View Full Version : Playing kids

2011-07-30, 07:20 AM
In PF it is possible, you take the Young template.
In 3.X I don't know, maybe homebrew or refluffed halfling. :smallwink:
Anyone played with PCs as kids? :smalltongue:
How could such a game look like?
What "explanation" did you/would you think of for such a young adventurer to have class levels? Prodigy? Forced to fight for survival and fend for himself from an early age? Or maybe he comes from a society that is considered "adult" much earlier then in standard societies (like a tribe of barbarians or something)?

2011-07-30, 07:25 AM
The youngest character I've had was 14. He was a gypsy witch that traveled around and told fortunes until he got wrapped up into an adventure,

Pretty fun character and the other PCs are generally protective of him since he has a strength of 7 and once called for a "time out" in combat and ran across the field of battle to retrieve the spear he'd thrown. Of course later he sleep hexed the goblin king and straight murdered him with a CDG... surprisingly the other PCs are STILL protective of him.

2011-07-30, 08:29 AM
I haven't played kids, but I had idea for Star Wars d20-game, where players would have started as youngsters. There is even rules for making child-characters. (Child -age 1-11 for humans- gets -3 to str, and con, and -1 to dex, wis, int and cha, as young adult - age 12-15 - gets only -1 to all abilities.)

2011-07-30, 09:26 AM
I had an idea for a child Summoner. She was a 'sorcerer' that was protected by some wierd otherworldly creature that just appeared when she was in danger.

When she asked him his name she heard him say 'Eidolon' in her head, so now she just calls him Eidy.

Should really get around to playing that character one day.

2011-07-30, 09:35 AM
I've played a few children as PCs, actually. The youngest was 7. It was a bit difficult to tie in to the campaign, as the other PCs were always trying to ditch her. After all, an adventure is no place for a little girl.

She was a rogue. She'd pop up randomly in dungeons, during combat, and RP moments. Afterwards, if the other players looked like they were going to try and send her back home, she'd sneak away into the shadows with her maxed out Hide checks. She'd sneakily follow the party until she grew bored, or saw another opportunity to appear.

I think children can have definite motivations to adventure - maybe even more so than adults. Who wants to live in an orphanage, or on the streets, when you can explore the world AND make a tidy profit from it.

2011-07-30, 09:40 AM
I had a halfling adult whose backstory was they were a reincarnated child. In fact, they were a toddler when they died. They were a sorcerer focusing on charm and compulsion affects; they wanted everyone to be their friend.
Yeah, it was a little messed up.
As for a whole campaign of children, I had a similar idea. As for class levels, they would have an apprentice level, basically one half of some variant rules in 3.0 to allow a multiclassed character at level 1. Their first level up would be to full level 1.

2011-07-30, 10:49 AM
In PF it is possible, you take the Young template.
In 3.X I don't know, maybe homebrew or refluffed halfling. :smallwink:
Anyone played with PCs as kids? :smalltongue:
How could such a game look like?
What "explanation" did you/would you think of for such a young adventurer to have class levels? Prodigy? Forced to fight for survival and fend for himself from an early age? Or maybe he comes from a society that is considered "adult" much earlier then in standard societies (like a tribe of barbarians or something)?

I think the youngest PC I've seen was 15. He was a cute kid.
Hmm...just go watch some cartoons or anime. You're sure to find tons of "child prodigy" heroes and villains.

2011-07-30, 11:00 AM
Most of the casters can be easily played as kids, really, what with all the 8 Str and 14 Dex stuff going on.

2011-07-30, 12:00 PM
Pretty fun character and the other PCs are generally protective of him since he has a strength of 7 and once called for a "time out" in combat and ran across the field of battle to retrieve the spear he'd thrown.

I had an idea for a child Summoner. She was a 'sorcerer' that was protected by some wierd otherworldly creature that just appeared when she was in danger.

When she asked him his name she heard him say 'Eidolon' in her head, so now she just calls him Eidy.

I really like both of these :smallsmile:

I'd love to play either a child Wilder (you do NOT want him to throw a tantrum) or a child genius Artificer (who just can't understand WHY the other party members don't understand flux polarity, mystic capacitance, and magical items/traps.)

2011-07-30, 07:41 PM
IIRC star wars saga has an option for a younger character that gives -1 to all stats.

2011-07-30, 08:37 PM
I had wanted to do this, but the 3.x (3.0 or 3.5) rules for creating a child stated that they gained no XP until they took their first PC level at age X, so my GM wouldn't allow it.

ION: Have you seen my bear Tibbers?http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y7_IzHa9aLk/TdWFWN0Ev-I/AAAAAAAAAio/plIAWk_q-D8/s1600/Annie_RedRidingSkin_Ch.jpg

2011-07-30, 10:22 PM
I used to play as children every now and then, but never in d&d. Just freeform. Although, there are a few classes that children can have multiple levels in without stretching the imagination. Warlocks, Sorcerers, Wilders, and other classes that get their abilities from innate talent, for example. Binders too, even, depending on your interpretation of "pact magic is easy."

Actually, the idea of child Paladins could make an interesting campaign, Last Airbender-style. The world is so dark and hopeless that Pelor is making 9 year olds into soldiers.

2011-07-30, 11:35 PM
12 year old Dread Necromancer. His powers sorta came from being possesed by a real Necromancer, so I'm not sure if that fully counts.

2011-07-30, 11:41 PM
12 year old female Lawful Neutral Paladin (small size) that was raised in the extreme militant wing of The Church.

The campaign was heavily inspired by video games (Legend of Zelda mostly) and she was the least strange of the group. Also wielded a Medium sized Masterwork Blue Ice Greatsword and had the highest kill count in the party.

2011-07-31, 12:18 AM
12 year old female Lawful Neutral Paladin (small size) that was raised in the extreme militant wing of The Church.

The campaign was heavily inspired by video games (Legend of Zelda mostly) and she was the least strange of the group. Also wielded a Medium sized Masterwork Blue Ice Greatsword and had the highest kill count in the party.

Lol, if these two went to school together, there'd probably be nothing left of the school. I'd seriously pity the teachers. Yes, even the gym teachers.

Incidentally, ALSO Lawful Neutral.

2011-07-31, 12:31 AM
I've played with a Dragonborn Minotaur who 'thought' he was 7. But other than that the youngest Pc I have encountered has been a 15 year old Paladin who just happened to get seduced by all the women, but was so naive that he thought they were all just so 'nice'.

2011-07-31, 12:34 AM
Lol, if these two went to school together, there'd probably be nothing left of the school. I'd seriously pity the teachers. Yes, even the gym teachers.

Incidentally, ALSO Lawful Neutral.

For most of the campaign actually, I played her pretty well. She didn't really care about good or evil, just upholding the law (she shifted to Lawful Good in the epilogue after encountering an alternate, more radical version of her church). Heck, she ran down (thanks to the DM giving up x/day spells, of which I picked Haste) and executed a previous party member (awakened bear rogue that had a "thing" for halflings). She got a nice cloak out of it as well =3

Othniel Edden
2011-07-31, 12:48 AM
We're playing in a shining force 2 campaign now, where our character's started out as teens. Of course the drow was still like 200 something years old...

2011-07-31, 01:00 AM
I had wanted to do this, but the 3.x (3.0 or 3.5) rules for creating a child stated that they gained no XP until they took their first PC level at age X, so my GM wouldn't allow it.

ION: Have you seen my bear Tibbers?http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y7_IzHa9aLk/TdWFWN0Ev-I/AAAAAAAAAio/plIAWk_q-D8/s1600/Annie_RedRidingSkin_Ch.jpg

Nah, the Hood I know would never cozy up to a creature like that:


Anyway, if you really want to play a child without worrying about mechanics, Warforged are pretty good candidates.

2011-07-31, 03:35 AM
ION: Have you seen my bear Tibbers?http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y7_IzHa9aLk/TdWFWN0Ev-I/AAAAAAAAAio/plIAWk_q-D8/s1600/Annie_RedRidingSkin_Ch.jpg


2011-07-31, 04:06 AM
Reminds me of the Erfworld Cloth Golems, only eviler and on fire for some reason.

2011-07-31, 04:21 AM
It's a demonic bear that's bound into the shape of a teddy bear, but she releases it for combat. She talks to it even outside of combat, which makes people think she's kooky, but they change their minds when a giant flaming demon bear bears down on them.

2011-07-31, 04:48 AM
It's a demonic bear that's bound into the shape of a teddy bear, but she releases it for combat. She talks to it even outside of combat, which makes people think she's kooky, but they change their minds when a giant flaming demon bear bears down on them.

That is exactly what was running through my head. At night she sits him on her lap around the campfire and feeds him while talking about how he needs a wash and then starts to comb his fur.

When people look at her funny she holds him out and asks "Do you want to hug Mr Snuggles?", but having seen what 'Mr Snuggles' can do most people respectfully decline.

Morph Bark
2011-07-31, 06:00 AM
Most of the casters can be easily played as kids, really, what with all the 8 Str and 14 Dex stuff going on.

Does PF's child template give them +4 Dex or something? :smallconfused: That's quite a big bonus for just being a child...

So far I've used what I think comes from d20 Modern, children are basically the same as adults in most aspects, but have -3 Str/Con and -1 Dex/Int/Wis/Cha.

2011-07-31, 06:58 AM
I think it reduces every other Ability though.

2011-07-31, 07:02 AM
Not every other ability, just Con and Strength (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/simple-template-young-cr-1) by four.

Morph Bark
2011-07-31, 07:10 AM
Not every other ability, just Con and Strength (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/simple-template-young-cr-1) by four.

Oh dear lord, now I will beware Halfling child snipers so dearly.

2011-07-31, 08:08 AM
Let's hope this is not just another alcohol-induced psychosis on my part, but just so I'm reading that right; You reduce your size by 1 (Medium to Small, Small to Tiny, etc) and gain all the bonuses and penalties from that, get a -2 reduction to your natural AC, all attacks have their damage dice reduced by 1.

On top of this, just so I get this right, you take a permanent flat -4 Str and -4 Con, and get a Size bonus of +4 Dex.

Note that the -4 Str and -4 Con is not Size penalties.

Or am I reading this all wrong?

Apart from roleplaying, this is positively horrible! :smallconfused:

2011-07-31, 08:14 AM
Apart from roleplaying, this is positively horrible! :smallconfused:

It's -1 LA... I think (I'm not familiar with PF, but I'm assuming it's close enough to 3.5)? Combine it with another +1 template/race for no LA and +8 Dex.

2011-07-31, 08:29 AM
Well, you are children. Of course you are not going to be uber. In fact, the whole point of such a campaign is to try to survive against foes that are normally considered pushovers, a game of childhood fears and the terrors of the very small.

2011-07-31, 08:49 AM
Well, you are children. Of course you are not going to be uber. In fact, the whole point of such a campaign is to try to survive against foes that are normally considered pushovers, a game of childhood fears and the terrors of the very small.

Well, yeah, if you play a full campaign of children or such.. and again, it's a matter of roleplaying.

Morph Bark
2011-07-31, 08:52 AM
It's -1 LA... I think (I'm not familiar with PF, but I'm assuming it's close enough to 3.5)? Combine it with another +1 template/race for no LA and +8 Dex.

From what little I've read of PF either templates don't have LA and are subject to GM discretion for use by players, or their LA is always equal to their CR increase.

In that case, Bramble Child Goblin for +12 Dex?

2011-07-31, 10:13 AM
That is exactly what was running through my head. At night she sits him on her lap around the campfire and feeds him while talking about how he needs a wash and then starts to comb his fur.

When people look at her funny she holds him out and asks "Do you want to hug Mr Snuggles?", but having seen what 'Mr Snuggles' can do most people respectfully decline.

His name is Tibbers. T-I-B-B-E-R-S. http://i2.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/lens16411411_1300846523annie.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_mXNMsxVTDlY/S9h9QBQQdWI/AAAAAAAAAOA/p9hNEpI6kzk/s1600/lolanniewannaplay.jpg

And yes, she is REALLY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6ZlsvqzaJo) creepy.

2011-07-31, 10:18 AM
Well, you are children. Of course you are not going to be uber. In fact, the whole point of such a campaign is to try to survive against foes that are normally considered pushovers, a game of childhood fears and the terrors of the very small.

Not uber? Speak for yourself. Just let those grown-ups piss off my child Student Wilder.

2011-07-31, 10:20 AM
Well, you are children. Of course you are not going to be uber. In fact, the whole point of such a campaign is to try to survive against foes that are normally considered pushovers, a game of childhood fears and the terrors of the very small.

This. But it's also about overcoming those fears :3

2011-07-31, 10:28 AM
Jaela Daran (aka Loli Pope) of Eberron is an 11 year old 3rd level Cleric (18th inside Flame Keep), so there's certainly precedent for class-levelled children in canon, though I wouldn't exactly call her an adventurer.

Edit: Suppose I should note that size reductions don't necessarily need to play a part in playing a child, depending on age. (Human) Male average height today at 12 is anywhere between 4'5"-5'4" from what I can tell. That's easily medium size. Obviously kids closer to the 5-10 age-range might warrant a size category reduction, but blanket reducing it seems a bit silly. :smalltongue:

2011-07-31, 01:39 PM
His name is Tibbers. T-I-B-B-E-R-S. http://i2.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/lens16411411_1300846523annie.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_mXNMsxVTDlY/S9h9QBQQdWI/AAAAAAAAAOA/p9hNEpI6kzk/s1600/lolanniewannaplay.jpg

And yes, she is REALLY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6ZlsvqzaJo) creepy.

Bah, my character idea is called Florence and her teddy is mr Snuggles, and no amount of LoL links are going to convince me othewise!

Edit: Oh, and arn't all children creepy? *shudders*

2011-07-31, 01:43 PM
I always wanted to use the young template on demons and devils; a young Marilith or Balor makes for a fair caster at a lower CR.

2011-07-31, 02:00 PM
This. But it's also about overcoming those fears :3

Of course. That is what growing up is, among other things.
Learning that the shadow in your closet is just a shadow in the moon light, and that sometimes, sometimes, it is something more.

2011-07-31, 04:14 PM
Of course. That is what growing up is, among other things.
Learning that the shadow in your closet is just a shadow in the moon light, and that sometimes, sometimes, it is something more.

And that's when you call in Susan Sto Helit to beat down the monster with a fire poker.

*Just finished watching Hogfather*

2011-07-31, 04:41 PM
And that's when you call in Susan Sto Helit to beat down the monster with a fire poker.

*Just finished watching Hogfather*
I think her lesson was more you do it yourself after been taught by example, but basically yes. It's hard to quote as it is particularly long passage, but Deaths speech about humans been WHERE THE FALLING ANGEL MEETS THE RISING APE and little lies and big ones, is one of my favourites in the series.

2011-07-31, 04:43 PM
Relevant thread is relevant:



Not halflings foo, think young advanced goblins!

2011-08-01, 11:44 AM
I think her lesson was more you do it yourself after been taught by example, but basically yes. It's hard to quote as it is particularly long passage, but Deaths speech about humans been WHERE THE FALLING ANGEL MEETS THE RISING APE and little lies and big ones, is one of my favourites in the series.

Death: Humans need fantasy to *be* human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.
Susan: With tooth fairies? Hogfathers?
Death: Yes. As practice, you have to start out learning to believe the little lies.
Susan: So we can believe the big ones?
Death: Yes. Justice, mercy, duty. That sort of thing.
Susan: They're not the same at all.
Death: You think so? Then take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder, and sieve it through the finest sieve, and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. And yet, you try to act as if there is some ideal order in the world. As if there is some, some rightness in the universe, by which it may be judged.
Susan: But people have got to believe that, or what's the point?
Death: You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?