View Full Version : Pathfinder Cowboy-punk

2011-08-01, 08:15 PM
In the western city of Calrick things are normal. The new sheriff has been killed. The bandit raid ended just before lunch and picked up just after tea time. Dastardly gentlemen tie women to train tracks and the saloon girls' gun is bigger than yours. The native kobolds do their best to stop supplies in route. Millions are made with the swing of a pick ax and lost with the throw of dice. Are you ready for it partner? Cause we're here.

The caravan you had been riding with halts at the edge of the city, by their supply depot. It is fortified to a point but has seen some bad attacks recently. As the last of the covered wagons to in the doors are closed. A weathered man from the caravan comes out and thanks you for the protection along the way.

"Here's 10 gold pieces like we agreed. I don't know why you folk keep coming out here. Hell I don't know why I do either. Y'all think you can find your way from here?"

2011-08-10, 09:53 AM
Pulling the bandana covering his face from the dust thrown by the wagon train down, the elven gunslinger recheached out for the bag of coins. "Thank you kindly. Don't worry about me I can find my way around. You take care on the rest of the trail, and tell your misses thank you again for the repairs to my coat."

Flicking the reins of his horse, he nodded goodbye to the old man, and started into town. Looking for a place to water the horse and get something a little stronger for himself. He knew the party he was working with would have work to do, but no reason not to get down from the horse atleast for tonight.

2011-08-15, 05:19 PM
"Hold it Hawkins. You ain't leaving me behind. Straight man or not, I bet the first thing you're gonna do if I leave you alone is waste all your money on expensive booze." The girl's rough speech contrasted jarringly with her appearance. She was dressed in a simple leather outfit and riding boots with bracelets of woven beads and gave off the wise air of a tribesman. It was the time she had spent away from tribe that had ruined her mouth.
She paused a moment to exchange a farewell with the old man, then silently ordered her horse to trot up alongside Hawkins's. She pulled off her hat, revealing her slightly elongated ears. Closing her purple eyes, she shook out her light brown hair in much the same way a dog would shake off water.
"Why did we have to come out here again? The smell of this place is making Gaurhir uneasy."

2011-08-20, 09:31 PM
Now, now, these people need help, and you may just find your path in this place. Foreign experience is necessary for an open mind.

A fat, smiling cleric allows his horse to catch up with the rest of the group. He has few possessions save for an extra large robe, a pack stuffed to the brim with tomes, and a staff. A chain of plain silver swings low upon his chest with the imprint of a hand on it.

I'm sure this town has peoples in need of finding their path. It looks like I'll be doing more helping than being helped; nary a library in sight. All for the better, we can't be selfish with our wisdom now can we?

2011-08-23, 11:00 PM
As the sound of men unloading the wagons fades from your ears you begin to get the lay of the town. There is one major thoroughfare with several blocks, if you can call them that, on either side. Defensively the city is not to well protected. Being at the bottom of a valley where the ground is closest to the springs. A wall has never been built because the city has been expanding to quick to ever decide where it would go.

On Main street children can been seen playing and people are going into shops to buy and sell wares. The town mayor, Mayor Jedidiah Swanson is a middle aged human with a penchant for women half his age, can bee seen talking to the good citizenry about the troubles and triumphs of living in the city of Calrick. Big Jim, a halfling who is considered short by his kin, runs the New Pari Saloon and Gambling Hall, which is adjacent to an inn. The town's church was recently burnt down in a raid, the structure is beyond repair and the holy man went with the flames. Trader John tales a story to children about humongous men who he encountered up north on his fur trapping expedition. Life is never stagnant in the old west.

2011-08-24, 10:33 AM
Ignoring the teasing from his half-elf companion he noted the remains of the scorched church. Hawkins spoke to the priest, "It looks like the good folks here might need you more than you thought."

Surveying the rest of the town he noted its lack of fortifications, aside from the wagon train depot the place was an easy target. The obviousness of the lack of fortifications aside, this didn't tell him who or what was attacking the town, nor why this little settlement was worth attacking in the first place. Looking back over his shoulder toward the wagon train he attempted to spot the human woman that had joined the caravan at the last stop. She'd proved trust worthy enough, and when she wasn't flirting with the wagon drivers getting them in trouble with their wives, she'd proven quite adept at getting information. He didn't see her at the moment, but made a mental note to ask her if she learned anything about the town that evening.

Deciding to hold out on getting the drink, at least for them moment, Hawkins directed his horse toward the inn, working his way along the street tipping his hat to some of the womenfolk out about their business for the day, he ignores the occasional stares he receives from the town's children and the less obvious glances from the adults. On the trail, no one cares that your and elf, gnome, or half-orc, but once your back in town 'civilization' kicks back in, ah well. Once he's close enough to the politician for it to be relevant he tips his hat to the man and wishes him good afternoon.

2011-08-28, 12:49 AM
Mayor Swanson makes eye contact with you and turns back to the children. Rhetorically, "Why don't you kids run along now?."

The years have been easy on Jedidiah Swanson's face. Most would chalk this up to never having to labor a day in his life. He smiles as he approaches you revealing tobacco stained teeth under his mustache. His mayoral sash is proudly displayed across his chest. The smell of whiskey and cigars on his breath.

"Here is a face I haven't seen before. I'm Jedidiah Swanson the Mayor of this here city of Calrick. Do you plan on settling down or just passing through?"

2011-08-29, 04:15 PM
Ayashe watched Hawkins walk his horse through town and stop to exchange tidings with the mayor. She made a bit of a disgusted face. She had lost much of her respect for authority due to the circumstances of her leaving her tribe, and those that attempted to lead without working with or for their people had always left a bad taste in her mouth. All the better if Hawkins was doing the routine pleasantries, it meant she'd likely not have to speak to the man. She pointedly turned her horse away from the mayor. In moments, she perked up as she heard someone telling a rather animated story. She guided her horse carefully through the streets to where the man was telling his tale to a rapt audience of children.

Slurpee Addict
2011-09-01, 11:48 AM
Seth urged his horse onward. As he past Hawkins and the mayor he made sure to keep his face hidden. After all it had 10 years since he was last here, and while he didn't think people would recognize him, but better safe than sorry. He hoped that the family of man he killed here had moved on, but in his experence family and friends could never be trusted to do anything rational after the death of a loved one.

Seth made his was to the New Pari Saloon and Gambling Hall. He tied his horse at the post, entered the saloon and made his way to the bar. "Barkeep! Whisky."

2011-09-01, 05:09 PM
"Up Gondafoni-way on the coast, I found at least two romps of otters per bay. Easy pickings they were. After a'fort night of that I figure I better go back. Problem was I couldn't much kill more otters lest there be some next year round this time. So I went East from there for bouta week fore I started going far up into the mountains. Didn't see much for a while till I came across a fantasy of unicorns."

The children gasp.

"I knew best just leave'em be. Things wouldn't want anything to do with me either I suppose."

Trader John notices you. "Now up there in the mountains I found a sloth of bears but I could only carry 8 of their furs before my mules were encumbered. So I decided to head south, back here. On my there was a valley that I dared not go into. An enormous man was bawling and crying and what not. Sad thing really to see something that big and strong so weak. Didn't dare go down there, no sir. I so it took me two extra days but I made it around the valley. From there I was just a week away." Trader John finishes.

2011-09-02, 02:50 PM
Into the bar walks yet another dusty traveler. His beaten and weathered leather duster billowing slightly in the breeze. The man is dressed in simple riding slacks, with a button down shirt and vest. From the bulges in his backpack he looks like he is carrying his life with him.

Seth recognizes him as another of the caravan guards as he sits down at the bar near him, proping his short spear against it.

He signals the barkeep in the manner of patrons the world over, and his civilized soprano rolls out "two fingers of scotch, please"

2011-09-06, 05:24 PM
As the man told his tale, Ayashe swiftly dismounted and walked her horse up to the edge of the crowd, stroking his mane gently. She laughed and groaned along with the children as the man animatedly told his story. Once he finished, she shot a quick look towards the sky to try and figure out how long she had been listening and decided it had been long enough that she should go find out what Hawkins was doing. She didn't bother remounting her horse, but rather walked it through the streets in the direction she had seen him heading off to.

Slurpee Addict
2011-09-07, 11:26 AM
After consuming half his bottle of whisky, Seth walks over to his fellow guard.

"Hey, Gordon, what say you to us startin' a lil' scrap with some of our fellow patrons?"

2011-09-07, 03:18 PM
"And what be the point in that Seth? I came out here to try and do some good, not to be just another hooligan"

He pauses and lets his gaze sweep around the bar.

"however if its a fight your spoiling for..." He says as he notices the section of wanted posters and grabs one at random off the board.

2011-09-10, 09:54 PM
"Kobold skulls. 50 gp each."

"Missing wedding ring. Property of Mrs. Hitchens. 500 gp reward"

"Frank McGuster. Murderer, Bank Robber, Litterer. Last seen at the Calrick Bank. Considered Armed and Dangerous. 5000 gp"

Slurpee Addict
2011-09-10, 10:03 PM
Well if you ain't willin' to start a scrap here, I say we go after Mr. McGuster and make ourselves a killin'. Both financially and quite possibly literally.

2011-09-11, 12:17 AM
"I agree Seth, this McGuster character sounds like someone the world would be better off without.

Gordon knocks back the rest of his drink with a practiced flick of the wrist. leaveing some coin on the counter he stands up and adjusts his pack.

"Lets go grab the other guards and see if they want in. it'll mean less bounty for each of us, but conversely less chance of us getting a property deal on some farm land"

With that Gordon heads off to go find the others.

2011-09-12, 12:06 PM
"Just passing through. I'm making my way in the direction of the rail road looking for work as I go. I just got in this afternoon on the wagon train thats heading further west tommorow. They plan to take the route that avoids the railroad construction however, I can't blame them they want to start up new lives fast as they can. That way is no good for me, so I figure I should talk to the man in charge about some work for myself and my companions in the mean time."

2011-09-13, 12:18 AM
"Home, sweet home. Well, now it is, anyways," Maria mumbled to herself as the caravan finally reached the town of Calrick. "Time to see if there's any money to be made here." Slipping out of the wagon, she grabbed her backpack and her basket and ambled into town, intent on finding a place to stay as soon as possible.

It did not take long to secure a room at the inn, and while the location was great for picking up the few stumbling drunks who might still have money at the end of the night, the evening rowdy-crowd would probably be something of a bother. At least, it would be to someone who wasn't going to be in that rowdy-crowd looking for people who needed to lose a few pounds in gold. Luckily, Maria was exactly that sort of someone, so the noise could only be helpful. Walking into a con without preparation, observation, and a mark would be terribly unprofessional of her, however, so the first thing that needed to be done was surrepticious surveillance.

Barely 20 minutes after entering her 2nd floor room, the flirtacious young woman that Hawkins remembered from the caravan no longer existed. In her place was a young man, his face only just beginning to show hints of stubble, and his nose looking recently burned from the bright sun. After packing away the various implements that made the transformation possible, "Patrick" made "his" way to the window. A last look around to make certain that everything was properly put away, a window left unlocked, and a careful drop to the ground where no one could see meant that the "young man" was free to wander the town and gather some information. The first and probably only stop for today would be the tavern; no one would question a young man having obviously travelled all day and in need of a few cool drinks.

Maria's two specialties are disguise and getting money out of rich young bachelors (or rich older adulterors and widowers). In the above scene, I 'Took 10' on the following checks, since I am not in combat, to avoid potentially failing or taking damage:

Disguise 20 (+2 Disguise Kit, -2 Opposite Sex)
Acrobatics 18 (Jump, to reduce falling damage by 10ft)
Acrobatics 18 (Tumble, to reduce falling damage by 10ft more)

I hope that's alright. Also, I'm sorry for taking so long to get around to posting, but I should be more or less caught up with the present events by the end of this post. Also, I'm going to refer to Maria with her APPARENT name/sex, because as a Disguise-specialist, she really gets 'in character' when she's in another form...which is pretty much all the time.
After a quick dusting to make sure the "all-day traveller" was an easy sell, Patrick made his way into the New Pari with a somewhat tired swagger. Keeping his head down, he walked up to the bar and collapsed briefly on a stool before straightening. "A pale ale, if you please." The young man cast his eyes and ears around the room, taking in the patrons and their conversations. One man complained about his new wife making eyes at other men, while another seemed like he was certainly two sheets to the wind and working on his third. A pair of men at the end of the bar (one rough, the other fair) seemed to be checking out the Wanted posters, and spoiling for a fight, more or less non-respectively. Nothing else caught his attention at the mo--was that gambling going on over there? Leaving the coin for the drink on the bar, Patrick rose with his drink and made his way over to the betting tables. There was no easier way to part a fool from his money than in a game of cards or dice; most of the time, they just left it all on the table and could do nothing but grumble their way home.

Money may be coming my way sooner than expected...

2011-09-19, 06:24 PM
Ayashe found Hawkins concluding his business with the mayor. She waited off to a side for them to finish exchanging pleasantries, spying two other guards from the caravan headed in their direction as she lingered. She waved at them casually and pointed to Hawkins over in the crowd, rolling her eyes with her other finger on her lips, an expression as if to say, "Give him a minute longer while he finishes his ridiculous official business."

2011-09-20, 04:42 AM
Gordon props himself up against a railing in the shade next to Ayashe. Handing her the wanted poster in his hand, as he lets his head roll back enjoying the shade and the sparse breeze.

"This man is wanted, and I figure the four of us" He gestures to include Seth and Hawkins "Plus the priest can take him in. With an even split of the bounty that makes it 100gp a head. Not a whole lot, but it should be enough to keep us fed and in the shade for awhile longer.

He pushes himself away from the wall as Hawkins wraps up his conversation and approaches. "What do you say folks, help each other make some money?" His cool voice hang in the air, as though it were the beginning of an adventure....

Slurpee Addict
2011-09-20, 11:49 AM
Seth glanced around the group, eagerness tugging the corner of his mouth upward into a smirk. "I'm in." he said as he cracked his neck and nuckles.
Spinning his pistol in a show of dexterity and skill, he whistles for his horse.

2011-09-20, 04:39 PM
As Ayashe is walking down the street she hears an odd squelch that no one else seems to hear followed by two loud but muffled voices blaring in her mind. "Tango to Foxtrot, mine side is clear. No body will be getting their hands on these crystals." A deeper voice responds, "Foxtrot to Tango, Roger that, headed back to base. 10-4"

The good mayor ponders for a second while he wipes the moisture off his brow, "Well if I had a sheriff I'd have him deputize you, looks like you got a pretty nice gun there. But if you're good with lumber we do have a temple that needs rebuilding."

The gentlemen playing cards are just beginning a new game, shuffling out the deck and dealing new hands the dealer calls the rules to the game ace dues wild, chimeric 7s, little blind 1 crown.

Roll a slight of hand check for the first game, every roll after that represents 15 min. of play. The game will last up to one hour if you care to play that long.

2011-09-23, 09:11 AM
The good mayor ponders for a second while he wipes the moisture off his brow, "Well if I had a sheriff I'd have him deputize you, looks like you got a pretty nice gun there. But if you're good with lumber we do have a temple that needs rebuilding."

Hawkin's looks back at the destroyed church, then looks around at the unfortified city. "Seems to me, the best thing to do would be to start work on some fortifications for the city. First thing, I'd round up a posse and take care of who ever it is that keeps attacking the town." Looking back to the mayor, "Course, its not my place to say what a nice little town like this should be pouring its resources into. Fortifications may have to wait, but I know a crew of able bodied rough riders who would make a fine posse to take care of the raiders that are attacking the town. If you can give me a lead on where the raiders make camp, I'll gather up the posse and we'll ride at dawn tomorrow. With any luck we can deter the raiders long enough to start some proper fortifications, and a new church, unimpeded."

OOC: For the sake of saving you the trouble of typing out a full response, and to keep the narrative going, I'll just go off of what we talked about on the phone the other night. The mayor can give me a rough estimation as to where the bandit camp is, the numbers we be facing, and the nature of the threat (goblins was it?), and details on the reward if we survive.

Thanking the mayor Hawkins shakes his hand and turns approaching his friend Ayashe and the other guards who had gathered to speak with her.
"What do you say folks, help each other make some money?" His cool voice hang in the air, as though it were the beginning of an adventure....

Adjusting the belt from which his gun hangs, Hawkins takes the wanted poster from Ayashe and reads it over. "Looks like a fine bounty, but do we have any leads on this man's location?" He folds the poster and tucks it into his back pocket. "I'm all for apprehending this villain, but I've been speaking to the mayor. This town has been the target of raiders for sometime now. They attack the townsfolk as the go about their days, smash whatever they see and grab whatever isn't nailed down. The burnt down church over yonder is their latest piece of work, and evidence that they are growing bolder with each passing sun. I volunteered myself to raise a posse and head to their camp. I figure if we can disrupt or better disband these raiders, the town will have some weeks to build some proper defenses and maybe a new church. Once the town is safe, I'd be more than happy to assist you in hunting down this dog." He taps the pocket he placed the poster in.
"Without a lead, I feel our energy would be better spent securing the town. I also intend to head to the saloon and see if I can't find any young guns willing to lend their aid to our cause, it will cut into any reward we might get, but its better to have an extra gun if we are going to be attacking the bandits in their camp." Looking at the other gun slinger, "I know this might not be the challenge you were looking for," and back to Gordon, "but it is for a good cause. This town is more or less defenseless and I doubt anyone else capable of dealing with this threat will be along anytime soon. What do you say? We take care of these raider, then we go hunt down this McGuster character?"

Slurpee Addict
2011-09-23, 12:55 PM
Seth nods to Hawkins indicating that he has no problem with this turn of events. "I'll take care of any problem if the coin is right. I don't rightly care who or what the problem is." Seth's demeanor seems to be getting worse. He is constantly looking around, hes on edge and extremely ready to be on the move away from this place.

2011-09-23, 01:07 PM
Noting the degrading condition of Seth's demeanor, Hawkin's asks, "Your name is Seth correct? I remember you replacing me on watch a few times while the wagon train was traveling here. You look like something is troubling you partner. Why don't we all head back to the bar, see if we can't find a card game and a drink? No reason not to enjoy the civilized life while we are in town."

Pulling the reins on his horse, Hawkin's starts to lead the group in the direction of the bar.

"An interesting firearm you got there," He motions to the gun Seth had been happily showing off, "I don't recognize the model off the top of my head, is it a custom job?"

2011-09-23, 02:34 PM
"I'm always willing to help those in need. Lead on" Gordon says as he falls in beside the group, using his spear as a walking stick.

2011-09-23, 08:37 PM
Ayashe snorts slightly as Hawkins mentions the civilized life but nods her acceptance of his plan and fell into line behind the small group as they head towards the saloon. She seems a bit distracted though, as she only half her attention is spent on walking. The other half she directs towards seeing if she could "hear" anything else like the random bit of conversation that had floated through her mind earlier. With no such luck, she shrugs and trots through the saloon door with everyone else.

Slurpee Addict
2011-09-26, 06:27 PM
"An interesting firearm you got there," He motions to the gun Seth had been happily showing off, "I don't recognize the model off the top of my head, is it a custom job?"

"Aye, 'tis mine own design. Never met anyone other than me who can use it. Sort of like a trademark if you will." Before he can say anything more, that might give away anything about his past or current situation, Seth spurrs his horse onward towards the saloon.

2011-09-28, 06:20 PM
as the group enters the saloon Gordon lets out a piercing whistle. As everyone stops to stare at the crazy city man, he climbs atop an empty chair.

"Towns folk! these vicious raids have gone on long enough! We are putting together a posse to ride out in the morning to put a stop to them once and for all. Now who's with us!?!" Gordon ends his impromptu speech in a dramatic pose, clearly expecting most of the bar to join in.

[roll0] + my CHA mod of 5 gives me a 22 to rally the townsfolk

2011-09-29, 01:08 AM
The beaten down towns folk respond positively to your call. About twenty able body folks raise their glass and cheer. How many of them are yellow and how many will be hung over by early morn could shorten your ranks. A man in black raises his glass to you without a word a makes eye contact with a stern look upon his face.

2011-10-18, 07:47 PM
Glad to see that the towns spirit isn't so broken that they are unwilling to fight Hawkins orders a drink and joins the merriment. He considers joining the card game between some of the older men of the town and a younger fellow, but having just got his ten crowns a few hours ago decides its better not to part with them tonight.

After a bit of chatting with the locals, trying to get a feel for who will be at the meeting point the next morning Hawkins decides its time to find a corner to sit and enjoy a glass of sweet wine, rather than this bitter beer the humans seem to love. Ordering the best he can hope to find in this small town he works his way into the quieter corners of the bar. This just so happens to be next to the man in black. Taking a sip of his wine Hawkins acknowledges his new neighbor. "Good evening."