View Full Version : How do you refluff Stygian Ward?

Tenno Seremel
2011-07-29, 07:19 PM
As Stygian powers makes no sense whatsoever for psionic characters, how would you refluff Stygian Ward (aka Death Ward)? Possibly with a name change. I've managed to change Mend Wounds (more like Heal) to something else, but that's about it.

Reconstruct body
Metacreativity (Creation)
Level: Shaper 6
Display: Visual
Manifesting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature or dead body touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None (harmless, object)
Power resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

You heal target creature of up to 100 points of damage and it is also cured of sickened, nauseated, blinded, and deafened conditions. Target's lost body parts are also restored even if it is dead (although this power will not resurrect it). This power does not use positive energy and will heal any creature regardless of its type.


For every additional power point spend you heal additional 10 points of damage (maximum 250 points).
If you spend 4 additional power points you can affect any number of creatures within 20 ft. of you.