View Full Version : Humanoid Creatures with multiple hands

2011-07-26, 07:29 PM
Are there any? If not, what are some LA +4 or less creatures that do? The only one I know of is the Xill.

2011-07-26, 07:43 PM
There's a few Monstrous Humanoids like that (Thri-Keen and Sahuagin come to mind). But Humanoids tend to have very traditional biologies.

2011-07-26, 09:53 PM
Taking the OP literally, they all do normally.:smalltongue:

2011-07-27, 06:47 AM
Creatures with four arms:

Anthropomorphic Giant Octopus (Savage Species). Medium monstrous humanoid, RHD 2, LA +0. Six "arms", bite attack, improved grab, constrict.

Anthropomorphic Giant Squid (Savage Species). Medium monstrous humanoid, RHD 3, LA +1, Eight "arms", bite attack, improved grab, constrict.

Diopsid (Dragon Compendium). Medium monstrous humanoid, RHD 0, LA +1. Has its own wonky TWF/MWF rules.

Dolgrim (Eberron Campaign Setting). Small aberration, RHD 0, LA +2. Off-hand penalties for one weapon are reduced to zero (but oddly no mention of what happens to the primary weapon penalty).

Ormyrr (MMII). Huge monstrous humanoid, RHD 7, LA +6. Reach 10', MWF as a bonus feat, and Enhanced MWF (Ex) reduces MWF penalties by 2.

Tako (Oriental Adventures). Medium aberration, RHD 4, LA ???. Can wield up to 7 melee weapons plus a bite attack.

Thri-Kreen (XPH, Shining South). Medium monstrous humanoid, RHD 2, LA +1 (non-psionic) or LA +2 (psionic). (Technically, the Shining South was printed 6 months later, and supercedes the XPH version).

If by "humanoid" you mean the creature type, then no. However, some methods for gaining extra arms:

1) Alter self or polymorph into a creature with 4 or more arms. Phylactery of Change (11200 GP, A&EG p. 135) offers all-day polymorph up to 7HD (check out the Ormyrr in MM2).

2) Girallon's blessing + permanency spells (see Savage Species p. 60). Assuming a 13th level caster, both spells would cost about 11140 GP. While the Savage Species version of girallon's blessing has a drawback where you have to make a Will save to do anything complex with your extra arms, the updated version in the Spell Compendium removes this drawback and makes them fully-functional arms. By RAW, the permanency rules on page 60 of Savage Species still applies to the Spell Compendium version.

3) 2-level Totemist dip to pick up the Girallon Arms soulmeld. While the extra arms physically exist, it's not clear from the fluff if they have fine-motor-control or can perform complex independent movements. If so, this is probably the easiest and cheapest way to get four arms on a humanoid.

4) Arms of the Naga (56000 GP, Savage Species p. 55) and/or Gloves of Man (42000 GP, Savage Species p. 57). Cheaper to buy grafts (see below), and the Arms of the Naga say they can't be used for extra attacks, but putting on the Gloves of Man may override that (check with your DM). If you have some other way to acquire a pair of tentacles/appendages/etc. (soulmeld or the Deepspawn feat from Lords of Madness), then adding Gloves of Man should allow you to attack normally.

5) Grafts. Check Fiend Folio, Magic of Eberron, Lords of Madness, Races of the Dragon, Serpent Kingdoms, or Libris Mortis for more details. A few require the removal of an existing arm, but most don't specify this. Restrictions/costs vary quite a bit. You'll need two... Zombie Arm (25000 GP, Libris Mortis p. 80) is one of the cheaper options, but it will cost at least 50000 GP and permanently reduces your Dex by 4 points.

6) Aberrant Limbs unique ability (DMGII p. 157). This is presented as an NPC-only option, but with a listed LA +2, I don't see why it couldn't be taken as a PC.

7) Obah-Blessed template (Dungeon #136). Adds two extra arms (LA +2) or four extra arms (LA +3).

2011-07-27, 08:22 AM
Any of the humanoid races can actually have multiple limbs. With limb grafts, and Aberration feats and traits. Out of Lords of Madness, if I recall correclty, if you take an aberrant feat you gain a bonus feat that off sets the negative feat. So you might gain a -1 to con or cha but gain an extra limb.