View Full Version : 10th level goblin druid

2011-07-30, 08:10 PM
WOOT! random character concept here. plus something I am totally not able to do as I have yet to play a 3rd ed druid, Ive seen one played and fell out of my chair at teh crazy power level of it all.
PS bears riding bears shooting bears is scary.

anyways, not looking for optimization just a slight build.

I want to play teh 'cliche' conniving cowardly goblin who happens to be able to wild shape into 'blah'

im thinking a black panhter for the whole sneakyness prowling around and coming into the fight after everybody is weakened, you know like how a NE goblin druid SHOULD do, in my opinion.

edit.. also I think the nature warrior prestige class would be good.

2011-07-30, 11:14 PM
In Eberron Orcs and Half-Orcs get most of the Druidy goodness. There though the conniving goblin fits, because goblins are used as slaves by the current rulers of the lands, and even those that are free are treated like second-class citizens

(so you've got the whole "Egor! Where are those parts I ordered?" *Boot* "Yeth marthter, very good marthter, comink right up marthter." *grovel* thing going on.)

Any class that gets no respect (healbot) fits that theme well. "Heal me Egor!" "Yeth marthter"

Goblins also had that 10,000 year empire that required an extra-planar invasion of aberrations to knock off. So comments along the lines of "my ancestors were building empires back when your ancestors thought the club was the best thing since sliced dirt" are in order. And on that theme a goblin archivist is a good pick (researching the past glories of the goblinoid empire and plotting the overthrow of the filthy human empire).


As for a Druid - well, Goblins have that whole wolf flavour going for them. I'd suggest running with that. Ignore all the rubbish about war dogs being fractionally more optimal, wolves fit the fluff better. And wargs, and then winter wolves... and then legendary dire wolves with big gnashing teeth. :D

2011-07-31, 09:49 AM
As for a Druid - well, Goblins have that whole wolf flavour going for them. I'd suggest running with that. Ignore all the rubbish about war dogs being fractionally more optimal, wolves fit the fluff better. And wargs, and then winter wolves... and then legendary dire wolves with big gnashing teeth. :D

Definitely wolves, though I'd say Dire Wolves come before Winter. Frozen Wild Shape from Frostburn will get you into Winter, though I'm not sure of methods of going Worg or their larger cousins, the Guulvorg (MM5).

Divide by Zero
2011-07-31, 11:10 AM
anyways, not looking for optimization just a slight build.

You're playing a druid. They get optimization as a class feature.

2011-07-31, 11:20 AM
You're playing a druid. They get optimization as a class feature.

