View Full Version : I just can't decide

2011-08-06, 08:56 PM
i've been thinking about some new characters for a D&D campaign with some of my friends and i actually came up with waaay too many and now i can't decide. At first i just tried rolling for it but now that i've thought about it some more i want to decide some other way, and what better way to ask what others think even if i dont want to tell the others of my ideas just yet.

so without further adoo, am i spelling adoo right? whatever. here is a quick description of the character ideas i came up with.

All together i came up with five but four of those are paired together, meaning if im doing one i wont be able to play the other, hence my hesitation.

1 & 2

1. The first one i came up with is Gaius prince of the red throne.

as his name implies he is the prince of Terra Tubra, which translates directly from latin to the red land. a human fighter with a lawfull evil alignment. and he is feared by most of his siblings with his youngest brother swearing loyalty to him

Terra Ruba is very roman esque country that has a military made up of twelve currently legions and previously thirteen

he is one of four sons and three daughters to the current king of terra ruba, the succesion for the throne isn't exactly the same as other kingdoms, competition between siblings to ensure that the strongest is the one to receive the throne whether or not one was born male or female or first or last means nothing as long as they are strong. this is theorised by many to be because of the family's red draconic heiritage and often show draconic traits such as resistance to fire or fire-breath. Recieved by the ancient red dragon Brazzemal, he left at one point for a new lair and left his full dragon daughter Brithore with his old lair. and his human descendents with the aided power from their draconic blood carved out a militaristic kingdom. said kingdom was and still is surrounded by high mountains on all sides except for the south which is protected by the ocean.

at one point Brithore, impressed by one of her "Cousins" as she calls those with the blood of the red throne when one, who later became king actually defeated her in a fire-breathing contest and had the red king's armor forged from her offered scales.

This same king initiated a campaign of conquest against the other lands and wasa victorious when a coalition formed against him, at first it seemed like he would stave off the coalitions attacks until one of the conquered lands took the chance to revolt and cut off the red legion's supplies and reinforcements forcing them to make a tactical retreat until they were surrounded near the jundarwood forest where the king was killed and his remaining forces managed to break through the enemy lines to return the kings body but in the process the red kings sheild was lost in the forest and has since never been found. the coalition seeking to end the red legion's threat once and for all chased them back to their borders at the west wall mountains but when Brithore heard of the kings demise at their hands went into a fury and burned their forces, along with many legion forces to ashes. since to red king has attemted to incred their borders.

His father ascended to throne by a forced test by his mother the previous queen for all of her children to go on a trip to Brithore's lair and Garius's father was to only to quite literaly crawl out alive but was horribly disfigured for the rest of his life and is always seen wearing the red king's armor which hides his disfiguration.

Garius is what has been called one of the red kings of old who inspired fear and loyalty with their presence and is trained in legion fighting and can fight with a sword and sheild but perfers to fight with spear and sheild. he is the one who the citizens believe will ascend to the throne.

now his eldest brother is not very happy about this and hires a private spellcaster to deal with Garius, but garius's youngest brother warns him of their brother's scheme and garius makesa a deal with the spellcaster to trick his brother, while the spellcaster refuses to openly disobey the eldest brother he agrees to only make it look like he killed of Garius by leleportig him to the fortress of the thirteenth legion, also known as the black legion and also believed to be the strongest.

the thirteenth legion has long since refused to be controlled by the kings of the red throne who they are convinced have grown soft over the generations and have a citadel outside of the terra ruba's lands but Garius believes he can controll them and use them as leverage to become king no matter what schemes his siblings may try.

upon arriveing he is chalenged by a legionare there and barely mnages to kill him and escape with his life, even though it was only a footsoldier and Garius had recieved what was thought to be the best training available.

for his victory he is allowed to meet the commander of the thirteenth legion and after a shout filled discussion the commander says the only way he would follow garius is if he reclaimed the sheild of the red king which has been lost for centuries.

that was longer then i had intended.

2. the second which is paired with garius is a crown prince of a somewhat minor kingdom named Calvirus, the prince's name is Calvirus not the country

i havent had as much time to think of Calvirus.

his family has been overtrown and deposed a few times but has always survived and has recently come back to power through his father's actions, Calvirus is his only son.

Calvirus's family is the one who instigated the revolt against the red legion's forces and caused their defeat, as such they aren't very liked by them.

Calvirus's family is descended from silver dragons just as Garius's family is descended from red dragons but noone knows which dragon they hail from, all except for maybe one spellcaster.

because the fortress of the thirteenth legion is so close to their borders they keep an eye on them and one of the scouts watching witnessed the duel between Garius and the legionare which was held in a courtyard.

upon hearing this Varnel, the spellcaster who cas served Cal's family for generations and while he apears human noone knows how he has lived so long, told the court of a vision of the red legion's forces marching across the lands once again with garius and the thirteenth legion at the helm, and garius posses both the red kings armor as well as the sheild which was well known was lost for centuries.

Varnel tells how he theorises that garius plans to lead the red legion on conquest and that he needs the red kings sheild to effectively do it.

Calvirus volunteers himself to seek out the sheild to keep is out of Garius's hands, normally when a member of his family embarks upon a quest they recieve the silver king's sword, but cal's father is in a coma and it is traditional for the current ruler to the child and the sword cannot be recieved until he either dies or recovers.

currently cal departs to the jundarwood forest the same as garius.

that was far longer than i intended so i think for now i'll just keep it at those two, so forums tell me what you think

edit: at some point i started writeing Gaius as Garius just to clarify his name is Gaius but tell me which you think is better because i think garius suits him better actually