View Full Version : Indispensible Haversack for Pathfinder?

2011-07-29, 06:42 PM
Pathfinders got enough stuff out by now to start creating a short list of really useful items. Here's my recommendations for low levels:

Masterwork backpack - buy if you can't afford your holding devices yet

Marbles - At low levels, that balance check can take out a fair few enemies

False jewelry - good for hiding poisons or other small items

Folding ladder - duh

Scroll case - just in case, keeps those scrolls safe and handy

Tanglefoot bags - still a good bet

Tindertwig - for when you need something to burn right now

Weapon Cord - prevents you from being disarmed

Wrist sheath, spring loaded - draw a wand or small weapon as a free action

2011-07-29, 09:20 PM
If I understand properly, this is a thread about things every character should have?
Silver Mirror- Used to repel vampires, and hey, everyone should look their best!

Silk rope- At least 50 feet. For those halfling-fishing misadventures, cliffs, and occassional prisoner.

Bag(s) of Flour- Used to find invisible creatures. Cheap and mundane, and you can make bread or cookies if you need.

2011-07-29, 09:51 PM
If I understand properly, this is a thread about things every character should have?
Silver Mirror- Used to repel vampires, and hey, everyone should look their best!

Silk rope- At least 50 feet. For those halfling-fishing misadventures, cliffs, and occassional prisoner.

Bag(s) of Flour- Used to find invisible creatures. Cheap and mundane, and you can make bread or cookies if you need.

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148101 there's the thread equivalent for 3.5. Some of the items are still available, but most do not exist in pathfinder. So yeah, it's sort of a top list of items that are very useful for their price.

P.S. I believe pathfinder has bags of powder for 1cp specifically listed as for revealing invisible creatures.

2011-07-29, 10:04 PM
Shaving kit.

straight razor, mirror, whetstone, a cup, a brush, and powder. That's like a McGyver survival bag for 15 sp.

2011-07-30, 08:07 AM
http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148101 there's the thread equivalent for 3.5. Some of the items are still available, but most do not exist in pathfinder. So yeah, it's sort of a top list of items that are very useful for their price.

I tend to ignore Pathfinder (it didn't fix anything I thought needed fixing, and ruined some things that I thought were working just fine), but I thought Pathfinder more or less already included everything in 3.x (in which case, a Pathfinder-specific Indispensible Haversack would be mostly redundant).

How exactly "purist" are most Pathfinder groups? Is the "Pathfinder only, no 3.x" a frequent requirement?

2011-07-30, 08:30 AM
In almost all Pathfinder games I have been a part of, Pathfinder and only Pathfinder. How typical this is, I truly have no idea, but given the number of "3.P" threads, I would say mixing is, at least for the precipitants of this forum, fairly popular at least.

2011-07-30, 08:46 AM
PF has some pretty neat mundane items, like those concealed spring-loaded sheaths. Also drugs. Lots and lots of drugs, with obvious real-world parallels.

2011-07-30, 12:51 PM

P.S. I believe pathfinder has bags of powder for 1cp specifically listed as for revealing invisible creatures.

Whoa! Guess what my witch character just bought ten of.... :D

2011-07-30, 02:14 PM
I tend to ignore Pathfinder (it didn't fix anything I thought needed fixing, and ruined some things that I thought were working just fine), but I thought Pathfinder more or less already included everything in 3.x (in which case, a Pathfinder-specific Indispensible Haversack would be mostly redundant).

How exactly "purist" are most Pathfinder groups? Is the "Pathfinder only, no 3.x" a frequent requirement?

It depends on the group. Some mix, some do PF only. Some of the PF only is to prevent the cheese that can be found in various 3.5 splatbooks - particularly if the DM isn't experienced enough to catch all of it.