View Full Version : Apokelipse, A Broken World - Chapter One

Leahn Novash
2011-07-29, 07:12 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=209403)

"Its been twenty years that it all started, more or less. It is not important anymore. No one cares anymore. All that everyone is worried about is surviving. All progress made in centuries to turn the world into a safer place undone in a single act, in a single day. Pokemon are now wilder than they ever were, and we no longer have the technology that helped us to keep them in check. All because of those guys.

They wanted to rule over the world. Not together, of course. Each one of them went their own way, pursued their own path to rule over the world. Team Aqua and Team Magma, I mean. Had they remained separated, they would had been defeated, but they knew the legends. They knew that Rayquaza would win, so they made a temporary truce. Each one of them thought that they would overcome the other in the end, and rule the world. They only forgot to ask for the Pokemon's cooperation on the plan.

Team Magma released Groudon. Team Aqua released Kyogre. Both teams thought those legendary Pokemon to be like any other Pokemon. That you could put them in a Pokeball and they would be tamed. They got fooled. Both legendary Pokemon played their cards and feigned being tamed. They had been defeated by Rayquaza in the past. They knew that alone they would be defeated again. By feigning being tamed, they got the teams to do the dirty work for them. The best trainers of the world were defeated. Rayquaza was defeated... and killed. Then the beasts turned against the teams that released them, and crushed them.

Without Rayquaza, who was responsible for keeping the weather in check, the total wrath of the elements has been unleashed. Groudon and Kyogre didn't care. They resumed their ancient battle and rampaged through what was left of the world. They're still rampaging today. They won't stop until one of them defeats the other.

But this is all history. We all know that. Some of us were even alive when it all happened. Twenty years isn't really that long ago. But seeing the world as it is today, this might as well have happened twenty million years ago.

Yet, despite the conditions of the world today, there might still be hope. If you are receiving this letter, then it means you have a Pokemon with you. It means that Pokemon and humans are still fighting together, helping each other, teaching each other, overcoming challenges, and this is the ultimate challenge... to stop those two.

I am gathering a small resistance on the farthest human settlement of the world, the village of Littleroot. Please, I beg of you, come."

Many months ago, this letter was delivered to you by a Delibird, that immediatedly flew away, to seek for more trainers, without waiting for a reply. You have made the trip, and you're now in the outskirts of Littleroot, less than a day away of your destination. What do you do now?

2011-07-29, 09:02 PM
In truth ... Maya cared, and knew precisely when it had been. Rayquaza died as she was born. What day today was, she didn't know so well.

It had been a long walk to Littleroot, the downpours and wind of the storms they'd had to cross particularly rough on her companion. The young woman stood with her Vulpix cradled safely in her arms, resting, saving the wear of the path for her own patched shoes. The rest of her clothing had seen similar wear, and been painstakingly sewn back together with mismatched thread. She lowered the hood of her coat, looking forward toward the village before setting forward again with a purposeful stride.

Leahn Novash
2011-07-31, 06:47 PM
Maya walks unopposed. She sees no living being in her path on her way to Littleroot, Pokemon or human. If someone else heeded the call, they either have already arrived or they didn't make it until now. Maybe they would never make it. She arrived in Littleroot, and found it to be a ghost town. Most of the houses are crumbling, but some of them are still in good enough condition to provide shelter from the elements.

2011-07-31, 11:50 PM
A tall young man is walking down the path, a geodude following a few feet behind. He looked as if he had weathered many hardships on the path, his clothes ripped in several places. He had. He had seen their struggle firsthand. He knew what they were capable of. He knew someone had to stop it. His name was Felix, and he knew he would do this or die trying.

He stops and stares at the town for a moment before beginning to jog towards it, his jaw clenching.

2011-08-01, 10:58 AM
A tall youth comes down the road towards Littleroot. Skittering behind him is a furry, yellow bug type pokemon. He had come to the town to answer the call of of the mysterious letter that he received those months ago. It had been a long road here but now his destination was in sight and it seemed he was not the only one arriving that day. Two others, Trainers, judging by the pokemon at their side, had beaten him here but just barely. He walks up to them to introduce himself.

So I'm guessing you guys got the Delibird's letter as I did?

2011-08-01, 02:39 PM
Another figure appears on the same path walked by the unknown few before him. This nearly abandoned road to Littleroot provides more than just an opportunity: to Mr. Farnsworth, it represents the hope of finding answers; the hope of finding purpose. Determination fortifies his body against the sleep it yearns for, deafening slumber's call to a small whisper. A small Piplup rides on his shoulder, keeping watch for anyone else it might see.

After a small while, the Piplup let's out with a small cry, stopping Mr. Farnsworth in mid-step. He pauses to scan the horizon. Up ahead, he spots a figure or two walking in the same direction he is. Turning to his Piplup, he thanks him for the alarm.

Thank you, kind Jeeves.

Mr. Farnsworth gives him a quick scratch on the head and takes off in the direction of the figures.

2011-08-01, 03:25 PM
Opal was the first to notice those approaching, absorbed as Maya was studying the rubble-strewn village. The Vulpix leapt down from the cradling arms, landing elegantly enough, and studied the newcomers from a new vantage beside Maya's feet.

Maya, startled by the departure of her warm and furry companion, looked up and over as the youth addressed her, while Opal curiously watched his strange bug.

I, ah... Yeah.

She looked further down the road, noting a couple more making their way to the village. The heavy silence she'd felt previously was starting to lift, but she didn't feel like relaxing just yet.

So quiet here - but still some shelter left. I hope whoever called us is still here.

2011-08-01, 09:17 PM
The youth nods. "I'm going to look around to find whoever sent the letters." He turns to walk away, but turns back, saying "Oh, I forgot introductions. I'm Felix, and this is Stonewall. He says, motioning at the geodude. He turns away again and starts searching the town.

2011-08-02, 09:39 AM
I am Maya, this is Opal.

A brief wave of her hand indicated the Vulpix at her side, who looks up at the mention of her name with a canine smile. Maya nods as Felix goes to search the town, walking to start looking in the more intact houses.

2011-08-02, 11:39 AM
My name is Kaye and this is my Joltik, Tarantulas.

The yellow pokemon chirps in greeting.

So I guess our next move is finding who called us all here.

2011-08-02, 11:41 AM
My name is Kaye and this is my Joltik, Tarantulas.

The yellow pokemon chirps in greeting.

So I guess our next move is finding who called us all here.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-06, 06:11 AM
Despite everyone's joint effort in locating anyone alive in the town, it trully seems abandoned, with no sign of anyone living there for a long time. Night is approaching quickly as the group proceeds with the introductions and the search for any signs of whoever called them here.

2011-08-06, 09:59 AM
Maya shifts her approach from search to scavenge, picking up pieces of splintered plywood and fallen branches.

Seems they didn't linger for us today. On the bright side, we have the luxury of squatting, and a choice no less.

She begins looking through the more intact houses to see if any have a usable chimney, and for a convenient and related place to deposit her armful of firewood.

2011-08-06, 10:45 AM
Evidently not. I hope nothing bad happened to them. Felix said, walking up to Maya.
You looking for a shelter? Tell me what your looking for and I can help.

2011-08-06, 11:40 AM
Maya looks back to Felix with a nod.

Ah - shelter with a chimney. Not essential, I suppose, but would be pleasant.

2011-08-06, 01:47 PM
Finally catching up to the group, Mr. Farnsworth approaches slowly, making himself known with a friendly wave and bow to the group.

Greetings and salutations, everyone. I am Mr. Farnsworth. This is my Piplup, Jeeves. Say hello, good sir.

He gestures to the pokemon on his shoulder. Jeeves gives a bow, letting out with a polite, "Pip!" Mr. Farnsworth fires off a series of questions to the group:

Hmm, I assume you all received a letter from a Delibird some time ago? Have you found anything yet? Is there anything I can do?

Leahn Novash
2011-08-06, 04:22 PM
It doesn't take long for the group to find a proper shelter. With a chimney even! It also happened to be the biggest house in the settlement. It was certainly built sturdy, and it is not a wonder that it has endured for so long. The house is a two-story made of stone. It has some broken windows, but it still has a door and it has no collapsed parts. The painting has long decayed to some unspecified color, where there is any left.

2011-08-06, 05:03 PM
Taking a moment to look the house up and down, Mr. Farnsworth addresses the group.

Young sirs and madams, houses like this do not keep well on their own, especially when one considers the surroundings. If we are to explore this seemingly abandoned abode, let us do so carefully.

Turning to Jeeves, he adds:

Jeeves, be on your guard, sir.

2011-08-06, 07:35 PM
I don't know - actually looks rather sturdy. Wouldn't be surprised if something else were using it for shelter, though, yeah.

... Haven't been able to find anyone though, no.

Maya peers in through one of the windows of the house.

2011-08-06, 08:00 PM
I don't see what the problem is. The place is deserted. Felix walks into the house, bringing Stonewall with him.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-07, 09:38 AM
The hall of the house seems to have been overtaken by plants. It is not that they've overgrown or that nature has tried to take back the house. It is just that, whoever lived here really liked plants. In all sizes and shapes, they lay and hang around, giving the ambience a really cozy atmosphere. There is a sweet smell in the environment, and the Pokemon seem to really like it. It trully invites to relaxation.

Other than that, the house is somewhat sparsely furnished. There are three sofas, two desks and a drawer, but they are all empty. It is hard to believe that such house would have been furnished so poorly in the past. It is more likely that thieves have already stolen anything inside that wasn't too heavy to carry, or that wasn't nailed down.

2011-08-09, 11:53 AM
Seeing how sparse the interior is, and how well our fine pokemon enjoy this relaxing atmosphere, perhaps we can set up a base camp of sorts? We should be careful, though. Jeeves, shall we, sir?

Mr. Farnsworth, along with Jeeves, enters the home, following Felix cautiously.

2011-08-09, 12:14 PM
Kaye follows the others inside and was surprised at the comfortable interior space.

We should probably clear the whole building before setting too much up here but I do agree this would make an excellent base of operation. Its been weeks since I've slept under a proper roof. Shall we explore the rest of the place?

2011-08-10, 12:11 AM
By 'clear' I hope you don't mean the plants. Or the furniture. It truthfully seems cleared enough.

Maya gives Kaye a sidelong glance before testing one of the sofas.

2011-08-10, 12:51 AM
Felix relaxes visibly, before diving onto one of the sofas. He puts his hands behind his head and sighs. Its been too long since I slept off the ground. This will be nice.
He closes his eyes and says "One of us should always keep watch for whoever called us here. If nobody has a major objection, I'm taking last watch.

2011-08-10, 09:42 AM
By 'clear' I meant, check the rest of the building to make sure there are no nasty surprises. Surely this isn't the only room this place has. Anyways, we'll take a look around, if you guys want to relax here a bit.

Kaye walks off to further explore the building, his Joltik scurrying close behind.

2011-08-10, 12:18 PM
As Mr. Farnsworth enters the main room, an odd feeling washes over Mr. Farnsworth, one he hasn't felt in years. Images come back to him, flashbacks of his years served with his host family. Upon realizing what is going on, he returns to the here and now. He turns to Felix, responding to his request of keeping watch.

No worries, young sir. I can take the first watch. I think I might do a bit of exploring, as well. Please yell if you need anything; I am at your service.

He then turns his attention to Kaye.

Good sir, may I come with? It is dangerous to go alone.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-11, 11:03 AM
Kaye and Mr. Farnsworth leave the room to explore the rest of the house. They find themselves in a fairly large kitchen. Although there is no food available, the appliances seem to be in working order and there is no shortage of pans, glasses, plates and the like. With a bit of wood one could easily come up with a warm meal for a change.

The rest of the group, however, is relaxing in the main room, which becomes suddenly filled with an yellow mist. Right before you fall asleep, you see some men coming down from the stairs. They are masked, armed, and look dangerous, but you all fall asleep before you can react.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-15, 10:42 AM
The two of them keep exploring the house, and find a somewhat working bathroom with flowing cold water and two empty rooms. Most likely, those were either bedrooms or storage rooms. The rest of the first floor yields nothing of interest. It looks as abandoned from inside as it looked from the outside.

In the main room, the group is awoken with splashes of cold water on their faces, courtesy of a Mudkip. Everyone is tied up, and the Pokemon are knocked out, but look otherwise unharmed. The Mudkip is right in front of you all, and it is sided by two Oddishes. Behind them, one man points a shotgun at you, "Who are you?"

2011-08-15, 03:07 PM
Felix looks around, and says in a loud and angry voice "Who am I?!"
He asks, seemingly affronted. Kaye! He shouts with extra emphasis, as if enraged. Who are you?! Why are you threatening me and my friends!?"

2011-08-15, 04:20 PM
After exploring the entirety of the first floor, Mr. Farnsworth addresses Kaye on the next move they should make.

Young sir, it appears that we have found a sleeping area or two, a storage space, and the kitchen looks fully stocked of cooking apparatuses. I have an odd feeling that we are not alone. Perhaps we should continue on to the next floor above us to see what we can find?

2011-08-15, 08:40 PM
Kaye nods in agreement to his companion and makes his way back to the room with the plants. He stops when he sees the others tied up and his Joltik tenses up as if ready for a fight.

Huh well. This is awkward. Whats going on here exactly?

2011-08-15, 10:28 PM
Walking up next to Kaye, Mr. Farnsworth converses with the man holding the shotgun, attempting to talk him down to a less-tense state of mind.

Good sir, we mean you no harm. We all were given letters, by a curious little Delibird, to travel here to Littleroot to join a resistance. We happened upon this house and thought it would make a nice base of operations while we find the one who summoned us. However, upon further investigation, it appears this house is...well, occupied.

Mr. Farnsworth opens his jacket and grabs the letter from the inside pocket. He unfurls the paper and lets it hang from his outstretched hand.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-17, 05:54 PM
The man with the shotgun hits Felix mercilessly on his head with the weapon, knocking him out. The arrival of Kaye and Mr. Farnsworth startles him for a moment. After hearing Mr. Farnsworth explanation, he starts laughing heartly.

"So you're just more of those do-goodies nobodies that got the letter? And here I was fearing for a second that you guys were with a gym, or even with the elite 4. Guess what? I got the letter too, but I ain't gonna go kill myself for some old geezer that must be a thousand years old now. I am making a killin' from all the wannabe heroes that have been appearing here 'cause of those letters. You better have some money on yourself. And don't try anything funny. Your Pokemon may be fast, but they aren't faster than a bullet."

He points the shotgun at you two, and signals with his head for you two to join the others.

2011-08-17, 11:25 PM
Kaye pauses as he considers his options carefully. He didn't have many and more than a few of them involved the potential to be blasted by a shotgun. He decides to take the safe route and play along with the man's demands...for now.
Without a word Kaye and his pokemon move to sit down with the others, glaring at the man the whole time.

2011-08-18, 12:32 AM
Seeing that his attempt at cooling the man down failed, Mr. Farnsworth decides that dying isn't an option and moves to find a spot where the man gestured. As he does, he puts the letter back into his jacket for safekeeping. Once he finds a seat, he feels Jeeves shuddering on his shoulder. Feeling that his Piplup might be a bit frightened, "And who wouldn't..." he thinks to himself, Mr. Farnsworth gives Jeeves a quick, reassuring pat on his head.

2011-08-19, 04:31 PM
Maya shivers at the water, staring at their captors without a word rising to her lips in response to what they speak. As the others arrive she feels a brief surge of hope tempered by watching them (rationally) acquiesce to the barrel of a shotgun. Shifting her gaze over to the unconscious pokemon she eyes them carefully over and thinks on the words of the men - just losing her money would not be all that bad. Finally she speaks nervously.

- Wait - More? What happened to the others aside from you? - I have a bit of yen. It's in a billfold in my back pocket - take it.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-20, 09:22 AM
Except for Felix that find himself knocked out at the moment, everyone hears an ominous voice in their minds saying "sleep". The man in front of you falls to the ground, unconscious. Behind him you find an Alakazam, a Gardevoir, and a mysterious woman that, while stepping forward, says: "I am sorry I didn't arrive earlier. Let me release all of you. Is everyone all right? I'm Maura."

The woman has short purple hair and wear some sort of ragged purple-grayish robes.

2011-08-20, 05:59 PM
Aside from our one friend there, I believe we are good. Is it safe to assume you are the one that called us here? You've got a lot of explaining to do and we are eager to learn why you called us all here.

Kaye's Joltik bristles at his side, uneasy around the powerful psychic pokemon.

2011-08-20, 10:02 PM
Maya lets her breath out with a hissed sigh of relief, slumping back in her chair and accepting the protective presence of the psychic pokemon, and their human companion readily.

Thank you. That hit to the head might have hurt Felix some - I can't tell from here. Aside from that we're just wet or asleep.

She looks towards their unconscious pokemon again, gaze lingering on her own Opal, searching once more for any sign of injury.

2011-08-21, 02:42 AM
Breathing a sigh of relief, Mr. Farnsworth stands, bows, and greets the one who saved the lot of them.

Madam, I am in your debt. Thank you for saving us. One second, though...

Mr. Farnsworth walks over to the group's now knocked-out captor and picks up the shotgun and any extra ammo he might have. Turning the safety on, he looks back to the group and tries to reassure them of his intentions.

Do not worry; I want to ensure this misguided soul doesn't come to and do away with us. Though I don't know if we will need this shotgun if we have such powerful pokemon on our side.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-22, 05:39 PM
Maura replies, "I am sorry, but I don't know anything about the person that called you here. I am here under the orders of the Mossdeep Gym to capture this criminal. He actually fled from there, and I've been tailing him since then. It is hard to believe that he managed to get this far, but he did. I have finally captured him, and now I will bring him to justice for his crimes."

2011-08-23, 04:33 PM
Madam Maura, would you be able to tell us if there is anyone else in the house? You and your pokemon seem strong enough to do so, especially after the impeccable work you did to our would-be killer. If this ghastly fellow was hiding here, I would like to be sure no one else is here to surprise us.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-23, 05:46 PM
Her eyes shine for a moment. After briefly exchanging looks with her two Pokemon, she says, "I detect no other hostile presences in the house or the vicinity. Neither do my Pokemon."

2011-08-23, 08:30 PM
OK so... what should we do now? Wait around here for the person who invited us, or assume they aren't around anymore?

2011-08-23, 08:36 PM
Thank you, Madam Maura. Once again, you have been a great help. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to attend to this young sir over here.

With a bow, Mr. Farnsworth moves over to Felix, making sure that the strike that knocked him out didn't do any more damage than what has already been done.

Jeeves, who had been very quiet with fear, let's out with a relieved "Pip-pip!" as his master moves over to care for Felix.

Whilst checking out on Felix's vitals, Mr. Farnsworth addresses Kaye's question.
I have not the foggiest, young sir. I suggest we continue to set our base of operations here and then explore more of the town.

Realizing he hadn't caught anyone's names from earlier, he asks:
I apologize, but I did not catch any of your names earlier. I don't mind addressing you all as sir and madam, but I would enjoy knowing your names.

2011-08-27, 08:26 AM
Ah, I am Maya.

Maya... waits to be released or is released. When released she moves to carefully check on Opal.

2011-08-27, 12:06 PM
For those that don't remember or didn't hear me the first time, my name is Kaye. My and Tarantulas are going to go look around outside, if anyone wants to come with. Maybe some of you others can check the rest of the house. Farnsworth and I found a kitchen back there while you guys were busy getting jumped by that creep and his Oddish. Try not to get into too much trouble while we are gone.

Kaye turns and begins to walk towards the front door.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-27, 09:45 PM
Mr. Farnsworth brings Felix back to the world of the conscious, and sees that nothing but Felix' pride was hurt by the strike. He proceeds to release all those that were still in bounds.

Maya checks Opal. It is unconscious, but otherwise unhurt. The man obviously didn't want to kill the Pokemon, most likely because he intended to keep it for himself.

Kaye goes outside, but it is getting dark, and the city has been more or less checked already. Will he stay outside and check further, or will he go back inside?

Maura stays in the room, watching the group curiously, while cuffing the criminal.

2011-08-29, 12:47 PM
Thank you for your names. I appreciate it very much.

Mr. Farnsworth then addresses Felix after he has regained consciousness.

Young sir, you are, for the most part, unharmed. I apologize deeply that I was in the other room at the time of this incident. I will be much more careful next time.

After talking with Felix, Mr. Farnsworth then walks over to Maura to ask her about what she said earlier.

Madam Maura, you said that there weren't any hostile presences in the house. Does that mean that there is no one else here besides us? Or are there presences here that are neutral and/or helpful?

2011-08-29, 06:43 PM
Felix groans as he regains conciousness. Remind me to never fall asleep without someone on watch ever again. Where did that guy ever... Wait, who's she?! Whats going on!?

2011-08-31, 12:05 PM
Kaye comes back inside after finding the rest of the town is just as vacant as it was when they came in. He goes back inside and finds not much had changed there either. The group still seems to be in shock from being held at gunpoint.

That man came from upstairs right? Perhaps we should go up there and check it out. Farnsworth and I never made it up there when we were looking around before.

He starts moving to go up the stairs.

Leahn Novash
2011-08-31, 06:23 PM
Maura smiles, "Indeed, there are other presences nearby. Let me guide you to them."

You blink, and then you find yourself in a room with metal walls, blinking lights and mainframes scattered here and there. You're obviously in some scientist's lab.

Maura smiles again and says, "Now I must attend to my duties." And disappears.

2011-09-04, 05:28 PM
Maya looks about with puzzlement, quickly reaching to check if Opal is still in the same position relative to her.

2011-09-07, 10:15 PM
Well, this is most curious.

Mr. Farnsworth walks around a bit, looking at the mainframes. Jeeves mimics his trainer's actions, looking for anything more out of the ordinary. While the pair looks around, Mr. Farnsworth calls out to see if anyone else is nearby.

Hello? Is there anyone else here?

2011-09-07, 11:32 PM
This house is just full of surprises apparently. Oh well, lets see whats in here... Taranchulas! Go out and scout the lab while I gather the others, let me know if you find anything interesting, and don't hesitate to use your webs on anything that looks like its going to be a hassle.

Tiktiktik... chirps the spider like pokemon and it scurries off to the rest of the lab.

Leahn Novash
2011-09-08, 09:23 PM
A female voice approaches, "I would humbly request that you do not battle close to such sensitive equipment. It contains unvaluable research that cannot be easily replaced, if at all."

A woman steps out of the shadows. She is of average height, has a short brown hair, and wears a dirty green-white bandanna on her forehead and a white labcoat. "Besides, you are seriously outgunned here. I am Professor Birch."

A team of seven Pokemon appear behind her, which you cannot promptly recognize as they remain in the shadows.

2011-09-08, 09:30 PM
Ah someone is in here. Don't worry none of us are looking for a fight.

Tarantulas to me.

My name is Kaye. Myself and the others with me came here by request of someone looking for trainers. Would that be you?

2011-09-09, 01:14 PM
The sudden emergence of Prof. Birch startles Jeeves, ever present on Mr. Farnsworth's shoulder, and he nearly falls off. Luckily, he catches himself in time, composing himself enough to let out a calm, "Pip."

However, Mr. Farnsworth himself does not appear to be phased at all by such a sudden emergence. Looking up from a mainframe he was inspecting, he gives a low bow in the direction of Prof. Birch.

Greetings and salutations, Prof. Birch. I am Francois Farnsworth, but please call me Mr. Farnsworth. I assume you are the one who summoned us via Delibird?

Leahn Novash
2011-09-11, 02:38 AM
Professor May Birch smiles and says, "That would be correct. I sent dozens of Delibirds with letters across the whole continent, looking for someone, anyone that could help me help us all. People have long given up fighting the two legendary Pokemon that are rampaging but I possess a valuable piece of information that assures me that the fight is not lost. I possess a video, with Rayquaza's last words."

She beckons for you all to follow her to a monitor, where she plays a video with the last moments before Groudon and Kyogre took Rayquaza's life. Obviously, you do not understand what it is saying as you do not speak its language.

"This video went unnoticed for a long time since humans do not speak the language of Pokemon. It all changed when Maura's Alakazam saw it. After all, Alakazam speak every language that is spoken. With their IQ of five thousand, and telepathic capabilities, they can learn a new language in a matter of seconds. Together, we created an universal translator that allows us to subtitle the video."

She presses a button and replays the last scene. A subtitle appears, "You may have defeated me, but my son will defeat both of you. Just you wait."

2011-09-11, 05:14 PM
So Rayquaza...has a son?

I didn't think any of the Legendary pokemon could breed? How is it Rayquaza has a son? It must be some legendary pokemon that hasn't been discovered yet and one that can defeat Groudon and Kyogre too.

Impressive Work Professor. If you seek help in uncovering this son of Rayquaza, I will help you. This could be the one thing that could help us restore balance to this world. Me and my pokemon will do whatever it takes to set this world right again.

Leahn Novash
2011-09-12, 08:40 PM
The Professor chuckles, "This is a common misconception among trainers. I do not fault you for not knowing this, as it has been recent news just before... well... all this happened. It is not true that Legendary Pokemon cannot reproduce. They just cannot reproduce in captivity, that is, they cannot be bred. So, there is either a lost egg or a lost baby of Rayquaza somewhere, and therein lies our hope."

2011-09-12, 11:42 PM
What use can we be?

2011-09-13, 12:51 PM
Professor Birch, Jeeves and I are at your service, as well. What would you have us do?

Leahn Novash
2011-09-13, 05:58 PM
"We need to find it, of course. One of you must train it, and prepare it for the battle with the two roaming Pokemon."

2011-09-13, 07:33 PM
Train...the son of Rayquaza...

We are going to need to get a lot stronger before that happens. None of us have more than one pokemon with us. But we can train as we travel. Where should we head first to find it?

2011-09-13, 10:57 PM
Ah, but of course. I echo the young sir's inquiry, though I do have one of my own. Do you happen to have any other information that would be useful, such as any leads on the location of the son of Rayquaza?

Leahn Novash
2011-09-16, 05:34 PM
The professor answers, sad, "I don't have any leads, unfortunately. I guess we will have to... search the whole world for it. I do have an idea, though. If we could recruit what is left of the Pokemon League to help... we would do it much faster. The gyms are still working, somewhat."

2011-09-19, 08:15 PM
Stroking his chin, Mr. Farnsworth continues his inquiry (Jeeves imitates his trainer's movement):

Professor Birch, who of the league is left? Which gym is closest?

Leahn Novash
2011-09-21, 06:11 PM
The Professor continues, "I believe that all the gyms are still operational, although they mostly work in protecting the general vicinity of the cities they operate in. They're like a defense force now. I am almost sure that even the Elite Four is still operational in some form or another, although I have no idea of its present formation."

2011-09-21, 09:20 PM
Then it appears that we should head to the nearest gym to find out what we can.

Mr. Farnsworth and Jeeves give the professor a low, gracious bow.

I am glad that we were finally able to meet, Professor Birch. I do hope we are able to find the son of Rayquaza and restore our world back to the proper way of things. If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to ask.

Leahn Novash
2011-09-24, 05:07 AM
Professor replies, "The closest gym is Petalburg city's. It is a one day walk to Oldale Town using Route 101, and then one more day to Petalburg using Route 102. You will need supplies. Anything I can help with?"

2011-09-24, 03:56 PM
Then we will go to Oldale and then to Petalburg to see what the condition of the gym is. I suppose some healing items for our pokemon would be helpful. Maybe some pokeballs, if you even still have any.

2011-09-27, 12:34 PM
I concur! Healing items and pokeballs would be most useful. Perhaps some trail rations, if you can spare some?

Leahn Novash
2011-09-27, 06:25 PM
The Professor replies, sadly, "Pokeballs no longer work, unfortunately. The whole computer system that supported them is no longer functional. There would be no place for you to send your Pokemon to, once captured. But I can spare some healing items."

The Professor gives to each of you a set with 5 Oran Berries, 5 Sitrus Berries, and 2 Potions.

"Please, be careful on your way to Oldale. Those bandits that you met upstairs have been roaming around trying to find my laboratory for a long time."

2011-09-27, 09:29 PM
That is regrettable, yet understandable with the times the way they are. Thank you for the supplies, Professor Birch.

Mr. Farnsworth bows, and remembers that he still has the shotgun from the bandit upstairs.

I do have one more request. Do you have any more shotgun shells? We can use our pokemon, as well as this...

Mr. Farnsworth references the shotgun with a wide gesture.

...to keep said ruffians away.

Leahn Novash
2011-10-04, 06:00 PM
The Professor says, pointing to her Pokemon, "Do you think that I need weapons here?" She pauses for a moment, "Well, I haven't really left the lab in years. I am not sure how the situation is outside. I get some bits and pieces of information from those that visit me, but you're very much on your own out there."

After reflecting for a moment, she says, "It is getting late now. You all should prepare yourself, get some sleep, and leave on the first light tomorrow. It is gonna be a long trip."

2011-10-04, 06:05 PM
Thank you Professor. Do you have a place we can stay near?

Maya accepts the healing items, looking to her sleeping Vulpix, and decides rest is likely the best medicine for her right now.

2011-10-06, 09:43 AM
We probably could use some decent rest, its been a long day. Tomorrow our search for Rayquaza's son begins.

Leahn Novash
2011-10-09, 04:22 AM
The night comes and the night goes, and after it comes the morning. It is 5 AM, and the Professor wakes you all up in the first light. What are you gonna do now?