View Full Version : 3.5E Kingdoms of Bark (IC)

2011-07-29, 10:37 AM

The Setting- This is the Kingdom of Bark. A very diverse and expansive area founded atop the ruins and principles of a once powerful civilization that had nearly been destroyed long ago. There are 6 major cities each with its own unique feel where all walks of life can be found. Life in the kingdom is prosperous and rewarding, with the economy being the strongest in the world, food is plenty, work is easy to find. Soldiers are treated as heroes, peasants live well, merchants live as nobles, nobles as kings, and the king like a god. However there is trouble in paradise, about 8 months ago the king of this land died of an illness that could not be cured, no matter how powerful the magic, and he has left no heirs to his thrown. The people are in panic never in the kingdoms history has there been no king to rule, the council has taken control and they must wait 1 year until they can decide who should rule, as to allow any with a claim to the thrown to prove themselves. 1 has shown up, but his proof is weak and few believe him. The noble houses are at each other’s throats trying to grab power before the year is up, additionally the very illness that killed the king is now lose upon the kingdom, not many have it and it seems to spread through touch. With all the panic many groups have begun to forum, both small and large each with its own desires but all looking for power and will go about getting it by any means. Many aspiring adventures have heard the news and are traveling to the kingdom in search of fame, power and gold.


History- The name of the kingdom comes from their ancestors during the early years of the kingdom. It was said that when the ancestors were being besieged by a powerful red Dragon in the founding city of Ironridge did a loan man step forward with nothing but a bow and arrow set made from the bark of a tree, and with but a single shot killed the dragon. This arrow set would appear many times over in the nation’s history each time saving the kingdom from destruction. The bow can be found in the royal palace in a vault along with many of the kingdoms other treasures. Much of the Kingdoms originally history before the appearance of the bow was lost during a great war with the neighboring country of Isabel 800 years ago. The king of Isabel had hoped to capture the bow so that he could use it against the kingdom of Bark, ironically that very bow would kill him and end the war. The most resent war was held 19 years ago, this time with its self. The kingdom of Bark had just finally decided to move the capital city, marking the 4th time in the Kingdoms history that this has happened. With the move of the capital the major noble houses looked to possibly grab more power, in the confusion the kings head magical advisor try to stage a takeover. 30% of the nation’s magic users joined the attempt, the idea was take and control the new capital as swiftly as possible, it had almost worked. However the late king himself saw to it that his advisor did not succeed, with another pluck of the Bark made bow.


Politics- The creation of new cities would also cause the creation of the 5 Major noble houses listed from oldest to newest, House Willow of Ironridge, House Elm of Ral'endas, House Palm of Welfall, House Oak of Skalkwood, and House Thorn of Mandafell. Each house/city has sphere of influence in the Kingdom and has many other lesser lords and houses beneath them. The only ones above the 5 noble house families is the Royal House of Leaves. They are the royal family and heirs to thrown. While the royal family controls the army, the other houses do have their own guards and armies along with any mercenaries they hire from time to time. While no house dares oppose the royal family, they don’t mind causing trouble for each other, and are always competing for power. While The Royal family imposes many strict laws to keep their power, this includes the 25% tax on all houses, forbidding the houses to fight each other in combat unless in a dual or tournament, and at least 5 years of service from the oldest born son in the army (Only imposed on the Major houses, but to all their family branches) Even with all these laws in place the major houses will still pounce on each other when they have the chance. Having small battles between the houses are not uncommon.


Society- Ones social standing in the kingdom can drastically change from city to city. Knights, fighters and members of the warrior class have a standing just below the higher nobles when in the cities of Ral’endas and the capital. Rouges, thief’s and bandits are disliked everywhere but have a much easier time getting around in Mandafell and Ironridge. Wizards and classes of magic have always been welcome in the kingdom, but recent events have caused people to have strong prejudice feelings towards them, people understand that magic will always be needed, but will try and avoid it best they can. Druids, Clerics and bards are well loved by the people, however are being watched with a close eye by the nobles. Psion’s are extremely distrusted, it’s not illegal to practice but be careful who you do it around. Rangers, Scouts and woodsmen are welcome all over.


Mages Guild- Found in the city of Skalkwood, Leader and guild master: Archmage Enkelados

Adventures Guild (Bark Branch)- Found in Welfall. Leader: Sir Roblon Orthos

Warriors Guild- Found in Ral’endas. Leader: Sir Jonathan Wallts

The Ravens Fest- A shadow organization that cropped up about 15 years ago, most don’t believe it exists. But they are real and they have been doing a lot from behind the scenes. Many times causing the fighting between major and minor houses alike. Leader: Unknown

The Knights of the Laughing Tree- When the going gets rough, these guys beat the **** out of it and send it crying back to its mom. These knights are not be messed with, they are strong they are trained and they are deadly. The late king had made this organization just after the events of the last war, they were designed to hold the peace inside the kingdom should power sway too much to one side, they can be found in all the cities working directly for the Royal Family, their numbers always shifting to compensate for the power each households. They are currently the one thing keeping the Major Houses form breaking out into an all out war. They are the best of the best of the best. Leader: General Odinfall

[B]THE WIKI!![/ (http://kingdomsofbark.wikia.com/wiki/Kingdoms_of_bark_Wiki)B]

To find the towns scroll down to Categories and click towns.

Melissa (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=21287) Now a NPC

Malernous (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=21252)

Archimedius (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=21253)

Vaughan (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=21366)

PS This post will change over time as things start to become added on, Character information will be up soon

2011-07-29, 10:42 AM
It Begins

As the ship you rode to the kingdom of Bark with begins to make its landing at the port city of Welfall you are greeted with the salty smell of the town, and its loud busy sound of the market near the water front.The sun is gently setting over the city horizon, giving off a warm glow that spreads across the city and out into the sea. People are going about their day as normal buying, selling and drinking. One would hardly expect that this city was in the middle of the greatest crisis the nations ever known.

The boat anchors down next to the dock and the sailors on board rush off to tie it down. A ramp is extended to the wooden dock which is splintered with age and scrapes off a caked layer of sea slime, and nearly knocks over one of the many crates and barrels that dot the ground as it touches down.

The Harbor Master shouts “All ashore whose going ashore!” he pauses for a moment then remembers “And don’t forget winter is a coming soon, and no ships are allowed to leave port for the open sea after today! So if you don’t plan on staying, best get back to your ship before night fall!”

Guards stand about looking up and down the dock occasionally checking bags and persons as they instruct passengers to a large white tent in the center of the dock. From the tent a fully armored knight emerges, the emblem on the front of his shield shows a bent tree. (think of a Bonsai Tree but much taller) It’s the crest of the Knights of the Laughing Tree. The rumors where true after all the man looks as imposing as the stories tell his armor a light gray from the fade of battle, with brown trim around the sides. He looks to be about 6 feet tall with blonde hair and light beard, and a scare running from his right temple down his neck. His eyes are pale and almost pierce into ones souls. Upon seeing you 3 he walks over.

2011-07-29, 02:00 PM
Melissa you stand in the shadows of one of the many warehouses near the edge of the dock, you’ve been with the Ravens Fest for X years/months (OOC Felix how long u have been with them is up to u) and finally you have a mission of some importance. You have been told by a agent to head to Welfall and search for a ship that is supposed to arrive today and to destroy it and retrieve a gem the ships captain has. Its name is the Smiling Lady, and after hours of waiting it finally arrives. You have to fellow members with you on this job, Malic a fellow wizard, and Jason a thief. Jason points out “Look there it is, lets move” but Malic puts a hand up and speaks “Wait look”. Malic points at a Laughing tree Knight who seems to have taken notice of the Smiling Lady and a few of its passengers. Jason makes a face and goes “ That’s Crookvic, he’s a officer for the knights, ive had plenty of encounters with him… they didn’t go well” They both look at you expecting a plan.

2011-07-29, 02:38 PM
Melissa gives her two companions a questioning look before opening her mouth: "Gah, always something.. If this knight and you, Jason. Has a dark past it would be wise to avoid him and enter the ship directly." Melissa glances around, before setting her eyes on the knight again. "Can't you just distract that damned knight and lead him elsewhere meanwhile we enter the ship and do what must be done? You're probably used to running anyway, no?" She forms her hand into a fist before letting out a strange, silent murmur. She stares up into the sky as if she expected something and then nodded, strangely. "So, what do you say, Jason, Malic?"

2011-07-29, 02:56 PM
Malernous prefers to stay behind the others with him, and expects them to interact with the knight instead of himself. As the knight approaches, however, he seems to be getting nervous, and makes it slightly obvious by glancing between his companions and the knight.

2011-07-29, 03:03 PM
Melissa gives her two companions a questioning look before opening her mouth: "Gah, always something.. If this knight and you, Jason. Has a dark past it would be wise to avoid him and enter the ship directly." Melissa glances around, before setting her eyes on the knight again. "Can't you just distract that damned knight and lead him elsewhere meanwhile we enter the ship and do what must be done? You're probably used to running anyway, no?" She forms her hand into a fist before letting out a strange, silent murmur. She stares up into the sky as if she expected something and then nodded, strangely. "So, what do you say, Jason, Malic?"

Malic shifts his eyes back and forth “Well perhaps a distraction would be best… I could cause a… accident at the tent. I’m sure it would get him to look off at the very least, it would give Jason and you a chance to get in unnoticed in the commotion”. Jason puts his hands on his hips “Then we could head straight for the Captain” he pauses and looks at the ship for a second then says “I don’t see the Captain on deck must be in his quarters” He then glances over at Melissa

OOCEvery one who has prepared spells plz chose which ones you have on the next post you can have 5 lvl 0s ready and 3 lvl ones at the moment

2011-07-29, 03:11 PM
Archimedius holds his hand out (and somewhat up) towards the approaching knight, smirking at his rough and frightening appearance. "The name's Archimedius Fogle! How can I help you my good fellow?"

Archimedius looks briefly between the pair behind him, expecting them to introduce themselves, although he keeps his grin focused on the knight before him.

2011-07-29, 03:32 PM
Archimedius holds his hand out (and somewhat up) towards the approaching knight, smirking at his rough and frightening appearance. "The name's Archimedius Fogle! How can I help you my good fellow?"

Archimedius looks briefly between the pair behind him, expecting them to introduce themselves, although he keeps his grin focused on the knight before him.

The Knight walks a slight bit closer to show his height and presence towards Archimedius he then looks down at him and raises a eyebrow “Your movements have caught my eye, normally I let the guards deal with tourists and merchants but you 3 don’t seem to be tourists or merchants” he looks up at the other two “As such I have decided to ask you personally for your names” He pulls out a note pad and pencil “and your reasons for coming”

You 3 may make a Spot or Sense Motive check, do you know how to use the Fourm dice roller if not just look it up on the fourm

2011-07-29, 04:01 PM
Malic shifts his eyes back and forth “Well perhaps a distraction would be best… I could cause a… accident at the tent. I’m sure it would get him to look off at the very least, it would give Jason and you a chance to get in unnoticed in the commotion”. Jason puts his hands on his hips “Then we could head straight for the Captain” he pauses and looks at the ship for a second then says “I don’t see the Captain on deck must be in his quarters” He then glances over at Melissa

OOCEvery one who has prepared spells plz chose which ones you have on the next post you can have 5 lvl 0s ready and 3 lvl ones at the moment

Melissa releases her hardened fist and fingers on her robe. She lets out a sigh before speaking. "Do whatever you can to distract him, we will move swiftly - in and out." She then motions her hand towards the knight.

2011-07-29, 04:14 PM
Archimedius's grin grows wider as the knight speaks, although he seems somewhat disappointed as he pulls back his hand. Oh really? I'm that eye-catching? Well if you must know, I'm looking for work. Not sure if the same can be said about these two-"

Archimedius again eyes the pair behind him.

"-miscreants though. You should probably ask them yourself. As I mentioned before - Archimedius Fogle's the name!

Sense Motive


Hope that worked.

2011-07-29, 04:19 PM
Melissa releases her hardened fist and fingers on her robe. She lets out a sigh before speaking. "Do whatever you can to distract him, we will move swiftly - in and out." She then motions her hand towards the knight.

Malic turns to the tent “This won’t take long, you will know the signal to go when you see it, just be ready to go” With that he starts to head off. As Melissa and Jason begin to move out into the area you notice that a group of 3 have begun to talk to the Knight at the end of the dock. A rather plucky looking Gnome has taken the front and is standing in front while two humans are standing in the back one seems indifferent the other looking nervous. You have a short distance to go to get to the ship, however the large crowed in front will hinder your progress.

2011-07-29, 04:27 PM
Archimedius's grin grows wider as the knight speaks, although he seems somewhat disappointed as he pulls back his hand. Oh really? I'm that eye-catching? Well if you must know, I'm looking for work. Not sure if the same can be said about these two-"

Archimedius again eyes the pair behind him.

"-miscreants though. You should probably ask them yourself. As I mentioned before - Archimedius Fogle's the name!

"Thank you" the Knight states as he writes it down, he looks up at Malernous and Vaughan "and what about you two"

Archimedius you notice that he does not seem very into the conversation, like his mind is on something else

Ok we need ether Darcy or zanfire to make a move befor we can go on

2011-07-29, 04:39 PM
Melissa lets out a loud growl under her hood, she would lift her stave and most likely try to bash her way through the crowd to get a quick opening to the ship. "Out of my damned way!"

2011-07-29, 04:41 PM
"The name is Malernous Blackwood," he replies quickly before looking at the angry woman, who is yelling.


2011-07-29, 05:03 PM
"The name is Malernous Blackwood," he replies quickly before looking at the angry woman, who is yelling.

Malernous before the woman screams u notice that the knight has absolutely no intention of giving in the papers he is far more interested in the ship and just wanted to get closer to it

2011-07-29, 05:09 PM
Vaughan steps forward, placing himself squarely in front of the comical knight and faces him head on. The towering suit of armor slowly removes his full helm and addresses the knight down his nose with an obvious air of distain...

"This is damned trouble when dealing with foolish mortals. I'd expect a servant of your stature would recognize the Will of the Divine and acquiesce. However, if it is the custom of these lands to blaspheme, very well. You may adress me as Vaughan Sauren, Arbiter of Iuz. As to my purpose here, that is between the High Seat and "The Old One" Himself. If you disre to know more....I suggest you go pray."


2011-07-29, 05:20 PM
The knight is taken back a bit by Vaughans bold motion, and is confused for a second while he trys to figure out who to say thanks to first you. However before he can do anything a loud Out of my damned way! is heard, followed by screams and a fire springing to life form near the tent, the knight has no idea what to do and stands flabbergasted facing away from everyone and towards the tent

2011-07-29, 05:24 PM
Malernous directly addressed the knight, "What the hell is going on," and, from his voice, it appears he is almost sure about the knight knowing the answer to his question.

2011-07-29, 05:30 PM
The knight turns around mouth open. “Ahhh… Damn it” he points at some guards “you men secure the ship” with that he runs to the tent. The gaurds run past Melissa put are geting cought up in the paniced crowd (there are 4 of them)

2011-07-29, 05:35 PM
Archimedius looks around at the scene while his grin shows no signs of weakening.

"Well this is exciting!"

He turns again to the pair, almost laughing now as he scratches the back of his head.

"You think we can leave yet?"

2011-07-29, 05:43 PM
Melissa would look back, glancing at Jason. "Make haste now, Jason! To the damned ship! She'd look down as she noticed the guards, not realizing how high she was actually speaking. She would try to grab the hand of Jason and pull him along, hopefully getting to the ship faster than the guards themselves.

2011-07-29, 05:44 PM
Vaughan surveys the crowd with gleaming eyes, breaths deep the smell of fire and relishes in the delightful screams of woman and children in chaos. The cleric dons his glinting helm, wraps his iron fist about the steel of the blood soaked morning star on his waist and begins to chuckle feindishly, a sinister laugh make all the more sickening from echoing and reverberating inside his blood stained armor.

"Why friend would we leave, when the fun is just beginning. I delight in such revelry as it pleases my god."

2011-07-29, 06:21 PM
Malernous looks at the cleric, who he figures out to be worshiper of an evil deity, and addresses him with a rather low tone of voice, "Perhaps you may'd like to leave before you are arrested."

2011-07-29, 08:31 PM
Melissa would look back, glancing at Jason. "Make haste now, Jason! To the damned ship! She'd look down as she noticed the guards, not realizing how high she was actually speaking. She would try to grab the hand of Jason and pull him along, hopefully getting to the ship faster than the guards themselves.

Jason pulls his hand away from Melissa “Damn it women I have legs… and I’m pretty good with them to” as if trying to prove something he dashes off through the guards weaving in and out of the crowd at a excellent rate, he turns before he reaches the water and quickly shouts “Leave the Gem to me, you take care of the ship and any guards who get to close” he smirks knowing full well that he is leaving all the hard work in Melissa’s hands, he then takes one more bound and dives skillfully into the water near the ship.

2011-07-29, 09:02 PM
Malernous looks at the cleric, who he figures out to be worshiper of an evil deity, and addresses him with a rather low tone of voice, "Perhaps you may'd like to leave before you are arrested."

Vaughan scours the ground at his feat looking for the pitiful source of such a spineless utterance, finally settling on the cloaked figure cowering in his shadow. He lays his heavy armored hand on Malernous's shoulder nearly collapsing him in the process and raises his other fist to the sky as he softly speaks....

"You fear the authorities? Those mice scurrying around like headless chickens about our feet? We serve older powers, stronger powers, permanent and far greater reaching than these mortals can ever dream of laying claim to! It would amuse me to observe the outcome of these running rats, yet my friend, if you're wish is to retreat...so shall we."

2011-07-29, 09:33 PM
Melissa would turn around, she tightens her grip around her stave as she shakes her head, distorted by something. She would again look up in the sky and nod, as if she had something up there and it spoke to her. She most likely stood inbetween the ship and the guards approaching. She doesn't seem secure at all. "Let's see how many of these idiots I can fend away before Jason returns.." She would then finger on the top of her stave as she would wait for anything to happen.

2011-07-29, 10:04 PM
Vaughan scours the ground at his feat looking for the pitiful source of such a spineless utterance, finally settling on the cloaked figure cowering in his shadow. He lays his heavy armored hand on Malernous's shoulder nearly collapsing him in the process and raises his other fist to the sky as he softly speaks....

"You fear the authorities? Those mice scurrying around like headless chickens about our feet? We serve older powers, stronger powers, permanent and far greater reaching than these mortals can ever dream of laying claim to! It would amuse me to observe the outcome of these running rats, yet my friend, if you're wish is to retreat...so shall we."

Malernous quickly turns his head and points at the running guards with his eyes, "Something strange is going on there," he tells Vaughan.

2011-07-30, 12:42 AM
Archimedius nods as he eyes the guards. "Yup. Definitely something strange going on here. As much as I love standing around while I could be wetting my whistle, I really think we should be getting on about now."

With that, Archimedius's grin subsides, though he doesn't appear to be going anywhere as he rests his hands on his waist and continues to watch the disorder.

2011-07-30, 07:12 AM
Archimedius nods as he eyes the guards. "Yup. Definitely something strange going on here. As much as I love standing around while I could be wetting my whistle, I really think we should be getting on about now."

With that, Archimedius's grin subsides, though he doesn't appear to be going anywhere as he rests his hands on his waist and continues to watch the disorder.

Vaughan raises his eyes, towering above the crowd and casts his far gaze over all he can see. He smiles as the silly knight who dared to question the Divine Will fumbles about dealing with a burning tent. For the first time he notices a skeletal mage screeching to the sky as she readies herself to face off against an incoming assault of guardsmen a little ways off.

"As I see it, we are set before a divergent path. Two options lay immediately at our feet, as we all have grown impatient and standing about will do no longer. One, we can, by the veil of this commotion make haste through the port and find lodge and victuals for the time, before our coin runs thin. Two, we may celebrate the chaos splayed before out eye as a virgin upon an alter, and partake in the delight. If we choose the latter, we are again offered a twin selection. One, we may done a professors' cloak and instruct the miscreant who set fire to that tent in the proper manner of arson and destruction. Or....well...when Iuz, offers up such a feast of ripe skulls to crush underfoot, as such these guards we may flank unawares....I find it delectably exquisite..."

2011-07-30, 08:09 AM
Malernous looks at the cleric once again and says, "I'd rather slip away from this, what seems to be a big trouble." After having spoken, he looks at the guards once again without much expression on his face, nor a movement over his body.

2011-07-30, 08:42 AM
Malernous looks at the cleric once again and says, "I'd rather slip away from this, what seems to be a big trouble." After having spoken, he looks at the guards once again without much expression on his face, nor a movement over his body.

Vaughan begrudgingly turns towards the distant town and begins to march towards the port's exit. As he walks the sun's light seams to fade around him and the air becomes thick. He malevolence leaking out into the atmosphere though his shaking distain for the weak and their cowardice. The haunted whispers of metallic curses float through the ears of those members foolish enough to ignore their own shaking knees, shivering spines and standing hairs and failed to give him an ample birth for passage.

2011-07-30, 09:12 AM
Archimedius pauses briefly, looking between Malernous, Vaughan and the business at the ship. "Are you coming, Wizard?" the gnome grunts at Malernous, as he begins to trot after Vaughan.

2011-07-30, 10:06 AM
"Yeah, sure," says Malernous before following the cleric to get away from the trouble as soon as possible.

2011-07-30, 10:42 AM
The guards have had enough of this fumbling around and finally scream “out of the way! City watch coming through” they swing there halberds back and forth nearly striking a few civilians as they clear a path, soon only Melissa stands in the way, at first they don’t seem to understand what she is doing there. The guard in front reaches to grab at her shoulder so that he may push her out of the way.

Mean while the captain of the Smiling Lady has run off the ship with the sound of clashing swords a screaming from behind him. He looks about exhaustedly, finally resting his eyes on Archimedius. He runs to catch the gnome before he disappears into the crowd. He grabs him and turns him around, “hey your people enjoy shiny objects, so here take this” the captain pulls out a clear golden gem that glows like the setting sun it’s the size of the gnomes fist and beautiful. “ Take it, and keep it safe”

2011-07-30, 11:03 AM
Archimedius's grin makes a comeback as he admires the gem in his hand. "Don't worry my good man! Your valuables are safe with me!

The gnome begins to chuckle as he stuffs it into his backpack.

"You wouldn't happen to have anything else that needs looking after, would you?"

Archimedius eyes the captain up and down, maintaining his smile.

2011-07-30, 11:08 AM
"Hey!" Melissa would've been grabbed by the guard, but as soon as he would've placed his hand on her shoulder she would try to push her away with both of her hands, if succesful, the guard would most likely tumble backwards and collide with the guards behind him, or atleast push him backwards a few. "You know your guard friend is dying?! You should turn back and help him before the flames get to him!" She was obviously lying, but then again she tried her best in such environments.

Bluff: You know your guard friend is dying? You should turn back and help him before the flames get to him! 1d20+1

2011-07-30, 11:15 AM
As Archimedius eyes the captain he notices that just behind the captain, a sailor was just thrown off the ship followed closely by another whose short sword is covered in blood his hair is a jet black and he has a horrible grin across his face. He sticks the man on the ground one last time then looks up and around, his soul screaming for more carnage. He sees the Captain and takes a stance. The Captain draws his sword “Go, keep it safe” he dashes to the man screaming wildly

2011-07-30, 11:59 AM
Malernous quickly turns to the gnome, and gives him a rather questioning stare. "What is that thing the man gave you, Archimedius," he asks to the gnome while trying to get a good grasp over his shoulder.

2011-07-30, 12:24 PM
Archimedius narrows his eyes at Malernous.

"Not that its any business of yours, Wizard, but he gave me this flask of oil-"

The gnome draws a flask from his backpack.

"Why? Do you want it? I have plenty of my own, and it seems a bit strange that someone would just run up and give me a flask of oil..."

With that Archimedius holds the flask out to Malernous.


2011-07-30, 12:31 PM
"How many oil flasks, to be accurate," Malernous would ask at the gnome while smirking at the idea of some random man handing over an oil flask to him.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2011-07-30, 01:02 PM
Bluff: You know your guard friend is dying? You should turn back and help him before the flames get to him! [roll0]

2011-07-30, 01:08 PM
Archimedius keeps his eyes narrowed at Malernous as he holds out the oil flask.

"He just gave me the one. Do you want it or not?"

2011-07-30, 01:10 PM
"Yeah, sure; why not?" Malernous would hold his hand out to get the flask of oil for himself. "I always wanted to have a flask like that," he'd add.

2011-07-30, 01:13 PM
"Hey!" Melissa would've been grabbed by the guard, but as soon as he would've placed his hand on her shoulder she would try to push her away with both of her hands, if succesful, the guard would most likely tumble backwards and collide with the guards behind him, or atleast push him backwards a few. "You know your guard friend is dying?! You should turn back and help him before the flames get to him!" She was obviously lying, but then again she tried her best in such environments.

The guard stands up furious “out of the way now or your under arrest” he lowers his weapon towards you, and the other guards follow suit. “well little lady are you going to move or do we have to force you”

2011-07-30, 01:18 PM
While Archimedius and Malernous are busy ignoring the chaos around them the captain looks back “What are you idiots doing leave now!” he turns back and strikes at the blood covered Jason. Jason parry’s the blow and slashes back catching the captain on the arm he screams out in pain.

2011-07-30, 01:38 PM
Archimedius hands the flask to Malernous before turning his head to the sea captain.

"Alright, alright. Hold your horses."

The gnome would chuckle again as he goes back to following Vaughan.

"Gives me a flask of oil then gets all touchy, typical."

2011-07-31, 02:18 PM
Vaughan's foot falls continue to resound throughout the port as he bashes his way through the crowd idly clenching and un clenching his fist around his blood stained morning star, seamingly unawares of all thats happening around him he heads straight for the exit dead ahead.

2011-07-31, 02:40 PM
After a few more seconds of fighting, the captain has had it, and Jason cuts his throat open. He bends down and searches for the Gem, but of course it is not there. He looks surprised for a second, but then finally comes out of his killing frenzies and thinks… “THE GNOME!” he exclaims he looks straight up at Archimedius. He raises his sword and prepares for a mad dash.

So he has not actully moved yet

2011-07-31, 02:49 PM


2011-07-31, 02:55 PM
Archimedius almost ignored the yelling, with so much of it going around who wouldn’t. But this time something caught his ear. Nagging on him to turn around. As he did there stood Jason red faced, from being denied his prize, his sword is thick with blood, pointed right at Archimedius.

2011-07-31, 03:02 PM
Archimedius calls out when he sees the scary man, hoping to alert Malernous and Vaughan to Jason.

"Help! Help! He wants to bloody kill me!"

With that Archie draws his rapier and prepares to fight.

2011-07-31, 03:06 PM
Archimedius calls out when he sees the scary man, hoping to alert Malernous and Vaughan to Jason.

"Help! Help! He wants to bloody kill me!"

With that Archie draws his rapier and prepares to fight.

Listen Check:[roll0]

2011-07-31, 03:06 PM
Malernous quietly steps away from Archimedius while looking at the flask of oil he holds; he quickly hides it under his clothes, before slapping it into a pocket in his robes as he hopes that the enraged man won't see the flask, because he thinks that the flask contains something important since someone paid with his life to have it saved.

2011-07-31, 03:08 PM
Archimedius calls out when he sees the scary man, hoping to alert Malernous and Vaughan to Jason.

"Help! Help! He wants to bloody kill me!"

With that Archie draws his rapier and prepares to fight.

Spot Check:[roll0]

2011-07-31, 03:22 PM
Archimedius’s companions are to busy or to oblivious to notice and are about to leave him to most likely bloody end. Jason leans back then springs forward at a alarming rate, “Give it to me!!” he yells as he starts to charge.

2011-07-31, 03:48 PM
The knight Crookvic has been humiliated only 2 other times in his life, both by the same person, Jason Tyeliss. So when his tent just randomly caught fire, there was only one person on his mind. He scanned the port for his tell tale craziness. That man was like any other rouge the knight has meet… except when fighting, he goes insane with blood lust and can’t control himself. He spots Jason running off the Smiling Lady in pursuit of the captain, or rather Crookvic’s contact. Crookvic pulls his sword and begins to sprint to the ship. But it’s too late Jason killed the captain, but where is the Gem? Surely that’s what he was after. Crookvic follows Jason’s glare to a Gnome… The same one as before! “I must hurry” Crookvic shouts in his head

2011-07-31, 04:23 PM
Archimedius turns on his foot and moves as fast as he can towards Malernous as he shouts again.

"Help me you fool of a wizard! This man is trying to kill me!"

The gnome waves his arms, rapier in hand, as he runs in an attempt to attract attention.

2011-07-31, 05:05 PM
Malernous responds with a voice that is only semi-sarcastic to the gnome's feared call; "You'd never let me tell; had you let me, I was going to get to the part of the story in which I failed the academy of wizardry."

2011-07-31, 06:40 PM
Jason slashes out at Archimedius with a flurry of steel. However it does not strike Archimedius, but instead lands with a clash on the shield of Crookvic the knight. Crookvic pushes up and sends Jason reeling, the knight leaps forward thrusting his sword at Jason. Jason can’t find his footing and instead finds a nice piece of steel protruding from his stomach. The blood is as thick as oil and seeps down the edge of Crookvics long sword, making its way down to the handle where a purple ruby is impeded below an inscription, “Hit them Hard” it reads. Jason looks up still very much alive. Crookvic is not surprised, he steals a glance towards the guards and Melissa. Sword still in Jason, Crookvic looks at the crazed man “So tell me, why did the ravens send a low class lackey with you?” Jason grins “They wanted someone to pin the blame on, that wouldn’t leave a track to them”

All who where not aware are now alerted to the situation, Melissa and Vaughan including

Just something i want to put out, what someone is called in this world is there title and job not always there character class type Ex Crookvic may be called a knight but thats not his actull class just his job title

2011-07-31, 07:08 PM
Archimedius tries to use the opportunity to put some more distance between himself and Jason, trying to urge Malerous on with him as he hurries after the cleric. He returns his blade to his belt as he hisses up at the sorcerer.

"You can tell me your life story later. By Kurtu- the gods. Lets just get out of here before our cleric friend realizes what's going on and starts a bloodbath."

2011-08-01, 06:03 PM
Awakened from his reverie by the delightful resounding clash of tempered steel against tempered steel, a sound that could only be a sword denied its rightful home in the flesh of its victim by a shield, and the familiar aroma of bloodlust in the air confirms his hopes that glorious combat has begun. Eager to please his god, a sinister smile slithers its way across Vaughan's lips beneath his visored helm as he snaps his head up spins on his heel, now facing the beautiful sounds that precede fallen fools, he sees before him the silly knight from before locked in combat against an unknown rogue and his consistently cowardly companions in a mad dash towards him. In an instant all his hopes to once again pay glory to Iuz are crushed under their scampering feet. Reluctant to leave he stands as a panther ready to pounce upon its unsuspecting prey, knees bent, crouched and haunched over, great sword half drawn off his back he awaits his companions, shaking with restrained excitement and desire to join the fray, vibrating the air around him, and chanting Abyssal battle hymns in baited breath. In preparation for battle his eyes widen and senses sharpen, out of the corner of his eye he spots the guards engaging another dark cloaked figure. As he completes the first set of battle hymns and begins to feel the divine power, lust and will of Iuz, seep out of his soul and his body succumbs, Vaughan's mind begins to race as he calculates the odds of battle and scans for any openings or weaknesses.

Sense Motive(out come of fight):
Sense Motive(strength of Jason):[roll1]
Sense Motive(strength of knight):[roll2]

Sense Motive(reaction of guards):[roll3]
Sense Motive(strength of guards):[roll]d20+2

2011-08-01, 06:05 PM
Awakened from his reverie by the delightful resounding clash of tempered steel against tempered steel, a sound that could only be a sword denied its rightful home in the flesh of its victim by a shield, and the familiar aroma of bloodlust in the air confirms his hopes that glorious combat has begun. Eager to please his god, a sinister smile slithers its way across Vaughan's lips beneath his visored helm as he snaps his head up spins on his heel, now facing the beautiful sounds that precede fallen fools, he sees before him the silly knight from before locked in combat against an unknown rogue and his consistently cowardly companions in a mad dash towards him. In an instant all his hopes to once again pay glory to Iuz are crushed under their scampering feet. Reluctant to leave he stands as a panther ready to pounce upon its unsuspecting prey, knees bent, crouched and haunched over, great sword half drawn off his back he awaits his companions, shaking with restrained excitement and desire to join the fray, vibrating the air around him, and chanting Abyssal battle hymns in baited breath. In preparation for battle his eyes widen and senses sharpen, out of the corner of his eye he spots the guards engaging another dark cloaked figure. As he completes the first set of battle hymns and begins to feel the divine power, lust and will of Iuz, seep out of his soul and his body succumbs, Vaughan's mind begins to race as he calculates the odds of battle and scans for any openings or weaknesses.

Sense Motive(out come of fight):[roll0]
Sense Motive(strength of Jason):[roll1]
Sense Motive(strength of knight):[roll2]

Sense Motive(reaction of guards):[roll3]
Sense Motive(strength of guards):[roll0]

Reroll of messed up one from last post:[roll1]

2011-08-01, 06:30 PM
Vaughan’s mind races many years of bloodshed have sharpened his sense of battle to a knifes edge, but this time his thoughts are blanketed by some thing. “GO MY MINION KILL IN MY NAME, A GRAND AWARD AWITS YOU!” The words ring in Vaughan's head and echo through his entire body.

None of your rolls went through... but thats not always a bad thing

2011-08-01, 06:57 PM
Iuz, speaks and his will be done. Vaughan's mind, soul and body are filled with the fire of Divine Inspiration as he gives himself over to the will of Iuz, which guides his actions.

Unable to resist the command of his god, Vaughan leaps forward, draws the blood red blade from his back and charges head long into the fray.

Attack, Jason, Great Sword:[roll0]
Damage, Jason, Great Sword:[roll1]

2011-08-01, 07:31 PM
Archimedius sighs and slowly shakes his head as he watches Vaughan charge back into the fight. He turns his gaze to Malernous, looking puzzled.

"Can't say I didn't see that coming... Think we should help him?"

The gnome grunts, resting his right hand on the grip of his rapier, ready to draw it.

2011-08-01, 07:58 PM
Vaughan’s sword finds its mark and sinks its self into Jason’s rib cage. Both Jason and the knight are surprised. Crookvic uses this chance, he pulls his sword out, and raises it high into the air, red sparks of energy begin to circle around the blade. The motion is smooth and gentle but strikes like thunder with the sound to go with it.

To hit[roll0]
Dmg if hit with sword[roll1]
Dmg from magic Kelgores fire bolt [roll2]

2011-08-01, 08:03 PM
Jason manages to pull back in time, and Crookvic’s magic blasts through the dock sending splinters of wood everywhere.

Battle start roll for combat order

2011-08-02, 07:46 AM
Malernous looks down to the gnome. "I think, for the good of both of us, we should end our friendship with that barbarian. If you want to help him, however, I do not mind it."

2011-08-02, 10:39 AM
Archimedius sighs again.

"You may be right, I can't see him solving as many problems as he'll cause in the future."

The gnome narrows his eyes at Crookvic and his magical sword.

"But I have a feeling we should help him anyway - no doubt he'll murder us in our sleep if we don't."

With that Archie draws his rapier and starts moving towards the fight.

Rolling Initiative


2011-08-02, 03:25 PM

Prepared Spell List:
Domain Spell (WAR):
Magic Weapon
Level 0 Spells (3):
2xMinor Energy Ward
Level 1 Spells (2):
1xShield of Faith

2011-08-02, 03:48 PM
"Well, we either kill him, or kill with him," he lowly mentions to the gnome before moving into a proper position for the combat.

Initiative: [roll0]
Sense Motive, outcome of the combat: [roll1]

2011-08-02, 07:36 PM
Malernous is able to tell that knight alone could beat Jason back, there addition to the fight will only help in Crookvic’s endeavor, however the party’s safety is not guaranteed.

Crookvic ready’s his sword and takes a low stance, and is graciously accepting the unknown help. Jason snarls at the 4, showing fangs and other sharp teeth that were not visible before. The wounds he had suffered before seem to be closing up and healing themselves slowly, at first his eyes are locked onto the knight but as the gnome begins to come back a sinister simile creeps across his face.

Crookvic [roll0]
Jason [roll1]

2011-08-02, 07:40 PM
Order of action



2011-08-02, 07:54 PM
Malernous' hands set themselves ablaze with sorcery as the arcane energies turn to force, and form a spell; from his outstretched hands darts a tiny cone, somewhat resembling arrow, with bits of force dancing around it. The "arrow" seems to be targeted at Jason, as it approaches with a great speed and seems to be aimed at him without the slightest error.

Magic Missile, damage: [roll0]
If not close enough, I'd like to use my move action.

2011-08-02, 08:20 PM
The second verse of the, Battle Hymn of Iuz has been chanted in the Abyssal tongue and Divine Inspiration has taken complete hold of Vaughn. The body of the blood lusting cleric has become a vessel for the Will of Iuz. The dark god guides Vaughan's blade up and across, aiming straight for Jason's exposed neck....

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]


Technically since Jason hasn't had a chance to react Vaughan's blade should still be buried in his side(stomach, chest) then he doesn't need to attack again, only twist the blade and just take the damage roll from above?

2011-08-02, 08:45 PM
Malernous’s magical blast fly’s forward and strikes Jason upon his forehead, it snaps his neck back and has left a small singe. Voughan’s attack falls just short of the neck as Jason moves to dodge but cuts him across his open chest.

Crookvic slides to Jason’s side and his exposed ribs, Crookvic’s weapon glows red hot as he lunges forward, keeping it close to his center to maximize the result.

To hit [roll0]
dmg weapon [roll1]
dmg magic [roll2]

2011-08-02, 08:48 PM
But once again Jason is ready for the approaching danger and slips past just in time.

2011-08-03, 07:39 AM
Archie stabs at Jason's lower body with his rapier.

To hit


2011-08-03, 12:24 PM
But to no avail Jason parries the stab, quickly he turns on the ball of his foot making a wide ark of attack at Crookvic using his short sword hoping to stab at him around the shield. Jasons takes advantage of his speed and makes a second attack, striking with his fist at Archimedius

Atk at Crookvic to hit [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Atk at Archie [roll2]
Dmg (Unarmed but made lethal) [roll3]

2011-08-03, 12:38 PM
Crookvic is grazed slightly and ignores the pain, Archie just barely pulls his head back as he watches the clenched fist fly past.

While the fight goes on, Melissa is not holding very well against the guards she took out one but the other 3 are closing in for a kill, her backs to the water she is contemplating jumping in when suddenly a Orb of Fire smashes into the guard on her right. Malic stands a little off in the distance holding his hand up, smoking from the resent spell. “hurry" he hisses at her with the two guards distracted for a second, Melissa jumps forward and grabs one with her hand muttering a incantation, a cold wave swirls into her palm and the guard shoulder. The man screams in agony as he begins to freeze to death. With a path now open she makes a break for Malic, the last guard doesn’t wish to risk his life any more than needed and lets her go.

2011-08-03, 05:24 PM
With all the commotion it was only a matter of time before the city guard where alerted. They are slowly but surely closing in on the source. Luck for the party they have Crookvic to clear them, not so lucky for Jason. However Jason does not seem at all bothered by their presence and presses his attack.

2011-08-03, 05:54 PM
Malernous, with the utterance of a few quick words, shoots an illuminating, red orb into the sky, which then arcs down into Jason with its speed increasing with every second passing. The arc formed by the orb seems to disappear as the orb closes into Jason, and lands down on him almost vertically.

Magic Missile, damage: [roll0]

2011-08-03, 09:36 PM
Still in a blind rage guided by the might of Iuz, Vaughan steps diagonally to his right and presses Jason against Crookvick's deadly blade as his own comes sweeping up from below....


Although he can still feel his god's hands guiding his own, as Vaughan swings his heavy blade, his conscious mind slowly begins to creep back into place....

2011-08-03, 09:38 PM
Still in a blind rage guided by the might of Iuz, Vaughan steps diagonally to his right and presses Jason against Crookvick's deadly blade as his own comes sweeping up from below....


Although he can still feel his god's hands guiding his own, as Vaughan swings his heavy blade, his conscious mind slowly begins to creep back into place....

Fixing another damned miss roll

2011-08-04, 09:44 AM
Jason contorts his body in a nearly impossible manner and lets the great sword swing past

Forgoing his magic to deliver a stronger blow, Crookvic pivots his hips, using the motion to empower his slice, he swings his sword skyward as if giving Jason a uppercut to the jaw.

To atk, made a power atk for 4(with flanking)[roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

This post was edited the atk hit with a 20, and dmged for 11

2011-08-04, 10:16 AM
Again Jason moves to dodge but Crookvic has learned and adjusts his attack at the last second. Crookvic’s sword slices into Jason’s chest and carves outs a nice sized chunk, the gash from Vaughan’s attack early had begun to heal, with the new stress it has reopened and is gushing blood.

2011-08-04, 03:12 PM
Archimedius attempts to tumble away from Jason, avoiding any attacks of opportunity.


If successful Archie would take out his panpipes and start playing a tune to inspire courage in his allies.

2011-08-04, 06:10 PM
While it’s not Archies best work he does mange to pull out of the fight. Jason is a slight bit preoccupied holding his lungs in place.

Jason clutches his chest and can hardly breath, his face beings to morph into that of a coyotes. His eyes flash a horrid red for a split second, he begins to turn back to normal however his fangs seem to have stayed this time. He takes a five foot step back and out of Crookvics current range but not from Vaughan. His eyes narrow and concentrate on a spot on the ground, his wounds begin to close, but large scars are being left behind.

That ends his turn

Crookvic shouts at Vaughan, “Cleric! Knock him back further!” he then takes a free action and drops his shield on the ground a grabs his sword with both hands.
IE Bull Rush him

2011-08-05, 05:43 AM
From Malernous' outstretched hand, a ray of freezing air and ice beams towards Jason with great speed, trying to hit him.

Attack roll for ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage roll if it hits: [roll1]

2011-08-05, 07:45 AM
The silly knights words managed to pierce the fog clouding Vaughn's mind, retrieving his conscience from the Abyssal realms. The crimson cleric slams the point of his great sword into the deck, haunches to the ground, drops his shoulder and fueled by the fury of Iuz, makes a mad bull rush in an attempt to send Jason reeling towards the docks edge and the water below....

bull rush:1d20+2

2011-08-05, 08:52 AM
The silly knights words managed to pierce the fog clouding Vaughn's mind, retrieving his conscience from the Abyssal realms. The crimson cleric slams the point of his great sword into the deck, haunches to the ground, drops his shoulder and fueled by the fury of Iuz, makes a mad bull rush in an attempt to send Jason reeling towards the docks edge and the water below....

bull rush:[roll0]

bull rush:[roll1]

2011-08-05, 10:38 AM
Jason holds out his hand and absorbs the bulk of the frost into his palm. He looks towards Vaughan expecting another brutal slash with his sword, but instead is meet with his armored siding slamming into his already wounded chest. Jason is knocked another 5 feet back and to the right, his feet teetering on the edge of the dock.

Crookvic leaps forward both hands on his sword, he summons the last of his high magic powers and funnels it to his sword, it grows an extra 5 feet in length. He swings it hard with all his might, over the clerics head and into Jason

To hit using power atk [roll0]Against flat foot opponent
Dmg with x2 power atk large great sword [roll1] then x2

2011-08-05, 10:50 AM
Crookvic leaps forward both hands on his sword, he summons the last of his high magic powers and funnels it to his sword, it grows an extra 5 feet in length. He swings it hard with all his might, over the clerics head and into Jason
The attack slides into Jason’s neck cutting deep and nearly beheading him, Jason falls off into the water and begins to sink blood rising to the top. Crookvic looks over, his sword shrinks back to normal. Crookvic points at Archie and Malernous “If either of you have a electric spell use it on the water now”

2011-08-05, 11:48 AM
Archimedius stops playing his panpipes, glaring at Crookvic.

"Why even ask me? Do I look like a bleedin wizard?"

Archie continues to stare, clearly annoyed. He motions to Malernous with the hand holding his pipes as he sheaths his rapier.

"And I'm pretty sure this fool of a wizard can only cast magic missiles."

2011-08-06, 05:56 AM
Malernous quickly looks down on Archie and defends himself, "Hey, magic missiles are cool." He keeps staring the gnome down for a brief moment before looking at Crookvic again.

2011-08-07, 11:10 AM
The guards begin to funnel past everyone, Crookvic shouts to them “Late as always, surround the side of the dock and search the water. A man named Jason Tyeliss, is down there somewhere, don’t stop looking until you find him… Follow the blood.” He points at the blood still rising to the surface of the water. He turns around to Archie “You” he pauses inconsideration “you come with me” he looks up at Malernous “you can follow if you please…” then to Vaughan “and I have something special for you” Crookvic starts towards the tent, which has finally been put out. He stops turns around and picks up his shield, then looks to the water. A guard is pulling out Jason’s lifeless body. Crookvic seems satisfied at the site “stab him a few more times for good measure”

2011-08-07, 12:00 PM
Vaughan walks forward and steps over Jason's corpse, admiring the sight at his feet. His heavy armor creaks as he reaches down to flip the lifeless body over and kneels down in the back. In one swift motion he spears into the back of the neck with his gauntlet and wrenches free on of Jason's no longer needed vertebrae. He eyes the trophy before pocketing in a pouch at his waist. As he follows after the knight, he retrieves his great sword from the deck and sheathes it on his back once more.

2011-08-07, 12:13 PM
The guards are horrified by the brutal display. Crookvic raises an eyebrow to Vaughan. “A little excessive, yet it works fine for me” He then looks to the others for their reaction

2011-08-07, 03:22 PM
Archimedius looks over at Vaughan, displeased - although not shocked - by his actions. He'd then hurry after Crookvic.

"So where are we going? I assume there's a reward for dispatching of such a dangerous fellow and you look exactly like the type of person who would be handing it out."

2011-08-08, 06:57 PM
Seems pretty much not interested in Vaughan's actions, Malernous looks around to find a corner where he can rest and wipe the sweat off his forehead, instead of following the knight who may be taking them away for something bad.

2011-08-09, 09:59 AM
Crookvic lets Malernous walk away he watches for a seconded with a raised eye brow. “Well I will be at” He looks at the tent. “What’s left of my tent”. As he walks he leans down and whispers to the Archie. “Keep the gem hidden let no one see it, and don’t give it to anybody, no matter who asks”. He straightens up and keeps walking, when he gets to the tent he motions to find a seat. He looks to see if Vaughan has followed.

2011-08-09, 03:19 PM
Vaughan eyes Malernous with distain from behind his bloody visored helm. He offers a silent pray to Iuz, that the sorcerer's cowardice is only due to his green nature and not infectious. Just before turning to leave, Vaughan tilts his head down to face the mage..."Keep your senses open for that witch who was dealing with those guards. Although it may be unwittingly, this knight does pay homage to Iuz with skill, I must respect hm for that, but I don't trust him either. It would do us some good to have a friend with his power here though, even better to have more...if you spot her, make contact." The cleric then procedes to follow the knight and his Gnomish companion towards the burning tent, catching up to the pair just as they finish conversing in hushed tones.

Listen Check:[roll0]

2011-08-10, 04:41 PM
Vaughan catches the last bet of Archie and Crookvic’s conversation “don’t give it to anybody, no matter who asks”

Crookvic walks inside the partially destroyed tent. The smell of burning wood fills the air. There is a large hole in the back of the tent with charred edges. Most of what was inside seems to have survived the fire but it’s clear that a lot of the reports and notes gathered are gone. There is another knight inside his white armor blackened from all the smoke. He is still stomping out some small embers while cursing up a storm, he is young, and resembles that of a shaved bear cub. He is only about 5 feet tall, and looks to enjoy the bar more than most men do. Crookvic picks up a few chairs and a table as he talks to the other knight “Alright Sam that’s quite enough, go get me whatever wax is left, my seal and go tare a piece of leather up”

Sam looks up from the ground half surprised that any one was in the tent. “Ahhh yes sir” he replies in a gruff voice, Sam goes and begins to look around searching through the chests in the room.

Crookvic looks back to Vaughan “I have a deal for you two, I would like you to be a laughing knights, you will be given all the perks of fully fledged knights. From special weapons, salary, free bed and food at any knight quarters, full access to any and all places, immunity from the law, and… a license to kill while in service of your duty”. He stops for a moment to let it sink in “if you agree to the knights terms, and my terms” He sits back and waits for a response with no expression at all on his face.

2011-08-10, 06:38 PM
Archimedius scratches his chin, looking Crookvic up and down.

"What an odd proposal... You'd make this psychopath cleric a knight?"

The gnome would decide that, even if this Knight's ideas didn't quite fit with his own, the benefits could come in handy.

"Go on then, name your terms."

I might not be on skype for a while as my modem appears to broken.

2011-08-13, 06:41 AM
Vaughan removes his helm and begins to smear the spattered blood over every surface as he idly ponders the knights offer. He runs his blood soaked gauntlet though his jet black har and scratches his head, obviously weighing the door opened at his feet. ".......Your offer interests me knight...however, as a servant of Iuz, earthly titles and ranks may not be mine to don.....yet the privilege and responsibility you mention could further my call to pay homage to the Glory of Iuz.....I shall hear your terms, you have earned mine and my god's ear for at least that much knight. Iuz was pleased by your offering, as was I.

2011-08-13, 07:55 PM
Crookvic grins at Vaughan “The knights terms are simple, just don’t shirk off the missions that you are given monthly and yearly, or lose all your benefits. My terms… are your first yearly mission. That you” he points at Vaughan “Protect him” He points at Archie “For as long as the knights deem necessary, also you my small friend, protect what we talked about earlier”. He seems proud of his current offer “So that means that anyone you deem a threat you may kill on the spot…. Of course as long as you don’t abuse that privilege”

2011-08-13, 10:14 PM
"And what makes this pint of greed so important to the knights, that you would offer so much to protect him? and what is it he has that needs protecting?"

2011-08-14, 06:06 AM
"He must, of course, be talking about my brilliant mind. Why if anyone got their hands on it... who knows what could happen."

Archie chirps, smiling.



2011-08-14, 10:32 PM
Vaughan chuckles his iconic maniacal metallic laugh as he rests his heavy blood soaked gauntlet on the gnome's shoulder..."Archie, don't be a fool, you literally couldn't find your way out of a sac, nor a bottle for that matter, when we found you. What is this all really about knight? I'm not too keen on pledging my blade to an empty crusade. Give me cause and quit wasting my time." As he finishes addressing the knight he gives Archie a hefty pat on the back as he begins to laugh again recalling old times, nearly knocking the scrawny gnome to the floor.

2011-08-15, 03:11 PM
Sam brings the items Crookvic asked for and lays them out on the table. Crookvic folds his hands together and leans back. “I’m actually a little glad you asked, only a fool does what he is told with no reasoning behind it, and as such I wouldn’t really want a fool taking on such a task so I guess I will just tell you the truth” Crookvic reaches into his armor and pulls out a small bag, he opens it and pours out the contents into his hand. Only a small little golden red gem falls out, no bigger than a ladybug. Archie immediately recognizes it as a smaller version of what he has. Crookvic rolls it around in his hand as he speaks, “We call this dragon eye, for its color…. it is the most destructive weapon in existence. They are not manmade, they are found from what we have studied they are the condensed life force of powerful wizard’s from ages ago” his gaze goes cold once again his pale eyes starring right through your body. “Those who can figure out how to use it become amazingly more powerful. This little fragment is enough to quadruple ones magic power, and its power grows exponentially as it gets larger” he looks right at Archie and goes into a more hushed voice as if there were more than just the 4 of you in the tent “The one you have, is the same one that nearly destroyed this kingdom thousands of years before. What you are holding is the great destruction of are people, in an easy to carry package.” Sam is looking Crookvic wide eyed “He has what our unit has been looking for, for the past 10 years… and you are just going to let them keep it!?” Crookvic looks sternly at Sam “Yes I am… because as far as any one is concerned… I have it… Nore can they do anything with it any ways” Crookvic looks back at you two “People are going to come for you, regardless if you have the gem or not… if you take it and I pretend to have it, then chances of them finding it become reduced, that and I’m desperate. Me and Sam are the last 2 of our unit. Because of the gems extreme secrecy, no one else can join us… until we are dead. You two are from out of this country, which means no one knows your here. So if I make you knights, you pretty much never existed at all, anyone looking for you will be looking for a holy man, and a wondering minstrel. Not loyal knights of the crown. You get all the perks with none of the draw backs and I get knights who have no ties and no restrictions”.

2011-08-15, 04:44 PM
"And our wizard friend?"

Archie questions the knight as he recovers his footing from Vaughan's push.

2011-08-15, 08:53 PM
Vaughan's eyes begin to sparkle with his hearty desire to please his god's wishes, never has he been more happy that he pulled the drunken gnome out of a dirty wash sac. Clasping his hand around the gnome's shoulders and lifting him up so he may settle himself on his own two feet, he adresses the knight. "Well good sir, it seems Iuz smiles on your soul as your offer lights my heart. You may call my blade your friend, so long as you keep him well appeased. Should you have use of our arcanically gifted friend, his power follows suit well enough." He turns to Archie and says, "Worry not of Mal, if he had enough interest he'd have joined us. If he so desires it these perks I'm sure can be his claim, yet in the mean time, those that may, shall be extended though our patronage. He will honor the responsibilities willingly or unknowingly either way his wand will serve to maintain your beating heart, he is friend to us both, is he not?" Vaughan returns his gaze to the knight, "Now, what more of these perks?"

2011-08-16, 08:51 PM
Crookvic begins to wright on the canvas infront of him. He signs it and then pours wax and puts his seal

"All the perks I said before plus more, the longer you stay the greater your rewards. This invitation extends to your third friend also please try to get him to consider it. All you need to do is sign here and you will be full fledge knights, also you will be given some gold so that you may outfit yourself properly. Our normal colors are black, white, brown, green and tan… normally corresponding to the area you are stationed at, the trim is a color of your choosing. Also you must have the emblem carved onto the armor then painted the appropriate colors, that must be done by a laughing knight porter anyone else and its highly illegal".

He spins the canvas around and puts the feather pen next to it.

2011-08-16, 09:00 PM
"These seals and coloring, are they necessary? Given the nature of our consignment, would it not be best to avoid recognition?"

2011-08-16, 09:40 PM
Crookvic smirks. “Like I said those looking for you are going for two travelers. Knights may be noticed when in a crowed. But the kingdom does not keep records of where we knights go or how we get where it is we are going, and only the high council and our late king actually knows how many strong we are, and truthfully I don’t even think they know, I’m sure I’m not the first knight to recruit outside of the tradition. Also there are a number of us who go about always wearing armor, to the people here it’s a daily sight to see a knight walking the streets or going about their business. An elephant may be easy to spot, but pick out a single elephant in a herd of them, and things start to become difficult… and besides how do you think you’re going to be able to claim your benefits?"

2011-08-16, 10:43 PM
"Alright then. Before I agree to anything though I must ask two questions. Firstly; that man we killed on the docks. What was his story? Secondly. Exactly how much gold are we talking here?"

2011-08-17, 10:53 AM
You will be given enough gold for the outfitting, plus an additional 50 platinum peace as salary for the first month. As for that man… his story is not important… what is important is who he worked for. The Raven fest, they are shadow group we knights have been trying to find and destroy for the past 20 years now. We have sources that say that they have been around longer but we only recently started fighting them. What there full intentions are… we don’t know, but when a Raven shows up, it’s never good.

2011-08-18, 11:12 PM
"You mentioned additional monthly assignments?"

2011-08-20, 10:32 AM
“Indeed, we knights are given ranking depending on your rank you will receive different assignments. They can range between simply being a normal guard for a day or taking out bandits and adventuring groups who think they can do whatever they want. As of late a lot of them have been about dealing with the royal army deserters, a lot of captains and some generals are looking to grab some power during all of this mess.”
Crookvic looks up at Vaughan

“By the way, knights aren’t in the habit of taking prisoners”

2011-08-20, 01:00 PM
"So then what will ours be? I was looking forward to torture to lift my mood..."

2011-08-20, 03:32 PM
Malernous keeps waiting outside as the party discusses with the knight, leaning against a barrel while looking around at the people that are trying to take out some of the mess caused by the fight, and, of course, the people that are still wondering shocked but still are not questioning the might of the Knights.

2011-08-20, 03:34 PM
Sorry, failed to add this roll to the post above.

Here is my spot roll: [roll0]

2011-08-21, 06:26 PM
Outside Malernous watches as the guards are cleaning the last of the blood from Jason’s body. Jasons body is thrown on to the back of a wagon and sent off. People start to pick up where they left off. The guards can’t seem to figure out what to do with what’s left of the Smiling Lady. With no crew or captain left it will just sit there, and since winter is right around the corner there won’t be time to get a tug boat to pull it out of port. More guards have arrived and begin questioning those standing around.

Malernous plz make a listen check now

Meanwhile in the tent
Crookvic looks at Sam “Go find them something to do for this month… and make it something intresting.” He looks back to Vaughan “Right now I really don’t give a crap what your first monthly mission is, that’s what not important, but so you can earn a nice income” He puts out his hand and Sam puts a chard peace of parchment in it. Crookvic gives it a funny look then glances at Sam. Sam shrugs “It’s all that’s left… you think they can handle it?” Crookvic gives it fast read “I think this will do” Sam looks surprised “You trust them that much?” Crookvic laughs “No *snickers* No I don’t, but I do think they are more than capable of this”

He puts the parchment on the table facing you two. “We have deserter in the ranks of the royal guard, normally we don’t really care for such a lowly ranked solider but he is stirring up trouble. He has managed to convince a small town just outside of Welfalls influence towards the north”

2011-08-21, 06:43 PM
"Sounds interesting, what are the particulars & restraints, or can I just burn the town to the ground and pick is body out of the rubble?"

2011-08-21, 06:56 PM
“Only about 50% of the town has joined him, so no that would be out of the question. The rules clearly say that at least 75% must be in enemy opposition before you can commit genocide.” Crookvic laughs for a second. “But really you can’t do that, look to keep the innocent casualties down to a minimum, otherwise you have complete freedom at how you want to go about this. Take out the leader secretly or go in and crush the entire force it’s up to you.”

2011-08-21, 07:03 PM
"Very well, any other particulars we should know? I'd like to speak to any members of his unit that are cooperative, and go though his records, as well as any affiliated reports or press. A squire or a scribe, a unit on leave and a spy couldn't hurt, I assume you can at least poit us towards the first and last?"

2011-08-21, 07:16 PM
“Can’t think of anything right now, if something comes up ill send a bird or magical sending. Sam will bring you around the city to get you set up when you’re ready to go just head off on your own”

He looks down at the still unsigned agreement

“I can’t really tell you much more until you sign I’m afraid”

2011-08-21, 07:33 PM
Vaughan slams his open blood drenched gauntlet down on the contract...
"Will this do?"

2011-08-22, 10:43 AM
Archie picks up the feather pen and squiggles his full signature beside Vaughan's bloody imprint.

"When do we start?"

So my internet just got cut off. Shouldn't take longer than a week for me to get started up again.

2011-08-24, 08:49 AM
Malernous still waits for the group, seemingly curious, he sets his gaze on the tent they went into.


2011-08-24, 11:45 AM
For Mal
Malernous is able to hear the rest of the conversation until it ends or he chooses to stop listening.

Crookvic takes the document and looks it over. “You start now. You will now be referred to as Sir Archimedius Spudtoe-Crockpiper, and…” looks at Vaughan “and the same for you Sir blood print.” Sam puts two bags in front of the two. “This will be an upfront payment of 200 GP each, or for space reasons 20 PP which is what’s in the bags. Take this agreement…” Crookvic rolls up the document and seals it with his sigil. “…To a man named Dales, he’s a knight porter that works as a black smith in the city near palm square. Here’s a map of the city and of the country side they are marked with were you need to go. Anything else you would like to know?”

2011-08-26, 04:21 AM
Archie looks over at Vaughan, expecting him to ask something.

"I'll go fetch the wizard, shall I?"

With that the gnome would grab the money pouch nearest him and have a look round outside.

[roll0] Could you just add whatever my modifier is to this result? My phone can't load dndsheets apparently.

2011-08-26, 10:36 AM
Malernous is easily found, he is nearby resting on some barrels trying to listen on what’s going on in the tent.

2011-08-26, 11:27 AM
Archie would then jingle the pouch at Mal as he shouts at him.
"Wizard! Get in here now!"

2011-08-27, 08:12 AM
Malernous would start walking at Archie's request in order to join the party inside the tent. He would stay silent for the most part.

2011-08-28, 08:23 AM
Vaughan drops the money pouch into a secured recess of his pack and turns to back to Crookvick..."We'll not be entering into this blindly knight, I will know my enemy, if you canot supply me with his files, I am sure you can direct me to the archives, and that our privileges will be sufficient to avoid questions."

2011-08-28, 01:26 PM
Crookvic eyes the wizard “Will you be joing our ranks to? We have plenty of room that needs filling. As for your request I don’t but the blacksmith will, he holds copys of all the missions for the knights in this area of the city, normally I would have it. But as you can see that may not be the case right now”

2011-08-29, 03:16 PM
"Hold on right there. I assume there is quite the bit of this conversation I am missing. What are these ranks you are talking about, and what was that pouch for?" Malernous would gaze between the knight and Vaughan, not showing much expression of emotions on his face.

2011-08-30, 10:49 AM
“Careful curiosity killed the Hell Cat. But that was their first payment and money for supplies, we are just discussing is the terms of their contract which evidently still has room for one more signature” He looks down at the parchment.

2011-09-01, 02:05 PM
"Very well. Before I sign, however, what will signing that paper lead to? What are the terms; why do we have to sign a paper; what are you paying us for?" Malernous does not make much of an expression other than a simple speech.

2011-09-01, 02:38 PM
Crookvic puts his hands to his forehead and leans on the table. “Do I really have to go through all of that again? Ill give you the short version, I’m signing you to be a knight you will get a lot of perks and good pay, protect the Gnome kill some people and do some work for me every month or so” Crookvic looks up “they can fill you in on the blanks”

Sam puts one more bag on the table “Will you be joining us wizard?”

2011-09-01, 03:51 PM
"Yeah, well, whatever." Malernous would just sign the paper while staring at the knight. "One last question, though; is the gnome a noble or something? Why'd you even pay people to protect him?"

2011-09-01, 04:47 PM
Archie would raise his hand.

"Might I add that I'm being paid to protect myself. Its probably best you don't question it, wizard."

Archimedius then pockets his own money bag, looking quite smug.

2011-09-03, 03:17 PM
Vaughan clasps his large gauntleted hand over the gnome's shoulder and jovially decrees "Well come good lord, have your servent boy lead us to your porter!" motioning for Sam to lead the way.

2011-09-03, 03:20 PM
Crookvic smirks “No not a noble, but let’s just say he is precious cargo” Crookvic takes the letter once more and seals it for the last time. “Now if you would all please I think we have wasted enough time here head over to the porter, get your armor, and get to it”

2011-09-04, 10:00 AM
Archimedius narrows his eyes as he looks up at Vaughan and tries to push the giant metal hand off his shoulder before turning his gaze to Crookvic's "servant boy".

"Lead on, boy. We wouldn't want this deserter to survive for a few more moments because of your slow mind."

2011-09-05, 07:53 PM
Sam ignores Archies rude comment and brings them out of the tent, onward to the knight porter.

Alright guys i have decided to bump every one up to lvl 2 just to keep things interesting. Im now back in school so ill be posting as often as I can, I will also turn skype on for every time im on the computer to speed things up. Send me a PM when your characters are done and ill start the next chapter.

2011-09-08, 02:34 PM
Vaughan lumbers after Sam, his heavy armored footfalls puncturing the dinn of the throng. As he leaves the tent Vaughan scours the crowd and surroundings for suspect onlookers or anything out of place.


2011-09-08, 10:21 PM
As Vaughan notices something, he is unsure though perhaps it was just a shadow, a trick of the light maybe.

Sam leads the party onward to the blacksmith. Once there the man sets to work on engraving your armor. For the those who do not have armor to wear he gives you metal signet that hangs around your neck.
He also hands you the details of your first assignment.

It talks of a larger man who is said to be famous for his amazing resilience. He stands at close to 7 feet and is stronger than a minotaur. The document then notes that what comes next is to be considered secret and should only be discussed with your Captain and your selves. No other knights need know of your mission. Upon asking the blacksmith why that is he tells “All assignments are like that, it keeps knights from knowing too much. To limit the spread of rumors and in case you are ever caught and interrogated” The document goes on to say that the former Staff sergeant of the royal army has accidently come across an old kingdom relic.

It takes control of the wielders mind and slowly turns them into a monster. In addition it can slowly gain minions by simply sucking up the life force of its host and emit a wave of control over the populace those affected cannot be saved and must be eliminated. To tell the difference between the normal people and the controlled is usually showed through odd symptoms, unfortunately this has changed from case to case. So you will just have to figure it out on your own.

Scouts say he is held up in the towns center and acting like a proxy governor.

Ill send a map when im done with it ill and ill up date characters later untill then any IC questions for the Blacksmith

2011-09-09, 10:33 AM
Archie scratches his chin as he questions the blacksmith.

"How do you think we should go about dealing with this minotaur-man? It sounds unlikely that the three of us could take an entire village led by a giant head on."

2011-09-09, 03:01 PM
The blacksmith crosses his arms. “Well the best advice I can give you for now, would be to enter the village as merchants or travelers so as to not alert him of your intentions.”

2011-09-10, 10:48 AM
"You make it sound so easy, but this idiot likes nothing more than to start fights-"

Archie nods at Vaughan.

"So I don't think he'll be able remain disguised if he has even the slightest disagreement with one of the locals. Can't keep that big sword of his in his pants."

Archimedius laughs slightly before turning his head to Vaughan and Malernous, expecting them to ask something useful.

2011-09-10, 03:41 PM
Malernous looks at Archimedius and comes up with a quick response, "His pants? A bad attempt to spark up a conversation, especially since you are a gnome."

2011-09-11, 02:58 AM
Archie glares angrily up at Malernous, clearly annoyed, though he remains silent.

2011-09-12, 12:55 PM
Vaughan looks pitifully at his bickering companions off to the corner, shaking his head with distain at their juvenile antics. Motioning to the smith's young apprentice to assist him, Vaughan begins to remove his armor. After removing his helm and loosening the heaviest plates, Vaughan looks to the porter..."From what little Crookvick told us, it seems you're some what of an information hub. So tell me, how does one come to master the forge, the sword and his tongue, Sir....?"

2011-09-12, 03:14 PM
The porter chuckles. “Well lots o practice I suppose. Let’s see I was the son of another blacksmith in this very city and in my early years I spent many a day helping my father in his shop. Then I became a city guard for some time, it was easy and good paying. But it had turned out that I have a knack for wielding a halberd, as such a day came when one of the knights saw me beat off several bandits by myself. He picked me up and sent me off to Fort Jester to prove myself. After two decades in the service, I took an arrow to the back of my knee, haven’t been able to run properly since. So they stuck me here. I don’t mind, I was getting to old for that stuff any way, but don’t think that means I’m some useless old man, my skill is as sharp as ever.”

2011-09-13, 06:43 PM
"Well good sir...., my armor for your hammer." Vaughan hands over his armor to the smith. "How long will this take, enough time to get a drink? We could use a place for the night and I'd very much appreciate a look through any files you may have on this deserter, past and current. If you could put us in touch with the spies mentioned in this report and any of the deserters former unit members, co's or subordinates?"

2011-09-15, 09:38 AM
“It shouldn’t take too long, a couple o hours at the most. As for the files my apprentice can take you to them.”

He guys guesssssss what. Travel back to the front page and look at the first post.

2011-09-15, 10:37 AM
"And the town? Do you know anything about it which would help? Besides what we've already heard, of course."

Archimedius tries to bring anything he might know about the town to mind using Bardic Knowledge. Nice map by the way.


2011-09-15, 03:20 PM
The black smith looks at the map
"I know that the wall is new, mostlikely made from wood"

That roll was so sad im going to give you another go there archie :smallannoyed:

2011-09-15, 04:15 PM
I pray you were being serious.


2011-09-15, 04:19 PM
Vaughan follows the blacksmith's apprentice to take a deeper look at these files.

2011-09-16, 03:39 PM
Vaughan finds that such a relic that is controlling the soldier has shown up in the knights recoreds before. Its name has been lost to history, but what is know is how frightened it is. It will quickly look for ways to better defend its self from others. They have been known to go as far as burying the hosts body underground to keep people away from it. If frightened enough, it will easily make a misstep in its master plans reviling ways to defeat it. As for the the soldier him self. Al there is, is a basic file on him. He was apperntly very sturdy but none to smart. About a half year ago he started to brightin up out of no where. He soon became to smart to remian in his current postion. But he did not take the promotion, and left soon after. (The rest is of no use)

The town is one of not much note. It is mainly a farming and lumber town. It has rarely been attacked by monsters, and the houses take no note of it.

(Yes Archie i was serious, it was just that the DC for the town was so low it was preaty sad when you rolled a one)

2011-09-18, 07:58 AM
Malernous would look down at Archie as Vaughan went on to check on the files. "What is all this talk going on about a deserter?"

2011-09-18, 08:34 AM
Archimedius lets out a loud sigh and folds his arms.

"Its a long story. I'm sure we'll get around to explaining it all to you at some point but all you really need to know is that we're getting paid to kill a deserter with an artifact of some kind. I'm sure Vaughan will do most of the work anyway."

2011-10-03, 10:42 AM

So with every one not making posts for who knows how long now i guess we should just skip to the town.

Assuming we are all still playing

2011-10-04, 01:24 PM
I'm still interested if everyone else is.

2011-10-20, 08:43 PM
OOCYeah I finally remembered this while at work today and was really bored and thought of a really convoluted, sinister, way too complicated yet fun idea on how to get in........it involved a few inmates at the local jail, a couple of scrolls of preserve organ and that locator spell and a few merchant caravans......