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View Full Version : Zenescope Grimm's Fairy Tales - Dream Eater crossover

2011-07-27, 07:15 PM
Hello all -

Being of limited time and, while not limited means perhaps limited will to spend those means prospecting in the morass of comic books, I come to the well to ask collective thoughts on Zenescope in general, Grimm's Fairy Tales in the more specific, and the Dream Eater Saga in high-resolution.

I've not read any of the Zenescope titles, though I am tangentially aware of the...um...licentous nature of some of the covers. Tell me of the quality that lurks below the covers of Zenescope books, if you will.

I do like the art style (perhaps retro-1990s comic book?) that I saw in the Piper issue of the Saga, and the 2 pages I looked at from the Issue 0 and Salem's Daughter issue. Is this typical of the publisher, perhaps due to a small stable of artists?

Are the GFT stories themselves decent? Or are they just a retelling with more girl parts exposed?

Does the Dream Eater Saga serve as a nice introduction to the publisher and the characters, or is it a weak cash-grab?

Please share what you know!

Thanks -

- M