View Full Version : Age of Magic! (IC)

2011-07-31, 04:31 PM
The world before you is young, under-developed, a blank-slate ready to be drawn upon.

And so it begins. The entire universe is your to command as you please, to shape to your desires. The world, a utopia of luscious forest, mighty mountains, powerful seas, and deadly tundras awaits. You are a being of immense magical strength, your very willpower shapes the world before you. Civilization is yours to create, legends are yours to become, and the very laws of the universe are yours to write!


Now we begin the game! Since this is a pretty open-ended sandbox sort of game, (a "God Game" if you will), I intend to allow you the players the most prominent amount of freedom.

Begin by describing to me the land you inhabit, these can be either realistic or surreal, it's up to you. For simplicity of play, the entire universe is modeled after our own, and the world, at least at the start of play, should apply to the existing laws of physics. You are free to change any of this of course, later in the game.

You are free to take any actions per turn that you can, remember however that the more you attempt, the more dangerous it becomes. Also keep in mind to watch your repitoire of spells, and indeed to expand on it.

And with all of that out of the way, good luck, have fun, and... "Let there be light"

2011-08-01, 06:04 PM
The crystal clear night sky sprawls itself out above the ice cold northern tundras. Only the wisps of cool wind sending small crystals of powdery snow through the air obscures the beautiful view of the constellations above. And yet, the only witnesses to the splendour of the stars is a pack of wolves trodding across the tundra, a family of mice hidden in their dens upon the frozen ground and the chilling wind itself.

On this cool midsummer midnight, the stars upon the sky in the Summer Triangle suddenly flare to life, and wisps of blue-white flames flare from the sky to the ground. At the centre of this cosmical fire, a strange being materializes before the flames disperse, leaving the ground unscorched, untouched even, by this magical display.

Slowly, Deneb stands up and carefully takes a few steps forward, getting a feel of her new body. She gazes upon the pack of wolves who are eyeing her warily, before she suddenly flies up into the night sky. Like a shooting star, her white body travels across the sky, scouting out a suitable location where she shall begin the construction of her celestial globe. An icy globe in which every star and every celestial leyline would be categorically measured, copied and studied, so that she once more could call upon the power of the stars she held in her hands before she chose to enter this frail, physical form.

2011-08-01, 07:43 PM
The light of the shifting stars glitters against the rocky hide of night-black Kalys as her sinuous form snakes into the rain-shadow of an equatorial mountain. She settles on the rocky plateau, decorated with sparse and thorny vegetation, and cuts a shallow mark in the rock with her beak. A mile south, turn and once more, until the cuts form a hexagon about one central mark; and then await dawn.

With the glimmer of the sun's much closer light she cuts the first seed from her scales, planting the cluster of black crystal at the central point. Three swift cuts of her sharp beak and it was seven, only the central piece destined to remain. Each other she planted at each vertex of the hexagon, the easternmost one first, ready to gather the bright heat of the tropical sun.