View Full Version : What games should Gadora try?

2011-07-30, 05:47 PM
I'm headed off to a local gaming convention in about two weeks. Back when I first started attending, I made a point of trying new games, but, since then, I've fallen into a bit off a rut; earlier this year, at the other con I attend, I spent most of my time playing Munchkin. Now I've got nothing against Munchkin, it's just that part of why I go to the two conventions is to try out games that I otherwise wouldn't get to play.1

Anywho, I was looking at the list of events (http://www.dragonflight.org/reg/Events.asp) that will be run, and, for the first time, I realized that I've got quite a few knowledgeable people here who would likely be happy to give an opinion as to what's good.

So Playground, what should I play?

1One of the other main reasons is to have scads of fun.

EDIT: I completely forgot to mention what I've already got opinions on.

Rail Baron- one of the staple games of my childhood, I am quite familiar with this game.
ZoxSo- Tried this one last year; I find that, though it's good for the genre, I don't really care for abstract strategy games.
Circus Maximus- This was the highlight of the con I hit earlier this year. I need to play more.
Any game on the list from Steve Jackson Games- With the exception of Munchkin Zombies and Car Wars, I've played it. I need to play more GURPS.
Puerto Rico- It's a good game.
WEG Star Wars- Squeeeee! Ahem. That is to say, I'm playing, if only to see if it's as good a system as I remember. I believe I've played under this GM before. If he is who I think he is, I can't much say I enjoyed that game.:smallfrown:
Dominion-Probably going to use this as a bit of filler if there are no games I'm interested in. While it's a solid game, I sort of hope I don't wind up playing. (After all, I am trying to try out new games.)
Betrayal at the House on the Hill- I love this game. I have yet to play through all the scenarios, so I think I can get away with calling it "new."
Descent: Journeys in the Dark- I don't get to play this enough, and when I do, I always get stuck as the overlord. I am going to play the heck out of this.

Huh. I could have sworn there would be more that I'd have opinions on.

2011-08-01, 12:00 PM
This is a long-ass list, by the way...


My picks:

Arkham Horror
CoC d20
CoC 6th ed.
7th Sea
Settlers of Catan
Axis & Allies

Howler Dagger
2011-08-01, 12:05 PM
i second arkham horror, it is a very fun game, though the mechanics and stuff take FOREVER to learn and get right.

2011-08-01, 08:04 PM
Firstly, thank you both for taking the time to give me some input.

This is a long-ass list, by the way...


My picks:

Arkham Horror
CoC d20
CoC 6th ed.
7th Sea
Settlers of Catan
Axis & Allies

Okay, I'll toss the Call of Cthulhu games and Seventh Sea on my "to play" list. I feel a bit like I've overplayed Catan and I own Arkham Horror,1 so they don't go on the "games to try" list.I seem to remember playing Axis & Allies once before, and it left a sour taste in my mouth, though that may have been the people I was playing with. I'll think about giving it another try.

And sorry, I completely failed to think about how long of a list I was asking people to read.:smallredface:

Also, I just realized that I should have put a list in the OP as to what I've already got opinions on. Give me a moment to edit that in.

1I love the game, but it's hardly new to me by any metric I'd consider reasonable.

2011-08-01, 11:28 PM
I've heard the LOTR LCG is interesting, you might want to check out the demo.

Smallworld is fun, lite, and wacky, if you want to check it out. Easy to learn.

If you're up for random fun, check out one of the Risus games. The system is free, six pages, and character creation is almost instant. It's a great, rules-lite "beer and pretzels" game.

2011-08-02, 06:47 AM
Smallworld is fun, lite, and wacky, if you want to check it out. Easy to learn.

If you're up for random fun, check out one of the Risus games. The system is free, six pages, and character creation is almost instant. It's a great, rules-lite "beer and pretzels" game.

RISUS is pure, unadulterated awesomesauce. Just so you know.

I've thought about trying Smallworld, but haven't found anyone who already has it, so I can't try it out before I buy it. :smallfrown:

2011-08-02, 09:51 PM
Okay, having looked at the LotR card game, I really should give this a try. Especially since it seems that they're using these mechanics for a Star Wars game next year; I really should try out the mechanics before I find it impossible to draw comparisons to SWCCG.

Risus sounds fun. If it comes down to a choice between this and the LotR game, I'll probably go with Risus.

Small World looks to be right up my alley. I'll be playing this with an eye towards picking up a copy later.