View Full Version : Awaken Sand

2011-07-29, 09:14 PM
Ok, so, I'm planning to use "Awaken Sand" later in my chameleon's career and want to know a few things about how the resulting sand construct will work. I'm makin' him out of black sand, of course (they put those two spells on the same page and everything, they must want you to do this)

so, it gets all the mental abilities, 3d6, it can engulf. it gets the stats of a huge animated object. but, does it have the trample ability? I know that the animated object needs a hardness of 10 or more to use it, but I can't find the hardness of sand anywhere in my darn splatbooks. does anybody know what it i or what book it's in? I can't even seem to find it in sandstorm. does hardness function like DR for an animated object? I know that's how it works on regular objects. does the same hold true once you animate them?