View Full Version : (Good) Surprises by players

2011-08-02, 10:08 AM
All of a sudden, my players turned their collective gazes into a magic item from Complete Champion, the Book of All Knowledge. As I said to them, the book is more os less like perusing library, with the relevant information comingfrom many published sources. If it was written somehow, be a grimoire, holy text or epic poem, with the right Knowledge result you can find something, many times in a very random order and not all the content, but relevant bits to the question you're researching.

Suddenly they became enamorated by the item and made a know check each day religiously, and instead of just waiting for the artificer to finish their things and going to the city most of them has unfinished business (i's a sandboxy campaign), they decided to stay a few more days to finish researching a certain topic.

I know my players are good players, and they enjoy the story and roleplay aspects of the game much more than the adventure, balance and build aspects, but I really didn't expect that ALL of them would be so turned on by the prospect of having what is essentialy a Huge Liberary Lite with them. In fact, they are so turned on that are thinking about buying a Ring of Research (Waterdeep) with their (small) collective funds, so they could once per day after 2d4 hours make a single knowledge check with a +20 bonus.

I'm not even worried by game balance or plot, I'm just surprised. And it's a great, fun, good surprise.

So, I ask the playground: We all know about bad surprises, but did you ever had such good surprises by your players?