View Full Version : [DFRPG] Critique my character build

2011-07-28, 05:43 PM
We're playing Dresden Files as our next game, and I've been doing some thinking about my character.

First up, yes I know I'm guilty of a little playing-before-playing here. But I haven't done my Aspects, which is the most important part of group-gen. Secondly, everyone has expressed some preferences as to what they want to play, so I'm hardly alone in this. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the others have started thinking about mechanics too.

For background, the game is set in modern-day Bristol (the old city in the UK, not one of the many newer Bristols in the US). It's a Chest-Deep (ie Refresh 8) game. The other characters are likely to be:

A White Court vampire
A Knight of the Cross (sans Sword)
A Wizard or Sponsored Practicioner

The first two are relatively certain, the last one a bit of a guess but likely.

I'm playing a Scion of Vlad Drakul (yes, I discussed this with the GM, who likes the idea, he's a younger half-brother of Kincaid). Essentially I'm the supernaturally-powered brute muscle of the group. The others cover social, holy and magic.

I reckoning on Skills thus:

Great (+4): Athletics, Fists, Weapons
Good (+3): Alertness, Discipline, Endurance
Fair (+2): Intimidation, Might, Stealth
Average (+1): Empathy, Lore, Survival

Survival is mostly in there to cover necessary background stuff, given he was born in the 17th century and should be able to ride.

I've got Fists and Weapons because they're extremely appropriate and give plenty of options for not having to go around tooled up all the time.

No Guns because they don't really fit with the character, and the game is also set in a country where they aren't ubiquitous. Besides (see Powers below) he throws a knife as powerfully as a bullet.

I'd kind of like to get Investigation in there at (+1) at least, but that might be another character's schtick, and I don't have to be able to find the fights as well as participate in them. Also musing about Conviction, but when you're a non-spellcaster (and non-holy-type) it's not exactly vital.

Powers/Stunts wise (again, cleared with GM):

Cloak of Shadows [-1]
Human Guise [+0]
Inhuman Recovery (-2)
Inhuman Speed (-2)
Inhuman Strength (-2)
Inhuman Toughness (-2)
The Catch [Holy Weapons, holy water, items etc] (+3)

I'm conscious that I've sort of covered the Horton Utilities* from Feng Shui in there. I do have the option of killing the lights (cutting the power or with thrown knives to bulbs) and massacring the enemies who can no longer see.

With my remaining point of Refresh (which would leave me on 1), I'm considering the following:

Finely Tuned Third Eye (Lore)
Linguist (Scholarship)
Animal Handler [Horse] (Survival)

The first seems sort of appropriate for someone dealing with monsters for fun. The second is kind of necessary for someone with centuries of experience and I think is pretty fitting. The last might allow me to drop Survival and create some room on my Skills list.


*For anyone who doesn't know what they were, it was a collection of Fu powers that allowed a gunman to achieve things that wouldn't normally be possible. They could see in the dark, move super-fast and dodge well really cheaply. While Horton was a gunman, they are actually also really good for martial artists as a disparate power set.

2011-07-31, 08:14 AM

2011-07-31, 11:09 AM
Your Catch shouldn't be giving you that much. +2 for reasonable access is all you can expect. Nobody who doesn't know a lot about your character personally will think to use holy items on him.

2011-08-03, 01:16 AM
Let's see:
I'd agree about it being a +2 catch, it's definitely something that will come up less often than fairy iron (+3).

Overall I think Inhuman Whatever across the board is a touch bland but useful, one thing that you're lacking here is any real reliable way to get added stress, which you really need for a bruiser character. What you've got now is a bruiser character who can't really bruise a lot of supernatural things.

Also, I really wouldn't top out TWO offensive combat thingies since they get a bit redundant. Keep whichever you want to use more often and knock the other one down a peg or two.

2011-08-03, 05:18 AM
Overall I think Inhuman Whatever across the board is a touch bland but useful, one thing that you're lacking here is any real reliable way to get added stress, which you really need for a bruiser character. What you've got now is a bruiser character who can't really bruise a lot of supernatural things.

Reliable way to get added Stress is a melee weapon. That's why Weapons is rated as high as it is. I didn't list it because it's just regular equipment.

Also, I really wouldn't top out TWO offensive combat thingies since they get a bit redundant. Keep whichever you want to use more often and knock the other one down a peg or two.

He can't walk around tooled up all the time, but when he does want to smack nasty things around it shouldn't be using a lesser-rated Skill. That's why I went with both. The alternative is to take Armed Arts from Fists, but that then costs Refresh which is rather more precious than Skills.

Having high Fists also means there's an option for dealing with mortal foes without killing or maiming them.

2011-08-06, 01:57 PM
If able you might want to swap out Speed for a boost to strength or size and claws. Gives your character a bit more of a shtick identify besides being better than human and ups your bruiser factor. Just remember that the a spellcaster will beat you in short term oomph anyway you cut it.

2011-08-09, 04:42 AM
If able you might want to swap out Speed for a boost to strength or size and claws. Gives your character a bit more of a shtick identify besides being better than human and ups your bruiser factor. Just remember that the a spellcaster will beat you in short term oomph anyway you cut it.

To be honest I don't need a schtick to come from my powers, being a half-demon does all of that. I can always upgrade his Strength later on, for now having all those bases covered does what I wanted.

The spellcaster can beat me for a round or two, I can pump out the pain each and every round of a conflict at no cost.