View Full Version : In need of a pun...

2011-08-01, 12:25 PM
...or any other kinds of written amusement.

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, it could be taken over to Silly Message Board Games if people want to make it more general I guess?

But basically, I'm in need of some kind of play on words. I'm the Entertainment Officer for my College, and for the upcoming Freshers' Week all the members of the JCR get hoodies with references to their position on the committee on them.

Given as how my position is abbreviated to ENTs Officer, I'd like to try and get something that ties in with my role as entertainment officer (hosting bops, organising karaoke, pub quizzes, comedy nights etc... all fall under my duties) and possibly the world of J.R.R. Tolkien if possible, due to the ents reference. But so far I'm failing.

If anyone has any ideas (anything at all, not necessarily combining the two as I hope) I'd be most appreciative.

And if anyone else is looking for something similar, by all means feel free to use this thread.

Cheers guys!

2011-08-01, 12:30 PM
I don't know about ENT puns, but I have some Tolkein puns.

In response to something LOTR related: "Now that's what I'm Tolkein about!"

Or the joke: "Why does Smeagol say 'Gollum' over and over again? It's a bad hobbit!"

Note: just make sure you pronounce it right... "Toll - keen" not "Toll - kin"

2011-08-01, 03:30 PM
I haven't fully understood the premise, but are you looking for something like:

ENTs Officer

"I led the attack on Isengard, you know."

2011-08-01, 03:49 PM
"ENTs, Saruman tested, Gandalf approved!" (Also a Kix cereal reference)

"Isengard : It's like Spring Break, only with more ENTs."

"Ain't no party like a Fangorn Party 'Cause a Fangorn Party isn't hasty"

A few tries that can serve as inspiration at least.

2011-08-01, 04:06 PM
ENT you here yet?

Fun as flooding Isengard.

I'm very ENTertaining.

Hopefully this is a treet.

Hmm..... Best I can do, pretty tired and have to go soon.

2011-08-01, 04:56 PM
Are you sure that people at your college are going to be familiar with Tolkein to this degree?

2011-08-01, 05:16 PM
"You all, as in all of you, are but a bunch of unsightly maggots, mere insects to be crushed under the boot! But fear not, you disgusting invertebrates, for the ENT-omologist is now here to save the day!" :smallfurious:


Too hardcore? Is this too hardcore? It is, isn't it? God, I suck at this job. :smallfrown: Could it be I'm sort of on a roll today? Ah, well, you found a secret.

2011-08-01, 05:53 PM
If your not stuck on Tolkien, you could print up the shirt like a starfleet uniform and have 'ENT Officer' written on it.

The Succubus
2011-08-02, 06:57 AM
ENT Officer - we have branches everywhere!

ENT Officer - Branching out to the student community.

ENT Officer - Why don't you make like a tree and leave?

Mercenary Pen
2011-08-02, 10:33 AM
ENT you having fun yet?!:smalleek:

(If at all possible, a similar smilie should be part of this)

2011-08-04, 12:54 PM
Thanks guys these are fantastic! I'll consult with some of the guys on the committee and see what seems best. Seriously, very awesome stuff!

As to fear of people not getting the Tolkien reference, I'm at a College at Cambridge Uni, in two years I think I've met about 5 people in the whole university who wouldn't get it, so will probably be fine.

Thanks again all!

2011-08-04, 12:59 PM
"You thought those puns were good? Well you ENT seen nothing yet!"


Yeah, that's really corny.