View Full Version : Age of Worms IC

2011-07-31, 05:57 PM
All of you have for some reason or another, ended up in a backwater town called Diamond Lake, looking for work and luckily for you someone was hiring. Individually everyone has been hired to escort several workers who have been comissioned to mend an old, abandoned mining office. Additionally it is believed that some squatters may have taken up residence in the buildiing (you're expected to deal with them too).

After a relatively easy 4 hour walk, you finally reach the building which is just off the main road and looking in a sorry state of affairs even from a disance. You can see from 200ft off that most of the low wall surrounding the overgrown yard in in ruins, and some of the roof has caved in.

The foreman (a man called Bran Thatcher), calls the party to stop 200ft from the cabin.

He then gathers you and the 4 other people and says helpfully

"That's the house, get on with it"

What do you do? :smallsmile:

big teej
2011-07-31, 07:10 PM
what a dump. Blane observes blandly.

turning to the foreman, he says you'll see a triangle of blue lights as the signal for "all clear"

2011-07-31, 09:30 PM
"And if you see red lights, then one of us is dying, just in case." Motobu said nervously. "I suppose I'll go scout, in case there's something unpleasant waiting for us at the entrance. See you in a bit."

Motobu crept off silently towards the wall, moving from bush to bush to avoid being seen, alert for anyone or anything that might happen to be there.

Hide check: [roll0]
Move silently check: [roll1]
Listen check: [roll2]
Spot check: [[roll3]

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-01, 09:54 AM
Vinnik watched Motobu creep away, then scanned the area around the house, looking for potential enemies.

Invest 2 points of essentia into Wormtail Belt. AC is now 18 and flat-footed is 17.

Spot: [roll0]

2011-08-02, 05:51 AM
Neither of you hear or see anything, as Motobu approaches silently and unseen.

Motobu only
When you reach the wall you smell the faint, but unmistakeable smell of carrion.

2011-08-02, 05:36 PM
Motobu moves 20 feet away from the front of the house and motions for the rest of the group to come join him.

"There's nothing out here." He whispers when they get there. "But something's died inside the house, and I'm willing to bet that whatever killed it is still there. Get ready for a fight."

big teej
2011-08-02, 06:14 PM
oh how wonderful.... fisticuffs.

blane readies a spell.
(magic missle)

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-02, 08:49 PM
Vinnik bares his teeth and prepares to charge as soon as he sees an enemy.

Invest 1 point of essentia in Cobalt Charge and 1 point in Dread Carapace. AC is back to normal. Ready an action to charge if an enemy exits the house.

2011-08-04, 09:34 PM
Crizo looks around at his fellow traveling companions that were hired to do the "dirty work" of this expedition, then speaks out loud: A fight it's going to be eh? Well, I guess it's time I get some practice in using my powers, having had much call for that in recent times. Before we go just charging in there, let me try to spook them out of there first, With that, Crizo looks around the ground for a decent sized rock, then uses the power of his mind to lift it up, and sends it careening through the nearest window. He moves closer to the house in order to maintain control over it, as he commands it to zip back and forth inside, even causing it to bang raucously on the Window and door frame.

big teej
2011-08-04, 10:13 PM
I like the way you think Crizo Blane observes, maintaining his spell.

2011-08-05, 06:14 AM
After you bash the windowframe with a rock, there's a momentary pause, then a shambling figure bursts out of the door.

Rolling initiative (although people can do their readied actions first)
Blane [roll0]
Vinnik [roll1]
Crizo [roll2]
Motobu [roll3]
shambling figure [roll4]

Oh and I've just noticed you've forgotten to do skills big teej

big teej
2011-08-05, 06:24 AM
not wishing to waste a spell on an invalid target, Blane holds his action until he can identify the creature.

ooc: blane moes 10 feet back from the creature, maintaing his hold on the spell, and delaying his action until it proves hostile.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-05, 08:59 AM
Because the figure does not appear to be capable of fighting, Vinnik decides to wait and see how it acts before he attacks.

ooc: change the condition of my readied charge to if the figure makes a hostile action (attacks, casts a spell, etc.)

2011-08-05, 02:19 PM
I'm not going to give this guy a chance to hurt us if he has ill intentions, time to fire a warning shot! Crizo says to his companions. Then, he shouts to the figure as it gets closer to him I suggest you stop moving closer to us, or we will be forced to do you serious bodily harm. For now, I'm firing what I consider a warning shot. It will sting, but not seriously hurt you. If you co-operate wit h us, one of us will heal you afterwards.

Activating Finger of Fire: [roll0] It allows for Power resistance, DC = [roll1] for half damage. Thus far I've manifested a level 0 power twice, thus I've not expended a power point yet(I get level + 3 free level 0 powers)

2011-08-06, 10:34 AM
Motobu prepares to interpose himself between the creature and any of his more vunerable allies, should it choose to attack them.

OOC: I ready an action to get between the thing and anyone it moves towards or attacks other than Vinnik. (since he's the only one with more hp than me.)

2011-08-06, 10:45 AM
You hit it with the bolt of fire but the figure doesn't appear to notice and continues to shamble towards you.

spot checks for people
blane [roll0]
Vinnik [roll1]
Crizo [roll2]
Motobu [roll3]

As he approaches, its clear to both Motobu and Vinnik that somethings wrong with him. He appears to have several lacerations through the leather armour he's wearing and half of his face is missing as if torn off. His remaining eye appear glazed and he emits a low hardly audible moan as he nears.

(he spends his turn moving closer)

2011-08-06, 12:00 PM
Motobu gasps in realization. "It's undead! Don't hold back! " He warns his friends.

big teej
2011-08-06, 05:54 PM
disgusting things... Blane mutters and points his finger at the shambling creature, releasing his missle

a bolt of energy leaps forth from his outstretched finger, taking the shape of a grinning skull before colliding with the undead thing.

magic missile - auto-hit
damage - [roll0]

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-06, 07:45 PM
Vinnik growls and charges at the creature, slashing at it with his arm spines.

Charge attack (assuming it was far enough away).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
After my attack, swift action to shift 1 essentia from Dread Carapace to Wormtail Belt. AC is 17.

2011-08-09, 08:07 AM
The missile hits the zombie dead in the chest, making it stagger backwards, before Vinnik barrels into it and rips it apart. (Its dead dead now)

what do people want to do?

2011-08-09, 02:30 PM
Well, now that we've taken care of that nasty undead creature, I think it's time for us to investigate inside that ruin. We should proceed with the utmost caution however, in case another one is lurking inside that wasn't attracted by my flying rock display.

2011-08-09, 04:08 PM
"I'll go in first to scout again." Said Motobu, before walking quietly towards the house. As he was about to open the door, he hesitated, thought better of it, and peered inside each of the three windows at the front of the house first.

Listen check:
Spot check to look through the windows (Tell me if you want one for each window)
Hide check so I'm not seen by whatever's inside:
Move silently check:

big teej
2011-08-09, 09:04 PM
digusting creatures Blane mutters again, idly prodding at the re-deadified corpse with his morningstar

2011-08-10, 08:05 AM
Inside the house you can see what looks like several dead bodies strewn across the ground. None of them are moving.

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-11, 02:14 PM
Vinnik draws his longspear and enters the house. He stops 10 feet from the nearest body and jabs it lightly with his spear, ready to strike it harder if it moves.

OOC: ready an action to attack the body if it performs any actions (is not dead)

2011-08-12, 06:35 AM
None of the three bodies move, two of them look like somethings been gnawing on them possibly whilst they were still alive. The third body looks as if its been burnt by something. You're currently in the living room area.

2011-08-12, 05:14 PM
Following the others in the house, Crizo begins to look around, hoping to find something relevant as to why the zombie was in this particular house at this particular moment.

Search Check: [roll0]

Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-15, 08:31 AM
After checking the bodies, Vinnik walks to the double doors that are across the room from entrance. He pushes the doors open and then steps back, waiting to see if an enemy appears.

OOC: open the doors to the dining room area and move 5 ft back.

big teej
2011-08-15, 08:51 AM
ooc: I may have missed this, but how are the light levels inside the house?

2011-08-15, 09:43 AM
Its fairly light, (the sun shines through the holes in the ceiling)

you're not sure why the zombie was in that room, but the zombie is dressed completely differently from the three corpses, and looks less fresh.

The door opens onto what could've once been a dining room, judging from the rotting wooden table and chairs. The room is dusty other than a single path from here to the other door on the left hand wall.


2011-08-16, 10:24 AM
Motobu walks all the way around the living room, following the walls, making sure there's nothing hostile, before following Vinnik through the double doors.

Spot check for the living room: [roll0]
Listen check for the living room: [roll1]
Move silently check for walking around: [roll2]

Spot check for the dining room: [roll3]
Listen check for the dining room: [roll4]

What does "duaty" mean? It's not on dictionary.com.

big teej
2011-08-16, 12:15 PM
Blane follows the other to further into the house, taking care to observe his surroundings.



Lv. 21 commoner
2011-08-19, 08:59 AM
Finding nothing in the dining room, Vinnik decides to keep exploring. He follows the path to the door and pushes it open.