View Full Version : A good out of the spotlight character build?

2011-08-02, 05:21 AM
I am the DM of the current and soon ending campaign we are all running and am really the only player at the table with a full understanding of the rules. However, one of my players fancies giving DMing a go (which I am all for) and has a cool sounding custom campaign world in mind.

I have always been a bit of a natural power gamer when it comes to being a player, which has been fine in the past as I have always been along side other such players. As I don’t think my friends have quite the same understanding of the rules I don’t want to create some uber character who will overshadows them or takes all the spot light. So I would like to play someone a lot more “in the background”.

This idea got me thinking of a character I would like to create and was wondering what build and method of play you think would be most appropriate? The campaign will probably span levels 6 to12 and the use of almost any splat book or even some light homebrew is ok (though obviously broken stuff is not).

The character is that or of an individual who innately makes his ally’s more powerful but chooses to keep this “aura” that surrounds him secret (he views it as some kind of curse which got him cast out of the society he was once part of). Those around him are not aware that he is the source of this aura and it would be nice if the aura was itself undetectable or at least hard to detect.

Apart from that I would like him to be a reasonable everyman whose strength lays in the powers he provides to the group. A very good buffer of others and quite selfless character who prefers to operate in the background and would probably be one of the less noted characters in any legends the PC may create.

What would you recommend for creating such a character? I was thinking a heavily re-flavoured bard? But if you can think of something more suitable that would be awesome.

2011-08-02, 05:36 AM
In before Dragon Shaman. Perhaps slightly better, Silverbrow Human with one or more auras.

Alternatively, you could always try the debuffer route. Unseelie Fey from Dragon Compendium is a great start, then stack on fear effects and other spells or abilities that make it easier for your pals to take down the baddies (mind fog, drums of war, doomspeak, level drains, feeblemind, etc.)

Fouredged Sword
2011-08-02, 06:45 AM
Be a Dragonborn venurable spellscale (+lots to cha)

Play a sorrcerer 4/ paladin 2/ warweaver 1/ abjurent champion x/ warweaver x. Laugh as greater Luminus armor grants everyone something like 14 ac, with shield granting you another 10 or so.

Mix in some blur and heroics, maybe even get access to the war domain with a feat for divine power shared with the group.

Don't interact with oponents. Don't perpare combat spells. Act as a wise old mentor to the party

2011-08-02, 06:57 AM
DFI Bard is always nifty.

EDIT: Maybe dip Marshall for a couple of auras, and remember, most of the Dragon Shaman class can be replicated by feats in Dragon Magic (Draconomicon, I can never remember which).

EDIT 2: Take a gander at the devotion feats (such as Protection Devotion) in Complete Champion. Many of them apply to allies, and several are decent even if you aren't a Cleric. A buffer Cleric with several devotion feats would make an excellent background character, and can always switch to a walking band-aid when you are feeling too powerful.