View Full Version : List of Fun Cursed Items?

2011-08-02, 08:40 PM
So for my next session my players are going to reach the vaults of the Mage's Guild that they are looting/clearing of monsters. One of the vaults is going to be filled to the brim with cursed items for them to unknowingly take and try to use. Im looking for suggestions for cursed items to use. Im looking for things that are act more on a roleplay level or minor debuffs like a belt of gender changing rather than something horrificly deadly or debuffing (like a scarab of death). Any homebrew cursed items I would happily use, as long as its good :smallbiggrin:.

2011-08-02, 08:47 PM
Cloak of the Sewers - When a character dons this cloak, they start giving off a noticeable, pungent, sewer-like odor, which remains until the curse is undone.
Necklace of the Unbridled Heart - Everyone you meet must make a DC# Will save (moderately high DC, so most every NPC commoner will likely fail the save) or fall madly in love with you. Obsessively so. Stalkerishly obsessively so.
Boots of Still Feet - You are unable to walk on your legs. Until the curse is undone, all movement must be done on your hands/crawling. You can still stand on your feet, however doing so seemingly sticks them to the floor.

2011-08-02, 08:51 PM
So for my next session my players are going to reach the vaults of the Mage's Guild that they are looting/clearing of monsters. One of the vaults is going to be filled to the brim with cursed items for them to unknowingly take and try to use. Im looking for suggestions for cursed items to use. Im looking for things that are act more on a roleplay level or minor debuffs like a belt of gender changing rather than something horrificly deadly or debuffing (like a scarab of death). Any homebrew cursed items I would happily use, as long as its good :smallbiggrin:.
So basically, you want Drawbacks (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#drawback), Requirements (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#requirement), Delusions (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#delusion), or Intermittent (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#intermittentFunctioning) items that are mostly normal Random Magic Items (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicItemBasics.htm#tableRandomMagicItemGeneration )?

Edit: Oh yes, and don't forget the fun to be had with high-ego Intelligent Magic Items (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/intelligentItems.htm).

2011-08-02, 08:54 PM
Edit: Oh yes, and don't forget the fun to be had with high-ego Intelligent Magic Items (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/intelligentItems.htm).

This... so very much this. I love using intelligent magic items.

2011-08-02, 09:01 PM
This... so very much this. I love using intelligent magic items.
Yes. I'm thinking a high-Ego Lawful-neutral intelligent magic item that insists you return it, and everything else you stole, into the vault ... when it wins an Ego check three days later.

Safety Sword
2011-08-02, 09:06 PM
Deck of not that many things.

Also named Orc Nudey cards. Not really cursed, it's just that anyone who sees you with them thinks you're a pervert.

Edit: Typo fix'n

2011-08-02, 09:10 PM
I love the Helm of Opposite Alignment so much that I made a Greater version, which has more charges. Though this is less for its effect on players and more in the hopes that the players use it as a weapon.

A good basic principle of cursed items, though: take a standard item, and make it do what it's supposed to do except not quite right, or make it do something ironic in addition to the intended effect. Things that work just fine, if you're okay with the side-effects!

Examples, just looking through the Magic Item Compendium and coming up with things off the top of my head:

A bear helm that also transmits werebearism
A belt of growth that makes you grow, but none of your items grow with you. Any armor and clothes worn (except the belt) are destroyed, and your weapon still does its original damage
A blindhelm that also makes you permanently blind
Bracers of opportunity that provoke an attack of opportunity every time you use them
A cloak of the salamander that has a 50% chance of setting its wearer on fire (doing the listed fire damage every round until the wearer is dead or immersed in water) every time they activate it
A hair shirt of suffering that damages the wearer (by the same amount healed) every time they use its healing ability
A ring of negative protection that, instead of protecting you from negative energy, instead grants negative protection (i.e., vulnerability) to all forms of energy
A shirt of the leech that also attracts 1d4 leech swarms (Stormwrack, I think) every time the wearer enters water
A torc of heroic sacrifice that has a 25% chance of outright killing its wearer every time it's used
A metamagic rod that applies a misspelling (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207387) effect to spells instead of a normal metamagic effect

Also consider cursed coins (http://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/7283/roleplaying-games/gilted-fiends-cursed-coins-for-your-d20-fantasy-campaign) - nobody ever thinks to detect magic the money!

Hunter Killer
2011-08-02, 09:40 PM
How about an high Ego intelligent sword that refuses to be drawn and can't be gotten rid of without Miracle, Limited Wish, or Wish? If you want to be really mean, then make it so the player has to make a Will Save to attempt to draw any other weapon. :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-02, 09:45 PM
How about an high Ego intelligent sword that refuses to be drawn and can't be gotten rid of without Miracle, Limited Wish, or Wish? If you want to be really mean, then make it so the player has to make a Will Save to attempt to draw any other weapon. :smallbiggrin:
Oh, yes. Because Cursed items are, themselves, magic items, and subject to having intelligence added; so your basic -2 sword... would have a very low Ego rating unless it was massively good as an intelligent weapon. Hmm.

2011-08-02, 10:06 PM
Bag of Holding - Every time you open it, save or be held as per Hold Person but no saving throw every round. Lasts caster level x 1 minute.

Dwarven Hammer Thrower - Can only be used by dwarves. When a dwarf wields it, must save or else be thrown 30ft in a random direction.

Bracers Of Armor +# - Enemies get +# to hit you.

Helm Of Brilliance - While worn, you know everything. Literally, everything. By knowing everything, nothing is exciting. There's no point to adventuring because there's no thrill in experiencing that which you already know. You don't answer questions people ask you about your knowledge because their ignorance disgusts you. With a humdrum personality, you seek solitude and waste away. While you never willingly take off the helm, if somehow it is taken off you remember nothing of what you learned.

Singing Frog - This frog sings constantly whenever you and it are alone. It always manages to finish its song whenever another person is aware enough to notice the frog. At that moment the frog does nothing but croak like a normal frog. As soon as you are alone with it again, it sings.

2011-08-02, 10:07 PM
The best cursed items make players want to use them, rather than necessarily enforcing their use or just being obnoxious. I mean, if you can give them an item with a big 'I'm cursed' sign on it and they use it anyhow, thats a win.


Book of Prescient Dreaming. If you carry this book, every night you have a dream about what will happen tomorrow. Events will conspire to happen the same way (in the form of significant bonuses to things that make it happen and penalties to things that prevent it). You can't control the dream, and it could be either good or bad based on a d20 roll from a table.

- A friend will die tomorrow (they take penalties on all saves and enemies get bonuses to hit them)
- You will find a magic item (increase result on loot magic item table if you roll for loot)
- You will meet someone who will be a powerful ally (bonus to Diplomacy checks, NPCs will tend to find you)
- A friend will betray you (another PC immediately gains a level if they agree to turn on you)
- You will be attacked when leaving your current location (this happens, but you have warning)
- You will be victorious in battle (bonus to hit and damage)

The version I used subtly got worse and worse as a modifier was applied to the d20 roll over the course of about two weeks of dreams, until it eventually swallowed your soul.

Another example:

The Wanderer's Tarot. Draw a tarot card from the major arcana at the start of every fight and gain a bonus or drawback based on what you draw. Death upright means you provoke save or dies when you hit enemies, whereas Death reversed means that any hit against you is fatal. Things like that.

Another example:

The Heart of Shekinah. This deep blue sapphire appears to be an intensely powerful artifact of good, yet it has been corrupted subtly. The Heart of Shekinah, when placed upon someone's forehead and held there for twenty seconds (3 rounds), transfers all of their sins and capability to sin to the person who emplaces it without a save permitted. If somehow this effect does not stick (the PC using it does not play up their alignment change) it instead afflicts a celestial creature, converting it into a lower-planar being of equal power. In this case, the effect is pervasive and infectious, as celestials will show up to hunt down the wielder, committing evil to prevent greater evil.

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-08-02, 10:08 PM
Deck of not that many things.

Also named Orc Nudey cards. Not really cursed, it's just that anyone who sees you with them thinks you're a pervert.

Edit: Typo fix'n
Someone once stuck something like this in a game I played in, though it wasn't a deck of cards. It was the "Half-Orc Porn Magazine." Anyone who saw even the cover was so horrified they'd immediately fall backwards down the stairs. With no saving throw. Even if they were out in the middle of the woods and there weren't stairs behind them a second ago.

2011-08-02, 10:40 PM
Here's one a friend made for his first D&D campaign:
The Ring of Gee - Upon wearing the ring, the character is assaulted by the sound of someone yelling GEEEEEEEEEEEEEE inside their head. They must make a concentration check before casting any spell, because of the ridiculous distraction.

2011-08-02, 11:22 PM
Here's a few homebrewed items I made for a campaign.

Mythbuster's wand

A wand of fireball that shoots an illusionary fireball that doesn't actually do any damage. User must make a will save (DC 15 or up to the DM) to realize the fireball is an illusion. Each use following the first give a cumulative +1 on this check.

A casual study of the wand will merely confirm the wand is a wand of fireball.

special: Every time the wand is used there is a 1 in 20 chance that the fireball is the real thing.

Wizard Apprentice's bag of Holding

This bag appears to be, and functions in every way, like a regular bag of holding with the following exception:

-The only way to take back an item put in the bag is to succeed a DC 20 search check, you cannot take 20 on this roll as various nonpoisonous diminutive creatures (mammals and insects) inhabit the bag and hinder it's use. Every failed check results in the user pulling out one such creature. When the bag has no items in it the creatures hide within it's confines and are impossible to detect as they only make their presence known once an item disturbs their lair. The bag never runs out of creatures.

2011-08-02, 11:56 PM
Ring of the Emperor: wearer's cloths and equipment become invisible (in addition to being really embarrassing and detrimental to social situations, it increases the action cost of loading a ranged weapon, drawing a weapon, getting something out of your pack, etc. by one step).

Boots of the Slug: the player no longer walks as normal, instead skating along on a slick coating of mucus at 5ft per round (no running). On the plus side, the wearer can move up walls or even upside down as the spider climb spell (albeit at 5 ft/rd), and receives a +5 bonus to resist trip attempts. Removable by remove curse or a liberal sprinkling of salt (at which point they shrivel up and fall off, useless until re-hydrated).

Miser's Ring: player gets +4 competence bonus to their appraisal skill, but must beat a DC 15 will save any time they wish to spend money. If a player fails this save, they can't spend money for 24 hours, on anything (food, board, medical care, anything). Others may spend on the wearer's behalf, but only as a gift (if it's a loan, the wearer must make the will save and refuse to accept the item or service if he/she fails).

Oil of Animal Magnetism: Players applying this pleasantly scented oil to the skin gain a +3 bonus to diplomacy and bluff for 24 hours. They also become irresistibly attractive to animals for a week. Yes, that kind of attractive.

Snake Oil: This large bottle contains 10 doses of "potion" which appears to be a curative. Once taken, the imbiber must pass a DC 20 Will save or become utterly convinced that the snake oil is a potion of whatever healing effect the drinker needs (cure critical wounds, remove disease, remove curse, cure poison, or some combination there of). In fact the potion has no such effects, and the drinker gains no benefit. When the final dose is taken, the drinker immediately becomes violently ill, vomiting up 2d6 small vipers which attack him/her.

2011-08-03, 05:59 AM
Ring of Extra Ring
This magical ring allows you to wear one more ring than you otherwise could.

2011-08-03, 11:12 AM
Ring of Extra Ring
This magical ring allows you to wear one more ring than you otherwise could.

Can I use that as my signature?

2011-08-03, 11:18 AM
Can I use that as my signature?

No, sorry.

2011-08-03, 01:57 PM
Heroes Placebo Ring/Amulet of Protection.
On it's own, it appears to be +3 Ring of Protection.
The curse is, it's attracting all kinds of not nice things towards you. You also become easier to track. Tracks of other creatures will look like yours and begin to lead to you. To put it in game terms, your tracks are one category easier to spot and follow, and you end up with a higher chance of random encounter that day. Kind DM's will leave it at one additional minor encounter, cruel DM's will make it 2 or 3 additional. The track effect works on creatures in a 30 mile radius.
If players try to disguise their tracks, their efforts have no effect.
The extreme downside of the curse...
Once you know that it is cursed, the Placebo effect wears off, but the attraction effect still works. If players try to disguise their tracks their efforts now work. The track effect now only works on creatures within 5 miles, less if they try and disguise their tracks. The +3 bonus no longer applies however because you know it doesn't work.
And you can't remove the ring until you sell it, for 5x whatever you paid for it. The person you sell it to is not affected by this part of the curse until they equip it. The person you sell it to can still pass it around as normal until someone wears it.
I think, to be a jerk, it also gave +5 Spot and Listen checks to anything that was looking for the party, whether intentionally or accidentally, due to the ring's effect.

The players in my group didn't question at all when a guy was willing to sell them a +3 ring for 1000 gold. And I managed to get it back into the possession of the party twice in 1 session. Yes, they got rid of it twice, took it back a 3rd time. Suckers.

Combo that up with a Ring/Amulet of Hostility.
It appears to be an Amulet that grants +2 Dex and +2 Charisma.
However, when a character with this Amulet goes to take any action relating to Diplomacy, the person/s they are trying to effect all hear very subtle whispers. "He's lying! He's a theif! He's going to betray you! He's a fraud." Stuff along those lines. This causes the target to be more hostile or less friendly or suspicious of the character and possibly the party. There are multitudes of variations one can take on this effect.
-Lose Charisma Bonus on Diplomacy/Bluff checks.
-Take a -10 to Diplomacy/Bluff checks.
-Lose Charisma Bonus AND take a -5 to Diplomacy/Bluff checks. (My personal favorite)
-Move up or down one notch on the diplomacy table where applicable.
The key here is to be flexible and open ended.
Person who presents this to the party could be a king's aide who wants to hang a crime on the party to get them out of the way. Or a rival Bard, or just a trickster in general out to ruin their day or slow them down.

It was great to see the party trip over themselves to be nice to someone that ultimately hated them.
Player: You're royal highness King Super Awesome Guy Edward the 7th of Dunumbriasbridge, the most awesomest land in the land, we, merely your humble and loyal followers, do present you with this cake on your birthday, in hopes that we might foster friendship, and mend whatever wrongs we have transgressed upon you and your people.
*roll a nat 20 on the Diplomacy check*
King: GO CRAWL IN A HOLE AND DIE! I HATE CAKE! AND PUPPIES! ESPECIALLY PUPPIES! WHY? BECAUSE I HATE YOU! *orders the party thrown out of the party despite their receiving invitations handwriten by the King*
Players: *Dumfounded expressions around the table*

The two together ensure that the party is making enemies pretty much everywhere they go unless they are extremely careful, and those enemies are assisted in tracking them down.

2011-08-03, 02:11 PM
Intelligent wand of fireball. When a PC first time uses it to cast a fireball, it yells "YEEEH! TAKE THAT!" or similar. Slowly as the PCs expand the charges, the wand begins to protest "Are you sure you want to do that? We can clear them out without using my, can't we?", knowing that his time is up.

Fouredged Sword
2011-08-03, 02:56 PM
Iremoveable rod. Once pressed it can't be unpressed!

2011-08-03, 03:31 PM
Head of Vecna, actually a completely mundane mummified head with Magic Aura cast on it, complete with a fancy pedestal.

2011-08-03, 04:55 PM
Ring of Water Walking that only works underwater.
Ring of Water Breathing that only works in magma.
Ring of Levitation that only lets you stay at whatever altitude you were at when you activated it.

2011-08-03, 05:29 PM
Ring of Water Breathing that only works in magma.

More limited than a simple ring of water breathing, yes, but Fire Resist 1 makes you immune to all lava/magma damage, so it's still relevant.

Ring of Levitation that only lets you stay at whatever altitude you were at when you activated it.

Jump->Activate Ring :smalltongue:

2011-08-03, 05:36 PM
Intelligent wand of fireball. When a PC first time uses it to cast a fireball, it yells "YEEEH! TAKE THAT!" or similar. Slowly as the PCs expand the charges, the wand begins to protest "Are you sure you want to do that? We can clear them out without using my, can't we?", knowing that his time is up.

I like that one. Think I may use it.

2011-08-03, 05:54 PM
More limited than a simple ring of water breathing, yes, but Fire Resist 1 makes you immune to all lava/magma damage, so it's still relevant.

Jump->Activate Ring :smalltongue:

I never said my ideas were TOTALLY useless, just… a bit more limited in their use. Something for the Water Walking one:

If the spell is cast underwater (or while the subjects are partially or wholly sub- merged in whatever liquid they are in), the subjects are borne toward the surface at 60 feet per round until they can stand on it.

Great way to reach the surface quickly if you're drowning.

2011-08-03, 05:56 PM
A neat curse I utilized was a temporaryish item with the drawback of when it's weilded/being used, the bearer can only speak kobold.

Put it on something you'd want equipped where there was talking to be done (Such as an item of listen or initiative or both). It will then inevitably occur - scenarios where he has to say something.

It's not a vicious curse, but I've noticed most vicious curses tend to annoy and not be used - or derail plot into getting rid of it. Which can be tolerable if that's the goal, mind you, but generally I avoid that. :P

2011-08-03, 07:24 PM
Ring/Amulet of Cursing: -5 to all Charisma skill checks since everytime you try one you curse. Even Intimidate is affected because you curse at the wrong time making you sound foolish instead of initimidating.

2011-08-03, 07:31 PM
Ring/Amulet of Cursing: -5 to all Charisma skill checks since everytime you try one you curse. Even Intimidate is affected because you curse at the wrong time making you sound foolish instead of initimidating.

ALL Charisma skills? Even Perform(Wind Instrument)? Perform(Dancing)? Perform(Weapon Drill)? Use Magic Device? Handle Animal?

I mean, I can see it working for Disguise, Diplo, Gather Info, Intimidate…

2011-08-03, 07:37 PM
ALL Charisma skills? Even Perform(Wind Instrument)? Perform(Dancing)? Perform(Weapon Drill)? Use Magic Device? Handle Animal?

I mean, I can see it working for Disguise, Diplo, Gather Info, Intimidate,

It's magic bro.

2011-08-03, 07:54 PM
ALL Charisma skills? Even Perform(Wind Instrument)? Perform(Dancing)? Perform(Weapon Drill)? Use Magic Device? Handle Animal?

I mean, I can see it working for Disguise, Diplo, Gather Info, Intimidate…
Perform in general: Part of a performance is making your audience feel a particular way. If you're forced to interject something that serves an opposed purpose at select points, yes, it causes a serious crimp in the performance.
Use Magic Device: What happens when you're forced to use a curse word in the middle of attempting to use a command word? "Abraka*&!?dabra. Huh, it didn't work..."
Handle Animal: What happens when you're forced to use a curse word in the middle of a command? "Fe*&!?tch. Wait, why didn't you go get... oh."

2011-08-03, 08:22 PM
Ring of Defenestration.

If you are within your movement rate from a window, you are automatically defenestrated through said window.

2011-08-03, 08:24 PM
There are many cursed items in my players' loot piles. (Part of the campaign)
I roll them up the same way you normally roll loot, then roll for each item roll to see if its cursed and use the tables in the DMG to help determine the curse effect.
Here's a dump of a few that I rolled up recently.
Keep in mind that identify has a 1% chance per CL to reveal that an item is cursed, and analyze dweomer always reveals that items are cursed.

Medal of the Less than Gallant
1,350 gp, throat, Faint Abjuration CL3
This Silver Brooch is shaped like the sun. A golden cabochon adorns the center.
Curse: Opposite Effect
Upon casting identify upon this item, it appears to be a Medal of Gallantry, MIC pg. 116)
However, when donned, it actually provides a +2 bonus to bluff and -2 penalty to diplomacy. Three times a day the Medal can be activated, creating a silvery aura around the wearer. When the wearer is attacked, the attacker is affected by the spell Mindless Rage. (Will DC 15 negates.) The wearer can remove the amulet at any time, unless they are affected by the rage. The rage can only be dispelled by a Remove Curse spell, however it ends when the duration of the spell is up.
Analyze Dweomer reveals the actual function of the medal which registers the spell, Mindless Rage.

Qual's Feather Token: Whip of Backlash
Curse: Opposite Effect, removed by Remove Curse
Upon casting identify upon this item, it appears to be a Qual's Feather Token: Whip.
However, when activated, ropes spring from the token, entangling the user. This effect acts like the spell, Entangle, however, an escape artist or strength check does not free the victim, and the victim can move, but at half speed. Attempts to cut the ropes cause more to grow out of nowhere. Only a Remove Curse spell can unentangle the victim.

Amulet of Wyrm's Bite
1,350 gp, throat
CL 12 Strong Transmutation Moderate Conjuration
This necklace consists of a leather thong strung with dragons teeth.
Upon casting identify upon this item, it appears to be a Wyrmfang Amulet (MIC148.)
The amulet functions normally, however, it also has a drawback. When donned, the wearer grows unwieldy fangs that cause 20% spell failure for all spells she casts that have verbal components. The wearer also becomes vulnerable to one energy type while the amulet is worn, determined randomly each time it is donned. The vulnerability remains for one hour after the amulet is removed.
Nothing prevents the wearer from removing the amulet. The energy vulnerability can be dispelled by Dispel Magic or Remove Curse, after the amulet is taken off.
Analyze Dweomer reveals the actual effects of the amulet which registers the spell, Magic Fang and Bestow Curse.

Undesirably Effective Vest of Resistance
Torso, 4,000gp
CL 10, Moderate Abjuration
This elegantly styled white leather vest is edged in silver piping and has silver buttons.
Upon casting Identify upon this item, it appears to be a Vest of Resistance +2. (MIC 147.) When donned the vest functions normally, however it has a drawback. The DC of any spell, spell like ability, supernatural or extraordinary ability that the wearer uses while donning the vest is reduced by 2. Nothing prevents the wearer from removing the vest.
Analyze Dweomer reveals the actual effects of the vest, which registers the spell, Resistance.

2011-08-03, 08:29 PM
Mirror of Dwarven Beauty- any woman who looks in it instantly grows a beard ( gains +2 Cha when dealing with Dwarves)

2011-08-03, 08:33 PM
A belt of growth that makes you grow, but none of your items grow with you. Any armor and clothes worn (except the belt) are destroyed, and your weapon still does its original damage

FYI, Magic Items grow independent of the magic of size increases (they change to fit the wearer unless they have explicit size categories). As a curse item it is still works though.

Safety Sword
2011-08-03, 08:46 PM
Mirror of Dwarven Beauty- any woman who looks in it instantly grows a beard ( gains +2 Cha when dealing with Dwarves)

Hell. Yes.

2011-08-03, 08:53 PM
Wizard Apprentice's bag of Holding

This bag appears to be, and functions in every way, like a regular bag of holding with the following exception:

-The only way to take back an item put in the bag is to succeed a DC 20 search check, you cannot take 20 on this roll as various nonpoisonous diminutive creatures (mammals and insects) inhabit the bag and hinder it's use. Every failed check results in the user pulling out one such creature. When the bag has no items in it the creatures hide within it's confines and are impossible to detect as they only make their presence known once an item disturbs their lair. The bag never runs out of creatures.

If turned inside out?....

2011-08-03, 08:57 PM
If turned inside out?....

They adhere to the bag's 'surface' and don't come out.

2011-08-03, 08:58 PM
Keep in mind that identify has a 1% chance to reveal that an item is cursed
Do note that's "per caster level" - so at 5th level, it's a 5% chance. Granted, that's still not much, but it's worth noting.

2011-08-04, 12:36 AM
ALL Charisma skills? Even Perform(Wind Instrument)? Perform(Dancing)? Perform(Weapon Drill)? Use Magic Device? Handle Animal?

I mean, I can see it working for Disguise, Diplo, Gather Info, Intimidate…

Yes. If you can't speak, you give the Finger or the Italian Curse or whatever gesture is considered rude or graphic.

2011-08-04, 12:44 AM
Do note that's "per caster level" - so at 5th level, it's a 5% chance. Granted, that's still not much, but it's worth noting.
What happens when one pumps his CL past 100?


2011-08-04, 01:34 AM
What happens when one pumps his CL past 100?


You know whether it's cursed or not even before you cast the spell, but only if you still cast it anyway. Magic! :smalltongue:

2011-08-04, 02:28 AM
well if you want to be fun you can go with an item that cant be gotten rid of without normal means of doing so (mirical wish remove curse) have it either constently have some critique on the player and tell them how to do their job better, consistently tell lies, but every now and then gives a useful bit of info making hte players second guess everything it says, and for kicks make it visable and audible to only the one player.

boots of the noosed theif- boots give a +x sneak modifier, however the boots make an loud squeek when walking, granting a -x to sneak, cannot remove with miricale wish or remove curse. (x being the number)

amulet of truth - amulet glows brightly and make loud sounds if wearer attempts to lie. (again cannot remove without blah blah blah) (could also just not allow players to lie but thats kinda less fun)

potion of cure light thirst- water with perma predisitation cast on it to make it cool, this way its reall yjust water with a minor magical enchantment to detect magic works. you can make it smell and taste like another actual potion if you use descriptions to really mess with them.

sword or remorse +x - cries causes weilder to cry uncontrolably if the sword slays a creature.

glove of inappropriate conduct - grants either slight of hands or preform bonous, but randomly requires a will save or causes hands to either (slight of hand) attempt to group self or others (preform) make a rude gesture twords another.

wand of turbulet footing- casts grease as a personal range

goblet of thirst - all fluid in this goblet turns to sand, flavored as the fluid place into it, when sand is poured out, it dissappears.

bedroll of nonsesne - user expericence random dreams about his party (possibly about the next day) but all party members are in the form of ponies rabbits and dolphins (with legs) all other creatures in the dream are represented as clowns(jestures)

ring of question - makes weares hand appear as the oppisites gender.

2011-08-04, 06:47 AM
What happens when one pumps his CL past 100?


Then when you cast the spell, you roll your percentile die. If the result on your percentile die is less than or equal to the caster level in question, then you successfully know whether or not the item is cursed.

How is this hard?

The Succubus
2011-08-04, 07:55 AM
Robe of Malfunctioning Wardrobe -

On appearence, this robe is very stylish and eye catching, with vivid colours and sparkling threads. When equipped, two things happen:

From the wearers perspective, it appears to be a normal robe when looking in mirrors & reflective surfaces, or when the character is looking down at themselves.

From everyone else's perspective, the wearer appears to be naked. A magical aura extending 200ft from the robe prevents anyone from informing the wearer of this effect, be it through verbal, written or gestured means. :smallamused:

Dark Kerman
2011-08-04, 08:47 AM
I was going to DM a special April Fools campaign (didn't happen, no one was able to make it) So I ended up creating several cursed items and traps for it.

Vorpal Spoon- Looks like an ordinary spoon, with the Vorpal capability.

Cursed Porn Stash- You find a large box, filled with magazines of certain PC races (With titles that reflect such). Upon reading more than the front cover, the PC must make a will save (DC=15) or take the Moe Weakness flaw until they have remove curse cast upon them. http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Moe_Weakness_(3.5e_Flaw).

Yuan-Ti in a box- Upon finding a small wind-up Jack in the Box, upon completion of the tune, an insane Yuan-Ti abomination dressed as a jester jumps out of the box and attacks the party (DC=18 reflex save to not be caught flat footed)

Crystal Ball of Fascination- Upon looking into the crystal ball, you find yourself inable to look away without a suitable will save (DC=20) you are compelled to remain viewing the lives of others obsessively. Roll percentile for who is viewed, at the DM's discretion it is possible to view someone who is plot relevant (Thus a percent chance should be added for this person/group being viewed), and as such the character may gain useful information.

Glitterdrinks- These sweet tasting beverages cause the imbiber to violently expel a glitter-like cloud for 3 rounds after drinking, rendering them stunned for the duration. No save.

2011-08-04, 09:41 AM
What happens when one pumps his CL past 100?


Then they use analyze dweomer, because why spend spend 100gp and one hour each time they cast identify?

2011-08-04, 11:12 AM
Wand of Random Fireballs - When cast the DM rolls a d20 and times the result by 5. This result is the radius of the fireball. Also when the wand get to about 5 charges left the dice roll is lowered by 5, 10, 15, 20 (min 1 on all) and then the final charge rolls a 40.

Wand of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs - Exactly what it says on the tin.

The wand that cannot make up its mind - This wand cannot decide which of the following spells to cast: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Acid Arrow, Shout and Ice Storm. Therefore it picks randomly after each casting. When identified it appears to be a wand of whatever spell is readied at the moment.

2013-05-29, 03:54 PM
My favorite to use is a sword that looks like it is made out of stone and twigs, with rope tied around the whole thing making it look very fragile, but when someone casts Detect Magic on it, it shows itself to be a +4 Longsword. When someone picks it up it functions as a +4 Longsword, but the ropes rap around the users hand, forcing them to always hold onto the sword. Any attempt to release the sword causes the ropes to grip tighter. The ropes can't be cut by axes or swords or knives, and the only thing that can get rid of them is either complete amputation of the limb, or a Remove Curse.

Because it is so strong though, the last player I used this on decided he really didn't need to use that hand that bad anyways. Got him in trouble later on when asked to sheath his weapon during parlay and couldn't. :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-29, 05:56 PM
Ring of Sleepless Hunger - Identifies as a Ring of Sustenance but actually doubles the amount of food and water a character needs to eat each day. It however still reduces the amount of sleep a character needs each night just like a Ring of Sustenance does. I had a PC in one of my campaigns get this and decide the curse wasn't that big a deal, so he spent several levels eating everything in sight. Was pretty fun.

2013-05-29, 06:00 PM
First off, there's always the traditional Belt of Masculinity/Femininity

*You think like the other gender, not become the other gender
*You don't notice the change
*Others don't notice the change
*Become a boy when hit with hot water and a girl when hit with cold water

2013-05-29, 06:02 PM
First off, there's always the traditional Belt of Masculinity/Femininity

*You think like the other gender, not become the other gender
*You don't notice the change
*Others don't notice the change
*Become a boy when hit with hot water and a girl when hit with cold water

I see what you did there.

2013-05-29, 07:07 PM
Wand of Confusion: acts as some other wand, but whenever a spellcaster holding it attempts to cast a spell, it comes out as a spell of the same level for a different class. For example, a wizard might cast Fireball (using the proper material components and everything), but the result is that of Cure Serious Wounds (on the same targets) instead.

2013-05-29, 08:03 PM
Someone once stuck something like this in a game I played in, though it wasn't a deck of cards. It was the "Half-Orc Porn Magazine." Anyone who saw even the cover was so horrified they'd immediately fall backwards down the stairs. With no saving throw. Even if they were out in the middle of the woods and there weren't stairs behind them a second ago.

This is really funny.

2013-05-29, 11:29 PM
Bracer of the Rat. This bone bracer compels rats to gather and aid the bearer in battle. The armlet digs into the flesh of the bearer and cannot be removed in one whole piece and must be broken off and pulled from the skin bit by bit. Rats gather around the wearer if possible forming a ring of rats several feet out. The rats attack anyone who harms the bearer or they are directed towards. Each day the Bracer will attract a swarm of rats up to a maximum of two as the rats already present begin to starve because they do nothing but watch the bearer and follow him.

2013-05-30, 01:20 AM
Thread necromancy much?

2013-05-30, 06:35 AM
Elixir of Love. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#elixirofLove) It's core; it's Charm; it's always good for a laugh between party members.

2013-05-30, 08:17 AM
Scroll of Raise Thread

2013-05-30, 12:55 PM
How about a rod of disintegration?

*Daffy duck voice on*
"When it disintegrates it disintegrates!"
*Daffy Duck voice off*

2013-06-02, 05:27 PM
Here's one a friend made for his first D&D campaign:
The Ring of Gee - Upon wearing the ring, the character is assaulted by the sound of someone yelling GEEEEEEEEEEEEEE inside their head. They must make a concentration check before casting any spell, because of the ridiculous distraction.

you have no idea how hard i laughed at this. thank you so much, this is priceless.

2013-12-08, 05:02 PM
If you're looking for some ridiculous one I have a few.

The Cloak of Minor Pimpin' - A large fur cloak with a purple and gold exterior and a leopardskin interior. once worn, the cloak will grant +2 to all diplomacy, bluff, intimidate, or sense motive checks against the opposite sex. however, it can only be used by males and will give a -2 to all of these checks when used on other males.

The Sexy Suede Sash of Seduction - A beautiful suede sash that greatly compliments literally any outfit or figure. This normally gives a +4 to charisma-based checks (sans handle animal, use magic device, and perform), until the user says the full name of the item. Upon doing so, they gain an extremely noticeable lisp and suffer a -4 to all charisma based checks (including handle animal, use magic device, and perform)

before the SSS of S is debated, there aren't many famous singers with a lisp, incantations tend to use the letter s, and "thick 'im" is very different from "sic 'im."

2013-12-08, 06:02 PM
Quarrel of arrows.

This quiver contains 2d6 magical intelligent arrows, each with a random enchantment.

These magical arrows are one use items, so if you fire them, you're effectively killing them. They complain and try to talk you out of using them.

Pip: "No not me! Wait, are those trolls? Use Steve, he has acid splash"
Steve: "No don't listen to Pip, I'm actually cursed. Use Nick instead"

They also argue with each non-stop.

2013-12-09, 09:49 AM
What about these?

Ring of Miscommunication.

At first, it looks like a ring of Tongues, and works like that for an entire day after being worn. After the 24 hours of being constantly worn, it immediately binds itself to the player, unable to be removed except by magical means (im thinking an increasing dispel magic or a specialist npc check)

Once the main curse starts, the player is forced to only speak 1 random language, which changes each day (he can understand all the languages he normally would + the random one from the ring, but he can only speak the random one, even with telepathy).

Every day after the curse activates, the power of the ring grows stronger, meaning it becomes harder to remove. (no real numbers here, DM decision)

Ring of Heroic entrance. (this ones good for socially focused campaigns)

This ring appears to be a ring of (something, cant come up with a specific bonus, but make it good). Once worn for over 3 hours, it cannot be taken off, after the initial 3 hours of non-curse, the curse activates.

Randomly, but usually cuing with the Player initiating combat (initiative roll phase) The ring starts emitting heroic sounds like fanfares, trumpets, and a rather catchy tune. The longer the ring is worn, the louder this sound gets. (it starts off being at the same sound lvl as a normal person speaking (not shouting))

And of course, Totally ripped off from an anime, or well based off the anime one, whose name I shall not disclose for angry mob reasons.

The longsword of ultimate and irrevocable power and winning rights.

At first, this swords looks just like an ordinary sword, except that it weighs twice as much as it should. This is an intelligent longsword with an ego score over 200, yes. (well theoretically at least, lets go with max possible ego score, 30.)
Upon interacting with it for the first time, it becomes the player's living nightmare. Not only does it annoy him to no end, but forces him to do menial tasks, and stupid things (Fool! that wall right there is dirty as they get. Stop doing anything and clean it up!), It also forces the player to go to specific places (We must get to that questionable house, I bet the ladies in there will be lovely).

On the other hand, the sword, if and only if all its constant and literally random requisites (which I may mention, are pretty freaking spontaneous (something like, "I want you to wipe the blood off me" while you're in melee with a <insert big bad monster here>)) And as long as you complete said tasks, It explains how to use it and...

The sword becomes a +5 weapon with no enchantments. As a full round at will action, you may add up to +10 in enchantments (yes, you can have up to +15, thats how powerful it is.), choosing from any weapon enchantment(s). These stay loaded until they are changed. they do not have charges and are effectively permanent until changed.

Also, the sword starts as a longsword, but during this full round action to change the enchantments, one may have said sword also change in shape and size, as long as its still a sword (you may turn its base into any other sword, greatsword, elven courtblade, etc. you may also alter its size.)

On a side note, this weapon is so powerful that it cannot be destroyed. by no means, not even dispel or anti magic fields. such is the irrevocable power of this weapon.

So basically, a weapon of ultimate power... Who annoys his wielder until he effectively dies or throws the weapon away...

Starting to get the reference?

I love soul eater.

Either way, Its meant to be soo annoying that the player will end up throwing it away 5 minutes after he activates it.

2013-12-09, 09:16 PM
What about these?

Ring of Miscommunication.

At first, it looks like a ring of Tongues, and works like that for an entire day after being worn. After the 24 hours of being constantly worn, it immediately binds itself to the player, unable to be removed except by magical means (im thinking an increasing dispel magic or a specialist npc check)

Once the main curse starts, the player is forced to only speak 1 random language, which changes each day (he can understand all the languages he normally would + the random one from the ring, but he can only speak the random one, even with telepathy).

Every day after the curse activates, the power of the ring grows stronger, meaning it becomes harder to remove. (no real numbers here, DM decision)

i actually did something similar to this. it was a mask of tongues that would bind upon equip and force the user to speak a random language that changes every day. it also changes the user's physical appearance to match a speaker of said language. e.g. if they spoke druidic that day, they would appear to be the stereotypical hippie elf druid. if they spoke draconic, they would look like a half-dragon.

2013-12-09, 09:19 PM
The Wanderer's Tarot. Draw a tarot card from the major arcana at the start of every fight and gain a bonus or drawback based on what you draw. Death upright means you provoke save or dies when you hit enemies, whereas Death reversed means that any hit against you is fatal. Things like that.

if anybody has any interest, i came up with ideas for all inverted/upright major arcana cards. i can post those if you'd like.

2013-12-09, 10:31 PM
The Kamikazee sword: (Pick the type to suit whatever feats the warrior in the PC party has)

+20 to hit, +20 damage, 15-20x4 crit range with speed, vorpal, and all elemental burst properties and thundering. Becomes an energy weapon when it is useful to be one. Takes on the alignment properties of the wielder, (If the wielder is Chaotic Good, it becomes Anarchic Holy), and it's always a bane weapon of everything. Also wounding, vicious, and even disrupting should he be fighting undead, and it is ghost touch when it is useful to be. It spell stores one 3rd level spell spell of the wielder's choice, and he can cast it at will, but it only stores direct damage spells (Fireball, Lightning Bolt, etc, but it does cast them at Caster Level 20.) Lastly, like the spell divine sacrifice, it drains 10 hp from the wielder whether he wanted it to or not to do an extra 5d6 damage. Except it's ALWAYS on and can't be shut off. Period. Lastly, it sneak attacks as a rogue 20, and even has crippling strike and opportunist attached. The wearer gets Combat Reflexes, and infinite AoOs with it.

AC becomes 0, no modifiers allowed. All saving throws become 0, no modifiers allowed. Spell Resistance becomes 0 if it is for some reason possessed, no modifiers allowed. DR, if possessed, becomes 0, no modifiers allowed. Regen and Fast Healing, if possessed, becomes 0, no modifiers allowed.

It's the most OP sword in the universe...until some spellcaster casts a humble charm person on you. Then, all your friends die miserably to the godlike power of your sword.

2013-12-19, 05:37 PM
I remember a cursed amulet that I made that would slowly "eat" the gold coins of any player equipping it. It gave a big bonus to alot of stuff. It took forever for them to figure it out. (They thought the party rogue was stealing their funds :smallbiggrin:) I had another magic item, an ioun stone, that when "equiped" acted like sovereign glue. Anything, except the ground, that would touch the player would become stuck fast. Anything that would touch anything else that was stuck to him would also become stuck. It got pretty funny when some guards came to "help" the party.

2013-12-19, 05:54 PM
Eternal wand of Raise Thread.

2013-12-19, 06:36 PM
I don't understand, the date for the post before me is:

12-09-2013, 09:31 PM

That's less then six weeks ago isn't it?

2013-12-19, 06:37 PM
It's 10 days :P

Lemme think, fun cursed items...

Throwing Backbiter onto weapons is hilarious. Too bad it''s hafted weapons only.

2013-12-19, 07:30 PM
I don't understand, the date for the post before me is:

That's less then six weeks ago isn't it?

You aren't the one that necro'd. There was a necro from 2011 to May 2013 last page, and the first post on this page went from June 2013 to Dec 8 2013.

2013-12-19, 07:30 PM
I don't understand, the date for the post before me is:

That's less then six weeks ago isn't it?

Look at posts 48 and 49

Qc Storm
2013-12-19, 07:47 PM
Bag of Beholding.

Contains a surprising amount of angry beholders.

2013-12-19, 07:58 PM
Once knew a character who had a powerful weapon that...er...nagged.

Fatigue rules came into play because of lack of sleep.

2013-12-19, 08:27 PM
This... so very much this. I love using intelligent magic items.

Nothing says fun like a magical talking sword with claustrophobia, believes it is the holy weapon of a paladin, and also is afraid to be alone.

2013-12-19, 08:34 PM
Shiv of Sunlight

This fascinating dagger is both covered in crag linnorm poison and has the creature's soul bound to it. However, the creature's death curse takes on an unusual form; to every other creature besides the owner of the Shiv, it seems like the wearer is enveloped in a soft light that dissipates shadows. The wearer, on the other hand, does not see this light. If the wearer does learn of the effect, he automaticly starts suffering the effects of crag linnorm poison.

2013-12-19, 10:25 PM
Spear of Backbiting when buffed to high hell. It's a super powerful spear with a 1 in 20 chance of totally screwing you every time you use it. My players decided to keep it hoping they would not roll a 1 before they had enough HP to survive it backstabbing them.

2016-05-11, 09:30 AM
Gloves of the Priest
A pair of silken white gloves, with blue holy crosses on the back of the hands.
Forces the user to perform a Will save, or be forced grope or touch inappropriately any living thing nearby, if they perform any action involving coming into close proximity.
In combat this will replace an attack, and provokes an opportunity attack since it's a "touch attack"

I threw in an extra effect later,
Target must make a small Will save, or be blush uncontrollably and be unable to perform any non-movement action out of sheer embarrassment. If the target rolls a natural 1, they are mentally scarred for life.

2016-05-11, 03:35 PM
Thread of Necromancy.
Brings old discussions back from the far reaches of the internet where once they lay dead.

2016-05-11, 03:57 PM
Someone once stuck something like this in a game I played in, though it wasn't a deck of cards. It was the "Half-Orc Porn Magazine." Anyone who saw even the cover was so horrified they'd immediately fall backwards down the stairs. With no saving throw. Even if they were out in the middle of the woods and there weren't stairs behind them a second ago.

I personally really enjoy playing half orc's. I would accept either the playing cards or the magazine and not be horrified

2016-05-11, 10:27 PM
Ring of Extra Ring
This magical ring allows you to wear one more ring than you otherwise could.
What would happen if you used the MIC rules to apply this quality to a sword or something?

2016-05-12, 07:25 AM
Thread of Necromancy.
Brings old discussions back from the far reaches of the internet where once they lay dead.

I only realized this after reading your reply. Nonetheless, I think even an old topic like this one if far from irrelevant when it's the 3rd result on Google for "d&d cursed items".

2016-05-12, 07:44 AM
I'm pretty sure this one has a Phylactery somewhere - double necro!

2016-05-12, 10:45 AM
I'm pretty sure this one has a Phylactery somewhere - double necro!

triple - see post #71 :smallbiggrin:

2016-12-20, 02:51 PM
Sling of Fireballs: when activated, this sling pitches a fireball in a random direction, colliding with the first object or creature in its path using WH40K directional die.

Lasso of Truthiness: +2 lasso, Forces an intelligent lassoed creature to answer any question truthfully sometimes(50%).

Shield of Self-Preservation: Whenever the weilder is attacked, both the attacker and the weilder become panicked for 1d4 rounds (DC = Wielder's net will bonus + 15)

Shades of Blinding Power: These shaded spectacles may produce a ray attack every 1d6+1 rounds that acts as the spell Combust. The caster level is equal to the wearer's charisma modifier. The glasses also make light function as 2 steps worse, any dark-vision or low-light vision is negated, and any target with concealment doubles it's miss chance.

One with Nature Boots: Druid that wears these boots casts spells at +2 CL, but must bury himself up to his waist in dirt in order to cast spells.

2016-12-20, 03:09 PM
Aaaaaaaand it's quadruple necromancy now.

2016-12-20, 03:30 PM
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die."
-HP Lovecraft

2016-12-20, 03:54 PM
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die."
-HP Lovecraft

I have this feeling this thread soon won't be lying eternally anymore.

By which I mean it's getting locked.

2017-01-04, 06:59 PM
I have this feeling this thread soon won't be lying eternally anymore.

By which I mean it's getting locked.

Why is thread necromancy considered to be a problem? It's not like reviving an old thread is hurting anybody.

2017-01-05, 04:39 AM
Iremoveable rod. Once pressed it can't be unpressed!

Or my favorite: the True Immovable Rod. Once the button's pressed, the presser must make a reflex save, or take 10d20 damage as the rod "flies" off in to space all of the sudden. If they were holding it, they are shot 500 (or 150 on a save) feet in to the air before they can let go. What' actually happening is that it stopped all its movement, while everyone else continued moving.

2017-01-05, 04:43 AM
Why is thread necromancy considered to be a problem? It's not like reviving an old thread is hurting anybody.

Forum software is ill-adapted to handle threads from months ago suddenly returning to page one.

2017-01-06, 12:10 AM

Pretty sure this thread counts as "important" and can be raised from the dead an unlimited number of times.

My personal favorite cursed item is the Ring of Beaurocratic Wizardry. It functions as a normal ring of wizardry of its type, but when the wearer attempts to cast a spell while wearing the ring, he or she must fill out, sign, and date various forms regarding the spell to be cast, taking one round per spell level.

2017-01-06, 05:01 AM
Pretty sure this thread counts as "important" and can be raised from the dead an unlimited number of times.

I fail to see where in the forum rules any exception is made for 'important' threads, let alone anything proving this thread is one of those.

2017-01-06, 05:09 AM
I fail to see where in the forum rules any exception is made for 'important' threads, let alone anything proving this thread is one of those.

The rules in fact state that the only time necromancy is acceptable is if you contact a mod to do it for you, or you are the OP of a homebrew thread.

2017-01-06, 05:16 AM
The rules in fact state that the only time necromancy is acceptable is if you contact a mod to do it for you, or you are the OP of a homebrew thread.

Indeed, and I doubt this is either.

2017-01-06, 02:06 PM
Indeed, and I doubt this is either.

It's an informal corollary to the informal rule making "notable threads (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?124685-Notable-threads-(including-most-formerly-stickied-RPG-threads))" immune to necromancy. Also I would courteously refer anyone interested to the policy on "doomsaying" and "vigilante modding" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1).

On topic again, my favorite custom cursed item was called the

Bag of Unpleasantness
Anyone reaching into this small burlap sack feels several small prickly balls within. As a standard action, one of these balls may be drawn out and thrown up to ten feet, where it transforms into one or more creatures according to the table below. The monsters(s) so summoned immediately attack the nearest creature (other than each other). If no other creatures are available to attack, the summoned monsters instead rampage through the area, smashing, sundering, and vandalizing. After 1d6+6 rounds, the summoned creatures disappear.

d% Monster Summoned

Entire band of hungry orcs

8th-Level Blackguard Frost Giant Jarl with a toothache

Pair of Half-Dragon Tyrannosaurus Rexes


1d4+4 Dread Wraiths

Titanic Fiendish Rooster

Greater Stone Golem

Death Slaad

This item represents a bag of tricks corrupted by evil, as exemplified by the Death Slaad at the bottom of the chart. Note that the majority of these creatures are large or larger and will therefore start out adjacent to the user, meaning the user is almost always one of the nearest creatures and often immediately attacked by the summoned monster.

I used this item in an epic-level game where the only summons likely to affect the party were the beholder and the Slaad, but all offered cover, flanking, and various potential to sew chaos in social situations. In lower-level circumstances, the item is significantly more unpleasant.

2017-01-06, 02:09 PM
It's an informal corollary to the informal rule making "notable threads (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?124685-Notable-threads-(including-most-formerly-stickied-RPG-threads))" immune to necromancy. Also I would courteously refer anyone interested to the policy on "doomsaying" and "vigilante modding" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1).

How is a thread with a bunch of links an informal rule saying 'those and certain other threads may be posted in even after the necromancy period has expired'?

2017-01-06, 05:06 PM
How is a thread with a bunch of links an informal rule saying 'those and certain other threads may be posted in even after the necromancy period has expired'?

It's an informal, unwritten rule. It came up in another important but unlisted thread just earlier this year The Something-Or-Other Handbook, maybe? The Necromancy Immunity Policy is also mentioned in passing in the [x] stat to [y] bonus thread, which is itself a listed Notable Thread.

2017-06-08, 05:41 AM
Leave it be, arguing is spoiling a good resource. This thread is immortal it would seem, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Anyway...

Figured I'd sign up and contribute, as this thread has helped out my creativity a lot. Only fair I try to return the favour.

I've had to create quite a few cursed items. I find making them from scratch way better than trying to generate them. Some examples of them include:
Babycrusher - A Brash Berserking Greatclub, making a Barbarian into a terrifying force. Unfortunately, it's real name is Baby Crusher. Entering a rage while using it reduces the wielder's hand size to tiny, and elevates their warcry pitch several notches, closer to an angry scream. Until dealt with by a Remove Curse, they now have "baby hands" and can only use tiny weapons, as well as penalties to any in-combat attempts at intimidation form their voice cracking. Note that the club shrinks when it triggers, so it is still a viable weapon for their new... limitations. There's nothing stopping this curse being applied to other weaponry, too.
Sadist's Assistant - A Rod of Whips. Works normally, but inflicts the compulsion to be used manually, preferably on a willing "friend". It won't activate if it wasn't used this way within 24 hours. As this action becomes more routine, the wielder will accept it as normal, and potentially even start to enjoy it. This action is, however, inherently evil in most settings and can start to have dubious effects on their alignment.
Bag of Returning Rocks - Similar to Loadstones, but a whole bag of them. Total weight is relatively insignificant at only 5lbs, but it's still a hit to weaker characters. The slight offset is that the stones function as ammunition for slings or throwing in a similar manner to shuriken, and are +1. The offset to the offset is that they come back. Straight to the face.
Launch Boots - If you jump, you get launched 30' high. Then you land on your butt, and it hurts. Standard "can't remove without remove curse" effect in place. Unfortunately, our guy with the Wings of Flying took these and has turned them into vertical take-off assistance, so that little trap got ruined (in the best way, of course).

Another thing I find great to play with is the idea of intelligent items being based on other entities. Anyone who's heard of Garg and Moonslicer will have an idea of what I mean. In our campaign. all intelligent items are made using a trapped soul or other intelligence, rather than simply being an "animated item that isn't animate". The items themselves are technically cursed by existence, instead of (normally) inflicting a specific curse on others.
So far, our party has an Amulet of Health formed using a Drider. Said Drider is currently ignoring them and refusing to help out. They also haven't properly identified her or tried communicating properly, so that hasn't helped. Soon, they will be acquiring a weapon formed using an Inevitable. One with reality and time warping powers. That'll end well, right?
Anyway, the point of this anecdote is that I've found giving magic items personalities based on creatures not only allows for easier persona and ability construction, but means that they can turn a lot nastier and it be easily explained, possibly even predicted. It puts the whole idea of "useful but with drawbacks" into a much more interactive setting, as they now don't simply have to contend with the occasional will save - if they do it can end up pissing off the item (as happened with our Drider), but can draw on their knowledge to try and appease it without having to have ego battles at all instead.

Sam K
2017-06-08, 02:55 PM
By the time I realised this was a necroed thread, I had come up with ideas which I felt were funny enough that they warranted posting. Please don't ban me, I'm lonely :P I like the idea of cursed items that you CAN get rid off, but which offers enough benefit that you may not want to.

The NEW emperors new clothes

This appears to be a full set of clothing worthy of a king (or emperor), complete with a diadem or crown. When worn, it has the following effects:

The wearer appears naked to everyone observing them, except for themselves. The clothing still exists and protects you from the elements as usual, though.
The wearer receives a +20 enchantment bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks.

However, when the outfit is removed, fully or partially for over 30 seconds, anyone that was bluffed or persuaded while wearing it will immediately become convinced that they were lied to, deceived or persuaded into doing or believing something foolish. This happens even if the bluff or diplomacy was used to make the person do or believe something completely reasonable, or even beneficial. Their attitude changes to hostile, and you lose the enchantment bonus against them until you improve their attitude in some way (they still see you as naked though).

The clothing can be worn or removed at any time.

Designers note: instead of being clothing invisible to fools, this is invisible clothing that helps you fool people. It can also make a fool out of you. The apparent nudity can be embarassing (especially before you figure it out), but with the huge bonus to bluff or diplomacy you might actually get away with it ("Naked? Me? You must be imagining things!"). But if you start relying on it, you will quickly find yourself burning your bridges, leaving a trail of hostile people in your wake.

Helm of misalignment

This artifact was created by a long-forgotten trickster god. Legend has it that the trickster created the helm to teach mortals that personal relations where more important than blind obedience to gods and ideals. Further legends claim that this trick so angered the other gods that they destroyed the trickster. Though some whisper his greatest trick was fooling the world he doesn't exist...

This helm only works if worn by a character with levels in a class that requires him to belong to a specific alignment, for any other character it simply works as a mundane helm. When activated, the helm works like a helm of opposite alignment, without allowing any save or spell resistance. In addition, it has the following effects:

1. While the characters alignment changes, his feelings for specific individuals does not. A LG character who turns CE still cares about his old friends, though he likely sees them as misguided and will try to "convert" them.

The character does not suffer any loss of, or change to, class abilities as result of this alignment change or any
actions taken as part of it. A CG cleric that is turned LE still has a CG aura and still casts good and chaotic spells. He still turns undead instead of rebuking them. A LG paladin that turns CE does not fall from any CE acts. He doesn't become a blackguard or a paladin of slaughter, but keeps his paladin abilities despite acting in a distinctively non-paladin way.

This change can only be undone by a wish or miracle spell. However, once the curse is undone, the subject suffers the full effect of any actions they comitted while under the effect of the curse. A paladin that has comitted evil actions fall. Clerics can lose access to their spells. These abilities are re-gained as per the rules for the class. The helmet disapears if the curse is removed, to re-appear somewhere else in the multiverse.

Designers note: I like the help of opposite alignment, but it can seriously disrupt a campaign and break several characters. The helm of misalignment opens up some interesting opportunities. It's designed to make it possible to keep adventuring with the cursed party member, and opens up some interesting questions: does the party WANT to "fix" their cleric if they know it means they lose their divine caster for a while? Will they end up prefering the evil paladin to the good one?

2017-06-17, 08:07 PM
In the spirit of the argument regarding thread necro above:

Pendant of Pedantry: +2 competence bonus on Int checks and Int based skill checks; -4 penalty on all Cha based checks and Cha based skill checks to interact with another creature.

:smallbiggrin: It's an actual custom (joke) item in one of my campaigns.

2017-06-17, 08:12 PM
In the spirit of the argument regarding thread necro above:

Pendant of Pedantry: +2 competence bonus on Int checks and Int based skill checks; -4 penalty on all Cha based checks and Cha based skill checks to interact with another creature.

:smallbiggrin: It's an actual custom (joke) item in one of my campaigns.

I'm totally stealing that, but the official item name will be The Pedant of Pendantry. (... and whosoever tries to "correct" this name shall be cursed.)

Vox Silentii
2017-09-10, 11:27 AM
This one time i was creating a monk and got the chance to create my own magical item as long as it was mostly for flavor and didn't influence the combat in any way

So i created an eye band (think illidan) that lets me see the true alignment of everyone that i can see. But as soon as i put it on it made me blind and i could only see with it on.
While i was wearing it, it made everything black with white outlines and the alignment of everyone would be seen as colored clouds inside the person.
Red for Evil, Grey/White for Neutral and Blue for Good.
I wanted a blind monk but didn't want the drawbacks of being "actually" blind.

I created a medallion that speaks to the user, trying to get it to do evil things.
But the fun fact about it, is that the gem stone in the medallion was used as a seal between dimension. So when the father of the PC that had the medallion stole the gem stone, it tore open a dimensional portal that flooded the town with unspeakable evil. Think of it like tearing something from a piece of paper when he took it. A purplish portal grow from the tear and on came the slaughter.

The campaign didn't go on for very long so i didn't find anything magical about it other than it tries to make people do bad things.

2017-09-10, 11:55 AM
How about something with a backward foresight effect which tells you if you were in danger, after the danger has either passed or revealed itself. Potentially slightly useful in some circumstances, if you cpincidentally choose to go down the non-trapped hallway instead of the trapped one it'll let you know the other one was trapped, but in an ambush it's just distracting and useless to be told during the combat that there were people waiting in the bushes, or if you do go down the trapped hallway it'll tell you after the fact that that flagstone was a pressure plate

2017-12-10, 01:03 AM
I've been fleshing out a major cursed item as a sort of recurring villain for a while now.

Mask of the Mind Spider
.....This harlequin mask is blank, white, smooth, and unadorned. Its pale smirk seems to convey that it knows exactly what you're thinking. As you put the mask on and gaze out, your mouth curls into a smirk of your own.
.....When first donned, the mask allows the wearer to cast brain spider 1/day (brain spider allows the caster to target 8 creatures, reading their thoughts and even implanting suggestions; see Spell Compendium pg 38). As the wearer uses this power, they begin to notice razor-thin strings trailing from targets of the spell, who seem to move like marionettes. The wearer also gains a +5 enhancement bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive.
.....Unbeknownst to the wearer, the mask is intelligent, and malevolent. From the point the wearer first uses the mask's power, the mask can read all the wearer's thoughts and memories while worn. In addition, each subsequent time the wearer uses the brain spider ability the mask implants a suggestion in the wearer. The mask influences the user to secretively accumulate social capital and power, and to build a network of information and manipulation using the brain spider ability. Once this goal is on the way to being met, or if the user realizes that they are being manipulated, or attempts to be rid of the mask, they (the user) make a Will save.
.....If the user succeeds on the save, they realize that the mask is manipulating them. However, the mask attaches to their face and cannot be removed unless it is given to another willing individual (who need not know of the mask's powers). If the mask is successfully pawned off, memories of the mask's powers and negative qualities quickly fade from the old user's mind.
.....If the user fails the save, they are considered charmed by the mask, and refuse to take it off. The standard rules for removing cursed items now apply. The bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive increases to +10. In most social interaction people find nothing amiss with the presence of the mask, and think nothing of it. The brain spider ability can now be used 3/day, and the wearer willfully uses the power, scorning any who suggest that using the mask is wrong or that they are being manipulated. The mask can now communicate telepathically with the wearer, and continually justifies the more and more dubious acts the wearer is complicit in. As the mask gains more opportunities to implant suggestions, it forces the wearer to create a web of lies and conspiracy. The wearer justifies their actions however they can as they perform or orchestrate acts more and more heinous. Sucked deeper and deeper into their own lies and machinations, eventually the wearer can no longer deny that the mask is in control. Finally, the mask suggests the wearer commit an act so hideous as to be irredeemable. The wearer gets one last Will save.
.....If the wearer succeeds, it can pass the mask off to another (as above), except the new wearer must be integral in the mask's current web of lies, and is immediately affected by the mask's second stage. The old user's memories of the details of the web of lies grow fuzzy and indistinct, and they must make Will saves to take overt action against the mask (such as by alerting authorities, who are likely already caught up or disbelieving anyway).
.....If the wearer fails the save, the mask takes complete control, and the two are inseparable until the wearer's death (or until the mask grows tired of its host - see below). The wearer is permanently dominated by the mask as the Mind Spider's alien intelligence leeches into them, crushing their autonomy and pulling them fully into the roll of the perverse spider in the web of lies. The bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive increases to +15. The brain spider ability can be used at-will, and is to great effect. While deaths may have occurred earlier due to the web of lies, serial killings and grand conspiracies now begin to gestate, all traced back to the mask's influence. In day-to-day life, the wearer is treated by most as if there were no mask on their face at all, although it is clearly there to see. At this point, the wearer effectively is the Mind Spider; a villain who can see and tug at the marionette web of lies and manipulation they continually weave. If the Mind Spider grows tired of its host, it can transfer the mask to a new helpless body, leaving the original wearer dead with one final, irresistible suggestion. The new host immediately becomes the new Mind Spider - the mask cannot be stopped until the wearer is killed, and even then has the standard cursed item effect of being neigh-impossible to be rid of... unless it is pawned off to a willing new wearer.

2017-12-11, 09:58 PM
Forum software is ill-adapted to handle threads from months ago suddenly returning to page one.

Please Explain.

2017-12-12, 07:39 AM
Please Explain.

It's a matter of databases, indexes, and search optimization. *Most* people will be looking over the most recent page or two on top of any given forum. With that assumption, you can index and search the database underlying a forum with that in mind simply by indexing a "recent posts" query - and this one does. But there's an issue: Thread titles and tags are in the first post of the thread, not the last, and whenever anyone clicks on a thread, it has to load basically all of the posts in the thread (it only displays a limited number of a multiple page thread, but it still needs the counts to tell you how many pages, and thus must process them all to some degree)... and they're not indexed as cheaply (they defy the assumption that makes the index cheap). If one or two people are doing an archive delve and looking at threads on page 300, this isn't really a problem (there's only a few people doing it, the server has plenty of resources for that). When a thread from page 300 is suddenly on page one, however, you get hundreds (if not thousands) of people clicking on it. The server quickly becomes overwhelmed. It doesn't stop, it just starts slowing down.

2017-12-12, 11:34 AM
So, in other words the threads are fragmented and not each stored as a single file?

2017-12-12, 12:32 PM
Thought this thread looked familiar!
Man, I never wrote down some of those so I'm glad to see this again.

Gilded Armor of Righteous Justice
This armor is possessed by the spirit of a holy crusader.
Once per day, if the wearer is knocked unconscious or killed, the armor will come alive and continue the assault against the wearer's foes for ten rounds. Unfortunately, the armor only has control over itself, and will not bother to eject the wearer's body before using their limp limbs to beat the enemy, causing a great deal of damage to the dying wearer as their head flops loosely abound and their limp wrists are slammed repeatedly against the enemy.

Vorpal Dentures of the Poet
These Dentures provide a powerful bite attack but force the wearer to speak only in rhymes.

This magic sword has the ability to release spirit from body. The downside to this is that any person slain will generally rise as a ghost or phantom and haunt the wielder.

2017-12-12, 02:41 PM
Singing Frog - This frog sings constantly whenever you and it are alone. It always manages to finish its song whenever another person is aware enough to notice the frog. At that moment the frog does nothing but croak like a normal frog. As soon as you are alone with it again, it sings.

the frog should also give you inspire courage equal to the number of party members you are missing.

2017-12-12, 06:40 PM
So, in other words the threads are fragmented and not each stored as a single file?
Not what I said, but it'll be accurate that more than one file is involved (significantly more than one - most database implementations end up using quite a few). You appear to be missing several of the references needed for a proper explanation. It's missing background information, not missing intelligence, so that can be gotten around... it's just very time consuming (as an analogy, consider explaining a joke involving comic book superheros from two different continuities to someone who's not even familiar with the concept of a comic book superhero - they don't have the references, so before the joke can be gotten you need to set them down with several comics first). Is it OK if I just say "Yes, there's good reason from a technical standpoint for the 'no thread necromancy' rule"?

2018-07-24, 09:19 PM
I remember a cursed amulet that I made that would slowly "eat" the gold coins of any player equipping it. It gave a big bonus to alot of stuff. It took forever for them to figure it out. (They thought the party rogue was stealing their funds ) I had another magic item, an ioun stone, that when "equiped" acted like sovereign glue. Anything, except the ground, that would touch the player would become stuck fast. Anything that would touch anything else that was stuck to him would also become stuck. It got pretty funny when some guards came to "help" the party.

Katamari anyone?

Squeaky WarHammer +1 warhammer that squeaks like a squeaky toy on impact. High chance to attract local dogs to the area.

Amulet of Extra Wildshape An amulet for druids that grant 2 extra wildshapes per day. A random everyday action(such as sneezing, seeing an animal, waving to someone, etc. Dm's choice) will have a 25% chance of causing the druid to wildshape into a random animal, expending one use.(Dm's choice if it uses just the amulet's charges or the druid's natural ones as well.)

*Druid sneezes and becomes a porcupine* Bard "Ok, I know you can come off as a bit prickly sometimes but really?!"

2018-07-24, 09:24 PM
This is the thread that doesn't stay dead
Yes it comes back and back my friends
Some people started posting in it
Not knowing what it was
And they'll continue posting in it forever just because

2018-07-25, 01:18 AM
This is the thread that doesn't stay dead
Yes it comes back and back my friends
Some people started posting in it
Not knowing what it was
And they'll continue posting in it forever just because

You thought the singing sword was bad, making stealthy kills impossible. Meet the ever-singing sword! It doesn’t stop, even when sheathed!

The lesser loadstone doesn’t actually weigh all that much, but it has pointy bits, and always appears in the shoe of the one cursed with it. Generally while he’s walking or running or trying something that requires reliability of tread.

The Shadow Golem seems oddly named, being made of stone and generally appearing to be in every way a stone golem. But once it has been claimed by an owner, it will do everything in its power to shadow his every movement. If it can’t keep up with him, it will calmly walk, unerringly, to his location to stand ten feet behind him, whereupon it will once again mimic his every motion. It will do everything it can to follow, demolishing terrain and buildings in its way. Even slowly beating the rock of the ground itself if it has no other way but to bash through it, however much time that takes. It has no regard for the safety of its “owner” in its efforts, and might cause collapses which are lethal to said person.

Forum Staff
2018-07-25, 09:24 AM
Please don't post to threads where the last post was over 6 months ago.