View Full Version : Witch; home brew class help.

2011-08-04, 08:58 AM
Looking for suggestions for a home brew class. Got a player that has expressed a lot of interest in playing a witch. There is an old AD&D/2E class writeup for a witch that she's been holding on to since the 80's involving most notably Candle Magic. She is the type of player that does not do too well with a lot of options though. I'd like some suggestions of abilities that would add flavor but would be easy to work with. I think my build is a bit advanced and would like some advice on simplifying it while maintaining flavor. She is currently a monk/rogue dmg dealer, losing her dmg would hurt for we only run a Bard, Monk/rogue and Ardent.

So far:
*Spells - List taken from DMG p175, progression similar to a bard but to 9th lvl.
*Eldritch Blast - Progression as per warlock but w/o the ability to imbue it.
*Candle Magic - Magic Circle vs Alignment lvl5, vs Element lvl10 and finally spell holding(Extend Spell) for as long as the candle burns.
*Familiar -or- Shape Change to "familiar"
*Brew- Ability to brew short lived potions per day.
*Broom- Hovering>Flying mount
*Coven - lvl18 gain followers.
*Longevity - lvl20 stop aging

I'd like to explore the Candle Magic and Brew abilities some, suggestions appreciated.


2011-08-04, 09:38 AM
Have you checked out the pathfinder Witch? (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch) You could take that, maybe prune out a few abilities if you think it's overpowered and make some of the class choices for her to simplify things.

2011-08-04, 11:00 AM
I like the Hex ability of the PF witch. This may be something to look at. TY

2011-08-04, 11:02 AM
As metioned before, pathfinders witch is decent and can be found on its SRD.

2011-08-04, 11:36 AM
Pathfinder also has the Alchemist, which is all about potion abilities.

2011-08-05, 12:55 AM
There's also a 3.5 Witch class (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19526430/The_WITCH_Core_Class) which won some Wizards contest. It also already has Candle Magic:

Candles: Candles are a source of power in many arcane rituals, and their dancing light radiates mystical potential. Only Nonlawful witches can dabble in Candles. Power: Candlesight: The witch gains low-light vision; if she already possesses this ability, she can now see three times as far (instead of twice as far) as a creature without it. Spells: 0 candlelight [Wbst], 1 faerie fire, 2 continual flame, 3 corpse candle [Tm&B], 4 summon monster IV (lantern archon), 5 fire shield, 6 shadow walk, 7 starmantle [BoXD], 8 scintillating pattern, 9 incendiary cloud.

2011-08-05, 12:58 AM
Perhaps also look at the Dread Witch PrC from Heroes of Horror?

2011-08-05, 01:10 AM
There's also the Candle Caster from Tome and Blood (3.0, but never updated, so it's legit), but it's not exactly simple.

2011-08-05, 09:27 PM
TY again for the input, checkin out the other witch variants.


2011-08-05, 10:38 PM
The DMG section on making your own classes also has a witch. It more or less takes a sorcerer and changes the spell list. You could also take a wizard and do the same, doesn't matter. Add some class features to keep it interesting and bam you're set. Or go with the Pathfinder witch ya.