View Full Version : The Red Hand of Doom, Act I: Unsettling Rumors

Circle of Life
2011-07-27, 01:57 PM
Though it is yet early in the morning, the blazing heat of the summer sun beats down on you, bringing unbidden memories of the icy waters in the swiftly running stream you passed some days back. The heat of Elsir Vale in the summer is a beast that each man and woman must tame, or else succumb to, as you have often heard repeated through the numerous flyspeck villages you've passed through thus far.

The hard-packed dirt road you travel stretches to the east for some distance, occasional furrows and tiny ravines the only indication that rainwater has ever so much as touched this area of the Vale. The arid air around you seems to leech moisture from your body with every step, drying tongues and wringing every last drop of sweat out of you that it can. The forest of pines and maples to either side of the road looks inviting at first glance, with its promise of shade, but tales of unwary travelers snatched up in an instant have long since dissuaded you from taking advantage of that luxury.

Since coming to the Vale, neither Amy nor Dexter have seen sign of any of the more troubling rumors that brought them here, though likely this is due to the fact that the largest gathering of people they have yet seen was a village containing all of ten families, half of them related to each other in some way or another. Raine, your guide for some time now, told you of Drellin's Ferry a few days prior. If even half of what he said is true, it's the first town that deserves the name that any of you have seen for a considerable amount of time.

Abruptly, a pony-led cart clears the rise in the road behind you, its short-statured driver sawing at the reins. The mere presence of the cart would be surprising enough - none of you recall seeing such a thing on the road recently, likely due to the fact that no sane merchant brings wares into the source of troubles - but the coloring of the thing is even more shocking. Cart and wheels alike are painted in the most garish hues of red and green imaginable, with each of the wheel spokes painted another, different shade of the ghastly combination. Though dusty, the canvas covering of the cart is dyed a yellow bright enough to make lemons envious. As the cart draws nearer, you notice that the driver - a gnome, obvious now that you can see his features - is wearing a voluminous hooded cloak of the single most eye-damaging shade of blue you have ever seen.

Instead of slowing as he approaches your group, the gnome instead lashes the reins across the pony's back again, steering the cart around you. Amy has time to feel an impression of extreme anxiety, and then the gnome is gone from the reach of her mental abilities.

Looking around, there seems to be no cause for the gnome's haste. Small clouds of dust rise from the cart's path, yet aside from that and yourselves, the road seems entirely empty. The cart zooms around a bend in the road, and then is gone from your sight. Perhaps the gnome is simply quite mad.

2011-07-27, 05:05 PM
Iris brushes her dirty hair out of her face and takes another drink from her waterskin. The water is blessedly wet, but not nearly as cold as she would like. She walks aside from the group, happy to share the trail with them but wary of strangers around Levante, especially with his injury. The heat is brutal, and she has stripped down to her plainclothes, her armour, shield, and weaponry stowed securely in Levante's saddlebags. It's true what they said about the summers here, she thinks to herself. I wasn't made for this, walking on the ground like a peasant. I need the wind in my face and the cold sky to kiss. She grimaces as she runs a hand along Levante's flank, careful not to cause him any discomfort. The injury isn't serious, but neither of them want to risk making it worse by flying now. Time enough for that later.

She watches in bemusement as the gnome rushes by, and looks behind her. Seeing nothing, she shrugs. "Madness. The sooner we're quit of this place, the better," she murmurs to Levante.

With nothing else to do as long as the two of them are stuck on the ground, she resumes sizing up her trail companions. They seem friendly enough, but it always pays to be ready if any action breaks out. The elf looks much stronger than the normal frail woodfolk she's used to, and the bow he carries looks well-used. Bows are a coward's weapon, she muses. She's dealt with archers before. They think they're the best warriors in the land, right up until you impale them on a lance. Arrogant bastards, every last one of them.

The human doesn't look like much, which probably means she's either the least dangerous person nearby or the most dangerous of all. In Iris' experience it always seems to be the unassuming ones that will surprise you with some kind of magical trickery. She resolves to keep an eye on her, and she mentions to Levante to stay on his guard around her. The pegasus nods slightly at her suggestion, and cants its head slightly to keep Amy in his gaze.

Meanwhile, the halfling is small, but Iris remembers that their folk can be surprisingly dangerous when riled. She's seen his type before, though. Knifefighters might be deadly in close combat, but they can never catch her when she's on the wing. They could be dangerous if they strike together. We should be on our guard until we're back in the sky.

2011-07-27, 05:55 PM
Amy sighs, using the headband to keep her hair as tight as possible. She takes a swig from the magic waterskin an ex-travelling companion made for her, before dropping the remaining water on her face and hair. Nobody had ever mentioned to her anything about the weather being so hot at the Vale. Maybe it is a transient heat wave? I hope so. Still, better safe than sorry. The water would replenish itself in a couple of hours at the most.

The spear she is using as a walking cane seems to have had a lot of use... At the wrong side. The tip is still as sharp as a new one, and spotless. It obviously has never drawn blood.

(Gem to Amy) <Watch out, Amy! Behind you!>

As the gnome rushes by, Amy calmly steps aside, hearing Gem's warning just in time not to get trampled. Coughing a little, because of the dust, she mentally thanks her. "Someone seems to be in a hurry... And seems to have no sense of fashion, too...".

(Amy to Gem) <Did you...?>
(Gem to Amy) <I did. Poor guy.>

Seeing nothing behind them, Amy resumes playing mind-games with Gem, and laughing out every now and then (forgetting than the rest of them can't hear her conversation with the psycristal).
The whole bunch of her travelling companions seem nice enough not to complain about them. The little one certainly packed a punch when it was necessary, and was nice to be travelling with, eventhough sometimes he talked a little too much.
The elf, their guide at the moment, seemed to be strong on his own regard, too. Not exactly sure what to make of him at the moment, but he seemed to be OK to stick around with, for the time being.

The other girl, though, she wasn't sure at all. She certainly didn't seem a bad person, she was taking care of a pegasus, after all. A pegasus! Anyway, she certainly seemed proud. And arrogant. Maybe a little too proud and arrogant for her own good, but you can never know what's going on with other people's minds...

(Gem to Amy) <You could just read their minds, you know? I know you can do that.>

...Or maybe you can, but it is not polite at all.

I'm changing Gem's "speech" to Plum. DarkOrchid and Purple are too similar

Edited some minor grammar mistakes.

2011-07-27, 09:09 PM
Raine walked silently at the fore of the group, carrying his father's bow lightly but surely in his left hand. As a guide through the Witchwood, Raine was peerless. He'd found the assortment of adventurers wandering lost through a particularly thick portion of the woods while hunting a wandering band of orcs and had agreed to lead them to the nearest town.

Once he'd gotten them to the road, he'd almost pointed them in the right direction and returned to his hunt, but decided that it was time enough that he restock supplies in Drellin's Ferry.

A motley assortment of arrows protruded from the three quivers expertly strapped to his back in clever arrangements. Each type of arrow had a unique feather fletching, and Raine had long ago developed a notch and groove classification system that would tell him what arrow he was touching in a split second. It had always served him well.

As a resident of the Vale, the heat was less surprising to Raine than it was to his charges, but he felt the debilitating effects of the heat and dryness the same as the others. Sure, he measured out his water in careful amounts, and sure he was dressed perfectly for the heat, but it was pretty awful this time of year no matter what. He took a measured drink from his waterskin and released it, letting it fall before being caught by the leather strap attaching it to his back.

Aware of the dangers of the forest, Raine kept an eye and an ear open. He'd heard the cart coming from behind for some distance and had silently moved to the side of the road, indicating to the others that something was coming with only a glance over his shoulder and a jerk of his head.

2011-07-27, 11:43 PM
"So, your horse there"- Dexter had just been about to finally address the human with the winged horse when the gnomish cart had hurtled down the road, sending him leaping to one side with more speed than his small legs would suggest. A careful observer would note that he did not run so much as leap, but the the difference was minute.

As the gnome left Dexter and his traveling companions in its dust he takes a quick half-step then hurtles up in the air, looking back the way the gnome had come. He lands with another bouncing step before turning to Iris, seemingly unbothered by the abrupt interruption. "So, your horse there seems a bit injured in the wing area. I'm not as familiar with 'erbavores as I am with, er, pouncey-er things, but as best I can tell your horse, or, I suppose, pegasus, just needs some standard magical healing to be right as rain. Well, that expression doesn't make much sense, but you get the general picture. So, does that sound good to you?"

Without waiting for a reply Dexter walks over to the pegasus, placing a hand on his ornately carved belt at the same time as he places a hand on the injured wing. There is a calm, still pulse of white light, and the injury vanishes. "Right, I thought that would work. So, tell me now; where did you get a ride like this anyway?"

If all's fine I won't roll for healing, though I will note that I'm down one charge on my belt.

2011-07-28, 12:23 AM
Although Iris and Levante both tense up when the halfling lays a hand on him, the uneasiness quickly passes when they realize what he's doing. Levante neighs loudly and happily, and nuzzles his head into Dexter's shoulder. Yes! Prancing slightly sideways to get some room, he throws out his wings in their full twenty foot wingspan, and shoots up into the sky. Dust flies up around him, and Iris coughs and spits as she inhales the dirt of the trail.

She looks longingly up at the sky before turning back to Dexter. "Don't mind him, I've been forcing him to take it easy for days. He pulled his shoulder outrunning a pack of rapid griffons the other day, and I expect he's just happy to be back up there." She pauses, and smiles at the halfling. "And show off of course. I think he likes you. That was a lovely thing you did."

She finishes her waterskin, and then grimaces when she realizes that Levante took the saddlebags with him when he flew off. She tucks it into a pouch on her backpack, muttering under her breath. When she finishes, she turns back to Dexter. "Funny you should ask. Let's just say that he was... entrusted to me. The two of us are meant to do great things. Anyway, if you lot don't mind, I think we'll stick with you for a few more miles. Levante Blanc will want to stretch his wings a bit, and I'd rather a night in a warm bed than making camp cross-country one more time. Besides, I expect he'll want to thank you properly. Tell me, you ever been on the wing? It's unforgettable."

Iris relaxes slightly, and continues to smile as she looks around her at the beauty of the Witchwood for the first time. It had hurt her to see Levante in pain as much as it had hurt him, and him being healed is a load off her mind. Still a knifefighter, but a better man than most. Not the first time I've been wrong.

Levante flies up to an altitude of about 500ft. While he's up there, he takes a look around as he flies leisurely. Among other things, he makes a Spot check to try to see just what it was that the gnome was fleeing from behind us. Since he's under no time pressure and really just having fun, he'll take 20 on it.

Circle of Life
2011-07-28, 12:36 AM
Re: Levante's reconnaissance:Levante doesn't see much of anything behind you, save for the same stretch of road you just covered, now rather dusty from the mad dash the pony-drawn cart made across it. From that height however, he can clearly see a town of not-inconsiderable size two miles or so further east. It's probably Drellin's Ferry, the first town worthy of that title in the path of someone entering the Vale from the west, as Iris and Levante did.

Levante also notices the gnome's cart some distance down the road, still kicking up dust as it does its best to emulate a rocket. Still, with his newly healed wing, Levante could likely catch up with the cart before too long, burdened as the pony is with its weight.

2011-07-28, 12:42 AM
Dexter smiles as the pegasus lifts off, his eye's bright like a child's; the image is reenforced by his stature, which is rather lacking, but equally lessened by his long, curved daggers, which hang at either hip in dark leather sheathes. "That's beautiful; I would never have guessed those wings were so large, but I suppose they would have to be. I really am happy to be able to help, mind you; I have a healthy connection with animals, and the more impressive sort will always have a place in my heart."

At Iris's words concerning her plans for the evening his smile turns to a casual grin, and he glances around the forest with an appraising eye. "Staying together wouldn't be a bad idea, given the stories I've heard about these woods lately. Heck, I think you're being pretty gutsy walking around with nothing between you and an arrow but the shirt on your back and Fate. Fate and I have had a comfortable relationship in the past, but I've found that she appreciates it when you take her seriously and give her a good show of preparedness."

He cranes his neck to peer up at the clouds, and at the speck of a pegasus up above. "So, how do you communicate? I've heard of some riders and mounts that can just think at each other, but I can't imagine that's too common. Then again, you do ride a horse with wings, so I feel compelled to ask."

As he speaks he crouches a bit, bringing himself a bit lower to the ground. He breathes in deeply through his nose, and allows the scents of the world around him to flow through him. Now, with the horse gone, would be as good a time as any to strike. Dexter hadn't lived through all his haphazard adventures with a half-mad barbarian without learning a thing or two about caution.

Hunter's Stance; he has Scent, as the MM ability.

2011-07-28, 01:04 AM
Iris grins wickedly at the talk of safety. "It's a brave archer that tries to feather this prey. But you're right, I'm probably being incautious. Normally I'd never walk through this place unarmed and unarmoured, but it's so gods-damned hot! Who could stand chain in this, let alone plate or something heavier? If there's an ambusher out there waiting for us, I hope he packed more water than I did." She whistles loudly, and far overhead Levante wheels in the air at the sound.

"Yes, I've met some of those psychics or empaths or whatever myself. Creepy as hell, I don't mind saying. I don't like the idea of someone being able to root around inside my head, even Levante. Although I have to admit, it would be so much simpler than having to guess what he's thinking all the time. I've been teaching him how to read and write and act out charades, but sometimes I think he pretends not to understand me just to be funny. Damned pegasi. If someone had mentioned to me that they think they're Shaundakul's own gift to comedy before we met, I might not have been so eager about the whole thing." Although her tone sounds annoyed, anyone could tell by the way she watches Levante in the sky that the two care deeply about one another.

Her rambling trails off as Dexter crouches into his stance. She looks a little worried as he smells the trail, as if he had gone crazy. "Er, smell anything interesting? Perhaps the sweet scent of civilization? I can't remember the last time I had a well-cooked meal or even a bath. Levante's a lot of things, but he's not much of a cook."

Circle of Life
2011-07-28, 01:09 AM
Senses (Scent and otherwise):Nothing's pinging on the collective radar right now. Dexter smells a group of people who could do with a bath, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Raine doesn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary either, despite keeping a generally wary eye and ear out for signs of trouble.

2011-07-28, 01:52 AM
Upon hearing Iris' take on "psychics", Amy sighs, a sad smile forming on her face. She was used to it, but that doesn't mean she liked that at all.
"Creepy... Yeah". She makes the statement barely audible, her voice drifting off once the pegasus takes off.

"So beautiful..."

She stares at the pegasus open-mouthed for a while, before snapping back to reality and resume walking.

2011-07-28, 03:20 AM
Dexter raises up out of his stance, and it's surprising how much of a difference a few small changes in posture and bearing make. He listens politely to Iris, glancing over to Amy in an apologetic manner. "Er, I may not be the best one to talk, given my general proclivities, but I wouldn't call psychics weird or creepy, or really any generally negative adjective of that general sort."

He paces out ahead of the group a bit, and then twists around, walking backwards. How he manages to put forth such effort in the heat is a mystery, but it seems that his desire to speak has overpowered his bodies natural functions. "I mean, my brother might say something like that, but that crazy little guy seems to hate a new group of people every week. I mean, sure, he uses two knives like I do, but he seems to take a special pleasure in hurting people."

He shakes his head, breaking out of his reverie. "No, there's no point or use it picking out any group in a negative way; I mean, let's take psychics, who I have generally found to be both charming and attractive." He gives Amy a lighthearted wink. "They aren't too different than a more standard wizardly type, and the more rambunctious psychic isn't all that different than a more dragonblooded caster or a warlock or somesuch. In the end, they think really hard, and the universe sits up and listens. I once heard a girl speak this long chain of gibberish; long enough that I think she messed up once or twice; and then this big gash in a careless smithy's arm mended up in a shower of green light. In the end, they just have another kind of power. Different from my power, my knives, but the same too."

He spins around, and falls back in pace with the group. "Then again, I don't think you were being any sort of malicious; just perhaps a bit heavyhanded with your comment; I mean, a psychic could read your mind, but you could stab them in the back with a dagger. As long as none of us go around acting like my brother I don't think we'll have any problems at all."

I realized that Dexter is essentially a Good, ToB version of Belkar.

I have decided that they are kin.

This may come back to haunt me.

2011-07-28, 04:26 AM
Iris grins at the halfling's speech. "I guess you're right, I'm being too judgmental. The psychics I've met haven't been very pleasant, but it could be I've just met the wrong kind of psychics." His little wink didn't go unnoticed either, and Iris eyes Amethyst out of the corner of her eye speculatively. "That being said," she continues with a lazy smile, "if you think I'd ever stab someone in the back with a dagger, we have a lot to learn about one another."

She looks back at the sky just in time to see Levante plummet back down to earth. He throws up another cloud of dirt and dust, which he seems to have aimed so carefully that it only envelops Iris. Sputtering and spitting, she yanks her empty waterskin back out of her backpack and changes it for a fresh one. "About time, you great lug. See anything interesting up there?"

Levante seems more interested in greeting Dexter than answering Iris, and seems to be greatly amused by the tiny man. Only afterwards does he turn back to Iris and lift up his front hooves. He makes some elaborate gestures in the air, and bobs his head several times. Iris looks at him in bewilderment. "According to the birdbrain here we're either two miles or two bananas from Drellin's Ferry. I would hazard a guess that it's the first one." She looks at Levante in annoyance, who lets out an unmistakable chortle.

Circle of Life
2011-07-28, 04:04 PM
After another half-hour of trudging onwards through the oppressive heat, the memory of the gnome has nearly faded from your minds, replaced with the overwhelming desire to finally reach your destination. This heat isn't fit for man nor beast to travel in, and a nice cold drink (if something can actually be kept cold in this abominable weather) would go a long way to making the day more palatable.

Thus, it is with great surprise that you crest a low hill in the road to catch a glimpse of red, green, and yellow through the trees nearest a small branch in the dirt path. A closer look reveals it to be the very same cart that very nearly flew by you earlier, though it seems to be missing the pony and gnome, now.

You share a few uneasy glances. An abandoned farmhouse is just barely visible through the trees, the thatch roof long since worn away by time and the seasons. While it's possible the gnome stopped there for a rest, it seems... unlikely, given his earlier haste.

You quickly scan your surroundings, searching for any sign of trouble, but find nothing. Not entirely reassured, you advance carefully, Dexter taking the lead and sniffing the air quite openly. The air smells... odd, somehow. Like there was a fire here recently, only... different. It smells of... wrongness. Still, neither eyes nor nose reveal the presence of creatures nearby.

And that's when the first arrows strike.

Two arrows whiz out of the forest, one from either side of the road. The first takes Iris in the shoulder (A: 24, damage: 18 piercing), the second thudding through Amy's protective shielding of ectoplasm, biting deep into her side (A: 20, damage: 23 piercing).

Then you see them. Strange creatures, vaguely human but with brownish yellow skin, wide mouths full of serrated teeth, and patches of furry hair covering their skin seemingly at random. The two hold longbows, already reaching for new arrows, and are wearing suits of studded leather of obvious quality craftsmanship, even if the general designs are slightly barbaric.

Seeing the result of their previous attack, the creatures grin wickedly, nocking arrows to string and preparing to draw. It seems the rumors of waylaid travelers were all too accurate.

Link to map. (http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5568/ambush.jpg)

Your assailants got a surprise round, due to nobody detecting them in time. The party's average initiative wins by a landslide, however, so you get the first round.

The road is a sort of ravine at this point, with sloped sides filled with skree. The sloped walls, as well as the first of the forest squares, are difficult terrain as a result of this. The forest itself is thin enough to move through without issue, though Levante will have trouble flying into it (difficult terrain to maneuver through the trees with his size, and x4 movement to clear the canopy square.

I hope everyone's tokens are obvious. If you'd like me to replace the pictures with ones of your choosing, just ask.

As a side note, it is surprisingly difficult to find an image of a female fighter with short red hair.

2011-07-28, 07:51 PM
"Augh!" Iris screams in pain as an arrow embeds itself in her shoulder. She grimaces and yanks it out with gritted teeth. "Damn archers! I'm going to shove this arrow–"

She breaks off as she vaults on top of Levante, who has already fixed the nearest archer in his gaze (Mount as a free action, Ride DC 20, automatic success). She unstraps the lance which is affixed to the saddle, and flicks the reins attached to Levante's bridle. "Now, Whitewind! Let's show them what we're made of!" (Draw weapon as a move action)

Absolutely. Levante's mischievous demeanor has disappeared, and he seems to be focused singularly on the archer in his sights. With a frightening neigh, he leaps into the air and runs the thing down. The quarters are cramped, but he twists and turns around the trees with the greatest of ease, and strikes with his front hoof against the goblin-thing. (Fly up 5ft., and over to B9xC10. Even with difficult terrain for a few of the squares, easily within a 120ft. fly speed. Hoof attack roll of 25, and 10 bludgeoning damage.)

As he flies, Iris readies her lance and calls out to the sky. "For the Prince of Winds!" She jabs down at the monster, the lance flashing bright in the summer sun. (Expending Grounding Blow maneuver. Attack roll of 18, and 12 piercing damage. If it hits, the monster needs to make a DC 16 Fortitude save or be knocked prone.)

Still clutching her wound, Iris grimaces as she carefully keeps within the shadows of the surrounding canopy. The shade seems to hang around her, protecting her from prying eyes. (Child of Shadows stance kicking in, 20% miss chance from concealment)

As she does so, she also spots a crude trap that was obviously set up to catch people on the ground. Keeping an eye on the goblinoid, she yells out to her allies, warning them about the wire. (Free action to yell out a warning about D11)

2011-07-28, 08:02 PM
Dexter reacts immediately, his blades clear of his scabbards and in his hands in the time it takes to blink. He explodes outwards towards the source of the second arrow, moving off towards the woods to his left. His stride is perfect, and he plants his foot just before the tall rise, leaping.

Just as he leaps, however, he spots the glint of metal, of dozens of razorsharp cords of razorwire. He twists in place, the power of his jump slightly abated, and turns his leap into a long jump, ending the powerful lunge in a perfect roll, then turning a fighting his way up the steep hill towards his foe. He is partially stymied by the brambles, but he manages to get within lunging distance of his foe.

2011-07-28, 08:46 PM
Raine's bow flashed up in a split second as the arrows impacted his charges. Damn! I take my eyes off of the trees for one second, and...

With careful foot placement, he dashes up the side of the rode to take cover against the archers. He scans the forest quickly before selecting a target and loosing his arrow. He aims slightly off-center, looking to lodge his arrow in a gap in the hobgoblin's leather armor.

"Take cover! Spread out and use the trees to shield yourself from their fire!"

Moving diagonally to E10 and firing on A1 with Body Shot. Attack: 16 Damage: 11 Piercing and Slashing

DC 19 Reflex or Cracked Armor (-2 AC).

Energy: 26/30

2011-07-29, 01:50 AM
HP: 13 (30)/36.
PP: 44/50
AC: 18 (touch 10) Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +7
Healing Belt: 3/3
Dorje of Energy Ray 50/50

"Gah!". Amy's muffled scream was sput out accompanied with a little blood, as the split second it took for her to raise her armor was more than enough for an arrow to plant itself dangerously near her stomach.

It stings... Nngh!

Taking a deep breath, she runs for the nearest cover, focusing her mind into relieving some of the pain, and granting her some extra resilience.

Move action: Move to I3
Standard action: Manifest a fully augmented Vigor, for 30 temp HP

Circle of Life
2011-07-29, 10:10 AM
Iris and Levante bear down on their would-be assassins, lance and hoof flying. There is a flash of steel, a spray of blood, and a crack of bone, then Iris's foe is backpedaling wildly. It raises its bow for another attack, but Iris brings her lance to bear again just in time. In the resulting struggle to impale each other, both attacks manage to go wide of their intended targets; the arrow flies off through the canopy above, while Iris plants half a foot of steel into a nearby tree trunk.

Raine's arrow nearly flies true, but his target ducks behind a tree at the last possible second; the arrow whizzes through the open air left behind, shaving bits of bark off the tree with what would otherwise have been a perfect shot.

Dexter's prey dodges through the forest, sidestepping the area where Dexter saw the razorwire trap. A less keen-eyed adventurer might charge straight ahead, but Dexter has already noticed the ploy, and the attempt to lure him is obvious. The creature fires an arrow Dexter's way, but between his small size and incredible reflexes, it misses by several feet.

Through the trees, you make out two more of the creatures coming out of the farmhouse and advancing through the forest. One wears a gleaming breastplate with a large crystal set square in the center of the chest, holding twin longswords that end with vicious downward hooks at the tip, clearly made for tearing flesh. This new arrival raises his swords overhead and clangs them together, grinning. "Who dares face Uth-Lar? You there, little elf girl?" he asks, addressing Raine. His common is halting and heavily accented, but the choice of gender seems deliberate. Changing tongues, Uth-Lar addresses his companion in what Raine identifies as goblin: <"Burn your mongrel hide, Zarr, be ready to heal me this time!">

The creature addressed as Zarr nods once before returning to glaring at your party. He wears a suit of half-plate and carries a heavy shield and mace. A pendant of some sort is attached to the end of the mace, slightly serpentine in design, though you catch only a flash of it through the trees.

Adjusted Raine's movement to not enter the trap's area of effect. If you still want to move where you originally declared, just say so.

Map updated. (http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/4552/ambush2l.jpg)

2011-07-29, 10:53 AM
Dexter Scall (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=315303)
Male Chaotic Good Strongheart Halfling Warblade, Level 6, Init +9, HP 62/62, Speed 20ft.
AC 25, Touch 17, Flat-footed 20, Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus +6/+1
+1 Kukri +13/+8 (1d3+1, 18-20/x2)
+1 Kukri +13/+8 (1d3+1, 18-20/x2)
+1 Mithral Breastplate, +1 Mithral Buckler (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 11
Condition None

Dexter looks across the razorwire trap at the lightfooted archer and snarls; the sound is loud and feral, and doesn't seem like it should come from a halfling's throat. He spins in place as the new threats appear, and he notes the heavier armor and more powerful builds of the newcomers. Dexter shouts out to his companions, his voice deeper and harsher than they have ever heard it. "Raine! Amy! Deal with the archers. The brute with the two blades is mine."

He builds up power and explodes outwards, his straight-line jump carrying him over the brush and the slope of the ravine on his side. He lands ten feet away and at the bottom of the gorge, landing like a bird, and then he nearly flies up the incline, ending up right next to the shouter, the two-sword wielder. Dexter brandishes his kukri, twirling them lightly in his hands. "Let us take our measure of each other, clumsy brute. I like to watch fools and criminals bleed, and you seem like a wonderful volunteer. Allow me to pay you back for those who have gone missing in these woods."

10 foot jump to M12, and from there he has more than enough movement to reach Uth-Lar.

Yaaay, it's fighting time. :smallwink:

2011-07-29, 12:08 PM
HP: 13 (30)/36.
PP: 39/50
AC: 18 (touch 10) Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +7
Healing Belt: 3/3
Dorje of Energy Ray 50/50

Why was Dexter moving that weirdly?

Remembering Iris' warning about the trap on the other side, Amy grins. Obviously, there wasn't only one trap they should be worrying about. (Putting those 20 Int to use. Let me know if it's something I shouldn't know and I'll edit)

Looking around the trees, she mentally assaults her closest enemy, trying to throw him back into where she thinks the trap is.
(A1) <Attacking random passerbies? What would your mother think about that, huh?>

Free Action: Telepathic communication with A1
Move Action: Moving to I4
Standard Action: Telekinetic Thrust the thingie to M8 for a grand total of ONE damage, and hopefully triggering his own trap. Nothing, if he succeeds on a Will save (DC 18)

2011-07-29, 12:19 PM
{table]Iris|HP 14/32|Fort +8|Ref +8|Will +2|AC 12 (+4 cover)
Levante|HP 65/65|Fort +9|Ref +11|Will +3|AC 24 (+4 cover)[/table]

Iris grimaces as her lance veers wildly away from its intended target, but readies it again with a smirk. "Not so fast. You can't dodge the wind forever," she says to the goblin. Her lance flashes out once more, and her altitude gives it extra momentum, lending it speed. (Full attack roll, results 23 and 9. Damage 10 and 14, respectively.)

Okay, so since the archer drops, Levante will lift off, and spend one of his move actions climbing to... let's say 100ft. altitude over B11xC12. That's 10ft. (20ft. after terrain) forward, and 100ft. up. He'll use a second move action to make an active Spot check to look South, checking out the road and the structure from the air. Specifically looking for reinforcements.

Circle of Life
2011-07-29, 01:48 PM
Re: aerial reconnaissance: Two things are immediately clear from the air:

There is a blue-cloaked form inside the farmhouse, slumped against the western wall. Whether bound, asleep, or otherwise is not immediately obvious.

There are two large (medium-sized), black-skinned dogs circling around the east of the farmhouse (currently beyond the extent of the grid pre-fade). Their bodies seem to give off heat distortions, and billows of black smoke pour from their mouths with every breath. The dogs appear to be moving away from a bloody carcass - the carcass is pretty mangled, but the general form of an equine is still there, if barely.

Edit: Mind the compass on the map when giving cardinal direction instructions. I assume you meant Levante to focus east, since that's where the road actually goes.

2011-07-29, 04:24 PM
There's always a shaman...

Ignoring the bouncing halfling's orders, Raine turned his attention to the goblin named Zarr. As he drew three arrows at once, holding the second two to the side as he nicked the first, he slightly adjusted his aim. The shamans would always shift slightly to protect their holy symbols, a fact he fully planned to take advantage of.

He stood his ground, calling on his significant experience in woodland fighting to overcome his obscured vision.

Rapid Shot on Zarr with all three attacks. The first is a Hunter's Shot to Lacerate.

Energy: 25/30

Circle of Life
2011-07-29, 06:16 PM
Iris brings her lance about one final time, then rams a foot of steel into the chest of her foe. Satisfied that the archer is downed, Iris guides Levante into the sky. The thick branches slow Levante's ascent, but the magnificent pegasus bursts free into with no real difficulty.

As Amy turns her attentions on the remaining archer, the creature flies backwards through the air with a piteous wail of surprise, landing square in its own elaborately placed trap. With the sound of a dozen whips cracking at once, an entire array of razored wire tears through the area of forest around the creature, eliciting howls of outraged pain from its lips. The archer yet stands, but it moves with obvious difficulty now, clearly crippled by the wires.

Three arrows leave Raine's bow in the span of time it takes a lesser archer to fire one. Unfortunately for the elf, even his knowledge of woodland combat cannot make up for three inches of steel. Zarr raises his shield, causing two of the shafts to shatter across it, while the third grazes his breastplate and embeds itself in the forest floor somewhere.

Two massive black dogs round the corner of the farmhouse, coming into view. Strange spiky protrusions jut out from their jowls and along their backs, and puffs of black smoke stream free of their mouths with every panting breath. The beasts' eyes glow with a demonic reddish light, speaking plainly of their otherworldly origins. The dogs move with incredible speed, one easily catching up with Dexter in the time it takes Uth-Lar and Zarr to close with him, the other already menacing Raine before the archer can draw another arrow.

Zarr chants a spell in a rough tongue, thrusting a hand towards Dexter, but the halfling nimbly sidesteps the clumsy attempt. Uth-Lar attempts to shorten Dexter by a head, but is again stymied by Dexter's grace and size.

Amy's unfortunate target manages to nock and loose another arrow in her direction, gritting his teeth through the pain, but his aim is poor; the arrow barely brushes against Amy's extoplasmic armor before shooting off into the woods.

So. Stuff.

Amy identifies the spell as Bestow Curse.

Dexter thinks the attack Uth-Lar made bears some resemblance to techniques he knows himself, but fails to accurately identify it if so.

The dogs radiate an aura of heat, and their breath is incredibly hot.

Map updated. (http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/9589/ambush3.jpg)

2011-07-29, 07:17 PM
{table]Iris|HP 14/32|Fort +8|Ref +8|Will +2|AC 12 (-2 charge)
Levante|HP 65/65|Fort +9|Ref +11|Will +3|AC 24 (-2 charge)[/table]

Iris takes a moment to catch her breath as she surveys the battle below. She's about to shout a warning to her companions about the hounds, but they close in on them too fast. We'll need to get to that prisoner, she thinks grimly. But time enough for that later.

One of the goblins is obviously an accomplished spellcaster, but Dexter seems to be able to shake off its magic. Not wanting to give him another chance to call on his spells, Iris sets her lance and snaps the reins. Levante spins at her direction, and aims himself towards the ground. Hold on!

He streaks through the air, building momentum faster and faster as he flies towards the ground. At the very last moment he spreads his wings, and he catches himself just feet off the ground as the air lifts him up. And in that split second Iris' lance comes piercing down, nimbly aiming inches over Dexter's shoulder and planting itself in the goblin called Zarr. Levante's wings immediately start beating again, and his forward momentum carries them back up, away from the melee. Iris shouts at Dexter, "show no mercy!" as the two of them climb back up into the air. They can keep their swords and their spells, she thinks. I own the sky! (Dragon's Dive Attack Roll 29, and 27 damage)

Action as described on the OOC thread.

Movement is 45ft. north, and 100ft. down to get to the surface. I don't feel like doing maths with triangles, so let's call it an actual 145ft. to get there. I've got 240ft. in the charge, so I'll climb out to Q11xR12, 30ft. further north and 30ft. up in the air (only up to 45 degree angle of climb out of the charge).

2011-07-29, 07:25 PM
Dexter twisted and dove as spell and fang and blade all danced around him, moving his body like a bladehawk, just as his teacher had shown him. Of course, his teacher had moved like a bladehawk piloting a dirigible, but Dexter had learned well nonetheless. Dexter smiles at the hulking figures around him, his eyes alight with excited energy. "Three on one, friends, and you still cannot touch me? I'll have to show you how it's done." He springs up in the air with a blast of speed and power, and as he does he lashes out at the cleric with a vicious swipe of his kukri. He twists as he lands, taking all of his surrounding foes in with skill and ease. He'd been surrouned many times before, and each time his foes had found out that to corner a tiger is to die. Dexter would just have to teach these new foes the same lesson.

Jump vs AC is 27
Attack is 21
Damage is 14

Tumble to G16.

EDIT- If Zarr is killed by Iris, he targets UL instead.

2011-07-29, 07:33 PM
Seeing his opponents lined up before him, Raine grits his teeth in determination and takes a different tack than before. The forest had proven his enemy thus far, but he was curious to see them avoid what would come next.

Drawing a single arrow, Raine shifted his stance slightly and took a deep breath. Fully aware of the impending danger from the dog in front of him, he nocked the arrow and raised it to point at the cleric. The sunlight caught the edge of the arrowhead and glinted sharply. He released the arrow, and with it came a torrent of light, shredding anything in its path.

Move Action to activate Expert's Focus, then Initiating Solar Lance to hit the dog, Uth-Lar, and Zarr. DC 17 reflex for half.

Energy 20/30

2011-07-29, 11:58 PM
HP: 13 (30)/36.
PP: 34/50
AC: 18 (touch 10) Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +7
Healing Belt: 3/3
Dorje of Energy Ray 50/50

Yes! It worked! Amy's victory thought was suddenly interrupted when she remembered the arrow sticking out from her belly, and when she saw the creature getting up again, albeit crippled.

Hearing the battle going on across the pathway, she hurries a mental command to the forces of nature to help her. A low hum starts resounding inside the head of everyone within 100 ft, gradually turning into a high pitched screech, only to die an instant later. Suddenly, a tall wall of freezing ectoplasm, surrounds the crippled creature, cutting any way out.

Then, carefully, Amy steps forward trying not to trip any unseen trap.

Move Action: Move to J5
Standard Action: Manifesting Energy Wall (Ice) as a circle, inwards, 10 feet away from A1 (Squares K8, K7, L6, M6, N6, O7, O8, O9, N10, M10, L10, K9, if I'm not mistaken)
Take 9 damage from the wave, Fort DC 18 for half

Circle of Life
2011-07-30, 04:36 PM
Levante swoops down from the sky, and as he does so, Iris plants her lance squarely in Zarr's thigh, eliciting a cry of pain. As Levante continues his flight, the demonic dog nearest him snaps in his direction with supernaturally hot jaws, but catches only air as Iris expertly guides her mount out of reach.

No sooner has Levante cleared the area than Raine lets loose a blinding line of light. Dexter tumbles underneath the path of the attack, ending pressed against the wall of the farmhouse. Both Uth-Lar and the hound nearest Raine mostly sidestep the blast, but it catches Zarr clean in the chest, passing through the hobgblin's armor with no resistance. The mystic takes a staggering step back, beginning to mouth the words to a spell, but Raine silences him with an arrow placed between his eyes. Zarr falls backward, dead before he hits the ground.

The hound nipping at Raine's heels suddenly releases a torrent of fire from its maw, and its companion closes the gap between it and Dexter before doing the same. (3 fire damage to Raine, 4 fire damage to Dexter).

Uth-Lar closes with Dexter again, slashing furiously with both brutal weapons, but the halfling proves as evasive as ever, nimbly dodging both attacks.

The remaining archer stumbles through the frigid wall, drawing its bow and releasing another arrow at Amy. Its body shakes convulsively from the cold however, and the arrow goes wide by several feet.

Amy identifies the spell as Cure Serious Wounds, but Raine lays Zarr flat before it can matter.

Map. (http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/5249/ambush4.jpg)

2011-07-30, 04:55 PM
Raine allowed himself a split second of triumph as he saw the barbaric shaman fall. They always lost their focus on their surroundings when they called upon their malevolent gods. Just as the arrow left the bow, Raine's instincts drove him to his right, narrowly dodging the gout of flame exhaled by the beast in front of him. He felt a flash burn rapidly forming on left forearm, but he merely gritted his teeth and drew another three arrows, firing them off with measured determination.

"We've got them now!"

The halfling seemed to be able to fend for himself, and the exuberant woman on the pegasus would likely come to his aid anyhow. Once the immediate threat was dealt with, he'd help the one with the mind powers.

...I certainly know how to pick clients.

Using Rapid Shot, Raine attacks the Hell Hound until it (hopefully) dies. He directs any remaining attacks to A2, giving his Energy a chance to refresh.

Energy: 21/30

2011-07-30, 08:04 PM
Iris grins as she watches the cleric crumple to the ground after taking an arrow. "Two down, four to go," she calls to Levante over the wind. He might use a bow, but he has some skill after all...

As she watches the battle unfold she sees the warrior goblin closing on Dexter. He might be fast, but he can't dodge him forever. Unfortunately, there's no easy way for her to get through the trees, so she looks down towards the archer instead. Tightening the reins, she shouts at Levante, "we're not done yet! Down there!" Levant, catching his breath, bobs in agreement. Tucking his wings, he streams through the air like a bolt of white lightning. Iris reaches out with her lance, and strikes with ludicrous force at the hound as they whiz by. Levant arrests his movement with the strike, and hovers just feet off the ground. (Forceful Charge maneuver against the hellhound, attack roll of 34, and 48 damage [16x3])

Iris looks down at the archer. "Elf! Help the others!"

Charging down to H10xI11, and ending up 10ft. off the ground adjacent to the hellhound. Not using Ride-By-Attack since that would put me in the ground.

2011-07-30, 08:44 PM
Dexter laughs, his eyes alight as he dodges the warrior's blades. He takes the flames from the hellhound without blinking, the minor scorch marks nothing to him. He looks to the shaman with a glint in his eyes, and a feral smile on his lips. "You couldn't hit me if you tried, could you? You may wield two weapons, thug, but you are not a master of the Tiger." Dexter surges forward, his blades blurring as he strikes out at the hobgoblin four times, each cut small but his fierce force building with each strike. He strikes perfectly with his first attack, and then again on his third. The other two are shakier, but enough to bloody the bladebearer.

Rolls in the Roll thread. He gets two 20's, and is yet to be hit. I love this character.

He deals 16 damage if I guessed the Bladebearer's AC correctly, which is less than desired, but now his Blood in the Water is building. Dexter likes long fights.

2011-07-31, 06:13 PM
HP: 13 (30)/36.
PP: 33/50
AC: 18 (touch 10) Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +7
Healing Belt: 3/3
Dorje of Energy Ray 50/50

Let's end this! The guy had some nerve. Not everyone decides to walk across a wall of freezing ectoplasm just like that. Still, that wasn't going to give him any points.

Dropping concentration on her wall, Amy draws a blob of ectoplasmic goo, and throws it at her enemy, hoping to end the fray once and for all. and misses horribly. After that, she takes a step behind a nearby tree.

Move Action: Move to I4
Standard Action: Manifesting Entangling Ectoplasme. 11 to hit touch AC, which most-likey is a horrible miss.

Dropped concentration on the wall. It should last only 1 more turn.

Circle of Life
2011-08-01, 09:10 AM
I lack the ability to make a proper update, due to getting about thirty minutes of sleep. It will have to suffice this time to say that Iris splatters a hellhound, then Raine drops A-1, then drops the other hellhound.

Dexter continues to be absolutely unhittable, as Uth-Lar misses every attack made against him.

Have a map (http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/6240/ambush5.jpg), and apologies for the lackluster update.

2011-08-01, 10:17 AM
Dexter dodges both of the blademasters attacks, weaving and twisting, knocking one close blow aside with his shield. He rolls his blades in his hands, and his grin widens. "You are going to die, brute, and you'll never have touched me. I just want you to know that as I tear you apart." He begins to rip into the hobgoblin with a rapid series of attacks.

His attacks are in the Dice Rolling thread, but if my estimate is correct he took 11 damage.

2011-08-01, 10:59 AM
{table]Iris|HP 14/32|Fort +8|Ref +8|Will +2|AC 12 (+4 cover)
Levante|HP 65/65|Fort +9|Ref +11|Will +3|AC 24 (-4 cover)[/table]
Active Stance: Child of Shadow

Iris exults over the body of the hellhound, but grimaces as she realizes the goblin is still alive. She navigates back through the trees, and readies her lance. "Time to put you down for good."

Moving to G13xH14 with a height of 5ft. off the ground. Levante attacks (Attack 25, Damage 9), Iris uses Grounding Blow. (Attack 29, Damage 14). If Iris' attack hits (probable) we're talking a DC 16 Fort save to avoid being knocked prone.

2011-08-01, 10:17 PM
Raine ducked as the mounted warrior slammed into the hound snapping at his arms as he sought to nock a fresh arrow and instantly whirled to dispatch the remaining archer harrowing Amy. Satisfied that the savage was good and feathered, additional arrows sprouted from the hide of the hell hound attempting to savage the halfling.

Seeing the others seem to have the remaining hobgoblin under control, Raine then readied an arrow against a possible second wave of assailants.

Move action to make a Spot check (result of 31) looking for any other ambushers lying in wait, readying an action to Hunter's Shot any new enemy that appears.

2011-08-02, 06:46 PM
Running back as fast as the arrow in her stomach lets her, Amy returns to the fray.
Deciding to wait, now that the goblin is surrounded, she finally pulls the arrow out and takes a deep breath, her eyes returning to their original black from a pale blue, as the freezing wall behind her disappears. After that, she mentally addresses every ally in range (30 feet. Everyone but Dexter, if my math is correct).

(Everyone) <Tell Dexter not to kill him! We may be able to learn something about all this!>

Full-Round Action: Double moving to... I think I can reach H10?
Free Action: Telepathy

Circle of Life
2011-08-03, 12:14 PM
Knocked off his feet by Iris's diving assault, Uth-Lar takes another flurry of attacks from Dexter. Face and arms running with blood from numerous lacerations, the hobgoblin makes one last, feeble attempt at landing a blow on Dexter, then slumps back on the ground, chest heaving beneath his breastplate.

"I... I am defeated. Do your worst, halfling scum. No matter the outcome of today, you will all soon feel the true might of our forces." He spits at Dexter, more blood than spittle, then snarls in defiance.

No reinforcements, no threat, no map.

2011-08-03, 01:24 PM
Dexter contemptuously avoids the hobgoblin's spit, more to drive home the fact that the halfling remained untouched despite the blademaster's best efforts than to stay clean. The Tiger Claw adept rolls his kukri casually in his hands, feeling their weight and balance. He smiles, and he gestures to the hobgoblin's blades. "I would drop those if I were you. Far enough away that I don't have to feel like our archer should be prepared to put one through your eyes. He's a bit twitchy when it comes to murderers, you see, and I'd hate for him to kill you for no reason."

Dexter slowly paces around the fallen hobgoblin, his pace casual and unhurried. He looks to the others. "Iris, if you could try to find any signs of other hobgoblins or their victims, I would appreciate it. Amy, if you could come here, I think we have a little project."

Dexter waits for Amy to become visible to Uth-Lar before continuing. "See this one here? You notice how she's unarmed and unarmored? You're no fool, hobgoblin, if you have the power of a martial adept. You may not have the skill I do, but you do possess skill, and that stems from intelligence. I say this because you should be smart enough to know that when someone wanders through dangerous territory unarmed and unarmored, it usually means that they are the most dangerous person in the area. This lovely young woman, for example, is a psion, a breed of mage that I think I like quite a bit."

He leans forward, conspiratorially. "Now, I don't know if you know what a psion is, or what they can do, so I'll lay out your options for you in a very simple manner. You can tell us why you've been attacking people on these roads, how many of you there are, who's in charge, and so on. Or she can rip your mind apart finding the exact same answers. Now, I don't want to be overly dramatic, so I'll give you some bright news, hobgoblin; there is a small chance that when she's done you may, I think, be capable of feeding yourself. Again, though, I'm hardly an expert, so I may be wrong on that count. It all comes down to how willing you are to be helpful, hobgoblin. What do you say?"

2011-08-03, 02:53 PM
Seeing that the fight seemed to be over, Raine lowered his bow but kept it ready in his free hand. He scanned the tree line one last time before moving into the woods and dragging the bodies of the slain ambushers into the road.

He then silently set about stripping them of their equipment after pulling an arrow from the body of the goblin cleric and driving it one by one into the necks of the fallen.

2011-08-03, 09:31 PM
HP: 13 (30)/36.
PP: 26/50
AC: 18 (touch 10) Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +7
Healing Belt: 3/3
Dorje of Energy Ray 50/50

Amy arrives to the fallen body just in time to hear the "lovely young woman" part. (Dexter) <Get the weapons, I'll handle the rest.>
Squatting a little, and recognizing the creature, she starts to speak in a crude Goblin. "If I were you, I would pay attention. I'm not too keen on the idea of blasting your head into pieces, but my friends here probably think otherwise." Standing upright, the girl starts to pace back and forth around the fallen enemy, while Gem crawls over her shoulder to the top of her head, and an almost inaudible chime sounds inside everyone's head.

"Your life is, in some way, in my hands right now, warrior; and I'm sure a proud one like you would like to live another day. Even if it's just to fall like a real warrior in another battle, and not like the worthless scum you are today."

A second chime sounds. This one a clear sound. Amy keeps the pace as she has been doing, but now she's looking directly at the hobgoblin.

"What I want, is information. What are all these attacks about? Is there anyone else behind them? Who? Who is in charge? Where can we find him? Why are you doing this? How many of you are there? What else would I like to know? And don't think yourself funny. I don't actually like taking arrows to my stomach."

Amy then crouches, looking at the hobgoblin square in the eyes and the chime mutates into a low hum, before growing rapidly to a really high pitched shriek.

(Warrior) <And I suggest you do it quickly. Answer the questions!>

Manifesting, in tandem, Empathy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/empathy.htm), Read Thoughts (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/readThoughts.htm) and Psionic Suggestion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/suggestionPsionic.htm).
The last two offer a DC 17 Will save each to negate the effects.

2011-08-03, 10:09 PM
Iris smiles at the halfling. The warrior had fought bravely, and was clearly much more than he appeared. "With pleasure. Levante, up!"

The two of them fly up into the sky, take a look around for any more trouble, and then drop down into the farmhouse to see about the victim they noticed earlier.

Taking 10 on Spot checks with both of Iris and Levante.

Circle of Life
2011-08-04, 01:50 AM
Uth-Lar glowers at Dexter for a long moment before allowing his hands to go limp, dropping the swords to either side of his body. He snarls like a feral beast at Dexter's attempts to get him to talk however, and instead of answering chooses to watch Amy approach, blatantly ignoring the halfling.

<"Ah, you speak our tongue... good, good. I would hate to think such a pretty girl as yourself would only know how to speak the pigslop words of humans."> He spits out the last word contemptuously, along with a not-insignificant amount of blood, then chuckles weakly at Amy's only partially-veiled threat. <"You have no concept of what I have seen and done to earn my blades, girl. You think to threaten me with mere words? Pah! You are a child in my eyes, barely weaned from her mother's teat. Why should I fear you, who likely pales at the sight of her own blood? Begone if you have nothing of any worth to speak of, child.">

Amy feels fury, weariness, and utter contempt from Uth-Lar, but not a scrap of fear or panic, despite his seemingly hopeless situation. The defiant glare on his face seems to be entirely accurate.

As Amy asks her flurry of questions, Uth-Lar makes a choking, wheezing sound, which you realize is an attempt to laugh through the blood in his mouth and lungs. <"You are as an ant to the Red Hand, girl. You may have won this insignificant skirmish, but the Day of Ruin is coming. Your corpses will join thousands of others - tens of thousands! - to rot in the sun. I will tell you nothing, girl. Nothing!"> He spits a globule of bloody spittle in Amy's direction, though too feebly to come near to hitting her.

Amy's scan of Uth-Lar's surface thoughts reveals a keen mind still whirling with strategies, not yet accepting his defeat despite laying on his back, weaponless, amidst a group of enemies. His thoughts flick between strangling Dexter, to tripping Amy and running for cover, to making an attempt to dismount Iris and ride Levante off into the woods. None of the plans seem concrete, fading as soon as they begin to solidify, but another is always forming beneath the surface of the last.

As Amy manifests her third power, Uth-Lar shakes his head, scrunching his eyes closed and murmuring <"...no, never... no, no!"> Yet when his eyes open again, they have a glazed, distant look to them, as if distracted by some far-off object. When he speaks, he does so in a monotonous voice, as if the words come from his mouth with no input from his mind.

<"I was instructed to guard this road from any who would pass, to keep word from entering or leaving the human river-town. Many warbands surround this place, preparing for the Day of Ruin, when the rivers will run red with the blood of the unworthy humans. I answer to Karkilan, the only of my kind that I know of to receive the blessing of the Great Mistress. Karkilan answers to the Wyrmlord Koth, who answers to others I do not know. They can both be found in the place you call the 'Witchwood', in an old human castle some leagues distant. Our numbers are as the stars in the sky; could we each raise a torch, we would make the heavens jealous with our light. You would wish to know that I have plans to kill you, and will do so if given the chance.">

Uth-Lar shakes his head as the magic clouding his mind fades, and he growls in contemptuous rage. <"Weakling! Mewling child of human scum! Would that Zarr have had a chance to face you, he would show you real magics, not this stuff of clouded minds and stolen words! Kill me now if you will, but I will speak no more to you or any of your companions! For the glory of the Red Hand, for the Day of Ruin! May the ravens feast on your bloated corpses!">

Iris sees nothing from the air that she has not seen previously. A closer examination of the form inside the farmhouse reveals it to be that of the gnome you saw earlier. From this distance, the deep slashes across his chest and throat are obvious, as are his open, staring eyes. Though his cloak absorbed much of it, a congealing pool of blood is spread through the dust and debris beneath his slumped corpse. A sealed letter looks to have been tossed aside beside his corpse, along with a small sack of coins.

After stripping the corpses of anything of value, Raine comes up with the following:

Two medium-sized studded leather armor sets of obvious quality craftsmanship.
Two medium-sized longbows of exceptionally fine make.
Two finely-wrought shortswords.
One perfectly balanced heavy mace with what appears to be a holy symbol attached to the pommel.
One well-made suit of half-plate.
One heavy steel shield engraved with symbols in a language Raine does not speak.

2011-08-04, 11:16 PM
Iris looks at the body in dismay. "We... We weren't fast enough, Levante. We failed." She takes a moment to say a few words over him before she notices the letter. "Levante, go get the others. They'll want to see this before we damage any clues. I'm sure that elf in particular will want to know who's behind these bandits. This is more than a handful of malcontents." She kneels and opens the letter, reading the contents.

Levant flies back out to the others, and gestures into the farmhouse.

2011-08-04, 11:52 PM
Dexter had just finished strapping the hobgoblin's two blades onto his pack when Levante soared back into view, lacking a rider. The pegasus seemed mostly calm, and though Dexter didn't put much faith in his own ability to determine the feelings of animals his training did put him in a better place than most to do such a thing.

He notes the way that the beautiful, winged horse is gesturing, and he starts walking in that direction. "If you need me, Amy, just yell. Pegasus... er, Levante, if you could stay here with her I'd be grateful." While Dexter was impressed by his new ally's ability in combat, he still didn't want to leave her alone. If the brute so much as touched her, it would be his fault for not killing the hobgoblin on the spot. He shifts into his Hunter's Stance as he walks, losing the power of his more violent techniques, but gaining the ability to sense the world around him far more profoundly.

It takes him less than a second to smell the blood.

Gnomish blood, which is quite different from a hobgoblin's. Dexter approaches the farmhouse swiftly, his face rigid and his eyes burning. He steps inside to see Iris, the gnome, and the letter in her hand. He looks at her for a long moment, and then turns, leaving the farmhouse to return to Amy. "We weren't fast enough, Iris. It will not happen again."

Circle of Life
2011-08-05, 03:43 AM
The letter in Iris's hands is of simple parchment, folded over and pressed with a fat glob of yellowish-white wax. Above the seal is penned the name "Norro", and below, the name "Soranna".

Breaking the seal reveals a short, desperate letter written in a shaky hand.


It is the end of times. They came in the night like a wave of bodies, crashing over the village without slowing. Everything is burned or taken, and more than half our people are dead. Those who remain set out for Drellin's Ferry the moment I conclude this missive. Be on your guard. May Lathander guide the merchant bearing this to you with all haste and good fortune.

~Brother Dominic

Dexter and Raine have both heard tales of an ancient keep owned by the Vraaths, a militant family with a penchant for warmongering between the less intelligent creatures of the Witchwood, and the local giant population in particular. The Keep survived the fall of the doomed Rhestilor, but later succumbed to an assault by the very giants they had for so long encouraged to acts of violence. The keep lies some ten miles to the north, along the Dawn Way, though removed from the sight of any random passerby. A straight shot north through the Witchwood could take you there, though it would be almost as fast to first pass through Drellin's Ferry, which is one of the key stops along the Dawn Way and would provide a road on which to walk there, as opposed to wandering through the Witchwood.

2011-08-05, 10:10 PM
Raine tied together the bows and armor, attaching the short swords to his belt to take into town. "Does anyone recognize this symbol or these words on the priest's armor?"

Listening to the hobgoblin's forced explanation, Raine's eyes narrowed as he dragged the bodies of the dead ambushers to the gnome's cart and tossed them in one by one.

"I will take you all as far as Drellin's Ferry, but then I must leave you to investigate this goblin's claims. Hitch the pegasus to the wagon and we will make the town with little trouble."

2011-08-06, 02:28 PM
Dexter comes back to Raine and Amy, his head down and his fists clenched tightly around his kukri. He gestures lightly for Iris to follow him, and he continues his pace right up to Uth-Lar. He moves past Amy without hesitation, plants his foot on Uth-Lar's chest, and places a long hooked knife at his throat in one fluid motion, his eyes locked on the hobgoblins. He waits for a moment, and the tension in the air is palpable to Amy's senses.

He adjusts the kukri slightly, and then speaks in a low voice. "You killed that gnome, hobgoblin. Hell, you killed his horse. There was no need for that. No reason. It did not better you as a warrior, it did not serve any greater good, and it sure as hell bought you no favors with me. You are not a warrior, hobgoblin. You don't deserve that title. A warrior does not slay the innocent and the weak. A warrior does not act out of bloodlust and cruelty. I did not kill you, hobgoblin, because I thought you to be a worth foe."

He leans forward slightly, and though he is small his weight is more than enough to drive the breath from the hobgoblin. "Now? Now I do not kill you because I am a warrior, and a warrior does not kill the weak. You are not innocent, hobgoblin, and it would be just to kill you now, but to do so would be a cruel act. Instead you will be taken to a human jail, and the softfeet will feed you gruel and pass judgement on you."

He stands, leaving not a mark on Uth-Lar's neck. "You will not die a warrior's death, hobgoblin. That is the fate you have bought with the blood of the innocent." Dexter turns to face Drellin's Ferry, hidden by the trees. "We should tie him up and place him atop the corpses. I suppose a more knowledgeable soul may be able to learn something from the bodies, such as the state of their weapons and their diets. I came here on tales of adventure, and it seems that I've gotten what I wanted."

He looks to the gnome's body, and spits on the ground. "Damn them, for giving me what I wished for."

Circle of Life
2011-08-07, 10:06 PM
Though Levante is rather larger than the pony originally used to draw the cart, you manage a rough setup that should last at least as far as the town. The cart is roughly half full of various small packages, all securely wrapped in wool cloth and tied with twine. Despite the cargo already present, you manage to fit the three corpses in the back, and deposit Uth-Lar rather unceremoniously atop the pile. He mutters threats under his breath the whole while, until he catches a chance glance of Dexter's solemn face, at which point he seems to decide it is in his best interest to be silent for the foreseeable future.

Despite taking every caution during the remainder of the trek to the town, you find nothing else out of the ordinary along the road. The weather is as unbearable as ever, yet even the thought of shedding armor now seems foolish in the extreme.

At last you crest one final rise in the road, revealing the town of Drellin's Ferry little more than a hundred paces away. The town is small as such things go, yet it seems a metropolis compared to the flyspecks you have encountered thus far. Drellin's Ferry is built mostly on the eastern side of a broad, sluggish river, whose water level is rather low this time of year. Six old stone piers jut out from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long, thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Sun-baked fields and struggling orchards surround the town, their crops unfortunately small and withered for the time of year.

A group of armed townsfolk - three in leather, one in mail - stands guard along the road just outside the town, watching you with wary eyes. As you approach, the mail-wearing one steps into the path of the cart.

"Halt and state your business, strangers. If you're in some trouble, we don't want any of that here. If you've got enemies after you, you'd best just turn back straight away and leave us peaceful folk clear of it."

2011-08-07, 11:33 PM
Dexter steps forwards towards the guards, but he is careful to stop well outside of any kind of lunging distance, to prevent them from getting nervous about his approach. He raises his arms in a gesture of greeting, and his sleeves fall down a bit to show that he has no concealed weapons strapped to his wrists. "Hail there, friends. We are not in any trouble, nor are we sloppy enough to leave enemies behind."

He gestures to the cart, making Uth-Lar and the fallen hobgoblins more apparent. "We have discovered the cause of the attacks along the road, but we proved to be more than these cowards could handle. We would be grateful if you would show us to those in charge of Drellin's Ferry, as we have information that could be vital to your township's well-being. May we pass?" Dexter's demeanor is calm, but the importance and urgency of his message is apparent in his tone, though he remains polite and respectful.

Diplomacy 23, in the Dice-y thread.

Circle of Life
2011-08-08, 01:16 AM
One of the leather-wearing townsfolk stiffens suddenly, one hand reaching for the club at his belt while the other points to Uth-Lar. "H-hey, that one's still alive!"

"Calm down there, Devin..." the mail-clad man says in a careful voice, making a calming gesture toward his companions. "Vital information indeed, it seems," he says nodding calmly toward the cart. "Well, you won't be taking that lot into the town, not without permission first. If you like, you can leave the cart and... er... horse... here, and I'll show you to where you need to get. Otherwise, you can stay here in this fine weather we're having-" he chuckles in a self-deprecating fashion, wiping a sheen of sweat from his face with the back of a hand, "- and wait while one of these lads goes and fetches Captain Soranna so we can all have a nice chat. Either way, that cart stays here for now. What'll it be?"

2011-08-08, 10:30 AM
Dexter looks to Iris, and then up at the sun. He wipes his brow off with a small rag he keeps shoved through his belt, and then he nods towards the three leather-wearing guardsmen. "If you could send one of them off it would be appreciated, and I think we'll keep you all company for a bit, at least until Captain Soranna comes out and decide what to do with these hobbo's. I'd hate to leave Levante behind, you see, and I doubt Iris here," he gestures to his new friend, "would come with us at all if it meant leaving her pegasus behind. I think we can bear the heat for another fewscore minutes, if it means keeping all our traveling companions happy."

2011-08-08, 05:12 PM
Iris grimaces at the officiousness of the puffed-up guardsman. She had dealt with this kind of man all her life, and hated the breed. "Certainly we can leave "the horse" here alone, she says sweetly, "just as soon as you cut my throat and lock him up in chains." She glares at the guard. "Either he comes, or I stay. Without him I wouldn't be here to deliver this message. If he offends your sensibilities, we would be glad to leave you to the tender mercies of the one who commanded these bandits."

It's a lie, but a small one. Iris wouldn't actually leave defenseless people to be killed, but she instinctively rebels against any kind of authority which people try to impose on her.

2011-08-08, 08:29 PM
"Woah woah, calm down, Iris". Amy steps forward to prevent a useless confrontation. "None of us is going to be left behind if I have anything to say about it".

Turning around, she glares at the guard with a non-threatening, but slightly pissed off look. "Look, Master guardman, we know you're doing your job, and that given the attacks you're being extra careful. But let me tell you something..." Amy points at the wound in her stomach. "...This. Freaking. Hurts. And I'm not quite fond of the idea of fermenting in the Sun while you take forever to decide to send someone looking for that Captain Soranna of yours."

"Would you, please, get someone's ass moving, fast?"

Turning around, she hangs her head down, while something tugs at her side. "Oh! Looks like the waterskin is full again!". She takes a long sip before offering to her traveling companions. "Water, anyone?"

2011-08-08, 09:02 PM
Raine leaned against the cart and watched the others interact with the guards silently. He'd split his time on the last leg of the trip to Drellin's Ferry alternately eying Uth-Lar with suspicion and distaste and scouting ahead to avoid falling into a second ambush.

Now he stood over the bound hobgoblin with his hunting knife held casually in his right hand, his father's bow in its customary place in his left.

Circle of Life
2011-08-09, 11:25 AM
"There's no call to be rude, you," the guardsman says, giving Iris a stern frown. "I'll warn you to keep a civil tongue in your head while you're in Drellin's Ferry if you want to stay out of trouble." He glances at the arrow in Amy's side before motioning for one of the others to head into town, adding a quick "And send someone to fetch the Father if he's about, too."

The guard in question trots off toward the town - not running, not in this heat, but still making good time - and soon disappears inside a stonework building on the near side of the river. Some time elapses, during which none of the guards make a pass at conversation, apparently content to simply stand and watch until their superior arrives.

After some ten minutes, a small expedition of eight strides forth from the town to meet you on the road. In addition to the leather-clad guardsman sent to fetch them, there are four more hard-faced townsmen in mail, a fiery-haired woman with a determined air about her wearing a breastplate and carrying a longsword, a middle-aged man in with a salt-and-pepper beard, just starting to go bald about the front of his scalp, and a wizened elder in a white robe with a bit of gold trim, who walks with a pronounced limp while clinging to a walking stave.

The woman makes her way to the fore of the group, investigating the wagon and Levante before addressing your party.

"I am Soranna, captain of the town guard. This is Townspeaker Norro-" she gestures to the man with the salt-and-pepper beard. "- whom I believe wishes to speak to you on a matter of some import. First, however, you will be answering my questions. Namely, why in the name of the gods are you carrying a cart full of hobgoblin corpses?"

The old man gives a dry cough, pushing past Soranna as respectfully as he can manage. "Your pardon, Soranna..." he murmurs, bending to inspect the arrow in Amy's side. "Mm. That appears to be quite painful. If I may?"

Despite asking permission, he does not wait before intoning the words of a spell in a near-whisper. The fingertips of his hand glow with a soft white light, which he presses to the skin around the arrow wound. The worst of Amy's pain is numbed away instantly, and she barely feels anything as he works the arrow free, along with a spurt of fresh blood. "Nasty work... Still, you should be right as rain in a day or two..." The man works another spell, sealing the skin around the wound, though it remains red and puffy.

"There will be time for that later, Father," Soranna says, though she makes no move to stop him from working his magic. "Answer my question if you please. Are you lot in some sort of trouble with these creatures?"

Amy gets a Cure Minor Wounds, followed by a Cure Light Wounds for [roll0] healing.

2011-08-09, 02:21 PM
Woohoo! Free healing!

Amy twitches a little at the fact that a random stranger is touching her, but relaxes instantly as she recognizes the spells being cast. "Thank you for your kindness, Father".

Then she turns to the red-haired woman, a little weary of the rest of the commitee. "Why are we carrying a cart full of hobgoblin corpses? That's a question I've been asking myself, Captain! Or, more importantly, why is a band of hobgoblins attacking passerbies on the road just outside your town?". Amy stops to have a drink of her waterskin, and drops a little over Gem, who's 'standing' on her shoulder. <Thank you!>

"As for trouble, the answer is no. We're not in any sort of trouble with these creatures, not anymore.
But we gathered a little information, on our way here, that you might wanna know. You certainly are in more trouble than you think. May we come in, and talk somewhere else? This sun is killing me."

37 on the Diplomacy roll. (1d20+19)

Circle of Life
2011-08-10, 02:42 PM
Soranna hesitates a moment, looking to Norro, who nods his head slightly. With an almost imperceptible sigh, she motions you toward the town.

"Very well, we'll take you as far as the old toll house on this side of the river. There's a few cells in there anyhow; gods know my mind will be easier with that one-" she nods toward Uth-Lar. "- securely locked up. Come along then."

Without further preamble, Soranna sets off at a brisk pace into the town. She leads you past an inn bearing the name "The Green Apple", then past a two-story brewery, and finally to large, three-story stone building that seems better made than the rest of the buildings in Drellin's Ferry. With a quick word to the four mail-clad townsmen, who promptly set about removing Uth-Lar from the cart with a great deal of shoving and strongarming, Soranna leads you inside.

A small hall diverges into three paths directly inside the door. One leads down into the basements, which is where the guards quickly escort Uth-Lar. The central path leads forward into what seems a combination of town meeting hall and court of law, replete with speaker's bench and gavel. The third leads to a flight of stairs heading up to the second and third levels of the building.

Quickly striding down the central path, Soranna takes a seat on one of the many benches present, watching you with a gaze intent enough to belong on a hawk.

"It's not much cooler than outside, and I can't say we have much in the way of cool drinks here, but this will have to do for now," Soranna says with a curt nod of her head. "You said you had important information for us. Well then, what is it? We appreciate the efforts you've put into bringing us this information, I'm sure, but I have little patience for being strung along when my town might be in danger. Well, speak up!"

2011-08-10, 04:20 PM
Dexter watches the guards carefully as they place Uth-Lar in his cell, and he makes a mental note as to the hobgoblin's location. While the hobgoblin's techniques had been clumsy and his attacks ineffective, he was still a martial adept, and that meant that he had a teacher. While Dexter didn't feel any particular desire to meet the hobgoblin's master, the knowledge that he was potentially a part of this army made Dexter equally excited and nervous; it had been years since he had fought someone who was squarely his better in martial skill.

He follows Soranna into the courtroom with interest, taking both sight and scent of his surroundings. The place reeked of humans, but human was a significant upgrade over hobgoblin. He drew his attention away from the scents of the courtroom after sensing Amy's blood; focusing on that would only make him angry, which would be pointless in these surroundings. The next time he found some hobgoblins, however, he would happily make them pay for hurting her.

After listening to Soranna's question Dexter hops up onto a bench and sticks his hands in his pockets, appearing quite calm and relaxed. "The information was straightforward, and from the mouth of Uth-Lar himself. As far as I know he cannot have lied, though if you want the details you'll have to ask my lovely friend here." Dexter taps Amy's head with a grin, his usual good humor beginning to shine through.

"Uth-Lar, while quite clumsy in battle, has been conducting raids against any passersby in the road leading through the mountains to Drellin's Ferry. We were the first group that were too strong for them, and much to their dismay we decided to take them to task for their assault. Uth-Lar is the only surviving member of that band.

Uth-Lar was, however, a part of a much larger organization of hobgoblins, answering to a mage of some kind that in turn answers to someone named 'Koth' who lives in a keep in the Witchwood. This organization calls itself the Red Hand, and they are apparently quite numerous. We also found a letter on the body of a slain merchant from a man named Brother Dominic to Norro and to yourself, Soranna."

He gestures to Iris. "She has the letter, if you'd like to read it, but it simply says that there was a massive assault that resulted in defeat and many deaths, and that anyone who survived would be sent to Drellin's Ferry." His face darkens. "From the look of things, there were no survivors."

2011-08-10, 05:04 PM
"That Koth was preceded by a title. 'Wyrmlord', if it says something to you. And might answer to someone else that this particular hobgoblin, Uth-lar, doesn't know about."

As Dexter finishes talking, Amy continues with what she has gathered on her own, when thinking about what the hobgobin said.

"For the look of things, this was clearly no random assault, and this warband was just part of a much larger organization. It might even be a full-fledged army, but then again, I'm speculating. His exact words were..." Amy switches to the goblin tongue here, to preserve the translation. "Could we each raise a torch, we would make the heavens jealous with our light'", she then pauses a little to see if clarification is needed, but continues in the common tongue. "Which roughly translates as 'should we raise a torch each, we would burn brighter than the skies'"

She takes a second to drink a bit of water, waiting for the words to sink in her interlocutor's heads.

"I hate to bring just bad news here. If I can do anything to help..."

I'm supposing that Goblin doesn't have the same language structure as Common, so some things can't be translated literally. I've always done that, I believe it gives a little more 'consistence' to languages in fantasy worlds.

2011-08-10, 07:43 PM
Raine had seemed somewhat uncomfortable at first sight of the approaching extra guards and remained silent for the entire exchange at the town's edge. He sheathed his hunting knife as they led the group into town.

He sat apart from the rest of the group in the toll house, but near enough that he was still a part of the conversation. If someone had been paying close attention to him, they would have sensed his anxiety to be on the move once more. He frequently looked to the door while nodding in agreement with the story as it was related.

Raine made a slight face at Amy's translation and gently corrected her. "...burn brighter than the stars. It's a slight difference in inflection."

He stood and took a single step towards the others. "I have hunted the barbaric tribes in the Witchwood for some time, but this is the first I have heard of any organization beyond small bands. This was a well-planned ambush -- they must be very experienced to have hidden it from me... if the letter the merchant was carrying was true, they are organizing.

"...and their next step sounds to be a surprise attack on this town."

Circle of Life
2011-08-10, 09:11 PM
Soranna looks to Norro, who shrugs and shakes his head. Soranna opens her mouth to continue her questions, but Norro steps forward and talks over her, with all the firm authority that comes with being the leader of near a thousand people.

"Neither the names nor titles you have mentioned are of any significance to us, I'm afraid. However, I regret to inform you that we have not been... perhaps... entirely straightforward with you thus far. By all appearances you are exactly what you claim, while we have treated you only with suspicion and demands. I would like to apologize for any bruised feelings our brusqueness may have incurred.

"The truth of it is, we're in a lot of trouble already. You seem to have dealt with a small portion of that trouble, and I thank you for it, but... Drellin's Ferry is under attack by more than a handful of those vile creatures. Large raids have been harrying the outlying farms around the town, and a few have even threatened Drellin's Ferry itself. Our militia has kept them at bay thus far, but not without losses, losses which we can ill-afford.

"If you speak truly and you have discovered the location of these... these creatures' leaders, I would implore you to seek them out and end them. Without strong leadership, the attacks should be far easier to deal with. Perhaps they will even be scattered altogether, freeing the roads from trouble and reopening trade through the town once more.

"The trade that comes along the Dawn Way is our lifeblood; we must find a way to free the roads of these bandits. I would not ask this of strangers, but you have proved yourselves a capable lot, and you would be doing us a great kindness. Could you... could you find it in yourselves to investigate the source of these attacks? I know it is a great task to ask of anyone, but we would of course reward you with the full extent of our gratitude if you were successful..."

Norro leaves that last statement hanging in the air as he returns to his seat. While he obviously wishes to implore your better nature, he just as obviously understands what motivates most to 'heroic' actions, and the offer is clear as good wellwater.

2011-08-10, 10:24 PM
Raine glanced sideways at Norro and grinned. "Cut the head off, and the body thrashes for a while, but then grows still. They won't stop with your town."

He had, of course, been determined to make for the human castle as soon as the others were deposited safely in Drellin's Ferry. If their foes were as formidable as the compelled hobgoblin had made them sound to be, he would use all the help he could get.

"I've never been there before, but I think I know of the keep the barbarian spoke of."

2011-08-11, 07:55 AM
Dexter looks at Raine with a growing smile. He had expected the archer to leave them after depositing them in Drellin's Ferry; the knowledge that they would have the help of a master of ranged combat made Dexter much more confident that they could win any fights they got into.

"I, too, have heard of this keep; if memory serves correctly my master called it Vrath's Keep. He said it was a place of great conflict, though what kind in particular I never found out. I believe between the two of us we should be able to find our way there, though if you have a guide familiar with the area it would be appreciated; it would be foolish to waste time under there circumstances."

Dexter looks to Norro carefully for a moment, and then give the man a small bow. "As for your offer of compensation, while I cannot speak for my companions I personally cannot accept anything but provisions for the road and perhaps a small pony or riding dog to borrow for the trip. I'm good at nothing but fighting, friends, and yet I forever wish to help."

He spreads his arms, indicating not only the room around them but also their general situation. "This? This is an opportunity to help people in need while still honing and practicing my art. As long as you can see us on our way, I shan't ask a thing in return."

Sorry if I've made it awkward to ask for phat lewtz, but Drellin's Ferry isn't exactly overloaded with awesome magic items and gold. Dexter would rather take his portion of WBL off the bodies of dead hobgoblins.

Oh, he still has those two swords. Were they masterwork?

Circle of Life
2011-08-11, 12:44 PM
"A pony?" Norro chuckles to himself, perhaps in relief. "I'm certain we could arrange for that. Horses for the others too, if they wish it. Our stores of food are less plentiful than I could wish this year, but I doubt there will be any problems supplying you with sufficient provisions for a few days' travel through the forest. Er, that is, unless this keep you speak of is further away than that? I confess to not being much of a woodsman myself. As for a guide..." Norro looks around the room, then shrugs to himself. "... not many townsfolk venture further into the Witchwood than is needful, with good reason. There was a family of dwarves that made a name for themselves when they left town to live deep in the Witchwood some fifty years back or so, however. Master... Nather... something like that? Dwarves, anyway. Many still speak of meeting one or another of them on short trips into the forest now and again; perhaps you could ask them for your aid if you encounter one of them. They're accounted as great woodsmen and guides, unlikely as it seems for their kind."

2011-08-11, 06:57 PM
Dexter nods at the information, carefully memorizing any important details. He looks to Raine, then back to Norro. "I believe that my archer friend here will be more than capable to take us to Vrath Keep; I only really inquired about a guide in case you happened to have an expert on the matter. I also thank you for the offer of steeds; there's no point in wasting time if we can help it, and we will of course return the animals once we've discovered the source of the raiding parties and, if necessary, killed our way back." Dexter looks to his traveling companions with a raised brow. "Would you all rather spend the night here and rise with the sun or set out immediately and travel as far as we can before nightfall?"

What time of day is it?

2011-08-11, 09:08 PM
At Norro's request, a light fills Iris' eyes. She's stayed silent for the most part, uncomfortable as she is in most social situations. But she cannot refuse an entreaty for help in the face of overwhelming danger. "I cannot in good faith leave you to deal with this alone. The two of us will help you in this, to protect you from any and all that would do you harm. It seems we will be here somewhat longer than we had originally planned."

She looks around at her companions. "My... friends. If it please you, Levante and I will keep your company. Five sets of eyes are better than two, and I trust you if things get dangerous."

At the offer of material aid, Iris frowns. "You have little and less to offer us, but I would be glad of a hot meal and a cold bath if it could be arranged. Your summers are brutal, and I have no desire to live in filth. Levante will require wild oats seasoned with cinnamon." At the mention of cinnamon Levante hops in anticipation. "As well, if you have any more of that magical healing available, I suffered a wound from those bandits as well. Any aid you could provide would be appreciated."

Circle of Life
2011-08-14, 10:06 AM
After some discussion amongst yourselves, you decide to set out immediately instead of staying the night in Drellin's Ferry. Norro bows his head in appreciation of your enthusiasm, leaving to see to the promised preparations. Soranna follows him, but not before giving each of you another weighing glance.

The priest, who introduces himself as Father Benly, wrings his hands in distress as he takes a look at Iris's arrow wound, explaining that he has already expended most of his healing for the day between tending to militiamen injured in the hobgoblin raids and then seeing to Amy's own stomach wound. He does what he can however, knitting together the flesh of Iris's shoulder and easing the worst of the pain.

Once outside again, you find two horses and a pony saddled and waiting for you, small saddlebags filled with sufficient supplies to last each of you several days. A farmwife you haven't seen before is waiting near the horses, along with several other townsfolk, all bearing either expectant or curious looks. The farmwife steps forward and offers you each a rag, the proffers a bucket of cool water. While Iris won't be getting her requested bath, Norro did at least see that you would be able to clean the grime of sweaty travel along a dusty road from your faces and arms.

Your preparations completed, you set out to the northwest, the hopeful gazes of the townsfolk on your back as you ride out of Drellin's Ferry, following the Dawn Way.

The Dawn Way bears many a sign of better times; bits of dwarvencraft stone peek out from beneath the dirt path at regular intervals, a testament to the once fine construction of the road. Deep ditches are scored into the sides of the road with surprising frequency, marks likely started by overburdened wagons, then expanded by torrential downpours.

Within a half hour of leaving Drellin's Ferry, you find yourselves entering the Witchwood proper. While you've been traveling along its fringe for some time already, it seems thicker here, the trees taller and the canopies more tightly interwoven. The Dawn Way cuts a wide swath through the Witchwood, but the forest looming to either side of you seems ominous somehow. Perhaps it's merely the memory of the day's earlier ambush.

You follow the road for some time, while the blazing sun slowly works its way toward setting. The trees provide some measure of protection from its scorching rays, but the heat is nearly as unbearable as ever.

Abruptly Raine raises his hand, motioning you to stop. He stares at something along the side of the road for a moment, then seems to reach a conclusion.

A hunter's trail intersects with the Dawn Way here. Raine points out that many of these trails crisscross the Witchwood, their entrances cleverly concealed so as to appear as nothing more than a regular game trail, though they soon widen into something approaching a road in their own right. Few would take them for more than what they appear at first glance, but their makers often meander in their crafting of the trails, resulting in strange detours and almost nonsensical loops. Still, the safety afforded by following the trails instead of the main road would not be inconsiderable, and you have firsthand evidence that the creatures you pursue seem to favor roadside ambushes.

Iris gets two Cure Minor Wounds and a Cure Light Wounds for [roll0] healing.

Decision time! Following the Dawn Way would get you where you're going faster, but it's a very open road, and the forest on either side is even better suited to laying an ambush than that of your previous encounter. On the other hand, following the hunter's trails would almost surely slow your progress considerably, but the trails themselves are quite hard to find for those not wise to the forests, and much less likely to play host to a party of marauding hobgoblins. Which path will you take?

2011-08-14, 01:01 PM
Dexter has remained in his wary Hunter's Stance all the while, drawing in the scents and smells of the forest around the party with careful attention. When the group comes upon the hunter's trail he dismounts, carefully smelling the trail for any signs of hobgoblin, human, orc, or any other specific sort of humanoid. "This would provide good protection, I admit, and getting arrows to the gut is not the most pleasant way to travel. That said, I'm not sure if following a random trail into the woods is a good idea. I like traveling the faster, more direct route, and dealing with any attacks as they arise. We're all very good at fighting, killing, and surviving. I say we use that to our advantage and just plow down the faster route. Remember, if we dally too long they'll have lots of time to figure out that we're coming, and they can prepare for us. If we hurry we can beat any scouting parties back to their home base, and it'll be a rout."

2011-08-14, 09:18 PM
Raine crouched at the intersection of the road and the trail, looking back and forth, deep in thought. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he gestured down the hunter's trail. "These hobgoblins are not of these woods. I have lived here over a year and have still just learned to recognize these trails for what they are. While the going would be slower, the odds of the Dawn Way being watched are much, much higher. We could slip in undetected by taking the trail, and we avoid ambushes at the same time."

He rose to his feet and casually dusted off his pants, then took a small swig from his waterskin. "Plus..." he smiled somewhat awkwardly. "The trail has shade."

2011-08-15, 10:23 AM
Dexter takes a swig of his own water, contemplating the trail. "It is hotter than the Nine Hells here, I'll give you that. If you're confident that you can lead us without getting lost, I'm fine with following. The only other condition, I suppose, is if we can fit the animals onto the trail. I'm not afraid of a little walking, but it seems silly to get out of the sun only to give up a means of transport." He goes into the trail a ways, just far enough to see that it does indeed open up after looking like a game trail for a while. He comes back, smiling. "Well, I'll defer to you, Raine. Lead on."

Circle of Life
2011-08-15, 11:35 AM
It's hard to tell exactly how far you follow the interlacing series of trails, doing your best to maintain a northwesterly direction despite all the twists and turns and outright backtracking the individual trails force upon you, but in time you reach a wide, swiftly flowing river that cuts across the Witchwood from east to west as far as the eye can see.

The sun has sunk below the trees by now, though sufficient daylight remains for you to see quite clearly for some time yet. The hunter's trail continues on the other side of the river, though the only means of crossing seems to be a wide log with the top side flattened, placed atop a rocky outcropping on either bank. The log is wide enough for the horses to cross in a single file - barely - but shows obvious signs of weather abuse. Still, it seems stable enough at first glance.

Just as you begin to lead your mounts toward the makeshift bridge, a rustling sounds in the woods behind you. Turning in your saddles, you see a small form breaking free of the treeline, which quickly resolves into the figure of a dwarf in leather dyed with mottled green splotches. A line of three gnarled scars runs across the dwarf's face, from above its left eye to its right cheek. A large portion of the dwarf's nose is missing, and one corner of its lips is pulled up in a perpetual half-grin from the scarring. The dwarf shakes its head, beads woven into its multitude of braids clacking together as it does so.

"I would'na be doin' that if I was ye."

The dwarf's voice is so raspy that it takes you several seconds to realize that it belongs to a female. She grins at you, revealing a mouth only half full of teeth, and those that remain stained a dark yellow. She seems to perceive some surprise from you, chuckling to herself as she motions to the trail you just left.

"Don't know why ye look so shocked; ye be makin' as much noise as ten - nay, twenty! - bugbears flounderin' yer way about blindly on me trails. Me old grandpappy could've heard ye comin' a mile off, and he's dead and buried ten years hence!" The dwarf makes a motion at her waist, sheathing a dagger you hadn't noticed her holding in a palm, then points toward the 'bridge'.

"Truth, I thought ye were more o' those damned goblins come sneaking about this way again. Since none o' ye have the stink o' goblin about ye though, I'll give ye a fair warnin': don't be tryin' ta cross the river 'ere, not on foot and certainly not on horseback. The little fella' might make it across, and that one looks to 'ave wings, but the others don't 'ave a prayer unless they intend ta swim across." The dwarf gives you a level look. "I would'na recommend the swimmin'."

2011-08-15, 06:52 PM
Amethyst had been silent the whole way, just barely moving to get a sip of her waterskin every now and then, and constantly muttering under her breath "Easy, Cassie, easy". Cassie, the mare that was given to her, was as nice as a horse could be, but she'd never been a horse girl, and was somewhat scared of them.

Upon seeing the dwarf, she snapped back to reality. She had been following the crew pretty much blindly, but this place wasn't her thing.

Let's try to get ourselves together, shall we?

2011-08-15, 09:27 PM
Iris steps out in front of the others and motions towards the log. "It seems stable enough to me," she says. "What's the problem with it?"

She turns back towards the others. "If we can't get across by foot, Levante could ferry us all across by air, but he can't carry a horse. Either we cross by foot, we leave the horses here, or we look for another way across." Levante bobs in agreement.

Circle of Life
2011-08-16, 05:16 AM
The dwarf chuckles again, more openly this time, pointing at the log again. "Can't ye see it? Ah, well, I suppose ye can't at that. 'alf the log is rotten on the underside, puts the balance off but good. Put one foot wrong past 'alfway, and the 'ole thing shakes and wob'les fit ta' throw ye inta' the river. Always some fool creature tryin' ta' cross 'ere, makin' me reset me fishin' log ev'ry few moons after they tip it over.

"Now, ye can take whatever risks ye like, ain't any o' me business. If ye asks me tho', I'd be sayin' it's foolishness not ta be takin' a safer route ta wherever ye be goin'."

2011-08-16, 09:03 AM
Dexter gives the dwarven woman a winning smile, and he hops off his pony to put himself and her at a similar height. "I thank you kindly for the warning, ma'am, and for the further explanation. However, I would like to ask something further from you; could you show us a faster way to the old, large human keep found in these woods?" He takes a small step forwards and lowers his voice a bit. "We're headed there to do something about the recent hobgoblin problem. They attacked us on the road, and they've been harrowing local settlements for months. It's time we gave them their just desserts. Can you help us?"

Dwarven Racism Powers, Activate! Form of, Helping us Out!

Circle of Life
2011-08-16, 09:57 AM
The dwarf raises a knuckle to her mouth - which fits nicely into the gap where her two front teeth used to be - and sucks on it while giving you a considering look.

"Aye," she says at last, speaking slowly. "I could do that for ye. I fancy me hide in one piece tho', what's left o' it anyway, and ye've got the look o' people what's huntin' for trouble about ye." The dwarf sniffs the air, then grins. "I'll guide ye through the Witchwood for no more than a bit o' that fine fresh bread and cheese ye be carting about with ye. If ye be gettin' me in a bind tho', that price raises ta fifty gold marks each. That's me price, but if it don't sound fair to ye, ye're still free to use me trails ta get ta where ye need ta be, so long as ye be after the goblin blighters."

2011-08-17, 11:33 PM
Dexter nods at the woman's words, glancing around to his compatriots to get an idea of their opinion on the deal. Seeing no strong feelings, he turns back to the well-worn dwarf with a smile. "That sounds like a fine plan to me; we packed a good amount of food, and your help should speed up our passage more than enough to offset our loss of supplies.

I also don't think you should worry overmuch about danger; that said, if it is by your own doing that we are lead into danger I don't think we should have to pay you, since the reason we're following you is to avoid danger. Do you see my meaning? Again, however, I am confident that we can deal with any such problem that may arise on the way."

2011-08-18, 11:35 AM
Iris grimaces at the delay. If it were just us, we could be across already. I guess this is just part of being a team, she thinks irritably. Patting Levante's flank, she motions into the trees. "Please, lead on."

Circle of Life
2011-08-18, 02:47 PM
"Aye, then it is agreed." The dwarf spits on her palm and shakes hands with Dexter, then busies herself collecting a loaf of bread and a thick wedge of cheese from your packs. Lunch in hand, she sets off back down the trail, munching away contentedly and occasionally shooting glances back over her shoulder to be sure you're following closely. She occasionally slips into the trees for a time, blending almost seamlessly into the forest, only to reappear further ahead on the road, motioning you ahead impatiently.

She leads you back to the south a ways, then onto a trail running much further west than your original path, and finally back to the north. After more than an hour of following this new trail, it once more ends at the bank of the river, though this time with a wider - if not particularly well-made - wooden bridge of logs lashed together. She strides across confidently, and you follow with no more issue than a few unsettling creaks.

Once across the river, the dwarf increases her pace, jogging along the trails in a race against the sun, which drifts ever lower in the sky. Deep shadows stretch the length of the trails, broken here and there by what light manages to drift through the treetops. Eventually even that light fades to almost nothing. Just when you begin to fear that your mounts will put a hoof wrong in the darkness, the dwarf motions for you to dismount and follow her off the trail.

After no more than a minute of working your way through the trees, the dwarf raises a finger to her lips, then points to a light shining faintly through the forest. Looking closely, you manage to make out some details despite the late hour.

Looming out of the woods is an ominous sight: a ruined keep set on a small, rocky hillock. Between the trees you make out a single broken tower looming over the rest of the castle. A section of the southern wall is partially missing, with only six or seven feet of the ground level remaining. Near the breach rests some ten huge, moss-covered boulders, each set into an impact in the wall.

Some distance off, a footpath cuts a way through the Witchwood, leading to the front gate of the keep, though you can't make out much more than that from this angle.

From the second floor of the ruined tower comes a sickly green light, occasionally flickering in time to a chilling moan easily loud enough to bridge the distance between you and it, bringing goosebumps to your flesh and tingles to your spine.

"There's yer keep, tho' there ain't much 'human' ta it these days," the dwarf says in a near-whisper, indicating two fainter, yellowish lights coming from the eastern face of the keep, near the footpath. " 'obgoblin sentries. I ain't made it me business ta go pokin' about in 'ere yet, an' they're why. If'n ye be plannin' ta try somethin' bold, I'll be takin' me leave o' ye now, unless ye be plannin' ta pay me fee ta keep watch o'er yer backs."

2011-08-18, 09:16 PM
After traveling the long route, especially after the switchbacks, Dexter was concerned that the dwarven woman had simply been tricking them out of their bread and cheese. When he saw that his trust had not been misplaced, he was internally overjoyed, though he only let out a small smile.

Dexter gives the dwarven woman a respectful bow, and proffers his waterskin to her with a smile. "I'd be happy to give you another bit of provisions and a drink, ma'am, but I would hate to put you in harm's way; admittedly, I'm also unsure if we could even pay your fee, and as such I think it's best if we just let you be off and be safe. I thank you for the swift and safe passage, and I look forward to ridding these woods of the hobgoblins."

He looks to his companions with a grin, his eyes bright. "Now then, here's the question; should we wait a day for observation and risk discovery, or should we observe them until the wee hours of the morning, and then strike?" He looks out at the broken wall and the eerie tower, contemplative and excited all at once.

2011-08-18, 09:38 PM
Raine had been taken aback at the sudden appearance of the dwarf and had remained silent for the duration of the dwarf's stint as their guide. He had been mildly insulted that the party had so readily hired someone to replace his own guidance, though in retrospect he'd nearly led them out onto a rotten log that would have utterly failed to bear their weight.

Once they'd arrived at the keep, he dismounted, glad to be off of the horse, and gave a perfunctory nod to their dwarven guide.

He glanced off to the keep uncertainly as he saw the green light and frowned. "This is it... They can see in the dark better than we; it would not make much of an ambush. I can scout to see what information I can gather; I need little more than the light of the moon to make out most things."

2011-08-18, 09:57 PM
Dexter nods at the suggestion, and he mentally makes a note of the hobgoblin's ability to see in the dark. "You learn something every day, Dexter. If you learn enough, maybe you'll survive to see another." That's what my master said to me every day, Amy. Do you agree? Dexter's master had been harsh, but he hadn't led the halfling astray, and he reminded himself to always be open to new tactical knowledge about his foes.

"That sounds very reasonable, Raine, and I wish you safety and stealth. It would be nice to see if there's a better place to attack than this gap, which really does smack of a trap. We'll remain here and keep an eye out, and we'll stay as silent as possible." He gestures to the keep and the woods around them. "Good luck, friend."

2011-08-20, 01:25 AM
Guiding Cassie to a halting point, Amy pierces the darkness with her eyes, trying to discern whatever is going on on the keep.

(Dexter) <I wouldn't be so sure, Dex, some things are better left unlearnt. Still, useful knowledge is always welcome.>

Taking a moment for herself, she takes a sit; focusing her mind on her inherent psionic capabilities, and boosting her awareness on the how and why of the psionic energies coursing through her body; sharing the moment with Gem.

Mere seconds later, she stands up, her eyes now without a visible pupil, and unties the whistle from her belt, her voice slightly deeper, and much more centered than before.

"Raine, take this with you. It might be useful if you get in trouble. Be safe."

Just spending a couple of actions to raise Psionic Focus on both her, and the psicrystal

Circle of Life
2011-08-20, 11:25 AM
Raine slips through the trees around the keep, keen elven eyes taking note of several details despite the distance.

While the entire keep has seen many better days, the western and northern walls seem to be almost as sturdy as the day they were built, towering some fifteen feet high, with nary a stone out of place. The course of time has worn away some of the masonry however, and a skilled climber might be able to scale either of the walls if other means of entry prove inviable.

Two watchtowers are built into the eastern face of the keep, one each to the north and south of the ruined gate. The front side of each tower has been torn away by a combination of boulders and nature, lending a precarious appearance to the remains, as if they might crumble upon themselves at any moment. Even so, a hobgoblin sentry stands atop each tower, a bow close at hand and a lit sunrod resting atop what remains of the crenelations. Despite their natural ability to see in the dark of night, it seems the sentries are taking no unnecessary risks.

Outside the gates lies the wooden gatehouse, somehow still standing after so many years unattended. The structure seems to have several holes bashed into one side, and what remains of the door hangs open at a crazy angle, supported only by one hinge.

Raine cannot see much inside the gates, not without stepping free of the forest and onto the footpath, but what he can see reveals a courtyard strewn with boulders, and not another living creature save the sentries in sight.

2011-08-21, 02:27 PM
Content to return with the information he has rather than risk losing the element of surprise, Raine returned to the group and shared what he had learned of the Keep's disposition.

((I am on vacation for the next couple days, so my posting will be spottier than usual.))

2011-08-21, 03:12 PM
Dexter listens to Raine with rapt attention, his mind whirring with possible courses of attack and assault. He looks to the keep with interest, noting the places Raine said a sentry was posted. "We will have difficulty taking them by surprise, it seems, unless we're able to take out the sentries unnotice. Raine, I'm confident that you could kill a sentry quickly and at range, but I'm not sure about the other one. Amy, do you think you could do it? I could climb to his post, and Levante could fly there, but we'd both be very visible." He looks to the area surrounding the keep. "We could also wait for someone to emerge and take them when they were out of sight of the keep, but that plan involves waiting on them to act. I prefer proactive courses to reactive ones."

This is why I like to play Warblades; they're beatsticks with brains. Roy should really retrain, if only a few levels.

2011-08-23, 05:10 PM
Raine nodded contemplatively, and then gave the sharp intake of breath of a sudden idea.

"I can feather one of the sentries, but I am uncertain if we could feather two. They use sunrods for light at night, which means that they want to see farther than usual. What if we struck when their sunrods extinguished? It would buy us an extra few moments of surprise."

2011-08-23, 05:21 PM
Dexter muses on the idea, contemplative. "I agree, that would be optimal, but sunrods last around six hours; by the time one goes out the sun may be rising, depending on when they set them up. And, they would have the advantage in the dark, at least over the humans and myself. That said, I like this plan. Now, do we have any way other than Iris and Levante actually flying up there to kill the second guard at the same time? Anything less, well, visible?" He looks to Amy, hopeful.

2011-08-24, 12:20 AM
"Well... I think I have an idea. Ever wanted to... Say... Taste a cloud?".

Amy's chuckles at the image of a flying halfling, her voice reverbing inside everyone's head, echoing her actual words.

"I can get you up to a tower. Flying. I can't promise a pleasant ride, and I need you to trust me and cooperate. I could try to explain how it works, but it would take too long. Maybe later."

She then sits, her back against a tree, and takes a deep breath.

"I've got a brain burn. I would assess that I'm at approximately 50% of my capacity right now, with a little luck.
What do you think? Do we charge right in, right now, or can I rest for tonight?"

2011-08-24, 08:42 AM
Dexter imagines himself flying through the air, and he shrugs. He could already jump like a tiger, he might as well fly like a crane. "That sounds interesting, and I think I could certainly kill a random guardsman in a few seconds. After all, their blademaster couldn't touch me; I doubt a random soldier could do much better."

He smirks, and then listens to Amy with concern. "No! Don't worry, Amy. We can take as much time as you need. It would be silly to charge in there with you at anything but your best, especially when all we have to do is wait a day. Now, get to sleep, Psion. We'll need that brain of yours rested and happy."

He smiles, and leans against a tree, his hands on his kukri. "I can keep watch; I don't need much sleep, and Raine or Iris can take over in the morning so I can get an hour or two. Sound good?"

Circle of Life
2011-08-26, 07:28 PM
Deciding it is best to avoid a confrontation at present, you backtrack a fair distance from the keep, back along the trail and off into the opposite side of the forest for good measure. A brief repast of the rations provided by the folk from Drellin's Ferry quiets your rumbling stomachs, and then it's straight to sleep for an early rise with the sun.

Thankfully for you, Iris has come prepared with basic camping supplies, something the others seem to have forgotten. The camping set was never meant to accommodate four, but some sharing of blankets coupled with Raine's woodland knowledge allows you to construct several passable pallets from the surrounding debris. Iris has her tent of course, and will likely sleep the better for her forethought.

Amy volunteers to take the first watch, and so you all bed down in relative comfort. Gem skitters its way up to Amy's shoulder, noting that it can "see" quite a bit better than her in the darkness.

Despite taking the time to rest her mind from its earlier strain, Amy still keeps a wary ear out for any sign of trouble, Gem serving as her eyes from its perch atop her shoulder. For nearly an hour there is nothing more disturbing than the usual sounds of the forest; then, quite suddenly, Amy hears the snapping of fallen twigs nearby, nearly atop your party. The noise repeats a moment later, from another direction. Gem pivots on Amy's shoulder, reacting to the noises and directing its senses toward the sources.

Raine proves to be a light sleeper, keen ears making out the unsettling sounds through his slumber. In a flash he is awake, elven eyes searching through the moonlit forest for the source of the disturbance.

Gem and Raine both find the same thing: two strange creatures, their hides mottled brown and green, which walk on two powerfully built hind legs, yet have no other limbs save a long, thin tail. The "heads" of the creatures consist of a fanlike ridge of bone with skin stretched tight across it, eyes bulging out of the ridge on either side of a swollen, tubelike orifice in the things' foreheads. The ridge narrows to a tiny, sucking mouth at the tip, which seems to serve just as well as a sensory receptor, judging by the way they seem to sniff at the air. As they realize they've been spotted, the creatures lower their heads threateningly and release soft cries as they begin a charge toward you.


T's mark trees, while the Te's are Iris's tent. The creatures are marked as 1 and 2 on the map.

It's nearly pitch black. Characters without darkvision or low-light vision suffer from a 35% miss chance on all attacks due to the darkness.

Amy, Raine, and Levante are awake in time to take the first round of combat. Iris and Dexter are still asleep. Raine begins prone, and Levante might or might not, depending on how much a pegasus resembles a horse in sleeping style.

2011-08-27, 11:14 AM
Raine's trance cut short, he uttered a short curse in Elven as he spotted the charging creatures and grabbed his longbow, scrambling to his feet and readying an arrow even as he shook the last shreds of his meditative state.

His voice was hushed but urgent as he woke the others. "Wild creatures of the woods!"

2011-08-28, 12:18 PM
Iris opens her eyes at Raine's warning, blinking the cruds of sleep out of her eyes. "Bluh... Wha?" she mumbles groggily, before closing her eyes again. Levante clambers to his feet, having been much more alert in his sleep. He opens the tent with his teeth, leans inside and pushes her around a bit with his hoof. Shaking off the last trace of sleep, Iris rolls out of her makeshift bed and gets her feet. "Okay, I'm up. But what are those things?!" She shudders at the memory of swimming in a leech-infested pond. She moves out of the tent, to where she sees Dexter still asleep. Shaking him by the shoulder, she murmurs his name.

Levante moves beside her, allowing her to get a firm grip on him as she swings onto his back. Although now fully awake, she grimaces at being bareback. "You know, if it had been up to me you'd be saddled all night, you big brute." And maybe one day you'll remember to actually wear your armour into battle, Levante thinks to himself.

Okay, Levante uses a move action to get up from prone, a standard action Aid Another (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sleep.htm) to wake up Iris, and a 5ft. step to move to E6xF7. Iris uses a move action to get up from prone, she makes a 5ft. step to E5, uses a standard action Aid Another to wake up Dexter, and then mounts Levante as a free action. She didn't sleep in her chain shirt (-4 AC), and Levante isn't wearing his masterwork saddle (-2 to Ride checks). I'm pretty sure that from now on she's never going to take her armour off.

2011-08-28, 10:48 PM
Dexter's eyes snap open, and the halfling warblade attempts to leap forward. He pushes off the ground with his legs, lying prone, and he manages to propel himself in the air hard enough to flip. He lands on his feet, and his blades have already cleared their sheaths. He shifts his stance, breathing deeply through his nose, and his face snaps towards the creature to the North-West, then the South-East. "There's a creature there and there," he mutters, gesturing with his knives, "are we all awake?"

Move action to stand, Swift action to shift into Hunter's Stance, Move action to tell their direction. If they move within 5 feet of him he can pinpoint their location w/ scent, if I read the srd correctly.

2011-08-29, 06:39 PM
(Amy) <About 15 steps southeast, and more or less 20 steps northwest. Your steps, of course. Calculate seven or eight times, if you want to measure in my...>

(Gem) <I got it already, thank you.>

Amy's movements were as nimble as they could be, when getting ready for the battle. Suddenly, the area illuminates as if there were torches everywhere, though light isn't coming from any particular place.
A pale silver armor covers what, up until now, was her unprotected body; her black hair, now loose, contrasting against it. An oval stone of the purest of whites is clutched firmly in her left hand, while a pale pink crystal wand dances between her right hand's fingers.

"What are these things?!"

Action breakdown
Move Action: Reaching for the Darklight in the Handy Haversack.
Move Action (Standard Sub): Drawing the Dorje of Energy Missile she carries on her belt.
No Action: Rasing the Ectoplasmic Armor.
Free Action: Activating the Darklight.

Circle of Life
2011-08-30, 06:13 AM
None of you recognize the creatures from your prior travels, not even Raine. The strange, misshapen things dart forward, lowering their heads slightly as they go. As they near you, they stop and shake their heads, and a torrent of acidic spray bursts from the orifice in their foreheads.

The party reacts with almost inhuman speed, ducking beneath the worst of the blasts. Even Amy, not unduly dextrous, manages to throw herself out of the way of both attacks.

Iris manages to shield herself from one of the sprays behind Levante's flank, but is caught off-guard by the other, while Levante himself takes the full brunt of the opposite blast.

Raine, Levante, and Amy take 8 acid damage from the acid attack used by creature "1". Iris takes 17 damage from this attack instead. The cone does not reach Dexter.

Dexter, Iris, and Amy take 11 damage from the acid attack used by creature "2". Levante takes 22 damage from this attack instead. The cone does not reach Raine.


Amy's Darklight is currently rendering the immediate area bright as day, negating any penalties from the nighttime combat.

The party failed at identifying the creatures, whether by rolling too low or by not possessing the appropriate knowledge skill.

2011-08-30, 08:59 AM
Dodging caustic... whatever... Raine grimaced at the thought of the number of creatures that had tried to breathe on him in the last 24 hours.

Raine hopped backwards to put some space between himself and the creature as it spewed acid towards him, managing to avoid the worst of the spray. Some of the fumes made their way into his lungs, forcing him to fight down a coughing fit.

Eyes watering, Raine let his muscle memory take over as he pinpointed the creature's last position in his mind's eye. Three arrows in quick succession pulled his bowstring taut and were released.

5' step back to G6 and rapid shot attack baddie 1.

Energy: 26/30

EDIT: If any attack missed, subsequent attacks, as always, get +4 to hit.

2011-08-30, 10:57 AM
Dexter's size and grace had helped him avoid the worst of the burning acid, and he took a quick step to his right to open up the creatures to Levante and Iris, shifting his stance as he did. The feral power of the Tiger Claw came over him, and he lashed out at the monster with a flurry of biting, scything blows. Having just woken up, however, his attacks were less than impressive, most of them weak and going wide. "Amy, don't use up too much of your juice! It looks like we're going to have to attack tomorrow; I don't want to spend another night in this godforsaken place!"

Terrible rolls in the Roll thread.

2011-09-02, 05:22 PM
The light was on just in time to see the acid coming. Amy ducked and, with a little luck, managed to avoid the worst of the blast, but it still burned.

Let's try... Fire!

Keeping the momentum going, she dashed past Dexter, dorje in hand. "Don't worry about me, dodge!". She hadn't even finished talking when a blast of fire helped itself out of the dorje, passed under Dexter's nose, and made it's way to the creature.

Move Action: Move to G3
Standard Action: FIREEEEEEE!!! (Rolls in the appropriate thread)

Circle of Life
2011-09-05, 08:37 AM
Raine feathers the strange creature nearest him with two arrows in rapid succession, though his third misses its mark by inches as a particularly forceful cough wracks his body. Amy takes the opportunity to send a streaming ray of fire toward Raine's foe, punching an instantly-cauterized hole in its flesh. Seeing an opening, Iris guides Levante closer to the wounded creature, and both lay into it with a flurry of attacks. Levante lays the creature low, and Iris finishes it with a thrust through the neck.

Dexter has considerably less success than his allies, doing little more than putting on an impressive display of bladeforms as his foe ducks and dodges. In return, the misshapen thing dances sideways on one leg, and with the other, rakes four razor claws across Dexter's face.

Levante 5-ft flutters to +5 elevation, and full attacks creature 1. Iris uses Grounding Blow, but instead of knocking it prone, kills it outright.

Creature 1 is dead-dead-dead. Creature 2 finally manages to land a blow on Dexter, for 12 slashing damage.


2011-09-05, 12:34 PM
Shaking off the aftereffects of the strange creature's breath attack, Raine spun about, already nocking an arrow as he quickly aimed and released at the beast locked in combat with Dexter.

"On your right!"

Three arrows hummed past Dexter almost before the shouted warning.

5' step to G5 and Rapid Shot at the one fighting Dexter. First attack is a Body Shot, third (which probably misses) is a Penetrating Attack

Energy: 18/30

2011-09-05, 01:10 PM
Dexter had finally been hit by a physical blow, the first time in months. He felt the blood running down his cheek, mixing with the acid the creature had sprayed onto him. He felt the pain, and the fear, and the exhaustion of combat. He felt worry for his friends, concern about the hobgoblins, and anxiety about their mission.

Dexter took all of that emotion, and he let it fall away. He whipped his hand forward, faster than should have been possible, and he drew his kukri across the hideous beast's neck, his form perfect and his eyes detached and blank.

Attack is 24, damage is 22.

It feels good to be able to dish it out.

2011-09-06, 06:44 PM
Seeing the first creature go down (in a particularly gruesome way, thanks to Iris), Amy takes a deep breath and aims at the new creature, trying not to get Dexter with the ray and possibly misses the ground (!).

Circle of Life
2011-09-08, 12:27 PM
A flurry of arrows from Raine, a perfectly placed slash from Dexter, and the remaining creature goes reeling backward, clearly on the verge of collapse. Amy seizes the opportunity to finish what the others started... but succeeds only on burning a hole through a distant tree branch with her wild shot.

Iris urges Levante forward, lance at the ready. The pair hurtle toward your misshapen foe, and with a sickening crunch, Iris plants her lance cleanly through the neck and shoulder of the beast. Levante finishes the maneuver by spiraling high into the air, though he needn't have bothered. The creature teeters briefly, then falls to the forest floor, a trickle of some acidic substance oozing from the gaping hole in its body.

2011-09-08, 12:37 PM
Raine set about creating yet another crude salve to treat the mild acid burn forming on his neck from a handful of ground-up leaves from nearby trees.

"We should move camp. The noise from that fight could have carried. Anyone wounded?"

He gave the trees a cursory scan for any immediate threats before packing up what little supplies he'd taken from his rucksack.

2011-09-08, 12:57 PM
Dexter mutters to himself about the lateness of the hour as he heals his wounds with his belt, clearly upset about the injury. "I swear, if we had been fighting in the daylight, after I had slept, nothing could have touched me. Damned acid-spraying monsters..."

He trails off, restless. "This sucks. So much for getting rested and healed for our big fight tomorrow. What should we do, other than move our campsite? Wait another day? Go in at partial strength?" He looks to Amy. "How much power do you have left? Enough to feel comfortable going into a big fight?"

He'll use one or two healing belt charges; I'll roll one after another in the Rolling thread until he's happy with the healing. Does anyone else need heals?

2011-09-08, 01:11 PM
Raine's face contorted into a ball of confusion at Dexter's comments. "We are woken after less than two hours and you wish to write off a night of rest? We move camp and wait as we planned."

His voice carried the confusion he was feeling. "Your kind rests differently from mine, but...?" He made a helpless gesture with his free hand.

2011-09-08, 01:15 PM
Dexter frowns, clearly a bit put-off. "Forgive me, but I had no way of knowing that we had only been here two hours. I was asleep, remember? I don't have OOC knowledge, oddly enough.

Anyway, my main concern is not for myself but for Amy; her powers require rest, unless I'm mistaken, but I don't know enough about them to know if this will hinder her tomorrow." He stretches and looks around. "Sad; this is a nice forest, otherwise. I had missed sleeping under the stars."

2011-09-08, 01:27 PM
Still somewhat bewildered, Raine gave a faint smile and shrugged uncomfortably, looking to Amy for confirmation as to what the interruption had done to her sleep needs.

2011-09-09, 05:27 PM
Amy yawns loudly as a response, leaning against the nearest tree.

"I haven't even closed an eye, yet, but if you're adamant on a nocturnal assault, I might be able to pull it off, with a little luck.

I'm not exactly tired, I'm starting to feel drained. There's only so much brain juice you can squeeze in a day"

2011-09-10, 12:23 PM
Raine nodded. "Then we move camp and rest until tomorrow, as planned."

Barring any objections from the rest of the party, Raine directs an orderly and rapid breaking of camp and leads the party a half-mile from their original campsite. He leaves the others to set up camp as they please as he sets about disguising the party's presence from the residents of the Keep and the denizens of the Witchwood.

Taking 10 on Survival to avoid getting lost and making another survival check to reduce the chances of a random encounter while camping.

Circle of Life
2011-09-10, 12:28 PM
The night passes without issue, the woods around you silent except for the occasional sound of a nocturnal animal in the distance. You end up waking several hours after dawn due to the disruption of the strange creatures the night before; despite the late start to the day, you feel refreshed and ready to go about your tasks.

Everyone seemed in favor of it, so I see no reason to delay. Onwards!

If anyone wanted to do anything overnight, just note it in the OOC thread.

2011-09-11, 01:46 AM
Huzzah, sleeping has gotten me to 58/62 hp.

Dexter wakes with the sun and stretches, his small face beaming as he listens to nature waking up with him. He stands, rolling his shoulders and working his wrists, warming up for the day to come. A faint smile washes over him as he watches a few starlings flitting through the air, their calls clear and sharp.

His hands go to his kukri, and his smile fades. "Today will be bathed in blood. Let it not be our own." He closes his eyes, breathes deeply, and begins his morning rituals of focus and meditation, moving his limbs slowly and precisely, tracing out his techniques at a hundredth the usual speed.

He'll prepare Steel Wind instead of Wolf Blade Strike today. Methinks he's going to encounter a goodly number of foes, and that -2 can make or break an attack. Here's hoping I don't screw it up for him.

2011-09-13, 11:48 AM
Amy wakes up with Dexter's training sounds. She had taken the first watch and slept through the rest of the night, but that's what happens when you're not exactly a morning person.

"You'd say I should be used by now to your training habits, but your willingness to get up this early beats my understanding"

Though Dexter never payed attention (or so she thought) when she spoke to him during his morning excercise, she'd always made a habit to at least say hi when she woke up.

Turning, she fixes her hair to her usual headband, and uses part of her now filled waterskin to wash her face and neck before reaching for the forest.

"There's the rest of the water, if you're thirsty when you finish. I'll be by the treeline, try not to aim this way"

She then sits, her back against a tree, and starts playing mental games with Gem while she waits for everyone to be ready to go.

Circle of Life
2011-09-20, 09:56 AM
The day passes slowly, each of you doing your best to mentally and physically prepare yourselves for the battle to come. As the last streaks of light begin to fade from the horizon, you set out for the keep, working your way through the thick forest back to the place where the dwarven woman first showed you the ruined structure. You arrive just as true night falls, the night sky lit only faintly by a moon and the stars above, and even those partially obscured by thick clouds that give no sign of releasing any cooling rain.

The keep's watchers are as apparent as the night before, one each atop the two shattered towers on either side of the ruined gate, a sunrod perched on the broken crenelations nearby, and a bow near to hand by each. Wary eyes scan the night-shrouded landscape, searching for any sign of trouble.

2011-09-20, 10:26 AM
Dexter grins and rolls his shoulders, sinking into his more vicious mindset after checking the scents on the air for anything other than the smell of hobgoblin. He stretches his arms, the kukri's in his hands moving more like extensions of his body than held weapons. "I'm ready whenever you are. Remember that we need to leave someone alive, preferably someone who knows what's going on. We take out spellcasters and archers with the highest priority; as long as Raine and Amy are clear we shouldn't have too much trouble. If anyone needs help just call for it, and try not to get separated. Don't bunch too closely in case of area attacks, and watch the skies and any doorways for reinforcements. If we move quickly this can be over in three minutes. Now, let's move out."

2011-09-20, 10:47 AM
Raine had spent the day carefully sorting through his impressive collection of arrows to select the most well-made arrows to use in the surprise attack that night. He strung and restrung his bow until he was fully satisfied with the pull, and then rested for much of the rest of the day.

Once in position, Raine nodded grimly. "I'll take the one on the left."

2011-09-22, 11:56 AM
Amy took a deep breath at the sight of the keep. Assaults on the road? Been there. Bar fights? Checked. But a full-scale assault was out of her league by a long margin.

With a thought, she extended her armor; a slightly translucent, grey full plate appearing over her body. The soft feel was completely misguiding. When detecting hostile intentions, it turned as hard as actual full plate.

Everyone seems so... Excited... Why?

"So, let's go over this again. Iris will fly Levante and take one of the sentries. Who wants to fly to the other tower? I'd rather keep one of you with me, to be honest. Just to be on the safe...er side."

2011-09-22, 12:04 PM
Dexter gestures to Raine's bow, and then his own knives. "I have a feeling he'll be able to do a lot more good up in the tower than I could, and I have a feeling that I'll be better at protecting you on the ground than he would be. The choice seems pretty straightforward." He smiles at Raine, a glint in his eye. "I know that I would hate to fight you if you were up in a tower and I was on the ground, dealing with a whirling halfling of death. This should go over pretty well, I think."

Im in yur base, jakin ur planz.

2011-09-22, 12:44 PM
Raine nodded. "I will be deadliest atop the walls."

2011-09-23, 09:21 PM
After covering the plan one final time, the party cautiously moved into position. Sweat from the oppressive night air caused Raine's shirt to stick uncomfortably to his neck. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Raine carefully selected an arrow from his quiver and swallowed as he drew the arrow back, waiting for Iris to make her move.

Not far away, Iris mounted her trusted companion and adjusted her grip on her lance. She patted Levante's flank once and nodded.

Nearly in unison, the mounted pair burst from the tree cover in unison with a single deadly arrow racing from Raine's bow. The attack had begun.

Raine attacks his sentry with Keen Arrow, hitting AC 30 for 28 damage. If this doesn't kill the sentry, he follows it with a Savage Shot that hits AC 15 for 16 damage (maybe since they're flat-footed, it will hit).

Iris and Levante partial charge the sentry as she initiates Forceful Charge, hitting AC 32 for 35 damage. Levante hits AC 34 for 7 damage. If Forceful Charge can't be used as part of a partial charge, then Iris deals 30 damage.

Energy: 24 (17)/30

Circle of Life
2011-09-26, 01:28 AM
Raine's first arrow takes his target in the neck. The hobgoblin burbles around bloody spittle, trying to raise a leather-wrapped horn to its lips, but the second arrow takes him between the eyes, felling him instantly. Iris has similar success, lancing her foe with sufficient force to carry him back and down, crashing against the broken crenelations with a muted thud, lance tip thrust through his heart.

Two vicious, bloody seconds, and the watchtowers are yours. From the air, Iris reports the following layout of the keep.http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/5964/21404392835ec7cd094z.jpg

There is a gaping hole in the roof of area 7, large enough to make it more hole than roof. There is a darkness inside that Iris can't see through, even with the light of the nearby sunrod.

No other creatures are seen from Iris's position atop the northern tower. Where to?

2011-09-26, 09:12 AM
Dexter moves between the watchtowers quietly, looking around for any signs of trouble. He points towards the large building to the north, looking back to Amy. He doesn't speak out loud, but he nods towards the building then raises a brow at her, a silent request to move out and enter the potential barracks or stables.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2011-09-26, 10:03 AM
A split second after the first arrow was released, Raine saw the sentry's hand move to the horn at his side. As sweat dripped into his eyes he swallowed and drew a second arrow, firing in desperation to retain the element of surprise. The shot was less practiced than he would have liked, but he was rewarded by the sight of the sentry collapsing in a heap.

Raine raised a fist in brief triumph before silently emerging from the treeline and gesturing upwards to Amy. Slightly nervous about being catapulted into the air by the power of someone's mind, Raine swallowed again and waited.

2011-09-26, 03:10 PM
Now without enemies with the high ground, Amy bolts out the treeline and motions to Raine to come closer, to try to ease his mind.

"Just be calm. You'll feel a light pull, don't try to fight it. Remember, once in the air, it's all you. I can't work out the landing for you."

Breathing, still a little nervous about what they're trying to do, she focus her powers.

"Ready? Off you go!"

2011-09-28, 09:02 PM
Raine felt an unpleasant tug as he was hurled into the air. He lithely twisted as he rose and landed in a crouch almost noiselessly. He kicked the sunrod on the tower into the courtyard to provide his companions with better visibility and scanned the fort, arrow nocked on his bow.

Energy: 27/30

Spot result of 23 with Low-Light Vision

2011-10-04, 07:34 PM
Dexter looks to the left and right, rolls his shoulders, and then heads over to the large building to his right (6). He looks to his party members, nods once, and then throws open the door as swiftly and quietly as he can, ready to fight whatever may be inside.

Circle of Life
2011-10-07, 11:59 PM
The area inside the double doors was obviously a stable during the keep's time of prominence. Three stalls line the northern wall, each now home to an enormous, twisted brown wolf, each laying at rest on the floor, snouts resting on crossed forepaws.

To the east of the stalls, a barrow is filled with bloody chunks of flesh that are all too distinguishable even in the dim light from the watchtowers; hands and arms, feet and legs, some human but others shorter and stubbier, all are piled haphazardly into the barrow. Above the barrow is a gigantic metallic-black arachnid, bulbous body somehow perched upon a web of gossamer strands. Several of the dismembered parts are woven into the spider's web, and many more bones litter the floor beneath the web. The spider watches Dexter with disinterest, rustling slightly as it rotates a fraction its web, but otherwise making no move or sound.

The wolves are not yet aware of your presence, but any noise or approach may alert them. Post actions on a turn-by-turn basis, and include move silently rolls for each action.

2011-10-11, 08:27 AM
Dexter looks at the spider very warily, but he feels that he and it have an understanding. If you don't mess with me, I won't slaughter you. He glances outside the door to Amy, and he puts his finger to his lips, requesting silence. He turns back to the wolves, hesitating for a moment; Dexter may be a predator, but to kill such a noble animal in cold blood felt wrong.

In cold blood. Like the gnome. Dexter grips his blades tightly as the thought went through him. He shifted his weight, and bared his teeth. It didn't feel wrong anymore.

He moves forward to the first wolf, as quietly as he can, and then he cuts its throat, attempting to kill it in a single powerful blow. He aims for the throat, hoping to silence the wolf before it can act.

Before Blood in the Water gets going his damage is less than impressive, so he's going to Coup with his Insightful Strike. Is there any reason why that doesn't work? I'll roll die for both scenario, just in case.
Move Silently 1: [roll0]
Coup de Grace the 1st Wolf: Autohit, autocrit.
If only regular damage: [roll1]
If he can use Insightful Strike: [roll2]

Circle of Life
2011-10-16, 12:33 AM
Dexter's blade may be keen, but its small size still allows it to catch on a tuft of matted fur near the beast's throat. The kukri twists slightly in his hand, throwing off his aim, and while he is still rewarded with a spray of blood, the wolf lets out a loud howl of pain instead of slumping over dead.

Nearby, the other two wolves stir, eyes snapping open, growling ferociously. Atop the tower, Raine notices lights pop on in through the holes in the wall of the western buildings.

Roll initiative, though the party may finish the rest of their surprise round regardless of the results.

2011-10-16, 10:39 AM
Dexter reacts with lightning reflexes, lunging forward with his knife, seeking the spot he just cut. His blade sinks deeply into the hideous wolf's throat, tearing through veins and muscle as if they weren't there, the blow powered by perfect force and precision. Dexter withdraws his blade smoothly, and then he turns and hurries out of the room, tumbling away if the wolf is still not dead. When he gets outside he motions to the others, pointing to the stables. "Giant wolves!" He says as quietly as he can and still be heard by at least Amy.

2011-10-18, 11:49 AM
Raine crouched as he heard the snarl coming from the stables where Dexter had disappeared into and rubbed the sweat from his forehead. When lights began illuminating in the tower, he nodded to himself. "Right where I want them."

Looking for an outcropping to conceal himself behind, Raine slid as far as he could into the shadows, drawing an arrow in anticipation of the chaos to come.


Iris was waiting impatiently for something--anything to happen. And then it did. The lights flashed on and she narrowed her eyes, communicating her intention to Levanted with a slight tap with her right heel. They were ready.

Raine will hide as a move action to give him a little more of the element of surprise.

Iris and Levante ready an action to charge whoever comes out of the tower (if it's permissable to ready a partial charge during a surprise round. Otherwise she simply delays).

I'm also confused about how Iris' maneuvers and Raine's energy are working now. Since this is technically a new encounter, is Raine's energy refilled and Iris needs to re-generate her starting maneuvers, or was everything frozen between that combat and this?