View Full Version : Tomb of Horror rule call

2011-08-08, 08:49 AM
I'm planning on running the tomb of Horrors for my friends. This is their third time.

First time TPK at the gargoyle. You know what I'm talking about!

Second - ran away butt naked after loosing all their magic rings and thief tools!

Third times the charm, but I need a rules call. Would an Elf spot the secret door at 17, or would the "Concealing spell" shield it from the elves spot secret doors ability?

2011-08-08, 08:57 AM
I'd make this a Rule Zero call: anything that can go wrong in Tomb of Horrors should go wrong in Tomb of Horrors, as the First Dungeon Master intended.

big teej
2011-08-08, 11:29 AM
I'd make this a Rule Zero call: anything that can go wrong in Tomb of Horrors should go wrong in Tomb of Horrors, as the First Dungeon Master intended.

given my understanding of the module

I believe this sums up the premise of the entire adventure.

2011-08-08, 11:35 AM
By the RAW they are still entitled to the free search check against DC30.

2011-08-08, 12:04 PM
Third times the charm, but I need a rules call. Would an Elf spot the secret door at 17, or would the "Concealing spell" shield it from the elves spot secret doors ability?

You didn't specify which edition. I assume the 3.5 version?

By RAW, an elf wouldn't get a Spot check. Per the text, only Search checks would be allowed. Detect magic would tell them some kind of magical ward is there (abjuration) but not exactly what it is.

However, that door is the most crucial bottleneck/choke point in the entire module. If the PCs don't find it, the rest of the session is going to be a very boring letdown. If you're not interested in giving them a hint/nudge, then I'd suggest doing it completely old-school: roll 1d6 for each elf that walks by, they notice it on a 6.

2011-08-08, 02:28 PM
By the RAW they are still entitled to the free search check against DC30.

I'd run it this way, myself. Unless it specifically calls out the elvish ability, I just roll the check to see if they spot it.

Big Fau
2011-08-08, 02:33 PM
Cancel the rules out.

One ability says "Yes", the other says "No". They cancel out, so now you check for the rest of the rules. If another rule says "Yes" then let them unless another rule says "No". Keep checking until either a definitive answer is found.

2011-08-08, 02:35 PM
Cancel the rules out.

One ability says "Yes", the other says "No". They cancel out, so now you check for the rest of the rules. If another rule says "Yes" then let them unless another rule says "No". Keep checking until either a definitive answer is found.

This is not how D&D rules resolution works. Specific overrides general.

Both special rules are more specific, and override the general rule, yes. But the specific ToH rule doesn't attempt to override the specific elven rule...it's not really aimed at that.

2011-08-09, 01:41 AM
Thank you all!

You didn't specify which edition. I assume the 3.5 version?

Yep 3.5

By the RAW they are still entitled to the free search check against DC30.

If RAW says they get a search check, then, by god, I'll give em a search check. Thanks!

I assume this is done by the DM in secret? Can somebody quote me pages for this kind of thing?