View Full Version : Ravensvale Intermission... The Good, the Bad, and the Dead

2011-07-26, 04:24 AM

Character Sheets
Skarslag Naffgor (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11485914&postcount=191)
Zilvafae Elisndar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11485653&postcount=188)

The Good, The Bad, And The Dead... 3 days before the heist
As the empire expands new worlds become inducted. Kokino II is a small, arid, little ball of dirt whose rich mineral deposites have made it sufficient interest to the Aristocorps that the planet has become very wealthy, very quickly. Its distance from the Imperium and the speed with which it has been uplifted have meant that Gold has remained the currency of choice over the credit.

Delittle, the pilot and owner of a small tramp transport took you on as crew for a simple purpose... to rob a bank on this little backwater. His contacts assure him that he can fence the goods and after stiff negotiation you conceded that he should receive the lion’s share - as without his contacts you have no means of laundering the Gold.

At least negotiating over pay makes it more likely he’s playing straight with you.

Delittle explains the plan:
* At 0830 Delittle’s Freetrader, The Granuaile, will land 20k outside the Kokino boomtown of Henderson. You will take the Hoverjeep into town along with a modified Cargo Handler robot. Skarslag’s skills as a pilot should be satisfactory.

* The town’s vault has been augmented with advanced security features by the aristocorp to store refined gold until the maglev arrives at 0950 to transport it to the spaceport. The cargohandler has been equipped with suitable countermeasures to break into the vault.

* The bank itself does not open until 0930 - leaving you only 20 minutes to secure the scene and open the vault before reinforcements arrive.

* The town’s importance has required the Aristocorps place a small garrison of soldiers to defend it. They’re just a bunch of locals given just enough training to scare off the stupid. Avoid setting off the alarms or else deal with them.

* The Cargo Handler will load the loot into an integrated bag of holding. Lose any pursuit and return to the Granuaile.

* The Granuaile will starcast to Lykos III, Lagrange Station, where Delittle’s contact resides.

1 hour, 20 minutes before the train arrives...
The Granuaile sets down. Delittle assures you that the ship's countermeasures have avoided detection and the impressive arrangement of thermal and electronic baffles across the bredth of the ship go some way to reassuring you of this.

Picture references

Jack DeCoeur
2011-07-28, 04:44 AM
Skarslag's muscles bulged as he braced himself against a railing for the landing. The ship was a good one, he wished he could say the same for the pilot. As the cargo doors opened and the hoverjeep was lowered the Orc pulled a fat cigar out of his belt pouch and bit the cap off. A match flared and strong, odorous smoke began to fill the hanger deck.

"I've had better landings" his voice was strong and brutal, perfectly matching his external appearance. "Let's get on with this shall we?" He turned to his drow companion, the black of the gunmetal covering her body perfectly complementing her skin tone. The brute jumped down onto the planets surface, sending a slight puff of earth up with the force of his landing and turned to survey the ship again. Chewing his cigar a little and moving it from one side of his mouth to the other he admired the machine's lines once more before turning to the jeep. As vehicles went it wasn't bad either, a Mark III if he was any judge, the rear mounted assault gun was a nice touch however, he lamented that the factory model didn't come with it as standard.

He pushed the door release and moved one foot onto the extended step, turning he locked his one remaining good eye on Elisndar and nodded towards the gunner position before exercising his huge lungs, shouting over the roar of the ship's engines "READY!?".

2011-07-31, 08:42 PM
Zilvafae approached the railing following closely behind Skarslag, her lithe form moving quickly, yet powerfully as she leaned against the railing. Her eyes darting back and forth taking in the sight of the two vehicles before her, a slight nod of her head and smile were the only signs of approval.

She breathed normally despite disliking her companion's disgusting habit of always smoking. She never understood the desire of other species to intentionally poison themselves, but she knew better, from previous arguments, to let the matter go and not to question him. She respected him too much for that, knowing they had both pulled each other out of too many tight spots not to.

Without a word she pulled herself up onto the hoverjeep, bracing herself behind the gun position, trying to get as comfortable as one could be in such a spot. Then casually brushing back her long black hair and tucking it behind her ears, it's color almost as dark as the suit she was wearing, she answered Skarslag's question. "Just drive already." The smile on her face resonating through her words.

2011-08-01, 01:02 AM
1 hour before the bank opens...

It takes about 2 and a half minutes to close into Henderson. How close is Skarslag taking you in and how early?

Perhaps he is seeking to innoculate himself against poisoning by rivals. While nicotine would not be the first choice of a master Drow Grey Eminence the Orks are not known for skill in these arts.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-01, 05:57 AM
As the drow deftly scaled the side of the jeep and took up her position Skarslag heaved his weight into the beast, feeling its stabilisers settle under his weight. He started the thundering engine and listened for a second or two, hearing the pop and thump of the machine. It seemed to be running smoothly, for now.

Before they departed he had a decision to make, the clock on the dash put it at 08:30 local time, he'd done enough of these jobs in the past to know that breaking into an open bank is significantly easier than one that's closed. So... they had an hour. Mentally cataloguing their assets brought up no ideas. It's a times like this a body wishes for a good satchel charge.

He pushed the intercom on the driving column and spoke loudly over the noise of the engine (not a difficult feat for him) to his companion.
"We've got some time, so how about a little sightseeing?"
Gunning the engine he released the clutch and felt the thrusters do their thing, the hover pads balancing their load well. It took a matter of seconds to get up to speed as the Orc began one long circle of the settlement, taking in the lay of the land.

2011-08-01, 07:22 AM
"Nothing like getting to know the area a little better, just try to not draw too much attention to us." Zilvafae responded back over the coms as the jeep started up.

Her form lurched backwards from the sudden momentum of the jeep, but her tight grip on the gun kept her from falling. As the jeep approached it's high speed she found herself settling back into her former comfortable position, she found she always felt quite at home behind a huge mounted gun.

She couldn't help but have her eyes scan across the horizon, her head turning back and forth as her dark, raven hair whipped behind her. She was trying to see if she couldn't spot anything useful or perhaps even something out of place within the town.

Zilvafae will do a perception roll to see if she can't see anything strange or useful about the town as they take a small tour of it.

Perception: [roll0]

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-01, 08:09 AM
It took a moment or two for Skarslag to consciously begin to scan the area. The jeep was a nice piece of kit when stationary, but it was beautiful in motion. This was how you were supposed to see it. The controls were fluid and responsive, the hover pads balanced far better than most and the acceleration was a thing of wonder. None the less he managed to tear his attention away from admiring the machine and looked out over the horizon, using the truck's many mirrors to aid in his assessment. Puffing one final time on his cigar he stubbed it out in the jeep's ashtray and flicked the intercom switch once more. "Anything?"

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-01, 08:11 AM
Double post for perception roll:

2011-08-01, 11:44 AM
2 minutes until the bank opens...

The arid ground kicks up far too much dust as you glide across it. In the interests of discretion you park in a spot overlooking the town.

Henderson is a mix of wooden homesteads hastily thrown up by the settlers and a handful of more prefabricated metalplast structures provided by the aristocorp. At the center of it all is a railstation, next to which lies the metalplast reinforced extensions to the bank. The wooden entrance to the bank sits opposite a saloon.

Wooden stables sit alongside the metalplast barrack's vehicle hangers. Skarslag knows to expect a pursuit.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-02, 06:33 AM
Having parked the hover jeep close enough to the town, but far enough away so as to not draw attention, Skarslag began the short walk. He lit another cigar as he moved, quickly and with purpose. "I don't like the smell of this Zee. I've got that feeling in my gut, remember the train job?" He patted his side arm for assurance. "Let's get this party started shall we?" They were bearing down on the bank now and things were about to get... interesting.

2011-08-02, 07:20 AM
You spy several vehicles: tracked, wheeled and hover, heading out into the mountains towards the mines and refineries. You keep your distance and they fail to react to you.

Openning time...
The cargorobot follows you out into town. The streets are yet empty as the sign behind the barred windows on the door rotates from closed to open...

2011-08-02, 08:34 AM
Zilvafae sighed as she kept pace behind Skarslag, "You don't like most of our jobs, these days. Although to be fair, neither do I, but that's also why we do them. The pays better and we get to show how good we are again and again." she says, the sigh turning into a smirk as she talks.

"I couldn't get much of a read on the town as we came in and circled unfortunately, not sure if it was all the dust in my eyes or if you were going too fast or if whatever there was to see was too hidden, but I'm hoping it doesn't bite us in the end. How about you, you manage to pick out anything interesting?" She mentions, replying late to Skar's earlier question.

As they got closer and closer to the bank, Zilvafae's hand unconsciously moved towards her gun, getting itself ready as her body slightly tensed and untensed. The smirk on her face had become a full blown smile by now, "Let's make some noise."

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-02, 01:53 PM
The orc stopped outside the main door of the bank and stubbed out his cigar. "No such thing as too fast Zee, and yeah, granted, most of the jobs we take these days are insane. But... so's the pay. I saw nothing of use incidentally, have to go with our intuition on this one." The hulking figure patted the 'bot "this thing better be capable of delivering." Stretching his neck from side to side the Orc cracked his neck loudly "Let's try and do this the peaceful way initially shall we?" Pushing open the door he steeled himself for trouble, although he too was having trouble keeping a grin, however menacing, off of his face.

2011-08-02, 02:20 PM
"I'm sure the bot will deliver, that is assuming our employer wants their share." Zilvafae responded, the playful smile still fully displayed across her face.

Her hand still lingered by the handle of her gun, although to the untrained eye it'd look as if she was just going about her business, as she followed the orc inside. Her small frame was barely noticeable as the orc's mass eclipsed her own.

Zilvafae chuckled at this and to the thought of doing thing peacefully. She knew almost nothing the orc did ended peacefully, especially when she was also involved.

2011-08-02, 06:04 PM
Clarification, are you wearing balaclavas or other face concealing kit? The teller's reaction depends on it.

20 minutes until the train arrives...

You enter the floor of the bank. No customers have arrived yet but a teller sits behind a sheet of blasterproof glass badly secured to the wooden interior.

A pair of all-around security cameras sit in the ceiling.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-03, 05:05 AM
I was under the impression we were, yes. The bank's only just opened, so other than the cashier, there'd be no one around to panic and obviously the place is being monitored.

So, unless Daravon has any objections, we're wearing face coverings.
I'll detail mine now as I didn't in the last post.

By the way, what's the general layout of the bank?

The Orc must have struck an imposing figure in the light of the doorway, his massive frame obscuring most of the opening. As he moved forward, into the harsh fluorescent lighting of the bank proper it got no better. His species was obvious, huge and hulking, to mention nothing of the moth eaten green ears sticking out of each side of his head, but his face itself was obscured. The eyes by deeply tinted pilot goggles, and everything below those by a red and white bandanna, tied so it trailed a triangle from his nose on down. The assault weapons at his hip finished the spectacle.

He closed the gap between the bank door and the cashier in only a few, huge steps and pushed his face up against the plexi-glass. In a deep rumble he began "I'm going to say this once, and only once, and you will listen. Understand?" Without waiting for a reply he continued "We're here to pick up that gold you have in the vault, you're going to give it to us or my friend here" he nodded towards his drow companion "is going to kill you, your family, your dog and your gods damned hamster, before, just for good measure, burning down everything you've spent your life building up. Do you understand? Nod if you do." The Orc waited for a response. "And don't get any ideas about calling in the local security force, I'm sure there are men among them who you know, it would be a terrible situation to have to explain to their families that you were the one who chimed the bell that brought them to their deaths." Another pause, longer this time to let the situation settle into the teller, let him understand the full gravity of the situation and to get his adrenaline pumping. "Now, work quickly, it's been a few days since my companion has killed anyone, and she tends to get a bit antsy when she isn't taking lives."

Glancing at Zilvafae the visible parts of Skarslag's face crinkled into a wide smile "see, real peaceful-like".

Intimidate [roll0]

Edit: Wow, nat 20. Useful...

2011-08-03, 05:32 AM
He stands still, in shock as you enter. It takes a few seconds after you finish for his mind to catch up before he nods, slowly, back.

The area you're in is an open area, seperated from the teller by blasterproof glass, wood paneling and a heavy reinforced door.

The teller should know where the vault is, but first you need to get through the barrier. The robot is only equipped to bypass the vault - it doesn't have enough explosives to break the door as well.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-04, 06:35 AM
Right, he wasn't going to try and be a hero. That was good. Looking directly at Zilvafae Skarslag began to formulate a plan. "Bar the front door as best you can. We don't want this little shindig of ours to interrupted now do we?"

Returning his attention to the teller "are you ging to open that door and let me back there, or am I going to have to find my own way in. Just a friendly warning, if you make me bust my myself in -and I will- I won't exactly be a happy bunny." He patted his side arm menacingly. "Basically, you've got two options here partner. A, you open that door for me and things go real smooth-like. I've got nothing against you, I just want that gold, which incidentally, isn't yours, so any hero stuff would be stupid, and presumably way above your paygrade. Or, of course, there's option B, where I break my way into that cubicle you're currently occupying and beat you to death with the butt of my gun for wasting my time. What's it going to be, A, or B?"

Intimidate [roll0]
Of course, a Natural 20 followed by a Natural 1. I was worried there for a moment, things were going almost too smoothly.

2011-08-04, 06:42 AM
Zilvafae has enough time to move desks and chairs infront of the windows and the door during Skarslag's rant.

The penny drops for the Teller, "Hang on a second. This is blasterproof glass!". An alarm sounds throughout the building and a metal shutter closes over the window.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-04, 09:17 AM
Skarslag rolled his eyes and unholstered his Assault Blaster. "By the gods... alright f***-it, no sense in trying to be subtle now. Take out those cameras!" Pointing his gun at the wooden partition to the side of the plexi-glass he pulled the trigger down and kept it that way.

Right, here's hoping my Blaster can damage the wood.

Don't know if I need to roll Attack-rolls do I? Let's see, the book says that I'll automatically hit if the object I'm shooting at is adjacent to me (p.128), does this apply here? Hmm, although my weapon is Autofire, so I suppose I'll fire 3 bursts as a full round action (p.130)? So, I will need to roll Attack rolls to determine how many hits I get for Autofire. Although, then I won't know how many times I need to roll damage. Uh, ok, I'll roll 3 attack rolls and await how many hits I get? Or you can roll damage if you want.
Sorry, not trying to make extra work for you here, I promise!


Damage: 4d10 +1 x however many hits I get...

2011-08-04, 09:59 AM
Zilvafae had just gotten the final desk into location setting up a nice barricade in front of the door and windows as the alarm rang, it's shrill noise echoing off the walls. She had been silent till now, letting her partner do what he did best, till some idiot got it in their head to piss him off.

She let out a slight sigh, then laughed. "Well S, we knew this wouldn't be an easy one. There's always at least one hero, one dead hero." She says as her partner's blasts sound throughout the room.

She turns effortlessly, her gun sweeping up from her holster as the barrel points skywards as it fires at the first camera she sees.

Not sure how many cameras there are? Not sure if multiples or just a single hub, but Zilvafae will attempt to take out one for now since that's all she can fire per turn, correct?

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Also for Skarslag, if you're firing possibly three times, I'd just roll the three possible damages after it and use them in order if you make the check and ignore them if you don't.

2011-08-04, 06:14 PM
I always assumed the 'auto hit an object' was something to do with 3e vs 3.5e. Objects have AC 5 (and there're no fumbles on a 1) so at this level you can autohit them anyway... but incompetent mooks don't have such luck...

The torrent of Skarslag's blaster slowly burns a hole clean through the wood and the steel cage behind it.

Zilvafae burns out all the visible cameras in the lobby.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-06, 05:17 AM
Skarslag inspected the hole he'd just blown through the wall. He wasn't impressed. Well then, he hadn't used his gun as a cutter in a while.
"Here we go Vee. Might want to cover your ears."

The orc pulled down the trigger on his huge weapon and sent shot after shot slamming into the wall, moving slowly and as precisely as his gun allowed, he moved in a small circle. Hoping to make an opening just big enough for his companion to slip through and unseal the door.

2011-08-06, 11:26 PM
Are you sure? This will consume more or less all the ammunition you brought with you into the bank and there will be plenty of time for the response to show up outside.

You could threaten the teller through the hole like in the Bookies scene from Snatch.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-07, 04:22 AM
Ah, ok, I see. Honestly, I had no idea how much ammo we had, or indeed if our weapons simply had inexhaustible energy cells. If we have limited ammo, then I will indeed scrub my last post. Thanks for that.

Skarslag inspected the hole he'd just burnt through the wall and grinned. Unholstering his pistol, he jammed it though the hole and pointed it around the corner in the general direction he assumed the Teller was hiding.

"Listen to me. I know you don't want to die. No-one does, not really. So this can go one of two ways, you can open the door for me, or I can toss a grenade in there and vaporise you. Honestly, to me you're just a lump of meat standing between me and my gold. However I'd prefer not to have to cut my way through this wall with my gun, which you can quite clearly see I'm capable of. How about this" here the Orc's voice softened ever so slightly "let me in and I'll let you live, don't let me in, I'll kill you and take what's left of your body with me so your family won't even have the closure of being able to bury, or burn you, or whatever your tradition is on this planet."


2011-08-07, 04:32 AM
18 minutes until the train arrives...

The heavy steel door is unlocked. The robot pushes its way through immediately.

You can both see a commotion outside the front of the bank... the kind of commotion that makes you inclined to stay away from the windows... Two wheeled trucks and two wheeled jeeps with soldiers cowering behind. They're all wearing combat armour and training assault rifles at the facade.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-07, 08:58 AM
Following the bot through the door Skarslag took stock of the situation before spotting the teller.
"Good lad." The orc made one step in his direction, flipped his gun over and promptly pistol whipped the guy on the back of the head. "Better get in here Vee, if they start loosing rounds into this place, this steel will at least provide a little protection. Now robot, you better know what you're doing." With the robot seemingly on auto-pilot, and the security forces outside yet to begin firing Skarslag found himself with nothing to do. He considered lighting up a cigar, but thought better of it. Instead he scanned the interior for any more cameras and shot them out as needed.

Do I need to roll to knock out the teller, I'm assuming not, let me know if otherwise.

2011-08-08, 02:22 AM
17 minutes until the train arrives...
Next to the teller are two others. One of them is better dressed and, you think, the manager. The other is a woman.

You don't need to roll to knock the Teller unconscious but the manager pleads with you that he didn't know what he was doing, he's just a kid, he has a family and all the rest.

The robot sets to work on the vault door.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-08, 07:47 AM
"Relax," growled the Orc. "He'll wake up in a few hours. His head will ache for a week, but it could have been much worse. Remind him of that. You," the beast directed his attention to the woman, "lie down on the floor with your hands behind your head. Move them from that position and I will remove them from you. Got it?" A pause. "Good. As for you Mr. Suit, tell me. Is there another way out of this bank. Think carefully before answering, going out the front will inconvenience me slightly, but it will inconvenience those men out there a whole lot more. Vee! How's it looking out there!?"

2011-08-08, 08:09 AM
"N... No, there's not."

Your radio buzzes with Delittle's voice. "Droogs, you can try taking the lewdies as hostages. Buy me a little time while I open the safe and take my cutter."

2011-08-08, 08:09 AM
Zilvafae had followed Skarslag through the door and behind the steel, as she watched what the Ork did best, get others to do what they needed done. She positioned herself tactically, her gunned trained on the hostages as she stood far enough away that if she did glance away they couldn't make any move against her fast enough.

Her eyes darted back and forth, as she tried to take stock of the situation building up outside, her eyes trying to pierce through her expertly built barricade.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-08-08, 08:21 AM
They're building up outside and establishing who's in charge. With no information to go on they're going to have to launch an explatory attack - but you don't know if they'll wait until the train arrives for reinforcements.

2011-08-08, 09:42 AM
"Not wonderful. Looks like they're still trying to figure out which one of them wants to die to us first. Once that train gets here they'll assault for sure, although could happen before then if one of them works up enough courage." The drow responds back to Skarslag's inquiry.

She looked back to the manager, her gun still trained on the hostages. "So if there's no back door to this place, how about a way up to the roof?" She inquired.

2011-08-08, 09:46 AM
The manager responds in the affirmative.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-08, 10:17 AM
Skarslag eyed the droid and tried to estimate how much longer it would take to complete its assignment and then nodded. "Good idea. What about 'bot, can we get it up there?" He remained motionless and more or less silent for a few moments, considering the situation and their potential options before finally pushing the 'talk' button on his radio "looks like we might have a situation here. Pick up the jeep and get ready for an evac from the roof of the bank." The orc made a face beneath his bandanna and a low growling noise, wishing he was flying the ship instead of DeLittle, it wouldn't be a difficult manoeuvre, but he had little faith in the human's piloting ability, at least compared to his own.

"Ok, so we've got." He glanced at the digital readout on his radio "about 15 minutes. Show us where the roof access is Mr. Suit, and make it snappy. And no funny business; whilst I have no interest in killing you, I will do it in a heartbeat if I think you're trying to screw us."

2011-08-08, 10:20 AM
There's a pause and the radio buzzes back to you: "No can do, droog. If someone gets a butchers of my ship I'll never get passed the sky defences. You have to come out to me or it won't work."

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-08, 11:16 AM
A roll of the eyes is the only response Skarslag can muster at first -click- "very well. You better have those engines hot when we arrive though." -click- "Looks like we get to do this the fun way then. How close is that thing to being done." A nod in the general direction of the busying robot.

2011-08-08, 02:59 PM
"No idea. It'll be done when it's done."

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-10, 11:16 AM
"Fine, then it looks like we wait. In the meantime, show my companion here the way to the roof. Zee, I sure hope whatever plan you're cooking up works."

2011-08-10, 11:27 AM
Zilvafae smiled, "That makes two of us.", she said responding to Skarslag.

She quietly followed the man who was leading her up to the roof, her gun always trained on him, ready just in case.

2011-08-10, 11:40 AM
So Zilvafae is going with the manager leaving Skarslag with the two tellers?

There's a staircase leading to a lockable hatch. The Manager unsecures it for you.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-10, 01:08 PM
Pretty much, Skarslag will keep watch over the tellers whilst he waits for the robot to do it's thing.

"You there, on the floor, don't move, just answer my question. Is there a line out of this bank I can use to contact the security forces out there? If so, where is it."

2011-08-10, 02:17 PM
On your way into town you noticed that the only wired telecom infrastructure was an old-west telegraph system

Despite that the teller shows you that there's a satellite link to the aristocorp's offices in the space port. He suggests that you could try shouting to talk to the men outside.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-10, 03:32 PM
No comms. Very well. Skarslag moved to the entranceway between the bank proper and the staff section so as to be able to get a more clear line of shout to the soldiers and to keep a watchful eye on his 'hostage'.


2011-08-10, 04:41 PM
There's a pause.

"I am. I'm Ranger Vance Walker."

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-10, 05:07 PM
"Well then Mr. Walker the ranger, looks like we've got ourselves a good old stand-off. I don't know what you've got planned, but I'd suggest you wait until the big boys arrive before you try any smart ideas. Sure would be a shame if the blood of the three people in here was on your hands, don't you think? So, am I negotiating with you, or am I waiting for an expert?"

2011-08-11, 02:59 AM
"We can talk. But we need some sign that they're okay."

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-11, 05:07 AM
Taking his attention away from the soldiers the orc turned and pulled the woman to her feet, her small frame weighing almost nothing in his powerful arms. Lowering his voice "Shout to them, tell them everyone is ok and that if they stay out there, no-one will get hurt. No funny stuff."

2011-08-11, 08:21 AM
Zilvafae leads the manager back down to Skarslag, motioning with her gun that he should get back on the floor and in his previous position. "Sorry to make you babysit another, but I don't want him up on the roof with me while I check out the situation. In fact, looks like yo've got your own situation to handle down here." She says, the smirk she had earlier now once again visible on her face.

She then quickly turned and headed back for the roof, moving through the now unsecured hatch. She slowly opened it and ducking down, peered through to make sure it was safe.

Come on, perception don't fail me now!

Perception: [roll0]

2011-08-11, 11:28 AM
Fifteen minutes until the train arrives...

It's a flat roof with some metal housing a portable air conditioning unit that has been installed using gnomish creativity. Zilvafae creeps to the edge of the roof but is spotted immediately.

The female teller cooperates completely with Skarslag however midway through there's a sudden commotion.

Walker begins shouting "Hold your fire!"

There're six at the front of the building on the street and two at the back of the building.

Just as the troops begin to settle there's a loud blast from within the Bank and one of the ranger's loses his nerve, firing a burst that narrowly misses Zilvafae.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-11, 12:47 PM
Skarslag was surprised by the noise, but not by the rangers' response. -Click-"Was that your machine DL?"

As for the rangers, he'd have to do something fast before things got out of hand.
"If I hear one more shot fired before my negotiator arrives I'm going to execute a hostage. I've got three, so losing one won't cause me a great deal of problems!"

2011-08-11, 01:35 PM
Zilvafae ducks barely in time as the shot leaves her ears ringing. She curses the gods as she makes her way back inside the bank, carefully relocking the hatch on the door to the roof, before finally making it back to the first floor.

"Damn hicks shot at me!" The smirk was gone from her face this time, as she spoke. "Luckily I got off a quick count though, counted 8 total, 6 out front, 2 out back before they sent me a nice reminder of why we should maybe do this the messy way. She paused for a second, looking over the frightened hostages.

"Seems our options are either straight out the front door and perhaps down the rope from the roof. I'll provide us the cover we need either way. Too bad we can't get some kind of distraction to draw a couple of the blasted buggers away." She mused, half talking, half trying to scheme up something.

"How goes your 'negotiations'?" She finally inquired, realizing she might indeed be interrupting them.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-11, 01:43 PM
Skarslag turned and listened as Zilvafae filled him in. He grunted and nodded occasionally. "A distraction would be good. Sure would be nice if we had some grenades... however, as we don't we may have to improvise. As for the negotiations, I think I'm making a new friend." He grinned manically and begun to construct some sort of plan, although discussing anything with the drow would be difficult with the hostages in earshot.

2011-08-11, 07:32 PM
With Skarslag's threats of murder the woman becomes hysterical.

Delittle buzzes on the comm, over the noise. "Vault's open. Fill your boots, malchick."

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-12, 08:08 AM
"Shut your noise woman or I'll shut it for you." The orc scratched his chin and watched the robot get to work with the loading. "Ok Vee, the way I see it, you're gonna have to create some kind of distraction whilst I go and grab our ride. You got something the the bag that would fill that requirement?"

2011-08-23, 12:00 PM
Zilvafae smiled, one of her devilish smiles as she responded. "I think I can manage a distraction or two, but how do you think we'll leave this place? Doesn't seem to be a back and not sure we can get off the roof if we want to take the loot with us. My distraction will be good, damn good, but no distraction is worth a damn if they blast the front door knowing we'll have to come out it. The smile, sadly disappearing as she posed the question, as much to Skarslag as to herself.

2011-08-23, 08:24 PM
The robot beeps loudly and Delittle buzzes your comms. "I've got the gold. I mean, the robot's full. You two devotchkas got a plan for getting out yet?"

There's still gold left over and you each have a bag of holding yourselves if you want to grab some more before leaving.

2011-08-23, 09:44 PM
Zilvafae nastily retorts back to the robot, while she moves in to fill her bag with as much gold as she can fit in it. "Of course we have a plan, we're not amateurs." Her hands full of gold bars as she shoves them into the bag as quickly as she can.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-24, 06:02 AM
Skarslag took a note of the time before putting what could charitably called his plan into action, of course, no one else had to know he was flying be the seat of his pants, although Zee had known him long enough to know it was his general MO.

"Ok, here's the deal" as he spoke the Orc flipped over his pistol and knocked the remaining concious hostages out cold "you go up to the roof and provide as much cover as you can" he moved next to the drow and began to fill his bag with as much gold as it could hold. "I'll come up with you and jump off the roof, hoofing it to the jeep as fast as I can go. You'll be on your own whilst I'm gone Zee, but you oughta be able to handle yourself. Whilst I'm gone, you've gotta try to get the 'bot up on the roof without those morons destoying the thing. At that point, I'll pick you both up and we can blow this joint. The mounted autocannon should dissuade them from following too closely. Sound good?"

2011-08-24, 07:42 AM
There's a laugh on the comm. It's Delittle's laugh.

"You don't need to take the robot devotchka's. I already have the gold, 'ported to my ship. I'm already at 10k and rising. You, my little droogs, are my little patsies."

2011-08-24, 08:34 AM
"Frell!" Zilvafae exclaims, as she attempts to regain her composure. "Well at least we'll get away with what gold we have ourselves... assuming we do get away." She says, looking towards Skarslag and then to the robot and finally the hostages.

"Your plan will work Skar, but how about we send the robot out the front door and perhaps something else I can conjure up when we do? Have them really thinking we're trying a kamikaze run, should shake them up enough to give you the time you need." Zilvafae says, murmuring the plan to Skarslag.

"We'll just need to make sure the hostages don't get any funny ideas and are taken care of. Perhaps we can load'em into the vault? Should be enough oxygen in there to last them till the locals break'em free." She continues, her signature smirk reappearing across her face.

2011-08-24, 08:57 AM
And no way of spending it as the gold is, of course, printed with the seal of the aristocorp it belongs to...

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-24, 01:11 PM
"YOU SON OF A GOBBO DELITTLE. THAT SHIP BETTER BE FAST, 'CAUSE THERE'S NO WAY YOU'LL BE ABLE TO HIDE FROM US!" Skarslag slammed the 'bot's comm unit with the butt of his pistol and began heading towards the roof access. "Ok Zee, now we really gotta get the hells out of here, I don't know about you, but my desire to live has just gone up 10 fold, that slimy bastard is gonna get what's coming to him. And sure, throw them in, they shouldn't be much trouble in their state, but it's the smart move." The orc began to haul his massive frame upwards, he paused just before reaching the top and looked to Zilvafae to give him the go-ahead, this was going to get very messy, very quickly, he couldn't say he was sorry.

2011-08-24, 04:51 PM
A thick smoke smelling of flux eminates from the loading robot.

2011-08-25, 07:00 AM
Zilvafae looks over the robot trying to see if it is still even functional or if it's completely dead."Well things keep going from bad to worse, but we're not screwed yet, not by a long shot." she grumbles as she loads the now unconscious hostages into the vault, slipping the manager's wrist watch off and pocketing it, before closing the door. She then moves to one of the barricaded windows making sure there's enough room for a medium sized beast to burst through.

She then quickly ascends the stairs meeting Skarslag up at the top of them, waiting for her at the hatch as she once again begins to channel her divine powers through her.

"Here," she says as she touches him and he vanishes from her sight. "We need to make sure you make it, so I'm casting invisibility on you as well, go once you hear the fighting start down in the street. You should have seven minutes to get to the car and get up to me, if for any reason you can't, comm me and I'll join you down there."

As she says this she moves slightly onto the roof and reaches into her pockets, producing her recently acquired watch. Once more she begins to channel her divine powers and for a second things go black. Before her darkvisioned eyes even has a chance to settle to the new darkness, she's already at the roofs edge, as she drops the watch over the side, descending the street below into complete darkness.

Before she can even hear the watch clink off the concrete below, she hurries back down the stairs moving into the middle of the room as she works to quickly channel her divine powers through her as she summons a medium lightning elemental up. As the room in the air crackles with static electricity around her her she motions, it too look through the window, trying to have it comprehend that enemies are outside.

Spells cast, Summon Monster IV, Invisibility, Deeper Darkness.

Whoops, sorry about that, didn't see her alignment. Should hopefully be fixed now.

2011-08-25, 07:27 AM
Quick reference for the Elemental's stats...

XP 800
N Medium outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural)
Vitality 26 (4d10+4)
Wounds 12
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +1
Immune electricity, elemental traits

Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee slam +8 (1d6+3 plus 1d4 electricity)
Special Attacks metal mastery, spark leap

Str 14, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 21
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Acrobatics +11, Escape Artist +9, Fly +12, Knowledge (planes) +2, Perception +7
Language Auran

Do you want the elemental to attack before or after Skarslag jumps? Or would you like to give the people outside a reaction?

2011-08-25, 01:38 PM
Before please. Mainly it's supposed to charge out and draw attention/surprise the people outside while Skarslag jumps down.

2011-08-25, 04:20 PM
The elemental shatters the glass of one of one of the windows, sending splinters of the furniture barring it flying, scorched and burning, across the foyer.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] electricity.

Bad planning, looking up the rules for fighting in darkness.

2011-08-25, 04:36 PM
You hear confused shouting, only the voice of Walker is clear enough to make out. "I have one on-Crack! Shoot the door and withdraw!"

Gunfire breaks out.
Can't figure out the dice roller, using a different one.

Attack Roll... 10
Damage... 5

Attack Rolls... 17 5 9 12 19.

Skarslag, jumping off the roof?

2011-08-25, 07:49 PM
As the elemental made it's way through the glass, Zilvafae quickly worked her way up stairs and onto the roof, closing the door behind her as she ducked down and awaited Skarslag to arrive with the hoverjeep.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-26, 12:06 PM
Skarslag observed the Drow's actions and smiled at her deviousness, as soon as he vanished from sight he dropped off the roof and began to book it as fast as he could towards the jeep. By his reckoning, he could make it there easily, but without a gunner, getting back would be interesting.

He unslung his pistol just in case.

Skarslag will drop off of the roof (just sucking up any falling damage) and attempt to get to the jeep. Basically.

2011-08-26, 02:17 PM
Skarslag hit the dirt, kicking up dirt around him. Fortunately nobody seemed to hear over the bursts of fire.

With the advantage of being able to see the rangers while they couldn't see him avoiding them was easy...

Is Skarslag going for the hoverjeep Delittle gave you, or one of the Ranger's jeeps?

Jack DeCoeur
2011-08-26, 04:07 PM
The hoverjeep if possible, we only parked it a few minutes walk out of town right? Shouldn't take more than a couple to sprint to it?

2011-08-26, 05:35 PM
Just wanted to make it clear that you had a choice. (After all, Delittle hasn't done right by you with the robot - who knows what's wrong with the Jeep ;) )

Skarslag dashes off for the robot.

6 turns of the elemental vs Walker
Elemental Attack Rolls... 21 15 22 19 23 25.
Damage... 10 7 10 9 10.
Saves... 19

Walker Attack Rolls... 8 9 10 24 17 23.
Concealment... 12 8 13
Damage... 4 1

The elemental discorporeates. "Where the Bacchus did it go? Am I the only one here with imagers? Fine! Stay behind me!"

Zilvafae can see Walker placing a of goggles on before heading towards the entrance of the bank. Walker is clearly injured from his scuffle with the elemental but is struggling through the pain.

2011-09-08, 07:05 AM
Zilvafae sees an airraft descending into sight.

XR409 (Pronounced 'Czar')

Warforged Rogue

Str 14 Dex 16(18) Con 16
Int 14 Wis 12 Cha 8

WP 16
Vitality 56

AC 20 (Defence +5)
Armour DR 1

Fort +5
Refl +9
Will +3

BAB +5
+1 Blaster Pistol +10, 3d6

Acrobatics +14
Appraise +12
Craft, Technology +12
Disable Device +14
Knowledge, Local +12
Perception +11
Pilot +14
Linguistics +12
Sense Motive +11
Stealth +14
Use Magic Device +9
Use Technology +12

Common, Elven, Dwarven, Orc, Goblin, Giant, Draconic,
Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial

::Feats and Features::
Composite Plating, Light Fortification, Living Construct Traits
Sneak Attack +4d6
Fast Stealth
Trap Spotter
Trapsense +2
Uncanny Dodge
Darkvision 60ft
Techn Proficiency

Deadly Aim
Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Critical

1000 gp

+1 Blaster Pistol, Pair of (3d8) [Integrated]
+2 Belt of Incredibly Dexterity [Integrated]
+1 Amulet of Natural Armour [Integrated]

Modified X-Boat

Contact had been lost with the tracking circuit. Spying from the sky it was clear that the locals hadn't broken in and shot the place up yet so something else must be wrong.

The databanks clicked and spun - simulating mail delivery. By the time they realise all the mail is addressed to dummy addresses you'll be in a different system with a new transponder code.

You bring your airraft down closer to spy a better look.

2011-09-10, 12:59 AM
Zilvafae commed Skarslag, "Looks like things are going from bad, to worse, to deadly over here. The locals have gotten into the bank downstairs and my options to barricade the hatch to the roof are limited. It also looks like they've called in air support, meaning a whole lot of bad for us...."

She paused for a moment before continuing "Or well me. You could take the hoverjeep and still spin out, but if you do, you better know I'll hunt for you in the afterlife. But as for picking me up... not sure it's worth the risk is that aircraft can shoot you down before you reach me... Any advise? I could try to leg it to you after all." The drow looks more frantic as she weighs her options, trying to keep an eye on the aircraft and a ear to the locals downstairs.

Edit: Fixed minor spelling/typing errors.

Also could Zilva ready an action to cast the shadow conj spell on the hatch if she hears the locals coming up the stairs?

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-10, 04:40 AM
Skarslag pushed the button on his walkie to reply to Zilvafae. His reply slightly wheezy, he hadn't had to run this fast in quite some time.
"Nice one Zee, but you ain't getting rid of me that easily." The jeep was in sight now, the air support was unfortunate, true, but he was confident in his abilities as a pilot. "Hold on for another minute or two, I'll be right there."

Finally making it to the jeep, the orc hit the door release and slid into the drivers seat, his lungs and leg muscles protesting most fiercely.

First order of business was drawing his pistol and opening the window. Hitting anything from a moving vehicle with a pistol, let alone whilst also driving the damned thing was virtually impossible, but it may encourage some of the 'troops' to keep their heads down.

Skarslag hit the ignition and fired the engine, the hover drives lifting the jeep smoothly into the air. Briefly lamenting that this machine would likely not last that much longer, he floored the accelerator and pointed it in the direction of the settlement. A broad grin once more decorating his face.

2011-09-10, 05:16 AM
The back of the jeep skids across the ground with sparks as Skarslag starts to gun it before the engines give it clearance, leaving a pair of short divots in its wake.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-10, 05:43 AM
It didn't take long to clear the distance between where the jeep was parked and the bank which was lucky, as there seemed to be a lot of commotion going on up ahead, Zee really was in trouble. Shifting his head to hit the comm button with his face he roared into the intercomm. "Zee, you better get ready to blow that joint, this is going to be messy."

What happened next took less than a few seconds, but Skarslag was wired. Wired with adrenaline and the primal thrill of the hunt. To him it seemed to go in slow motion.

Sticking his arm out the window, pistol in hand he fired wildly in the general direction of the troopers. He didn't bother to aim, it would have been pointless. Simultaneously, using mostly his gut instinct, he J-turned the jeep causing it to slide sideways at the back wall of the bank. Judging when to fire the afterburners was the hardest part, but he made his best guess. There'd be one shot at this and one only, it'd use most of their fuel, and likely do a fair bit of damage to the jeep itself, but needs must. He hit the switch and offered up a silent prayer to any god that would care to listen and wasn't too busy right now.

2011-09-10, 06:47 AM
I'm confused as to what you're attempting to do. You're going to reverse towards the bank and turn around and ram at the last minute? Or did you mean a bootlegger turn with the intention of using your thrusters to blast the wall and reduce speed?

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-10, 08:18 AM
Ah, yes. I see that I could have been clearer. Basically I'm driving towards the bank at full speed and turning at the last minute so that, when I hit the afterburner thrusters to come up level with the roof the jeep will be parallel with the edge of the bank so I can then immediately drive off once Zilvafae jumps on. Does that make sense?

2011-09-10, 07:45 PM
Great. I zip in as quickly and quietly and as low under the radar as possible, moving toward that big black bubble of darkness. I'm attempting to come in from the back of the building. This way, I can avoid that group of life forms my sensors detected out in front of the building, and hopefully get a look at what's causing that upshoot in local CO/SO2/CO2 and heat which seem to indicate smoke of some kind.

2011-09-14, 01:50 PM
Sorry about my lack of reply. I've been unwisely putting it off.

You come in closer. Your sensing equipment is unable to penetrate magical Darkness at this range unfortunately.

As you spin the jeep you feel something hit the side and tumble over the roof. You don't have any chance to think about it before the back of the jeep arrests against the wall.

Glass falls to the floor from the smashed turn indicator.

A ranger stirs in front of you, reaching out for the rifle for comfort as his leg juts out broken.

Ride's here.

2011-09-14, 06:35 PM
I move just close enough for the sensors to detect life signs within the darkness. How many do I find, and where are they situated? An idea is brewing in XR409's positronic matrix that just might allow him to walk away with a profit and still be able to screw that bastard back...

2011-09-14, 09:05 PM
Zilvafae bolts from her hiding spot on the roof as she bounds towards the hoverjeep. He long dark hair whipping behind her as she leaps onto the back of the jeep, and then quickly settling herself into the familiar position of behind the gun. "Skar I'm on and holding on tight! Let's get the frell out of here!" She comms over to him.

2011-09-15, 01:21 AM
I move just close enough for the sensors to detect life signs within the darkness. How many do I find, and where are they situated? An idea is brewing in XR409's positronic matrix that just might allow him to walk away with a profit and still be able to screw that bastard back...

That will require closing to within 60ft. Are you sure?

2011-09-15, 01:51 AM
Presumably I have no idea they're about to bolt (and also it's more interesting to me as a player to complicate XR's life rather than to just hang back and "wait and see"), so of course I'm sure. Why wouldn't I take a closer look?

2011-09-15, 02:23 AM
Alright. The airraft drops rapidly.

XR can see a Drow jumping off the roof.

Instruments picking up a radar signature to the South East.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-15, 05:19 AM
He felt the jeep jolt and assumed it was his companion. Wrong answer Skar. The broken ranger lay on the ground in front of him. Briefly, he considered putting the thing out of its misery, but decided against it, murder was always a last resort.

The jeep jolted again. What this time? But the radio crackled to life and Zilvafae'sfamiliar voice was fed into his ears. His grin returned as he hit the speak button to reply. "Hold on Zee, this is going to be one hell of a ride." He slammed the clutch and dropped the machine into a low gear before applying all the acceleration he could squeeze from his ride. A whoop of exhilaration escaped as they sped away from the bank.

2011-09-15, 09:23 AM
There's a solid THUNK as the jeep drags the wounded Ranger by his chin for a few feet.

A Hoverjeep races out of the darkness.

2011-09-15, 11:50 AM
Track the hoverjeep, it's life signs (species, or are they uniformly Drow?), and while the computer is running the numbers, look closer into that radar signal? Is it ground? Air? Static? Moving? Imperial signature? Any OTHER recognizable signature? And would it be possible to jam it?

2011-09-15, 12:35 PM
Thermographics show two demihumans, you've now way of knowing what race.

It's an airborne radar signal and far out but closing fast. It's not running a civilian transponder.

2011-09-15, 12:58 PM
Not. Good. I set up a scrambled cipher jamming signal with a randomly rotating frequency modulation, and ping it back at the radar to jam it, then open comms to the hoverjeep. Do they answer the hail?

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-15, 04:25 PM
Skarslag was minorly perplexed when the external comm system of the jeep dinged at him. Were they trying to negotiate? For what? He hit the switch and noted that there was no message other than a handshake request. Curiouser and curiouser.

He hit the reponse button and grunted into the mic. "Yeah?"

2011-09-15, 08:29 PM
Zilvafae hears the chatter over the comm and briefly butts in over her's and Skarslag's private channel. "What's going on up there Skar? Do we need more cover for this escape? I'm not completely out of tricks yet."

2011-09-15, 10:44 PM
If they comply, he'll activate a tractor beam and start emergency docking procedures, in order to give them as much of a lead as possible.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-16, 12:13 AM
What in the nine hells?

"Zee, did you get any of that?"

2011-09-16, 04:41 AM
If they comply, he'll activate a tractor beam and start emergency docking procedures, in order to give them as much of a lead as possible.

Two minor problems: 1) Neither your airraft or XBoat have a tractor beam; 2)You're not sure the Hoverjeep is pressurised - they'd probably suffocate during the ascent.

Your Airraft has a pickup bed on the back big enough for you to drive a hoverjeep onto but they'd have to come in to the cabin before you ascended too high.

2011-09-16, 09:30 AM
(Ok, my bad, made too many fictional assumptions there, but it can be easily fixed.)

Immediately subsequent to delivering its message, XR409 brings 01 down out of the sky. The pickup bed opens out behind the shipairraft, its tailgate hanging just inches off the ground as 01 slows down to let the hoverjeep catch up.

2011-09-16, 09:53 AM
The Airraft isn't a ship. It's just a flying car (albeit a very high-spec one).

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-16, 11:57 AM
Skarslag hit the button on his personal walkie. "Zee, bit of advice here. I think this thing wants to give us a ride. By my reckoning those rangers have got some pretty serious backup coming in the not to disant future, do I go for it?"

2011-09-17, 06:24 AM
Zilvafae quickly comms back, "Well it's not trying to shoot us down. I'd say that's at least one good sign and our only other ride did leave us here to die... Not sure how much worse it can get if we go for it. Just be ready to blast anything and everything if we do" Her grip tightening on the mounted gun as she prepares herself, for anything.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-17, 10:58 AM
"You're the boss Zee." Deftly, the Orc maneuvered the jeep to just behind the ontake ramp, gliding with as much grace as their celerity allowed, onto the back of the flat-bed.

Hitting the external comm again he patched himself through to their mysterious new 'friend'. "Ok, we're on, you'll have to secure us from your side. I hope you know what you've got yourself into buddy, a whole load of hurt is about to come down upon us unless we split, quick-sharp." He paused, before adding. "Also, it can't have excaped your notice that we have a pretty sizeable vehicle mounted cannon on the back of this thing. I'd prefer if you not turn us into the authorities if you catch my drift. And if we do get out of this, I guess I owe you a beer."

2011-09-17, 11:32 AM
*Bbz* "Unlicensed civilian grav flyer, this is Hauxton Mineral and Aggregates, Security Corp, descend immediately and power down your engines. We are in pursuit, you will not escape. Power down and surrender." *Bbz*

XR Sensors are picking up a radar missile lock.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-17, 03:09 PM
*Click* "Zee, that gun? Hope she's warmed up."

2011-09-19, 09:53 AM

The airraft lurches forward at a much higher speed as XR409 punches in coordinates with one hand and simultaneously scrambles 01's radar signature as best it can. It is aware that the best it can hope for at this point is that it will take longer for the unknown vessel to get a visual confirmation of its kill, but It doesn't let Its passengers know that. It throws out a few plasma flares to overwhelm thermo, and rockets upward for rendezvous with 01.

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-19, 11:18 AM
*Click*"I think the computer wants to you to blow that mother away Zee. Best not disappoint eh?"

2011-09-22, 08:14 PM
"Sure thing boss!" Zilvafae says as she aims the turret at the sky looking to take out anything she can spot.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-09-25, 05:51 AM
You can't eyeball the air carrier but you can see a small flock of glinting metal.

2011-09-27, 12:34 AM
Zilvafae shouts through the comms, "Hey mysterious voice, you got a location on where to shoot? I think I see something, but can't tell if it's friendly or foe. Where are you taking us anyways?"

2011-09-27, 06:48 AM
Hi. I'm sorry I've not been posting much recently.

It's been a good year but as I was unemployed etc... I had the time. I've got back to Uni and been trying to keep my head down and just haven't had enough time in the day to get everything I want to do done.

Sorry, It's been a good year but this just isn't going to work. Later.

2011-09-27, 10:05 AM
Well, I for one appreciate you saying something rather than just keeping us hanging. Best of luck at Uni, and should situations change please look me up on GitP, because I enjoy playing in your games.

2011-09-27, 08:02 PM
I appreciate it as well and completely understand. I know my own posting time has gotten a lot worse since I've switched jobs. You just end up with so much less time and it's hard to make it. I can only imagine actually running one of these... how time consuming that would be.

So thank you again so much for allowing me to join your game. I enjoyed both of them immensely and you did an amazing job as dm. I wish you the best of luck in uni and in everything you do in the future.

2011-09-28, 01:22 AM
If I get more time once things settle down I'll post to let you know but so far I haven't had a day when I haven't been running around campus (which is on a steep incline) so I've been very worn out come 1700 :p

Jack DeCoeur
2011-09-28, 04:52 AM
No worries. I know how Uni can get and I wish you the best of luck.

As with the others, I've greatly enjoyed what we did manage to play and if you do find any time in the distant future to run another game, I'd certainly be more than willing to give it a look.