryn has already picked up Thain, and though it's fairly clear that he's more than she's normally comfortable carrying, Thain is after all a Dwarf, and is thus rather heavy.

2011-09-26, 03:27 PM
Tal noticed Kathryn attempting to lift the fallen dwarf. "Do you need any help carrying him?" He tried not to seem officious in his offer, and tried to avoid seeming as if he doubted her strength. "I'm sure having two people to share a load would be easier than one person bearing it alone."

Mando Knight
2011-09-30, 11:59 AM
Kathryn sizes up her companion for a moment. "Yeah, a bit of help would be appreciated. I kinda took you for the scouting type, though."

2011-09-30, 12:47 PM
"I'll scout ahead. I'm better suited for such things anyway." says Argius. He moves down the road, cloaking himself in darkness.

Shadow Walk from movement.
I'm not sure how you'd like to handle active perception checks out of combat.

2011-10-01, 11:49 PM
With the weight of the unconscious dwarf between two of them, and the remaining party scouting ahead or keeping watch, you arrive without incident at the Nentir Inn. Shuffling you prisoner in through a side door, you make your way back to the West Lounge where Donal is waiting for you.

Between Nedwin and Ralzik playing "good cop, bad cop", Argius' dwarven pressure, with Kathryn's and Tal's sharpening of weapons, you are fairly confident you got as much as you can out of Thain. Unfortunately, it is mainly comprised of rantings of his "rightful place among the rulers" of Dragonspine Mountains, already ruled peacefully for the last 750 years by the Graniteberm Clan, and the repeated threats of the "Bloodreavers." Donal has him remanded to the local authorities and returns to the table, sighing.

"Ah, it is as I feared. They have found of your coming, and are trying to stop you before you begin. Perhaps it is best if I start from the beginning."

2011-10-02, 12:52 AM
"I am Donal Mercathy. I 'arrange' things. I would not dare call myself an adventurer but I have many connections throughout the Nentir Vale. I have found a job for myself in matching people with things that need to get done. I hear rumor of need one place, I'll check it out, analyze what it might take to do the job, and get those parts together. A first it was mainly work with the markets. Grain here for livestock there, harvest need hands, hands need work, I merely put the two together. I ask a small fee on the side from the parties to respect my participation, but I have yet to receive a complaint from any of my deals. Both parties believe that they have come out ahead. I have been very successful at this. Until last month."

"I had heard that Fallcrest was suffering from unusually heavy bandit activity for this time of year. The bandits had also begun taking captives, not just cargo. One or two people, not entire wagon trains. I collected a group to stop these marauders and find out what they were up to. I suspected slave trading or conscription and composed my party based on that. I met with, gave them what information I had, and confidently sent them on their way. I heard nothing from them for a week and a half. Then, in the dark of night, after pounding at my door, I found myself supporting the bloodied body of my paty's fighter. With little breath left, he told me what few things they had found out and died in my arms. Gold and a good cleric can only heal so much. He left town quickly."

2011-10-02, 01:31 AM
"It was the details I had missed that proved my downfall. These were not just a disorganized band of bandits. The Bloodreavers had come to Fallcrest. They are known more for their work west of the Stonemarch mountains, disrupting city works, pressuring ruling classes, until a leader favorable to their group is put in charge. The have been facing opposition of late, my town uniting against them. It seems they have moved and changed tactics. New plans and, perhaps new partners. While slavery is part of it, finding to whom they are selling the slaves proves far more elusive. One new bit of information my group had found out was where they were basing their operations. The Thunderspire Mountains. Deep under the mountains is a city built by minotaurs long ago, twisted tunnels and caverns, a vast labyrinth. The Bloodreavers have found haven in the darkness there and must be removed."

"I had hoped to gather a new team to move in without notice, establish yourselves in the Seven Pillared Hall, a free city within the labyrinth, and begin exploring from there. But it seems we have been noticed. Whether the previous team revealed too much or my system of messengers has been compromised, I will find out. It was to our benefit that they underestimated you. But when they receive report of Thain's failure, they will be ready. Our only hope is to confound their intelligence. I will spread disinformation and rumors to track the leak back to their spy and deal with him. Perhaps I may even use Thain to our advantage. For your part, you must travel in secrecy as soon as possible. It will supply with what information and items I can but needs be that you leave tonight under cover of darkness."

Each of you receive a Level 6 or lower item of your choosing. You also receive directions to the entrance of the Labyrinth

2011-10-05, 11:18 AM
Fearful that his party's silence signifies reluctance, Donal adds, "If I have misjudged you or you abilities, please forgive me, the fault would be mine. If you are unwilling to take on this task, I understand. You are under no geas to accept. You may go and Pelor's speed to you. If you do choose to undertake this mission, I ask that you make a pledge to see this task through to the end. There is no magic involved. I seek only your word."

Mando Knight
2011-10-05, 03:09 PM
Kathryn shrugs. "Well, caves and such aren't my specialty, but I'm game. Bloodreavers shouldn't be too much of a problem for us if they're all like the clumsy axe-men we beat."

2011-10-05, 08:00 PM
"My silence is only on account of consideration." says Argius. "When first contacted I was quite ready for any challenge. Your tale may be grim, but does not weaken my resolve. However,-" he turns to Kathryn, "-I doubt the rest of the Bloodreavers will be as incompetent as those we fought earlier. While perhaps tactical efficient, it is not strategically so to face every new threat with full force. If the Bloodreavers have as many eyes as you imply, Mercathy, there will be far more and far worse among their ranks."

He pauses for effect, perhaps a bit longer than necessary. "As such, count me in. I shall see this through to the end, for good or ill." Argius grips his upper arms, then slides his hands down them, forming a cup with his hands. He offers it to Donal. "Anadidomi soi mou moirai, Donal Mercathy; my fate is bound to it."

The text below is not meant to rush the story, just my noting what Argius does after the meeting.
Later that evening...

Sitting in a room of the upper floor of the inn, Argius feels the new bands on his forearms. Donal must have paid quite the expense to acquire these. Cold to the touch, the bracers never seemed to warm, even after wearing them for several hours. He smiles. Just how he likes it.

Sliding his mordenkrad off his back, he felt its balance. So familiar, yet somehow more so now. Argius gripped the handle tightly, as though readying a strike. His arms surged with energy, and for a moment the bracers glowed...black?


Just trying out Argius' LV6 Iron Armbands of Power.

2011-10-05, 11:11 PM
Donal symbolically takes the cup. "Anthomologeomai, good dwarf. I am thankful of our compact"

2011-10-06, 08:06 PM
Argius raises an eyebrow at Donal's response. "As I said previously, you know more than you let on. I look forward to your divulgations."

2011-10-13, 10:45 AM
After a brief but satisfying rest, Donal knocks on your respective rooms' doors. "It is time. I have arranged for a traveling meal to get you on your way. It should be not more than a days journey, and traveling under the cover of night should aid you in secrecy. If we are lucky, you can arrive there before news of Thain's defeat does.
As for your payment, if you return successfully, you may keep any items you acquire, no questions asked. There may be monetary bonuses as well, depending on your success and information. For my payment, I ask that you visit a shop within the Seven Pillared Hall. The apothecary Gremling, mention my name to him, and he will give you a package. Please return it to me unharmed. Safe travel to you, and good luck"

2011-10-13, 12:08 PM
You set out east along the Trade Road heading east. The midnight air is brisk but refreshing. You feel fully rested and ready for whatever might come your way. Traveling quickly, but watchfully, your long strides eat up the distance. You should reach Thunderspire after nightfall. Assuming the trip is uneventful....

Opportunity for RP. I'll move it along in a day or two. Please give a reply in OOC if you're still out there. Haven't seen a post from some of you in a while. Don't for get your new magic item.

2011-10-13, 01:32 PM
Argius breathes deeply of the evening air. Crisp and cool, just the way he liked it. Gazing into the deep, he sets his eyes upon a star: Empedophrone, the resolute of mind. It was his star. No, not his star; it was the star by which he found his way.

"What are the stars to your peoples?"

Mando Knight
2011-10-18, 06:02 PM
"They're lights. In the sky. Some of the tales the village priest used to tell said that they are part of Corellon's cloak, spread over the night sky since the dawn of time to help his children find their way home, but I don't know if he meant the tale to be literal or not."

2011-10-19, 01:04 PM
You rest quickly during the noonday sun out of sight off the path within the pine trees and short underbrush. Few travelers pass and none seem to notice you. Thunderspire's peak can been seen from here, but it is wreathed in clouds and fog.

From the Trade Road, a steep cobbled path called the Vale Road turns north and then cuts into the mountain. The road rises through a valley with sparse vegetation and ends at Thunderspire's base. Small waterfalls and brooks wash down from the rocks above. The sun begins to set as you climb the path towards you destination.

A swirling thunderhead of black clouds, rumbling thunder, and bright flashes of lightening obscure the peak of the mountain ahead of you. This is the infamous Thunderspire Mountain, the largest of the Old Hills that cover the northeast portion of the Nentir Vale.

As you move up the Khel Vale valley, you come to an archway hewn out of the mountainside. Visible in the flashing lightening is a gateway is 50 feet tall and bordered by towering minotaur statues on both sides. Their countenance is stern but noble. This was the main entrance to Saruun Khel, the minotaurs' hold, now known as the Thunderspire Labyrinth.

Inside you see a pathway lit dimly by greenish light sloping into the mountain.

2011-10-20, 01:20 AM
"Thunderspire: the starless mountain. A cursed place to my people, abandoned by fate to chaos." Argius examines the entryway to the mountain, stonefaced. He turns to the elf, "Do your people avoid it as well, Kathryn? I doubt Correllon would lead his children beyond his cloak."

2011-10-22, 02:41 PM
"It is time we enter it. Who shall go first? I can take the rear."

2011-10-26, 08:53 AM
"I'll take the front." Argius pulls his mordenkrad off his back and steps forward.

2011-10-26, 10:24 AM
Before you lies an impossibly straight hallway. Argius' dwarven senses tingle with the precision with which these passages were cut from the mountain. Every 50 ft, a copper lantern seamlessly extends from the wall as if grown there, emitting a green tinged light. After 100 ft, the passage narrows from 20 ft to 10 ft.

While your own footsteps sound muffled against the hard stone floor, you clearly hear coming from a side passage 50 ft ahead the sounds of raucous, brutal laughter.

2011-10-26, 11:59 AM
"Barely into the gullet of the Dragon, and allready it is rumbling... ", Ralzik whispers quietly. "Lets us quench these fires with our own flame."

Ralzik then starts to move forward a bit, and motions to others to prepare for battle.

2011-10-26, 12:06 PM
"Barely into the gullet of the Dragon, and allready it is rumbling... ", Ralzik whispers quietly. "Lets us quench these fires with our own flame."

Ralzik then starts to move forward a bit, and motions to others to prepare for battle.

2011-10-29, 01:34 PM
Argius peers down the hallway, hopeful to get a glimpse of whoever--or whatever--is coming their way.

2011-10-31, 01:15 PM
About 50 feet ahead on your left side, you see a set of double doors slightly ajar. You hear coarse laughter and guttural voices. A rough voice, speaking Common, says, "You're ours now, halfling. We'll easily get ten gold for you!" Another higher and somewhat nervous voice responds, "That's a shame, 'cause I'm worth twenty. I'll buy myself if you let me go."

2011-11-06, 04:23 PM
"Shall we help him?" Ralzik quietly asks the group.

2011-11-07, 10:08 AM
"Best to know what we're up against first." Argius whispers in return. He inches slowly toward the door and peaks inside.

2011-11-15, 03:31 PM
Through the cracked double doors, Argius sees a fifty-five foot room, about twenty feet wide with wine/ale casks lining the eastern wall. An alcove on the western wall turns out of sight while three hobgoblins stand laughing at a halfling cowering in the back of the room.

2011-11-15, 09:38 PM
Argius quickly moves back to the others. "Three hobgoblins." he whispers. "Couldn't see the whole room, but they're too far back to catch by surprise. We'll need a distraction to lure them closer."

2011-11-15, 10:01 PM
"Perhaps," suggested Tal, "We could throw a stone or something to lure them nearer? If I heard such a sound, I'd go look at what it was, but would certainly not get a number of allies to accompany me."

Mando Knight
2011-11-15, 10:51 PM
Kathryn draws her swords. "There's only three of them, right? I could rush in to draw them off of the little guy, while the rest of you close in."

2011-11-16, 01:21 AM
Sounds good to me. I was about to roar like a dragon, but if you want to rush them, ill back you up.

2011-11-23, 01:21 PM
"As I said, I believe they're too far to be rushed, but look for yourself."

Mando Knight
2011-11-23, 01:24 PM
"Too far for a Dwarf, perhaps, but you've likely never seen an Elf run." Kathryn takes a gander for herself.

2011-11-23, 02:18 PM
The hobgoblins continues to harass and belittle the halfling. "What'a ya say, boys? Should we let him find his wallet?" the tall hobgoblin in the back cackles.
"I'll find it for him," says another.
"Please, I don't carry money ON ME. Too dangerous. But if you let me return to the Seven Pillared Hall, I can bring it quickly back. I promise," the halfling says with great conviction.


2011-11-23, 06:37 PM
Argius grunts in annoyance. "Best to pick them off one by one, then. I'll drag the one closest to the door. We can play it from there."

He waits a moment for responses, lest he move too quickly to the door.

2011-11-30, 01:47 PM
After a brief silence, Argius grunts again and turns. He charges through the doorway toward the nearest hobgoblin, bellowing, "Nooks ercotai!"

His sudden strike crashes down upon the startled hobgoblin, and black energy stream from the hammer's head. It wraps around the creature and tosses him toward the door.

Standard Action
Charge to F10, Eldritch Strike against Hobgoblin Soldier 3
Attack: [roll0] vs 20 AC
Damage: [roll1] + Horned Helm [roll2] for 19 total damage
Slide the target to F11
Movement activates Shadow Walk

Mando Knight
2011-11-30, 02:57 PM
Before Argius blocks her path, Kathryn slips in with elven grace, attempts to knock the first guard to the ground, then charges a second.
Move: to D10
Standard: Spinning Sweep on Hobgob 3, marking him.
Hit: Hobgob 3 takes [roll1] and is prone.

Action Point: Charge to D7, attack Hobgob 2, also marking.
[roll3] Critical, 17. See OOC.

2011-11-30, 08:08 PM
The hobgoblins seem momentarily of balance, unable even to strike at the invaders running by. They begin to compose themselves and are almost ready to strike back.

2011-12-01, 01:06 AM
Seeing the stunned look on the hobgoblin's face, Argius grips the air before the it. "Dosé moy moyrtas su; your fate is sealed."

Figured retconning at this point would be too much of a hassle, so Argius simply curses the hobgoblin after.

Minor Action
Warlock's Curse, target Hobgoblin 3

2011-12-01, 01:58 PM
Ralzik rushes forward towards to the room, ready to send pain to any who prevent his advance. Seeing the Hobgoblin at the entrance, he stops short and sends forwards a blast of Eldritch Fire.

Move 4 spaces to G14 causing Shadow Step to kick in.

2011-12-07, 04:19 PM
Tal ran across the hallway to get a better shot at the nearest menacing hobgoblin. He then loosed two arrows at this same creature.
Move to H14
Declare the nearest hobgoblin as my quarry
Twin Strike on the hobgoblin
Attack roll 1 - [roll0]
Damage roll 1 - [roll1]
Attack roll 2 - [roll2]
Damage roll 2 - [roll3]
Hunter's Quarry damage (If at least 1 attack hits) - [roll4]

2011-12-08, 12:01 AM
The startled hobgoblins regain their composure quickly, revealing their battle experience. These seem no idle wandering ruffians, these are trained soldiers who have experience. They slide swiftly into positions and attack with practiced ease and grace unexpected from their vulgar looks. The rear soldier slides forward to block Kathryn's advance and assist his companion while the one near the door shifts towards the rear to join in the formation. All three attack with spiked flails, whirling and spinning with skill.

Hobgoblin1 - Move to E6,
attack Kathryn AC(23) - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

Hobgoblin2 - no move
Attack Kathryn AC(23) - [roll2]
damage - [roll3]

Hobgoblin3 - shift to E10,
Attack Argius AC (20) - [roll4] (-2 for Kathryn's mark)
damage - [roll5]

While dodging one spinning strike, Kathryn leaves herself open to another's attack, striking her thigh and leaving her leg with a tingling numbness. She can tell that this new hobgoblin is watching her every move very carefully. Argius flows around the soldiers strike giving him nothing to work with but misty tendrils of fog.

Kathryn takes 7 damage, is MARKED by Hob1, and SLOWED until the end of Hob1's next turn.

2011-12-08, 12:14 AM
The hobgoblin in the back of the room watches all that happens. He does not leap into action as the others have. He watches each move carefully, then steps forward, raises his staff and unleashes a bolt of force at Kathryn.

Move to F2
Force Lure vs Kathryn Fort(19) - [roll1d20+7[/roll]
Damage - [roll0]

2011-12-08, 12:15 AM
reroll for bad typing
Force Lure vs Kathryn Fort(19) - [roll0]

Kathryn feels the bolt catch her side and spin her back along the wall, tumbling against the smooth stone again and again. She comes to rest standing but shaken.
8 damage and slid 3 squares to D10

The four cackle to each other in harsh goblin tones. The halfling, who you see huddled towards the back of the room, simply lies prone protecting what parts of his body he can by flailing his arms back and forth.

Kathryn up, Argius on deck

We'll keep this order since you would have had time to plan your attack.

Mando Knight
2011-12-08, 12:22 PM
Kathryn winces at the successful double strike. These guys actually can fight. Who knew?

Fortunately, she's out of the successful hobgob's reach, so she makes a calculated strike at the one next to her, then slips around him to keep pressing forward.
Standard: Reaping Strike on Soldier 3, mark. CA bonus and mark penalty cancel.
Hit: [roll1]
Miss: 2 damage

Move: Shift to E9.

2011-12-08, 02:47 PM
Frustrated that his perfect shot is lost, Ralzik rubs up his new dragon gloves and fires a fiery bolt at a hobgoblin, hoping to him him and his neighbor.

[Roll = Bonus fire damage]1d6+0(to each or not?)

Apparently, today is not Ralziks day and he curses whatever is preventing the dragons from aiding him this day.

2011-12-08, 03:07 PM
Not even the strict training of the hobgoblin warlords can keep the signs of damage and pain from the hobgoblin's face as Kathryn's devastating strike hits home. You can tell from the glances at his leader, he wishes he had not been put in this position. Not much seems to be holding him up but grim determination and professional pride.

2011-12-08, 08:56 PM
Noting the solidarity of the two Hobgoblins past Kathryn, Argius turns his focus toward them. "Dosé moy moyrtas su!" he shouts at the one on the right, and his armor glows black. He then rushes past the goblin next to him, eager to divide and conquer. His mordenkrad comes down with a resounding crash!

Argius' armbands glow black as he tosses the hobgoblin behind him like a rag doll.
Minor Action
Dark Majesty * Daily. Curse the Hobgoblin Soldier 1 at E6.

Standard Action
Charge to E7, Eldritch Strike Hobgoblin Soldier 1. If hit, slide to E8. Movement activates Shadow Walk.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] curse damage + [roll3] horned helm damage from charge, for a total of 20 damage.
Critical: [roll4]

Btw, shouldn't Kathryn be at E9 rather than D9?

2011-12-15, 07:15 PM
Sorry I didn't post sooner. Completely did not notice it was my turn; completely my fault.

Still with a clear shot at a Hobgoblin, Tal loosed two arrows from his greatbow, focusing in on that single hobgoblin.
Minor action - declare nearest hobgoblin as my quarry
Standard action - Twin strike on my quarry

Attack roll 1 - [roll0]
Damage roll 1 - [roll1] plus [roll2]
Attack roll 2 - [roll3]
Damage roll 2 - [roll4] plus [roll5]

2011-12-19, 09:00 PM
The hobgoblin warpriest in the rear laughs with haughty derision at you unsuccessful attacks. "You bring this to combat the Bloodreavers?! Curse lobbers and stick shooters?! We are WARRIORS! Don't waste our time."

He screams commands in goblin and the soldiers spring to action. In regimented form, they attack and shift, moving with military precision, hitting and moving in ways that provide them the most benefit.

Hob 2 shift to E6

Formation Strike (CA) against Kathryn AC (23) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Hob 1 and Hob 2
Fail attack(CA) vs Arguis AC (18+2)
1 - [roll2]
1 - Damage - [roll3]
2 - [roll4]
2 - Damage - [roll5]
SLOWED and marked by Hob1

Kathryn barely deflects the incoming blow as the hobgoblin spins around her. Arigus finds flails at every turn, slipping inside his guard, pummeling him from every angle, leaving him wounded and lethargic. The hobgoblins form up for defense.

Hob1 shift to D7, Hob3 shift to D9

Combat Challenge, Kathryn?

2011-12-19, 09:15 PM
The warpriest laughs as if the sound of flails hitting dwarven flesh was music to his brutal, misshapen ears. He back hands the halfing and yells, "If they have any gold on them, you can use that to buy your freedom. At three times the cost, of course."

The halfling looks fearful and worried.

Kathryn's up.

Mando Knight
2011-12-19, 09:44 PM
Kathryn slips in to close the gap between her and Argius. Her short swords slip between shield and flail to strike at the two hobgoblins nearest her. Her cuts are only minor, but they threaten with her lethal accuracy.
Move: Shift to E8.

Standard: Dual Strike, attacking soldiers 1 and 3, marking both.
Soldier 1: [roll0]
Soldier 3: [roll2]

2011-12-21, 02:18 PM
The hobgoblin, blinded by the speed of your blows, fails to block a single one. The chinks in his armor begin leaking with telltale signs of your accuracy. His stern countenance waivers, only slightly.

Hob1 bloodied.

2011-12-24, 05:34 PM
As the hobgoblin falls, Argius reaches out, grasping wisps of smoke that rise from the corpse. He glares at the warpriest, clenching his fist so that the smoke bursts from his hand. It rises upward, taking the shape of spectral claws which grasp for the priest, then dissipates.

Death of Hobgoblin 3 triggers (Improved) Fate of the Void: +2 to one d20 roll during your next turn.

2012-01-12, 12:54 AM
Ralzik steps forward and unleashes an eldritch bolt at the wounded hobgoblin...

move to F12
Att vs Hob 1 reflex -
Damage - [1d10+8
Fumbled damage roll but missed

but the bolt glances off the hobgoblins thick hide.


2012-01-12, 02:13 AM
Still numb from the hobgoblin's flail, Argius glowers at the warpriest. "Enough!"

"Pasts intertwined, histories scorned, present rewritten, futures deformed!" Argius slams his mordenkrad's handle into the ground, and a dark wave streaks across the room. The energy wraps around the hobgoblins, then vanishes. He quickly rushes away from the two soldiers, who seem to instinctively step aside as he moves. Argius then whirls around, charging the nearest in spite of his wounds.

Minor Action: Charm of Hearts.
Effect: Does not provoke OAs and gains a +2 to all defenses until the end of next turn. Sustain minor.
Move Action: Run to E10, granting CA until start of next turn and reactivating Shadow Walk.
Standard Action: Charge to D8, Eldritch Strike Hobgoblin 2.

Attack: [roll0] vs 20AC. Mark and Improved Fate cancel each other.
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] Curse + [roll3] Horned Helm, for a total of 23 damage.
Critical: [roll4]
Also, if Hobgoblin 2 is still alive, and if it is allowed, slide to E9. See OOC for question regarding legality.

2012-01-12, 07:54 AM
Tal advanced to get a better shot at the remaining Hobgoblins. He quickly evaluated the goblinoid caster as the bigger threat, and thus he loosed two arrows at the creature.
Move action - move to D10
Minor action - declare the Warcaster as my quarry
Standard Action - Two-Fanged strike
Attack roll 1 - [roll0]
Damage roll 1 - [roll1]
Attack roll 2 - [roll2]
Damage roll 2 - [roll3]
Hunter's Quarry - [roll4] to one attack that hits.

2012-01-12, 03:02 PM
Despite feeling numb from the hobgoblin's strike, the dwarf forces his limbs to move around the room, darting away from the flails and then back into them. His eldritch mordenkrad slams into the hobgoblin with an uppercut strike, scooping the soldier off his feet and flinging him over the dwarf's head to land in an unmoving pile behind him.

Meanwhile, the shifter, scanning the battle quickly, watches the warcaster hiding in the rear. He follows his movements, stalking his prey. He stealthly strings his bow and lets fly twice. One arrow catches the caster's sleeve while the other connects solidly in his side. The hobgoblin mage grunts with displeasure. He calls to his companion in goblinese. The soldier pauses in his attack while the caster prepare something nasty. The warcaster steps forward and raises his staff.

Hobgoblin delays.
Warcaster moves to F5
Force Lure vs Tal Fort (14) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

A lance of force leaps from the warcaster's staff and evelopes Tal, squeezing with significant force. It drags him against his will forwards in front of the soldier who looks at him with hungry eyes.

Tal takes 10 force damage and is slid to D7. Allies through allies. Enemies through enemies.

2012-01-12, 03:11 PM
The hobgoblin aims the swing of his flail directly at Tal's furry head.

Flail att vs Tal AC (19) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Tal's quick reflexs keep his head out of the way but the flails long reach strikes his back along the spine. He feels a numbness fill his legs and knows the hobgoblin planned it that way. The hobgoblin watches Tal closely, looking for any opportunity to make things worse for the ranger.

Tal takes 14 damage, is marked and slowed until the end of Hobgoblin turn #4

The halfling finds himself unwatched for a moment and skitters away to the other room.


Mando Knight
2012-01-12, 06:21 PM
Kathryn moves forward, trying to dodge the hobgoblin's swinging flail as she slips around him and slices at both the soldier and warcaster.
Move: to E5. Not possible to avoid OA here, but I'll do it anyway.
Standard: Dual Strike, once at the soldier, once at the warcaster, both vs Reflex. Mark both.

2012-01-12, 08:52 PM
As the elf slides past, the soldier whips his flail at her...

Flail vs Kathryn AC(23) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

..but she simply ducks under the swing and proceeds on her way.


I'll give Garnuk until Saturday night then post.

2012-01-16, 12:11 PM
Ralzik unleashes an eldritch bolt at the hobgoblin soldier...

Att vs Hob 2 reflex - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

but misses the mark.


2012-01-17, 04:49 AM
The black wave from earlier coalesces into an aura, surrounding the hobgoblins as Argius repeats a chant. "Philos estin ey henanta, ey henanta estin philos. Dosé moy moyrtas su. Ey henanta estin philos, philos estin ey henanta."

Continuing to chant, he slides slowly away from the hobgoblin, then charges forward.

Minor Action: Sustain Charm of Hearts.
Minor Action: Curse Hobgoblin 2
Move Action: Move to E11
AP Standard Action: Charge to E7, Eldritch Strike Hobgoblin 2.
Attack: [roll0] vs 22 AC (2 CA + 1 charge + 2 Imp. Fate of the Void from Hobgoblin 1 death)
Damage: [roll1] + Curse [roll2] + Horned Helm [roll3]
Critical: [roll4]

The hobgoblin breaks free of the veil for an instant, easily parrying Argius' attack!

2012-01-18, 04:07 PM

2012-01-21, 04:59 PM
Tal was certainly not as proficient in close-ranged combat as in archery. As such, he distanced himself slightly from the Hobgoblins, and then continued his assault.
Move action - shift to D8
Minor action - Declare hobgoblin as quarry
Standard action - Nimble strike (shift to D9 before the attack)

Attack roll - [roll0]
Damage roll - [roll1] plus [roll2] from Hunter's Quarry

2012-01-22, 12:08 AM
"Enough! Surrender or perish before the hand of the Bloodreavers!" The warcaster swings his quarterstaff through the air. It crackles with electricity as he levels a blow at Kathryn.

Shock Staff vs Kathryn AC (23) - [roll0] miss
Damage - [roll1]
Recharge Force Lure - [roll2]
Recharge Shock Staff (for next round) - [roll3]
Both recharge

The elf blocks the staff with her short sword. The energy crackles across her blade harmlessly.

2012-01-22, 12:16 AM
The soldier follows his leader's example a launches a furious flail attack while the elf is distracted...

Flail vs Kathryn AC(23) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

... but it is blocked by the elf's other short sword, a seemingly impassable barrier of swords.


Mando Knight
2012-01-22, 01:51 AM
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that? Didn't quite get you the first time."

Kathryn's blades flit out to scratch the hobgoblins' guts yet again.
Standard: Dual Strike on both remaining hobgoblins. Attacks vs Ref, CA against the Soldier, keep both marked.

2012-01-22, 05:59 PM
Ralzik unleashes an eldritch bolt at the hobgoblin soldier...

Att vs Hob 2 reflex - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

but, again, the bolt goes wide, blasting a piece out of the wall.


2012-01-22, 07:57 PM
Argius again moves away from the hobgoblin, still chanting, then charges forward once more.

His mordenkrad slams into the hobgoblin, hurling the foe into the casks next to him.

Minor Action: Sustain Charm of Hearts
Move Action: Move to E9
Standard Action: Charge to E7, Eldritch Strike Hobgoblin Soldier.

Attack: [roll0] vs 22 AC
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] Curse + [roll3] Horned Helm, for a total of 25 damage.
Critical: [roll4]

Knocking the hobgoblin into the casks was for dramatic effect only. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-22, 09:18 PM
Cracks appear in the cask as the meaty soldier slams into them with a great THUD. By the way the hobgoblin's lifeless body slides down the cask into a motionless lump of the floor, you can tell that not all the cracking sounds came from the cask.


2012-01-22, 09:40 PM
With the brute dispatched, Tal turned his attention once again to the caster. Seeing no need to over-complicate matters, he simply moved to get a clear shot, then loosed an arrow at the goblinoid.
Move action - Move to C7
Minor action- Declare Warcaster as quarry
Standard action - Basic attack

Attack roll - [roll0]
Damage roll - [roll1] plus [roll2]

2012-01-23, 12:32 AM
Watching his final comrade fall, the warcaster's eye show a glint of fear. He waves his staff in a wide arc. A wave of force pushes outward into the room.

Force Blast - Close blast 5
Attack vs Kathryn Ref - [roll0]
Attack vs Argius Ref - [roll1]
Attack vs Tal Ref - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Recharge for next round - [roll4]

All three in the room feels its power, but Kathryn takes the brunt of the force, knocking her back and to the floor. He scans the room quickly and finds the way out blocked. He retreats to the back room and stands menacingly by the cowering halfling.
"Clear the way out or this poor innocent will breath no more!"

Warcaster moves to J7.
Kathryn takes 17 damage, is pushed to D5, and prone.
Argius and Tal each take 8 damage.


Mando Knight
2012-01-23, 01:52 AM
Kathryn kips up, and dashes over to the warcaster, her sword striking at his side. "Touch him, and I will end you."

Minor: Agile Recovery to stand.

Move: to J6.

Standard: Reaping Strike. If the halfling counts as an ally for flanking, the attack gains +2 to hit and +1 to damage. Mark, as usual.
Miss: 2 damage

2012-01-23, 01:50 PM
The warcaster, clenching in pain from Kathryn's blade, levels his staff at the halfling.

Ralzik, seeing the enemy retreat, watches the corridor for new threats.

ORDER: Kathryn, Ralzik, Argius, Tal, Warcaster, Halfling

2012-01-23, 02:59 PM
Unwilling let the warcaster get away, Argius races after him, still chanting. He turns the corner and charges forward. "Your fate is sealed with your brethren!"

Minor Action: Sustain Charm of Hearts
Move Action: Move to I4
Standard Action: Charge to I6, Eldritch Strike the warcaster

Attack: [roll0] vs 17 AC (Improved Fate of the Void for +2)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] Curse (Target is not cursed) + [roll3] Horned Helm for a total of 18 damage.
Critical: [roll4]

Slide warcaster to I5 through I6

2012-01-23, 03:51 PM
With a spinning swing of his mordenkrad, Argius flings the body of the spent warcaster behind him as if shoveling horse leavings.

The cowering halfling eyes the elf and the dwarf in front of him with a mixture of elation and uncertainty.

"Make me a happy man and tell me I don't have to bargain for my life again. The victorious are not always the better deal-makers," the little man says with a game smile.

2012-01-23, 04:05 PM
Argius lets out a dry, mirthless laugh and offers a hand to the halfling. "Not this day, young one. Rest for a moment, and be at ease. Seems you've had more misadventure than adventure of late." He pulls his tankard from his pack and hands it to the halfling. "I'm Argius. With whom do I have the pleasure of meeting in such displeasurable circumstances?"

2012-01-29, 05:31 PM
"I'm Rendil Halfmoon, and I live here. Well, not here, but in the Seven-Pillared Hall. Thanks so much for helping me. Those hogoblins grabbed me a few hours ago. I was tailing them 'cause they were hanging around my family's inn yesterday. I wanted to figure out what they were up to, but they caught me. Come with me to the Halfmoon Inn and I'll buy you an ale or four. It's the best inn - well, the only inn - this side of the Labyrinth."

2012-01-29, 09:09 PM
"Ha! Resilient lad, aren't you?" Argius smiles at the halfling, apparently pleased by his pleasant demeanor given the situation. "I would happily accept, but must confer with my companions. Tal? Kathryn? Ralzik? What do you say?"

2012-01-29, 10:05 PM
"Absolutely," replied Tal. ""I would never turn down someone in need, especially in a place like this."

2012-01-30, 12:32 PM
Ralzik grumbles incoherently, seeming unconcerned.

2012-02-02, 01:54 AM
"It's a quick hour and a half journey. Don't let my capture fool you, I know my way around the Labyrinth. We'll get there safe and sound."

He dusts off his moppy hair, arranges his disheveled clothing to cover essentials, and says, "Ready when you are."

2012-02-02, 01:59 AM
Argius nods with a grunt in acceptance, ready to continue the journey. "So what's this tavern of yours like, Master Halfmoon? Many visitors?"

2012-02-06, 03:38 PM
"Well," he says moving on along the corridor, "we don't get the visitors that an above ground establishment might. Most of our guest are trader who've come with business in the Labyrinth or the Underdark. Just about anyone who can pay is welcome. The Mages of Saruun, they run the Hall, enforce the order and keep a pretty good peace, although they take a piece of our business, if you get my drift. It's a fair piece for the living we make."

He guides you along twists and turns as if by second nature. There's a gradual downward grade, though most of the time, only an experienced dungeoneer would notice.

2012-02-07, 02:32 PM
As move forward, Argius walks alongside Tal. He looks the shifter over briefly, then asks, "New to the mercenary life? Don't seem to have any scars on you that I can see."

2012-02-07, 04:21 PM
Tal smiled, grateful for the conversation. "I do odd jobs, mostly. Mercenary work has come up, but it not nearly the majority of what I do. It's not common for me to do more than one mercenary job in a year. How long have you done this sort of work?"

2012-02-07, 05:02 PM
"Oh, off-and-on for thirty-some years. Most of it petty work, information gathering and the like. Preferable work for me; better to avoid fighting and finish the job cleanly than risk getting killed. Unfortunately, that's not always possible, as you saw earlier." Argius gazes off for a time, then shakes his head. "But enough about me. What odd jobs do you take? Shifters seem about as common as githyanki, and no more trusted, so I wouldn't expect you'd get by simply as common labor."

2012-02-07, 05:07 PM
"To be perfectly frank, whatever I can get. Sometimes I'm hired to deliver letters or packages. Sometimes cleaning. Sometimes hunting animals. I don't tend to stay in one place for long, so by moving around I'm bound to end up somewhere where someone needs work done."

2012-02-10, 11:41 AM
"Is it much further, Master Halfmoon? Seems I've lost track of time along our way." The dwarf smiles apologetically.

2012-02-12, 08:53 PM
"We're very nearly there. It's not as far as it feels. It takes half as long if you know where you're going, but twice as long if you only think you know," the halfling says with a wink.

2012-02-15, 12:38 AM
Shortly after Rendil speaks, you notice the passage widen slightly while a soft blue glow illuminates the mouth of the entrance ahead. When you reach the cavern opening, the wide, empty space seems to vault up to the evening sky as the forty foot high ceilings, while dark and jagged with stalactites, seem to glow with pinpricks of light. These faux stars bring just enough light to see a small rugged city carved out of the cavern walls and the towers of stone reaching out from the floor. Wide but irregular streets weave haphazardly around the clusters of shops and houses. Few humanoids are seen in the streets, and nearly none of them bother to look at the newcomers. All seem to walk with purpose, mind no business but their own.

Rendil lowers his head and picks up his pace, setting course down a right hand diagonal. Along the wall of the cavern, residences stacked two high are hollowed out with lights shining behind covered windows. Past two clusters of shops, a brightly lit structure of wood stands out among the rock buildings. It stretches an unlikely looking three stories but has obviously been standing for a number of centuries. Rendil navigates his way to the door and, with a small flourish, opens the door and gestures you inside.

2012-02-15, 12:59 AM
The ramshackle, hastily constructed exterior gives way to a well constructed, comfortably structured interior with a warm fireplace, several table benches, and a circular bar wrapped around the center stalagmite. A small and good natured crowd of human and halflings stands at the bi-level bar chatting, sparing only a momentary glance at the door's opening. One halfling raises her hand in a greeting that Rendil returns.

"Make yourselves comfortable. I'll just be a quick moment," he says, pointing towards the fire as he moves towards the group.

2012-02-15, 07:07 AM
Argius sits down next to the fire to warm his hands and surveys the room. He sniffs the air and smiles. "Like home away from home."

2012-02-17, 06:31 AM

“greetings HAIL. you know not me UNKNOWN but hear me. threats to Nentir TROUBLE come. dangers to life DEATH come from beneath maze. join Thoradin DWARF in hammerfast, the foundation stone INN BEER tonight.”

It seems like weeks ago, but it can’t have been more than a few days ago that you received the sending. Ringing through your psychic defenses, it pounded in your skull and interrupted your planned tour of the brew houses of Hammerfast. The mental message directed you to meet with Thoradin, a local holy man who received his message through church connections. You compared notes and decided that the threat seemed credible enough to warrant a trip to the Seven Pillared Hall in the depths of the Thunderspire Labyrinth. There, the two of you would meet with a group able to bring the matter to a close. Not to mention, you could meet them in a Halfmoon Inn, proprietors known the throughout the Vale for quality product.

The journey is unremarkable. The food is unremarkable. The company? Unremarkable. The dwarf shows little appreciation for the wondrous tales you spin and less for the stories of your amorous conquests. Perhaps this dwarf is made of stone.

At last, after twisting passages that give credit to the name Labyrinth, you arrive at the dark and cluttered Seven Pillared Hall, and, best of all, the Halfmoon Inn. Ah, salvation!

2012-02-17, 06:34 AM

Interruptions are to be expected. The Great Maker teaches that all important projects must suffer the unexpected delays. You are not hard upon the young messenger who feels the delivery must be completed now. He’ll learn patience after a few more decades. Sopping the foam from your beard with the tablecloth, you take the communication, tip the messenger, and unroll the scroll with a little curiousity.

“Well met, Thoradin. I am Donal Mercathy. We share a friend in Tarras, the bard of Hammerfast. It is in need that I contact you. Danger comes to Nentir Vale in the form of the Bloodreavers. Known west of the Stonemarch Mountains for their strongarm tactics in forcing cities to fall under their rule, they have tried similar acts in Fallcrest and failed. I have information that they have changed tactics. Instead of disrupting city works and pressuring the ruling families, they seem to have switched to kidnapping and slavery. I fear they have plans even larger and more sinister.

I have sent a group into Thunderspire Labyrinth, the location of the Bloodreavers base. A number of their members have stepped aside due to other matters and I fear they need assistance. To this end, I have asked Lucian Ki’Larn, a mentalist visiting Hammerfast, to meet with you at The Foundation Stone tonight. If you are unwilling to help, please share the information contained in this letter with him. If you are able to join our efforts, please make all haste to the Seven Pillared Hall inside the Labyrinth. The Halfmoon Inn is the most likely place to meet with them. Dwarf, Shifter, Elf, and Githyanki. They should be an easy group to identify. Show them this letter and give the enclosed, sealed message to Ralzik, the Githyanki.

I further ask is that you visit the Druegar apothecary, Gremling, in the Hall. He has a package that I need returned to me. In return for your helping with this, I can offer sizable rewards upon successful delivery of the package and defeat of the Bloodreavers, along with the thanks of a grateful Vale.

May your axe be ever sharp. Signed, Friend Mercathy"

Two days hence, you are in the Seven Pillared Hall's Halfmoon Inn when that very groups comes in with a halfling. They make their way to the fireplace hearth while the halfling moves off to the bar.

2012-02-17, 01:06 PM
Thoradin, Dwarf Cleric

When Thoradin speak, all the "r" are doubled, he roll all his "r".

Finally, after 2 days the group that Thoradin was waiting for. He first examine the party, which was very unusual: an elf, a shifter, a Githyanki and a dwarf. You don't see these mix up very often. The danger mentioned in Donal's letter must have been big if all race bind together to stop this menace.

He then finish his beer, pay the barman and head to the group: "A verrrry welcome to yall, my name is Thorrradin, Clerric of Morradin. Me and my frriend here (pointing the bard) have been asked by Donal Merrcathy to lend you an hand orr two."

He hand over the letter to the group. He also search in his pocket and put out another one: "Tha one is forr you Sirr Ralzik." in the same time handing the letter to the Githyanki.

2012-02-17, 01:45 PM
Thank goodness, reprieve from this statue of a dwarf. Lucian is visibly more relaxed, waving to anyone he makes eye contact with, and beaming from slightly pointy ear to ear. "Greeting, gentleman! Lucian Blackoath, psionic master, at your service. I, too, was asked to help with the trouble you've been having here."Lucian decides it to be in his best interest to leave out the awful psychic attack that resulted in his hiring.

He grabs a beer, tipping the barman, and makes his way back to the group, taking deep swigs from the mug. "I must say, I haven't seen a group this diverse since my time in the Underdark. Of course, our diversity didn't do us much good there. The Elf and the Eladrin kept fighting, and our Dwarven guide kept leaving us behind. I'm fairly certain I'm the only one who made it out alive!" He laughs heartily, taking another deep swig from his mug.

2012-02-17, 07:16 PM
Argius stands and gives a curt nod to each. "Blessing of the Great Father on you, Thoradin. Did Donal contact the Church, or merely some of its clergy? In either case, it seems the issue at hand is more serious than I thought."

2012-02-18, 05:01 PM

Eying the dwarf wearily, he takes the letter, breaks the seal, and skims its contents. Concern crosses his face as he shakes his head and reads the letter a second time.

"I will not be able to join you. Forgive me," he says with curt distraction. Ralizk turns and, with a short nod to the team, strides from the Inn with his head held high.

Mando Knight
2012-02-18, 05:21 PM
Kathryn has remained quiet throughout this... halls hewn out of stone are not familiar territory to her, and another dwarf in this racially diverse crew made her only a bit more uneasy. She nods at the half-elf as an acknowledgement that he's probably the closest thing she'll see to kin for quite a while...

2012-02-21, 04:20 PM
Rendil comes back with his brother, Dofnel. "Oh, good! These two have been looking for you. Thank you for saving my brother. I have arranged for you to stay as long as you would like (within reason, of course). Your friends as well (I suppose). Please, have a drink on the house (from the cheap menu)." he says, with occasional mutterings under his breath.

2012-02-22, 08:32 AM
Argius smiles ever so slightly. "Thank you miser--master--Halfmoon; your aid is exceedingly gracious. If it is on the house, I'll take whatever you'd choose. I'd hate to trouble one so recently troubled with callous demands on his home."

2012-02-22, 06:41 PM
Thoradin, Dwarf Cleric

Looking at the barman:"As forr me I'll have the same as everryone else thanks forr yourr serrvices."

2012-02-28, 11:46 PM
Dofnel gives a grimmacing smile and wanders off towards the bar. Rendil smiles, more sincerely, "Forgive my brother. He's the brains of the operation and values every penny. I'm value the guests, especially those who save my life. I'll draw you a quick map of The Hall so you can do whatever you need to do while you're here. I wish you joy and fortune." Rendil bows deeply, then steps away to glad-hand some other patrons.

2012-03-03, 04:14 AM
Argius turns to the bard. "While we're waiting, allow me to introduce myself. I am Argius of Waterhold, a warlock of Deep Night. Forgive my brevity, but for now I hope that will suffice for disclosure. Did Donal tell you much before sending you our way?"

2012-03-04, 10:33 AM

Thoradin respond to Argius: "The lad told me about the damn Bloodrreavers and that you werre send to deal with them. Yourr goal is honorrable, my soul and my axe arre available to you for this quest. We must destrroy these people and restore peace to the region. "

2012-03-05, 12:40 AM
"Yes, yes, Sir Thorrdain. They must be stopped." Lucian quickly downs the rest of his first drink, and begins searching for the bottom of another glass brought by Halfmoon. "I, uh, agree the Father. About the Bloodreavers and what have you." The Half Elf hadn't bothered asking what Thorradin's title actually was, and habitually changed what he called him in an attempt to find it.

2012-03-06, 04:42 PM
Argius nods solemnly to Lucian, then turns again to Thoradin. "Seems you've made quite the impression on your companion. It's rare even to hear a priest of the Great Father be spoken as akin to him." he says, glancing at Lucian.

"How was the journey here? We've seen some trouble already, though I don't doubt it was by association. Did you fare better?"

2012-03-07, 10:04 PM

Thoradin laugh at the comment about his title, as he take back his breath he respond: "Ha... The lad has a habit of calling by my title, but he always forgot to just call me Thorradin. When I'm not in the temple, my name is suffisant. As forr trrouble, we had some overr herre but nothing we can't deal with... for now. We should head to the hideout as soon as possible. I suggest tomorrrow morrning. Agrreed with that ?"

2012-03-07, 10:14 PM
Argius nods and turns to the others, looking for opinions.

2012-04-02, 07:29 PM
Argius beckons Rendil over with a wave of his hand. "Master Halfmoon, forgive me a request so soon after trauma, but would you happen to know anything about a group called the Bloodreavers? I wager one who makes his home in an inn might have heard something in passing."

2012-04-06, 04:32 PM
”Oh, don’t remind me! They’ve been around for a while but rarely mess with locals here in the Hall. We kind of ‘live and let live’ in here. Keep things pleasant. The Mages, they run the place, keep things on an even keel. They take their share but for the most part we don’t have any trouble. Exept the Brugg guy, he can cause a bit of….oh, sorry, the Bloodreavers." He grins sheepishly.
“They’ve got a bad reputation down here so I can only imagine what trouble they get into up your way. Goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, whoever likes a little mayhem seems to join up. They seem to be mostly hired muscle. I’ve never heard of any of them being particularly smart. This one time, a goblin, Splug, came in here a little late…sorry.”
“They hold up in a place called the Chamber of Eyes. Oooooo. It’s an old evil shrine left over from before the minotaur days. You can get there in about two hours of brisk walking. It’s a marked path. I bet most of those lunks would get lost without an easy route. Just exit out the Dragon Door to the east and follow the prospector’s route. Many years backs some dwarves came through looking for something fancy. Don’t know if they found it. Anyway, they marked their dwarfy marks through that way. Follow the numbers along the walls. Along passage four, turn left into the chamber with a doorway that has five eyes carved into the top of it. Like I said shouldn’t take too long. You’re welcome to rest here as long as you like. I’ll you need a wake-up, let me know. Time runs kind of funny down here with no sun. It’s great for business. Some are shy of drinking with the sun up. No sun here.”
With that, he rushes off to fill the tankards of two short ogres that have come in to the room roaring. After taking two steps he slaps his head and returns saying, "I never did give you that map. Sorry." He pushes a crumpled piece of paper into your hands and trots off growling at the ogres who growl in return.

2012-04-06, 11:37 PM
Argius looks over the map for a few moments. "Wasn't there something about an apothecary in that note Donal sent?" He points to the building marked at the southeast corner.

The name on the map is kind of fuzzy when I view it, so I'm not sure if that's the one you were referring to.

Mando Knight
2012-04-12, 05:04 PM
Kathryn looks about the rock-hewn village with a bit of curiosity. "How do your people put up with living in these sunless caverns?"

2012-04-12, 11:28 PM
"Guided by the picks of our ancestors and the forge-light of the Father." Argius looks about, fond remembrance across his face, but this fades quickly. "Enough of tradition. Shall we go and visit this apothecary or make our way through the Dragon Door?"

2012-04-13, 12:48 PM

Finishing his beer, Thoradin look at the group ''Therre we go, we shall deparrt as soon as everryone rready!''

2012-04-16, 11:02 PM
Shifting the weight of his mordenkrad, Argius stands and heads for the door. "I'm going to that Grinnerzuhl shop, to see what Donal requested."

2012-04-23, 11:46 PM
Finding your way through the twilight of the Pillared Hall is an interesting experience. The never-ending sunset casts no shadows. Background buildings appear to be the same color as closer ones making distances slightly more difficult to discern. Little splashing sounds echo from every corner as you approach the bridge crossing, the underground river flowing from the waterfall entering the cavern on the south exiting to the north.

To the north, rising up from giant, flattened stagmite, is a giant statue of a minotaur, arms raised to the ceiling. His muscular body carved out of the stalagmite itself gives the illusion that the cavern ceiling is held by his efforts.

2012-04-24, 08:56 AM
Argius looks at the statue for a few moments, then makes his way to the shop. When he reaches the doorway, he peers around, looking to see if anyone is home.

History check concerning the minotaur statue and who built it, if that's all right. I'm a sucker for context. :smalltongue:

2012-04-29, 08:30 PM
The statue is of Malikar, a legendary warrior from minotaur lore who's strength was beyond measure. His is the traditional figure built into structures to embue them with strength and stability.

Entering the shop, you see a gloomy, dusty shop strewn with bottles, boxes, and papers often piled three deep on shelves that line the walls. Two display tables clutter the center of the room with poorly scrawled signs denoting their wares. A counter at the back of the shop is slightly less cluttered. Between the stacks, you see a dusty grey bald head poking around. He turns at your entrance and moves around the side of the counter. A druegar, dressed in a hooded jacket built for rain, eyes you up and and says, "What 'er ya looking for? Fair's game we got it."

2012-04-30, 09:34 AM
"Information, and to retrieve something for a friend. Perhaps more, perhaps less. Quality is important." Argius says dispassionately. He gazes lazily at the bottles on the shelves, then continues. "A certain 'Mercathy' requested I retrieve a package for him, stating you have one for me to deliver. I hope he was not mistaken." He turns, his expression blank. "Was he?"

2012-04-30, 08:53 PM
"Hmmph," he grumbles. "Yer with Donal, huh?" He looks over the group with a sarcastic glance as he shuffles back behind the counter. "Looks about right. Never could pick 'em," he grumbles under his breath. Several bangs, crashes, and one shatter later, he returns carrying a grubby sack holding something the size of an apple but obviously far heavier. "Tell 'em we're done. I've had enough of his tailings, that flint-tongued...no, strike that. Just tell 'em we're even." He tosses the bag which lands with a thunk on the floor. "Closed now. Be gone."

2012-05-01, 11:21 AM
Argius nods curtly, lifting the bag, and leaves the apothecary. "It's a shame we caught you so late," he says over his shoulder. "Your wares seem ideal for this place: strong and enduring. Fitting for one under the gaze of Malikar."

Argius opens the bag slightly so that those near him can see inside.