View Full Version : A Tale of Two: Inari and Toshio

The Unborne
2011-08-06, 03:48 PM
"The end."

"Tell us another!" "Yeah! tell us the one with the magic ring!" "No, we already heard that one yesterday. How about the fish that grants wishes to the fisherman and his wife?" "What? That's boring. There's no action."

Old Man Ikata relaxes back in his seat and into the fantasy realm of his head. All of the surrounding children, who formed a ring with the old man taking its head, held their collective breath as they took hint at Ikata's romantic visage: the biting of his left cheek and his eyes stuck on the rightward heavens. "Action, huh? I know just the story, but it's a long one—or a short one depending on your point-of-view," he begins with a wink. Freckle-faced Fu elbows Akane while grinning toothily, and she responds likewise for both recognized the Old Man's beginning of another tale.


In a certain land, outside a certain village, during a time not so long ago and not so recent there lived two persons of notable fame. Both were shinobi and lived their lives to the fullest, which is quite a feat considering back then heroes and villains fought on a constant basis reshaping the world beneath their feet. In part, you can say their survival was due to the fact they both harbored within themselves forces mightier than anyone had ever seen: beasts of incredible power and destruction. There were only two differences between these two shinobi one was their gender and the next—the way they came about taming their savage natures within.

The first, having grown up weak and downtrodden, developed a ferocity when it came to injustice in the world, but when he learned that his new-found powers only brought pain and suffering to his opponents, he conquered his reliance on his feral instincts through sheer hard work and tenacity.

The second was born with a ferine part within her very character. Unlike anyone before her—including our first hero—she subjugated this uncontrollable force and domineered it for her own sake and for those around her.

Both, however, suffered from one main flaw: pride.

The Unborne
2011-08-10, 04:34 PM
Excuse the size, this will be remedied next map.
Red = Inari
Dark Green = Toshio
White = Bystanders
Lighter Green = Grass
Brown = Road/Bridge
Tan = Sand [All creatures in the area can move at only half their normal speed and can’t run or charge over the surface.]
Light Brown = Regular Earth
Orange = Buildings [20 feet high]
Small Green Circles = Trees [20 feet high]
Large Green Circles = Trees [40 feet high]
Blue = Water

Things started as a joke. What do you get when two ninjas of differing backgrounds and rather obnoxious moral values meet at the intersection of four main roads? The fact of the matter is that no one particularly knows, but the end result has always been the same: a battle, for better or for worse. Because of this peculiar nature of rendezvous between shinobi, a crowd of notable size gathered around the cogwheel of the sea, slums, and city.

Each citizen studied the unraveling scene in front of them with suspicion and awe for most recognized the two protagonists of this story.


"Look, I don't have the time for any of this," the red-maned nin oscillates his head surveying the gathering crowd of spectators. Everything had the signs of a cataclysmic debacle that news of which would spread quickly across the country and enter ears of an unfavorable begging at the chance to find him, "Please, why can't we just walk this off? I'm sure you aren't headed towards the northeast, right?"

Toshio squinched at the question. Irony was not a kind maiden to this hapless nomad who wore little but a multitude of bandages to cover up his endless battle scars; in fact, she always waits for the opportune chance to give him another antagonist to battle when times become too unremarkable. Yes, this upcoming lass's destiny was to meet him at these crossroads making their conflict of something only the heavens should know.


Hit Points: 204/204
Chakra Pool: 385/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 32
Meta-Chakra Charges: 4/4
Ongoing Effects: None as of yet.

Roll: [roll0]

2011-08-14, 09:58 PM

Toshio's opposite, a bountiful woman dressed in an immaculate kasaya, presented on her face a telling look. "I'm sorry, but what are you talking about?" Her left hand idly touched the red ochre bead bracelet snugly fitted around the wrist of her right, sleeveless, arm. Examining him Inari softly placed her right hand into the sleeve of her left. She rolled her shoulders, shifting the upper and lower portions of her robe to more comfortable positions before she spoke again.

"No, I'm not. I've already arrived where I'm going." She still presented her look of confusion though, and as her left hand continued to play with her bracelet the beads began clacking together in a distinctive fashion. "Though, I'd like to know why you said it."

Hit Points: 142/142
Chakra Pool: 146/146
Chakra Reserve: 75/75
Armour Class: 29
Ongoing Effects:

Initiative: [roll0]

Actions:Ready Action!
Readied Action: "If attacked by Toshio activate a Spacetime technique to move posistion."

The Unborne
2011-08-14, 10:21 PM

It took everything the Tora-sennin had to restrain his eyes from separating and surveying their surroundings—a key trait that would give away his name around these parts. Let's just say his Katsugan had developed a name for itself; even more-so with Kumo-nins who had been more active recently after news spread that a Kaigan user was out and about.

"So you're headed towards a fork in the road?" Not good, more people were coming to take a look at the commotion that Toshio had inadvertently started. "Sorry. Your posture's like a well-trained swordsman—but your clothes—I dunno. It's safe to be cautious nowadays, no?" Toshio couldn't put his finger on it, but the presence around this woman seemed more of a warrior than of one of the cloth.

"So, if you don't mind, I must be on my way." Who knows? Maybe he had made a mistake. After cautiously turning towards the northeast Toshio asked a question offhandedly: "Do you know the name of that city over there? It looks like it could need some help." He points west of the beach. Slums don't show up on maps, and it'd be a pretty good idea to see if she was sent here or not if only someone hadn't piped in: "That's Kurosaka, sum trash heap it is."

Toshio reluctantly thanks the bystander without letting his eyes off of kasaya.

2011-08-14, 10:48 PM

Inari soundlessly listens except for the inconsiderate and inconsistent rhythm of clacking from her beads until Toshio asked, and then was answered, about the name of the ramshackle place he pointed too. Inari broke her silence and thanked the man too with a kindly smile. "It's always nice to know something new. Thank you." She was as polite and as calm as her bald-headed visage and clothing would indicate. "Well, it's been nice meeting you..." She trails off as if to indicate she wanted him to chime in with his name.

The Unborne
2011-08-14, 11:09 PM

She wants a name, why? It's been too long since Toshio left Toraten, did he ever use his real name or did he go by that cheap moniker, Tora-sennin? For all intents and purposes, he couldn't remember. His options: Kumogakure only knew him as Fourty-two, the populous Tora-sennin, and Kagekure Toshio...if they still remember him. Of course Yuuka would, how could she forget? What about his comrades...

"Toshio. Just Toshio. You?" he says disregarding the long string of internal monologues in his head.

2011-08-15, 12:07 AM

"I'm Inari, and it's been very nice meeting you Toshio." Inari holds her posture with just a little too much concentration. Rather than another person she takes on the aspect of a statue as she stands in front of Toshio. Her face is frozen in an image of expectation, and her body holds its position of cordiality. The only thing of her that keeps moving is her left hand play with the bracelet on her right arm. The sharp, sudden clacks and clicks of the beads as one snaps into another with her idle finger movements is all the sound she makes.

The Unborne
2011-08-15, 12:40 AM

Inari...sounds familiar. "Well, it's been my pleasure," Toshio said, "but I do insist on our parting." Why did that name sound so familiar? Then again, it's been a long and eventful life. Surely the Tora-oshiego had come across someone with such a name. Toshio turns to walk away with an itchy feeling behind his neck, the type you actually feel compelled to scratch. Monk attire, female, controlled, Inari, mystery. Nothing seemed to match up except Inari being a feminine name, but that still left out the most important facts Toshio needed to know.

Of course, maybe her impeccable ability of standing like a statue put him on the edge. Why flaunt your expertise? Whatever, it didn't matter did it? He'd just walk away as if nothing happened. That and prepare himself for any eventual sneak attacks most ninja of the day were prone to do.


Hit Points: 204/204
Chakra Pool: 385/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 32
Meta-Chakra Charges: 4/4
Ongoing Effects: None as of yet.

Ready Action!
Ready Shunshin no Jutsu if attacked.

2011-08-15, 07:48 AM

The bastion of serenity in the swirl of chaotic and aggressive life that twirled about the intersection that is Inari watched Toshio as he turned to walk away. Anticipating his eventual decision to leave she settled down into the lotus pose right there in the middle of the intersection. Her eyes were closed, but her senses were open, and with such a bastion of energy such as him it wasn't hard to keep track of him until he left. This was, for the first time since she started talked, that her left hand stopped playing with the bracelet on her right, and yet, softly, like the echo or mirage of a sound, the clicking and clacking could still be heard.

The Unborne
2011-08-15, 10:35 AM

"Wait, what's happening?" "They're going to fight." "But Toshio's walking away. He won't fight." "Hold on, you promised action, old man! Where is it?"

Old Man Itaka merely scoffs at his audience. To interrupt a story, the nerve! But alas, storytelling wasn't simply the conveyance of a plot to listeners; no, true storytelling yearned for the involvement of others, and these children's engagement qualified. "Listen or I can't get to the ending. Of course there was a what-do-you-callit 'stalemate' between the two. Why should any persecuted shinobi want to reveal his identity and location to anyone? Of course he would walk away as soon as he could. The problem is though...that wouldn't make a story now would it?"


The silence was nerve-wracking, well, it was either the silence or the perpetual ring inside Toshio's ears after years of living in the loud wildlife of Toraten. Whatever it was though, the introduction of this monkly woman was the cause of it. Hopefully, however, whatever she was doing was enough to preoccupy her as he made a slip away through the maze of people ahead of him and then out of town.


Hit Points: 204/204
Chakra Pool: 385/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 32
Meta-Chakra Charges: 4/4
Ongoing Effects: None as of yet.

Ready Action!
Ready Shunshin no Jutsu if attacked.

2011-08-15, 11:40 AM

Without the presence of the self-styled Tiger Sage a sad smile, like that of a mortician on the brink of bankruptcy after hearing of a string of brutal murders, played across her face as she sat, eyes closed, in the lotus pose in the eye of a firestorm yet to be born. Her left hand shifted again, holding just over the beads in a conventional preparatory half-seal, and her right once again hid itself in the voluminous sleeve of her left arm. It was a small mercy to the soon to be dearly departed surrounding her as she sat in the intersection that death would come so swift as to be almost painless.

Inside the drooping sleeve of her arm her right hand made another half-seal, but unlike the other one this wasn't preparatory. With a burst of chakra infused movement she leaped straight up into the air faster than the unaided eye could see. Up and up she flew until she reached sixty feet in just over two seconds. Hanging in the air, held aloft for a moment by her momentum, her hands clasped together to complete the half-seal he left hand had made before. A flash of further seals were made in quick succession as she slowly drew in more breath into her lungs than they normally could stand.

Then, just as the force of her momentum waned and began her downward flight to earth, she exhaled an apocalyptic gout of flame. It extended downward, sixty feet straight down, without sign of stopping as it melted everything in its path, until it hit the ground and then blossomed like a flower out burning everything it it's path to slag.

Hit Points: 142/142
Chakra Pool: 128/146
Chakra Reserve: 75/75
Armour Class: 29
Ongoing Effects:

Yeah, this is really just me being a complete ass and turning gods knows how many innocent people into indistinguishable charred piles in a landscape of slag. As a result, we're just deducting the chakra and not bother to roll for damage. Unless it's being protected by fiat: it dies in the area of this attack, which is considerable since it was originally a 150 ft. cone.

The Unborne
2011-08-15, 02:00 PM
Colors are a little off...Weird shade of color to the top left of the center of the explosion is Inari. Opposite of her is Toshio
White = Young Girl
Lighter Green = Grass
Lighter Blue = Boiling Water 1d6 fire damage/round
Yellow = Fire 1d6 fire damage/round
Dark Brown = Molten Road
Darkest Green = Burnt forestry
Brown = Road/Bridge
Tan = Sand [All creatures in the area can move at only half their normal speed and can’t run or charge over the surface.]
Light Brown = Regular Earth
Orange = Buildings [20 feet high]
Small Green Circles = Trees [20 feet high]
Large Green Circles = Trees [40 feet high]
Blue = Water


Inari's all-consuming fire melts everything in its path leaving behind only a macabre scene of carnage and wild flames. At first glance, none of the hapless bystanders survived the inferno's onslaught; there weren't even charred remains left in the jutsu's wake. However, a high pitched sob cuts the sizzling silence from somewhere near ground zero of the attack.

Miraculously, one villager—through luck or divine providence—managed to take on the Dragon King's flames. Though this did not mean he or she survived; instead, wrapped around the now ashen bones appeared a young blonde child cradled by rib cage of her fallen hero. Her sobs were quick and light as she tried to untangle herself from the bones only to cry more as she realized she was crawling on molten earth—earth that had only seconds before been aflame, but now the embers are dying with the flames receding back into nothingness.


Out of the weakened flames steps a familiar foot, at least it would be familiar had not the molten landscape melted the leather to the skin. Just the sight would unease your normal man, but not for a shinobi of high caliber. No, the flames could not hurt this man's outer shell. As the soles of his well-worn shoes slid off his now bare feet, the bottom of Toshio's keikogi began to sizzle upwards baring his scarred up shins for the world to see. His sleeveless, black dobok, however, seemed unfazed even in this sort of heat.

The Tora-sennin stares down at his own attire noticing his revealed skin. He had meant to bring his cloak along, but he had teleported without thinking to the sudden upsurge of chakra.

He makes two fists.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" His Katsugan, now released, scans the entire field and stops on the young blonde. "What the #$@^ were you thinking? Huh?! You didn't have to bait me here, there's nothing but prairies to the northeast! Why?" Toshio's entire body began to tremble with the weight of the souls that were just lost, the lives that had just ended.


Hit Points: 204/204
Chakra Pool: 375/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 32
Meta-Chakra Charges: 4/4
Ongoing Effects: None as of yet.

Full Attack Action!
Infinite Shift Technique to area of the Dragon King Blast
Chakra Cost: 10

Battle prep starts next round! Maybe...

2011-08-16, 08:31 AM

Inari presented an image of surprised annoyance as she stood back up from her landing. "Please, mind your language." The presented image shifted back to her generic look of her serenity as her left hand and right hand resumed their usual positions. The sharp click and clacks of bead striking bead followed soon after as her left hand again began to play with them. "And this has nothing to do with you. I am here to obliterate this place, to salt the earth with rumour and death. I had tired, because I am a woman of peace, to spare you the pain and tragedy, as I am doing with all those undoubtedly fleeing this grand gesture of destruction."

"I cannot ease your mind, what you have seen will plague your soul, but please, for your own sake, leave. The destruction will only escalate, and you seem a pure soul, so, again, please leave and spare yourself further pain and torment." Despite these attempts to convince Toshio to quit the field, she prepared for what very well could be the beginning of battle with another chakra user. Outwardly though she showed no signs of entering the part taijutsu, part ninjutsu blinkstrike stance that formed the basis of her sword fighting style.

Hit Points: 141/142
Chakra Pool: 123/146
Chakra Reserve: 75/75
Armour Class: 30
Ongoing Effects: Blinkstrike

Swift Action! Perfect Harmless Fall Technique!
Perform: Automatic
Chakra Cost: 5

Tumble Check!
Tumble Check: [roll0]

Reflex Save!
Reflex Save: [roll1]

Falling Damage!
Falling Damage: [roll2]

Free Action! Blinkstrike Stance!
Perform: Automatic
Chakra Cost: 0

The Unborne
2011-08-16, 10:36 AM

The Tora-sennin lowered his head hiding his expressions. He should've knew. That was the crux of his entire argument with himself; it was his ego that led him to run away for those few, precious seconds that had been everyone else's last. And this Inari had the guts to say pain and torment, eh?

From out of his shaded face pierced two ice cold eyes locked squarely on the monk before him, and with a little straightening of his posture he was now standing upright facing the kunoichi. Toshio's scarred skin also stood out without the cover of any cloak or shadow; however, instead of showing signs of agonies of the past, he wore those unnatural crevices in his skin as an old man uses his wrinkles as a sign of wisdom or a tiger who bares his stripes full of pride. "So, I'm aloud to leave? Save myself while the people here have no choice? I've been selfish today one too many times."

He bites his thumb to draw out some blood and places his hand on the ground. A seal of blood races out from underneath forming a snowflake of scribed symbols. With a sudden puff of smoke, emerges two fully grown tigers: one of the standard rust-colored tradition and the other being a strawberry with pale white legs.

"Tora-kun," the strawberry tiger turns towards him in response, "take the girl outta here and return when you're done. Tora-chan," the rusted one keeps her focus on Inari, "help me out here." She smiles maliciously. Toshio bends his knees evenly and raises his hands palms open.


Hit Points: 204/204
Chakra Pool: 313/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 37
Meta-Chakra Charges: 3/4
Ongoing Effects: Rank 5 Speed (1/1); Rank 5 Strength (1/1); RotTST (1/3000); KSnJ (1/30).

Attack Action!
Empowered, Quickened Rites of the Twin Souls Technique
Summon: 1 Level 10 empowered Protector-rank Tiger and 1 Level 10 empowered Soldier-rank Tiger
Chakra Cost: 50
Meta-Chakra Charge: 1

Heroic Surge
Attack Action!
Empowered Koushou Shushi no Jutsu
Chakra Cost: 15

Swift Action!
Tora Mane no Jutsu
Chakra Cost: 2

Free Action!
Rank 5 Speed Released
Chakra Cost: 0

Free Action!
Rank 5 Strength Released
Chakra Cost: 0

Readied Action

Move Action!
Shunshin no Jutsu if attacked.

Hit Points: 204/204
Armour Class: 18

Hit Points: 164/164
Armour Class: 15

Full-round Action!
Pick up the little girl and Run away

2011-08-16, 12:05 PM

"You say you are done being selfish, but you continue to let your ego rule you." Inari, her hands now at her side, keeps a level gaze as her eyes mist and her face frowns. "Please, reconsider this battle. The fires you would ignite will burn hotter and consume more lives than need be. Don't burn the world for your heroic ego and delusions of god-hood, Toshio the Tiger Sage." Inari closed her eyes, stalling the salty liquid forming in the corner of her eyes.

"Please." She said again, opening her eyes. "Leave, and spare these people the devastation only your interference will bring."

Hit Points: 141/142
Chakra Pool: 123/146
Chakra Reserve: 75/75
Armour Class: 30
Ongoing Effects: Blinkstrike

Actions:Ready Action!
Readied Action: "If, or when, attacked by Toshio or his allies perform the Blink Gate."

The Unborne
2011-08-16, 03:22 PM

"God-hood? You think you killing people isn't a delusion of being god?" Toshio bends even lower towards the earth—already a beast ready to pounce. "I don't care who you are. You have no right to decide the fate of someone's life!"

The self-proclaimed Tora-sennin grinds his teeth before letting out a savage roar that shakes apart some the igneous sediment beneath his feet. The tigress responds in kind as it leaps forward at the jinchuuriki's aiming for her neck. But before she even sinks her teeth into the nun's jugular, Toshio had already cleared the distance between him and Inari with chakra claws slashing at precise points not to damage anything as major as what his summon was aiming for.


Hit Points: 204/204
Chakra Pool: 313/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 37
Meta-Chakra Charges: 3/4
Ongoing Effects: Rank 5 Speed (2/1); Rank 5 Strength (2/1); RotTST (2/3000); KSnJ (2/30).

Full Round Action!
Nonlethal Pounce
Attack Roll #1: [roll0]
Damage Roll #1: [roll1]

Attack Roll #2: [roll2]
Damage Roll #2: [roll3]

Attack Roll #3: [roll4]
Damage Roll #3: [roll5]

Attack Roll #4: [roll6]
Damage Roll #4: [roll7]

Hit Points: 204/204
Armour Class: 18

Move Action!
Move towards Inari's left front corner square.

Attack Action!
Attack Roll: [roll8]
Damage Roll: [roll9]

The Unborne
2011-08-16, 03:25 PM

Confirmation Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-08-16, 06:35 PM

Saddened by the oncoming attack Inari was, nevertheless, locked into her mission. This town would pass on, and if she felt any hesitation to do that or to pass Toshio on to his next incarnation she didn't show it. "Please." She mouthed to Toshio as he came roaring across the distance. Her right hand betrayed her stoic optimism in somebody called the Tiger Sage as mere make-believe as it formed the half-seal of the blink gate technique - her left stopped playing with the bracelet again, and the clicks and clacks stopped resounding in the crackling heat of her fires aftermath.

For an instant the world seemed to carry on as Toshio had planned. His attack and the attack of his summon was impacting, and it looked for all the charred world to see like her end. As the fist and fang dug into her flesh it was revealed as false, a mere after-image left by the instant transportation technique blink gate. Ten yards straight up she was again holding back mist filled eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to use this. I didn't want to bring him out. I tried to convince you to stop, to leave, to not force this ignition, but you wouldn't listen." In the rushing air around her see-through orange globules of something were appearing around her. Roiling and boiling about her they multiplied until they formed a solid sheath around her.

The sheath, the cloak, of orange undulated as a great humanoid mass of half-liquid something around her, but she seemed unaffected by it. Even as it peeled the skin from her flesh she made no errant movement, and not even as the blood from her increasingly skinless body melded with it and started turning an opaque red did she flinch. In the moments before her features disappeared beneath the blood red cloak it was clear she had become bestial. Her teeth were sharpened to points like fangs, her eyes were slitted, her form was hunched, and three strange black marks appeared on her cheeks as her face contorted into a horrific snarl. Now though the red cloak had covered her, and was forming a new shape for her to fill. The shape of a Inari-sized humanoid fox with nine tails, pure white discs for eyes, raw whatever it was for teeth and claws, and the horrific presence of a demon straight from hell.

Whatever she had become drifted to the ground and impacted it with nothing more than a gentle thump. After that though she, or whatever it was she had become, did nothing. It stood there, hunched over and staring, staring deep into Toshio, with those terrible unmarked white disks. It didn't even seem to recognise the tiger was even there, or anything else for that matter.

Hit Points: 141/142
Chakra Pool: 120/146 (60)
Chakra Reserve: 75/75
Armour Class: 40
Ongoing Effects: Blinkstrike, Rank 10 Speed (5), Rank 10 Strength (5), Frightful Presence (DC 21) (100 ft.), Immune to Fear, Death Aura 3, Demon Armour 5/chakra

Actions:Swift Action! Blink Gate!
Perform: Automatic
Chakra Cost: 3

Attack Action! Transformation!!!
Attack Action: Transform!

Free Action! Rank Three Speed!

Free Action! Rank Three Strength!

Move Action! Readied Action!
Readied Action: "When attack, use blink gate to move twenty feet behind the attacker."

The Unborne
2011-08-16, 09:18 PM

Instinct—the ineffable feeling in one's gut when they just simply must—took control of our Tora-sennin as he lashed out with all of his might at the creature that now stood before him enveloped in a sanguine chakra. Unfortunately such a punch could not erase the presence of that savage other that had stared at him with those empty eyes, and what Toshio hit was merely another afterimage. He would have to once again face that monster, but that instinctual feeling deep within his stomach told him not to turn around just as a little child knows not to open his eyes in a nightmare. Even the tigress coiled its large body around Toshio unsure of what they were facing now. His Katsugan also reacted strangely to this alien vision, which they were locked on; to them, chakra and the real world superimposed with each other giving Toshio an unsurpassed sight, and what they saw was this: all of the natural chakra, which exists in all things living or not, collided with Inari's new form and clashed with it. It's exactly the same as dropping sand and water. The two are immiscible.

Visible chakra...the amount of concentrated chakra was impossible for man, but for beasts—tailed beasts. "The Burning Buddha. Ho-host of the Nine-tails." Word doesn't travel far in the other realms, but news of the hosts pop up from time to time given their connection with the animal tribes. "Inari, huh?" Toshio knitted his brows confused about what action to take next and eased up on his stance, he'd need a moment to think if he had to fight a full-blown jinchuuriki.

"Why? You'd shed your own skin and blood to complete a mission that calls for the extermination of innocents. Why?"


Hit Points: 201/204
Chakra Pool: 313/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 37
Meta-Chakra Charges: 3/4
Ongoing Effects: Rank 4 Speed (1/1); Rank 4 Strength (1/1); RotTST (3/3000); KSnJ (3/30).

Attack Action!
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Readied Action!
Blink Gate away from attack.

Hit Points: 201/204
Armour Class: 18.

2011-08-16, 10:37 PM

Hunched behind him Inari seems to be sounding him out, reserved even engulfed by the Nine-Tails terrible chakra. Certainly not the serene picture she was though as she lifts her head up and lets out a deafening howl that shifted the heavens. It was the terrible sound of a tsunami and the screeching cry of a fox blended together and amplified. The ground itself quaked with the force of it. Lowering her head she aimed her gaze at the Tiger Sage again. Beneath the mask of human shaped chakra her emotions were hidden, but her voice was not stifled. She spoke calmly, and clearly; she spoke quickly, and confidently; she spoke like a woman with little time on her hands to finish a task she would rather not do. "Because I'm a woman of peace. You can still leave. I would not pursue you, even despite his objections. Please, take this option and leave this town to the fate ascribed it... or I will fight you, and I will not hold back."

Hit Points: 142/142
Chakra Pool: 120/146 (47)
Chakra Reserve: 75/75
Armour Class: 40
Ongoing Effects: Blinkstrike, Rank 10 Speed (4), Rank 10 Strength (4), Frightful Presence (DC 21) (100 ft.), Immune to Fear, Death Aura 3, Demon Armour 5/chakra

Actions:Move Action! Readied Action!
Readied Action: "When attack, use blink gate to move twenty feet behind the attacker."

The Unborne
2011-08-16, 10:55 PM

The Sage turns his head back towards the two towns: both had its share of citizens either locking up their doors or fleeing from the loud explosion of flame that erupted a few moments ago. "Look, I get that you think this for the good of a something or someone, but still...There's no other route of action you can take? I don't see how mayhem will bring about anything good. No, you're just breeding more hate and violence with your actions. I beg of you to stop this, or," he steadily inhales air through his nostrils, "likewise I will not be able to hold back."


Hit Points: 201/204
Chakra Pool: 313/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 37
Meta-Chakra Charges: 3/4
Ongoing Effects: Rank 4 Speed (2/1); Rank 4 Strength (2/1); RotTST (4/3000); KSnJ (4/30).

Readied Action!
Blink Gate away from attack.

Hit Points: 201/204
Armour Class: 18.

2011-08-17, 10:04 AM

"You will need to." Then something, something impossible, began to happen. The unrelenting chakra of the Nine-Tails began forming bones. Slowly at first, but quickly building speed until soon a complete skeleton of the Nine-Tails. The great jawed maws opened and together they opened and let out an awful keening howl. The transformation wasn't complete though, and even as Inari howled muscle began forming, like the bone, out of thin air from sheer concentration of chakra. With the muscle came skin, and with the skin came fur; eyes, gums, ears; the incredible chakra of the jinchuuriki and her beast was forming not a humanoid form, but the exact four-legged, nine-tailed form of the colossal Nine-Tailed Fox. Not once did the wrenching, keening cry abate until the transformation was complete.

Hit Points: 142/142
Chakra Pool: 120/146 (44)
Chakra Reserve: 75/75
Armour Class: 44
Ongoing Effects: Blinkstrike, Rank 10 Speed (3), Rank 10 Strength (3), Frightful Presence (DC 21) (100 ft.), Immune to Fear, Death Aura 3, Demon Armour 5/chakra, Power of the Human Sacrifice (3)

Actions:Full-Round Action! Power of the Human Sacrifice!

The Unborne
2011-08-20, 06:49 PM

Earth gives way to all living things; no matter their form, animals and man subjugate the ground beneath them for their own doing. For the now transformed Kyuubi, towering over the Tora-sennin and his summoned tigress, its sheer amount of mass collapses the burnt and melted rubble beneath it. While the Nine-tailed Demon Fox's weight was unimaginable, its hate-filled aura was heavy enough to crush any regular opponent. For poor Tora-chan, the sight before caused her to take a squat and relieve herself. For Toshio, however, the colossal opponent he now faced reaffirmed his vow to go all out; in fact, how else could he imagine fighting such a beast without his best?

Though the ground around him crumbled into pieces, Toshio stood his ground focusing his inner chakras; the more he gathered, the more the whole collective pool began to feel uncontrollable. Similar to firecrackers in a jar—something would give soon.

"Hang in there, girl."

Tora-chan responds with a whimper, which sets off the inevitable explosion of raw power and technique. From where Toshio stood was nothing as the amount of speed transcended physical movement and became instantaneous transmission. Inari—or the Kyuubi...or whoever soon figured where the Tora-sennin disappeared to as his chakra-enhanced claws dug into his/her/its fur with a force strong enough to topple over a building.

"You think," he places two well-aimed stabs centimeters and milliseconds away from each other, "I'd hide?!" another two. "You can't just force your beliefs on others!" There's a nanosecond pause between the barrage of claws and fists, but it resumes with the same intensity as before.


Hit Points: 198/204
Chakra Pool: 301/385
Chakra Reserve: 99/99
Armour Class: 42
Meta-Chakra Charges: 3/4
Ongoing Effects: Rank 10 Speed (1/1); Rank 10 Strength (1/1); RotTST (5/3000); KSnJ (5/30) Damage Reduction 8/Dark Iron.

Free Action!
Release Rank 10 Speed and Strength
Chakra Cost: 12

Free Action!
Teleport to a flanking side of Kyuubified Inari

Nonlethal Full Attack!

Attack Roll #1 [roll0]
Damage Roll #1 [roll1]

Attack Roll #2 [roll2]
Damage Roll #2 [roll3]

Attack Roll #3 [roll4]
Damage Roll #3 [roll5]

Attack Roll #4 [roll6]
Damage Roll #4 [roll7]

Attack Roll #5 [roll8]
Damage Roll #5 [roll9]

Attack Roll #6 [roll10]
Damage Roll #6 [roll11]

Heroic Surged Readied Action!

Blink Gate the **** away towards the left side of the Jinchuuriki where Tora-chan is in front as an example of their positions.

Hit Points: 198/204
Armour Class: 22.
Condition: Shaken

Full-round Action!
Total Defense +4 to AC

The Unborne
2011-08-20, 06:56 PM

Critical Confirmation #1: [roll0]
Damage Roll: #1: [roll1]

Critical Confirmation #2: [roll2]
Damage Roll: #2: [roll3]