View Full Version : Mirror Image Help

2011-08-05, 06:17 PM
From the SRD "Generally, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment."

How do you guys roll this in play?? Roll a percentile??

Also if the character and the images are in different squares and someone attacks the square the real character is in but misses the % on the roll to hit the real one how do you play it??

2011-08-05, 06:22 PM
The attacker decides which square to target, then you roll the dice to see which of the copies in that square the attack is going at.

2011-08-05, 09:07 PM
I usually ignore what squares the images are in and only show the square of the real character. All targeted attacks on the character have a 1 in X chance of hitting, where X is the total number of visible copies of the character (number of images + 1 real character). Use the appropriately sized die: 6 images means use a d8 and reroll 8's, for example. It might not be strictly RAW but it's easier than tracking so many squares for one character.

2011-08-05, 09:12 PM
I usually ignore what squares the images are in and only show the square of the real character. All targeted attacks on the character have a 1 in X chance of hitting, where X is the total number of visible copies of the character (number of images + 1 real character). Use the appropriately sized die: 6 images means use a d8 and reroll 8's, for example. It might not be strictly RAW but it's easier than tracking so many squares for one character.
That's exactly how my group has always done it.

2011-08-05, 09:33 PM
Yeah, I meant that you can only attack against one square, so if the guy with the images had seen fit to specify that some of them are in different squares, you would discount the ones not in the square targeted. (Or so I imagine.)

If you had, say, 5 mirror images, the chance of the real you being targeted by the attack is the same (bit below 17%) whether you had them all in the same square (1/6≈0.17) or divided into two squares between which the enemy has to pick first (0.5*0.333…≈0.17).

2011-08-05, 10:43 PM
The spell says the images are 5 feet apart but you can move through them to confuse attackers. If you're not going to track the image squares then you need to at least track when the enemy has found the real image. Then you need to move to reshuffle the images. Also remember the image's AC is often much lower than the wizard's, so even a "miss" can still pop an image.

2011-08-05, 11:19 PM
I usually ignore what squares the images are in and only show the square of the real character. All targeted attacks on the character have a 1 in X chance of hitting, where X is the total number of visible copies of the character (number of images + 1 real character). Use the appropriately sized die: 6 images means use a d8 and reroll 8's, for example. It might not be strictly RAW but it's easier than tracking so many squares for one character.

Best way to do it, also avoids a nightmare if the caster has anyone near him.

2011-08-06, 02:26 AM
Best way to do it, also avoids a nightmare if the caster has anyone near him.

Indeed, my DM didn't understand how the spell was supposed to ever work if there was anyone adjacent to the caster, so he ruled that it just didn't.

Seems to be a pretty bad spell for gishes due to the whole issue of generally having to be within reach of the critter when attacking it, and yet I see it as one of the more commonly recommended spell-defenses.