View Full Version : Magical enforcement of a contract

2011-07-31, 03:49 AM
I need to magically enforce a contract between my players and some NPCs. Assume the NPCs can readily afford to get any spell/power to do this. How can I enforce the lot of them, which includes undead?

2011-07-31, 04:11 AM
Could simply make up a spell similar to Geas. Have them be CL way above any of them. Sure it says living only, are are you making no exceptions?

Or take a line from the paladins in azure city and mark of justice?

2011-07-31, 05:08 AM
have a lawyer(devil) make the deal in infernal, with aforementioned punishment, to be carried out by said lawyer(devil), also lots of fine print :smallsmile:

2011-07-31, 05:43 AM
Make your own magical contract...
I made on in one of my games...

Do what the deal was or you get blind, mute, deaf and leave a readable aura that you didnt do your part of a deal enforced with this contract.

Beeing curable or not would need some high level spell but the guy that cure would most likelly see and read the aura.

There is and will always be a way around but that kind of stuff is the best i could think unless calling for inferiors planes entities.

Smith, John
2011-07-31, 05:50 AM
Advanced 39 HD version if needed. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/inevitable.htm#kolyarut)

2011-07-31, 06:11 AM
I'm trying to avoid rule 0, as I like to give them some wiggle room which isn't possible if I just make it out of nothing. However stuff like geas won't work on the bloody fools.

Mark of justice is probably exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks, forgot about that spell. <3

OOooo a kolyarut...and they do mark of justice. That would fit the outsider binding them exactly. Brilliant!

2011-07-31, 05:54 PM
I believe there is a magic item which does just that (can't remember where it's from, though). It looks like a scroll and one party writes terms of contract on it. Once they're done, both parties sign it. This way, the PC group can also make some demands (if they deserve it). Those who don't fulfil their part of the contract are instantly slain (not sure if it's permanent, but could be that only Resurrect or True Resurrect can bring them back). It's believed to be of Infernal origin, but it's actually strongly Lawful Neutral aligned.

2011-07-31, 09:42 PM
I believe there is a magic item which does just that (can't remember where it's from, though). It looks like a scroll and one party writes terms of contract on it. Once they're done, both parties sign it. This way, the PC group can also make some demands (if they deserve it). Those who don't fulfil their part of the contract are instantly slain (not sure if it's permanent, but could be that only Resurrect or True Resurrect can bring them back). It's believed to be of Infernal origin, but it's actually strongly Lawful Neutral aligned.

contract of nephblahblahblah or something like that, CArc, yes.

mark of justice works nicely, too.

2011-07-31, 09:58 PM
Too bad that they are immune to Gaes. There was a scroll in a Dungeon adventure many years back which was a contract that if the players sign voluntarily bypasses any of their defenses. I don't know how they got immunity to Gaes but you could make the contract a lesser artifact that does the same trick.

I'd do what happens in real life. If they don't deliver on their side come after them within the full extent of their abilities.

2011-07-31, 10:02 PM
Contract of Nepthas I think it's called.

2011-07-31, 10:18 PM
Have it notarized by an inevitable, one advanced far beyond their ability to fight. They're not magically compelled to comply, but if they don't it will hunt them down forever, and even if they kill it more and stronger will take up its task.

2011-07-31, 10:35 PM
You can also have failure to keep the deal inform all who interact with the party that they broke the law/have bad credit (i.e. they're only buying things for much higher prices and/or are wanted criminals, with all associated stigma). Inevitables rule, and are appropriate for this sort of thing. An effect on their copy equivalent to that of a phylactery of faithfulness might come in handy; an item which informs the party if their actions are going to violate the terms of the contract.

2011-07-31, 11:49 PM
Level 9 party, and I had 2 Kolyarut witness and do a mark of justice on the whole party (they each have 3/day).

Geas, Lesser

School enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependent, mind-affecting]

That is why some are immune. Undead care not for silly Geas.