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2011-08-05, 10:09 PM
The Raynn-Verse

The Last 5 years:
The world is not as it once was. After Event 84 five years ago the majority of Freedom City's super human defenders were dead, and it seemed like the entire city, perhaps the world, was on the brink of utter chaos.

Then arose new forces. The Legacy of Freedom, The New Next-Gen, The Navigation Club, The New and True Freedom Leagues, for a time it seemed like a new golden age of super heroics had arisen.

The Skrull invasion struck out at the still weaken super heroes and forced them to unify. They cast the Nazi shapeshifters back to their parallel reality's moon and sealed them their.

Then came the Sorrow Ultimatum. Johnny Sorrow attempted to use a device forged by a mentally ill Daedalus I, Pandora's box, to tear all the evil that once escaped it back out of reality at once. The resultant stress on the fabric of space-time would have destroyed the universe but left other parallels intact. This would have left a hole in the universe through which Sorrow's masters, the Elder Gods who had been sealed beyond reality behind the Force Wall at the edge of the Omni-verse, to enter the multiverse and feed upon one universe after another.

Johnny Sorrow was stopped by a union of the remaining major super teams with the assistance of Daedalus who had been helped regain his grip on reality by Doctor Dire I.

It seemed then that all the world was in store for a period of relative calm but the future that had been lived through by Daniel Sword a.k.a. Nemesis & Athena Sword a.k.a. Doctor Dire II still almost came to pass.

A being known as Tyrannus descended upon the world, specifically Freedom city, seemingly out of nowhere. His horsemen, four corrupted future versions of heroes crippled the world's infrastructure. Including its satellite network and most major power grids.

Though Tyrannus was powerful he was unable to face the combine forces arrayed against him and he was killed. Then came the reveal. Tyrannus had been Meta-Soul.

Only Cael and a select few other realised when time rewrote itself so Tyrannus was in fact the future version of someone else and had not been killed. Every time he died he was resurrected as the dark future of someone else. He was as much a living concept as an individual. He could no more be killed than forgotten entirely.

The Cael realised with the help of Professeur Pain that his unique nature meant that if he travelled through time he could interact with key events, fixed points in time that can never change no who attempts to avert them directly. Event 84, the death of the Skrull God, etc. These Tethers to fixed points would mean that Cael could not be rewritten, he himself would become a fixed point in time. Cael knew what he had to do.

When his allies next killed Tyrannus in a battle that levelled a sizable portion of the school and destroyed Claremont Academy's main building Cael was ready. When time was rewritten he ensure he became the new Tyrannus, robbing Tyrannus of his immortality.

MetaSoul, Ellen now a Vampire, Doctor Dire, Green Lantern, Navi, Orange Sentinel, Metamorph and Doctor Twilight focused the power positive together to destroy Cael as Tyrannus. Ending the conflict but costing Cael his life.

Since then the last 4 years have been a time of relative calm, villians and heroes have come and gone. The Freedome League is larger and better organised than it ever was, functioning again on a global scale.

Claremont has reopened its doors for the last few years and this is set to be the first where its student numbers equal those before Tyrannus' Attack four years ago.

The entire student body has only just arrived, their luggage still heaped on the lawn next to the rows of chairs that have been arranged before a podium in the main garden.

Several major players in the Freedom League have appeared to begin the year in earnest. The Original Daedalus (Now retired), the Principal Athena Sword (Doctor Dire II), Doctor Dire I (the only one in armour) and the Mayor Daniel Sword (Nemesis). Along with Doctor Dire I's 4 year old daughter Athena (a younger alternate version of the principal) and Athena's daughter Abigail (Also 4 years old, Nemesis is her father) they make up the first family of modern day super heroics.

Once the students have all found their seats they are surprised to see that it is not Athena that rises to give a speech but Doctor Dire.

The crowd goes silent as the metal of her armoured feet are heard against the podium in a rythm reminiscent of a heart beat. When she speaks it is with equal parts eloquence and authority, she is the Leader of the Freedom League International after all:

1 Page Comic (http://s4.postimage.org/691awrkzp/Intro_copy.jpg)

As she finishes she disappears back to the the seats of the honoured guests with a flourish of her cape. The infant Athena sits perfectly still and merely nods to her mother as she sits beside her. As she does the older Athena rises and approaches the podium.

"Claremont is of course honoured to have the Leader of the Freedom League here with us today, as well as our Mayor Daniel Sword and the head of Prometheus Technologies Daedalus," she pauses and smiles at the crowd as if to assure them she will be nicer than her mother moments before "Many of you are likely wondering what Claremont is like, at least those of you who have not been here before, well then let me explain in way that might not bore you."

She steps out from the podium and her flesh shimmers for an instant before a layer of liquid metal pores forth from her pores surrounding her in a sleeker more organic looking version of her mother's armour. Where her mother favoured red she favours a deep purple. The liquid metal stops at her neck as it forms her armour leaving her head visible to the crowd.

She clicks her fingers and a photo realistic hologram of a sun appears abover her head looming over the crowd.

"At this school we live on the cutting edge. Some of our technology is so advanced it has technically not been invented yet. That isn't a poor joke, we have technology from the future."

She smiles at the students and continues.

"Our physics classes are taught by the smartest man alive, he once took a class to the edge of the galaxy, to a moon clinging to a dying star just to show them the Medusa Cascade because a student said he'd made it up."

"Our biology classes never involve dissecting rare animals though I have heard of a class cloning a Tyrannosaurus."

"Our history books are the diaries of time travels, our school building is bigger on the inside than the out, we have students from over 30 different planets, each teacher was at one point a super hero and our idea of a field trip is a quick jump to an parallel reality."

"Salvador Dalí once said Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. So as you leave here I want you to consider that. We have crafted together here the once place in all the world where you can be and do anything you dream to be! So what is your ambition when you can be anything? When there is no dream left unattainable. Who are you when you can be anything?"

With that the sun she made supernovas, bathing you in warm light

"There is one last thing before you go to your dorms. I am sorry to say that over the years we have made mistakes that may have put students lives in greater jeopardy than was necessary. We did not offer combat training to every student because we wished to PC, to deny that to be super human is to be required to be combatant in the struggle between hero and villian, but that also left some students untrained to protect themselves in times when it would have been safer to be ready for anything. Due to this all students will be sorted in 5 person squads, these teams will compete in a year long tournament of varying competitions and at the end of the year the team with the highest points total will be deemed the school's first champions as well as gaining the honour of becoming the New Next-Gen team! You all have your dorm room numbers, move into your rooms and be in the Danger Room in 1 hour. Don't worry about the name, it's safe, we promise. So to end on a good note, like my mother said, it's going to be a LONG year!"

With one last grin she disappears back to the guests and motions for teachers to begin directing the students.

The room allocations are as follows, number denotes apartment, letter denotes which of the two rooms, you ten share the same common room:

Kismet |1A
PX-11 |2A
Kid Minotaur |5B
The Human Spirit |3A
Psychedlic |3B
TimeLock |4B
Jill |1B
Rycon |5A
The King |4A
Saorus |2B

You can post in this thread for anything that happens in your down time. Talking to your roommates, friends, teachers, etc.

Now you should go to your own team thread to begin the Danger Room Scene. (Once I have the other IC Threads up) but you may also post here at the same time playing what happened before the danger room scene in your downtime. You may continue to do this while the Danger room scene is played.

2011-08-05, 11:44 PM
Mike smiled as the speech ended. It was a good speech, very inspiring. Very fitting the Dires. Watching Dora and Athena, mother and daughter from two separate worlds, along with their own children, made him happy to be among them at such a time. Things are peaceful for now...

Mike felt a slight pinch of guilt, sorry that his adventure starts among friends, he hopes, unlike how his son, Jake MetaMorph, started in a pile of garbage... But they all have a different chapter in the big story, it couldn't be helped. Even if it was his hand that wrote MetaMorph's first paragraph. He became a fine hero.

Looking around, he searched the departing crowd for who will be his apartment-mate. He smiled to himself, wondering how much Athena knew about him if he is to stay with the King of Camelot. If the King is interested in some history, Mike has a lot of it to share...

He approaches the superteen with a slight mental cringe. He is another Jake, is he not? Even if he isn't a Jake Robin, he is still called Jake. The world has an odd sense of humor... "Hi, I'm Mike" TimeLock reaches out to shake the hands of the King.

2011-08-06, 01:03 AM
Sven stands on the precipice of sanity and teeters in the psychic winds of fate and significance. Looking upon the assemblage of important figures, both in the crowd of young souls and upon the stage among the storied elite. Their auras shout a thousand conflicting truths through the cosmic dance of fate and power. The drug addled teen smiles vaguely at his classmates, unaware that he is still rambling to an uncomfortable young man about the colors of his future. Mid ramble Sven cuts off, his head whipping about so quickly that the thick fused dreadlocks on his head nearly whack the boy in the face if he had not ducked out of the way so quickly.

"Whoah man, that is seriously heavy." He whispers as a powerful aura weighed down with such an unbelievable burden of sheer age drifts past him through the crowd. The clockwork man offers an open palm to a figure formed from sharp blades and chivalry, or perhaps that was just the hallucinations again. Either way Sven drifts dreamlike through the crowd after them.

"Goo goo g'joob, I am the Walrus, but what are you?" He peers curiously into the boy's irises with no respect for personal space. "They call me Psychedelic cuz' I surf the psychic sea, but you wear ages in your overcoat, it's obvious to me." Sven's multicolored Irises bleed out into his sclera as he examines the two boys.

2011-08-06, 01:09 AM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

Faith had arrived just an hour ago, and crawled into the space between the two front seats in order to see the Academy come into view, nearly sitting in her parents' laps by the time they got to the gates themselves. "Sit down, Snowflake. You'll be there in a minute." her father had chuckled, using his favorite petname for her. Winter, snowflake...he thought he was so clever. She was too excited to argue, though, and planted a quick kiss on his cheek before retreating into the back to gather up all of her things which had mysteriously escaped her suitcase and ended up in the seat next to her on the five hour drive over. She had barely gotten it packed in again, actually having to sit on it in order to get the zipper closed, while her parents scolded her for getting out of her seatbelt even in the Academy's driveway.

After her father insisted on lifting her heavy luggage out of the back of the car all by himself and nearly giving himself a hernia accomplishing the task, the family said their teary goodbyes. Faith was directed by a smiling, older student toward the main garden with the other new arrivals while her luggage was levitated toward the big pile by another senior. She found herself smiling broadly the entire way, giddy with excitement at finally being in a place with other kids with powers just like her! There were so many! She wanted to run around asking questions, seeing what they could all do, but knew enough metahuman etiquette to know that not everyone was as forthcoming as her own family. The Winters were what you'd call "public" mutants, living out in the open in New Zealand. They'd suffered some prejudice, but her parents always told her to hold her head high and she'd tried to live by their example. She stopped suddenly to idly run a hand over a large, leafy plant in the garden. Faith was going to miss her parents...but, oh, she was going to miss the opening speech!

She nearly ran into a group of kids around the next bend in the garden path, but she spun on her toes like a dancer, somehow miraculously avoiding them at nearly full speed. She managed to catch a soda can one of them dropped in surprise during the commotion and placed it gently back in the boy's hand. "Sorry! Excuse me!" she said quickly and continued on to the open area where the chairs had been set up.

Faith was a little uncertain after the armored woman's speech, but quickly perked right back up when the headmistress went on stage. Her jaw dropped open at the display of power and she grinned at the other students next to her, who were all pointing up at the glowing sphere and looking suitably impressed right along with her. At the end of the speech she found herself talking excitedly with a few others girls, exchanging names and cell phone numbers and telling each other how cool Mrs. Strong was while the teachers started wrangling them all into groups.

2011-08-06, 01:16 AM
Mike isn't phased by the intrusion into his personal space, or that there are people who would know of his age, as he simply smiles at the high man.

Then he suddenly stepped back, a slight groan slipping through his lips and Mike started rubbing his eyes. Quickly shaking it off, he looks up at the man "I'm Mike, Mike Kreeg. I'll be known as Timelock around here, I guess. You are quite correct in your assessment, may I inquire how did you know?"

2011-08-06, 01:55 AM
"I know lots of things, some of them are even true. Half the time my mushroom dreams whisper secrets, the other half it's just crazy crazy crazy in my face all the time." Sven smiles happily and rocks back and forth on his heels and the balls of his feet. "My name's Sven, but also Psychedelic, but mostly Sven. I'd shake your hand but you'd probably find it trippy to see what I see. Most people do. Sometimes they even throw up afterwards."

2011-08-06, 02:07 AM
Mike nods "I have enough of my own visions, I'll gladly not take yours as well." Then, after a moment, he adds "Well, intriguing, I think we are going to be teamed up..."

2011-08-06, 02:45 AM
"Niice !"
Jill does give a little clap at the end of the speech. As a self percieved purveyor of entertainment, she respect good showmanship when she see it. That speech was inspiring, the metaphors were ..er .. splendid and the word were trully .. well.. okay honnestly she wasn't listening to well; there were so much stuff to see and the other one had bored her to death, it was pretty much standart stuff anyway as far as she understood. But the supernova thing was a nice tiddbit; if she had just blown it in someone face it would have made a killer finish.

The small brown hair girl sitting at the back leave the back row seat on wich she's been wrigling with impatience, looking around her for the the whole duration of that intoduction. She does look pretty unremarquable... right to the point where she suddenly tear in half and with a small wirling movement the paper fragments of her disguise fly off, revealing the true Jill, pretty much the sam but in her full Ink and paint glorry. That's how you make an entrance.
"Smo.." no, wait, that's already taken "Much better" It probably says a lot about how seriously she takes her first day of school that she's made the effort to act and even look normal for a whole hour. (Well she would have livened things sooner but there was Dr Dire' Stare. And it deserves it's capital letter, if mere eye contact could talk, this one would say only one word: "Don't.")

But now that's done. There's so much to do, so much to see.
Like that girl who seemed entirely made made of wood. and no one had dropped a jar of termite on her. Or that guy with a cow head, howdy'acalit? oh yeah minotaur. He's been sititng near soemonee with a red scarf and hadn't charged yet. And that guy here.. .Well he was the weirdest of them all. not only did he look entirely human but he didn't even give the feeling of a mystical aura or the impression of hiding a dark and mysterious past. Not even the smile of someone hidding somem ace up their sleeve. Complelty mundane. How uterly bizare.
And that was just the tip of the iceberg. It does help that havin been technicaly alive for something like a whooping two weeks, everything seemed so familiar and yet so new, like gettign your hand on something you've ever seen in picture.
Following the flow of students moving forth tot the domitories, takes a few bouncy steps int eh dirrection of the next group of people "Hiya ! what's in the air ?

2011-08-06, 04:51 AM
Jake was there in the audience. Rumor may have gotten around that he was the bearer of Excalibur, but much of the time he didn’t feel anything like King Arthur. King Arthur had a kingdom to rule, a Grail to find. Jake, well… he was still worried about graduating high school. But at the same time, Merle N. Vizard had thought that Claremont Academy would be the best place to hone his talents and be educated to be a wise and just monarch while at the same time doing something good for the world. Jake had agreed, but had to do a lot of convincing with his parents to allow him to join. He’s ashamed to say he was forced to use the King’s Command to overcome their objections; but it’s all for the best.

Jake clapped at the speech given. It was a bit hard for him to decipher who was who up there. Multiple versions of the same person was not something Jake was used to. Things had been normal for him until last year. Obviously it would take some getting used to.

And that’s when his room-mate approached him. Jake recognized him from the description he’d gotten earlier. He smiled and extended his own hand to Mike, shaking his hand with a firm, friendly handshake.

“Hey Mike, how are you? We’re room-mates, right? It’s nice to meet you. I hope we’ll be good friends.”

Jake was friendly and down to earth. He was wearing a shirt that had an 8-Bit picture of Link on it holding his sword up high and a pair of jeans. He apparently had a sense of humor. On his feet were his magical boots. Strapped to his back was Excalibur in its sheath. He didn’t go anywhere without it anymore.

“What kind of stuff should I be expecting out of the Danger Room?”

It was right about then that Sven approached. Wow. In Jake’s old school this kid might have been thrown out for the mushroom talk. Still, he seemed friendly enough.

“Hi Sven. My name’s Jake. I’m uh… well, I don’t have a very good super-name yet, but I’m the King… of Camelot.”

Yes, he knew it sounded ridiculous, but it was true!

Then Jill came bouncing over. She was bubbles and good cheer—and appearing to be a living drawing of some sort. Jake blinked, and reminded himself quickly not to stare. He smiled to her, a friendly smile.

“Hello! We were just introducing ourselves to each other. My name is Jake, this is Mike and Sven. What’s your name?”

2011-08-06, 05:11 AM
Mike examines Jill for a moment, "Huh, hope he has better grip of his powers now..." He thought aloud and turned back to Jake "Good to meet you, your highness," Mike said with lighthearted courtesy "You'll find that I have decent knowledge of the time, so if you have any question, I'll gladly be your Merlin, if I'm not busy of course." He smiled.

"The danger room, if I am not mistaken, allows for a simulation of battle and other emergencies in a safe environment, when it isn't being hacked, anyway. But I'm sure Athena holds a firm grip of the software and everything will go smoothly." Mike looks at his own luggage for a moment, then goes absent minded. A second later, he seems to blink in and out of reality, but his belongings vanished.

2011-08-06, 05:16 AM
Jake shook his head and held up a hand in a halting manner when Mike called him ‘your highness.’

“No no no. Mike, please don’t call me that. It’s a title. I’m really kind of a nobody. I’m King of a place that doesn’t exist anymore. So I’m mostly this guy with a really cool sword. Just… just Jake will do.”

He chuckled and then listened to the talk of the Danger Room. The fact that it could be hacked was not a comforting prospect. Then Mike vanished for a split second. Jake was smart enough to put two and two together when the luggage was missing.

“Mike, that was incredible!”

2011-08-06, 05:31 AM
Mike waves his hand in a dismissing matter "It's not whether or not the place exists that matters. You can't be just a normal nobody for the sword to choose you... Somebody put their faith in you, accept it. Oh, I remember when I saw Sir Ewain last time, he said..." Mike's thoughts trail off and he stops the story before it really began.

2011-08-06, 06:15 AM
"You don't know who I am ?" Jill sounds almost wounded for a few seconds here. hadn't this guy ever watched cartoon ? she knew she wasn't bugs bunny but still...
"Oh the great fleetingness of fame !" she puts her arm over the head in the most overblown dramatic fashion. "Fifty years to the name of Magic Jill, laughter as my skill, and already nobody remembers. How Lame." She shrugs. "Oh well."

"So what are you anyway ?" She takes a time to look a the guy in front of him. "Lemme guess. You are an alien rock singer and Camelot is the name of your planet ?" Yes she saw the sword, and she does know a bit about the arthuriabn legend, she just didn't associate it to Excalibur. Because, sure he looks nice enough and maybe kinda strong and all that, but If that's King arthur then she's asking a refund on her Arthurian mythology. There's a distinct lack of face pilosity. So he can't really be a king as anyone know. Obviously.

"And he's a mystery drapped into an enigma" She kind of just skimmed over Mike. Perhaps because it's clear to her keen dramatic sense taht he's just too mysterious "And he knows daddy apparently ? That's nice."

And finaly she take a loong look at Sven with a very dumfounded look before fishing from thin air a large stick with an oversized hand at the top and poking him repeatidely with it. "uh.. somme Zombie ? Does it hurt when I poke you ?" What 's the afterlife like ? Are you going to eat people alive ?

2011-08-06, 08:23 AM
Among the audience, Ashley had felt like a big sore thumb among them for being an immigrant... At least that's what she had thought. She could only look speechlessly onto Doctor Dire's speech which had been given off with such a charismatic twist that Ashley's expectations for this school had risen ten-fold. While she didn't smile through the ceremony, she was in high spirits the entire time. Because she she had only transferred to Freedom City a year ago, she was still a little behind on the events that apparently happened 4-5 years ago.

She hadn't taken much notice of the other people until after it ended, so now that she was taking a closer look, she felt much less out-of-place among the group. Having her apartment number, she checked who would be her... partner for there. Having only the name "Kid Minotaur" to follow by however was not the easiest of tasks. Oh well, she thought, might as well hang around. It couldn't be that hard to spot. In the meantime she quietly started drinking a soda while leaning next to a table. Her eyes and ears had caught on to another group of students chatting. Rather than coming in onto the conversation for the time she listens in from where she's at, having a small smile across her face. She wouldn't have been surprised if she got dragged into it anyway, so it practically was a matter of time now.

As she listened on though, she had to chuckle quietly and shake her head in dismay at one of the female students, her comment about another student being an alien rock singer almost made Ashley turn away to avoid notice of her chuckling.

2011-08-06, 10:27 AM
Mike was quite distant as Jill was poking at Sven, or asking about Jake... He was intrigued about how Jake got the relic, not so ancient by Mike's own standards though...

Was Merlin that desperate? It didn't seem Jake went through any real test, more as if he was applying for a job. And a lake? Making out underwater at summer camp? It was all too fishy. Mike mentally smirked at his very intended mental pun. Getting powers you aren't mentally prepared for was risky, he knew that. With Jake he had no choice, but Jake didn't have any world shattering powers like Jake had. If someone would try to listen to his thoughts, he might be confused by all the Jake-iness, but one was King, other was MetaSoul, two young souls that got their powers without mental preparation. Of course MetaSoul was only a few months old, even if not physically showing that...

As his senses returned to the present, Mike didn't show signs of confusion. It didn't take a nanosecond for him to register any alterations in the environment.

"Kid Minotaur, Kismet, Timelock, Alexander and Psychedlic" Mike said to himself aloud, looking around, quickly finding all members. "Well, we should all go settle in our rooms and meet up in the danger room, I'd say."

2011-08-06, 11:02 AM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"Hey, did someone say my metaname?" Faith broke into the conversation as soon as she'd heard Mike in passing. She still had on her wide grin and took a moment to wave goodbye to the group of girls she'd been sitting next to earlier, who were all in different teams, before taking a look at everyone assembled. "None of you guys would happen to be Kid Minotaur would you?" she asked jokingly. "Nice sword, by the way." she added as an afterthought, reaching out to flick a fingernail against Excalibur, producing a sound like the single clear tone of a bell. "...Whoa...really nice sword."

"Hey, wait, are you Magic Jill? Please tell me you're the 'Jill' on my roommate paper? I used to watch you on TV! You were my favorite part of 'Tiny Loonies!'" Faith said, suddenly switching tracks. "I'm Faith Winters, er...Kismet, if you're feeling formal." she said to the group at large.

2011-08-06, 11:16 AM
As another girl, Faith, came into the conversation, Ashley decided not to wait around any further and join in with them as well. "I'd be looking for Kid Minotaur as well," she began as she walked up to the others, throwing her soda in the recycling in the process. She did turn to Jill afterward. "Wait, you mean Jill here... Is from a television show?" Ashley had thought to herself that it was the stupidest thing she had said in a long time. "Who are each of us teamed up with anyway?"

2011-08-06, 11:22 AM
You can’t be just a normal nobody for the sword to choose you… Somebody put their faith in you. Those words mimicked that of Merle almost exactly. It was no real explanation as to why this responsibility was placed on his shoulders, but it was still nice to hear that someone had faith in him. He wondered how Arthur felt when he first laid hands on this sword.

“Thanks, Mike,” Jake said with a small smile. Apparently the words helped him out more than Mike may have realized.

As for Jill, he gave her an apologetic look at the suggestion that he should know who he is. Let’s face it, he was way more into the Ninja Turtles when he was a kid. She asked if he was an alien rock singer and he laughed.

“No, I’m afraid not. Though I have to admit that would be awesome. No, I’m actually from California. Still, I’m really the King of Camelot. Dead serious.”

He nodded to her a couple of times, to let it sink in. He could see out of the corner of his eye Ashley trying to hold in the laughter. He gave her a knowing grin and nearly laughed himself.

Shortly afterwards, Faith came up to the group. She was pretty cute, as a matter of fact. So Jake didn’t necessarily mind her touching Excalibur (not like anyone could lift it if they tried stealing it, though).

“Thanks. It’s Excalibur, by the way.” If there was a pause of disbelief, he would reiterate the ‘dead serious’ line.

“I’m Jake Wallace.”

And then as Faith introduced herself to Jill, it clicked who it was! She was an ACTUAL cartoon. He blinked once--- but before he could think it was too unbelievable, he did have to remind himself that he is the King of frikkin’ Camelot.

Ashley asked who they were teamed up with, and Jake did his best to remember.

“I’m with Jill, actually, and Rycon, The Human Spirit, and Saorus.”

2011-08-06, 11:35 AM
"You aren't used to these things, are you?" Mike observed. He looked at Jill for a moment, recognizing the touch of Meta in her. It was MetaSoul's powers, ones that he himself was responsible for, but MetaMorph had decided that the young clone wasn't ready, could go wild. Mike couldn't blame his son for being worried. Anyhow, ripping the powers out led to them being adopted by Warp. And in a brief moment there was another resident in Freedom City, a cartoony resident.

"You aren't keeping contact with... Umm, your bringer? Didn't get to see much of Warp's progression personally, hope he gets along with MetaSoul..."

"I wonder if Athena would mind a field trip to Camelot... Could lead to some nice personal growth... And a very nice desert. I know a place there that makes one of the best blackberry pies I ever had. When it was open, that is..."

2011-08-06, 11:45 AM
Ashley's shoulders and arms sank as soon as she heard from Jake who she was with. She turned her head quietly and spoke under her breath. "Great, stuck with King Arthur, a cartoon, and whats most likely a ghost and a saurian. I've been blindfolded into the ship of wackos..." She knew she had to make the best of it however, so sense arguing. At least Jake wasn't hard to look at. "So Camelot still stands to this day? I thought it had eroded way with it's history long ago."

2011-08-06, 11:49 AM
"Sadly, no. But an interesting idea nonetheless. The return of Camelot..." Mike talks to himself "I wonder if they'll be up to it" he mumbles, then shaking his head. Not everything was eternal, he knew it well.

2011-08-06, 12:01 PM
To Ashley’s question, he sucked a sharp breath in through his teeth. “Yeah, well… no. I don’t know. Not even Merle was able to tell me where Camelot is. So it’s probably just gone. But still… I guess anything’s possible.”

He smiled, feeling optimistic since he walked into this school.

2011-08-06, 12:06 PM
"Merle?" Mike looked at Jake with amused confusion. "How original..." He thought to himself "Couldn't tell where it was? Guess he didn't get the memo." He really ought to avoid meddling in such affairs, but he still wanted the king to see his kingdom.

2011-08-06, 12:07 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

Shortly afterwards, Faith came up to the group. She was pretty cute, as a matter of fact. So Jake didn’t necessarily mind her touching Excalibur (not like anyone could lift it if they tried stealing it, though).

“Thanks. It’s Excalibur, by the way.” If there was a pause of disbelief, he would reiterate the ‘dead serious’ line.

“I’m Jake Wallace.”

Faith wasn't sure whether Jake was trying to make a joke about Excalibur or not, but between it not being that funny if it was a joke and his dead serious expression she could only raise her eyebrows in surprise. "Well hello, Mr. Fancypants." she quoted her favorite be-chinned actor with a grin. "Careful, you could poke someone's eye out with that thing." she winked.

"I'm trying to find..." she smoothed out and looked at a crumpled piece of paper that had looked like she'd rolled it into a ball before putting it in her pocket,"...Kid Minotaur, Timelock, PX-11, and Psychedelic...which just has to be you." she said in Sven's direction. It was sort of obvious.

2011-08-06, 12:11 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

Faith wasn't sure whether Jake was trying to make a joke about Excalibur or not, but between it not being that funny if it was a joke and his dead serious expression she could only raise her eyebrows in surprise. "Well hello, Mr. Fancypants." she quoted her favorite be-chinned actor with a grin.

Oh, he recognized the quote. And the fact that she quoted that god amongst men scored her big points in Jake's book of awesome people. He grinned at her and then hit her back with another one, that he'd always wanted to use since acquiring his current moniker.

"Hail to the King, baby."

His grin grew bigger, flashing his teeth.

2011-08-06, 12:15 PM
Ashley turned her head to see if she could recognize anyone else there before coming back to the conversation. "Camelot sounds intriguing, but it is hard to believe; especially if no one has an idea where it actually exists... Still, the sword looks real enough, it's hard to imagine how it might be fake." She sighed with a smile upon Jake's comment. "Just don't let it get to your head ego-boy." She giggled afterward.

2011-08-06, 12:16 PM
"Timelock is me" Mike introduced himself with a nod "The others, well, I hope will come to us soon."

He looks at Jake's reaction "Down boy." He smiles, and adds "Well, you sure aren't acting like a king from the Arthurian era... But I guess that's to be expected from a... Teenager." Mike tried to keep his response tamed.

He only chuckled at the claim that nobody knows where Camelot existed.

2011-08-06, 12:22 PM
Len sat in the crowd of fellow students watching a veritable who's who of superheroes give their speeches. The way Dr. Dire spoke, it felt like she was talking directly to him. Being here at this school, the competition to become the new Next-Gen team, this was exactly what he needed to do. Imagine if he could be on the next Next-Gen team! It would be a great step forward for the Saurian race being recognized. A shiver of excitement goes down his spine, and faint scales appear and disappear just as quickly. The beasts in his blood were just as excited as he was.

When the speech was over, he bid farewell to his parents and with a knowing smile told them he would do his best. He headed to find his room and danger room assignments. Hmm, looks like I'm with 'Jill', 'The King', 'Rycon' and 'The Human Spirit'. Might as well see if I can find them in this crowd. he thinks and heads off into the crowd, passing through various groups of kids his age talking to each other and showing off their powers.

He spotted a group of people talking rather animatedly...especially because one of them was actually animated. Good a group as any to check out, maybe they know who I'm looking for. he heads over and introduces himself, making sure to not interrupt. "Uh...hey everyone. I'm looking for my group. My name is Leonard, but everyone calls me Len. Oh, and my 'super' name is Sauros...but I think they misspelled it on the roster list. I'm in the group with Jill, The King, Rycon and The Human Spirit. Do you guys know them...or are some of you them?" he asks. Len is wearing a grey t-shirt with the image of a T-Rex fighting some zombies and tan shorts.

2011-08-06, 12:23 PM
Ashley turned to Mike, "You speak as if you're an adult compared to us. She stretched her arms out behind her head. "Though by your name as 'Timelock,' I wouldn't be surprised if you'd be considering yourself immortal... Which I cannot imagine how that would be possible."

She had turned to the new member. "I would be Rycon, and that person over there," She looked at Jake, 'would be The King; his sword being his only indication of his royalty." Ashley was glad Sauros didn't actually look like a dinosaur, she was worried for a moment that she was the only "normal" female among the group... Though she expected to be the only female anyway.

2011-08-06, 12:26 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

Faith pulled off a little mock-curtsey at Jake's return quote, pretend to raise the hem of a skirt she wasn't wearing and crossing one of her ankles behind the other.

"We're all teenagers here, Timelock. Pull the stick out a little and have some fun." she said with a smirk. "Unless you're some sort of time-traveling, shapeshifting imposter here to peek into the girls' locker room?" she added, curling her hands into claw shapes and waving them around in Timelock's face with a short laugh.

2011-08-06, 12:32 PM
"Hey! I traveled once and it was not a fun walk in the park!" Mike replies. "And I'm not a predator either." He smiles "Although a small chase by the police might be fun once in a while..." He attempts to joke, which just sounds a tad too forced.

"I'm sorry, hard for me to interact with people..."

"I'll let you in on a secret... I'm actually not a teenager." He says, as he begins to look like a ten year old. Then he returns to his normal appearance "Just kidding. I'm not ten."

2011-08-06, 12:40 PM
He raised an eyebrow to Mike at the “teenager” comment. Weren’t they all in high school here? “Well.. yeah. I know that, and I’m fine with it. Just because I got handed a sword didn’t mean that my entire personality changed. Besides, who said kings have to lack a sense of humor?”

Len approached at this point, looking for his team. And he found two of them, at least. Ashley made the introduction for Jake, he smiled and nodded, and then stuck out a hand to shake Len’s. “Well, I’d better get used to this title sooner or later. King Jake Wallace of Camelot.” …And with what was beginning to be his mantra, “Yes, I’m serious. It’s nice to meet you Sauros. I look forward to being on a team with you…. also, awesome shirt.” Jake grinned.

Faith’s reaction to one of BC’s best lines made him chuckle out loud, but not as much as her comment to Mike.

“Awesome, times two. Hope you brought your B-Movie collection. It’s how I learned to be a superhero.”

Now, as for Len…

“Maybe we should talk about our abilities before the Danger Room and figure out what each of us can do so that we don’t go into this thing blindly.”

His eyes widened as his room-mate turned into a ten year old for a moment. “Dude.”

2011-08-06, 12:51 PM
He returns the greetings to everyone, glad to have found some of his group. "Great to meet everyone." he says, smiling. "Not a bad idea King Jake. I don't know about you guys but I haven't actually fought using my powers yet...but I'm eager to learn. Basically I can shift my body into different dinosaur parts, or do the whole thing. Though going full dinosaur tends to destroy my clothes..." he says, and holds out his arm for demonstration. Scales quickly cover it as his five fingers merge into three clawed digits, and the musculature rapidly enhances. He flexes it around a few times before turning it back to normal. "I'm not much for ranged combat..." he says with a grin.

found the link too late, the shirt that Len is wearing is a real shirt! shirt! (http://www.printfection.com/awesomeosaurus?productid=5602491&mode=add&items=1&storeid=135628&show_invoptid=0&show_sideid=10773864&productsideid=10773864&tab=1&show_option_num=1&keywords=&id=376207&level=0&product_location=0&store_page=&ga_event_category=&color1=3273&size1=0&qty1=1&color2=3267&qty2=1&color3=3267&qty3=1&color4=3267&qty4=1&color5=3267&qty5=1)

2011-08-06, 12:54 PM
Ashley turned to Jake with a bit of a curious look on her face. "B... Movie?" Having only spent a small time in Freedom City, she had little idea of some of the terms used. "We should probably look for our last member before we discuss our abilities. I'd rather not have to explain twice." Her attention then turned to the age changing Mike. "...What are you?" Her response was given like she was disgusted. She then turned to Len. "That's quite interesting. Does transforming hurt though will all the bone structure and anatomy modifications?"

2011-08-06, 12:55 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"Wow! When I said that I had no idea that you actually were a shapeshifter. I'm going to have to keep a careful count of my panties now." Faith teased Timelock. He was awkward, but not really in a creepy way. His powers, or at least what she'd seen of them, seemed so amazing, too! Most people that she'd seen so far just blew her little power right out of the water, actually. It was a bit humbling.

At mention of Sauros's shirt, Faith went over and grabbed the bottom of it, stretching it out flat so that she could look at it. "Oh my god, he's so right. I'm going to steal this shirt from you and never give it back." she grinned. She didn't seem to be put off by the scales or the claws. In fact, Faith just seemed to be in a constant state of giddy amazement at all the aliens, mutants, and metahumans around. Apparently she also had a little problem with personal space, too.

2011-08-06, 01:02 PM
Len looks to Ashley. "I guess you are probably right about waiting until everyone gets here, but I couldn't resist." he says somewhat embarassed. "It actually doesn't hurt, but it sure feels weird. It's like when you go to the dentist and he numbs you and pulls a tooth out...you can feel it but there's no pain."

Len startles a bit when Faith runs up and pulls on his shirt, but recovers realizing its all in good fun. He chuckles a bit, "Yeah, I figured it would be the perfect shirt to wear today. You can order them off the internet if you'd like to get one of them yourself! I...uh, tend to wear lots of dinosaur shirts..."

2011-08-06, 01:06 PM
"He's King Jake, I'm Mike." He corrected Len, and turned to Ashley and Faith.

"Not a shapeshifter, more of a timeshifter." He grows into a mid-twenties version of himself, but changes back quickly, faster than with the child. "I can change the flow of my own time compared to the world, and I have some ability to manipulate the time around me. Unfortunately, I lost quite a bit of my power from the little time trip I went through, so I'm here hoping to unlock it again. What about your powers?" He directed it at Faith, glancing at somewhere distant before continuing "Am I correct in assuming you can change the course of events to your own favor?"

2011-08-06, 01:07 PM
Ashley wanted to wait to discuss their capabilities, but Jake didn’t, and apparently neither did Len. And so after Len displayed his amazing talent of being able to transform into a DINOSAUR, Jake nodded to him and smile.

“I’m not really good with ranged combat either. You see, I’m a completely ordinary human. My title has given me the power to sway others with my voice, but what really makes me of any use at all, is the fact that I can lift this sword.”

He gripped the hilt of Excalibur, and he drew it from its sheath. The blade appeared to be silver, with golden filigree making various designs on the length of the blade. And the moment it was free of its sheath, it flashed so brightly that it may have blinded those around him—but he willed it not to. He held the sword aloft. It was powerful. Even the untrained eye could see that. The artifact radiated majesty and hope. It's sight could bolster the hearts of the good and strike fear in the hearts of evil. Even Jake himself stared up at the blade with awe in his eyes.

“It desires to vanquish evil and heal the afflicted. The wicked cannot even bear to look upon it,” he said quietly, repeating what Merle had told him about it.

At this moment, more than any other, Jake actually seemed somewhat… regal.

As the sword moved in the air, it emitted a tiny sound even from small movement, like a musical note.

He finally put the sword away, and then he smiled, “And the sheath makes me really, really tough. And I have a pair of boots that let me fly. But yeah… otherwise, normal.”

2011-08-06, 01:07 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"Yeah, I could do that...OR I could just steal this one when you're not looking and you'll just have to deal with it. It's gonna happen." he nodded, flattening her lips out and pressing them together as she raised her eyebrows a bit. It was just a fact that he better get used to.

To Mike's question, Faith bit her bottom lip and looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well, I guess you could put it that way. I never really tried to define it before. I'm just good at stuff and things seem to work out for me most of the time. I wouldn't have even thought it was a power if my parents hadn't told me about it. I thought I was just really lucky!" she shrugged. "Oh, and I'm good at throwing stuff like coins and playing cards and stuff. Like this..." she dug in her pocket for a quarter and then casually winged it across the yard through several groups of students and parents toward the picnic tables, where it hit a water bottle someone had left there, tipping it over into the recycling bin right underneath it.

"Hey, did you bring B-movies, your highness-ness?" she asked Jake, suddenly switching subjects yet again as she seemed wont to do. "We should all set up a movie night in one of the common rooms even if we're on different teams! That way we can all get to know each other and hang out!"

Best. idea. ever.

2011-08-06, 01:19 PM
"Speaking of lucky, I wonder what happened to Wildcard..." Mike thought. "Anyway, I don't see the harm in stealing his shirts, he is going to ruin them anyway sooner or later." Mike noted jokingly. "I bet could steal all your shirts before you'd notice" he added "Including the one you are wearing." There was no expression attached to that statement. It was just there.

2011-08-06, 01:26 PM
Ashley's eyes kept eye on Excalibur even after it's blinding light came to sight. "That's... Unbelievable," she said as he wielded it. "Don't go swinging it now though, it looks like it could hurt." Ashley's own melee weapon, which she had kept away for the time being, wasn't as impressive. "My own abilities aren't much right now. I have electrical powers, but I require special equipment to use my offensive ones or else I have little control over them." She seemed embarrassed as she said that. "I usually stick with my own gadgets. I'm not a front-line fighter like Jake is. I prefer stealth and finesse."

She turned to Faith now. "Could someone explain what these B-Movies are? I haven't heard the term before." Ashley had wished her cousin explained these things more before she went to Claremont...

2011-08-06, 01:35 PM
Len stared at the sword as it was raised into the air, and realized that his mouth was open. Quickly recovering, he knew that Jake wasn't bragging when he said he held Excalibur. "That...that sword is awesome! Len exclaims, feeling at that moment that he could achieve anything. He laughs, "Sounds like you have quite the arsenal there, your majesty."

He looks back to Faith, who is still interested in his shirt. "Please don't steal my shirt, this is the third one I'm on..." he says, and then watches her demonstrate her powers, and realized that she is actually pretty cute. "Remind me never to play cards against you." he says, slight smile on his face. "The movie idea sounds great though, maybe we can plan something after we all get back from the Danger Room?" Len found himself eager to spend time with these people...hopefully his new friends.

2011-08-06, 01:35 PM
"Whoah, there's like... a lot of you." Svens goggles at the group through the confusing haze of overlapping auras and cosmic significance. He swats away Magic Jill's hand with his sleeve. "I'm the Mushroom man, I'm Dr. Feelgood, I'm an acid trip on legs and a medicine cabinet with a mouth. I'm one stop shopping for any and every compound you care to name."

"I got kicked out of my last school cuz of my drug problem, well not my problem. The rest of the students had the problem, I was the drug... Always licking me, it was weird." Sven frowns sadly.

2011-08-06, 01:46 PM
"Don't worry Sven, most of them aren't on our team, although we are going to share the common room."

He wasn't really into the movies idea. He seen almost all the movies that came out since the beginning of cinema, and could play everything in his head perfectly. It ruined the pleasure others had from rewatching movies. But he didn't think it was a good idea to turn down company, especially when he is going to have to work with these people.

He just hoped he won't have to police the bunch, and to avoid any problems with substance abuse "Please don't lick Sven, or touch him without gloves, I guess." He looked for a moment at Sven, thinking about being in his place, living so long without human contact...

"Sven, do your powers have long term effects on others?"

2011-08-06, 01:47 PM
The second Alexander walked into the room he was overwhelmed by the sense of excitement and hope for a new beginning from the crowd of students awaiting the opening speech that would commemorate the start of a new year ate Claremont. He usually tried to block out people's ambient thoughts out of respect for their privacy, but with that many people sharing such intense emotions it was impossible to keep some of what they thought from bleeding through into his mind.

It was a relief when Doctor Dire took the stage; her imposing presence commanded the utmost attention of the students and the mental chatter ceased largely as she gave her speech. It was Principle Athena’s speech that followed, however, that was of greatest interest to Alexander. I wonder what if would be like to become a member of the New Next Gen. He grinned to himself. Only a matter time before he found out. Of course his team would win the competition. That was never in question. It was his team after all.

He made his way through the crowded room to the postings that disclosed the team rosters. He examined each one quickly until he saw his name. “Let’s see… Kid Minotaur, Psychedelic, Kismet, and Timelock.” Some of the names sounded promising, but there was no way to be sure until he met them. He looked around the room, trying to place the names with faces. Kid Minotaur should be obvious, but the rest left much to the imagination. He about gave up until he saw a dreadlocked kid with swirling, multi colored eyes. They looked downright, Psychedelic. At least he knew who one of his teammates was. He was engaged in conversation with some fellow students, which seemed to include some kind of knight and what seemed to be a living cartoon. He shook his head. Only at Claremont.

He approached the group, but they were already engaged in lively conversation and he was unsure of how to enter the conversation. Finally, he decided to bite the bullet and just talk to them. “Hey,” he said. Nice, job Alex, dazzle them with your eloquence why don’t you?. “My name is Alexander. I think that I’m supposed to be teammates with at least some of you.”

2011-08-06, 01:56 PM
"Alright" Mike exclaimed "Now we have only one member of our team missing. I'm Mike, or Timelock. This is Kismet and Psychedelic. The others are from another team we will be sharing the common room with. I hope Kid Minotaur will find us soon..."

After a quick mental survey, Mike spoke quietly to himself, but easy to overhear for those around him "So, luck control, substance abuse, telepath... And a bullman we still have missing. Been a while since I seen one, hope he is out of that maze..."

2011-08-06, 02:05 PM
"Heeeey, Alex. Welcome to the party. I'm Psychedelic, but call me Sven. It's shorter."

"Well sometimes it makes people kind of sick for a long time if they aren't tough enough to deal with it. I can also do acids and stuff. I melted my way through a brick wall once. I got one thing where I can make like organic PCP. It only lasts for about a minute but you get real strong while it works." He ponders what the doctors at Grant Conglomerate had told him about his powers. "Most of my compounds break down quickly and don't stick around like some stuff. The only one who gets long term effects is me, I wasn't always so..." He waves his hands vaguely in front of him and rolls his eyes crazily, "I mean I didn't use anything before I got this, my grandfather did some experiments with drugs that were supposed to like, open his mind. But it didn't work, until I came along at least. Guess it needed two generations to incubate."

2011-08-06, 02:06 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"Speaking of lucky, I wonder what happened to Wildcard..." Mike thought. "Anyway, I don't see the harm in stealing his shirts, he is going to ruin them anyway sooner or later." Mike noted jokingly. "I bet could steal all your shirts before you'd notice" he added "Including the one you are wearing." There was no expression attached to that statement. It was just there.

"I don't know. You sure you want to bet against Lady Luck?" she responded wryly, narrowing her eyes a bit in challenge.

She turned to Faith now. "Could someone explain what these B-Movies are? I haven't heard the term before." Ashley had wished her cousin explained these things more before she went to Claremont...

"They're like low-budget films that usually aren't very good and that don't get shown in movie theaters, you know? Sometimes you'll get a diamond, though, so they're fun." Faith explained. "Now you have to come watch with us! It'll be fun, I promise."

He looks back to Faith, who is still interested in his shirt. "Please don't steal my shirt, this is the third one I'm on..." he says, and then watches her demonstrate her powers, and realized that she is actually pretty cute. "Remind me never to play cards against you." he says, slight smile on his face. "The movie idea sounds great though, maybe we can plan something after we all get back from the Danger Room?" Len found himself eager to spend time with these people...hopefully his new friends.

"Hey, at least there's less of a possibility of it getting torn to pieces by a dinosaur when I'm wearing it. I'll keep it safe for you!" Faith reasoned. "And I wouldn't suggest playing quarters or beer pong against me either." she smirked. "Oh wait, we're not allowed to drink legally in this country are we? Bugger." she pouted.

"I got kicked out of my last school cuz of my drug problem, well not my problem. The rest of the students had the problem, I was the drug... Always licking me, it was weird." Sven frowns sadly.

"People actually licked you?" she giggled. "That is so weird. Could you imagine? Like zombies chasing you across the courtyard. Druuggs! DRUUUUGSS!!" she mimicked, adopting the Frankenstein walk with her arms out in front of her and pretty much glomping Ashley, going so far as to start licking her cheek.

2011-08-06, 02:08 PM
"People actually licked you?" she giggled. "That is so weird. Could you imagine? Like zombies chasing you across the courtyard. Druuggs! DRUUUUGSS!!" she mimicked, adopting the Frankenstein walk with her arms out in front of her and pretty much glomping Ashley, going so far as to start licking her cheek.

"I dunno, at least I'm not a frog. People lick those too, for kinda the same thing actually..." Sven laughs, I mean it's not like the teachers could confiscate me or anything. So they expelled me instead."

2011-08-06, 02:15 PM
He smiled at Faith's challenge "Oh, I think I have a good chance at that." He says as he throws a dinosaur shirt at Len "Don't worry, I closed your luggage."

2011-08-06, 02:15 PM
Ashley took a few steps back from Sven. "Is... Is that something that should be freely able to touch? That's horrific..." She looked a little sick. "Have you thought about wearing some sort of suit to keep it from harming others? It sounds like what they get from you is an addiction..." Then turning to Faith, "Those B-Movies don't sound rather interesting. I'm not sure I understand the enjoyment of low-budget films..."

2011-08-06, 02:20 PM
“Thanks, Len, Ashley. Hopefully I'll actually be able to use it well.” Jake actually grew a little bashful about the praise his team was bestowing on Excalibur. Being allowed to lift that sword felt like the greatest compliment one could ever receive. He needed to get the flush out of his cheeks, so…

Switching subjects again, he grinned to Faith and gave her a thumbs up, “Yeah, of course I brought my collection. Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, the Man With the Screaming Brain, every superhero movie I can think of off-hand, Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, Biker Babes From Mars, The Thing, The Thing vs. The Blob One and Two, and yeah… I have more. We need to see if we can’t get a giant tv out of the AV room or something. I’m in room 4A, what about you?”

He turned his head to see the conversation with Psychadelic… and he reminded himself not to touch him. And then Alex approached. Jake smiled at him.

“Hey, Alex. I don’t think we’re on the same team, but it’s still nice to meet you. I’m Jake Wallace, King of Camelot.” He didn’t bother with the serious part this time. He did just flash Excalibur after all.

He looked back to Faith and Ashley as they discussed the nature of B-Movies.

“Ashley, think of the best story ideas… Vampires fighting cyborg were-dinosaurs for the fate of Atlantis. That, that is the essence of a B-Movie. And Faith’s right. You have to show up. You have no choice in the matter. The King commands it,” he grinned.

As for Faith’s powers, “I bet you pull great letters in Scrabble, too…”

2011-08-06, 02:24 PM
"Hey, wait, are you Magic Jill? Please tell me you're the 'Jill' on my roommate paper? I used to watch you on TV! You were my favorite part of 'Tiny Loonies!'

"Thanks. It's Magic in the air." That used to be one of her catch phrase. Jill gives her best smile and bows before pûtting her hand in her hat and taking out... *Roar !*... a lion wich bite her hand imediatly and stay gripped until she manage to shake him off and trow him somewhere int eh background at the cry of "Yeouch ! Bad Bunny !"

"Hi kissmet, glad to meet you too."

a cartoon

"I prefer the term animated american" she kids "or Toon, it's simpler. Hi.".

After that, Jill has been pretty silent. There's a good reason for that. As soon as as psychedelic mentioned people licking him, she of course had try imediatly do it. She spend the last few minutes zoning out and speaking extremly fast giberish with her eyes turned into turning spirals before she shaked it off. "anddeliverusfromfish...Bleh. you don't taste that good"

"I'm still not convinced you are king, you know. Were's the red coat ? Where the collared beard ? everyone know king have beards; like wizzards." She's holding triumphantlysomething in her hand as if it was the ultimade proof of what she's saying. it's.. four playing cards (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:King_playing_cards.jpg) of course. The idea that the common renderisation of a concept may not fully match with the reality of the thing it's supposed to represent is something that she may not to fully grasp. "Or maybe it grow up whent hey put you on the throne. Wait, if you are a king aren't you afraid someone going to chop your head off. Or poison you in the ear ?" she muses.

Yeah gods, you guys post fast..

2011-08-06, 02:29 PM
"Besides the fact that we share the same common room so it's hard to avoid movie night... It's going to become a tradition, isn't it? Why do I sense it's being a tradition?" Mike wondered.

Then Timelock stared at Jill again, "wow, you're a handful to handle, aren't you?" he says with a smile and pets Jake on the shoulder "Good luck."

2011-08-06, 02:29 PM
"It's no good, I pretty much melt through anything eventually. My skin is kind of acidic so most clothing just starts sprouting holes. The science dudes over at Grant gave me these clothes. Some kind of polymer blend they said shouldn't break down as quickly. But my hands are the worst, gloves melt away to nothing in an hour or two." Sven plucks at his flat black clothing, including heavy boots. Everything except his hands and face are covered. "They think its a stress reaction. My skin needs to breathe or it starts making a lot more acid and corrodes away whatever is covering it."

"They also told me I'm not physically addictive or anything. Though overuse can build up a mental dependence. Mostly I think it was rebellious teenagers in a charter school with strict teachers. I was a convenient source."

After that, Jill has been pretty silent. there's a good reason for that. As soon as as psychedelic mentioned people licking him, she of course had try imediatly do it. She spend the last few minutes zoning out and speaking extremly fast giberish with her eyes turned into turning spirals before she shaked it off. "anddeliverusfromfish...Bleh. you don't taste that good"

Make two DC 20 Fortitude saves. You only have to succeed on one of them.

2011-08-06, 02:37 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"You bet, baby. I once got QUIZZIFY, four hundred nineteen points!" Faith responded to Jake, having just recently stopped licking Ashley when she expressed her disinterest in B-movies. Faith was going to make sure to be Ashley's friend and try to get her to quit being such a Debbie Downer. "I'm in room number ONE with Jill, my awesome, hilarious, new best friend." she grinned and mercifully let Ashley go free. "Hey, I have an idea! We should make Jake a red coat , big gold crown, and a bushy beard to wear so he looks the part."

2011-08-06, 02:40 PM
roll]1d20+8 oh well made it anyway, but since we're in downtime so i'm going to have her fail anyway

"wow, you're a handful to handle, aren't you?"

"Uh ? I'm not sure what you mea..." Her eyes corss as she tcik her tongue. It's melting. slowly "Eeep. scuse me." Jill leaves only a little trail of smake as he rushes for the nearest source of water.

2011-08-06, 02:41 PM
Len catches the shirt Mike tosses at him. "Impressive. Well thanks for closing my luggage at least." he says, draping the shirt across one of his shoulders.

Len looks to Sven. "Looks like we both have a problem keeping clothes intact. I buy plain white shirts in bulk, so if you ever need any I can throw a few your way. I'm Len, by the way." he says, starting to extend his hand but then thinking better of it, and settles with an awkward wave.

2011-08-06, 02:48 PM
Ashley looked at Jill sceptically, "I'll stick with calling you Jill, easy to remember." She rubbed the back of her head and looked down. "I can tell though you're going to give me a bit of a headache for awhile..." And then her attention turned to Faith... "Whoa whoa whoa!" After being let go she backs up from Faith. "Please don't do that again. I'd rather you not try to lick me without my agreement first." She looked rather embarrassed again as she turned away from faith in the meantime. Ashley didn't look angry so much as surprised. "I'm in room 5A, apparently my apartment-mate is Kid Minotaur. I'm guessing no one has seen him yet?"

She turned back to Sven. "Sounds like you've had quite the rough time. You said your grandfather got you into this mess? What in the world was his intention?" Ashley's own procedure that gave her powers was pretty well justified, if she'd rather not say why at this time...

2011-08-06, 05:38 PM
“Kings don’t have to have red coats or beards. I’m pretty sure that all there is to being a king is being a king, Poker aside,” he said to Jill, still finding it pretty weird that he’s talking to a cartoon character. Who Framed Roger Rabbit, amiright? “Well, I am afraid that those things might happen, but more because I’m a superhero than because I’m the King of a lost kingdom. And… how does someone get poisoned in the ear? Would it be like Star Trek 2 or something?”

Before he could get an answer for that, his room-mate, Mike, asked if movie night would be a tradition, “You sense it because it is true. I hope you like Zombie French Maids From Mars, dude.”

Faith blew Jake away with Quizzify, “Quizzify? That’s a word?!” He didn’t seem to mind that Faith was bugging Ashley with the licking. Ashley did make a snarky comment about a certain King earlier!

“Don’t you start helping her with this red coat thing. My costume’s white and blue. I could go with the whole Lion Crest thing. And I’d only wear a crown if it were tasteful,” he teased back at Faith with a sagely nod.

Jill promptly licked Psychadelic and then took off. Jake rubbed his forehead for a moment, “Wow. She’s --- animated. Oh no.” He facepalmed at the inadvertent pun.

2011-08-06, 06:33 PM
"My grandfather discovered which bit it is that makes magic mushrooms so magical, then he started refining it out. You probably know it as LSD." Sven shrugs, "He thought it could be used to unlock, like, psychic potential. So he took a LOT of it. A whole lot. And he tried making lots of varieties and mixes of it to try and get it to work. He never got it quite right but that didn't stop him from trying."

"But it's cool and all. I got science dudes that ... what's the word... analyze, my sweat and blood and stuff. They think I might be the cure for cancer. Or maybe it was Alzheimer's or something. I dunno. They get real excited about it. They paid for me to come here and everything."

2011-08-06, 08:02 PM
Jill runs a bit more before remembering she can just use her hat to make somme water appears and soothe the pain in her mouth with a large splash. But if she had heard the worldplay she would have tipped her hat to it as he automaticaly aproves of punns. She's two dimensional like that.

2011-08-06, 08:10 PM
The End IC Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11584060#post11584060)
The End OoC Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11584093#post11584093)

The Return IC Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11584052#post11584052)
The Return OoC Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11584106#post11584106)

Hero-Fall Starts here

2011-08-07, 08:35 PM
As you all reach the dorm building you find your wing easy. Each floor is divided in four wings of five apartements and a common room. There are 7 floors so more than a few wings are not full. Yours is one of the ones that are.

As the ten of you begin to unpack you hear a knock on your wing's door, at the end of the corridor connected to each of the apartments with the common room at the end.

What do you do?

2011-08-07, 09:04 PM

Ethan has long hair dyed violet and eyes so dark they are almost dark. His skin is well tanned and his hands are well callused from many hours assisting his father in his trade.
The Human Spirit is a being of pure light. It has often been mistaken for an angel for good reason. It is human shaped with glowing pale blue eyes and huge wings formed from light and shaped as brilliant glowing feathers. It has no face, only the glowing shape of a head and those glowing eyes. It can speak however, and it has the voice of an angel.

Ethan coughs nervously as he approaches the group. The beginnings are always the hard part[/.] The spirit whispered from the back of his mind. [i]Yet all great endeavours have their starting point. This is ours. And theirs. 'Hey guys. I'm Ethan. If you have any questions about the place you can ask me. My cousin was here last year and... Well, it's complicated. There's the big black hole over in the playing fields and that's me, kinda. Ish... Like I said, it's complicated. Anyway I know the place reasonably well, if you want the tour or whatever just ask.
'Oh, and this is my partner in crimefighting' He flickers and changes. The Human Spirit stands in his place, floating lazily slightly above the ground with his wings spread out to their full extent. The brilliant light he gives off does more than illuminate those around him. Somehow the light throws each face in a sympathetic light, throws every muscle in stark relief. Simply being in his presence illuminates the inner beauty of those around him. 'I am the Human Spirit.' It said in a voice as sweet as honey 'I am honoured to be your fellow student in this place.'

Edit: Ninjed. And I don't have time and correct :smallfrown: I'll update in the morning

2011-08-07, 09:50 PM
Ashley begins to sort her things out, mostly superhero items. The fact that she is with a... minotaur-like man, made her a bit skeptical, but she'd make the best attempt to get along. The two would most likely be seeing each other for a long time, though Ashley had about two years before graduation by her age.

Not wanting to let Robert start, Ashley began asking, "So... Um..." She had little idea how to talk with someone like him. "Is your form a result of natural genes or a science experiment." Ashley then immediately thought, Dumb, dumb, dumb! That wasn't the best subject to bring up as a first discussion, She had forgotten about the knock on her wing door in the meantime.

2011-08-07, 10:05 PM
@ ladorak Nah that's one of the great advantage of PBP when you're in downtime and nothing too important happens, you can do different time.


"The human spirit ?!"
Jill stands, her eyes opened wide in a complelty dumfounded stance.
Her face is doing something,interesting As it's trying to concile too contradictory emotions, admiration a the beauty of an angel and utter hilarity at the cheesiest scene name she's ever heard.
(The fact she's hardly one to talk about cheesynes doesn't seem to bother her at all.)

"uh Hi. sorry. scuse me"
Finaly deciding he looks like a really nice guy, she decides to move away nonchalantely and stick her head into her own hat before bursting in laughter.


will edit later.

2011-08-07, 11:21 PM
Before, for The Human Spirit

Jake was still talking about B-Movies or some other stuff before he heard the cough coming from behind him. He glanced back towards the source of the sound and he saw another guy who turned into… well.. an angel, for lack of a better term. The King, who was in the business of trying to inspire people and embolden his allies, was now feeling the same kind of peace and hope himself, coming from his new team-mate. He turned towards Ethan—the Human Spirit… He cleared his throat.

“Ethan… Spirit… I’m King Jake Wallace of Camelot,” he figured that the angel would believe him off the gate, so no clarifications issued.

“I believe we’re designated to be team-mates.”

Jake smiled warmly. He was pleased with his team so far. Crazy, yes… but.. cool.


Jake had started to unpack, and as he did he made sure to drag Faith over as he flipped out DVD case after DVD case of B-Movies (both amazing and atrocious) as if they were playing cards.

“Does this look like it will keep the movie-night tradition alive for awhile?”

He grinned brightly at her, and was about to talk about Transmorphers before the door was knocked upon. He shrugged and walked over to the wing’s door and then opened it up. No need to be rude, right?

2011-08-08, 02:33 AM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet

Faith held up the case for "Megashark vs. Giant Octopus" and beamed. "This is definitely going on first." she decided. She'd let herself get dragged over to Jake's room since she didn't really feel like unpacking just yet. She had just the single, huge suitcase but it was packed to bursting with everything she might need, including the uniform she was getting set to change into for the first exercise in the Danger Room. It also had a bunch of lucky rabbits' feet, a few dreamcatchers, some charm bracelets, a four-leaf clover pressed in a book, seven lucky horseshoes, her collection of lucky coins, and a picture of her black cat, "Magic." Instead, she decided to wind down and get to know her apartment-mates while setting down the details for the first movie night.

"I can't believe you actually went and bought so many of these!" she said as she hopped onto Jake's bed and started going through them all. "We'll have enough to do B-Movie Night every week until graduation."

2011-08-08, 03:33 AM
Mike's things were already unpacked and his room was filled with so many random items, you might wonder how it all got there.

Random paintings, old books, ancient weapons, a signed sketch of Leonardo de Vinci, signed by the man himself, a picture of Mike with Neil Armstrong on the moon together, Mike in notmal clothing, a full suit of armor from the Arthurian era and many more.

Mike is intrigued that the other team has two creationes he had part in.

"So you got your powers from the Meta blast a few years back?" Mike asked.

As the knock was heard and Jake approached, Mike glanced and joined him.

2011-08-08, 12:24 PM
As the King opens the door he finds a tall blonde haired red shirted young man standing in the doorway, he smiles and reaches out to shake the King's hand.

"You must be the King. I'm your English teacher and head of residence, were spread a little thin but I'd thought I'd drop by to say hey to your wing. A few of the other teachers who aren't busy are buzzing about as well.

You notice a large watch like device on his right wrist. He's wearing a leather jacket and jeans over a red shirt and doesn't seem much older than you. Early twenties, twenty two probably.

"You can call me Red One. So how are you all settling in?"

He shouts down the hall.

2011-08-08, 12:56 PM
He smiled at Red One and he shook the man’s hand. The head of residence seemed pretty young. Maybe he’d be cool and not bust out with the curfews or anything like that. He saw the watch-like device. He wondered if this guy did something with time control – but that might be too obvious.

“Nice to meet you, but just call me Jake when I’m not in uniform. Everything’s great over here. The apartments are nice. Really nice. I wasn’t expecting this place to be so—awesome.”

Jake seemed cheerful. And why wouldn’t he be? Not that long ago he was just a regular kid at a regular school. Now he’s in arguably the most fantastic place on Earth with other superheroes.

2011-08-08, 01:03 PM
Red One strolled into the wing corridor and took a seat on the couch in the common room.

"So what sort of power sets are your teams packing? Do any of you need anything? Are you all settling in well? Sorry about the co-ed thing :smalltongue: but I assure you if you head into each others room when you shouldn't we'll know!" he laughs and continues "Just incase you're wondering what's on my wrist is a device called a morpher, lets me turn into a costumed super powered version of myself. Mostly just general enhanced human, super speed, super strength, enhanced senses and reflexes etc... so don't try to pull the wool over my eyes or sneak in beer!" :smalltongue:

2011-08-08, 01:18 PM
“Well, I possess Excalibur, its sheath, and a pair of boots from my old camp counselor. And I have the ability to inspire a range of strong emotions with my voice. On my team we have a cartoon character – I haven’t seen everything she can do, a girl with electrical powers, a boy who can turn into an angel, and a boy who can turn into a dinosaur. For someone who didn’t have any powers a few months ago—I think it’s pretty awesome.”

He listened as the English teacher revealed that he can pretty much turn himself into a super-powered dude whenever he wants. That’s pretty useful.

“No wool, sir. Scout’s honor.”

2011-08-08, 01:26 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet

"Oh for heaven's sake. I've been drinking ever since I could ride my little pink bike to the pub with my mum and dad." Faith rolled her eyes. "Why do you Americans insist on losing your minds over alcohol? Making it illegal just makes it taboo, and almost guarantees teenagers will find a way to drink anyway, and binge drink when they turn twenty-one just because they finally can." she shook her head. "For a country based on freedom you're wicked repressed." she said, tossing herself onto the couch right next to Red One.

"Morpher?" she repeated, "Are you a power ranger or something?" she grinned. "I used to adore that show. Jason was such a hunk." she said, fanning herself theatrically. "When it's morphin' time, do you get those cute little tights, too?"

2011-08-08, 03:23 PM
"An English teacher?" Mike found the notion amusing. He knew the kids had to learn to use more than just their powers, but a super teacher? Although "I myself taught science for a time" And he was very sorry when he had to quit after the 84 minutes. He liked these kids. "Not super powered ones though." He added.

2011-08-08, 03:41 PM
"Hey why don't you show us your transformation Mr One ?!" Jill pop in Faith's back. Apparently, she was under the couch, for somme unfathomable reasons.
(Actualy she was just cleaning is the rug she's holding in her hand is any indication; guess she's trying to be helpfull. In her idiosynchrastic ways.)
"Or would you rather Mr Red ? Yeah sounds cooler."

2011-08-08, 06:14 PM
Robert lies back in his bed, earbuds in his ears. He'd gone straight to his dorm after the speech, rather than socializing with his fellow classmates. While he was interested in his fellow students... the last couple of weeks had been stressful.

Being awakened in a vat of liquid, discovering that his entire memory was a fabrication by SHADOW, discovering he was a clone of an incredibly powerful supervillain... all of that. The Kid Minotaur adjusted well and tried to handle it with dignity and grace, but now he felt the need to relax.

So, there Robert lays in his bed, belongings all neatly unpacked and put away, eyes closed, gentle breeze flowing in through the open window. The sweet cello of Yo Yo Ma (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JysJGTUASrQ) floods into his ears and the mighty minotaur is lost in contemplation and music.

He is brought back from his reverie by his roommate, entering their room, unpacking her things. He rolls off of the bed onto his feet and waves, pausing the music on his player and removing the earbuds.

"So... Um..." She had little idea how to talk with someone like him. "Is your form a result of natural genes or a science experiment."

Robert freezes for a moment.That's a bit forward to ask... He then shrugs and smiles.

"Well, I wasn't bitten by any radioactive cows, as far as I know. My memories say that I wasn't always like this, but they have proven less than reliable, of late.

Hello, by the by. My name is Robert, Bobby to some of my friends."

2011-08-08, 06:31 PM
Ashley had her head turned during the time he responded, but turned around and paused her unpacking to forwardly discuss with the minotaur. "...I'm Ashley. Ashley Culdis." Her face showed embarrassment all over it. She took a seat down on the nearby couch. "Sorry for the... blunt question earlier Robert. Your form is a bit..." She had trouble finding a good term. "Unique compared to others I've met so far. But I wanted to discuss a bit as i want to get a feel for what you are inside, not out." She had then thought, That felt like quite the cliche there Ashley... She kept her eyes on Robert, not wanting to look away as if it might have accidentally come out as an insult to his minotaur-like form.

2011-08-08, 06:37 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet
"Morpher?" she repeated, "Are you a power ranger or something?" she grinned. "I used to adore that show. Jason was such a hunk." she said, fanning herself theatrically. "When it's morphin' time, do you get those cute little tights, too?"

Jake grinned at Faith and shook his head, "You just called our English teacher a Power Ranger... and found the corresponding one to call him."

Contrary to his words, he was not holding that against her. In fact, he found it pretty funny.

"You know, teach., maybe you could team up with Sauros. He could turn into a T-Rex and then you're all set."

2011-08-08, 07:15 PM
"Ugh.. I am a power ranger... the last actually... one of the retired ones made up that bloody show and it gets SO much wrong..."
He sighs and tries to smile again.

Mr. Red stands and with a wink at Jill says "I think I will actually."

He moves to the middle of the room crosses his arms in an X then moves them to his sides at 45 degree angles. What he says next you can't tell if it's for show or necessary.


After a brief flash of red light Red One now appears before you in the general appearance of the red ranger, except for his large brown trenchcoat, an energy rifle slung over his back, a similiar weapon in a holster at his hip and several pouches for additional supplies and ammunition, as well as at least a handful of grenades.

He removes his helmet with a click and a hiss as he disengages the atmospheric lock. His helmet is essentials a visor for the front half (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100207012860/halo/images/thumb/e/ec/RedEVA.jpg/123px-RedEVA.jpg)while the rest is red, his torso is half covered in a black one line in white, the rest in a red just off crimson.

When you see his face you notice he looks different, maybe older but you can't tell. Veins like circuits run up his neck and glow a faint blue and his irises are now black with the same blue circuitry.

"How do I look?"

He asks with a grin.

2011-08-08, 07:17 PM
"...Holy-- ...It's true."

The geek in him somehow felt a little lame compared to a Power Ranger... cause seriously, more kids had probably heard of you as one of those!

2011-08-08, 07:19 PM
"You needn't be so nervous, Ashley. I'm not going to bite," Robert chuckles. "Just as long as you don't wave some red in front of me, we'll be fine" :smallwink:

The minotaur pauses and looks at Ashley thoughtfully"So, that accent..."

"<Bavarian, unless I miss my mark?>", Robert says in good, if accented, German.

2011-08-08, 07:26 PM
Ashley's smile had come out a bit. Her eyes opened up when Robert changes his language. <Yes, it is,> she replied in German, in a natural, unaccented tone. <I'm amazed you're able to speak in German... Much less identify my origin of place.>

Ashley gave it a moment to think, what's a good choice to bring up? <Don't worry, my favorite color of a dark blue.> Now that the color is out of the way... <I'm guessing you know more than just two languages? If you can speak one I'm guessing you can speak many more.>

2011-08-08, 07:33 PM
Ethan comes out to see what all the noise is about and gives a shout of delight at finding their new english teacher. 'You're Red One!' Earliar Ethan was prevented from going into total fanboy mode meeting Doctor Dire (Although, how awesome was that?) because he didn't actually have the chance to talk to her and make a fool of himself directly. He is less fortunate now. 'The last Power Ranger...' He waves at the others before pointing at Red One 'The TV show got so much wrong. I have some old news footage of the power rangers I think. You should see it, it's awesome. It's an honour to meet you sir.'

2011-08-08, 07:36 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet

"The power rangers are real? Morphenomenal!" Faith shouted. "Er...were real, I mean? Is it Christmas? That is so awesome!" she all but squealed. "You look like someone dropped some Schwarzenegger in your power ranger, though." she teased. All the extra weapons and the trench coat and stuff weren't really her idea of what a power ranger should look like. The show was all brightly colored uniforms, rangers that karate chopped the air and bobbed their heads a lot when they talked, and stunt men in funny, rubber monster suits.

"Hey, is Zordon cool in real life?!" she grinned.

2011-08-08, 07:39 PM
Red One turns and takes Ethan's hand giving it a solid hand shake "It's nice to meet you too Ethan. From what I'm told the original Sentai run made the creator's teammates think he'd gone on LSD after it aired. I'm serious. It was so far off of reality they tried to have him tested. Turns out he changed it to 'Protect the truth'." Red One laughs at that.

"I know your supervisor by the way, Bio. I'll be supervising the rest of you as well so you'll all be unlucky enough to see a lot of me. Bio and I used to... work together. We hunted Vampires. She liked having me around because of they bit me they went up like the fourth of July. So are all of you new here? I don't recognise anyone except from your files."

Turning to Kismet.

"Actually Zordon isn't real, he was created for the show. The real rangers are... were lead by a being known as the entity... but..."

he seems to glance over at Ethan

"She's gone now, they all are. I'm all that's left in the whole galaxy. I'm the most powerful Power Ranger there's ever been because no one else is able to access the morphing grid.

He sits back down and demorphs

"You could say it's because I don't have to share..."

2011-08-08, 07:43 PM

Jake was overloading at the moment. He shook his head and held his hands out in halting signals.

"Our English teacher..."

He made sure to look at Faith and Ethan, then back at Red One...

"Who is a Power Ranger..."

Another pause for dramatic effect, and to let this all sink in...

"Is also a vampire hunter?!"

His mouth hung ajar for a moment...

"YOU HAVE TO COME TO B-MOVIE NIGHT! It was made for you!"

He said, pleading with Red One!

2011-08-08, 07:47 PM
"Okay, okay," he said with a laugh to Jake "If the King commands it," Red One said jokingly "I'll attend."

2011-08-08, 08:10 PM
'Well... That a complicated question.' Ethan clearly looks embarassing as he struggles to explain 'Half of me is from Liberty City, the other half is a ghost that comes from that crater in the playing grounds... I guess you could say I was local.'

2011-08-08, 09:20 PM
Ashley's smile had come out a bit. Her eyes opened up when Robert changes his language. <Yes, it is,> she replied in German, in a natural, unaccented tone. <I'm amazed you're able to speak in German... Much less identify my origin of place.>

Ashley gave it a moment to think, what's a good choice to bring up? <Don't worry, my favorite color of a dark blue.> Now that the color is out of the way... <I'm guessing you know more than just two languages? If you can speak one I'm guessing you can speak many more.>

Falling back into his familiar English, Robert replies "I'm fluent in Greek, as you might have already guessed, Latin, and Russian. I'm trying to pick up a few more. Helps lubricate the mind, as they say."

2011-08-08, 09:29 PM
Ashley follows back to her English language as well, a bit accented but easily understandable. "Just those? I had guessed that you would also be fluent in French, Spanish, Italian. Basically the other European languages." She paused, wondering how intelligent this minotaur was. Might as well be forward though. "So how knowledgeable are you if I may ask? It's way beyond standard human intelligence from what I can make out." She had felt a little envious that she lacked his smarts, but she had practiced her own skills, so she shouldn't really be so jealous.

2011-08-08, 11:29 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet

"Aw, I liked the big floating head guy. Is Alpha-5 real, at least? I want one." she asked, still sort of poking fun at him. She wouldn't have done it if he didn't think he could handle it, though.

"Anyway, yeah, I just transferred in. I'm Faith Winters of team...uh...well, we haven't really...completely and totally decided on a name quite yet, but we will soon. As for powers, I'm just a lucky Kiwi." she grinned. Let him take that however he would. "Everyone else has all the impressive powers. I wish I was a power ranger..." she trailed off, looking thoughtful.

2011-08-09, 12:10 AM
“What are you talking about? Without all these magic items, I’m just a guy with a nice voice. You, you’re Lady Luck! You can be good at anything you want to do. That’s a real talent.”

Jake gave her a smile. He then answered Red One’s question himself.

“I’m from California. This is my first semester here. I didn’t have a title or powers or anything up until a couple of months ago, so all of this is still new.”

2011-08-09, 12:17 AM
"I'd trade with you any day. Either of you." Sven rambles his way into the conversation after ignoring everything that was happening for a great long while. "People always think I'm sooooooo lucky cuz I'm high all the time. You got no idea how tiring it gets tripping over sky diamonds all day. Never sure if what I'm looking at is real or not. I'm not even sure if this is happening or if you're here. I talk to people all the time that turn out not to be real."

2011-08-09, 12:39 AM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet

“What are you talking about? Without all these magic items, I’m just a guy with a nice voice. You, you’re Lady Luck! You can be good at anything you want to do. That’s a real talent.”

Jake gave her a smile. He then answered Red One’s question himself.

"Aw...cute and sweet? Now there's a combination." Faith smiled back. She obviously wasn't too broken up about not having a flashier power. Having known her thus far she never seemed to get really serious about anything; always ready with the quick joke or quip to lighten a mood or break a silence.

"I'd trade with you any day. Either of you." Sven rambles his way into the conversation after ignoring everything that was happening for a great long while. "People always think I'm sooooooo lucky cuz I'm high all the time. You got no idea how tiring it gets tripping over sky diamonds all day. Never sure if what I'm looking at is real or not. I'm not even sure if this is happening or if you're here. I talk to people all the time that turn out not to be real."

"Oh, don't be that way. You're the life of the party, Sven. Besides, there's enough super-scientists in this school that if you really wanted to do something about it, someone could help!" Faith replied. "If all else fails you could move to Amsterdam. Everyone there's already high. You'd fit right in!" she grinned.

2011-08-09, 03:41 AM
Mike listened to the conversation with interest.

"I'm here to reunlock my powers" shared Timelock "all the trinkets in my room" he pulls out an old sketchbook "are from a different era of mine." he flips it open, showing a design. The first phone? And it's signed.

"I don't have much interest in posing as a teen super hero, but I'll try my best for the team." Mike smiles at Faith.

2011-08-09, 04:59 PM
Robert throws back his head and laughs. "You really are quite forward, aren't you?"

He smiles and gives an impressive shrug. "I'm not a fan of boasting, really. But, yes, I do possess a quite capable intellect."

The minotaur waves his hands dramatically

"I am the very model of intellectual minotaur
My knowledeability stretches quite very far
Science, art, literature, history I know the books
Intelligence belying my torturously brutish looks"

He grins sillily. "I also enjoy a bit of theatre."

2011-08-09, 05:22 PM
Rycon had relaxed on the couch, kicking her legs up on the couch, without her shoes or boots of course. She took a guess on the song, "The Major's General's Song, right?" She seemed pretty happy and amused. "I was never an acting person, but it is quite fascinating." Her eyes moved away for the moment. "I'm also not exactly good at my social skills yet either... I've been trying to improve them, but..." In a way, Ashley wasn't exactly satisfied with herself.

2011-08-09, 05:23 PM
Len finishes unpacking his belongings into his room, making sure to set up a few of his dinosaur models on his dresser before heading back into the common room, where he hears some singing from one of the other rooms. He pokes his head inside and is greeted by a Minotaur singing something familiar...with a twist.

"Bravo, bravo!" Len says, applauding and totally barging into the room. "Sorry for barging in, I thought there was a preformance going on in here. Nice to meet ya. I'm Len, by the way." he says, extending his hand.

2011-08-09, 05:39 PM
Jake grinned a charming grin at Faith after her compliment. He pointed at her with his right index finger. “Hey, watch it you. I’m the flatterer here.”

He glanced over to Sven as he talked about the obvious problems with being on a life-long drug binge. Jake furrowed his brow for a moment. And then he moved to try and cheer him up.

“Hey, even if they aren’t real, as long as they’re interesting conversation partners, it’s not that bad, right?

2011-08-09, 06:10 PM
"Yeah it's not all bad. Sometimes they know stuff you wouldn't expect. The science dudes say it's just my subconscious, but I dunno. I don't think my subconscious is that smart." Sven ponders. He waves idly to Len as the other boy enters the room. "How did you get all magic anyway?"

2011-08-09, 06:18 PM
Ethan considered Sven's words looking for the right thing to say to his friend. He furrowed his brow. Maybe they are real is unlikely to help. Maybe we're not real really won't help. Philosophy may not be the best way to approach this. Probably shouldn't tell him about the whole blasted wasteland disembodied ghost thing.
Instead the spirit gave him the words, although he still failed in their delivery 'Don't worry Sven, you're here to learn about your powers, I'm sure there's a way you can learn to...' he fumbled for a word 'To regulate your mellow. Learn to turn it on and off. That's why we're here, to learn to do stuff like that.'

Edit: Ninjaed

2011-08-09, 06:30 PM
"How did you get all magic anyway?"

“Well… I was at summer camp. I saw a girl drowning in the lake. I swam over there to try and help her out, and he drug me down into the water and gave me my sword and scabbard. Ever since I picked Excalibur up, I could command people with my voice.”

He chuckled a bit.

“I would say it sounds weird, but I am on a team with a cartoon character.”

2011-08-09, 07:36 PM
Rycon had relaxed on the couch, kicking her legs up on the couch, without her shoes or boots of course. She took a guess on the song, "The Major's General's Song, right?" She seemed pretty happy and amused. "I was never an acting person, but it is quite fascinating." Her eyes moved away for the moment. "I'm also not exactly good at my social skills yet either... I've been trying to improve them, but..." In a way, Ashley wasn't exactly satisfied with herself.

Robert smiles softly. "I'm sure you'll get plenty of time to practice them here. I must say, despite a surprising amount of boldness, you've been quite charming thus far."

"Bravo, bravo!" Len says, applauding and totally barging into the room. "Sorry for barging in, I thought there was a preformance going on in here. Nice to meet ya. I'm Len, by the way." he says, extending his hand.

As Len extends his hand, Robert stands up and extends his own to meet it. "Robert, Bobby to some of my friends. I'm glad you enjoyed my little ditty."

2011-08-09, 07:41 PM
Ashley blushed slightly as Robert commented about her. "Thanks..." Her attention then turned to Len. She had giggled a bit. "Are you staying close by Len? Who is your apartment-mate?" She tried covering a giggle.

2011-08-09, 08:01 PM
Len shakes the minotaurs hand firmly, hoping not to get his hand crushed. "Pleasure to meet you Robert. I hope you will decide to grace us all with a full performance one day!" he says with a smile.

Looking to Ashley, "Ah yeah, I'm in 2B, I think my roommate is PX-11? Haven't found him to introduce myself yet. I should probably get on that..." he says with some nervous laughter.

2011-08-09, 08:07 PM
Red One rises and moves towards the door

"If there's nothing else I better go see how the other new students are settling in."

He waits at the door of the common room incase you have any further comments or questions.

2011-08-09, 08:20 PM
Ethan smiles sheepishly 'It was an honour to meet you sir. Goodnight.'

2011-08-09, 08:21 PM
He nods to Ethan with a smile "Goodnight," and then he is gone.

2011-08-09, 08:24 PM
Ethan smiles to himself for a second before turning his attention back to his schoolmates. 'I'm rooming with Sven.'

2011-08-09, 08:30 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet

"Bye, Mr. One!" Faith waved before Red walked out of the room. She took up the extra space on the couch now that he'd vacated it. She made a show of selfishly stretching out, but if anyone really wanted to sit down she'd acquiesce.

"I'm rooming with Jill. I'm afraid to see what her alarm clock is like." Faith grinned. "I think I'm going to have to buy a big sledgehammer."

2011-08-09, 08:33 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet

"I'm rooming with Jill. I'm afraid to see what her alarm clock is like." Faith grinned. "I think I'm going to have to buy a big sledgehammer."

"I bet she's got one in her hat. You should see the things she pops out of there. I'm rooming with Mike. That guy can be a little too serious."

He said quietly to the other ones, not wanting to offend anyone right out the gate.

"Hopefully I can loosen him up a little-- you too, Faith, you're on the same team as he is."

2011-08-09, 08:38 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Kismet

"Hopefully I can loosen him up a little-- you too, Faith, you're on the same team as he is."

"Oh shush. He just needs to act his age, that's all." Faith admonished. Mike was a nice enough guy, but he was so mature it was awkward...He needed to learn to lighten up and just enjoy being a teenager again. Sure, puberty sucked, but how often did you get to relive your childhood? (Actually, she couldn't answer that when it came to Timelock. He might have relived his life several times over for all she knew. Time travel was confusing...)

2011-08-09, 08:41 PM
"I'm rooming with Jill. I'm afraid to see what her alarm clock is like."

Her alarm clock is actualy a rather normal if someone old fashion looking one. Right to the point where sprout a huge mouth and mechanical arms and screams "Wake up" reapitdealy while shaking it's owner, of course.
She 'll probably end up destrying it more than you'll do.

speaking of Jill, if the silence is any indication, she must have slipped out at somme point, probably doing somme Wacky Hijinx® somewhere. Or maybe she's havin a quiet stroll, even toon on ADHD need to cool down sometime (but the hell if she's letting you know that; she's got a reputation to keep don't cha know.)

No doubt she'll pop back by the window at any moment.

2011-08-10, 12:44 AM
Mike grabs the remote and quickly clicks through the channels, stopping for Doctor Who. "I missed 5 years of tv! Good night guys, I'll catch up with my old friend."

2011-08-10, 11:00 AM
Hero-Fall: Issue #2

Lunch, Claremont Academy, the next day...

You've all endured or enjoyed about half your first full day of Claremont Academy as the bell tolls you trail along as your student maps dictate towards the area marked as the dining hall.

As you enter you see that, while many of the teams have formed into groups already taking one table to themselves, there are a lot of students off to themselves or groups that seem more inviting.

The teachers seem to eat somewhere else.

What do you do?

2011-08-10, 11:29 AM
Ethan like Sven from the start. His bemused expression and vagant gaze were strangely endearing, he was however a little wary of rooming with him. He was obviously a good guy, the fact he had opted out of the obvious criminal benefits of sweating drugs spoke to his character, although there was every chance it hadn't occurred to him.
Ethan fears were confirmed during the night. Sven apparently hallucinated intermittently in his sleep, he heard murmurs of speaking and a few occasionally short bursts of laughter. He didn't mind, he couldn't sleep anyway.
On one occusion the trip had apparently gone bad. Sven did not scream, but he did shout in distress. The spirit seized control immediately No. This is wrong. Respect his privacy
There are no bounds to the Human Spirit. To prove it's point the spirit passed through the wall separating their rooms. Inside it bathed Sven in bright light. The bad trip ended immediately as the spirit flooded Sven's mind with love. Psychedelic would rarely have a more pleasant hallucination. The spirit returned to his room and left him there to consider the ethical ramifications of what had happened, fully aware that he should be abed.

2011-08-10, 11:29 AM
Some might have noticed that Mike didn't go to bed with the rest, and was watching tv when the others woke up.

Mike didn't take anything to eat, but thought it might be a good idea to get to know others in the school and decided to make company to be someone's company, joining a student sitting alone.

2011-08-10, 11:29 AM
Robert sits alone at a table, a stack of books next to him, looking very confusedly at the cheeseburger in his hands.

If my memories are all fake, then why in god's name did they fabricate a love of cheeseburgers in me.

Pondering whether or not eating it would be tantamount to cannibalism, the Kid Minotaur decides to stall by taking a large sip on his drink while casting eyes about the cafeteria.

2011-08-10, 11:36 AM
After getting settled in the night before (and playing some video games – Oblivion made for good training… yeah.. *cough*) and knighting the rest of his team (no, really, that happened), Jake had gotten a good night’s sleep and was ready to seize the day. He had sat through the first half of class, scoping out the other students in his classes. And when it was lunch-time, he decided to go mingle!

He was wearing his normal clothes for school, and of course he was wearing Excalibur and its Scabbard. He approached a table where there was one of the open, inviting groups, and he wasted no time introducing himself.

“Hey guys. I’m one of the new kids. King Jake Wallace of Camelot – and no I’m not joking.”

2011-08-10, 11:38 AM
Mike approaches a young girl sitting along, or middle eastern descent. She smiles up at Mike and motions to a seat beside her without a word. She points to her name tag which reads Arella (ah-rehl-lah) - Prophecy.

She says nothing but eats her burger, which she is cutting up with a knife and fork.

As kid minotaur looks up he notices Mike sitting beside and a black haired girl as well as the dozens of other students sitting down to Lunch. Nearby a silver skinned girl smiled back at him as she caught his eye. A blonde boy in a blue shirt sat beside her but the two were otherwise alone. The boy noticed Kid Minotaur sitting alone and tried to wave him over with a welcoming grin.

As Jake approached the group of five students he saw that they were all girls, wearing variations of the same clothes, merely in five different colours. They smiled at him as he became apprehensive and started to wave him over where he spoke his introduction.

At such a close proximity he realised they were more than twins but the same girl 5 times. A blonde, a ginger, a brunette, a white haired girl and a black haired girl, they had matched their outfits to their haircolour. Jake could assume their costumes weren't much of a stretch from their current attire.

Together they say "Nice to meet you Jake." :smallsmile:

"We're the Five in One." :smallsmile:

2011-08-10, 11:38 AM
Ashley wasn't in the most interesting of moods today. She wasn't that hungry either. She got herself a light lunch for today, minimal meat for her, a little steak would do it but that's it. She had gotten used to American foods for about a year now, but she did long for some of the more German delicacies sometime soon...

Taking a look around, she didn't have much else to sit with, her own group aside. Jake had a bit of an ego and Jill was just... Out of this world. She couldn't find Len or Ethan either. It was easy to pick out Robert from the rest however, with the books and his form. She walked over to his table and asked him, "Do you mind if I sit here?" She noted his confused expression at his cheeseburger, but didn't pay it much mind.

2011-08-10, 11:50 AM
Taking his tray and his books, Robert gets up to sit with the nice blonde boy who waved him over. Walking briskly towards his target, he doesn't notice Ashley until he sits down at the table and looks back.

He makes a pair of apologetic eyes at her, then waves her over as well.

2011-08-10, 11:53 AM
What’s five times cute? He grinned a little bit at his own inner monologue and he sat down at the table with them. Jake also had a cheeseburger, which he too felt odd about eating in Robert’s presence, otherwise he might have sat with him and hung out for a bit. When the girls spoke in unison, he grinned and pointed at them.

“Wait, I know who you guys are. Five in One, right? You’re in our same competing bracket. My team’s the Claremont Knights, but that’s fairly obvious isn’t it?”

He laughed softly, and then started asking questions.

“Forgive me if this is rude, but are you guys five separate people, a hive mind, or a duplicator? Either way, I think it’s really cool that there can be a whole team made up of one person. How long have you been here, and where are you from?”

2011-08-10, 11:56 AM
The boy stood and stretched out his hand to Robert to shake it before sitting down again "Hey, nice to meet you man, I'm Clark Leeds, and this is my friend Mercury. You looked a little lost with the burger so I thought you might have a little more fun with us."

He smiles and seems like he's trying to be genuinely nice.

2011-08-10, 11:57 AM
Ashley smiles slightly as she goes to the table with Robert and the blonde boy. "Hope you don't mind if I sit here," She says as she takes a seat next to them. She went through her lunch slowly, considering it was a light one today, she didn't need to eat so fast. There was a lot on her mind too, nothing that she wanted to discuss in the cafeteria however. The last thing that she wanted was everyone staring at her due to the mentioning of her... legacy.

2011-08-10, 12:02 PM
"Don't mind at all, never let it be said that the leader of the VII isn't always looking for more friends." Clark says as Mercury moves over with a smile to make room for Ashley.


The others let the one farthest to your right speak, the white haired one "We're a kind of semi gestalt entity. We're mutants that were born as quintuplets. We share thoughts but we're not telepathic really. It's more like a phone call or texting. We can't do it with anyone else. We each are different." :smallsmile:

2011-08-10, 12:09 PM
Ashley's attention turned to Clark upon his mention of the leader. "The VII's? You're currently leading in your group area, right?" She does her best to put on a smile as if she was proud of them. However underneath that she knew this guy was a competitor, and probably the most dangerous of ones in the group that both of them we're in. Still, he said he was looking for more friends, so she ought to make the best of it. "I'm Ashley. I transferred here this year. Please don't mind if I am blunt or forward... I'm still trying to develop my social abilities." She didn't want to give away her last name yet.

2011-08-10, 12:10 PM
“Okay… So you’re all aware of each other, but separate people. In that case, can I get your names, ladies?”

He said, looking at the white-haired girl first, since she had been talking to him, and then looking counter-clockwise to get the names of the other girls.

“You mutants really astound me with the cool powers you guys have. I feel kind of plain in comparison.”

He was smiling, though, as he said it. He was genuinely interested in the other students and their abilities. Jake was a sociable, friendly guy.

2011-08-10, 12:17 PM
"Yes we are, but we got lucky." Clark tries to move away from the talk of the scores "It's nice to meet you Ashley."

"So are you two on the same team? What are you're powers? I just... I'm utterly indestructible." Mercury tried to smile but it seemed she didn't exactly like talking about her invulnerability.


The girls shake their heads

"The girls and I keep our names to ourselves, it's like a trust thing. If we give someone on name it's a big deal."

"Sorry. So how does it feel leading the Claremont Knights?"

2011-08-10, 12:23 PM
Ashley turned her eyes away from the free as Mercury asked that. "Not at all, no..." Her eyes fixed back to that of mention of powers. "I have electricity..." She didn't sound that happy of her powers either. "It's a little unstable however, so I'd rather not give an example of it... I more rely on more mundane gadgets to compliment my skills." She took a bite of her meal before letting it go cold.

2011-08-10, 12:24 PM
The cafeteria door are open with a bang and jille nters in a trail of fire. She's not a speedster pêr se but she sure is fast when motivated. Being a bit late to lunch because of the small "mishap" that happened in class earlier (the teacher had words, harsh words), she's famished.

Right now she's overabusing any lunch privilege by trying the con the lunchpeople out of a third service (unless it's free service; then she's just making the biggest pyramid of food possible.).
Wich should last about three seconds since she eat about anything in three bites tops.

2011-08-10, 12:28 PM
“I understand, and I don’t take any offense; but I do need something to call you.. Do you have code names? Or do you want to make up some fake ones? Constance is nice,” he grinned, teasing, “Unless you want me to call you White, Red, Brown, Black, and Blondie; which I actually think kind of works.”

His good-natured grin was a little impish at his last statement. He moved on to answer Red’s question (see, he’s already doing it).

“They’re a good bunch with some crazy powers. Just a few months ago I was a regular guy, so it’s hard to imagine I’m leading a group of superhumans—and a cartoon. But, I like it. I think this was the kind of thing my old camp counselor wanted me to do.”

He paused.

“We fought Larceny Inc. in an art show during our Danger Room mission. What did you guys end up with?”

2011-08-10, 12:36 PM
"No need, How are you finding school here Ashley? Settling in alright?"

He smiles and it seems he's trying to avoid subject she might not like.


"That's fine by us.":smallsmile:

Then black speaks up

"We had to fight off a Centuritron robot while we evacuated a town before it was destroyed by a flash flood. Not exactly fun, but exciting."

2011-08-10, 12:38 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

Faith arrived, carrying a few textbooks close to her chest, trailing along in her roommate's fiery wake. She actually had to step over the lingering flames as she walked in, which meant she was looking down and tucking some of her errant hair behind her ear as she came through the door. She had had a pleasant enough night, surrounded by her dreamcatchers which she'd made sure to hang at the very first opportunity, but when Jill's alarm clock had went off and started shaking her she'd nearly had a heart attack. Fortunately, her roomie had bashed it with a comically large mallet to get it to shut up.

She gave the lunch ladies an apologetic smile as she got her chicken caesar salad and paid for it. When she came around out of the lunch line she was able to get her first good look at the room. Tables were filling up quick and she didn't see one that was comprised of nothing but her team, so she paused a moment, looking indecisive.

2011-08-10, 12:39 PM
Robert shakes Clark's hand firmly. "Robert, Robert Asterion."

He smiles thinly at Mercury's question "Just roommates, Ashley and I. Not on the same team. As for my powers well... I think it should be obvious."

Robert taps his horn, his massive bulk obvious to all who can see.

2011-08-10, 12:47 PM
Ashley looks to Robert. "I'm pretty sure that's not just your only ability," she giggles as she points to Robert's books. "Do you have any of those technology-learning novels Robert?" She then turned to Clark, "School has been good so far. Different from where I come from, but I've been settling in. You two have enjoyed it here?" She referred to Clark and Mercury

2011-08-10, 12:51 PM
“It sounds like fun to me. You know how many movies I’ve watched where a robot attacks the town? That sounds like impressive stuff. You guys must have done well, you’re tied up with us.”

He then had a phenomenal idea.

“Do any of you girls like B-Movies, Mega Sharks, or Giant Octopi?”

The smile on his face was huge.

2011-08-10, 01:01 PM
Having obtained her third course though suitable drama, Jill joins a table in roder to engulph it. But filling yourself does not stop from making new friends ! And Jill is anything if not sociable
"Hiya ! Who are you ?"

2011-08-10, 01:17 PM
As Faith stands alone a young man, about her age approaches with short black hair and a grin "You look like you're lost, anything I can do to help? I'm Luke Wayne, I'm new here too."


"I thought the danger room session was a little scary, but the classes are fun," Mercury replied to Ashley.

"Yeah the Danger Room was scary," Clark adds but Mercury buts in.

"Oh yeah, real scary mr. one shots the giant monster!" Mercury seemed to be playfully mocking him but he didn't seem to want to talk about it.


The girls tried to be nice to Jake and politely shake their head, all that is but the white haired one.

"I'd like to go, what time."

The others shook their heads again as if to reassure her that the group decision was not to go. White glanced back and merely dismissed them with a look.

"I would love to go, my liege... alone," White says after a moment with a look of defiant finallity at her sisters.


As Jill sits down she finds her self at a table occupied by a wolfman, a large repitilian boy, a elephant headed person and 2 panther people.

The wolf person looked over at Jill and gruffly said

"We're the Wildguard, and who the hell are you supposed to be? You don't even look real?"

2011-08-10, 01:19 PM
Len strolls into the cafeteria somewhat late, having gotten lost coming from his previous class. Standing on line to get some grub to fill his growling stomach, he takes a look around and notices that pretty much all the Knights were here and all talking to some new people. Guess I might as well mingle too... he thinks, grabbing his lunch from the server and moving to sit at a table with some strangers.

"Uh...hi, I'm Len, mind if I sit here?"

2011-08-10, 01:25 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

Returning the grin, Faith shrugged as best as she could with a tray and school books in her hands. "Hey, I'm Faith Winters. I was just deciding on which table I should eat at. Have any suggestions, Luke?"

2011-08-10, 01:28 PM
"I was pretty comfortable actually," Ashley responded. "I'm not invulnerable, but we avoided any injuries to us... I wish I could have said the same to the gallery however..." She turned to Clark. "We've done well with avoiding casualties, but property damage was another thing. Might I guess you had a slightly similar issue?"

2011-08-10, 01:48 PM
"Gaaaah ! Why does no one recognize me ?! does no one look at good cartoon anymore ? I blame cheap japaneese entertainement, I tell ya" They all knew what a power ranger was, didn't they ? (She's got quite the ego doesn't she ?) Oh well; she calms down "Hi i'm Jill. I do MAGIC !, it's awesomme you better believe it. And uh "real's kind of a relative notion around here, right ?
So are you guys all siblings, you looklike you ahve the same powers ?"

2011-08-10, 01:51 PM
Jake smiled a wide smile, flashing his teeth when White revealed her own individual personality – as he would dub it, the cool one. Now he was only looking at her. Jake answered the first question.

“Eight o’clock in our common room on (insert the date here). We’ll have food and drinks and there will be a lot of good people there. I can come get you and personally escort you, if you’d like.”

He then chuckled.

“And just call me Jake. It’s not like any of you are my subjects or anything.”

And, to extend the olive branch to the sisters…

“You can come if you change your minds at all,” he looked back to White, “I’ll be glad to have you over.”

The last sentence spoken to her in particular.

He took a bite of his cheeseburger now, satisfied with the outcome of his mingling.

2011-08-10, 03:22 PM
White smiled "I'll be glad to be there.":smallsmile:


"We're Fomorian Outcasts. When they kicked us out they sent us to the surface so the FLI picked us up because the Gardaí who had us arrested didn't know what to do with us."

It was one of the panthers who spoke back to Jill, he then looked sides ways to the wolf and said

"Nílim ag iarraidh fuair i dtroid le aon duine air mo chead lá sa scoil. Mar sin stop a bheith mar hón. dTuigeann tú?"
With that the Wolf seemed to grow slightly more kind in his demeanour

"Sorry he's just in a bad mood after what happened in our simulation run. We're Fomorian outcasts, we used to live under what you called Ireland until we were made go to the surface. We're our own tribe now but only my twin brother and I are blood kin."


Clark tries again to change the subject when Mercury buts in to reply to Ashley "Oh No! See this big giant monster is coming towards us from the bay and seems like we're goners right? But then Clark just leaps towards the monster and with one punch knocks it out cold. Then he grabs it and lifts it back into the ocean. WE GOT A 3! On our first team test. Mr. Washington said we were the fastest team to finish!"

Clark seems to be trying to put his head down and his face has gone red.


Luke smiles before taking Faith's tray and beginning to move away before shouting back "Mine," with that he sat down on a long bench next to a circular table. Leaving the food for Faith next to him.


Len sits beside a white skinned black hairred girl drinking out of a glass bottle. She moves over slightly and you notice the girl who you saw sitting next to her is actually transparent and all white.

The girl speaks up after a moment "Nice to meet you," she says timidly "I'm Night, and this is shade. What's your name?"

2011-08-10, 03:29 PM
"I go by Sauros...or Saorus depending on who you ask. Little spelling confusion on the housing lists, but no biggie. Real name is Len." Len smiles at the two girls. "So what team are you two on? I'm with the Claremont Knights." he says, and shovels in a mouthful of food.

2011-08-10, 03:37 PM
He finished up his food and then stood up.

“It was a pleasure to meet you ladies, but I should probably see what some of my team-mates are up to. White, I’ll see you then, or before then… if you wind up with any spare time.”

He didn’t want to wear out his welcome; not when things were looking this promising! So instead he decided to leave a little mystery. Classic showbusiness. Leave them wanting more.

He put his tray away and glanced around the cafeteria, taking note of where everyone else was. Jake made his way over to Ashley, Robert, and the other two.

“What’s up, guys? Oh hi. I’m Jake Wallace, the King. Nice to meet you—“ he left room for them to insert their names.

2011-08-10, 03:37 PM
Ashley kept interest in Clark and Mercury. "My team actually finished 4th, The Sentinels took the longest in our group." She then realized she said "our," and it visibly showed on her face. If those two didn't suspect it before, they sure have realized it now who Ashley's team was. She started eating quicker now. And when she saw Jake, her face was a rather shocked and speechless look. This was about the worst time he could have come.

2011-08-10, 03:44 PM
Clark points at Ashley so you're... and you're..." he shakes the King's hand and with a large grin continues "That makes you guys The Claremont Knights, right? It's nice to finally meet you guys. So the King of Camelot? What's that like?"


"We're part of the five Shadows, what about you?" she said in reply.

2011-08-10, 03:52 PM
Jake raised an eyebrow at Ashley’s expression. What? What was her problem? Even if Jake knew what it was, he would be flabbergasted by the idea that one should hide being a member of the Claremont Knights, the coolest team ever!

Jake shook Clark’s hand in return – Clark was definitely stronger than Jake – and he grinned back at him.

“What, she didn’t tell you? Yeah. We’re the Claremont Knights.” As for being King… “Pretty much full of awesome in that I get to carry around ancient artifacts and have people spontaneously call me ‘my liege,’” he glanced back in White’s direction, “but otherwise I’m still pretty much a normal guy. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

2011-08-10, 03:54 PM
"Five Shadows? Haven't heard of ya. I'm in the Knights, with the King and Rycon over there-" he points over at them, "-and Jill, who is a living cartoon." he says, indicating Jill, who is apparently sitting with a group of animal people. "Our other member is somewhere around here, guess he's not out of class yet. So how'd you guys do in your simulation?"

2011-08-10, 03:56 PM
Ashley's expression calmed down after Jake got settled in with them. "Sorry," she says to her leader. "I didn't want everyone to get really competitive all of a sudden." She was a person more into cooperation, not competitiveness. "Clark, Mercury, how long have you two known about your powers?"

2011-08-10, 04:01 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"How can I argue with that?" Faith shook her head, but followed along anyway. She appreciated the welcome, and his direct attitude wasn't especially negative either. She put her books down next to her tray and sat down entirely on the bench, with her feet up and her knees pulled close to her chest, facing sideways toward Luke. "So what do you do, Mr. Wayne? Tell me about yourself." she said as she pulled the tab on her big can of green tea.

2011-08-10, 05:01 PM
Mike sat down next to the girl with a smile, wondering why prophecy didn't speak but not wishing to offend with a bad guess.

"I'm Mike, or Timelock. Are you new to the super business?"

2011-08-10, 07:40 PM
Ethan enters the room a little later than the others, there is always something that catches his attention in Claremont, something that needs to be stared at. So much history woven into every brick of the place. He sees his own teammates around making friends. He admired their outgoing spirit. Resolving to follow their example he bolted down his courage and made his way to a table. There's only one person sitting there, he selected them because out of everyone sitting alone they looked the most in need of help.

2011-08-10, 07:45 PM
As the others begin discussing their bouts in the simulator, Robert grows very quiet and sullen, staring down at his cheeseburger and not saying a word, even as Jake approaches the table.

2011-08-10, 08:02 PM
Robert's quiet wasn't lost on Jake... and while Jake hadn't really gotten to know the big minotaur yet, he wasn't a cold-hearted bastard. Jake reached out and gave the big man a pat on the back.

"Hey buddy... everything okay? The food can't be that bad."

He said, joking just a little bit to try and raise his spirits.

2011-08-10, 08:06 PM
Ashley's eyes dropped in sadness as she notices Robert's quietness. She had a feeling why he was acting like that. "Robert," she began. "Shall we sit away from the others?" Right now she felt that it would be best if Robert wasn't being harassed by too many people. She did better alone as well.

2011-08-10, 08:16 PM
"Not great... I uh... bit somebody in public and Phobos terrfied a group of civilians... we got to fight SHADOW so that was cool though.:smallsmile:"

You realise now that Night isn't actually eating any of her food.


Clark looked uneasy "Since birth," he merely replied looking worriedly at Rob.

Mercury replied as well saying "Well Mutants manifest at puberty so a few years actually. Hasn't always been easy."


Wayne caught Faith's eyes and said "oh, a few of us like to keep some things a surprise, I mean you haven't even bought me dinner. You?"

He finished with a playful smirk.


As Mike speaks he hears a voice from behind him, when he turns he sees a blonde pale skinned boy who speaks with a nordic accent "She says it's nice to meet you.":smallsmile:

He takes a seat across from Mike and Prophecy "And apologises that she'll have to speak through me, I'm Cognitive. Prophecy's a mute.":smalltongue:


As Ethan enters he sees a young blonde girl in tears at a table by herself. She seems to be crying but won't lift her head to make it obvious.

2011-08-10, 08:22 PM
Robert's head rises as Jake taps him. "Oh, no, I'm fine I-"

"Robert," she began. "Shall we sit away from the others?"

The minotaur's lips twist into a weak smile, his eyes warm with affection. Ashley meant well, in her way. There was something endearing about the way she stumbled to try to help him.

"I think I'll be alright here, Ash. Thank you for your concern though.

He turns back to Jake and makes a stab at conversation. "So.. Jake. What's this movie night I've been hearing about."

2011-08-10, 08:28 PM
Realising his attention to Rob and Ashley had made him ignore the King Clark made to remedy that situation "I'm Clark Leeds..." when Mercury suddenly interjected "No, tell them what you bellowed when you defeated the monster and cast him back into the ocean!"

Clark cut her off "I am Cl..."

Mercury finished "THE CENTURION!"

Just so you know calling yourself that would be the same as a popular band calling themselves the Beatles. It's held sacred in the superhero community.

2011-08-10, 08:40 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"Yeah, okay, Mr. Foreshadow." Faith snorted. "You're not even going to tell me what team you're on or what your first test was like? Let me give you a hint, mystery is boring." she winked and then started to tuck into her food. She certainly didn't seem to put out about it.

2011-08-10, 08:41 PM
Glad to try and talk to Robert about anything other than the simulation. He'd heard through the grape-vine that it had been rough.

"Robert, movie night is going to be the greatest event in modern civilization. Of course, everyone at this table is invited, I have one of the lovely ladies from Five in One coming, and of course our wing of the dorms. Megeshark vs. Giant Octopus. Okay... Think about those words. Those words mean greatness and glory. And there'll be pizza and drinks. Come on, Robert. You and I haven't hung out much. Come watch a really awesome - slash - terrible movie with me."

And then Mercury shouted the Centurion. Jake gave her a "wtf" look.

"Wow... That's some confidence. I guess your confidence is justified, though."

2011-08-10, 08:47 PM
Robert can't help but crack a smile. There was just somethiing so... exuberant about Jake that liking him can't possibly stopped.

"Ah, Megashark versus Giant Octopus, a modern classic in the making. I'll be sure to be the-"

KM freezes at Mercury's declaration. he stares at Mercury and then Clark. He looks at Clark with new eyes now... that facial structure... that hair... those very blue eyes... it felt familiar... similar...

Robert knew his history well. He remembers his hand flipping the page of a book and his eyes latching to Christina Valley's Pulitzer winning photograph of the fallen Centurion. The cape flayed out on the ground, the beaten body, and... the peaceful look on his face. The look of a man who died doing his duty and was at peace with his eternal rest.

That face, of a man died before Robert was even born, still bright in his memory, Rob stares at Clark. He says nothing, but his eyes say everything.

2011-08-10, 09:07 PM
Ashley's eyes turned to Clark's as Robert did the same... Only for Ashley, she didn't see the resemblance as well, if because she hadn't stayed in Freedom City as long. But yet... she could see why; she could why Robert would look at him like that, even if Ashley couldn't believe it. Mercury's shout was originally as if Clark was playing the role, but now... "Is... Mercury right?" She had to ask Clark, and only Clark; it really was only him that could answer the question truthfully.

2011-08-10, 10:00 PM
"Oh, kay. Sorry to hear that. Must sucks not to be able to go home again.". Jill answer at the mention of being banished. She wouldn't really know "Hope it works out for ya ?.. Hum.. What's a fomorian exactly ?" she vaguely gathered tehy were somme underground beastpeople. Wich is totaly cool by her (hey, it's not like like anthropormorphized animal are uncommon in cartoons.)
"I've never heard of it befpore. Are there many of you ? Are you shy ? Are you fairies ? Do you eat people ? have you ever met mole people ?"

2011-08-10, 10:08 PM
"There are many of us. We lived in a realm you can only reach through the Deep roads. We're not fairies, we're not shy and yes some of us eat people. Do you?"

The panther replied to Jill.

"The Formorian's are a warrior race where each of us is different to the next due to our mutations."


Luke leaned back beside Winters then with a smile he said "Okay, I'll tell you my power, and then you show me yours. I can be anybody. I can look like anyone. Now you?":smallsmile:


Clark Leeds looked out the window away from the trio who were now staring at him "It's just what came to mind, at the time, but yeah... I have the same sorts of powers... and yeah that's my codename."

His face hasn't gone red but you can tell he's embarassed.

2011-08-10, 10:23 PM
It was kind of brazen to take the name of such a great, fallen hero… but if he had the man’s powers and he wanted to represent what the Centurion stood for… Jake didn’t have a problem with it. So he broke the stillness that came after his answer by smiling.

“Alright then… On another topic, how about you and Mercury here come along to movie night. We may have to start dragging in other couches, but I think we can find enough room. You see, and this goes doubly for you Robert, so pay attention, MegaShark could have been a movie all by itself. Jaws? Pathetic! Megashark eats planets. Giant Octopus? You can’t tell me he hasn’t been in a few movies – Pirates of the Carribean and all that. Seriously… he deserves his own movie. But for the director to love us so much to put them together on the same screen – fighting each other. You’ll laugh.”

His voice grew quieter.

“You’ll cry.”

He stood up.

“And you’ll cheer!”

2011-08-10, 10:31 PM
"Fomorian family reunion must be interesting.
No I don't eat people; I'm just curious. You think I should give it a try ?" she asks while taking a nice carnivory smile. She's kidding, I'm sure. "I was eaten once, though.I think ? Kinda, I dunno if it counts. It was kiind of damp and smelly. Don't think i'd like to inflict that to people." A little red riding hood vparody, one of her oldest cartoon. One of Jill biggest identity issues: does what happens to the Tv character counts as happening to 'her'; it's kind of confusing sometime.

You guys shouldn't think too much about the simulation." Whatever happened. It's obvious she want to ask but she's refraining herself. That's suprisingly tactfull of her. "I think somme people had more luck than others with this." Her own rommate didn't seem to have enjoyed her own, wich was kinda sad. Jill had tried to cheer her up but she refused to talk about it.

2011-08-10, 10:53 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"Me? I can affect probability, influencing the outcome of any given situation.'" she said, sounding like she was repeating something she'd read on her student transcript. "Things tend to go well when I'm around. Or badly, depending on how much I like you." she smirked.

"If you want a demonstration, then I'm afraid that this is a 'show me yours and I'll show you mine' situation, Luke." she said. "Now that you mention it, how do I know you really look like that? You could be using your power right now for all I know." she added, looking theatrically suspicious.

2011-08-11, 12:21 AM
Ashley turned to Jake on his topic on the movie. She jokingly asks him, "Are you trying to invite everyone to movie night?" She found herself almost done with her lunch now. She then turned to Robert and whispered, "Um... I was wondering, you know of technology right? I'm trying to create a contraption, but I need help with coming up with a design... Do you think later today you could help me build it please?" She wanted the intelligent, creative part of Robert to show, and she needed help too.

2011-08-11, 01:01 AM
"I'll be sure to be there, Jake. You have my word, the word of a minotaur," Robert says with a wink, feeling some of his old self coming back to him.

He leans in close as Ashley whispers to him and then nods. "I'm a fair shake at technological design, yes. I'd be more than happy to help you, Ash. Keeps the little grey cells running, y'know."

2011-08-11, 05:18 AM
"Interseting" said Mike, it was one of his guesses "what's your team?"

Another Mike approached his roomate "what's up, Jake?" he asked with a polite smile. "Mind taking a group picture?" Mike asks, handing an odd looking phone and motioning his team to gather up.

2011-08-11, 07:40 AM
Ethan stops short before the table and speaks to the girl in soft tones 'Hey. I'm Ethan. I know, sometimes, when people are upset, they want to be left alone.' He takes a step forward, placing his tray on the table 'And sometimes they don't. Sometimes they want someone to talk to. Sometimes they just want the company. So I guess what I'm saying is, can I sit here?' He slide into the chair and looked at the girl was big black eyes radiating empathy and concern.

2011-08-11, 09:09 AM
Len chuckles a bit at Night's story. "Sounds like you guys did OK...though I do wonder how you managed to accidentally bite someone!" :smallwink: "We managed to practically destroy a whole building in ours...though it wasn't really our fault. Also destroyed a bunch of priceless artifacts! Though we managed to save everyone and stop the villains. Still have a lot to learn, I guess." he says, laughing nervously. Len notices she's not really eating. "Not hungry? Foods not that bad here." he says with a smile.

2011-08-12, 09:00 AM
Mike turns to Ashley "It's going to get crowded" Timelock mentioned "We might need someone that could warp space and make more room" he tried to joke. "Not a fan of B-Movie Night myself" he mumbled to Ashley's ears only.

Jake seemed too preoccupied with all the attention, Mike rather not overload the king, so he turned and reached his hand to Ashley, offering her his phone to snap a picture of his team. "Please?"

2011-08-12, 09:15 AM
Ashley looks up to Mike from her seat. She had already finished her lunch for the day. "We could also simply move," she suggested with a small smile, not quite getting the joke. She then looks at the camera, then around the cafeteria. "Oh, um... Alright." Her tone was pretty genuine as she stands up, takes a few steps, and snaps a picture of Mike. With both groups being pretty separated in the cafeteria, she wasn't exactly knowing that she was supposed to take a pic of Mike's team, not Mike himself.

2011-08-12, 09:19 AM
Mike laughed "Alright, not exactly what I meant, but thanks anyway" he said. "But could we do it again, with the rest of our team in the shot this time?" he smiled and started looking around. "Oh" he started reconsidering, realizing why he might have not been clear "maybe another time..." he slid to sit next to Robert, "it's a start" he said and motioned Ashley to take their picture together.

2011-08-12, 09:25 AM
Ashley looked a little embarrassed as she realized that she was supposed to take a picture of the entire group. "Sorry," she mentioned. "I'm not exactly good with people yet..." She got into a good position and was ready to take the picture. "Robert, could you look to the camera please?"

2011-08-12, 12:44 PM
"Of course, Ash" Robert smiled, turned, and put his arm around Mike's shoulder. He gives a full toothed smile and looks at the camera.

2011-08-12, 12:51 PM
As Robert got set, Ashley snapped a picture of the two, then handed it over to Mike. "Hope it's good enough," she says. She had a look at the picture before she handed it to Mike, checking Robert's smile... Was it genuine or was it a fake smile?

2011-08-12, 01:12 PM
"Oh, two secs."
At the mere vison of Rycoon holding a camera, Jill react and move out of her table. Seconds later she's back to her place and her conversation with the Wildguard, whistling inocently.
(The second snapshot may or may not contain a sneaky blurry extended catoonish figure saying hi (and possibly giving Mike a pair of rabbit ears with her finger).)
Sure it may seem a bit gratuitous and childish and maybe she partly did it to see if she could sneak up on those guys ; but think about it. The guy was probably going to outlive everyone here. In five hundered years when he'd be all alone and look at this picture, that the sort of random absurd little details that will seem funny in retropsect, and soothe the nostalgia with humour.

2011-08-12, 01:29 PM
Jake wasn’t paying attention to the picture taking for a moment. He was either still making small talk with the VII (who were pretty cool guys, at least these two are anyway), or making eyes over at White. You see? His priorities are in place!

He did turn around to watch the two attempts at taking a picture.

“You know, Robert, for a bull-man, you are one photogenic guy. I’m jealous.”

Jake grinned light-heartedly at him.

“So Ashley, how are you settling in? Hopefully you are feeling a bit more comfortable. I’d like to get our team together, maybe practice our abilities a bit more and come up with some combinations. You think you might be up for it sometime later?”

2011-08-12, 06:34 PM
The Clark smiles at Jake's enthusiasm and again before he can answer Mercury interrupts "We'll be there, deffinitely."


Once Jill had returned the Wolf boy spoke up again "So how exactly did you end up here? A living cartoon."


Luke smiled "If I'm at all honest you don't... but if you can trust me, you can, I'm not using my powers at the moment, and does what I look like really matter.":smallamused:


The girl looked up at Ethan and had a despairing look on her face "I hate it here, I'm the only normal person here, I don't have any powers or gear or anything. I'm Hellen, Hellen Sands. I'm Legacy and Daedalus' Daughter.":smallredface::smallfrown:

You remember that Daedalus & Legacy are in their early twenties and this girl is 17 or so.


Night replies with a smile "that's true, and I am but... I don't eat this kind of food.":smallredface:

2011-08-12, 07:26 PM
'There's no such thing as a normal person.' He forces a smile onto his lips and a deep laugh from his throat. His eyes meet hers and holds her attention as he continues 'Pleased to meet you Hellen Sands, I'm Ethan Sellstrom.' His movements are slow and deliberate as he leans across the table. His voice is lent a soft edge as he continues 'There's this whole other side to me that wants to give you the big speech. Magnificence of the human spirit will overcome blah blah blah. Very formulaic.
'Forget that. Listen, I always thought I wanted powers and now I have them...' His eyes wandered to a certain pair of horns visible over a crowded table. 'It's a lot of responsibility to take on all at once. I'm probably going to see a lot of things I'll wish I never saw.* It's a gift, but also a burden.'

*Foreshadowing much?

2011-08-13, 09:41 AM
Mike smiled as he examined the pictures and stashed his phone away. "Thanks, Ashley" he said. "Catch up with you later" he said and walked back to Prophecy and her voice.

"Sorry for that, just realized I don't have a picture of our group together. But everybody seems scattered, so it can wait, I guess." He smiled apologetically. "So... I'm assuming it's not just the two of you in the team, right?"

2011-08-13, 09:47 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

Luke smiled "If I'm at all honest you don't... but if you can trust me, you can, I'm not using my powers at the moment, and does what I look like really matter.":smallamused:

"It only matters if you're lying to me. Otherwise..." Faith looked him over, obviously sizing him up in the most sexist way possible, "...mmm...nope. Not really." she finished, giving a little shrug of her shoulders and taking another nonchalant sip of her drink. He was cute, but a little too full of himself. That could be good, but it could also be a sign of a douchebag. Either way, she was going to put him through the wringer if he insisted on flirting with her. :smallamused:

2011-08-14, 08:25 AM
"The only reason I'm here is because some alternate version of me developed to gain the ability to alter reality with a 2,500 ft radius. I'm here on the off chance I develop an ability that people will no doubt immediately try to nullify. I should be leading a normal life... It's unfair I have to stay just so they can keep an eye on me,"

She seems distant as she speaks as if she likes more getting it off her chest than saying it to anyone in particular.


Clark replies to Mike "We've got a metamorph, a size controller, a power reverser, a light and darkness controller and a mage; hence the VII."


"So if I've passed your inspection, me and a few others are heading out after curfew on saturday. You should come, bring some people. You'll enjoy it." Luke replied with a grin :smallsmile:

2011-08-14, 10:47 AM
"Oh I don't know If I can tell you hyper secret origin storry. You sure you want to know ? it's kinda long"
Actualy it isn't. Wich is kind of an embarassement for Jill because it seems all the cool people around here seem to have somme dark mysterious origin or past issues. in comparaison, I'm an unexplained magical accident seems kinda lame. (No to mention a bit sad; because the world 'unwanted' is implied and that's alway a bit hurtfull to think about).

"It all started fifty years ago by a dark deep night... " You will be spared the rest; let's just say the truth may have been slightly enhanced. I'm pretty sure her real origin storry does not contain a magical pen, the queen of the fairies and three golden doors that grant wishes*.
..."You dare defy me and refuse my heart desire ? You fate will be quite dire when I hold you at my mercy !" but then she tripped and feell and he laughed at her..." (And she even does the voices too. Thankfully the whole thing is actualy quite short.)"And then there was a great white light and here I was. Tadaa !"

"So how about a story for a story ? What happened during your simulation ?"

*Much better as that would have been, in retrospect.

2011-08-14, 11:00 AM
Mike smiled at what was probably a shapeshifter being called a metamorph. He knew too many jakes already...

"You don't have a Jake in your team, right?" he joked. You are grouped with the knights, no? Mike pointed at Jake. "So, how did your sim go? Anything interesting?"

2011-08-14, 01:01 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"So if I've passed your inspection, me and a few others are heading out after curfew on Saturday. You should come, bring some people. You'll enjoy it." Luke replied with a grin :smallsmile:

Faith leaned in with a theatrical gasp. "You're going to sneak out after curfew, risking detention or worse? You rebel... Are you one of those boys my mommy and daddy warned me about, Luke?" she asked, putting on a suspicious expression.

To be honest, Faith didn't immediately object to the thought of sneaking out for a night on the town. She had never been one to follow every single rule out there, probably because of the nature of her powers. Besides, they'd be back in a few hours, most likely, and it wasn't like they were going to go out and break the law or hurt anyone. Most kids, when they got out after curfew, were so caught up in the euphoria of being rebellious that they didn't actually end up doing anything more than go bowling or get a soda before going home. Besides, she wanted to see the city a little more. Her parents had driven her straight to the school grounds and she knew next to nothing about Freedom City outside the walls.

2011-08-14, 01:27 PM
Ethan nods sadly in agreement. 'You're right, that's not fair. I know what it's like...' He waves his hand around, indicating all those around them 'Most people here didn't really have a choice about coming here, not really. But it's worse for you, I think. You're being punished for something someone else did. I can see why, but it's still not fair.' His smiles suddenly as an notion conceived as excellent by his inexperienced judgement comes over him. 'They've taken your freedom from you, but there are many forms of freedom.' He stands, leaving his food forgotten on the table as he waves for her to follow. 'Come outside, there's something I want to show you.'

2011-08-14, 04:28 PM
The Wolf Boy looked at Jill with a mix of amusement and bewilderment but when she asked about his simulation his mood turned sour again "We fought as Fomorians fought. The city burned around us, we had charges, civilians. An enemy attacked. None of our enemies lived to see the next day. This was deemed improper by your warriors..."

His tone is a mix of shame and anger as his eyes linger on the floor.


"No Jakes!" :smalltongue: Clark replied to Mike with a smile.


"It's not that big a deal, and anyway there's a band coming in that I've heard are pretty good. Bring your roommates and stuff. I'll bring mine. We'll make a big thing of it." Luke smiles and seems genuinely excited about the idea.


Helen stands and walks to follow Ethan "What is it?"

2011-08-14, 04:35 PM
“Our sim went well, nothing major happened. I wish we could have taken out that crew without all the collateral damage, but you live and you learn,” he answered Mike. Jake grinned at Mercury when she blurted out that they would show up to movie night.

“See? I knew I liked you guys, and I’m glad we don’t have some weird rivalry. Because I swear, if I hear even one supervisor tell a team to “Sweep the leg” then we have hit 80s movie territory, and I don’t think any of us want that. Think of the hair… do you really want to see mullets again?”

Jake grinned merrily.

2011-08-14, 04:54 PM
Didn't realise you'd walked back to Prophecy till now so Clark's been replying to you. I'll assume you now walk back over.

As Mike returns to Prophecy and her friend you see she has her hand outstretched to you, palm up.

Her friend speaks up "She says she wants to do a reading. Of your destiny. As a gift."


"Well," Clark says lifting his glass "Here's to the Claremont Knights and the VII never meeting in battle! A teammate of mine, Luke, is planning to sneak out saturday night for a concert you should come! Bring the team. We can watch the movie then head out."

2011-08-14, 04:58 PM
Ashley sat back next to Robert as she listened in onto Jake. "Our group needs a little more coordination with property damage, but we did rather well. You had to admit Jake we we're a bit chaotic in there." Ashley didn't really think much, if at all any of it, was her fault. All she did was take out the foes in an incredibly short span of time. She then turned to Clark. "By the sounds of it you do pretty well with your team. Do they get along well enough?" She put on a small smile, she hadn't given a huge smile in forever, and this was not one of those times now. "I can drink to that," she says as she holds up her soda. "The concert sounds interesting... Though I don't know if there would be enough time for that." She turned to Robert. "Would you be interested in that Robert?"

2011-08-14, 06:11 PM
"Oh, I see..." Len says, becoming more interested. She bit someone during the simulation...and doesn't eat 'this kind of food'.... he thinks to himself, not wanting to jump to any conclusions. "Well, if you don't mind me asking...what kind of food do you eat?" Len says tenatively, hoping he's not overstepping his bounds.

2011-08-14, 06:19 PM
"A concert after movie night? Yeah, I think I could swing that. I'll have to check with a certain white-haired guest I'm bringing, but yeah... Count me in. It'd be cool for us to hang out for a bit outside of this crazy place."

He smiled and gave a thumbs up, excited by the prospect.

2011-08-14, 06:57 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"It's not that big a deal, and anyway there's a band coming in that I've heard are pretty good. Bring your roommates and stuff. I'll bring mine. We'll make a big thing of it." Luke smiles and seems genuinely excited about the idea.

"Okay, sounds fun! What band?" Faith asked. She mostly listened to rock music imported to NZ from the UK and the States, but she'd try listening to anything once. She wasn't sure how Jill or Bobby would handle going out in public, but it would probably be rude if she didn't at least invite them. Jill would probably have a blast, even if she caused a huge scene. She didn't seem like the type to worry about fitting in. Everyone else would probably be up for it with the possible exception of Mike, who might not want to be involved with teenage shenanigans.

2011-08-14, 07:28 PM
Robert shifted uncomfortably in his seat and look down at Ashely."I don't know if that's such a good idea, Ash."

2011-08-14, 07:32 PM
Ashley looked up to her minotaur apartment-mate. "I can't exactly blame you, the teachers would be rather angry at it... But I think Jake will end up inviting everyone to it anyway. He has a habit of getting everyone involved for these things." She turned to Jake, "Would I be right?"

2011-08-14, 10:39 PM
"Oh yeah. I guess I can see a bit of culture shock here." Whoops; akward. That sound like the kind of thing people tend to have views about. Jill can almost kind of symphatize; there was an awkward half an hour earlier when she had to learn than most people don't consider a stick of dynamite an acceptable way to say "Hi". Almost kind of a key word here though, these guys sound kind of violent (gee you think ?).
"Well.. guess it's a good thing you found early, with no real consequences. I mean, if you hadn't ben ont he surface, it's not like you could know how they did thing around here's right ? So you just need to cut back on the killing, like at all, and you're good, right ? No points in feeling bad about yesterday, right ?."

2011-08-15, 12:31 AM
Mike smiled at Prophecy "a gift? you shouldn't have! I didn't bring anything..." he takes a moment of thought and a box of random chocolate appears through a rip in time. Then he reaches his hand out.

2011-08-15, 04:32 PM
Night turned to Len and smiled showing small fangs then looked sad and hid her mouth with her hand.

"I don't really eat... I'm a vampire... yeah yeah I know we don't normally have souls but there's old magic... magic so old only the Magnus and the axis points know about it. It's from the old tongue of atlantis. It was an old right to create what they called a sin-eater. If a Vampire has been turned, feeds but does not kill it's transformation still finishes so it is a true Vampire. This is normally impossible since a young vampire can't stop itself feeding. A powerful mage can then summon the soul of the vampire and place it in the vampire and bind it there, since it has not killed it is not so corrupted as to make possession by a spirit impossible. Bio found me and brought me to Legacy who gave me my soul back... sorry I'm rambling..."


"Some European band I heard were good, if a little full of themselves and Metahuman Symphony are the opening act. It's on at the Midnight Hour in the city," Luke replied to Faith.


The Wolf boy's cold demeanour seemed to thaw at Jill's understanding attitude "I suppose your right Magic Jill, thank you for you understanding... if anyone ever messes with you let us know, we look after our friends."



The shockwave races through the whole cafeterria as Mike flies through the air and slams hard into the far wall. Prophecy has fallen to her knees and her hand is smoking.

She looks up at the roof with wide eyes and shouts

With her open mouth all can she her tongue has long since been cut out, explaining her previous muteness...






With that she collapses to the ground and the boy at her side grabs her and holds her as he begins to try and shake her awake, filled with terror. The whole cafeterria is standing staring at her now unconsious form and then back to Mike.

2011-08-15, 05:23 PM
Len listens to Night's story intently and when she finishes he smiles warmly. "No need to apologize...it sounds like you've had it rather tough, though I'm sure many of us here have. Bio is actually my team's supervisor, she's really cool! I'm glad that -" Len is cut off by a thunderous explosion sounding from inside the cafeteria. He leaps to his feet and interposes himself between the source and the people he is sitting with. He unconciously begins to transform, but when he see's there is no threat he stops, and listens, jaw agape and face screwed up in confusion.

2011-08-15, 05:28 PM
Jake’s eyes widened at the prophecy as it was called out. He spun around and looked at the girl. There was a mention of Kings and Kingdoms, but he doubted it was going to pertain to himself. Still… the end of heroes. The age of heroes ends. Dark tidings, indeed. But first, the girl had collapsed. Jake jumped out of his seat and ran over to her leaning down and drawing Excalibur. It radiated a soft light.

“Is she harmed?! Let Excalibur’s soothing warmth help her.”

Excalibur sounded a note, soft and gentle, and his flared up with light that bathed over Jake and all those nearby (25 foot radius burst). Any wounds they had would be healed. Any pain they felt would be swallowed.

“Does her ability always hurt her this way?”

He asked the boy holding her.

It’s amazing how fast Jake can go from goofing off to nobility once again. He might even surprise himself upon further reflection.

2011-08-15, 05:45 PM
A curious thing Ethan thought to himself as he raced down empty school corridors, leading Helene on a merry chase to the playing grounds If you pretend to be cheerful to cheer someone up long enough or hard enough you actually come to believe it yourself. He comes to a stop in the middle of the playing field, sucking in huge gasps of breath Or maybe that's just the adrenaline. He turned to watch Helene catch up with him. Did he detect a easier demeanour, was her sorrow blunted by physical exertion? There was no way to be certain.
'Sorry about that. It's better to be running to something rather than from something though, right?' He waits for her to catch her breath before he continues 'Anyway. Like I was saying. They... No, fate took your freedom from you. Brought you here, keeps you here. That's not fair. But mankind is but one beast with many minds. What is taken with the right hand can be returned by the left... I can't give you your freedom back, but I can do what I can to make up for it.' He walks behind her, when she starts to turn he places a hand on her shoulder, gently and firmly holding her in place. He disappears from her sight, lurking behind her back 'I know this seems strange. Trust me just for a second and close your eyes.'
Helene closed them, although her suspicion was obvious to Ethan even as he stood behind her. 'Keep them closed till I say otherwise.' Helene felt his hands bringing her arms up, spreading them to each side until she forms a cross. Seconds dragged by, an eternity of darkness and mistrust echoed inside her mind. 'Open them.'
She opened them, and gasped in awe even as she screamed in fear. They were both very very high up, suspended in the air. From their position they can see the great Sentry statue out in the bay, they can see Liberty Square, they can see Claremont rendered as small as a dollhouse. All around the great metropolis stretches out.
Ethan turned her in the air to look into her eyes. 'I'm going to let go of you now. But don't be afraid. Trust me. Don't be afraid.' He let go. She didn't fall. 'There are many types of freedom Helene, and worse places to be than Claremont.' He started to drift backward, away from her. This gives her a chance to see the great glowing wings extending from his back, to see the perfectly formed incorporeal feathers refracting light in every direction, causing the wings to shimmer. 'It's not permanent I'd afraid. But until class starts you can fly anywhere you want, faster than I can.
'I don't just do flight either. Next time you can tell me exactly what you want. For now though...' He shoots off suddenly, climbing into the sky 'See if you can catch me.'

2011-08-15, 05:49 PM
Ashley's comfortable conversation was but short upon seeing and hearing the prophesy from the girl Mike was talking to moments before. She stood up to get a better view of what happened before the words came into her mind. It's like a doomsday calling, she had thought to herself. Of all the words said, one phrase stood out more so than the others. "The son of the bull..." She repeated those words once, hesitated, and then turned her head to her friend next to her. "Robert...?" She looked at him with curiosity and a bit of worry, not because of his role, but because of what he might have been. "...You alright?"

2011-08-15, 06:08 PM
Cognitive looks stunned and his eyes are wet with tears "Never, normally she just touches people... and they see stuff... SHE NEVER TALKS! NEVER! They cut out her tongue... She nevers talks..."

He looks up and stares fearful and angrily at TimeLock on the ground across the Cafeterria

"What did he see...!?"

He seems grateful for Jake's assistance.

A moment later a young man steps forward and the crowd surround prophecy breaks away as the man's hands glow with white light.

He kneels down beside the girl and says to the two boys

You recognise him as the teacher known as Beacon, though he also goes by Hikaru.

"King, Cognitive, what happened here? Is she alright?"


A smile burst out across Helen's face and she raced off after Ethan, looping and spinning as they partook in a game that was half cat and mouse have coordinate flight patterns.

It got to the point where Ethan wasn't even looking back so he could keep ahead.

Then he heard it.


He looked back just in time to see her at a distance.

She was clutching her head and screaming in pain... then seemingly unconscious she fell... and kept falling...

2011-08-15, 06:21 PM
Jake looked up at Hikaru and shook his head.

“I don’t know. I didn’t see what happened. She spoke some kind of ill omen and then collapsed. She’s not physically harmed, at least not anymore. Perhaps Cognitive knows more. Either way, I think we have greater troubles ahead… if her abilities are to be believed.”

He got eye contact with Hikaru for a moment, to stress how serious he felt the situation was.

2011-08-15, 06:26 PM
"I think it's best Team Leader King if you escort Cognitive and Prophecy to the infirmary. Professeur Pain will look after them their. Lunch will be over soon... so get to class. I'll discuss this with the principal," Hikaru replied to Jake.

2011-08-15, 06:30 PM
Ethan remains calm, in a long swinging loop he plummets downward, his teeth set against the velocity in a forbidding grimace. He catches her and gently pulls upward, slowing them both until they were static, suspended in the sky. 'This was probably a really dumb idea. I'm so sorry Helene. I'll get you to the nurse.' Taking exaggerated care with his charge he swoops downward.

2011-08-15, 06:34 PM
Mike stood only after a few seconds with no injury. If not for the dust, nobody could tell anything happened to him. But a whole loy did happen.

Timelock's eyes and face raced with emotions. For what seemed like seconds for the rest, Mike was despairing for years. Anger, terror and confusion raced across his very soul. For a moment he asked his own name... But he would not doubt, not himself, not what he is or meant to be.

Mike fell to his knees, clutching his head and screaming in pain. He didn't just see the memories, he relived them forever.

"It's mine" Mike said as he regained himself and stood up, looking older "how dare they try to take it?" the words were out there without thought.

He brathed heavily, not exactly there.

2011-08-15, 06:41 PM
As Ethan grabs Helen in his arms he sees blood running from her ears and her eyes rolling back in her head, unresponsive.

She is light as a feather. Whatever made her fall it was not a loss of her ability to fly.

2011-08-15, 06:46 PM
He was asked to escort them to the infirmary, and he intended to do just that.

“Right away, Beacon.”

He then scooped Prophecy up in his own arms and lifted her off the ground. He nodded to Cognitive and tried to reassure him.

“I won’t go anywhere until they determine she’s okay, just in case.”

He looked at Mike as he screamed, and raised an eyebrow… This pleasant lunch had fallen apart very quickly. Jake exhaled a deep breath and steeled himself. Right now… the King was needed, not a teenager.

“Let’s go.”

And he went off towards the infirmary, to visit Professor Pain. Why did he not like the sound of that?

2011-08-15, 06:48 PM
Ethan leaves Helene floating gently outside the window of the nurse's office. He knocks frantically on the window 'Hurry... Hurry!'

2011-08-15, 07:05 PM
Robert stares at his burger. The son of the bull, huh...

He takes a large bite out of it, swallows it down, and looks at Ashley. "I'll be fine.". He eats the rest of his burger and stands up. "Class is starting soon, I believe. I should probably go.

He freezes when he hears Mike screaming and dashes towards his teammate with all the subtlety of a bull in a cafeteria.

"Mike, Mike? What's happening? Mike!"

2011-08-15, 07:08 PM
Medicine check and untrained Knowledge check to figure out what's wrong.


2011-08-15, 07:10 PM
As Ethan is allowed into the infirmary he sees Isiah Washington, Doctor Dire I, Athena, Professeur Pain and Dr. Otaku already waiting for him. They quickly take the girl and as they rush about scanning her they slowly begin to act more relieved. After a few minutes the wings have disappeared and Dire in full armour turns to Ethan.

"DIRE will supervise the girl. You SHALL return to your class. All is normal. NOW GO! SO COMMANDS DIRE!" Doctor Dire dismissively barks at Ethan.


As this is said Pain greets the King and Cognitive, helping Prophecy into a bed.

After a few minutes examining her he motions to the two boys "The girl is exhausted, and has suffered a minor burn to her hand. I have healed the dermal tissue and she will be free to go once she has awoken."

With that he returns to work with the others around Helen.


Robert can tell Mike seems unharmed but confused.

2011-08-15, 07:11 PM
Ashley turned to Mike, then at Robert again. "Yeah... I'll do the same," she said to him. "Next time I'd rather eat in a quieter place." She began to take her leave of the cafeteria, her eyes not moving away from Mike until the last moment where she has left with Robert.

2011-08-15, 07:28 PM
Etah nods, utterly cowed by the company assembled. Part of him wonders why they're all already there, most of him is numb with delayed shock 'Just... Just let me know. Let me know when...' He slinks off with his tail between his legs.

2011-08-15, 07:54 PM
"...Wow." Len says, shocked at what just occurred. He made a mental note to ask Jake about what happened when he took Prophecy to the medical office.

He turns back to Night. "Well...that was interesting...well guess it's time to head to class. Oh, weird timing I know, but we are having a movie night if you are interested in coming...I think our fearless leader is inviting a whole bunch of people so there should be a good crowd..." Len says, a little awkwardly.

2011-08-15, 08:35 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"Is it over?" Faith squeaked out. After the shockwave blew through the cafeteria and knocked her over, she'd pulled Luke behind the table and used her empty tray as a shield against whatever was happening. As things calmed down, she was left to poke her head up from the ground like a meerkat. "Christ, this school is never dull!" she said as she started to get up off of Luke. "Oh, uh...sorry, mate. I panicked." she smiled nervously.

2011-08-15, 11:11 PM
Jake stayed in the infirmary until he knew that Prophecy would be alright. He nodded to the man and then looked up to see Ethan being—commanded—back to class. Jake raised an eyebrow at this.

“Hey Cognitive… she’s going to be fine. I’d better see what’s happening with my team-mate.”

He turned to walk away but stopped.

“But… if you guys need anything, come find me, okay?”

He’d added more weight upon his shoulders. A King should serve the people… that was his thought.

Jake approached Ethan, walking with him out of the room.

“Hey… what happened?”

He asked Ethan, watching him as he walked along. Poor guy looked like he’d been beaten down mentally.

2011-08-16, 12:12 AM
"Thanks" Jill smiles it's nice to see people feeling better. she was afraid she'd only make him "But don't worry too much about me. b'sides if anyone cause me trouble you should be worry about them."
(Bravado ? A bit but not as much as you'd think. There's a fine line to walk being a bit of alovable trickster (or at least self percieve yourself as such) and an annoying jerk and a lot of it plays in the chjoice of vctims; bullys and jerks are perfectably acceptable targets so if anything she just aching to meet one.)
"Hey, I know it's not really your choice to be here but now that you're here you wanna meet somme people, right ? Our team King"( who neds a boring leader when you are a knight.) "is doing something called movie night. I have no idea what taht is But I'm sure it'll be awesomme ! If you guys are interested I could ..."before Jill could contribute to make movie the most riculouly crowded event in Claremont, she is interupted by a terribly loud shockwave.

Taking a look from under the table where she hid herself , she realise it's just a girl screaming stuff. Jill is jaelous; oh sure they bleme her when she explode bombs and she just told a neat stoory and no one went to listen but that girl just go and make a shockwave and scream stuff and everyone is around her. Mind you, you have to admire the performance; she's got an impressive range
Jill gives a little apologetic wave to the wilguard "Gottago. See ya later;" and decide to get closer because she doesn't hear very well;

But by the time she's done walking over the crowd that gathered around the commotion, it's over. she makes a mental note to bug the King about this later.
It's only when she overhear the world infirmary that she realise this is actualy serious and start feeling bad about herself. She makes another mental note of skipping class (yay a half valid excuse to do what she was really aching to do anyway) and go to the infirmary to see if the poor girl need somme cheer.

On the way, she says "Hi." to Faith. It's nice to see she's going better too. This morning she wasn't feeling so well and all that stuff, and now she's playing hide and seek behing a tray.

2011-08-16, 01:26 AM
Mike grabbed Robert by his collar, trying to pull him closer, whispering. "Can you see what she did?" he asked in an angry hiss. In his eyes you could see countless of images, everything you could imagine but Robert "Can't you see her crime? Going against the basic of the forces, trying to take down a god, to stand on top of a ruined world. Can you see what has to be done?" Mike sounds almost desperate as he slowly releases Robert.

"Of course he can't" Mike turned from Robert, only to see another Mike talking to him. "Nobody can. We are on our own." A third Mike assures "Go. Away." Mike commanded, trying to keep it together, and the other Mikes vanished from reality.

Turning back to Robert, Mike opens his mouth, but words didn't come out. Finally, he closed it and turned to walk away "class is about to start" he said quietly.

2011-08-16, 07:24 AM
'Hey Jake.' Ethan sounds defeated, but manages a half smile for his friend. 'I tried to cheer Helene up, I took her flying. I'm not sure... but I think I almost killed her. Plus I haven't eaten so my lunch break really didn't go so great. How about you, anything interesting happen after I left?'

2011-08-16, 05:52 PM
The bell rings out and the students slowly begin to disperse, a few gather in groups with new friends on the way to shared classes and some head on alone.

It seems Claremont is never dull...

1pp to all players.

Will have the movie night post up soon.

2011-08-16, 07:23 PM
Hero-Fall: Issue #3

"We are who we choose to be."

Residential building, 6:30 pm, Saturday evening...

The students of the Claremont Knights and the Centurions have had a rough few days to say the least. A vampire battle, a trip to another dimension and simulations that could have gone better have all left the teams in dire need of some R&R...

And in comes King Jake to the rescue with a movie & concert night! Well the movie part was his idea.

As the students who were on campus filed out of dinner in the cafeterria White descended from the heavens held aloft by a disc of pure light. She landed softly outside of the res and waited for Jake to arrive. Beside her now stood Helen Sands who contrasted with the other girl who wore a plain white dress by wearing only a black hoodie with too long sleeves and a pair of jeans.

It wasn't long before a silver skinned girl arrived to join the duo in little other than a jacket. Mercury was followed closely by Clark Leeds who told the girls the rest of the VII wouldn't be joining them mainly due to them holding their places in line for the concert at the moment.

The group began to chat with White probing Clark for questions about the other team leader Jake and Helen mostly only speaking to complain about the lateness of the others.

The group waits for their friends to arrive to get the event started.

Night is nowhere to be seen.

What do you do?

2011-08-16, 07:44 PM
Jake was running a little late. He really hadn’t wanted to run late, but he had been setting up the common room. He’d raided all the chairs and couches he’d needed to make sure everyone had decent seating. The common room for the Knights and the Centurions now looked like a theater. A huge tv had been wheeled in from the AV room, all the seats were arranged in a semi-circle for maximum viewing pleasure, and the table was stacked with pizza and refreshments. The King knows how to get down with a movie night. Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus was all ready to go, all that needed to happen was for someone to press play.

He rushed out of the building, bursting through the double doors to look at the guests. It looked like everyone was here – except for that girl that Len had been chatting up. Shame.

Jake was wearing normal clothes, a blue t-shirt that had an “S-Mart” logo on the breast. Those who knew the joke would get it instantly. It was kind of like a Rorschach test for B-movie fans.

“Good evening everyone! The common room is set up, so right this way.”

He held the door open as they began to file in. As White came over to him he smiled at her.

“I’m glad you made it. You look beautiful.”

He gave a charming smile and then followed them in, walking with White while directing people to where their wing was.

Truth be told, he wasn’t completely over the massacre he’d witnessed yesterday, but twenty-four hours helped him to repair his walls and put it behind him for now.

2011-08-16, 07:47 PM
Ashley came into this with a bit of hope into her. Jake managed to round all these people up, right? She had hoped it would be good... There was still the concert though, so tonight cannot be a disaster like... Yesterday was. She came in her casual clothing, not really expecting anything dangerous to happen, she had enough of that for the week. With putting on a small smile as best as she could, Ashley wasn't interested in starting anytime soon; she wanted everyone here first. Taking the time, Ashley walks up to Clark and Mercury. "Have you two ever seen a... B-Movie?" She asked them as if she had little idea of what a B-Movie was, despite that Faith had already told her at the beginning of school. Doing something, anything would be the best course of action right now. It would make the memory of yesterday that much easier to leave behind. Among her group she only saw Jake. Ashley had hoped the others were coming too.

2011-08-16, 08:05 PM
Ethan had taken his cue from Jake, abide for very different reasons. There was a edge to his smile and shadows still lurked in his eyes but he was determined to enjoy himself tonight, even if it killed him. Yesterday was behind him, tonight loomed before him. Self pity and vivid memories could wait.

He's spent most of the last hour exchanging Evil Dead quotes with Jake and helping him prepare. He really wasn't looking forward to wheeling the TV all the way from the AV room on a weekly basis, but once the preparations were complete he had to admit it was worth the effort. The room screamed 'Come, be merry and watch a terrible movie.'

His good mood lasted until Helene turned up, at which point it evaporated like mist under the noonday sun. Suddenly he remembered another thing he had to feel awful about. Screwing his courage up he effected a clearly forced smile and greeted her warmly, at least the affection and concern in his voice was genuine 'Helene, hi. I'm glad you made it.' Selfconsciously he rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes slid away from hers 'Listen, I'm really really sorry about what happened. I didn't know... I... I'm sorry.'

2011-08-16, 11:15 PM
Len grinned. He had been waiting for this night for a while, a time to relax and enjoy the company of new friends. It had been a rough week, but Len had done his best to put it behind him, and was acting like his usual self. Having worn his Dawn of the Dead shirt for this special occasion, he meandered around the room. Passing by Jake he gave him a friendly slap on the back as he was talking to White, and walked over to the snack table, giving Jake an exaggerated wink jokingly when he was out of White's sight.

Len grabbed a slice of pizza from the table, and looked around the room. He was a little bummed that Night didn't show up, but after all their events with vampires, he was fine with it. He headed to the back of the room, plopped down in a chair and put his feet up waiting for the movie to start.

2011-08-16, 11:23 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

After the cafeteria had quieted down, Faith told Luke about the B-movie night that they were having in the common room before the concert and invited him to show up if he wanted to. Then she had gone about the rest of her day.

On the night of the movie, Faith had made sure to dress appropriately for the concert right after. She came out of her room wearing a black wife-beater with "AC/DC" in white lettering, a pair of jeans that hugged her hips tightly, and a pair of sneakers since she didn't feel like getting her toes stepped on. She let her blonde hair hang free. She stuffed her ID, some cash, and a couple other essentials in her jean pockets. For the movie, though, she put on a zip-up hoodie that said "Starfleet Academy" in big, college lettering on the back and brought a big comforter out of her room to wrap herself up in.

"Shop smart, Jake." Faith commented innocently as she passed King on the way to find a good seat.

2011-08-17, 12:11 AM
"You want somme ?"
Faith gets greetted by an oversized popcorn bag that's almost about half the size of it's just as cartoonish owner. Jill is wearing a white Tshirt (yes she does change attir sometime, just no for long) with a Megashark logo (she's never seen the film, ever, but hey if you're going to put yourself into the mood for movie night you might as well go all the way) and a pair of 3d glasses. clearly, she takes movie nights seriously.

She sems pretty much in her usual mood. There was an akward night; Lots of thinking and very little sleeping; somme nightmares too, probably not the last to comme. But she's over it now. Well not really to be honnest, but she's not showing it or at least she distracted herself from it.
Angst and sould questioning later, movie night with friends seems about ideal right now.

looking avoer an armchair she see there are somm more guest and wave to them while proposing some of the sugary goodness (The popcorn while comestible has a slight aftertaste of caldboard and a weirdly bland but energizing impression. Actualy all food product she summons are like that; she has no idea why. But for once it's apropriate, everyone know bland popcorn is an integral part of movie watching experience.) "Hiya. Who 're you ?"
The silvery girl (impressive stuff the disk, very nice) and the guy in blue she probaly heard about a bit actulay. But he other girl, the one talking to ethan is the one who really cauht her eye. because he didnt; she looks utterly normal in a place wich isn't, thus in Jll's eyes deeply mysterious. "Hiya. Who 're you ?"" Have you comme to dive into the unfathomable depth of cinematic horror ?."
She may be slightly mocking sommeone here.

2011-08-17, 12:32 AM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/194/rachelnichols013.jpg Faith Winters

"Jill! Sit with me! I want to snuggle up with my roomie!" Faith squealed with happiness, making room in the oversized blanket she'd brought from her bed. Jill looked like she was diving face-first into the whole movie thing and Faith loved it. "Come on, we've got the best seat!"

2011-08-17, 03:43 AM
Mike offered Jake his help, assuring things would get done quicker. But Jake wanted to be a proper host and didn't let Mike help at all.

After the last week's events, socializing felt really forced for Timelock. To ease his tension, a group of Mikes followed him, all in different clothing, talking among themselves in hushed tones while the main Mike scanned the room.

Why was he there? He couldn't bond easily with these people due to the age difference. His goals and reasons for being there were different as well. He felt he was trying too hard and the others felt it too.

Memories kept flooding his mind that he began wishing someone would approach him as he tuned out of the other Mikes chatted across the room.

2011-08-18, 11:10 AM
As Ashley finishes her conversation with Clark and Mercury, she looks around to notice Mike... Standing around. Due to still waiting for everyone to arrive first, Ashley wanted to talk to someone about last night, she didn't get the chance to tell Robert. She walks up to Mike, asking, "Hey there... Do you have time to talk? There's... Something I need to get my mind off of."

2011-08-18, 11:16 AM
Mike blinked, trying to focus back into reality as a voice called out to him.

"Oh, hey Ash, sure, we can talk." He motions to a more distant spot "What did you have on your mind?"

2011-08-18, 11:23 AM
Ashley nodded as she takes him to her apartment room, empty so no one could intrude. "A lot has been on my mind with last night. I came back covered in blood..." She does her best not to tense up as she continues. "There was a presumed robbery at a bank... But what was taken was lives instead. dozens of vampires... And a faceless man in white slaughtered all the civilians and... I think they were preparing a ritual with all those corpses, piled up around a circle of blood..." She turned her head in refusal to tear up about it. "We took care of them all but... The image still lurks in my mind..." She turns back to Mike, "You've been around for an incredibly long time right... Like a time-traveler of some sort? Would you know of something related or similar to such a situation, or a faceless man like my group fought?"

2011-08-18, 01:17 PM
Mike scanned his memories trying to think.about the ritual and think about an answer better than a demonic deal. [roll0]

"I did know of a faceless man. But he was great hero." Mike seems to zone out for a moment "and a rival of mine in some aspects. Alternate versions of the same human can come to exist in other worlds besides their own, so it might be that they share the same basic structure. You should have heard of him before. Cael is one of Freedom City's greatest heroes." Mike speaks with some bitterness in his voice.

Then he understood something. What he had gotten used to and saw far more horrible things, most of the others around him were actual teens that did not witness these things.

"I'm sorry about what happened. It must have been tough, seeing something like that so suddenly..." He tries to sound sympathetic, but he doesn't seem to know what to say. It was just too common to witness brutal death when he was actually young. "If I can do something to ease the burden..." he offered, but besides mental manipulation, he didn't know what he could do.

2011-08-18, 01:32 PM
Ashley took a seat on her bed as Mike talked to her. "Cael... I have believed I've heard the name. He's a time manipulator like yourself, right? I've only been in Freedom City for a year now, so I'm just trying to catch up on what had happened these past four years." She paused as she tried to remember what she read up, then decided to change the subject.

"I think the event effected me greatly because I... Didn't see it coming. Too early, too inexperienced. Just wasn't ready for such events yet." She paused, remembering what happened on the first day of school. "Robert had that challenge too, didn't he? On the first night of school he came in, horrified and in tears." She had a serious face as she looked at Mike, her volume kept quiet, but demanding. "What happened during your teams first simulation. What happened there with Robert?!"

2011-08-18, 02:17 PM
The sound of heavy footsteps can be heard as Robert approaches. He glances around the common room and, finding everyone already occupied, searches out an empty chair and sits there, alone. Under his arm is a bag full of kettlecorn, which he quietly saves for when the movie starts.

2011-08-18, 02:22 PM
Mike lowered his eyes as he thought of what Robert had to face. "I'm supposed to be a protector, but I couldn't protect even a single child from losing his innocence too early. I know it's not supposed to be like that. You aren't children and it was a controlled test, but my duty remains the same and I failed because I was too weak, because they dared.." he shaked his head. "Robert was forced to take action, and he did. It was something he wishes he wouldn't have needed to do, but showed great strength of spirit and determination.. I will respect his privacy and leave it to him the decision of with whom to share."

Looking up, he added "Cael wasn't a time lord originally. Portals and detective work was his thing. During the Skrull battle, he vanished and took the damned invaders with him. He was thought to be dead but returned with the ability to manipulate time..."

2011-08-18, 02:33 PM
Ashley looked on as Mike explained what happened with Robert. Her face now of worry and of sorrow. "I... See..." She wasn't sure of what else to say. She might have had an idea what happened, but it didn't sound like Mike wanted the subject to be pressed. "I'll end it at that then. Sounds like you both have had a horrible time..." Her attention turned back about Cael. "Skrull battle... I remember my cousin, Danielle, having nightmares of them sometimes. She says that in her sleep she keeps coming back to this time that happened years ago..." She turned her head away from Mike. "She never is forward about it, but she once mentioned about Skrulls, and then another time mentioned how an invading species suffered genocide as she watched it all unfold." This last part was what made her almost croak. "Danielle... Didn't want me here because she said that the person that caused the massacre was... A student at Claremont." She looked down at the floor, not wanting to see Mike's reaction. "Mike... Did this actually happen?" She spoke with much worry and fear.

2011-08-18, 03:17 PM
It felt odd to Mike as he was asked questions about the past. His knowledge was vast, but not often sought for.

"The teaching methods are different now. MetaSoul had many guides in his mind, both good and evil. Without a real guide, it started to get hard to see the difference. He was very powerful, and the dark voices appeal to those more. But if he wouldn't have done it, things might have gone badly for us... Now his kin watches over him."

2011-08-18, 03:23 PM
"...Right." That really was what Ashley could say to that. She had doubts about things, herself included. She didn't have the courage to ask him though... At least not now. She wanted to talk about something else in the meantime, "What are... What were Skrulls?" She thought of such creatures. All she knew was that they were shiftshaping aliens but... Why would they attack Earth? Just to conquer? There was usually more than that, though Ashley knew she had no doubt they were malevolent.

2011-08-18, 03:35 PM
Mike wrinkled his brow "Well, they are shapeshifting nazis. Legacy's first encounter was with invaders from another reality that their world gone bad and wanted to claim others. Ellen opened a portal to a world Dire gave the coordinates to and it was over. The world was in an eternal WW2 and lost to the new invaders. The invaders scanned our earth before leaving and, well, the nazis got their hands on a sample of MetaMorph's DNA, and used it to gain their powers. They were forced to live on the moon and decided to go after our earth I guess."