View Full Version : AVB - Mindguard

2011-07-27, 09:12 PM
Lordof Dorkness or dm only. All others will be fed to the shadow mastiffs and looted by the filchers

When he reaches King's Causeway which bridges the river from the city to the Docks he sees something like this (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/St_Michaels_Mount_from_the_Causeway_-_geograph.org.uk_-_167799.jpg)

The "bridge" is a lot larger though and with a gatehouse on each end.

the Fortress lies at the center of the bridge.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-27, 09:16 PM
I walk up to a guard tower and ask where I should go specifically to get a job.

2011-07-27, 09:25 PM
"Sergeant Schlock handles recruitment."

The fortress is the large military style castle on the island. It seems to have seen better days as an actual army stronghold though now mostly used for administrative work and the headquarters of the City Guard.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-27, 10:15 PM
"Where can I find sergeant Schlock?"

2011-07-27, 10:47 PM
"Inside, take the second hallway on your left, third door on your right."

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-27, 10:49 PM
I follow the route and say to the sergeant, "I would like a job as a city guard, I can manifest powers, so I will be more helpful than the average peasant."

2011-07-27, 10:53 PM
"You want to sign up? In the guard? Interesting..."she says as she stands in front of you putting her hands behind her back.

"Do you realise you have to receive two weeks training and then you are assigned to a squad. You start as a private or corporal if you have any particular tricks or techniques and education. If you are interested about criminals in particular I am leading a task force of semi-indipendent detectives that look into such matters..." she says and pauses.

"That doesnt mean off course that you get into that group just like that. It means its an option..."


For the record the 2 weeks can pass in a descriptive post if you want them to and if you want to go through with this... timeline in AvB is relative and follows the speed of PLOT.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-27, 10:57 PM
I agree to go through 2 week training, but I will try out for the task force later.

2 weeks later...?

2011-07-27, 11:01 PM
Two weeks later, you have the cloak of the Watch and have been assigned a beat in Old Town near the gate to the Nobles Quarter, your psionic powers being kept low-key to give it the element of surprise. Your partner Johane is skilled with the crossbow, and normally stands around in the crowd undercover, waiting for the keyword "Spring!" to being laying cover fire.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-27, 11:06 PM
Sounds great.:smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:...
"a beat?" Post?
I do my duty and hope for the best...
I do believe I feel an encounter coming.

2011-07-27, 11:24 PM
a beat is the path you patrol each day. You have the graveyard shift, meaning the one that starts at midnight and ends at 8am.

About 3am one night, you see a shadowy figure break in a window to a shop on the street you just turned into.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-27, 11:31 PM
I manifest Deceleration on the shadowy Figure. I also quietly move in.
[roll0] - Move Silently

2011-07-27, 11:41 PM
It seems to resist your power, but it does not notice you.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-27, 11:44 PM
I move in behind it and manifest "My Light".
I then stare at the person and yell, "HALT!".

2011-07-27, 11:53 PM
He responds by jumping through the window.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-27, 11:56 PM
If I ended up accidentally killing a thief in one hit, would I get demoted or say, arrested for murder?
I block its path.

2011-07-28, 07:33 AM
you are authorized to use lethal force if you have to...

You are now standing in front of the broken-in widow, blocking his escape.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 11:08 AM
"Surrender, or I will have to use lethal force."
I also ready an action to manifest Mind thrust augmented to 2d10 damage.

2011-07-28, 11:13 AM
In response, he dashes out of the room, and you get your power off just before he breaks line of sight.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 11:28 AM
I give chase and manifest burst on myself, increasing my speed 33.3%.(+10ft)

2011-07-28, 02:11 PM
spot check

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 04:32 PM
My light Light is still in effect, so keep in mind that i have cones of light coming from my eyes.
[roll0] -Spot

2011-07-28, 04:45 PM
thank you for reminding me. I have a lot of pc's and count it a good day when I keep all the plot points straight. Gently reminding me of active spell/power effects is actually very helpful and much appreciated.

You spot the intruder just around the corner, fiddling with a lock. He hasn't noticed you yet. Upon getting a better look, he appears to be a gnome of above-average height.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 04:58 PM
I manifest Cloud Mind.
Do I have anything to detain him with?

2011-07-28, 05:11 PM
logically, you'd have two pair of manacles and two good locks for them. Since we forgot to mention them, I'll let you retcon that you've bought them over the course of your training. Subtract the cost from your sheet and the answer's yes.

He doesn't stop what he is doing.

he's taking 20 but since the power has no display at all and he hasn't noticed you, I'm not sure how to inform you on whether or not the power was successful without metagaming. best I can tell, either way for now he won't notice you.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 05:18 PM
I Put manacles on him. (he won't notice me until I put them on him because of Cloud Mind.)
Can I Augment Mind thrust 1pp per d10 to nonlethal damage?

2011-07-28, 05:31 PM
no custom augmentation. Only power augmentations are the ones as written.

As you step behind him, he stops what he's doing and says, "Well, I guess you've caught me. My bad."

he succeeded the will save against cloud mind but I could think of any IC hints that would have given you. He still didn't notice you because he was focused on his task until you were right behind him, though.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 05:45 PM
[roll0] -Sense Motive
Is he really going to give up now?
I whack him with my staff to deal nonlethal damage.(-4 on attack[I took that into account])

[roll1] -Attack (Keep in mind that he is helpless. I didn't add whatever bonus i get from that.
[roll2] -Nonlethal damage

2011-07-28, 05:58 PM
I roll sense motive checks for you so that a low roll doesn't allow you to metagame.

You aren't sure whether he was being facetous or not.

When you try to attack him, though, he responds by trying to kick your legs out from under you.

roll a str check to avoid being tripped.

then roll for initiative.

not sure how you got the idea he was helpless...

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 06:02 PM

STR Check- [roll0]
Initiative- [roll1]
If tripped or not, I manifest Energy Burst.(Cold)(Don't want to burn down buildings.)

2011-07-28, 06:11 PM
You are tripped, and due to the penalty that puts on your attack, your attack misses.

You beat him to the recovery though and get your energy burst off.

roll for damage and be sure to tell me the save dc.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 06:21 PM
[roll0] Cold Damage
Fort Save DC: 17

2011-07-28, 06:33 PM
He takes the full brunt of the damage and falls unconscious, slowly dying to his wounds.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 06:40 PM
Heal Check to stabilize him= [roll0]
"I don't want unnecessary death."

2011-07-28, 06:52 PM

You stabilize the... gnome? dwarf? on closer inspection, you're not sure which.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 07:28 PM
Where can I drop him off? Watch tower?
I believe that it is illegal to loot the dwarf/gnome.

2011-07-28, 07:41 PM
It is illegal for you to do so. However, it is also expected that you'll confiscate all dangerous or illegal weapons or items on his person and report each item taken.

You will be taking him to the garrison, yes.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-28, 07:48 PM
I take him to the Garrison and confiscate any dangerous/illegal items/dangerous/illegal magic items (Like the necklace of fire balls as an example) or weapons.

I say, "He broke into a store, resisted arrest in several ways and attempted to escape into yet another building."
will this warrant a hanging, or prison? tis is just out of curiosity

2011-07-29, 02:05 PM
"Good job catching him. Be sure to fill out the paperwork."

He'll likely be fined for this, and possibly sentenced to a few months in the needle mines.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-07-30, 07:42 PM
I fill out the paperwork and resume my post.

2011-07-30, 07:51 PM
if you want to rp something other than patrolling, you may. Just let me know what.

The rest of your night is quiet. Tomorrow afternoon, you learn that the baron Feierabrand, commander of the Special Guard, took the thief you caught into his personal custody.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-01, 12:13 PM
I go to my post and begin my rounds.
I ready an action to manifest Deceleration.

2011-08-01, 01:44 PM
You need to make spot and listen checks.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-01, 01:55 PM
[roll0] -spot
[roll1] -Listen
May I metagame that this is an encounter?:smallwink:
PS. Is it aceptable to use the belle curve roll: roll 3d6 not 1d20? not likely.

2011-08-01, 02:06 PM
absolutely not. on either the metagaming or the bell curve rolls

You hear a rustling off to your left.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-01, 02:17 PM
I manifest my light pointing my now glowing eyes towards the rustling.
Does this mean that my power points are used for deceleration and I lose the action?

2011-08-01, 02:47 PM
well, since you never specified what your readied action was triggered by, it actually will never go off.

You don't see anything.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-01, 02:58 PM
May I roll another spot check? if so, [roll0] - Spot
I heard that you don't allow characters to research custom psionic powers. is that true?
I hope not.
kidding about metagaming, sorry.
"Who's there?!"

2011-08-01, 03:01 PM
yes, that is absolutely true. also no custom spells.

You get no response.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-01, 03:19 PM
Describe my surroundings please.
What days do I have a guard post?
How often do guards usually get promoted?
What higher positions are there?
If I am targeted by a spell that dominates humanoids, note that I am an aberration.
Sorry for peppering you with questions.:smallfrown:
"Reveal yourself!"

2011-08-01, 03:30 PM

You have guard duty six days a week.

Guards get promoted only if they play the politics well and show themselves to be suitable for command.

There's a sergeant in the watch, and that's about all that a non-noble can hope for unless they really play the politics very well. It's theoretically possible for one to become a leitenant if they work hard, and the current captain is even a commoner of exceptional talent.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-01, 09:15 PM
I cautiously turn the corner and continue on my post.

2011-08-01, 10:09 PM
The next time your rounds take you by that point, you hear a woman pleading inside one of the buildings.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-01, 10:15 PM
I sneak inside the building.
[roll0] -Move Silently
What do I see? If I see nothing, I manifest My light.

2011-08-01, 10:31 PM
The door is locked. You will either have to disable the lock or break down the door.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-01, 11:12 PM
I manifest Cold Push(Energy Push) to 5d6 damage to break down the door.
I burst through the doorway, and what do I see?

2011-08-02, 07:15 AM
The door does not break down after your first manifestation.

cold damage is only 1/4 against objects.

do not dictate to me the outcome of your actions.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-02, 12:31 PM
sorry, I forgot to add, "assuming it breaks open"
I manifest the same power again, targeting the door(the power description mentions knock-back(I think)).

[roll0] -Damage

How loud was my first manifestation?
[roll1] -Listen -What do I hear?

2011-08-02, 02:41 PM
After a second casting, the door breaks.

Listening in, the noise has suddenly stopped. All too suddenly.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-02, 03:08 PM
I burst through the doorway and look around.

2011-08-02, 03:18 PM
Inside is a series of apartments for the lower class. One of the doors nearby seems nearly off its hinges and there is signs of a forced entry.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-02, 03:36 PM
I run through the door!

2011-08-02, 03:45 PM
Inside, you see a man cradling a woman in his arms. Blood is everywhere and he's just standing there listlessly holding her. The utter despair on his face is evident.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-02, 03:53 PM
Is the woman breathing?
If so I rush towards the woman and take out a potion of cure serious wounds.
If not, I run towards the two and attempt a heal check to see if she is still alive, or not.

2011-08-02, 04:07 PM
She's not breathing, and your best non-skills say that she's dead.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-02, 05:11 PM
"What happened!!?"

2011-08-02, 07:04 PM
"I-I don't know. One minute, she and I were fighting, the next minute I was holding her in my arms and the blood was- the blood!"

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-02, 07:44 PM
"How do you know her, and why is the door broken down?"
Sense Motive?
Describe the man please.

2011-08-02, 08:05 PM
He is a man of medium height but powerful build.

"She's my-my fiance. I'm not a rich man, never pretended to be, but I love Lucy. And she loves me. I'm a mean drunk, and I know that, but I would never, I'd never-"

his disorientation is real, and he does indeed seem scared witless.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-02, 08:28 PM
Can I Manifest Time Hop and go in reverse(I will spend 20 power points for this or more if necessary.) PLEASE!:smalleek:
"What do you remember?"
"How long has she been like this?"
I take out a potion of mine and set it on the ground.
I set the body on the ground and attempt to definitively tell if she's dead.

2011-08-02, 08:36 PM
no, time hop does not allow you to go back in time, only forward, and you cannot spend more power points on a power than your manifester level.

"I can't remember. One minute, she and I were fighting, the next minute I was holding her in my arms and-"

He refuses to let go of her and let you set her on the ground. You can force the issue if you want...

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-02, 08:48 PM
oh yes, of course
"I have to see her to help her."
Can I use the last heal check to determine her status while she's in his arms?

2011-08-02, 10:51 PM
yes you can

She is dead. You are 100% sure that she is dead.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-03, 06:18 PM
No resurrection spells...:smallannoyed:

"I-I-I c-can't h-help her.":smallfrown:
Eyes wide, the look of sheer terror is apparent on my face.:smalleek:

2011-08-03, 06:25 PM
Shock, denial, and grief are on the face of the only witness.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-03, 06:39 PM
I should get this body away from here, but no need to be cruel; he's in denial.
I need to get his memory fixed, or he will be hung for murder before adequate investigation; strong, drunk man, mean drunk+fiance's death= Jumping to conclusions: Jump( to Conclusions) check: 45
"I-I believe you, you didn't do this."
I think I can help fix your memory."

2011-08-03, 06:47 PM
"What?" he asks, not really understanding your words.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-03, 06:57 PM
Modify Memory can "Allow the subject to recall with perfect clarity an event it actually experienced."
I need to find a Psion(telepath) who knows Modify Memory, Psionic
I need to get the body out of here and make sure this man doesn't get hung for something he didn't do.
"I-I have to put you into the custody of the Garrison for now, I promise you, the truth will come out."
If he doesn't resist, I put the manacles on him.

2011-08-03, 07:19 PM
He does not resist, and he allows you to manacle him.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-03, 07:46 PM
I take him to the Garrison.
I say, "Keep him in custody for now, I will be back to get him tonight or tomorrow."
I know not exactly how to role-play that I need a corpse taken away from his address.

2011-08-03, 08:00 PM
you tell the guard that there was a murder victim at the scene?

2011-08-03, 08:05 PM
you tell the guard that there was a murder victim at the scene?

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-03, 08:15 PM
I'm boxed in.
"There was a murder, seems he's a witness, I want to pick him up later so I can take him to a telepath, his memory's rather fuzzy."
I give the address so the body can be picked up.

2011-08-03, 08:28 PM
I really don't see how.

"You must have forgotten your training. You don't get to take withnesses and move them wherever you want. You'll have to bring the telepath to him."

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-03, 08:51 PM
Sorry, stopped thinking; TIRED:smallsigh:
"Sorry, Minor lapse of presence of mind."
Blame it on the taxing effects of Psionics.

2011-08-03, 08:57 PM

"It's fine. You do good work, and I'm not going to crucify you for a rookie mistake. Just try to remember."

2011-08-03, 09:03 PM

"It's fine. You do good work, and I'm not going to crucify you for a rookie mistake. Just try to remember."

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-03, 09:18 PM
I fill out any paperwork necessary, and resume my post.
When my rounds are complete, I go to the psionic college and search for a good willed telepath that knows modify memory.
[roll0] -Search

2011-08-03, 09:21 PM
that's not a search check, that's a gather information check.

search checks are to find hidden objects. The psion's not hiding under a rug.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-03, 09:27 PM
Sorry, again: TIRED:smallsigh:
thought, I'm searching for...
[roll0]-Gather Information
-Epic roll

2011-08-03, 09:30 PM
that type of searching is covered by gather information.

[roll0] hours later, you aren't sure if psionics even exists anymore. :P

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-04, 04:19 PM
I Search some more.

2011-08-04, 05:13 PM
You're sure psionics exists, but are having difficulty finding someone to talk to about this in the next [roll0] hours.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-04, 05:27 PM
It's getting late.
I visit the witness to the murder and attempt to comfort him.
[roll0] -Diplomacy

2011-08-04, 05:41 PM
what do you say to him?

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-28, 11:49 PM
"Justice will out, If you know you wouldn't hurt her, you were surely framed."
"I will find a way to prove your innocence as quickly as possible."

SORRY:smallfrown::smallfrown::smallfrown::smallfro wn::smallfrown::smallfrown::smallfrown: For not posting in so long, been juggling D&D and several things in RL.

2011-08-29, 01:46 PM

"I-I didn't do it! You have to believe me!"

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-29, 05:54 PM
"I believe you."
"I have my theories of what may have happened, and none of them involve your guilt in this."
"Have you ever known anyone with access to magic that would want to do you or her harm?"

2011-08-29, 10:13 PM
"I'm a groundskeeper at the University. I see a lot of mages every day, but I don't exactly mingle with my betters." Talking about his life seems to have calmed him down for now.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-08-29, 10:50 PM
"So, you were engaged to her."
"Was her family alright with it?"

2011-08-29, 11:04 PM
"She-she was an orphan. We don't know who her parents were."

Lordof Dorkness
2011-09-01, 09:47 PM
Is there anyone who would want to do you, or her harm?

2011-09-02, 08:09 PM
"Well, Todd was always jealous that she picked me over him, but he's just some dock worker."

Lordof Dorkness
2011-09-04, 03:40 PM
"Has your memory gotten any better lately?"

2011-09-06, 12:31 AM
He looks at you confusedly. "No..."

Lordof Dorkness
2011-10-03, 11:04 PM
"I will find out who did this, don't worry."
I then go to my post at when the time rolls around.

2011-10-03, 11:40 PM
apologies... but could you refresh me on what you're referring to? A lot's happened both IC and IRL since that post.

Lordof Dorkness
2011-10-04, 10:33 PM
the murder of his fiance, I believe he didn't do it, and I, after talking to him, would like to go to my guard post when it is time.

2011-10-04, 11:49 PM
YOur patrol that night is quiet, but the rumors at the station is that the captain of the watch is putting together an elite task force to lead a raid into the docks. Apparently, the Jacks were taken out last night entirely, and thus there's a vacuum in the criminal underworld, and the Docks, always a dangerous place, are now outright deadly.