View Full Version : Polymorph and Lycantropy

2011-08-04, 07:26 PM
The Polymorph spell say :
The subject gains the Strength, Dexerity, and Constitution scores of the new form but retains its own Intelligence,Wisdom, and Charisma scores. It also gains all extraordinary special attacks possessed by the form (such as constrict, improved grab, and poison) but does not gain the extraordinary special qualities possessed by he new form (such as blindsense, fast healing, regeneration, and scent) or any supernatural or spell-like abilities.

On the other hand we have the lycantropes that say :
Special Attacks: Curse of lycanthropy

So as i polymorph into a lycantrope (taking care of choosing one that fit alignement i want) i couldbasically make peoples around me aflicted by the curse ? Or make myself getting it if i poly someone else ?

I can smell my DM wanting to smash me already if i come with that....

So is it possible or just a dream i have ?

2011-08-04, 07:28 PM
Nope. I'm almost certain you can't polymorph into anything with a template.

2011-08-04, 07:35 PM
I cant see this limitation in the spell description.

Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing living creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell functions like alter self, except that you change the willing subject into another form of living creature. The new form may be of the same type as the subject or any of the following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin. The assumed form can’t have more Hit Dice than your caster level (or the subject’s HD, whichever is lower), to a maximum of 15
HD at 15th level. You can’t cause a subject to assume a form smaller than Fine, nor can you cause a subject to assume an incorporeal or gaseous form. The subject’s creature type and subtype (if any) change to match the new form (see the Monster Manual for more information).
Upon changing, the subject regains lost hit points as if it had rested for a night (though this healing does not restore temporary ability damage and provide other benefits of resting; and changing back does not heal the subject further). If slain, the subject reverts to its original form, though
it remains dead.
The subject gains the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the new form but retains its own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. It also gains all extraordinary special attacks possessed by the form (such as constrict, improved grab, and poison) but does not gain the extraordinary special qualities possessed by the new form (such as blindsense, fast
healing, regeneration, and scent) or any supernatural or spell-like abilities.
Incorporeal or gaseous creatures are immune to being polymorphed, and a creature with the shapechanger subtype (such as a lycanthrope or a doppelganger) can revert to its natural form as a standard action.
Material Component: An empty cocoon.

2011-08-04, 07:42 PM
I cant see this limitation in the spell description.

Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing living creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell functions like alter self, except that you change the willing subject into another form of living creature. The new form may be of the same type as the subject or any of the following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin. The assumed form can’t have more Hit Dice than your caster level (or the subject’s HD, whichever is lower), to a maximum of 15
HD at 15th level. You can’t cause a subject to assume a form smaller than Fine, nor can you cause a subject to assume an incorporeal or gaseous form. The subject’s creature type and subtype (if any) change to match the new form (see the Monster Manual for more information).
Upon changing, the subject regains lost hit points as if it had rested for a night (though this healing does not restore temporary ability damage and provide other benefits of resting; and changing back does not heal the subject further). If slain, the subject reverts to its original form, though
it remains dead.
The subject gains the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the new form but retains its own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. It also gains all extraordinary special attacks possessed by the form (such as constrict, improved grab, and poison) but does not gain the extraordinary special qualities possessed by the new form (such as blindsense, fast
healing, regeneration, and scent) or any supernatural or spell-like abilities.
Incorporeal or gaseous creatures are immune to being polymorphed, and a creature with the shapechanger subtype (such as a lycanthrope or a doppelganger) can revert to its natural form as a standard action.
Material Component: An empty cocoon.

Ah, that pesky inheritance. "This spell functions like alter self, except..."
Now we check Alter Self (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/alterSelf.htm): "You cannot take the form of any creature with a template, even if that template doesn’t change the creature type or subtype. "

Nothing in Polymorph overrides that clause, so no templates.

2011-08-04, 07:46 PM

Would have been so cool :smallfrown:

2011-08-04, 08:20 PM
Even if Lycanthropy wasn't a template, it wouldn't work; the Curse of Lycanthropy attack is Supernatural, not Extraordinary.