View Full Version : [IC] Agents of Firewall

2011-07-28, 09:07 PM
The year is 200X, the place Paradigm City. Everything and anything that could conceivably be given a connection to the vast web of computer systems that weave through the city, the net, has been uplinked. Every appliance, every computer, every camera. Mailboxes, Gas stations, vending machines, coffee makers. If it exists then some fool has given it a wifi adapter and hooked it up to the net where anyone with ill intentions can waltz right in and take control.

To protect these cyber addicted fools the government started an agency full of the best and brightest, and after those people proved to be incompetent they tried again with the cruelest and the sneakiest. Thus Firewall was born. An organization so secret that not even the tax agency knows it exists. The President himself receives e-mails telling him, "This isn't really any of your business." By one way or another you have been tapped by this enigma shrouded shadow agency.

Scattered across the city, each of you hears the quiet chime of an incoming message on your Personal Terminal (PET for short), the message opens itself and begins scrolling down your screen.



Immediately the message is replaced by a chaotic image taken by a security camera. Dozens of young men and women appear to be rioting, tearing at the doors and windows, but unable to escape. The feed has no sound but from their contorted facial expressions you can guess they are screaming. As you watch the bartender is dragged from behind the bar and into the mob of panicked party-goers. The feed cuts off, replaced by a new message.



With the message closed all that is left is an open IRC connection with several other agents already signed in. The only line of text is simply "These are your teammates. Work together."

Sorry for taking so long, things have been crazy around here. You are all in a shared chat so feel free to talk to one another as if you were in the same room. If you wish you can physically make your way to the Xanadu in which case there will be more opportunities to do things, or you can send your navi's directly over the net.


2011-07-29, 12:38 AM
Slamming the accelerator, Chris races towards the Xanadu Nightclub. He say's into the IRC, So who am I working with?

2011-07-29, 01:05 AM
'I didn't really mean this when I hoped for an interesting day' thought Lion as he quickly paid and gulped the hot coffee in one go, leaving the small table outside the shop and trying to get the attention of a random cab.

As he enters and mumbles the name of the club, he already sends Diskman into the net to see if he can find a quick route from the cab's connection.

"Sup, Lion here." He finally introduces himself "Heading to the club myself, anyone else coming?"

2011-07-29, 02:04 AM
While the two agents begin the cross town drive to the club Diskman takes the much more expeditious route through the net, arriving at the Nightlife server hub. The monolithic structure representing the network is lit with rapidly pulsing strobe lights and multicolored data streams as a steady pounding beat ripples through the ether, little more than a meaningless bassline repeating endlessly. The nodes surrounding the server are littered with junk data, discarded cookies, and most disturbingly half a dozen de-rezzing NetNavi's who appear to be mid degredation. Possibly due to data corruption.

The Navis are in no shape to impart any data, so you slip past them and enter the server. The interior is packed floor to ceiling with swarming viruses. Metools and Cannodumbs blocking all access to the interior.

2011-07-29, 02:35 AM
"Well, I come online for a spot of Hacking and what do I find? An emergency. Sounds fun. Mysteryman is already on his way... There he is." The text pops up in the chatroom as Mysteryman appears behind Diskman, seemingly materializing, he was that fast.
Mysteryman is wearing is standard brown coat and wide-brimmed hat, his face somehow completerly black despite the light.
"I'm X by the way, Agent X. The best Hacker on this world. "

Well-Informed Computer Check:
Taking 10 on all of them. I get 32.
I'm going to assume I know all pertinent info about my team-mates now.:smalltongue:

Mysteryman takes aim and shoots one of the Cannodumbs to no visible effect
(Mental Command: Take-aim at the highest concentration of Viruses and prepare to fire on my command)

2011-07-29, 03:56 AM
Diskman is tall and slim, wearing gray and green patterned clothing with not much of a visible protection, but it seems like the light around him is slightly distorted as if he is covered by thin glass.

A transperant platform forms slightly above ground, with only a single opening, enough to hold a few navis that can enter from the back, blocking anything from the sides. Diskman steps into the platform, ready to move in as soon as he is joined by his new teammate.


2011-07-29, 04:30 AM
Arriving within range of the club, Chris climb's into the back, boot's up his computer and sends Gear.EXE into the system saying Ok let's do this and begin's attempting to open the door's.
[roll0] to open the door's of the club

2011-07-29, 04:30 AM
"Ready when you are, Diskman." Mysteryman blurs onto the disk. "Try not to kill the one I shot, it's on our team."

2011-07-29, 04:49 AM
A large bulky mechanical navi, walk's into view. He walk's onto the disc and says Gear here turning to his new team mates, he says Ready when you are

2011-07-29, 05:05 AM
Diskman nods, and the back closes behind them, as the invisible cube reshapes to be not much larger than the three of them and begins to float further inside.

2011-07-29, 09:46 AM

If you wish to attack something please make an attack roll. Be aware that it will probably cause a large number of minions to begin beating your faces in with digital pickaxes and cannon fire.

With a hiss of depressurizing air the metal security door at the front of Club Xanadu cracks open and slowly slides back into the wall. However your activity triggers an alarm which will surely alert anyone inside to the intrusion.

2011-07-29, 10:11 AM
Cracking his finger's, Chris gleefully says Ho Ho Ho we are in business. Then he typed into the IRC Ok whoever wants to go in can but if the terrorist is this incompetent i'll have them out before dinner then he begin's typing furiously on the keyboard.

[roll0] to let the distressed partygoer's into the lobby
it's +12 because I forgot to add the masterwork modifier the last roll

2011-07-29, 12:16 PM
With a sigh, in a day he thought it was off, Lucia takes his PET. He didn't wish to go into Xanadu Club wherever the damn thing was. Best to go from there aniway. Firewall had it's resources

"Hey guys. Sorry for being late. I'm Lucia, but I'll be operating from distance so, won't meet you actually. Sending my Navi...now"

Sending Moreau over the net before he got the chance to ask for anything, the Navi arrives somewhat confused

"Alright Moreau. Easy stuff. Say hi first"

With a wave of his hand he shows his alliance to the other team menbers. He didn't want to even whisper a word. Words could threaten missions!

"Alright. I'll take Search and Destroy. I'll be summoning one of my viruses to help, don't kill him. Of Hacker, if you can help with stealth opportunities..."

Introducing Sombra to the stage, he beings to laugh. The technology on his PET was a bit different, but he "saw" the net through some shock feeling technology. He begins to guide Moreau to one point, Sombra going opposite direction, without the need of a master. Easy enough to do with one hand the pets Ligier with the other

[roll0] Moreau, stealth roll to not be seen
[roll1] Sombra's roll. Same thing
I forgot the damn thing's name but that tech exists XD. Works sorta like touchscreen, where you feel pressing the button when there's no button.

2011-07-29, 05:28 PM
Chris' keyboard sizzles with a sudden surge of electrical sparks and his screen fuzzes out into static. A voice comes over the line, it sounds computer generated so it is likely a Navi.

"The party's still rockin' in here! You cannot escape my killer riffs!" it says before the sound devolves into the squeal of an electric guitar. The inner security nodes are still inaccessible and a Navi is actively blocking your hack attempts.


Back in the Net Sombra steps squarely on top of a crouched Metool and the startled virus pushes upwards, knocking your minion off it's feet. Moreau's pathetic attempt at stealth is foiled due to the attention attracted by Sombra.

A squad of Metools push their Cannodumbs into position and draw their pickaxes menacingly as they advance on you.

[roll0] Metool initiative (x6 Metools)
[roll1] Cannodumb initiative (x3 Cannodumbs)

Please roll initiative

2011-07-29, 07:04 PM

(Mental Command: Fire on the biggest area of viruses)
"Time to fight."

On the IRC: "Let's kill his amps. Permanently."
Agent X's fingers fly across his keyboard, tearing through protections and fail-safes with a speed that few could follow, let alone match.

Computer Check:
[roll1] Defeat Security (Rockman)
33: Destroy Programming (Computer accessed by the Navi)
If it is destroyed, then it has to find a new access point to go back into the Net

2011-07-29, 07:39 PM
Chris loosen's his limb's and say's Hey! My Baby! You are so Dead. Turning to his PeT he says angrily Gear, take this sucker down!. Gear loosen's his neck and says This is what I was made for

2011-07-29, 08:27 PM

Agent X successfully pierces the static cipher that is obscuring the server nodes. In addition a bit of hurried typing defeats an intrusion by the WWW agent into your system. You do not have access to the security system functions but you can now see the infection and the Navi that is causing it. The server identifies the intruder as Slashman.exe


The black haired Navi is wearing a ridiculous top hat and toting a wickedly bladed electric guitar.


The various server nodes and functions are coated with squirming sound wave creatures that your PET calls Riffs. As Slashman continues wailing on his Axe more and more Riffs are generated to defend the server.

2011-07-29, 11:07 PM
We are still waiting on initiative to do the combat with the minions outside the server. The only one who has seen Slashman is Agent X over his PET. None of your Navi have breached that far into the system yet.


2011-07-29, 11:13 PM
"Guess who got a pic of our enemy? Posting now." *pictures posted above*

2011-07-29, 11:21 PM
Grabbing his laptop and PeT, Chris boot's his laptop and run's into the lobby looking for any sign's of the WWW terrorist.
notice roll
Notice Check:[roll0]
Sorry Sorry

2011-07-29, 11:25 PM
Computer Check to locate the terminal the Navi is jacked into:

2011-07-30, 02:58 AM
"Can you hurry up?" Lion asks (the driver) as Diskman initiates battle mode.


2011-07-30, 08:49 AM
As the invisible walls he created around them dissolve, a round flat shield appears next to Diskman. From thin air, he draws a disk, quickly throwing it wide to the side.

"Expand" the disk enlarges, becoming a large 45 by 5ft low wall and changes course towards the viruses.

Area attack, PL10.

2011-07-30, 12:50 PM
"Sombra! Ready!"

Getting into battle position Moreau stays a little behind and to Sombra's right. If they wanted a fire power competition he was about to give them one


2011-07-31, 07:23 PM
Initiative order
1. Diskman
2. Gear
3. Cannodumbs
4. Moreau
5. Metools
6. Mysteryman

Reflex saves...

Diskman's explosive assault flattens two metools instantly, sending sharps of defragmented data pinging against the walls as the viruses burst apart. One lucky hard hat crouches down in terror and comes out unscathed. There remain three metools and three cannodumbs in this server node but more squads can be seen heading towards you from other parts of the server, they are slowed down by their unwieldy cyber-artillery and will take a few computer cycles to reach you.


Back inside the Club Xanadu dance floor Agent X spots a figure over the security camera who doesn't appear as frantic as the others. A stringy haired pasty faced teenager in full black clothing is sitting with his back to the DJ station and has a PET jacked in to the uplink port there.

Slashman is still messing with the server functions and his Riffs manage to break through the security on the vent controls. The fans in the ventilation shaft die and then reverse with a metallic whir as they begin sucking oxygen back out of the sealed room.

Gear is up, Moreau, if you wish you can make your rolls now and specify your actions and I will take care of both your turns as well as the Cannodumbs all at once.

2011-08-01, 01:19 AM
Gear's body glow's white and he teleport's within range of the viri. Once within range, his hand glow's and morph's into a oversized hammer and he bring's it down on as many viri as posible.

DamageHammer (Strike area 1 = 12/24 + Ranged 2 =26)

2011-08-01, 02:20 AM
X's hands fly across the keyboards as he isolates the terminal's wireless uplink, with a final keystroke he sends one of his custom-viruses straight into the terminal and exploding it.
The terminal explodes in a shower of sparks and the audio system starts up. This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMTeytJeSp8&feature=related) starts playing around him.

"Oh Poetic Justice. How I love thee. I'm going to transmit a visual feed for you to get a look at our Perp. Can anyone go in and grab him? Don't activate the audio feed though, that song is quite annoying."

2011-08-01, 03:35 AM
Upon hearing the whirl of the fan, Chris begin's typing furiously to reverse it back and buy the trapped people more time.
Computer check