View Full Version : relic ideas, who's got them

2011-07-27, 10:09 PM
I've been planning a campaign for some time now. (just add players lol) and part of the main quest chain is going to be collecting the relics of some of the greatest adventurers to ever walk the earth.

while i do intend to be eventually giving the players some rather powerful items these relics are not overtly powerful. I want them to be useful, but not brokenly powerful.

several relics that will be making reappearances from previous campaigns:

Coat of holding (probably called *heroicnames* vestment) a sharp looking coat with baggy sleeves and very deep pockets.
-nobles coat (in different iterations has been +2ac or +2cha or nondetection)
-in each sleeve is what amounts to a Quiver of Ehlonna DMG
-3 of the 4 pockets are least bags of holding

Sword of Fate (aka Guttah's bane aka Guttah's boon aka sword of wonder)
-a short sword +1 with a table of 100 things it might do on a successful hit.
-includes such gems as "turns struck to pure gold" "enlarge wielder" and "haste on wielder 1d4 rounds"
-also includes "polymorph struck into tarrasque" "polymorph wielder into tuna (non-aquatic only)" and "Mind swap struck <-> wielder"
-crit does no extra damage but allows a reroll

The World Scarf (if any of my players read this... Sigfried's blue scarf)
-essentially an extra large portable hole (yes that works with the scarf please don't)
-folded dimensions 5 feet x 1 foot (meant to be worn as a scarf or sash)
-unfolded dimensions opening: 10x10 inside 25x25
-built into the walls are
-a bottle of endless air
-a bottle of endless water
-a cabinet that 3/day refills with enough food to sustain 5 medium creatures.
-everything else in here has either been looted or reduced to moldering ruin by time.

so, who has other ideas for interesting/ridiculous relics that won't break a world? Homebrew, 3rd party, whaterver

Kol Korran
2011-07-28, 12:19 AM
not any ideas at the moment, but have you checked the magic item compendium? through out the book there are various relics strewn in. they seem to be of your power level.

also, the sword is at once incredibly powerful and incredibly dangerous. i don't see players ever using it after the first bad effect. turning into the tarrasque or becoming tuna? an entirely unfair random resolution. i suggest to tone down the effects, and focus more on effects that makes either interesting or funny ideas. also- 1-3 effects per combat, otherwise the sword just hogs the spotlight from the adventurers.

2011-07-28, 10:07 PM
also, the sword is at once incredibly powerful and incredibly dangerous. i don't see players ever using it after the first bad effect. turning into the tarrasque or becoming tuna? an entirely unfair random resolution. i suggest to tone down the effects, and focus more on effects that makes either interesting or funny ideas. also- 1-3 effects per combat, otherwise the sword just hogs the spotlight from the adventurers.

The sword is actually neither all that impressive except on the rare occasion that it gets one of those big effects 80 of the hundred are things like "is a flaming weapon this turn." also whether they use it or not depends on which happens first, really good or really bad. the last party to have it turned a large creature into solid gold the second time they used it. instant windfall, though them trying to carry it out of the mountains was funny.

another thought that someone suggested to me today:

Rod of Doorways
-casts dimension door 15/day with a twist
-you cast each end of the door independently as ranged touch attacks. target must be an inanimate flat surface.
-you may only have 1 dimension door active at a time. Though you can use per day charges to relocate either end.
-as an interesting (and completely unrelated) side effect the holder of the rod does not take impact damage (that is to say falling/being flung into things)

2011-07-28, 11:02 PM
Hmm… You could have the Rod of Testing. It creates a medium-sized oval portal, which is linked to another medium-sized oval portal. Said portals can only be affixed to flat, inanimate surfaces large enough to hold them. I'm sure you can fill in the rest of the details.

It's also really fun to give somebody something that lets them abuse a very low level spell. What if you could have four unseen servants whenever you wanted? Or maybe a single unusually strong one. Perhaps something that gives you a certain number of at-will cantrips every day. Permanent Ventriloquism? Most of those are for the more creative players, who would have fun playing around with them.