View Full Version : 3.5 Campaign DM help needed

2011-08-02, 07:30 PM
If you are one of my fellow players please read no further, if not please give me all the help/advice you can.

Ok, so here's the skinny. I have been with this group of mine for a LONG time. We play pre-genned modules exclusively and as such, most of the group has a very LOW Optimization level. As a matter of fact, I have scaled back most of my builds to keep them on the same level as the rest of the party.

My idea is to DM a new campaign of my own creation that will show the group just how much fun optimization can be. I have started building the campaign but am having trouble with the little details.

The basic idea of the campaign is this: A very neutral high-powered caster has lost his dearest love due to the events of the RHoD story line. He has spent a few years researching a ritual to bring his love back as a more substantial being that will no longer be subject to the frailness of the (humanoid it once was) form.

The ritual requires 1 minor artifact (a special dagger), the still beating heart of a dragon, the last breath of a dying man, and to be performed in a special temple dedicated to both tiamat and bahamut equally.

The guardians of a special map (think the map from Percy Jackson),will be calling for a small group of adventurers to seek out the one who is trying to perform th ritual. The map will first lead them to the dagger, then to the book which the ritual is found in, and finally to the site of the ritual.

Part One will start with the PCs receiving a summons from the local lords of the area (set near where RHoD took place in our world). The summons will simple state that the lord is in need of champions and will be holding a test of strength, will and teamwork to determine those that will champion his cause.

They will be thrust into an arena which has been divided into quadrants. They will be assigned partners and told the final ten players whom survive will be assigned on to one of two teams. The primary [Baron's pics (PCs)] will be the champions sent forth for the lords to acquire treasure for the lord. The secondarys [secretly to become the counter force for the BBEG] will be back up if the primarys get into trouble.

After the arena they are sent to retreive the map from an eccentric old sage. (The sage is in reality the vizier to the lord and the map quest is truly only a test to see if the "primarys" will be capable of attaining the ultimate goal, stopping the ritual.

The lord (a shape changed silver dragon) and the vizier (a shape changed gold dragon) have been given the task of protecting the ritual site and the artifacts attuned to the ritual. The dagger went missing some months ago and there have been strange rumors regarding odd deaths in the poorer districts of the city. The dragons are concerned that someone has started the ritual and that once in full swing, they wont be able to stop it.

I know where the PCs are going up to the end of Act I (Finding each other, the map and the dagger) and I am sure I can get them to lvl 6 by the end.

Act II is where I am having trouble. The ritual is also going to require a component related to healing/raising dead and the PCs are going to need to go after that item and just barely fail. After that they will need to discover that their benefactors are indeed dragons and that one of them is targeted to be the still beating heart portion of the ritual. The party will strike a bargain with the lord's clerics and warriors having them protect one of the dragons and the PCs protect the other. If the PCs fail to protect their charge, that one will become the victim, if they succede, then the other group will fail and that one will become the victim. I'll need them to be level 12 by the end to set them up for the third and final act.

Act III will be the finding of the site and the remaining details of the ritual. Once they get to the ritual, they will have to fight the remainder of the secondarys, any other minions of the BBEG, the BBEG, and the beastie that he summoned instead of his love. I have already deternmined that although he starts out neutral, by following the ritual for the reasons he is, it slowly turns him to the side of evil. The summoned beastie is going to be some form of the dragonspawn from RHoD (a modified Blue Godslayer I think). The PCs will have themselves, and cohorts (I am going to suggest they bring some with them), and the remainging Dragon (which means at least 1 minion of the BBEG will be of comparable power).

See the below posts for more information on the acts.

2011-08-02, 07:31 PM
Act I

PART 1- PCs (pre-reqs for PCs include only 1 thing, all must have good in their alignment) receive their summons and told to report to the castle on the (insert date). Great riches and fame will be found by those whom are chosen to champion the lord. At the games they will be divided up to fight a series of increasingly difficult waves of creatures until the field is down to 10.

At this point the Lord and his Court Mage each pick 5 to be on their team. After some shuffling around, the PCs are all in 1 party and the "anti-party" are in the other group.

The PCs then meet the Lord and his Vizier and are sent on the quest for the map.

The map is being held by an old sage (really the vizier in disguise). He has 3 challenges they must meet before getting to him. (These can be any logic puzzles/physical challenges/combo of both that you desire).

After retrieving the map they return to the city to learn how to read it and discover the location of the dagger. It's at a local auction house for black market items and is about to go up. The PCs must discern the time of the auction and bring an amount of gold with which to buy it. The Lord will provide 5000gps, and require a receipt for any missing gold. The Dagger will be able to be bought for 6000gps, if the PCs want to buy it. Or they can track the purchaser back to a local thieves guild. The theives will be under attack and be losing the battle. No matter how much the PCs help, do not let them get the dagger now. This is the first run in with the secondarys (in disguise) and they must get away with the dagger. If the PCs get the dagger now by some twist of fate, have it stolen from the lords keep by a mysterious stranger(BBEG) leaving very little trace.

End ACT I with the lords mentioning that something odd is going on in the poorer quarters of the city and they will be summoned when more information is found, for now give them some down time and set up for ACT II.

2011-08-02, 07:32 PM

Locating the Book of the ritual, the breath of a dying man, and the still beating heart of a dragon.

GOAL: Be around lvl 12/13 be end of the Act

2011-08-02, 07:33 PM

The finding of the site and the stopping of the ritual

2011-08-02, 08:00 PM
OK, it sall updated, so in the spirit of friendship and roleplaying... help.

Thanks in advance,


2011-08-04, 12:33 PM
I'm sorry to bump this, but we are not far from the end of the game we are in now so any help would be appreciated.

2011-08-04, 12:55 PM
As far as I understand, you need to name a special item that's also a component for raising dead. Name a national treasure or something similar? A very big, big diamond. Or a lost treasure.

And the part I don't like it's the arena. What happens if one of the PC fails to survive? 'm pretty sure you've already planned a solution, but what's it?

2011-08-04, 01:10 PM
All the people who fall won't actually die. Its all an illusion thing cast by a very powerful illusionist. If one of the PCs should fall, I will give them a will save. If they make the will save, they will know that the fight is an illusion and be allowed to continue. Since every one else, besides the SECONDARYs are non-leveled NPCs, thereshould be no issue with them "dying" and not getting back up like the PCs will.

The idea is for the non-PCs to be "weeded out" and to get down to the final 10.

I have decided on an XP structure based on how many rounds it takes for the PCs/NPCs to "finish off" the creatures.

The only real battle will be the final battle in the arena, with the winning team becoming the Lord's PRIMARYs

2011-08-04, 01:11 PM
As far as I understand, you need to name a special item that's also a component for raising dead. Name a national treasure or something similar? A very big, big diamond. Or a lost treasure.

Nodnod, I like this. It needs to be something unique, but prescious. Easy to find, but hard to get.


2011-08-04, 02:50 PM
How about something that originally stood where the ritual spot is today (piece of a statue, some of the wood of a tree, part of a building, part of a tapestry, etc.)? That would also give the PCs some idea of where the final battle is going to take place.

2011-08-04, 03:15 PM
The idea behind the campaign is that once the two Dragon gods were allies and created this ritual to save their most beloved worshiper. The ritual was corrupted (supposedly but Tiamat herself) and created a beast of death, hate and destruction. The artifacts involved were god creations and thus very difficult to destroy so were scattered and hidden from all. The beast was eventually banished and sent to another plane where it has remained to this day. Much of its former strength has waned, but it is still a formidable foe.

The resurrection item could be a portion of the Bahamut statue that once stood at the site of the ritual.

Thank you

2011-08-04, 05:14 PM
Like it. Nice job. Mind if I use the setting and idea?

2011-08-04, 07:27 PM
The ritual is also going to require a component related to healing/raising dead and the PCs are going to need to go after that item and just barely fail.What if they succeed?

After that they will need to discover that their benefactors are indeed dragons and that one of them is targeted to be the still beating heart portion of the ritual.What if they don't?

The party will strike a bargain with the lord's clerics and warriors having them protect one of the dragons and the PCs protect the other.What if they decide to split forces, or hide the dragons, or, gods forbid, have the dragons in the same place so anyone coming after them would have to face the PCs, the redshirts and two pissed-off mcguffins dragons?

If the PCs fail to protect their charge, that one will become the victim, if they succede, then the other group will fail and that one will become the victim.Hehe, neat. Failure is the only option, that's always fun. :smalltongue:

2011-08-04, 11:58 PM
Like it. Nice job. Mind if I use the setting and idea?

not at all. I like that you enjoy the idea.

What if they succeed?...etc...

If they don't fail, then they will be told they need to bring the item with them to destroy it at the ritual site. Leading to an opportunity for the BBEG to steal it or DOMINATE the person holding it.

If they don't discover it on their own, then as the DM I can tell them through the NPCs they've met.

The dragons for the city are like the PotUS and the VP. Can't be in the same place during a time of trouble. Too much could go wrong.

2011-08-05, 12:11 AM
The dragons for the city are like the PotUS and the VP. Can't be in the same place during a time of trouble. Too much could go wrong.Two dragons. If something would go wrong on them both, it could certainly come and go wrong on them separately, I should think.

Eh, just trying to poke holes in it, since PCs are wont to try stuff you didn't think about. :smalltongue:

2011-08-05, 12:15 PM
Why can't the dragons handle the problem on their own?

2011-08-05, 12:38 PM
I think what Greenish is trying to say is that PCs have a mind of their own. Planning a whole plot out into details (beyond set-up and more than an intended direction of events) like this is a risky venture, unless you have the kind of players who enjoy being railroaded. In my experience that is a very rare kind of players.

That said, it is a nice plot and all. Just, more of a story than an rpg plot?

2011-08-05, 02:32 PM
I think what Greenish is trying to say is that PCs have a mind of their own. Planning a whole plot out into details (beyond set-up and more than an intended direction of events) like this is a risky venture, unless you have the kind of players who enjoy being railroaded. In my experience that is a very rare kind of players.

We don't mind railroaded. The guys i play with are light on RPing and heavy on BSing (much to my chagrin), so I am fairly certain they will not mind being led. I plan on giving them some down time to do other stuff (which they usually use for nothing useful) and if a side adventure crops up, or a small module comes in we can incorporate then we can lessen the railroading.

Why can't the dragons handle the problem on their own?
Good question, I am going to place a restriction on them that they cannot shape change, or they will lose access to a "vow" that allows them three things:
1) Their treasure is held in a protected pocket dimension of their making (the only place they can return to natural form)
2) Even for dragons, their lifespan is DRASTICALLY altered as to appear unaging (1/1000 that of a normal dragon)
3) They are appointed agents of Bahamut, which means they will hold places of high honor when their task is completed and they have left the mortal realms.

In return they must fulfill these goals:
1) Protect the map of treachery (called such for reasons yet to be revealed)
2) Stop at all costs the ritual from ever taking place
3) Aid any and all whom willing take up the mantle of their champions with the intent of stopping the ritual.

I'll also post some other notes I have come up with since I started this thread:

1: Dagger is a minor artifact that is intelligent (Contains the trapped soul of a shadow dragon), when stabbed into the heart of a dying person (0 or fewer hp) it sucks the soul (last breath intact) of the person to be used in the ritual of bahamut. The soul remains in dagger for 3 months and the dagger must be used to mix the potion required for the ritual, with the soul intact.

2: BBEG’s original lair is deep in a forest, but vacated and only nominally defended, although to dire goats have broken through the wall to gaze on the lush and perfect grass contained in the court yard. The vehemently protect their food and will auto attack anyone they see in the courtyard (25% chance they are on the side of the house they PCs enter if they use the gate or any other entrance besides breach. 100% chance if they use the breach (dc 20 spot to determine if the PCs see the goats if they look in before using breach)

3: Map is similar to map from Percy Jackson, except it only function to find 1 item 1/month

4: BBEG Original Lair: Protected by a 20 foot sheer stone wall. (there is a breach in the wall and a road leads to a dead end. Speaking: The master is here, let me enter. will open the “passwall”, speaking: and now I proceed. will disarm the Dispel on the “gate”, thus not closing instantly and “crushing the PCs”

5: Resurrection item is the hand of Bahamut from the statue that once stood at the site of the ritual. Hand must be placed back on the base of that statue, and once there the statue pulls all the dust from the ground and reforms the regal statue.