View Full Version : Harry Potter: Aftermath

2011-07-29, 08:23 AM
It has been five years since the second wizarding war ended and the Boy who Lived...well lived. Results were similar to the last war, people claiming to have been imperioused, galleons changed hands and no further questions were raised, at least officially. Unfortunately people on both sides of the struggle were not pleased with the outcome.
The people who had allied against Voldemort and his followers were outraged at the number of witches and wizards who retained their freedom and even kept there ministry positions, after supporting the lord of darkness once again.
The former Death eater's and flunkies furor of their Lord being defeated by blood traitors and mud-bloods has only served to raise their racism and anger, however silently.
On the surface everyone appears to be getting along fine, purebloods smile at halfbloods while the latter keep fingers to their wands vowing not to so quietly into the night if the ministry decides to re institute it's racism by law that only a few years ago threatened there very existence.
One of the few places free of suspicion and mistrust, at least now, is as ever Hogwarts. New Headmistress McGonagall has tried to keep alive the feeling of peace and togetherness that Albus Dumbledore tried so hard to create, she seldom awards house cup changing points last minute for terrible rules breaking though. After his Brother's death George Weasley spent years brooding before finally taking the mantle of Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Transfiguration is now taught by American Hank Wright an ace from across the pond who regretted missing the fight against Voldemort, and the potions master Alozza El-Borak hailing from Arabia. George Weasley now heads Gryffindor house, while Alozza heads Slytherin.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
The Platform is full of shouting children and smiling parents. No matter what's happening in their day to day lives everyone is happy on the first day of school. You have either been waiting for this day your entire life, or been waiting for it since you received your letter telling you that you were a witch or wizard. You are probably still with your parents but soon the bags will be packed and the train will be choo-chooing to the castle of magical instruction... what do you do?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!

2011-07-29, 08:35 AM
Murray Beglan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=314196), a rather stand out kind of child is saying good-bye to his parents, a couple of new aged punk rock looking people. His blue hair is short and disheveled while his eyes seem like emerald. They have traveled quite a distance from their home back in Ireland, but His father wanted him to have the same send off he had as a boy. In his jeans and ramones t-shirt, Murray steps onto the train and waves a final good-bye to his parents before finding a cabin for the ride to his first day at Hogwarts.

2011-07-29, 10:39 PM
Steve Jenkins (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=315339)' parents straighten his tie under his vest one last time before ruffling his hair and telling him to get onto to the train. He waves his parents goodbye and steps onto the Hogwarts Express, holding his cat over his shoulder in a way that doesn't look entirely comfortable for either of them. He quickly finds an empty cabin and sets his cat down before sitting down himself.

Storm Reaver
2011-07-30, 03:57 PM
Oscar hugged his father for the last time before he embarked on his first step to a new life. His father, seeing his son reluctantness and rather gloomy face, messed Oscar's hair with his hand and promised him that everything will be alright, that Oscar will not be a stranger anymore in his new school and he will find friends. A lot of good friends.

"You sure dad?"

His father just smiled, and put a finger on his chin. Straightened his face to him, and answered his answer with a warm voice to reassure his nervous son.

He then slipped a Silver Necklace to Oscar's hand, telling him to keep it. Oscar opened it to find that there's a picture of his father and sister, sitting together during a picnic in a park. He remembered that it was probably his mother who took the picture of them. While Oscar was beside his mother, conveniently ignored by her. Which saddened Gary a lot, as it was supposed to be a nice family moment for Oscar. Oscar was only 10 and Andi, her sister, was only 9. The Picnic was 2 months before her death from a sudden illness that seemed to came from nowhere. And Oscar took all the blame, for a while...

The picture of her sister hurted him a lot and filled him with guilt, yet also made him happy somehow.

So he faked a smile and said "Thanks dad.. I will keep it with me all the time".

And then Oscar left and waved to his father.

Gary waved back and sighed a relief. He really hoped that Oscar has finally found a place where he feels he belong. A place with a lot of kids just like him who will befriends him. And most of all, He hoped that his only beloved son will finally find happiness there.

Happiness that sadly Gary, his father, could't bring to him.

So Oscar, with his Cat following his footsteps, stepped aboard the train and left out a big sigh.

Lady Moreta
2011-07-31, 05:00 AM
Connor Tait Michaelson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=297226)

Connor's parents were arguing over her head - again. She was concentrating partly on keeping hold of the cage in which her owl resided, carefully covered with a dark sheet to keep the animal quiet, and partly on readying herself to interject.

"Doughal! She's only a child!" Her mother's stringent tones rang out across the station, drawing heads around to look at them. "You can't let her go through by herself! You know sometimes it doesn't work the first time," this last was delivered in a venomous hiss.

Connor turned hastily, almost catching herself on the edge of the luggage trolley her father was pushing. "Oh, I'm sure Papa just wanted to give me some experience - you know, where it's safe. Since you'll be with me," she smiled up at her parents, no hint of distress in her face. "But, I think I'd feel better if you went with me Mama. Would you mind?" She turned a smile and a quietly hopeful look on her father, who smiled indulgently at his daughter.

"You're probably right. All right Rhonda. I give up, go through with her." His wife gave him a regally superior look, then swept through the barrier onto Platform 9 & 3/4's without another word, her hand firmly clasping Connor's shoulder.

"Shall I go and find out where to put your trunk then?" Doughal asked, moving away before his wife or daughter could respond. The two watched him go, then Rhonda knelt down to her daughter.

"You willwrite, won't you honey?" she asked, sounding a little anxious.

"Of course I will Mama," Connor replied. "And you know I want you to write and tell me everything. Papa too."

"Of course we will, won't we Doughal?" this last was directed at her returning husband, who regarded his wife with raised eyebrows, but mercifully to his daughter's feelings, said nothing save,

"You'd better get on the train kiddo, it's going to leave soon."

Startled, Connor turned immediately towards the bright red engine with the carriages trailing behind. She hugged both her parents and then nervously headed towards the carriage closest to her, clutching the owl's cage like a lifeline. Stepping on board, she waved goodbye to her parents,

"Oh, I hope they'll be all right without me" she whispered, she moved into the corridor and froze, unsure of what to do next.

2011-08-01, 09:17 AM
The clock hand moved to the in its inexorable way and before they new it parents were hugging children goodbye and previously defiant 11 eleven year olds were reminding themselves that they weren't scared and that they had been longing to go to Hogwarts ever since they learned about the school.

the trains slowly started moving and soon it pulled out from King's Cross and started chugging is way out of London towards the British country side. Children ran through the train finding old friends or sizing up potential new ones, or enemies. Everyone was swapping stories about the old school to which they were going, battles held against death eaters and the He-who-still-should-probably-not-be-named-but-probably-could-if-you-had-guts. talk of which house was the best, and who had the best quidditch team was everywhere.

4 first years were staring around dazedly when a tall blonde boy found them and said with laughter dancing in his eyes "First years am I right?" he left no time for them to respond "Of course I'm right,, well anyway into a compartment with you we dont need you adding to the chaos already erupting around this place.C'mon chop chop, you don't want detentions already" he finished with a smile and gently nudged one of the boys into an empty compartment. "Food trolley will be along shortly if you forgot to bring lunch, remember to have your robes on by the time we get to school, though I see some of you are already prepared. I'm Hank by the way, Prefect of Slytherin. Use my name if anyone thinks to mug you becasue your small." With that he spun and with a flap of his cloak was moving through the hallways smoothly stopping trouble with a a laugh or a joke, and after he left the cart things were calmer... at least for a time.

2011-08-01, 12:00 PM
"Be dog wide, he is," Murray says as the door shuts behind 'Hank'. "Well then, ma' names Murray Beglan, from Dun Laoghaire. And who are you," he questions the others that were placed in the cabin with him.

Lady Moreta
2011-08-01, 10:13 PM
That was nice of him, Connor thought, taking a seat in the corner and setting the cage on her knees. She looked up from a careful study of her hands as one of the boys spoke. "My name is Connor - uh- Connie. Connie Michaelson." She looks a little baffled by the others initial comment.

2011-08-01, 11:07 PM
"Uh, hi," Steve said. "My name's Steve, Steve Jenkins. No relation to the Leeroy. Er, you probably won't get that. So, what house are you guys hoping for?"

Storm Reaver
2011-08-02, 02:28 AM
After getting inside the cabin, Oscar hastily took a seat near the window. He was very nervous and found himself a little shaking. Well, he was surrounded by strangers and he's not vey good with strangers. So to calm himself he pet his cat while his eyes wandered outside the window, amazed by the beautiful sceneries

He heard the kid with the scary looks asked everyone their names.

He never talked to other people except his family before, and most of the time he got used being alone with only his father to care for him. And now? he had to try to fit in. So with a gulp, after everybody finished introducing themselves, he finally braved himself to tell everyone his name

"Oscar... My name's Oscar" he said nervously, as he tried to look at the others until his eyes caught the girl's eyes in front of him. He blushed and quickly turned his head to look outside the window again.

"I don't know what house I'm going to get into. But I'm hoping for slytherin" said Oscar while he stared into the hills and the grassland. "My.. My uncle was a slytherin" he let out a smile.

Lady Moreta
2011-08-02, 03:48 AM
Connie looked utterly baffled at Steve's comment about someone called Leeroy and began to suspect that being pureblood wasn't necessarily going to be the advantage her parents seemed to think it was. She also found herself getting utterly distracted by Murray's hair - she'd never seen someone, especially someone so young, with hair that colour and had to keep reminding herself it was rude to stare. Thankfully, Oscar's nervousness distracted her. He looks like he feels as nervous as me. Poor thing. she thought. Trying to make him feel better, she smiled and said

"That's a lovely cat. What's his name? Or is it a her name? I mean, is it felin- a girl?"

"I'm not really sure what house I'll be in. My parents keep telling me I'll be in Ravenclaw, but I kind of hope-" flushing suddenly dark red, Connie abruptly breaks off midsentence.

Storm Reaver
2011-08-02, 06:36 AM
Connie's question struck him. He was very surprised that she talked to him.

"er.. um.. it's... it's a he" said Oscar quite uncotrollably, he began to sweat. Heck, he could feel that his heart was pounding so hard. But he tried to hide his anxiety

"his name's Walter"he forced a smile and then drop his head down to avoid the girl's eyes

2011-08-02, 08:06 AM
"Wow, can't believe you think you might get into Slythrin, course, you may just be hiding your confidence. Me, I'll be Ravenclaw for sure. Both ma' parents were and I have a heart as true and brave as they," Murray said as he looked over at Connie. "Sorry, is there something about me you can't take your eyes off of?"

2011-08-02, 08:45 AM
The train continues chugging along skimming past towns small and large, where the houses vary from the stone buildings of the Albion to sleek modern architecture of the new age. The sun remains in the sky although the clouds further down the track look a little to gray to be simple scenery. People walking through the train car peer quickly through the glass to see if anyone inside is worth talking too. several stop for a moment to stare at the blue hair on the Scotsman. Down the hall the trolley cart enters the end of the train and begins making its way down the length of the tram, still a few compartments away from the group's.

(what does dog wide mean anyway?)
(Ewoklord, would you mind making in character speech a different colour than the rest of your post, it just makes for an easier viewing experience, thanks)

2011-08-02, 09:04 AM
(dog wide means vigilant)

Storm Reaver
2011-08-02, 10:09 AM
"what's wrong with slytherin?" asked Oscar, curious to why Murray seemed to think that the only reason Oscar wanted to get into the slytherin is because of his unconfidence.

"I really want to be a slytherin, my uncle was one of them. And he's one of the best auror during the war. I really want to be like him" said Oscar enthusiastically, and now with a genuine grin on his face. His excitement managed to make him got over his nervousnesss for a moment.

2011-08-02, 10:24 AM
"Nothing wrong with them I guess, but my parents say most of the death eaters came from Slythrin. Perhaps they may have changes in their ranks, but you know what they say, (in Parseltongue)'Can't trust everything you hear'," Murray says with a smile before he sits down.

Storm Reaver
2011-08-02, 11:16 AM
"well.. (Also in parseltongue) I hope you heard right then" Oscar smiled and turned his attention back to his black cat, hiding the fact that he was quite surprised that someone else could speak snakes. He thought it was a curse and he planned to hide it from the others. But his pride got over him.

He was really annoyed by Murray, as his tone of voice was clearly mocking him. He had heard that the slytherins have a bad rep. But Oscar doesn't understand why. And as far as he's concerned, his uncle came from there, and he was a good man.

2011-08-02, 08:02 PM
"Well, hsss-tha-sss-ith-tha," Steve said, in a joking imitation of parsel-tongue. "That's pretty rare, parsel-tongue, I've heard. Its pretty cool that you guys can speak it. I only speak English, but languages fascinate me." He notices Oscar's cat. "Hey kitty! I've got a cat too. What's his name?"

Lady Moreta
2011-08-02, 10:01 PM
"Walter is a nice name," Connie said, withdrawing the hand she had partially extended to stroke the animal. Always sensitive to the feelings of others, she could see she was making Oscar uncomfortable. To cover the movement, she leaned forward and adjusted the covering of the cage at her feet.

She flinched slightly as Murray suddenly delivered what felt like an attack. "I'm sorry," she mumbled, "I didn't mean- I mean, I'm sorry I- I've just... I've never seen anyone with blue hair before... she trailed off into silence, only to re-enter the conversation in an attempt to reassure Oscar on his choice of House.

"My parents say the same thing about Slytherin," she admitted, "but wasn't Professor Snape part of Slytherin and all the stories I've heard say that he was on our side the entire time. That's pretty good" she smiled around the compartment, clearly keen to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.

2011-08-02, 11:20 PM
"Oh, er Walter is it?" Steve gave a sheepish smile, "Sorry, must have spaced out for a bit when you said it."

Storm Reaver
2011-08-03, 12:54 AM
As Connie tried to reach for the cat, the cat hissed and glared at Connie as if the cat want to kill her.
"don't touch him" said Oscar while his eyes were still looking at the outside of the window, without even bothering to look at Connie as his hands tried to calm down Walter. "he's a good cat but he hates people"

"I.. I found him wounded in a park. I treated his wounds and he never leave me ever since" he said, eyes still looking outside "saved me a couple of times from bullies too. He's only a cat, but he's dangerous."

Lady Moreta
2011-08-03, 02:07 AM
"Ohhh," Connie breathed the word, "that was kind of you. And now he protects you - that's lovely."

2011-08-03, 08:04 AM
The door to compartment slides open and a kind old witch pushing a cart full of all kinds of treats pokes her head in and smiles at the group. ""Hello dearies, would you like anything off the trolley now?"

2011-08-03, 08:09 AM
"None for me, thank you," Murray turns and responds most courteously.

2011-08-03, 10:36 AM
"Have you got any Bertie Botts? I'm kind of in the mood for some right now," Steve asked. He looked back to the cat and then hefted his own up over his shoulder, "You can pet my cat if you like. Her name's Shox, we found her in a shelter. When we found her she was pretty skinny, now..." he pinched some of the abundant fat around her belly and laughed.

Storm Reaver
2011-08-03, 01:05 PM
"do you have any chocolate.. um, ma'am?" asked Oscar.

"well she looks healthy alright" as he smiled at the cat and reached for the cat to pet it, but Oscar changed his mind and stopped.

Instead he turned his attention to the trolley, trying to find chocolate.

Lady Moreta
2011-08-03, 07:59 PM
"No thank you," Connie mumbled a response to the witch with the food trolley. At Steve's invitation, she reached up a hand to his cat and let the animal smell her before gently stroking Shox's head. "She seems very happy," she murmured.

2011-08-04, 08:08 AM
The old witch shuffles around her cart and gives out the beans, and offers a package of chocolate frogs to Oscar. She smiles kindly and swings off down the rest of the train.

Hours go by and soon the castle of Hogwarts is growing in the distance. Hank reappears in the doorway"Ahh my first years, glad to see you didn't ruin your appetites. We'll be arriving at the castle shortly so just make sure you are dressed and ready. You can leave your bags on the train they will meet you in your dormitories once you've been sorted. Remember to bring your wands and dress in uniform. I'm off to the castle hope to see a few of you sitting at the right table tonight. Cheers. Mind your pets as well. He looked distastefully at the cats. Then went off reminding students to prepare for arrival.

2011-08-04, 08:22 AM
Murray grabs a small duffle bag and leaves the cabin only to return a few moments later in uniform, well mostly. His tie was undone but he was wearing the traditional shirt, sweater and slacks. He then pulled his robe from his bag and sat down. "Did you all miss me," he addressed the others. He then pulled a wand from the bag, it was made of yew and looked as though it was burned to make symbols all over, thought they were hard to make out. "This here is grundle," he continued as he pulled a small snake from the bag. "He is my favorite mate, he's also how I found out about the tongue," Murray went on. "Don't mind him, he's friendly enough."
With that Murray shook his head and (Disguise roll [roll0]) changed his hair color to blonde.

2011-08-04, 11:01 AM
Steve changed his tie, put his sweater on over his shirt and vest, and then put his robe on over that. "Oh, if we're on the topic of wands," he said, "Here's mine." He pulled out a normal-looking, if rather short, mahogany wand. "Pretty cool, eh?" he mumbled, mouth full of Bertie Botts.

Storm Reaver
2011-08-04, 01:33 PM
Oscar left the cabin and returned, dressed with the uniform. He noticed that everyone were showing off their wands to each others.

hm.. Should I show mine too? pondered Oscar

"naaah.. I'll pass" he said to everyone, but of course he said it so spontaneusly that everyone probably doesn't get what he meaned. But he didn't care and took his seat, chocolate frogs at the ready. He really loves chocolate

wow, this is good! as he enjoyed his chocolate while having a little sightseeing at the window.

Lady Moreta
2011-08-04, 09:04 PM
Looking thoroughly self-conscious, Connie grabbed the bag at her feet and fairly fled the compartment to get changed. She looked marginally more self-composed when she returned, but as soon as she sat down, she tugged her robes over her knees. Declining to compare wands with the others, she bent down and lifted the cover of the cage, checking on the owl within.

2011-08-05, 03:39 PM
the train rolls to a stop and out the window you can see lines of carriages waiting for you assume students. There is also a gigantic man with a great big bushy beard, swinging a lamp. when the train stops and students spill out onto the platform the gigantic man bellows "FIRST YEARS!! FIRST YEARS THIS WAY"

2011-08-05, 03:41 PM
Murray will follow out of the train and make a path toward the large man, keeping an eye out for his cabinmates, the closest thing he has made to friends here so far.

2011-08-05, 08:44 PM
Steve was one of the first people to make his way to the burly man, and rather than wait silently, he politely sticks his hand out to the man and introduces himself. "Hello there," he says, looking a bit spooked by the size of the man, but determined he presses onward, "I'm Steve Jenkins, a new first year. Who're you?"

Lady Moreta
2011-08-05, 09:28 PM
Connie hurried out of the train and down the platform, almost tripping on her robes as she went. Her parents didn't really care about appearance much and Connie wore Muggle clothing as often as she wore wizarding gear. Besides, the robes were too big for her. Eventually, she lifted them slightly off the ground and moved to join the slowly growing crowd of first years, waiting with her head down, staring at the ground.

2011-08-09, 08:39 AM
((sorry about the timing guys. I had some serious time issues, but updates should be more regular.))
The big man seemed happy at Steve's forthrightness; "Why hello there Steve Jenkins, I'm Hagrid. he stuck out a giant hand that Steve could barely shake. "Now this way, follow me.". he lead them off away from the carriages and down toawards a large lake. There was a fleet of small boats that looked sizable enough to carry four young children, or one large Hagrid. "In the boats you lot, no pushing or shoving, there's gonna be room enough for everyone, keep a hold on to your pets and try not t ofall in. There is a giant octupus in there y'know.

2011-08-09, 08:50 AM
"Now that I'd like to see," Murray say as he stepped into the wooden conveyance.

Lady Moreta
2011-08-09, 07:48 PM
Connie looked a little terrified at the thought of meeting a giant octopus and clutching the cage holding her owl tightly against her chest, she hastily followed Murray into a boat. Somehow hoping that being with someone braver with her might be contagious.

2011-08-10, 12:16 AM
Steve put his cat over his shoulder and followed the kids he met on the train into the boat. He grabbed a stick on the way for poking at any giant-squid-looking bits he might see in the water.

2011-08-10, 08:24 AM
Swinging from the front of all the boats were small lanterns whose combined light glowed eerily in the mists rising from the undisturbed waters. when all the boats were loaded they glided swiftly across the lake, the ripples from the wakes the only disturbing motion, almost hypnotizing in there uniformity. But the water was barely a distraction for when the boats made a sudden turn the mists rolled away, as if by magic (which it probably was) to reveal a castle standing stark against the night sky, illuminated by rings of torches and otherworldly lights, the sight was both fantastic and a bit fearsome. The stark features of the castle alluding to the previous times of humanity when culture and kindness were not virtues but ways to get you killed.
There were newer scars as well along the castle, new stones had been put into to replace the damae done during the battle of Hogwarts and they stood out like open wounds on a dead crash victim who had slid across concrete. Yes there was beauty to be found in the magical world, but underneath that beauty hate still festered and the ugliness of the second wizarding war had not been erased completely.
The boats continued their silent travels until they came to stop at a second dock where ropes moved by themselves to tie up the boats. Hagrid, who very nearly feel in the lake trying to extricate himself from his boat, bellowed once more ""Alright you lot! get up them stairs sharpish. Professor Wright will take you young ruffians into the castle proper. I've got some tasks to tend too right quick but I'll see you all at the welcoming feast. Alright remember no pushing no shoving and keep them wands to yourselves don't go getting expelled before the first day." He gave a great laugh at his own joke, and then turned and tromped away from the docks down a dark path towards a forest.
There are a set of big stone steps that look to go up forever, there are torches lighting the way and most of the students have begun to move towards them.

2011-08-10, 09:07 AM
Murray will stand and step onto the docks before heading toward the stairs. "C'mon then, lets go, can't wait in the boat all night," he calls back to the others.

Lady Moreta
2011-08-10, 07:53 PM
"I wish I could..." Connie whispers, before carefully lifting out her owl's cage and setting it gently on the dock. Despite moving almost painfully slowly as she leaves the boat herself, she still manages to trip and end up on her hands and knees on the dock, looking startled.

2011-08-11, 11:07 AM
A laugh strikes through the becalmed air as a young boy with brown hair points over to Connie while his friends snicker. Some others snicker while others look away not wanting it to be "their problem". As more and more students start winding up the stone stairs a young girl walks over to Connie and sticks out her hand "I'm Abigail Griffin, sod them tossers' she said sticking her thumb towards the stairs, I trip all the time. What house are you hoping to be in?

Lady Moreta
2011-08-11, 08:03 PM
Connie flushed bright red and she stared fixedly at the ground, silently wishing everyone else would continue on and leave her alone. Startled at the sound of another girl's voice above her head, she looked up and regarded the hand being held out to her as though she didn't quite know what to do with it. Common sense kicked back in and she took the other girl's and stood with a mumbled "Thanks."

"Ummm, I don't really know what house. Any I guess - but... Ravenclaw would be nice..." this was said with a wistful little sigh at the end, as though Connie considered this piece of good fortune to be far out of her reach. "My name's Connor- er, Connie" she added.

2011-08-14, 11:28 AM
OOC: I haven't posted because I haven't really got anything to say/do in the game right now, so feel free to go on.

Storm Reaver
2011-08-14, 08:43 PM
Oscar dizzily stood and took a step onto the Docks. He was very sleepy that night as he didn't sleep the day before, thanks to all the excitement if a little anxious. So he was half-asleep during the boat ride.

"I hope we could hurry this up... " moaned Oscar as he walked, struggling in every step. He searched one of his pocket for small piece of chocolate toad he kept, the only thing that can keeps him awake just like coffee, and stuffed his face with it.

Completely oblivious to any of his surrounding, he didn't notice anything that happened to Connie or the others and just rather awkwardly followed the guy with the weird hair. In his mind, all he wanted was a good night sleep

OOC: sorry for missing, a heartbreak in RL got in the way

2011-08-15, 02:03 PM
((OOC;sorry about that Reaver, thanks Ewok)
Up and up and up the steps went, winding past turns and green underbrush, upon reaching the top of the stairs a short dark man was standing there with green eyes flashing in barely concealed threat. "I'm Professor Wright, this has taken enough of my damn time. Quick through the doors your things will meet you at your dormitories once you've been sorted." his American accent was a bit jarring to people who expected wizards were all from Europe, a few kids tittered at his swearing but his eyes searched them out and the laughter cut of abruptly.
Dutifully the young students filed past the young man and into the awaiting hall. Candles were floating and the sky over head was a beautiful starry one as the children waiting in the halls started chatting about the new kids and taking bets on who would be sorted there, Professor wight mumbled fresh fish under his breath and smiled at his own little joke. Hank lead them to the front of the hall and stopped them when a graceful woman stood up and gently cleared her throat, it was quite louder than any throat clearing had a right to be. "Students, that will be quite enough." Despite her gentle manner the hall quickly hushed. "I am Professor McGonagall, Headmistress,Welcome my new pupils. soon you will be sorted into Hogwarts, our ancient school has long held a tradition of sorting students into houses where you will find a family of students who will help you on your magical journey through this castle. you will live in your house,taken classes with your house and spend your free time in your house common room; you will also compete for the House cup together. In past times the competitive spirit within these houses have lead to some rather unfortunate circumstances and rivalries that extend past friendly. I wish for this no longer to be the case. do not think of your house as a gang, or your common room as what I'm told is the vernacular from Professor Wright 'turf'. This entire school is your family so try not to judge your peers by the house they represent but by how they act and treat you. that being said let the sorting begin!"
with a flourish of her wand a hat appeared sitting on a stool and the rest of the castle clapped politely as the woman began reading names off a scroll that she withdrew from the air. Each student would sit on the stool and place the hat on his head where the hat would sing out a name.
Soon enough a familiar name rang out across the hall Beglan, Murray!

2011-08-17, 09:47 AM
"Oh, that'd be me," Murray said as he strutted up to the front of the room. He took his place on the stool and waited for the hat to sort.

2011-08-17, 02:31 PM
Steve anxiously waited for his name to be called. A name rang out that sounded familiar. It was the kid from the train. "I wonder where he'll end up," Steve mumbled to himself.

Lady Moreta
2011-09-14, 02:32 AM
Connie watched nervously as the children were called up and sorted, her fingers twisting in the folds of her robes. She desperately wanted to make her parents happy, but honestly couldn't think of a single house that they would be content to have her in.

Thoroughly embarrased to admit I forgot all about this game :smallredface: posting in the hopes that others are still keen and just forgot like I did.