View Full Version : (Pathfinder) "Colonial" campaign help

2011-08-03, 02:11 PM
This weekend, me and my group are going to start working on setting up for a new campaign of which I am DMing. The general "plot" is that the players, along with a good sized colonizing force, will travel to a new planet by a combination Interplanetary Teleport and Gate (more or less a Stargate with only one destination). It'll be on rails up until they get to the planet then it'll shift gears to a sort of freeform kingdom (colony) builder. The new planet will have Aberrations, Magical Beasts, Plants and Dragons (maybe) along with a few others, whereas the home planet only has Animals (aka earth like).

So far there are five players, two of which have more or less decided on what characters they will be playing (One is a summoner and the other is leaning towards either an Oracle or an archery based fighter).

Here are a few of my worries though:

With the players more or less stranded on the planet, what is a good way for them to resupply, aside from opening the gate every day or so? I was thinking more like once a week to send supplies and resources back and forth, but I doubt once a week in game is proper for a group of five that are constantly beating back a hostile planet.

This is my first time running a proper Pathfinder game (first game I ran blended in some Pathfinder, but this is ONLY Pathfinder), so are there any classes/archetypes I should look out for that may cause trouble? Also classes/abilities/spells that will give the players an "unfair" advantage to the native flora and fauna of the alien planet?

Since they'll be going with a colonizing force, how many should I send along with the PCs? I was thinking like 30 soldiers (Gamemastery Guide's Foot Soldier with muskets and longswords), 50-60 workers, and maybe a second adventuring party, along with a few misc NPCs (someone to chronicle the colony's history, healers, mages, ect.) but keep them all about lvl 1-3. I've never ran anything like this so any help would be appreciated.

Suggestions on encounters or things to add would be greatly appreciated.