View Full Version : 11th level party vs. Azalin?

2011-08-05, 03:02 PM
So my party is currently in Ravenloft. They're fairly unoptimized as it currently is. The party at the moment consists of..

Fighter 11
Druid 10/Beastmaster 1
Cleric 4/Prestige Paladin 1/Knight of the Raven 4/Radiant Servant of Pelor 2
Rogue 2/Wizard 3/Unseen Seer 6

My problem arises because the group, despite my every effort to keep them from getting in over their heads right now, insists on trying to lead a rebellion and kill Azalin Rex of Darkon.

Now, I'm all for a good rebellion plot and whatnot, but these guys have decided that they're ready to take on the big dog himself, despite my relatively unsubtle hints that such is unwise..

So tell me, is there any way I can make a fight with an 18th level super intelligent Lich and his boatloads of minions from utterly destroying the group?

Or should I simply let the dice fall as they may if they force the encounter and play him as I should, which is highly likely to end with a TPK.

2011-08-05, 03:13 PM
How involved is Azalin with the party. That is, does he give a ****? 'cause he could very well just handwave them into some gate or something that throws 'em each in random place around Ravenloft (given the nature of Ravenloft, I don't expect it to throw 'em out).

Alternatively, you could have one of his stronger lieutenants encounter them alone and be barely beaten; as long as it is made clear how much stronger Azalin is, that should give them a pause (and Azalin a reason to give a **** thus setting up an epic confrontation in the future; first 3-4 levels of cat'n'mouse with them just trying to avoid him).

Though if I was their DM, I'd probably let the dice fall and let the players earn their destiny. If they walk into a certain death, then certain death it is.

2011-08-05, 03:24 PM
So tell me, is there any way I can make a fight with an 18th level super intelligent Lich and his boatloads of minions from utterly destroying the group?

The biggest fight would be just reaching him. One does not simply walk into Azalin's lair.

Heck, with the forces at his disposal, it wouldn't be hard for the PCs to gain 2 - 3 levels by the time they even reach his secretary.

2011-08-05, 03:39 PM
One does not simply walk into Azalin's lair.

Failed my will save vs. memes.


2011-08-05, 06:47 PM
Failed my will save vs. memes.


No sir you are wrong...


Sorry I couldn't resist either