View Full Version : 3.P Chaos Plane Touched?

2011-08-01, 08:35 AM
I've got a new game starting up soon and I wanted to play something a little different and had the though of a Chaos Plane Touched along the same line as Tiefling, Aasimar and Gensai... I faintly remember seeing them once but for the life of me I can't remember what book they were in.


2011-08-01, 08:50 AM
Well, if you take a look in the Monster Manual II, you'll find the Chaonds on page 170. Beef it up a little for Pathfinder, perhaps.

2011-08-01, 10:15 AM
Totally, Bestiary 2.*Maybe 1. Sorry I doin't know pages

2015-11-27, 10:04 AM
I wanted to play something a little different and had the thought of a Chaos Plane Touched along the same line as Tiefling, Aasimar and Gensai... Suggestions?

My favorite Chaotic planetouched are... elves. Elves were the first planetouched race, before D&D authors even started using words like "plane" or "planetouched", which is why elves have been overlooked as a planetouched race. Even real-world [Norse] mythology ties them to a chaotic fey plane called Alfheim. To give elves a more other-worldly feel, one could tweak the race, such as adding either the Chaosborne or Feytouched template (the latter of which really would just be an emphasis of their already established fey [planar] origin). To further emphasize the association between elves and Chaos, note that their primary deity and alleged creator Corellon is Chaotic and resides on the Chaotic plane of Arvandor. (4th Edition D&D explicitly ties elves to the Feywild plane.)

2015-11-27, 11:35 AM
Planer handbook has a few more planetouch races that are on the chaotic side.

2015-11-27, 12:22 PM
There are no plane touched for the chaotic, lawful and true neutral outsiders in Pathfinder. The main reason is that James Jacobs doesn't like them. He made some argument that didn't really make sense at the time, and now that there are variants tieflings and aasimars for all the fiends and celestials it makes even less sense.

The good news is that it doesn't stop you from making any. Here's what they might look like:
Abilities: +2 to a physical and mental ability, -2 to another ability.
Native outsider
Normal speed
Skilled: +2 Racial bonus on 2 skills.
Spell-like ability: 2nd level spell, once per day.
Entropic resistance: Acid resistance 5 and electricity resistance 5.
Chaos affinity: Anarchling sorcerers with the elemental (protean) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Anarchling clerics with the Chaos domain cast their Chaos domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.

All you need to do now is work out the abilities, skilled racial trait and the spell-like ability racial trait. This is pretty close to the skeleton build of the other planetouched races.

2015-11-27, 12:50 PM
There was a version in Dragon magazine, with Axemi & Cansin along with para-element Genasi, but I can't get my hands on that issue. They were pretty balanced along with the earlier planetouched races, as I recall.

2015-11-28, 04:58 AM
Check out the Ganzi on page 22 of the recently-released Distant Shores. They're not half-breeds with chaotic outsiders, but mutants born of the energy of the chaotic planes.

Stats are +2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Int. Medium size, darkvision 60', +2 sense motive and survival, resist acid, electricity, sonic 5, +2 on saves against the polymorph subschool, and they get the ever-pesky ability to force a re-roll as an immediate action once per day (will negates).